Dimday Red TTRPG Quikstart

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about this qs contents
Welcome to the DDR Quickstart! This is a comprehensive Fragment story _3
preview of Dimday Red, a tabletop RPG set in the final days
of humankind. Overview _6
The World
Dimday Red has been a labor of love I have been working Neu Bonn
on for the past couple of years, but it has been in the back Castes
of my mind for much longer. It encompasses the experi- Factions
ences, ideas, and stories of a lifetime. Although it may not Mutations
always be evident, and until the Netflix adaptation arrives, The Characters
this is a personal project made possible with a great deal of About Diversity
actual sweat, digital blood, and metaphorical tears! The DM
Tone & Theme
The Quickstart contains all the main mechanics you will Making Characters _8
need to play the game, but please bear in mind that they Choosing an Archetype
are still being fine-tuned for the upcoming finalized version. Name, Appearance, Attitude
They are based on the Powered by the Apocalypse sys- Character Quirks
tem, so those familiar with it can jump right in. For those Initiation Questions & Introductions
who haven’t played a PBTA game before, you’ll find it quite Equipment
easy to join in as it prioritizes storytelling over complicated Moves & Idioms
mechanics. Connections
Playing The Game _10
I personally want to thank you for taking the time to check Rolling Dice
it out! If you have any questions or feedback, or if you sim- Tenet Dice
ply want to exchange views about the end of the world, you Basic / Other Moves
can reach out on the Dimday Red Discord server.
Basic Moves _11
Cheers, Moribus _13
Spiros Drakatos / Creator - Dimday Red Sins & Virtues _14
Original Sin
Advancement _16
credits Passage
Pivot Points
Although I have Robert-Rodrigez-ed the whole DdR project,
writing, designing, illustrating, prototyping, marketing,
Convergence _17
PRing since the summer of 2020, it wouldn’t be here if not Heat _18
for the help and support of these special people. Harm & Violence _18
Marking / Healing Harm
Constantinos Drakatos - Additional writing & TTRPG Protection
consulting Miseries
Tonia Avgoustaki - Consulting & emotional support Exodus Moves
Orion Makrinelis - All round support & feedback
Caio Nery - Character art
The Doom Monger _20
Game Plan
Jason Lazaro - Editor
Doom Monger Basic Moves
I would also like to thank all the artists who have contrib-
Pushing the story forward
uted for the Dimday Red Artbook project, and the writers
who have added their stories to the Fragments project. You Creating & Using NPCs _21
can check more at www.dimday.red. Raison d être
Cannon fodder
Harm & Healing
Player vs Player Combat
Play Materials _22
Tenet Dice Analogies
Basic Moves Index
Moribus Cards Analogies
“Grab my hand!” he yelled, blazing Lately, the numbers of the less fortunate had been rising,
but she paid little attention. It wasn’t her problem, was it?
bullets bouncing off of him. Until she found that folder on her desk. Inside it, a docu-
ment listed the next month’s Unworthies, and to her horror,
Nora had never touched a Hardskin before. She used to her name was on it. The document seemed official, bearing
walk by them, holding her breath so she wouldn’t inhale the Seal of the Eight and all. A yellow sticker outside the
their disease. There was no proof they were contagious, but folder read: “Broken Record, Sector 05, Center - 22:00.”
it was better to be safe than sorry.
Reluctantly, she found her way to the infamous Broken
Among all mutations, Hardskin was the most common yet Record bar, and despite her dread, she felt a bit proud she
least respected. Those who couldn’t afford the effective but had made it. It was an adventure far beyond anything she
pricey Sun Guardian™ cream often developed hard, rock- had experienced in her ordinary life, and the omnipresence
like tumors on their skin. The tumors would grow, covering of danger invigorated her. But that excitement was gone
the host’s entire body, making their skin impenetrable but now, as warm blood splattered onto her left cheek, bring-
eventually leading to their death. ing her back to harsh reality. A blast had taken half her ear
off, though it would be some time until she realized it. The
As bullets flew around her, she second-guessed her deci- Solar Knights were upon them, and she knew it was too
sion to play detective and investigate that mysterious note. late for explanations.

