Green Economy and Trade E-Course Module 1
Green Economy and Trade E-Course Module 1
Green Economy and Trade E-Course Module 1
The report is published as part of the Partnership for Action on Green Economy (PAGE) – an initiative by the
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the International Labour Organization (ILO), the United
Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the United Nations Industrial Development Organization
(UNIDO) and the United Nations Institute for
Training and Research (UNITAR).
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Course authors
Jorge E. Viñuales, University of Cambridge, Harold Samuel Professor of Law and Environmental Policy
Director, Cambridge Centre for Environment, Energy and Natural Resource Governance (C-EENRG)
Giuliano Montanari, Maya Valcheva, Amrei Horstbrink (UNITAR), Lennart Kuntze, Taylor Clayton, Anja von
Moltke (UN Environment), Gregg Cornelius, Bolormaa Tumurchudur-Klok, Olga Strietska-Ilina (ILO).
PAGE (2016), Green Economy and Trade E-Learning Course, Module 1
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TABLE OF CONTENTS 2 Perceived tensions
between trade and
the transition to
1 The evolution of the trade and an inclusive green
environment nexus economy
1.2. Trade and trade governance over time 9 2.2. Green Protectionism 16
Resources 30
3.5. Poverty eradication
© World Bank/Arne Hoel
1.1 Overview
The connection between trade flows and the governance that shapes the trade and environment
environment is a complex and multifaceted one. As a nexus.
general matter, the increase in production driven by
the greater demand from foreign markets can lead to In order to understand this nexus and its evolution,
a higher environmental footprint whether in the form it is therefore important to become familiar with
of increased usage of natural resources (e.g. timber, how trade flows and environmental protection are
fisheries, land for agriculture, fossil energy resources), organised in the current international system. The
higher levels of energy consumption for production current multilateral system of trade governance
processes and transportation or higher levels of dates back to the global re-organisation following
pollution and waste arising from deficient production the Second World War (WWII), with the adoption in
processes and over-consumption. 1947 of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
(GATT). The system was significantly strengthened
In addition, trade can have important social effects, after the end of the Cold War, with the Uruguay
including effects on job creation, working conditions, negotiation round leading to the establishment in
poverty reduction or inequality. However, the 1994 of the World Trade Organisation (WTO). It
environmental and social footprint varies depending was also at this time that the connection between
on different parameters, including what is traded (i.e. trade and environmental governance became more
the types of goods and services), how it is traded (i.e. solidly recognised and established. Although the
terms and processes), how goods and services traded inception of modern international environmental
are produced, how benefits are distributed, and how law dates back to the Stockholm Conference on
the waste is managed. the Human Environment, held in 1972, it was the
Rio Conference on Environment and Development,
Conversely, environmental protection can have an held in 1992, with its mainstreaming of the
impact on trade flows, whether by regulating access concept of sustainable development, that placed the
to markets for certain products, or by providing connection between trade and the environment
competitive advantages/disadvantages to producers on the agenda of negotiators and policymakers.
of certain goods. Through these and other channels,
environmental protection can also affect employment Shortly thereafter, the Marrakesh Agreement
as well as growth and development. Once again, all establishing the WTO expressly identified, in its
these aspects are highly dependent upon the specific preamble, the objective of ‘expanding the production
Twenty years after the introduction of the concept of sustainable development at the Rio Conference on
Environment and Development, another major conference was held in Rio de Janeiro. At this occasion,
Heads of State and Government reaffirmed the need to transition to an inclusive green economy and
highlighted, in the outcome document of the conference – The future we want (2012) – the role that trade
policy can play in this transition:
‘We reaffirm that international trade is an engine for development and sustained economic growth, and also reaffirm
the critical role that a universal, rules-based, open, non-discriminatory and equitable multilateral trading system,
as well as meaningful trade liberalization, can play in stimulating economic growth and development worldwide,
thereby benefiting all countries at all stages of development as they advance towards sustainable development’
(paragraph 281)
Click here to access the Agreement text.
Average trade growth
10 1990 - 2014
World trade volume (avg.
