Psychiatric Nursing - 50 Items
Psychiatric Nursing - 50 Items
Psychiatric Nursing - 50 Items
communication technique?
1.) Building trust is important in A.) Consensual validation
A.) The orientation phase of the relationship B.) Encouraging Comparison
B.) The problem identification subphase of the C.) Accepting
relationship D.) General Lead
C.) All phase of the relationship
D.) The exploitation subphase of the relationship ANS: A
24.) The nurse observes a client muttering to 28.) Which of the following is true about
him self and pounding his fist in his other domestic violence between same –sex
hand while pacing in the hallway. Which of partners?
the following principles should guide the A.) Such violence is less common than that
nurse’s action? between heterosexual partners
A.) Only one nurse should approach an upset B.) The frequency and intensity of violence are
client to avoid threatening greater than between heterosexual partners
B.) Clients who can verbalize angry feeling are C.) Rates of violence are about the same as
less likely to become physically aggressive between heterosexual partners
C.) Talking to a client with delusions will not be D.) NOTA
helpful, because the client has no ability to
reason ANS: C
D.) Verbally aggressive clients often calm don
on their own if staff don’t bother them 29.) The nurse working with a client during a
flashback says, “ I know you’re scared, but
ANS: B you’re in a safe place. Do you see the bed in
your room? Do you feel the chair you’re
25.) Which of the following is the best action sitting on?”
for the nurse to take when assessing a child The nurse is using which of the following
who might be abused? techniques?
A.) Confront the parents with the facts and ask A.) Distraction
them what happened B.) Reality orientation
B.) Consult with a professional member of the C.) Relaxation
health team about making a report D.) Grounding
C.) Ask the child which of his parents caused
this injury ANS: D
D.) Say or do nothing; the nurse has only
suspicions, not evidence 30.) Which of the following assessment
findings might indicate elder self-neglect?
ANS: B A.) Hesistancy to talk openly with nurse
B.) Inability to manage personal finances
26.) Which of the following interventions C.) Missing valuables that are not misplaced
would be most helpful for a client with D.) Unusual explanations for injuries
35.) Situations that are considered risk
31.) Which type of child abuse can be most factors for complicated grief are
difficult to treat effectively? A.) Inadequate support and old age
A.) Emotional B.) Childbirth, marriage and divorce
B.) Neglect C.) Death of spouse or child, death by suicide,
C.) Physical sudden and unexpected death
D.) Sexual D.) Inadequate perception of the grieving
32.) Women in battering relationship often
remain in those relationships as a result of 36.) Physiologic responses of complicated
faulty or incorrect beliefs. Which of the grieving include
following beliefs is valid? A.) Tearfulness when recalling significant
A.) If she tried to leave, she would be at memories of the lost one
increased risk for violence B.) Impaired appetite, wt loss, lack of energy,
B.) If she would do a better job of meeting his palpitations
needs, the violence would stop C.) Depression, panic disorders, chronic grief
C.) No one else would put up with her D.) Impaired immune system, increased
dependent clinging behavior prolactin level, increased mortality rate from
D.) She often does things that provoke the heart disease
violent episodes
37.) Critical factors for successful integration
33.) Which of the following accurately lists of loss during the grieving process are
Bowlby’s phases of the grieving process? A.) The client’s adequate perception, inadequate
A.) Denial, anger, depression, bargaining, support, and adequate coping
acceptance B.) The nurse’s trustworthiness and healthy
B.) Shock, outcry, and denial; intrusion of attitudes about grief
thought, distractions and obsessive reviewing of C.) Accurate assessment and intervention by the
the loss; confiding in others to emote and nurse or helping person
cognitively restructure an account of the loss D.) The client’s predictable and steady
C.) Numbness and denial of the loss, emotional movement from one stage of the process to the
yearning for the loved one and protesting next
permanence of the loss, cognitive
disorganization and emotional despair, ANS: A
reorganizing and reintegrating a sense of self
D.) Reeling, feeling, dealing, healing 38.) The nurse observes a client who is
becoming increasingly upset. He is rapidly
ANS: C pacing, hyperventilating, clenching his jaw,
wringing his hands, and trembling. His
34.) Which of the following give cues to the speech is high-pitched and random; he
nurse that a client may be grieving for a seems preoccupied with thoughts. He is
loss? pounding his fist into his other. The nurse
A.) Sad affect, anger, anxiety, and sudden identifies his anxiety level as
changes in mood A.) Mild
B.) Thoughts, feelings, behavior, and physiologic B.) Moderate
complains C.) Severe
C.) Hallucinations, panic level of anxiety, sense D.) Panic
of impending doom
D.) Complaints of abdominal pain, diarrhea and ANS: C
loss of appetite
39.) When assessing a client with anxiety, the
nurse’s questions should be worries.” How would the nurse evaluate this
A.) Avoided until the anxiety is gone statement?
B.) Open-ended A.) The client is developing insight
C.) Postponed until the client volunteers B.) The client’s coping skills have improved
information C.) The client needs encouragement to verbalize
D.) Specific and directive feelings
D.) The client’s treatment has been successful
40.) During the assessment, the client tells
the nurse that she cannot stop worrying 45.) A client with anxiety is beginning
about her appearance and that she often treatment with lorazepam (Ativan). It is most
removes “old” make up and applies fresh important for the nurse to assess the client’s
make-up every hour or two throughout the A.) Motivation for treatment
day. The nurse identifies this behavior as B.) Family of coping mechanisms
indicative of a(n) C.) Family and social support
A.) Acute stress disorder D.) use of alcohol
B.) Generalized anxiety disorder
C.) Panic Disorder ANS: D
D.) Obsessive-compulsive disorder