What seemed like ages ago, Nora led a quiet life behind She reached out and grabbed the Hardskin’s hand.
her desk in the Citizenship Approval Office. Her job was to
review whether Authorized Citizens fulfilled their appointed
duties and were thus eligible to remain in their Safe Zone.
Every month, those deemed unworthy were sent to the
Center slams. Story by 1sickPuppy
Part of the Fragments project
Read more at www.dimday.red

world map

Overview Consequently, people across the globe find themselves
once again isolated.
Dimday Red is a dystopian fantasy tabletop roleplaying For most metropolitan areas, democracy is now a thing
game centered around the final days of humankind. Earth of the past, as power has shifted to those who already
hurtles toward a collision with the Sun, leaving a mere held it, operating from the shadows. New superpowers
52 years until its unavoidable demise. As a result, social have emerged, with Paneuropa standing as one of the
structures have crumbled, and totalitarian regimes have most dominant. When Old Europe succumbed to the
seized control over the remnants of society. floods caused by melting polar ice, a new coalition was
established and relocated to the south to initiate the re-
In Dimday Red, players immerse themselves in Neu Bonn, colonization of Africa.
a city divided by social Castes, religious and enigmatic
Factions, and mutations caused by solar radiation. Your
character’s choices shape their abilities, powers, and stance
in the face of impending doom.
Neu Bonn
The capital city of Paneuropa, Neu Bonn, stands as the
Whether you succumb to your darker impulses, prioritizing northernmost metropolis on the continent. Built upon the
personal gain, or seize control of your virtues to serve the site of Cairo in the Old World, it is divided into two colossal
greater good, you navigate a world where every action regions: the Citadel, where the upper Castes reside and
carries consequences and no act of kindness remains operate, and The Center, a ghetto encompassed by the
unpunished. Will you find yourself amidst the ruins of Catharsis Wall, confining the lower Castes. Its strategic
humanity or succumb to the overwhelming allure of power placement aims to assert dominance over the Sahra,
in the engulfing darkness? where the Diedrich Family’s primary sources of income and
authority, the immense solar-power factories, are located.
However, this advantageous position also renders Neu
The World Bonn unbearably hot due to its perilous proximity to the
scorching Sunlands.
Ninety-eight years have passed since Earth’s orbit was
perturbed, causing it to head towards the sun. This event, Dominating the skyline, the towering structure of the Hellios
known as the Lapse, has drastically changed the world. In Conglomerate symbolizes the city’s significance as the eco-
the aftermath of the initial unrest, subsequent wars and nomic and governmental nucleus for the influential Died-
the re-colonization of the South, the world has undergone richs, one of the most powerful Families among the Eight.
profound transformations.
Within Neu Bonn, one can also find the headquarters of the
Technology has regressed to the level of the Industrial Church of Ra, a meta-religion extolling the divine powers
Revolution due to incessant solar storms that rendered of the Sun. Shrouded in mystery for most, the recently
all electronic devices useless. In addition, the weather has constructed Pyramid of Radiance serves as a wellspring of
become increasingly unpredictable, characterized by high inspiration for countless rumors and conspiracy theories.
winds and superstorms, which impede long-distance travel.
Castes Oldboys - This faction comprises individuals who are
obsessed with preserving mechanical knowledge and its
After the Descent Wars, the heads of the all-powerful Eight application.
Families of Paneuropa gathered in its newly founded
capital, Neu Bonn, to establish an order for what remained Rayweavers - A highly secretive and exclusive sect
of the world. They drafted the Novus Ordo, a set of rules capable of invoking and manipulating the rays of light
aimed at bringing order to chaos and structure to anarchy. surrounding them.
Augs - They seek to incorporate various materials into
their bodies, either for practical purposes or to inspire fear.
Knights of Ayyadieh - Commonly referred to
as Solar Knights, they are a group of religious zealots
determined to make everyone perceive the Divine Light.
Subhumans - Rather than being a faction, they
resemble more of a horde, consisting of beings who live
outside society, devoid of much humanity.

