03. (d) Assets permitted to be exempted from recognition are low-value assets and those
with a lease term of 12 months or less. The use of the asset is irrelevant, and,
although IFRS 16 Leases does not define low-value, it is the cost when new that is
considered rather than current fair value.
04. (a)
ime Opening Payment Subtotal Interest 8% Closing
05. (c) The transfer of ownership at the end of the lease indicates that PL will have use of
the asset for its entire life, and therefore 7 years is the appropriate depreciation
period. Potential transactions at market rate would be ignored as they do not confer
any benefit on PL, and PL’s depreciation policy for purchased assets is irrelevant.
T Rupees
08. (d) The value recognised in respect of the lease payments will be the present value of
future lease payments rather than the total value.
09. (c) Assets permitted to be exempted from recognition are low-value assets and those
with a lease term of 12 months or less. Although IFRS 16 Leases does not define
low-value but it lists examples which includes telephones and small items of
furniture. Low value is based on original cost and not on current market value.
11. (a) & (c) (b) and (d) are relevant to lessee not lessor.
T Rupees
13. (c) Assets are usually depreciated over lease term, however, if ownership is transferred
these should be depreciated over useful life.
14. (c) Total payments = Rs. 16,000 + (10,000 x2) + (32,000 x 20 = Rs. 100,000
On straight line basis over four years Rs. 100,000 / 4 = Rs. 25,000
16. Rs. The asset would initially be capitalised at Rs. 870,000. This is then depreciated over
580,000 six years, being the shorter of the useful life and the lease term (including any
secondary period).
This would give a depreciation expense of Rs. 145,000 a year. After two years,
accumulated depreciation would be Rs. 290,000 and therefore the carrying amount
would be Rs. 580,000.
17. Rs. PV of MLP Rs. 40,000 x 5.3893 discount factor @7% = Rs. 215,572
PV of UGRV Rs. 2,000 x 0.6227 discount factor @7% = Rs. 1,246
Total Rs. 216,818
18. Rs. Cost of inventory transferred Rs. 200,000 less present value of unguaranteed
198,754 residual value Rs. 1,246 = Rs. 198,754
PV of GI 188,545
21. (d) Gross lease rentals payable under the lease agreement
25. (a) The lessee has the right to obtain substantially all of the economic benefits from
use of the asset