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Note: + If wie quadratic equations with real coefficients have @ ronsreal complex common root ther Both the rots will be common te. both the equations wil be the same. So the Coefciens of the corresponding powers of x will have: proportonat values. + Ife quadratic equations with rational coficients have 4 corrmon irrational rtp + 4g then both he roots wll be common, i. no two diferent quadratic equations swith rational coefctents can havea commen irational root p+ Determine the values of m for which the equations 3r° + dmx +2=0 and 2e? + 3—2=0may have a common root. Sol. Let « be the common root ofthe equations 3x° + 4x + 2 = O and 2x? + 3x~2= 0. Then, a must satisfy both the equa- tions. Therefore, 3a? +4ma+2=0 2a? +3a-2=0 ‘Using cross-multiplication method, we have (6~4)'= (9 - 8m)(-8m—6) 50 = (8m ~ 9)(4m-+3) 32m? = 12m=77=0 32m? — Sém-+44m~77=0 Bm(4m—7) + 11(4m ~7) (8m +11) m=7)=0 udugue u ¥ Ita! «3 +5=0and ax +x. OBOHave common root/roots and a,b,¢< N, then findthe minimum value ofa +B -+0. Sol. The roots of #-+3x-+ 5=0 arfnon-teal. Ths given equa- tions will have two common rods: We haves =e, 1 S ath+e=% ‘Thus minimum value of a+ b+ cis. WEGNER tor «bc v=o and ie vex vn sve a common root anda, and ¢ are non-zero real num bers then find the value of a! + 6° + eVabe. Oand bx? + cr +a 0 have 0 Sol. Given that ax? + bx + ‘common root. Hence, (be~a}*=(ab—e) (ac—b') = Fesat—2a%be = at ab +00) =3a°be be — ab) —ac+ Bet Number System, Inequalities and Theory of Equations 1.31 eased = este, 4b, € are positive real numbers form= ing a G.P. Iax® + 2br += 0 and dx? + 2er + f=0 have a ‘common root, then prove that dia, e/, fle are in A.P. Sol, For fitst equation D = 4b? — 4ae-= 0 (as given a, b, © are in GP), The equation has equal roots which are equal to —bla ‘each, Thus, it should also be the root of the second equation. ia, (2) +2{2)rroo © ¥ Keio equals x + ax +12 = 0, 22+ be +15 = Oand + (ae 36 = 0 have a common positive oo, then find thé aloes ofa and Sol, We hay hag Ma=0 o appar 5 =0 @ ‘ding A) and (2), we get ‘We (a+ Dye +2 Now subtracting it from the third given equation, we get 2-90 x=3,—3 ‘Thus, common positive rt is 3. Hence, 9412 +3 3 a=-T and 943) +15 > b=8 ‘The equations ax? + bx + a = 0 and x¥~2r'+2t ~ 1 = 0 have two roots common. Then find the value ofa +b. Sol. By observation, x= 1 is root of equation 2 - 2° + 2¥ = 0. Thus we have G-D=x4)=0 Now roots of 3° —+ | =0 are non-real ‘Then equation ax’ + bx + a=0 has both roots coramon with =x 1=0. Hence, we have Concept Application Exercise 1.6 1, Ihe +ar+ be Oands + br ca=0(a# 5) have a common roat, them prove that their other roots satisfy the equation Ptertab=0,

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