The Ordo introduced and enforced the division of the

general population into Castes, based on their social and
professional status: As the Earth orbits closer and closer to the Sun, solar ra-
diation mercilessly assaults its inhabitants. Those unfortu-
nate souls exposed for prolonged periods of time develop
The Upper Castes skin tumors, while the children born after the Lapse often
Luminaries - Members of The Eight Families, up to bear other potent yet invariably fatal mutations.
the fourth degree of consanguinity with the Heads.
Collars - the working force of the Conglomerates. Marble Eyes - They develop a rare condition
caused by mutated tumors growing behind their retinas.
This condition affects their vision spectrum, enabling
The Lower Castes them to see heat signatures in the dark and even
Plebis - people who function outside the system. through objects.
Dirt - they are considered non-persons by the system. Hardskins - They are the most common yet least
respected of the Solar Mutations. Due to excessive sun
People belonging to the Upper Castes are afforded basic exposure, their skin becomes covered with rock-hard,
necessities such as food, housing, and security, whereas cancerous tumors.
everyone else must rely on themselves. The System does Controllers - These individuals possess the ability to
not trouble those who do not disrupt its affairs. However, bend reality by entering the minds of others, manipulating
for anyone who opposes the Novus Ordo, there exists only them as they see fit.
one form of justice: banishment to the Sunlands, which Deevos - Their mutation triggers a rapid reversal of
effectively means certain death! genetic evolution, resulting in their physiology resem-
bling that of their primate ancestors.
Factions Zealots - They develop a brain tumor that adversely
affects their memory and cognitive abilities. As a con-
Surviving in the Lower Castes on one’s own isn’t an easy
sequence, they can be programmed to enter a focused
task. People tend to gather and form groups, not necessar-
state for a duration of 9 minutes.
ily driven by a collective conscience, but rather as a means
of survival. These factions are the most notable contenders
For in depth information about the world and people of
vying for control, both in broad daylight and hidden in the
DdR, check out the extensive Lore site at worldanvil.
Norms - People who attempt to establish and main-
tain some form of organized society reminiscent of the
Old World within the Catharsis Wall. about diversity
Blak - A guild of merchants who oversee the Blak Even in its final days, Neu Bonn is a microcosm like our
Markets in urban areas across the world. own metropolises, with diverse people from around the
FOI - The Forces of the Inferior are individuals who be- world gathered within the Catharsis Wall.
lieve that the Novus Ordo must be overthrown through
armed confrontation. They bring their beliefs, ideas, and cultures, necessitating
coexistence as they shape the essence of this remaining
Seed of Ra - A fanatical group that follows and acts metropolis. Embrace diversity, immerse yourself in their
in the name of the Church of Ra. lives, and share their passions, blessings, and flaws as if
they were your own.

The DooM monger stands as a pillar of knowledge and preservation, espe-
cially concerning anything mechanical.
In Dimday Red, one player will take on the role of the Doom
Monger (DM). The DM is responsible for portraying the Cen-
Aug - Merch - Proficient in the remnants of technology,
the Aug strives to manipulate information and cognition
ter ghetto, including all the non-player characters (NPCs).
to their advantage.
The DM isn’t playing against the players; their job is to
bring the world to life, making it a vibrant, meaningful, and
Each player (except for the DM) chooses an archetype at the
ever-clashing place that inspires and challenges the players
beginning of the game and utilizes it to create their charac-
and their characters.
ter. No two players can select the same archetype. Dimday
Red is all about bringing together a diverse array of conflict-
Tone & Theme ing characters and pitting them against all odds.
Dimday Red is not a post-apocalyptic story; rather, it de-
picts the path leading to an impending apocalypse, a slow
but inevitable descent. Despite the crumbling and withering
state of its world, it bears striking similarities to our own. In
Dimday Red, the characters embark on a quest for purpose
and strategies to survive each passing day, much like many
of us.

The city of Neu Bonn, torn and divided, serves as the

backdrop for a dystopian and socially charged narrative
that compels the protagonists to make crucial decisions,
always at a cost. At times, the world may appear devoid
of hope, knowing that everyone will perish within 52 years
when Earth draws perilously close to the Sun, rendering life
unsustainable. However, people perpetually discover means
to foster hope, whether through hard-earned triumphs, the
birth of a baby, or even a simple kiss.

Dimday Red delves into the perpetual struggle between

Hope and Despair, Light and Darkness. The choices you
make will determine which side your character aligns with
and how they either combat or succumb to the impending

Making Characters
Choosing an Archetype
However familiar, nothing is ordinary in the world of Dimday
Red, and this holds true for its player characters. Each of
them possesses a unique set of personality traits and pow-
ers. They are presented as archetypes that encapsulate the When selecting an archetype, choose one that empowers
core aspects that drive this world. In this Quickstart, you the types of stories you want to tell. Each archetype pos-
will find five of these archetypes, with more on the way! sesses its own strengths and weaknesses, carrying its own
experiences and burdens. Their physical and spiritual traits
will shape the narrative and present you with challenges,
Marble Eyes - Insight - Gifted with extraordinary goals to achieve, and obstacles to overcome.
sight, Marble Eyes is esoteric and provident, carefully
considering various viewpoints and seeking resolutions.
Hardskin - Armor - Tough both inside and out, Name, Appearance, Attitude
Hardskin is accustomed to enduring and overcoming After selecting an archetype, you can create your character
challenges, persevering through each day. and determine their name, appearance, and attitude:
Zealot - Berserker - Deadly yet focused, the Zealot
embodies unwavering determination and loyalty, wheth- Give your character a name. Names can hold meaning,
er consciously or not. sound pleasing, or be unique. We have provided some sug-
gestions that may be a good fit for your archetype, but feel
Oldboy - Craft - Resourceful and tactical, the Oldboy
free to give them a name that you believe suits them best. order to gain a more comprehensive understanding of your
ideas and intentions. Endeavor to respond to these inquiries
Decide on their appearance. Looks aren’t everything, but in a thorough manner.
they serve as the initial layer through which others perceive
us. You can be a formidable individual with a gentle heart,
or a small and deadly combatant. Regardless, your ap- possessions
pearance can either project or conceal your true nature, so Dimday Red is a game that delves into the inner quest
choose accordingly. of finding one’s place in a dying world. It also tests your
survival skills in a harsh and unforgiving environment.
Define their attitude. The archetypes represent individuals Alongside your character traits and unique powers, you will
from diverse backgrounds and experiences, resulting in require possessions to aid you in coping and conquering
unique attitudes and mindsets. Therefore, you can choose challenges. Depending on your archetype, this gear can in-
and define your character’s attitude accordingly. clude weapons and offensive equipment, or mystical items
that unlock new pathways and possibilities.
Character Quirks Certain items can be obtained from your archetype’s play-
Character quirks describe your character’s traits, both their book, which you can select at the beginning of the game.
strengths and weaknesses. Each archetype has four quirks: Some gear possess specific abilities and statistics, while
others must be established at the story’s outset and can be
AFFINITY reflects the manner in which you connect upgraded as the narrative progresses.
and interact with others, encompassing your level of
charisma and charm.

