Elefante Origami

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96 elephant Animals, People & Flowers There is a group af young Japanese cenchusiasts who call chomselves The ‘Tantcidan, and they tend (© specialize in fairly comples folds, often with i“ spectacular results, This elephant, though not particularly difficule co make, was designed by group member Nebuyoshi Enomoto. Sturdy grey paper works best, and a fairly large sheet is recommended, say a 2em/ Sin square, for your first attempt 1. Begin with the Fish base, with the predominant colour for the model on the outside, 2. Bull apart the two sharp points at the right side. epening the: modi! out so that you can spread the base fat as a diemond shape. The two small trangular Raps should point (0 the lett as you look at the model, 3 Mountain fold the lower half of the medel behind: using the horzental centre crease 4, Velley fold the ight aint dawn at 45° to the reat of the model, so that the upper edoe: ‘comes to rest along the hinge crease of the: small triangular flap at the side. 5. Keeping the sloping outer ighthand edge in line with ise, fold this ooint back upwares ard across, taking the tp @ He futher thon the corner now lying bheneath. This forme the hind logs. rump. and tal ‘Animals, People & Flowers [9 = Fold the excess paner projecting beyond the far right comer “7 one mare, to suggest the tai. 9. Swing the small triangular side laps, front end back, across to the right, using the natural hinge creases > Opening cut siens 4-6, condinue by now recreating these '5 with obtside reverse folds, 3 Step 7 completed. 10. Valley fold the left corner: the remeining large point upward, as far as it wil: camforiably go, s0 that the corner beneath lies approxmately halfway across this point. 11 The model, tempotarly tied aver, shows the location oF the crease made in etap 10. 28 | Animals. People & Hlowers 12 Unfald step 10. 13. Now inside reverse fold this flap using existing creases 14 Volley fold the large point beck clownvird. on a crease that runs in tine with the horizontal upper edge 15. Unfoid step 14, and inside reverse fold the paint down on existing creases. 17 Locate the lower let comer close ‘to the large paint. Fol this upward to lie along the upper edge. Repeat on the reverse face. 18. Unfold step 17, and inside reverse fold thie cerner into the medel. You wil need to push the paper in, and keep pushing until twill nat go any further. A new mountain fold will Form which runs the way to the comer of wha! will be & newly created small triangular flap oa the outside 19 Step 18 comaleted. This forms the ear. 20 Fold down the triangular flap pointing tthe right 80 that the uppee ‘edge swivels to lie along the edge of the mountain fold created by the inside reverse fold in step 18. This wil be the Front tea, Animals, People & Flowers | § =y fold the tip of the flap folded para, 50 that the paint can be folded 3 on the pre-ereaee, 24 Swing tho ear aoro99 to the Fight ‘on the natural hinge crease. 27 Valley fold the head point down at 8 certsn ong, to create the fold required forthe trunk 25 Repeal steps 17-24 on the reverse face, 26 Fold the large flap at the lef the heed) down, carefully folding the single layer only, thus epening the head out flat. Mountain fold down the remaining halt of the head section. Care nasds 10 be taken not to force the paper too hard ‘against the spliie ersase of the head, Which may cause the paper to ereace messi, or even tear. 28 Unfold step 27 29) Insiclo reverse Fold the trunks J Animals, People & Flowers 30. Nevrow the trunk by making a valley fold that takes the Front edge to the rear edge. The crease: shoul! not come all the: ton the reverse face. way down te the end of the trunk. Rep 31 Mske-twe to three more reverse folds certain angles, to complete the folding ofthe trunk 32 Valley fold the tio of the ear forward. 33. Open out the ear slightly, in order to inside reverse fold this small teangular fap into the model. Repeat on the thor ear 34 Step 33 completed 35 Valley fold the hind lege upward, ¢o that the crease you make runs in line with the lower edge of the front legs. Animals, People & Flowees I Lafold step 38, Tum the model upside down, and caratully 1 the hind leg section, This will alow you, as with the to roll the portion of paper et the end of the hind: fhe model on the eraace mado i stop 35. 38 The outer sear corner of the hind legs needs to be pushed in sightly la contived inside reverse fold, as the layers ore really too thick by now to firet make a proparstory valley fold) 26 in progress, 39. Step 38 in progress. 40. Open aut the front and bind legs slightly. 2 help tie mode stand freely

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