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International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education


6 times a year.
Issue 6 2007
International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, Volume 20 Issue 6 2007
Section 10

Title: Free spaces: excavating race, class, and gender among urban schools and

Source: International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, Volume 20, Issue 6

November 2007 , pages 611 – 616.

A. A. Akom

Research methods
Social class
Urban schools


This article introduces the concept of 'free spaces' as an important site for the development of
theory and practice around youth activism, teacher development, and the transformation of
public and private space in urban schools and communities. Nearly a quarter of a century
ago, Evans and Boyte (1986) introduced the concept of 'free spaces' in their book: Free
spaces: the sources of democratic change in America.


Source: International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, Volume 20, Issue 6

November 2007 , pages 611 – 616.

This article introduces the concept of 'free spaces' as an important site for the development of
theory and practice around youth activism, teacher development, and the transformation of
public and private space in urban schools and communities. Nearly a quarter of a century
ago, Evans and Boyte (1986) introduced the concept of 'free spaces' in their book: Free
spaces: the sources of democratic change in America.

Their goal was to highlight the invisible ways in which ordinary people organize themselves
and democratize their communities. The authors in this special issue implicitly and explicitly
use the concept of 'free spaces' to chronicle how lives unfold in contested spaces - not flat,
seemingly 'neutral' spaces - but socially produced spaces, spaces imbued with racialized,
gendered, and hetero-normative values and the hidden agenda of our society (Lefebvre,
1974; Hayden, 1995).

Specifically, the authors seek to broaden our understanding of the social forces impacting on
education inside and outside schools, with a focus on the role of agency to respond in
transformative ways to these conditions.
Issue 5 2007
Issue 4 2007
Issue 3 2007
Issue 2
Issue 1 2007 2007

Section 2

Title: Mapping literacy practices: theory, methodology, methods

Source: International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, Volume 20, Issue 1 January
2007 , pages 15 – 30.

Greg Mannion (Scotland)
Roz Ivani (UK)

Research methods
Literacy practices
Further education


The Literacies for Learning in Further Education (LfLFE) research project has been funded for
three years from January 2004 as part of Phase 3 of the Teaching and Learning Research
Programme in the UK. The project involves collaboration between two universities and four
further education (FE) colleges. The intention is to investigate students' everyday literacy
practices and explore ways of mobilizing these to enhance their learning on college courses.


Source: International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, Volume 20, Issue 1 January
2007 , pages 15 – 30.

The Literacies for Learning in Further Education (LfLFE) research project has been funded for
three years from January 2004 as part of Phase 3 of the Teaching and Learning Research
Programme in the UK. The project involves collaboration between two universities and four
further education (FE) colleges.

The intention is to investigate students' everyday literacy practices and explore ways of
mobilizing these to enhance their learning on college courses. The LfLFE project does not
view literacy as a set of individual skills and competences alone, but as emergent and
situated in particular social contexts (Barton et al., 2000). As such, literacy practices are not
static or bounded spatially or temporally.

A central concern for the project is to understand how the literacy demands of college life and
being a student relate to students' other literacy practices. As part of the work of the project,
the group is undertaking a 'mapping' of the literacy demands associated with student learning
across a wide range of FE courses. This paper explores the methodological debates in
planning and operationalizing this mapping.

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