EGO gauges your determination and the strength of

your will, serving as the internal driving force behind
your actions and decisions.

INTELLECT manifests as your capacity for critical

thinking and problem-solving, showcasing the dom-
inance of your mind in navigating the circumstances
surrounding you.

PASSION embodies your physical prowess and

combat skills, demonstrating your character’s aptitude
for thriving in battle or handling physically demanding

Each archetype comes with predetermined stats, typically

consisting of one rating at -1, one at +0, and two at +1. You
must allocate an additional +1 to any one of these stats!

Initiation Questions &

After choosing and creating your character, take a look at
the initiation questions provided. They have been designed
to give you insight into your character’s mindset and inner
motivations, allowing you to establish their trajectory. By
jotting down a few quick answers, you’ll find it easier to in-
troduce your character to the group once the game begins.

At the start of the game, it is essential for each player to

take a few minutes to present their character’s name, ap-
pearance, demeanor, responses to the initiation questions,
and any other pertinent information that the other players
should know in advance. Perhaps your character possesses
a compelling backstory that shapes their actions, and the
group would benefit from being aware of it. Other players
or the DM may have inquiries regarding your character in

Moves & Idioms its instructions. Otherwise, the story will continue until a
move is triggered. Some actions and decisions are more
When playing Dimday Red, advancing the story usually crucial than others, so it is up to the DM to determine when
involves making moves. Each archetype has its own set of the players need to make a move and when they can pro-
moves, allowing you to select the ones that align with your ceed with the story.
goals at the start of the game. In many cases, making a
move will require rolling a specific quirk, so consider how
your character’s quirks influence and enhance your moves. Rolling Dice
Additionally, each archetype possesses distinctive idioms, When a move requires you to roll dice, roll two eight-sided
abilities, and characteristics. It is advisable to synergize dice (2d8) and follow the instructions provided in that move
your chosen moves with the idioms associated with your based on the results. The dice included with the physical
archetype. This way, they can collaborate harmoniously to game are numbered from 0 to 7. If you are using regular
aid you in accomplishing your objectives. eight-sided dice, consider the 8 as zero.

Connections In most moves, you need to roll with a specific attribute, such
People tend to come together in times of crisis, and what as “roll with Ego” or “roll with Affinity.” This means you add
greater crisis is there than the imminent end of the world? the corresponding attribute value to the result of the roll.
In the aftermath, various groups have emerged, some
struggling for survival, others plotting for power and con-
trol, and still others attempting to preserve their remaining

At the beginning of the game, you are a member of one

such group. You may have a fondness for the individuals
within it, or perhaps not, but regardless, you all share a There are four kinds of roll outcomes:
common cause that unites you. Even if your character is a 11+ a full hit, you will achieve your goal, for the most part.
solitary figure with their own set of values and goals, they 8-10 a partial hit, you will make it but you will pay the cost.
still form connections with other characters and the people
they encounter along their journey. 7- a miss, the DM decides what happens, but it won’t
be good.
These connections will influence your idiosyncrasies and 0 a holy mess, an untold tragedy will fall upon you. You
grant you unique abilities when collaborating with other mark +1 Heat and roll two Tenet Dice.
members of your group. Your social choices will shape your
progress just as significantly as your personal choices. Depending on their type, some moves specify the outcome
in a precise manner: “On a 11+, you inflict harm.” Mean-
while, others grant you the freedom to choose based on

Playing The Game

your roll: “On a 11+, pick 3. On a 8-10, pick 1.”

