Optimal Design of A Dual Stator Winding Induction Motor With Minimum Rate Reduction Level
Optimal Design of A Dual Stator Winding Induction Motor With Minimum Rate Reduction Level
Optimal Design of A Dual Stator Winding Induction Motor With Minimum Rate Reduction Level
is no requirement for rare magnetic materials for IM construction costs, absence of circulating currents and
manufacturing which results in the ability to operate in wide speed operation region including zero speed [9].
higher temperature and higher speeds in comparison with This paper is assigned to the optimal design of a
Permanent Magnet (PM) machines [4]. However, DSWIM with unequal pole pairs. Generally, there are
SWIMs operation in zero speed region is problematic. two main approaches for DSWIM design. In the first
Indeed, in this region, in order to avoid flux saturation, approach the whole machine parameters including
the amplitude and frequency of stator voltage must be windings and stator and rotor frame specifications are
decreased significantly. Consequently, the stator determined, which may result in high fabrication costs
resistance (a varying value with operating point) voltage [10-13]. Other approaches utilize standard rotor and
drop is not negligible and its effect must be taken into stator frames and determine the winding parameters such
consideration for flux estimation. Additionally, reduction that a design objective such as loss minimization or
of stator current frequency will stimulate the offset torque maximization, fulfilled [14, 15]. Obviously,
problem of integral operator in flux calculation adapting standard and commercially available frames
equations. Thus, the flux estimation in zero speed leads to simple and low-cost implementation. In [10] a
involves some errors. DSWIM with unequal pole pairs is designed optimally
Recently, various kinds of IMs which have two sets of using Genetic Algorithm (GA) approach. The objective
three phase windings have been the center of attention of function is considered to be the core loss minimization
many researches. Since, they have lots of superiorities, and all of the rotor and stator parameters are determined
such as higher reliability and broader range of operation as the best chromosome in GA. In [12] GA is also applied
speeds over SWIMs [5]. These induction machines are to design a DSWIM with equal pole pairs. However, the
classified into two main groups. The first, which is objective is to minimize the reactive power of the control
known as Brushless Doubly Fed IM (BDFIM), has two winding. In [14] a DSWIM which has equal pole pairs, is
sets of three phase windings wounded for different pole designed and fabricated using a standard SWIM frame.
pairs in their stator and a specially designed rotor called In this machine one of the winding sets works in the
nested loop rotor [6]. Utilizing different pole pairs motoring and the other works in generating mode and
cancels the direct electromagnetic coupling amongst two supplies a DC load. The 3.4kW DSWIM in [15] which
winding sets, however implementing a nested loop rotor has a two pole and a six pole winding, is designed for
in BDFIMs results in indirect electromagnetic coupling generation application and it is experimentally realized
between stator winding sets. One of the winding sets of a by rewinding a 5.5 kW SWIM. Despite the valuable
BDFIM, called power winding, is directly connected to advantages of DSWIMs over SWIMs, DSWIMs are
the grid and the other, which is named as the control derated in comparison with SWIMs. Indeed, if a unique
winding, is fed through a power converter. Consequently, stator frame is utilized to fabricate an SWIM and a
despite SWIMs, BDFIMs do not require a rated power DSWIM, the DSWIM outputs lower power compared to
converter. The other kind of IMs with two sets of three the SWIM. As in the above mentioned case in [15] which
phase windings named Dual Stator Winding IMs has about 36% lower power than SWIM.
(DSWIMs), adapt standard squirrel cage rotors and they In this paper a DSWIM with unequal pole pairs is
are further categorized into two groups: equal pole pairs designed for motoring application based on a 5.5hp
and unequal pole pairs. In the first group there exists SWIM frame. The design objective is to benefit the
direct electromagnetic coupling among stator winding DSWIM advantages, in addition to minimize the rate
sets. The second type has been first introduced by Lipo et reduction level of the DSWIM.
al. in 1998 [7]. In this type of DSWIMs, since the pole The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section
pairs are unequal and a squirrel cage rotor is utilized, II describes the optimal design procedure. Section III
there exists no direct and indirect coupling between presents the simulation and experimental results and
winding sets [8]. Consequently, their control system is section IV is assigned to conclusion remarks.