-5 Average GDP growth exports and imports)
-10 1990 - 2014 World real GDP at market
exchange rates
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015P 2016P
Annual percentage change. Figures for 2015 and Importantly, the link between trade and GDP
2016 are projections. Trade refers to the average of (specifically, the share of exports to GDP) seems
exports and imports. (WTO 2015, 2) stronger in developing countries. Figure 2 shows the
export-to-GDP ratio for the world and for different
Figure 2: Exports-to-GDP ratio (1989-2011)
1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011
S u b - S a h a r a n A f r i c a ( d e ve l o p i n g o n l y ) Wo r l d OECD members
A s i a Pa c i f i c ( d e ve l o p i n g o n l y ) Latin America and the Caribbean
The global expansion of free trade and the rise of percent (902 million people) to 9.6 percent (702
the BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China) has million people) of the global population (World Bank
had a major positive effect on poverty reduction. 2015). However, the benefits of growth have mostly
Between 1990 and 2010 the percentage of the been unevenly distributed, with inequality measures
global population living in extreme poverty (on suggesting that the wealthiest 20 percent earn over
US$ 1.25 a day) has been halved to 21 percent 70 percent of the global income, with even higher
(UNEP/IISD 2014, 1). A revised projection concentrations for the wealthiest hundred people,
published by the World Bank and based on an who are estimated to hold some 50 percent of
adjusted poverty line (US$ 1.90 a day) suggests global wealth (UNEP/IISD 2014, 1). Moreover, as
that between 2012 and 2015 the number of discussed in the following section, growth has had
people living below the line has fallen from 12.8 significant impacts on the environment.)
Trade governance has both induced and reflected In the aftermath of WWII, a major focus of global
these trends. The creation of the WTO in 1994 governance was the decolonisation of former
strongly encouraged global trade.2 In parallel to the colonies, with their ensuing claims over their natural
global trade system, another model of a bilateral resources.
An overview of the structure and operation of the WTO is provided in Module 4.
What we now call the ‘environment’ was, in fact, mainstreamed through the efforts of the World
perceived by countries around the world, particularly Commission on Environment and Development
developing and newly independent countries as a (1983-1987) (often called the Brundtland Commission
‘natural resource’ to be exploited to the benefit of after its president) precisely to align the two sets of
their people. The UN General Assembly adopted, in logic. Sustainable development was introduced as the
1962, an important resolution entitled ‘Permanent overarching conceptual synthesis of environmental
Sovereignty over Natural Resources’ (Res. 1803) protection and socio-economic development at the
which crystallised this understanding. It is in this Rio Conference on Environment and Development
context that one must situate the attempts by (1992) and spelt out in both the Rio Declaration and
developed countries to bring environmental the ambitious action plan ‘Agenda 21’.
concerns, mostly pollution of the marine
environment and transboundary air pollution (e.g. Over the years, the focus of international efforts
acid rain) resulting from this exploitative mindset, has moved from recognition of the need to
to the international arena. That was done at the protect the environment, to reconciliation of
aforementioned Stockholm Conference, which environmental protection and socio-economic
brought environmental concerns under the remit development, to the development of adequate
of the United Nations, mostly through the creation environmental instruments, to – more recently –
of the United Nations Environment Programme actual implementation of existing regulations. After
(UNEP). the 2002 Johannesburg Summit on Sustainable
Development, and even more after Rio+20, the
However, the logics of development and focus has been on implementation, with broad
environmental protection were not perceived by but integrated and widely accepted Sustainable
developing countries to be aligned. What can be Development Goals to guide future efforts towards
called the environment-development equation has balancing prosperity and environmental protection.
ever since underpinned international negotiations Importantly, SDGs rely on trade policy as a key means
on environmental matters (Viñuales 2013). The of implementation, as stated in SDG 17 (UNEP 2015).
concept of sustainable development was, in fact,
This shift in the focus of international action from or mobility will not disappear – yet rather will
recognition to actual implementation is an important increase, in line with forecasted global population
trend. Conventional patterns of growth and growth – the world needs to meet them through a
development have left a profound environmental fundamentally different approach.
footprint, including massive pollution of the oceans,
major losses in biodiversity, serious degradation of Current policy efforts, mostly conducted under
air quality in many major cities and adverse global the banners of sustainable development and
phenomena such as the depletion of the ozone IGE, aim at increasing the resource efficiency of
layer and climate change (see generally UNEP, human activities (i.e. deriving more from less)
Global Environment Outlook 5, 2012). and, potentially, at ‘decoupling’ growth from
environmental degradation, whether measured
The civilizational challenge posed by climate change in terms of greenhouse gas emissions or through
is mainly driven by human emissions from fossil fuel other indicators relating to land, water or air quality.
combustion, deforestation and agricultural activities.
As basic needs such as food, heating, electricity
The core strength of the sustainable development ‘An Inclusive Green Economy has evolved from earlier
paradigm, namely its ability to incorporate widely work on Green Economy. In its simplest expression,
different concerns and policies within a single such an economy is low carbon, efficient and clean
programmatic concept, is also its main challenge, in production, but also inclusive in consumption and
to the extent that its implementation requires more outcomes, based on sharing, circularity, collaboration,
specific guidance. By way of illustration, it is unclear solidarity, resilience, opportunity, and interdependence.
whether the development of genetically modified It is focused on expanding options and choices for
organisms could be seen as ‘sustainable’; some use national economies, using targeted and appropriate
far less water than conventional produce and can fiscal and social protection policies, and backed up
be grown in less fertile areas. Yet, they introduce by strong institutions that are specifically geared
an unknown form of life into the environment and to safeguarding social and ecological floors. And it
fall foul of the principles of sustainable agriculture. recognizes that there are many and diverse pathways
Hence, more specific guidance seems desirable. to environmental sustainability’ (UNEP 2015b, 6).