In Dimday Red, the DM never rolls dice. Their role is to un-

fold the story, describe what is happening, and react to the
People have loved telling and hearing apocalyptic stories
actions your characters take. Sometimes, they are called
since the dawn of time, and through roleplaying, we can be-
upon to settle differences between the players by maintain-
come part of those stories. As you tell your own and bring
ing objectivity as much as possible.
your character to life, you will use the rules and mechanics
listed below to provide a framework for your narrative. Just
remember that no rule, no matter how complex or simple, Tenet Dice
is as powerful as your imagination. When you roll 0 with the numbered dice, you have the
option to roll either the Sin or the Virtue dice in order to
One of the main mechanics in Dimday Red is the use of earn a point for that respective morality. If you roll the
moves whenever you want to take action. These moves can wildcard symbol , you can allocate a point to the tenet of
be aggressive, such as hitting a Praetorian with a make- your choosing.
shift mace, in which case you would use the “Seeing Red”
move. Alternatively, they can be more strategic, like finding
a peaceful way out of a standoff, where you would use the
“Size them Up” move. To make these moves, you will roll
the dice with their respective Quirk. For example, you would
play “Bare your Teeth” by rolling with Passion and adding or
subtracting its value. In the boxed game, the Sin and Virtue (Tenet) dice will be
custom designed, but you can simulate their rolls using
If your actions trigger a move, you will continue following regular d8 dice. For further details, please refer to the Index.
Basic Moves On a 11+, you also choose one:

All characters use the basic moves that cover most situ- • you wreak havoc
ations their characters can encounter, and each of these • you make use of something around you
moves is connected with a quirk. • you create an opening for a +1 Connection

Seeing Red - Passion Seeing Red always has some kind of cost, even on a hit,
your opponent has a chance to strike you back. If they try to
Bare your Teeth - Passion escape, you have a chance to stop them by playing another
Help the Other- Affinity move. In any case, you get to inflict harm on a hit.
Under your Skin - Affinity
On an 11+, you also get to pick an option:
Size them Up - Intellect Wreak havoc: you empower your attack by adding +1 harm
Become Temptation - Intellect to your total damage capability.
Unwind and Cool - Ego Make use of something around you: make use of your
environment to enhance your attack.
Open your Mind - Ego Create an opening for a Connection: if you are in the
fight with one of your +1 Connections, you can give them
Most of the actions and challenges your characters will face
the advantage to strike first.
fall within these moves. They are designed to create engag-
ing situations that will demand you to utilize your character
traits and abilities to the fullest. Bare your Teeth
When you Bare your Teeth you roll with
Other Moves Passion. On a hit, you intimidate your
opponent in order to avoid conflict but
There are other sets of moves that complement your Basic
you have to choose one of the following
Moves, giving your character a wider range of options and
abilities, but also presenting challenges to overcome.
Archetype Moves - These moves are specific to your • you suffer reduced harm (-1) but you
archetype and are connected to your unique powers and escalate the situation.
disadvantages, often resulting from your Mutation or • you suffer harm but you escape.
Faction. • you have to sacrifice something.
Tenet Moves - These moves are acquired when you • you mark +1 Heat.
obtain a Sin or Virtue card. They are the most powerful
moves, but they also carry devastating consequences. On an 8-10, your opponent will also choose one.
Convergent Moves - Depending on the Connections
you have established with other players, you may be Bare your Teeth is how you can get out of confrontation, by
able to perform specific moves when working together taking the risk of getting into more dangerous trouble. It is
towards a common goal. mostly bluffing your way out when you get cornered by an
Exodus Moves - There are multiple ways to escape opponent who is out of your league.
Death in Dimday Red. However, when it is your time to
depart, you can do so with a bang! Your Exodus move
helps bring your character’s story to a memorable end. Help the Other
When you Help the Other you roll with
Affinity. On a hit you can offer your assis-

Basic Moves
tance to another player or NPC in a non
violent way. Help is not what it always
seems though. You can pretend to be
helpful in order to achieve your own
Seeing Red hidden goals.
When you are Seeing Red, roll with Pas-
On a hit, you get to offer them your assistance. On an 8-10 they
sion. On a hit, you inflict harm to your op-
may get suspicious of your actions and question you about
ponent as this is calculated by your skills
them. If you don’t manage to ease their doubts they may even
and gear and they can choose one of:
turn against you. Trust is hard to earn in the Center!
• they inflict harm back to you
In some cases your intentions may be honest, but the other
• they give you a hard time
side still won’t believe you. Argue your case passionately,
• they try to escape
but remember that no good deed escapes punishment; you
might gain a new enemy.

