Case 1 .
A 60 year old man presented with shortness of breath,
which had developed gradually over several years. He
had been a heavy smoker since age 20. On examination
he was short of breath at rest and centrally cyanosed.
He had a barrel-shaped chest and a marked expiratory
wheeze. CXR showed hyperinflation and other signs
consistent with emphysema.
Arterial blood gases:
PH -7.2, pO2 - 8.0 kPa, pCO2 - 9.0 kPa. SBC- 36 mmol/I
i. Comment on and interpret all the biochemical data
(using correct biochemical terms).
ii. Explain the likely cause for this acid-base disturbance.
ii. If he were given oxygen to breathe by face mask,
what would happen to these parameters?
iv. If he were intubated and ventilated so that his pCO2
was rapidly decreased to normal, what would happen to
his pH? (3)
v. How do these biochemical results differ from those in
a patient with an acute asthma attack? :GABE
Questions 1
‘A 56-year-old man attended the diabetic out-patient clinic. He was on twice daily insulin
injections. The results of clinic blood and urine tests, and his own record of blood glucose
Diabetic clinic results
January April ~— uly October Reference range
HbAIC 10.3 no 13d 5-8%
Glucose ++ ++ tH +e
Ketones neg neg neg. =—oneg
Protein neg trace trace ~—possitive
Home blood glucose: BM-stix blood giucose (mmol/1)
September Before Before Before Bedtime
Breakfast lunch tea a
1 7
2 9 >
3 Zz
4 Ty
5 8
6 ?
7 +
8 9
¥ 7
10 8
1, Please interpret and comment on the results,
2. What is your diagnosis? (10)
.Case s&
UES: 41
4. 39-year-old woman was admitted for polyuria. She had 2 history of renal colic.
Albumin: 42. g/L
Calcium 3.14 mmol/L
Phosphate 0.30" mmol/L
‘Alkaline phosphatase 164 UML
(a) “Whats the likely diagnosis and why? (3 marks)
Reference Interval
0.80 - 1.30
(0) “What further investigations aré required to confirm the diagnosis (2 marks)