The IGE concept can be seen as a tool to implement In a global economic system largely shaped by
sustainable development, in which the environment- global value chains, many opportunities arising
development equation is solved through a focus from the transition to an IGE rely on trade. Trade
on real opportunities (discussed in Modules 2, policy, if appropriately used, can be a powerful
3A and 3B) arising from the need to protect the tool to promote the transition to an IGE, but this
environment. Indeed, in an IGE, the objective is requires a robust understanding of both the
not only to maintain socio-economic performance potential challenges and opportunities at the trade
while respecting the environment – as envisioned by and environment nexus. The following sections set
sustainable development – but to actually increase out to provide such understanding.
socio-economic performance by focusing on pro-
environment opportunities (Viñuales, 2012, 13).
2.1 Overview
The potential tensions underpinning the nexus of trade and environment
have been expressed through scepticism and criticism by some developing
countries towards the role of trade liberalisation in the transition to an IGE. In
this lesson, we examine the perceived challenges that underlie this criticism.
The subsequent lesson considers the potential opportunities arising from the
trade and environment nexus, as they relate to each of the challenges discussed,
In designing appropriate policies for the transition to transition to an IGE creates many opportunities, and
an IGE, it is important to keep in mind these different appropriately designed trade policies can provide a
concerns. At the same time, as discussed next, the powerful tool to harness them.
3.1 Overview
In Module 2, a number of examples of such standards and their impact are discussed, including FSC certified tropical wood, ISO
14001 certified companies, or LEED certified hotels and resorts.
Regarding the first goal, starting in January 2011, the Chinese government set several standards (related
to production, efficiency, environment and finance) to be met by new PV manufacturers wanting to benefit
from government support. By 2014, the Government had identified a small number (slightly over 100
producers) who would continue to receive support. As for the second goal, the government uses three
main tools, namely (i) a feed-in-tariff scheme for utility-scale solar PV, financed by a surcharge paid by
consumers, (ii) a special Renewable Energy Fund used to support key deployment projects, and (iii) regular
increases in the targets for solar-power capacity installations in China.
(UNEP 2014, 55)
4.1 Overview
The discussion in the previous sections suggests that for certain countries depends upon their domestic
the transition to an IGE may present both challenges industrial policies and their ability to seize business
and opportunities relating to international trade. opportunities arising from the transition to an IGE.
Both are linked to the extent that a given trend, This is also the case for the availability of financial
such as increased trade in EGS, resource utilisation, and technological resources to the extent that a
availability of financial resources or the degree of country pursuing a ‘brown’ economy model may
social inclusiveness, may constitute a challenge or find itself disadvantaged in trying to access new and
an opportunity depending on a number of variables. additional resources mobilised at the international
These are, for example, specific endowments level to effect the transition to an IGE.
of different countries but also certain enabling Whether a given trend should ultimately best be
conditions and the appropriate design of trade characterised as a challenge or an opportunity can
policies and institutions (see Module 2). only be assessed from an empirical perspective and
at the level of a country or sector. A more detailed
Thus, whether environmental standards operate discussion in this regard is provided in Modules 2,
as barriers to market access and devices of 3A and 3B.
protectionism or as a motor for exports of EGS
from certain countries depends on how such 4.2. Emerging trends in the trade
standards are designed and used. The provision and environment nexus
of appropriate ‘upstream’ assistance to developing
countries, as envisioned by the UNFSS, also plays Building on the previous lessons, it is possible to
a key role. Similarly, whether the greening of GVCs identify some broad emerging trends at the nexus
creates comparative advantages or disadvantages of trade and environment that will determine their
future interplay.
Investment in the production of EGS, both for trade Developing countries are key contributors to
and local consumption, is becoming more and increased investment in the production of EGS, as
more important, as illustrated by Figure 4 and Box suggested not only by their overall increasing share
5. Global trade in environmental goods is already in global trade in EGS (see green line in Figure 4
estimated at US$ 1 trillion annually (Office of the above) but also as illustrated by the growth in South-
United States Trade Representative 2016), and is South trade in major renewable energy segments
expected to significantly increase from initiatives (Figure 6).
such as the Environmental Goods Agreement. .
Figure 6: South-South trade in environmental goods as a share of global trade in these sectors
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
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