Under your Skin Your mind is a powerful weapon capable of bending peo-
ple’s wills to your advantage. Whether your intentions are
When it gets Under your Skin you roll noble or selfish, as long as you assert your influence, they
with Affinity. On a hit you can get into will provide you with everything... until they no longer do!
the moment and lose yourself in your
feelings. Others will recognize that and
get inspired, making it easier for them to
believe in you and follow you. But as your Unwind and Cool
emotions take over you have to suffer one When you Unwind and Cool you roll with
of the following: Ego. On an 11+ you will be able to cool
• mark +1 Heat down and assess the situation in the
• mark - 1 ongoing to your Intellect most useful and efficient way. Mark -1
• lose your chance for Equilibrium for one turn Heat.
On an 11+ you can also choose: On an 8-10 you the other side chooses
• mark +1 to one of your Connections one of the following:
• mark +1 forward to your Passion • they put you in a tough spot
• you have to answer a personal question
Control of your emotions, or the lack thereof, will play a sig- • lose your chance for Equilibrium for one turn
nificant role in how your character evolves in the story. Pas- • mark -1 forward to your Ego
sionate individuals are the ones who make things happen,
but it is essential to be aware of the potential costs involved. Cooling down can help you escape unwinnable situations.
Unlike Bear your Teeth where bluffing is the strategy, Un-
wind and Cool offers more viable options to avoid confron-
Size them Up tation. Success chances may be lower, but if achieved, it
yields the best result.
When you Size them Up you roll with
Intellect. On a hit you can get information
about another player or NPC. Ask two of
the following questions: Open your Mind
When you Open your Mind you roll with
• who is behind their actions? Ego. On a hit you get a more com-
• what are their intentions? prehensive view of what’s happening
• what do they need to help you? around you. You can choose one of the
• what do they fear/hope? following:
why do they think they have a drop on you?
• ask another character about their
On an 8-10 you have to answer one too. On a Fail you have backstory
to unmark a point from your Tenets chart. • investigate your surroundings or other characters
• combine information to assess your goal
Getting to know those around you, other players or NPCs, • ask a +1 Connection to share their view on a situation
will let you assess a situation better and in many cases give
you an advantage. Sometimes though, socializing can leave On an 11+ choose one of the following:
you open for others to read and take advantage of you. • mark -1 Heat.
• discover a hidden secret from your environment

Become Temptation When you open your mind, you see the bigger picture, with
yourself positioned in the center of it all. All other charac-
When you Become Temptation you roll ters assume the role of pawns in a chess game within your
with Intellect. You will use your wit to mind. You possess the power to manipulate them, whether
tempt the other side in order to achieve for good or evil, as you stand as the game master. Well, at
your goals. One a hit choose one of the least in your own imagination!
• convince them follow your cause
• make them an offer they can’t refuse
• mark +1 to one of your Connections
• become irresistible and mark +1 Heat

On an 11+ mark +1 to your Pride On a fail mark -1 forward

to your Ego
Forward, Ongoing & hold In the boxed game, Moribus are represented by cards. How-
ever, you can still play the game without the cards by using
Some moves grant your character the benefit of “taking
the Moribus Chart located at the end of this document.
+1 forward” or “taking +1 ongoing.” “+1 forward” (+1FW)
means your character receives a +1 bonus on the next
When you reach the edge of your Passage or achieve Equi-
relevant roll, while “+1 ongoing” (+1ON) grants your
librium, you can pick three Moribus at random. This can be
character a +1 bonus on all rolls that align with the
done by either selecting cards or throwing dice and refer-
circumstances described by the move. Similar to hold,
ring to the Moribus Chart. You have the freedom to choose
these bonuses remain in effect only for the duration
which one you want to keep based on which Sin or Virtue
specified by the move.
card you hope to obtain and the associated perks.
Other actions involve your character acquiring “hold”
Another way to obtain Moribus is when faced with an im-
through specific moves, such as “hold 1”. These repre-
portant task or dilemma that require a substantial choice.
sent resources that can be utilized in accordance with
At that point the DM will offer you three cards to choose
the move, such as spending the hold to use a specific
one from. The word on card you choose (i.e. Insanity) will
move. However, once the hold is used, it is depleted and
influence your actions, but you can define how.
no longer available. Typically, hold needs to be expended
within a particular conversation or scene. If there is any
Select your Moribus based on how you wish to play the
uncertainty regarding the duration of hold, seek clarifi-
game and shape your character. Your Sins and Virtues, as
cation from the DM.
the outcome of your trait choices, will not only impact your
character’s physical functions but also their very soul. Be

Moribus prepared for the price you will be asked to pay!

Your Moribus (traits) define the progression of your charac- deity cards
ter through their Sins and Virtues. They represent a combi- There are 7 Deities in the Moribus card set. These represent
nation of conscious choices made in life and the element of the divine element and function as wildcards for the Sin and
luck that often disrupts our plans. Virtue symbols. If you choose a Deity card you can put a
mark in whichever gauge you wish.

