Lecture 8
Lecture 8
Lecture 8
Fuzzifiers: It maps the crisp (real-valued) input into a fuzzy set defined in the
universe of discourse (the domain of the fuzzy set) X characterised by membership
functions. This process is called fuzzification. Note: The input can also be a fuzzy
Knowledge Base: It is a database consisting of linguistic rules in If-Then format.
Fuzzy Inference Engine: Using the If-Then rules in Knowledge base, it performs
reasoning by producing a fuzzy output according to the fuzzy input given by the
Defuzzifiers: It converts the fuzzy output given by the fuzzy inference engine to
produce a crisp (real-valued) output. This process is called defuzzifiaction.
Fuzzy rules:
A fuzzy rule can be defined as a conditional statement in the form:
IF x is A THEN y is B
Where x and y are linguistic variables; and A and B are linguistic values.
Antecedent - The initial (or "if") part of a fuzzy rule.
Consequent - The final (or "then") part of a fuzzy rule.
An example might be a temperature controller:
If the break temperature is HOT
and the speed is NOT VERY FAST
The variable speed can have any numerical value between 0 and 220 km/h, but the
linguistic variable stopping_distance can take either value long or short.
In other words, classical rules are expressed in the black-and-white language of
Boolean logic.
We can also represent the stopping distance rules in a fuzzy form:
Rule: 1
IF speed is fast
THEN stopping_distance is long
Rule: 2
IF speed is slow
THEN stopping_distance is short
In fuzzy rules, the linguistic variable speed also has the range (the universe of
discourse) between 0 and 220 km/h, but this range includes fuzzy sets, such as
slow, medium and fast. The universe of discourse of the linguistic variable
stopping_distance can be between 0 and 300 m and may include such fuzzy sets
as short, medium and long.
Driving problem: I am driving and want to keep a safety distance between cars.
When the distance from the front car is x, what speed should I keep?
Linguistic Rules:
Rule 1: If distance is small Then speed is low
Rule 2: If distance is medium Then speed is steady
Rule 3: If distance is large Then speed is high
More specific question: When the distance from the front car is 3.5 m or so, what
speed should I keep? My Answer: The speed should be not very “low”, more
toward “steady” but definitely not “high”.
These fuzzy sets provide the basis for a weight estimation model. The model is
based on a relationship between a man’s height and his weight:
IF height is tall THEN weight is heavy
The value of the output or a truth membership grade of the rule consequent can be
estimated directly from a corresponding truth membership grade in the
antecedent. This form of fuzzy inference uses a method called monotonic
How are all these output fuzzy sets combined and transformed into a single
To obtain a single crisp solution, a fuzzy expert system first aggregates all output
fuzzy sets into a single output fuzzy set, and then defuzzifies the resulting fuzzy
set into a single number.