simpler in comparison with BDFIMs and DSWIMs with
equal pole pairs. Furthermore, the independent operation II. DSWIM OPTIMAL DESIGN
of stator winding sets brings the ability of convenient The flowchart of the proposed DSWIM design method
operation in zero speed region. Indeed, in this operation is depicted in Fig.1. As it is shown, in the first step the
region, one of the winding sets works in generating mode optimal pole pair ratio and pole pair numbers are
and the other works in motoring mode and supplies the selected. After that, the flux density ratio for two
load torque and the other winding set torque. Principally, windings which optimizes the total air-gap flux density is
DSWIMs with unequal pole pairs have some advantages determined. The next step is to assign the air-gap flux
over other sort of IMs with two stator winding sets as low density amplitude generated by each winding set. These
values are determined such that the flux saturation in In this pole combination the winding set operation is
stator and rotor cores is avoided. Afterward, the slot area independent of each other in normal operation condition.
allocation to each of the winding sets is done to maximize However, in case of saturation, when the two pole
the output power and to guaranty the zero speed operation winding saturates it produces a third harmonic flux
capability. Finally, based on the allocated area and density in the air gap even though a third harmonic
considering the number of turns for winding sets, the current does not flow. This third harmonic flux density
cross-section area of conductors are calculated. The rotates synchronously with the fundamental component
design process is fulfilled based on an available three produces a corresponding component in the rotor current
phase IM frame, the parameters of which are tabulated in which rotates synchronously with the fundamental. This
table I and the structure of its rotor and stator slots is
third harmonic could couple with a second stator winding
illustrated in Fig. 2.
that is wound with six poles.
A. Pole Number Selection
One of the key conditions for independent operation of
winding sets in a DSWIM is to prevent flux saturation.
Therefore, the total flux level should be minimized.
Furthermore, total flux level minimization results in a
high total power density of the iron utilized for the stator
and rotor core fabrication. Since, total flux minimization WS
permits higher flux levels for each of the winding sets. Wr
powers of winding sets, increases [16]. The air-gap flux
density in a DSWIM is sum of the independent flux
densities of each winding set [17] and can be written as:
Bgt Bg cos(p1 ) Bg cos(p2 )
1 2
In which subscripts 1 and 2 stand for ABC and XYZ
winding sets, respectively. Indeed, ABC and XYZ are the Fig. 2. The structure of the rotor and stator slots of the utilized
low pole number and high pole number windings, 1
Maximum Total Flux Density (p.u.)
Bgt for various pole pair ratios, while δ changes from 0 to 0.6
Fig. 3. The maximum value of the total flux densities for various pole
Optimal pole pair selection
pairs ratios in a DSWIM.
Machine Frame parameters
Optimal flux density ratio Stator Parameters Rotor Parameters
determination Parameters Value Parameters Value
DS 104.8982 Dr 104.2508 mm
Air-gap flux density level selection Dos 167.0156 lg 0.3241 mm
considering core and teeth saturation
avoidance mm
LS 139.0014m Lr 141.7015 mm
AS 89.0112 mm2 Ar 59.1021mm2
Optimal slot area allocation for winding dS 15.5391 mm dr 16.7502 mm
sets for a specified frame
and Ss 36 Sr 28
WS 6.9012 mm Wr 10.1901 mm
In general, if the number of slots are constant, as the
Determination of Winding specification
including number of turns and cross number of pole pairs in an electrical machine increases,
section area
the number of slots per pole decreases and the winding
function involves more harmonics. Since for a purely
sinusoidal winding function infinite number of slots is
required and by decreasing the number of slots this
Fig. 1. The flowchart of the proposed design process for DSWIMs function is less similar to a purely sinusoidal waveform.
In addition, as the number of poles are increased, the determined values and based on (2) is shown in Fig. 6.
power factor is decreased and the iron loss is increased
[19]. Accordingly, the number of poles should be
density of the DSWIM ought to be the same as the SWIM Fig. 4. The maximum value of the total flux density for various
values of α.
before rewinding. 2
If the ratio of the amplitude of the flux density of two 1.5
pole winding to the six pole winding considered to be α
and let δ to be 180o, equation (1) can be rewritten as: 1
1 0.5
Bgt Bg1 (cos( ) cos(3 )) (2)
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000
If Bg1 supposed to be 1 per unit, the maximum total H(AT/m)
flux density of the DSWIM for various α values (1 < 𝛼 < Fig. 5. Cogent non-oriented processed electrical steel of the type M600
100) is depicted in Fig.4 in a logarithmic scale. As it is B-H curve
6 (3) 0
determined as: The nominal frequency of ABC and XYZ winding sets
Ptot 19.251(0.9082N S1 aS1 0.1514N S 2 aS 2 ) (11) are considered to be 50 and 150Hz respectively. The
From (11) it is clear that, the greater the product of the minimum frequency of the ABC winding set, in which the
number of turns and conductor cross section areas, the flux could be precisely estimated, is considered to be one
higher the output power. twentieth of the nominal frequency that is 2.5Hz as in [8].