Be warned though! The gods always require some kind of

sacrifice, so each card comes with an impairment, instead
of a perk, and you have to apply it instantly!

Players begin the game with a shared deck of 49 Moribus.

Each Moribus is associated with one of the Seven Deadly
Sins or one of the Seven Heavenly Virtues. When you select a
Moribus, you remove it from the set and mark +1 on the cor-
responding Sin or Virtue gauge. Once you accumulate seven
points, you can acquire that Sin or Virtue along with its perks.

Moribus also offer a one-time use perk before returning to

the set. Each player can hold up to three Moribus at a time,
but only one can be played at a time.

Sins & Virtues When desire drives every thought and action, it can be
carnal or even ethereal. Once you surrender to its promises,
you will experience unparalleled excitement. This excite-
ment will amplify the impact of every encounter, but it will
also cloud your judgment, depleting focus and cognitive

Thus, closely pressed to one of the two borders,
On passed we, hearing sins of gluttony,
Followed forsooth by miserable gains;

The craving for physical and mental energy towers over all
others in your mind. It will lead you to unprecedented levels
of short-term vigor and efficiency. On the flipside, in the
long term, your energy will decrease, leaving you reminisc-
ing about your former glory.

Your Tenets, aka your Sins and Virtues, serve as the ultimate Because thy father and thyself have suffered,
embodiment of your character’s psyche in the world of Dim- By greed of those transalpine lands distrained,
day Red. Every action you take will lead you closer to these The garden of the empire to be waste.
aspects of your being, granting you remarkable skills and
powers. However, it’s important to note that there are always You continue to crave more: wealth, informa-
consequences associated with them, regardless of how hard tion, sensations. This relentless desire makes you cunning
you try to evade them. and sharp, always two steps ahead of the competition.
However, nothing comes without a price. Eventually, others
The central concept behind the Tenets system is that our will perceive the person you’ve become, causing them to
world, as well as the doomed world of Dimday Red, lack keep their distance and consider you a persona non grata.
absolutes of pure good or evil. Even in the darkest slum,
traces of light can be found, just as shadows will exist even
in the brightest daylight. The choices you make and the way
you live will offer you glimpses of both sides, and even if you And he who was in every need my succour
are drawn to one extreme, there will always be a path to the Said: “Turn thee hitherward; see two of them
other. Come fastening upon slothfulness their teeth.”

In the boxed game, Sins and Virtues are represented by Nothing is important enough to disturb your tranquility.
cards. However, it’s possible to play the game without the You will achieve heightened levels of perception, making
cards by utilizing the Tenets Chart provided in the Index at the the world around you easier to comprehend. However, in
end of this document. the temple of awareness, you will have to sacrifice your
potency and performance, rendering you less effective in
You can obtain a Sin or Virtue card by filling its gauge. It’s im- your endeavors to overcome all that you have come to
portant to choose strategically, as each specific Sin or Virtue understand.
can only be possessed by one player. Each Tenet comes with
a considerably powerful move. However, playing that move
requires you to return the corresponding Sin or Virtue card to Envy
the set. Goodness Divine, which from itself doth spurn
All envy, burning in itself so sparkles
These are the Seven Deadly Sins: That the eternal beauties it unfolds.

There is a manic energy inside you that leads you to unex-

Lust plored territories, creating a formidable aura that intimi-
dates and makes others feel inferior. However, this spell
Each one endeavours to outcry the other; will not endure for long, as the same manic energy drives
The new-come people: “Sodom and Gomorrah!” you to make questionable decisions, resulting in the loss of
The rest: “Into the cow Pasiphae enters, your ability to experience meaningful emotions.
So that the bull unto her lust may run!”
Wrath Offering has always been your most important value,
driving your actions and guiding every path you choose. It
Some comfort from his mighty virtue feel. will garner widespread acceptance from those you benefit,
For he in youth his father’s wrath incurred as they come to idolize you. However, there will inevitably
For certain Dame, to whom, as unto death, be individuals who question your motives, forcing you to
The gate of pleasure no one doth unlock; expend considerable energy to prove your true nature.

Rage burns within you, blinding you to objective views.

You rush headfirst into physical or mental confrontations, Diligence
unleashing unparalleled punishment on those who oppose How was it possible within thy breast
you. Consequently, you leave yourself vulnerable and ex- For avarice to find place, ‘mid so much wisdom
posed to anyone who survives your frenzy. As thou wast filled with by thy diligence?”