However, the total slot area limitation should be If f1 is set to a constant value in (16), in order to
considered. The total number of slots of the utilized minimize the N S aS and hence maximize the total output
2 2
frame is 36. Consequently, the conductors of each phase power, f2 should be as large as possible. Since it is desired
of stator windings should be distributed in 12 slots. As a to maintain the air gap flux at its rated value v/f ratio must
result the total slat area constraint can be considered as: remain approximately constant. Consequently, the
N S aS N S aS 6AS k F
1 1 2 2
(12) applied voltage (v) must be increased if the frequency is
According to table I and considering the slot fill factor increased. Nevertheless, increasing f2, significantly
to be 0.45, the total product of the number of turns and increases the iron losses. Hence, f2 should be limited.
the conductor cross section areas will be 240.3 mm2. According to the above discussions the maximum
Equations (11) and (12) indicate that the larger the two value of f2 in the zero speed region is selected as small as
pole winding is in comparison to the six pole winding, on third of nominal frequency, which is 50 Hz.
the higher total output power is produced. Moreover, if Consequently from (16) the product of the number of
there exists just the two pole winding set and the six pole turns and the conductor cross section area will be:
one is omitted, the total output power is maximized. N S1 aS1 184.846mm 2
Which results in a three phase SWIM and the advantages N S2 aS2 55.454mm 2
of DSWIMs over the IMs, are canceled. Consequently, If the number of turns of each winding sets are
the six pole winding should be designed as small as considered to be equal to 96 for each phase (six series of
possible, while the advantages of a DSWIM over an 16 turn windings), the diameter of conductors, according
SWIM remain valid. to the standard and commercially available conductors,
One of the most significant advantages of DSWIMs will be:
over SWIMs is their ability to be accurately controllable d S1 1.55mm
in very low and zero speed ranges. Which is (18)
d S2 0.9mm
accomplished by the capability of precise flux estimation
capability of DSWIMs in very low speed ranges. As As a result, from (11) the total output power will be
stated in pervious sections, in very low and zero speed 3345.08 W. According to the determined diameters for
operation ranges one of the winding sets operates in winding wires, the nominal rms currents for ABC and
generating and the other in the motoring operation mode. XYZ windings are 9A and 5A, respectively.
Therefore they could be supplied by a voltage with a According to the number of turns, utilized frame
minimum frequency, in which the flux estimation is dimensions and determined flux densities, the windings
possible [8]. nominal voltages can be determined as:
Considering in the zero speed operation region, the DS
E Si 4.44N Si f i k w B gi LS (19)
two poles winding set operates in the motoring operation pi
mode and the six pole winding set works in the According to (19) the ABC and XYZ windings nominal
generating operation mode. Since the mechanical speed line voltages are 300V and 50V, respectively.
is zero, the load power is zero and the produced electrical In order to evaluate the effect of α on the DSWIM
power by winding sets are equal to each other. output power, this parameter is varied from 1 to 100 and
PE1 PE 2 (13) the output power is calculated, while the number of turns
Where, PEi is: and winding cross-section area are set to the designed
PEi 2.22 3 Bgi aci kw DS2 LSSigap cosgap (14) values. Figure 7 illustrates the output power for various
α values. As illustrated, the optimal value of α in term of
Substituting (14) into (13) and omitting the equal output power is 6.
values from both sides of the equation results in: The detail power rating and nominal parameters of the
Bg1 NS1 aS1S1 Bg2 NS2 aS2 S2 (15) designed DSWIM are addressed in table II.
In order to estimate the correct flux values in zero
speed region, the flux densities are set to their nominal III. EXPERIMENTAL AND SIMULATION RESULTS
values. Accordingly (15) is rewritten as (16). The designed DSWIM simulated in
6 NS1 aS1 f1 NS2 aS2 f 2 (16) ANSYS/MAXWELL environment and fabricated using
an available frame with the parameters given in tables I CW current DC Link Capacitors
and II. 2D simulations has been performed. Since, the
machine under study has symmetrical structure and all of
PW Inverter
the cross-sections are identical at the axial length of CW Inverter
Line Voltage
machine, the 2D analysis has an acceptable accuracy. sensors
Figure 7 illustrates the various parts of the fabricated
DSWIM prototype. The following will discuss the
Encoder TMS Board
PW current
simulation and experimental results in no-load, full-load Board
Analog Filter
and zero speed conditions.
The experimental test bench is depicted in Fig.8. The Resistive Load
DSWIM is supplied through a DSP-based completely
DC Machine DSWIM
modular prototype system which has two voltage source
inverters supplying the power (ABC) and control (XYZ)
windings, voltage and current sensor boards and a
TMS320F28335 signal processor board designed by
Texas Instrument Co. In order to measure the rotor speed
a 1024 pulse incremental encoder provided by OPKON
Co. is utilized. The stator phase currents and line voltages
of two winding sets are measured through LEM LTS-6- Fig.8. Experimental test setup
NP current and LEM LV-25-P voltage sensors,
respectively. There is also provided an analog second- A. No-load condition
order low pass filter with 2.6 kHz cut-off frequency to The fabricated DSWIM is tested in the no-load
filter the measured stator current and voltage signals. The condition utilizing the test bench shown in Fig. 8. In
inverters switching frequency is chosen 10 kHz. The addition, some simulations performed for no-load
supply voltage for each of the boards is 24 V DC. As condition in ANSYS/MAXWELL.
depicted, a DC generator supplying a resistive load is In this operation condition the DC generator is
utilized as the DSWIM load. disconnected. The ABC voltage source inverter supplies
TABLE II its corresponding winding set a 300V 50Hz voltage
Designed DSWIM nominal parameters passed through the low pass filter. Similarly, the XYZ
Parameter voltage source inverter provides a 50 V 150 Hz. This
Pole number 2 6 voltage is also filtered and supplies the XYZ winding set.
Output Power 2845W 500W The no-load ABC winding currents sampled through two
Voltage Frequency 50 Hz 150 Hz sets of current sensors and the currents obtained from
RMS Line Voltage 300 V 50 V
Wire diameter 1.55mm 0.9mm simulation results are depicted in Fig.9 (a) and (b),
Phase Current 9A 5A respectively. Figure 10 shows the similar waveforms for
RMS number of turns 96 96 the XYZ winding set. It should be noted that these current
Efficiency 85% waveforms are depicted in steady-state operation
Power factor 0.8
3500 condition. As it is illustrated, the current waveforms and
amplitude are approximately the same in experimental
Output power (W)
sets are disconnected and the rotor is coupled to the DC TABLE III
Fabricated DSWIMs rate reduction ratio
machine. The DSWIM is rotated by DC machine at 2920
DWIM output SWIM Rate reduction
rpm. In this condition, the DC machine input power is Ref
power power Ratio
measured. Now, subtracting the DC machine losses the This
3335W 4048W 17.6%
DSWIM mechanical losses are determined that is 145W. work
Consequently, the no-load losses equals 225W. [17] 1126W 2200W 48.8%
[15] 3473W 5500W 36.8%
Dividing the no-load losses to no-load angular speed, the
B. Full-load condition
The designed machine is also simulated for nominal
operating condition in ANSYS/MAXWELL
environment. In this condition the nominal line voltages, 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06
time (s)
300V and 50V, are applied to the ABC and XYZ winding (a)
sets, respectively, and an 11 Nm load is applied to the
stator yoke. -1
Figure 16 illustrates the output power obtained from the 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06
simulated DSWIM. The steady-state power is about time (s)
3.3kW. In order to determine the rating of the fabricated Fig.9. ABC winding currents in no-load condition a) simulation b)
DSWIM, a DC generator supplying a resistive load is experimental
coupled to the DSWIM shaft. At first, the nominal line Six pole Winding Current (A)
voltages are applied to the stator winding sets, the DC 4
figures confirm that in the full-load condition the
simulated and fabricated DSWIMs have similar current
amplitude and waveforms. In this condition the load 0
396W. Thus, the DSWIM output power which is the sum (b)
of the load power and the DC machine total losses, is Fig.10. XYZ winding currents in no-load condition a) simulation b)
3335W. Consequently, the DSWIM power rating in the 3000
Rotor Speed (rpm)
stands for the SWIM output power before rewinding. The 0.5
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06
time (s)
Fig.17. ABC winding currents in full-load condition a) simulation b)
Six pole Winding Current (A)
10 5
-5 -5
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Hossein Abootorabi Zarchi received Ph.D Gholamreza Arab Markadeh received the B.Sc.,
degree from Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan/Iran. He M.Sc., and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from Isfahan
was a Visiting Ph.D. Student with the Control and Automation University of Technology, Iran, in 1996, 1998, and 2005,
Group, Denmark Technical University, Denmark, from May 2009 to respectively. He is currently an Associate Professor in the Faculty
February 2010. He is currently an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Engineering, Shahrekord University. His fields of research
of Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad/Iran. include nonlinear control, power electronics, and variable-speed
His research interests are renewable energies, electrical machines drives. He is the Editor-in-chief of Journal of Dam and Hydroelectric
and applied nonlinear control in electrical drives. Powerplant. Dr. Arab Markadeh was the recipient of the IEEE
Industrial Electronics Society IECON’04 best paper presentation
award in 2004.