Pride Nothing worth having ever comes easy. You know that well
by now, so you will work hard to achieve your goals. You will
There shall be seen the pride that causes thirst, be rewarded, of course, as you grow stronger and more resil-
Which makes the Scot and Englishman so mad ient, but you will have to sacrifice time from other important
That they within their boundaries cannot rest; aspects of your life, causing your relationships to suffer.

You are the center of this God-forsaken place. You will

relish the gratification you deserve for arriving here alive. Kindness
It will fill you with self-importance and a belief in your Kind to his own and cruel to his foes;
ability to accomplish anything. This will mostly come true And when it was created was his mind
until your arrogance blinds you, causing you to fall from Replete with such a living energy,
the tower you erected for yourself. You will then begin to That in his mother her it made prophetic.
question both yourself and your actions, gradually losing
your success. The value of kindness in cruel times. You have always de-
sired to be liked, to be perceived as a good person. You will
They are mirrored by the Seven Cardinal Virtues: continue striving for that objective, extending your altruism
to those in need. This will bring you immense satisfaction,
Chastity fortifying your determination. However, kindness will also
render you more vulnerable, both internally and externally,
“In the mid-sea there sits a wasted land,” exposing you to malevolent intentions.
Said he thereafterward, “whose name is Crete,
Under whose king the world of old was chaste.
Purity in body and soul paves the way through life, project- They cover up their palfreys with their cloaks,
ing immaculacy to those around you and garnering exten- So that two beasts go underneath one skin;
sive approval. Simultaneously, it makes you an easy target O Patience, that dost tolerate so much!”
for those seeking to take advantage. Being pure has never
been easy. Good things come to those who wait, even when awaiting
the end of the world. You’ve always believed in that. You’ll
Temperance continue to patiently pursue your goals, consolidating your
focus and determination. However, time isn’t on your side.
Thence there appeared the temperateness of You’ll experience a decline in efficiency and momentum,
Jove ‘Twixt son and father, and to me was clear jeopardizing all your efforts in the long run.
The change that of their whereabout they make;

Being self-sufficient and making the best of what you Humility

have, you will master the art of austerity and experience a They think not there how much of blood it costs
growing level of self-control. However, be cautious, as your To sow it in the world, and how he pleases
restraint will come at a significant cost. You may lose sight Who in humility keeps close to it.
of what truly matters, depriving yourself of life’s small joys.
Be true in the dark and humble in the spotlight. You live by
Charity this motto. You will do everything in your power to show
others that you are not better than them, even if it’s not
Within the body, tow’rds the heaven art going, true. As a result, it will be easier to approach them, create
For charity console us, and declare connections, and become popular. However, most people
Whence comest and who art thou; won’t truly appreciate your worth, and that will impact your
self-esteem and morale.

Original Sin
Therefore, just as sin came into the world through one
man, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men
because all sinned.
As the story deepens, your characters evolve alongside
Life in the Center is always challenging. Even when things it. They gain experience, develop a clearer understanding
appear to be going well, the obstacles you must overcome of their surroundings, and grasp the implications of their
will place a heavy burden on your shoulders. Your Original choices and actions.
Sin represents that burden. It will weigh you down con-
stantly, but because what doesn’t kill you makes you
stronger, you have the opportunity to embrace it and grow
more powerful. In Dimday Red, this process is known as the Passage,
where your progression can take you towards either the
left (Darkness) or the right (Light). Your character’s devel-
opment depends on the side you choose, shaping your abili-
ties accordingly. Despite being immersed in Darkness, you
can still opt to perform good deeds and show compassion
towards others. However, your true nature and subsequent
power will emerge from these choices.

At the beginning of the game, you place a single point at the

midpoint of the Passage gauge, symbolizing Equilibrium.

There are two methods to earn additional Passage points:

• Whenever you fail a roll containing a 0, you gain a point.
• Certain Moribus will grant you Passage points.
In both cases, you can allocate the point to either side of
your choosing.

Once the Passage gauge fills up completely on either side,

you mark a new level for that side and begin anew from the
midpoint. Check D or L depending your path. You also mark
a Tenet point (sin or virtue accordingly) of your preference.

With each level gained in Light or Darkness, you have the

option to select new Perks or Moves.

Equilibrium embodies the concept of life’s balance. When
balance is attained, we often find ourselves in a favorable
Each player begins the game with an archetype-specific position to comprehend the broader scope. However, in
Original Sin. Some archetypes share the same Original doing so, we forfeit the extraordinary encounters found at
Sin. It comes with the disadvantage of that sin, but not its the edges.
The Equilibrium region encompasses three compartments.
You can choose to Embrace your Sin, in which case you can Within these compartments, you have the option to allocate
instantly benefit from its advantage, but you will also have your points back and forth, thereby maintaining a centered
to endure its drawback twice as much. position and attaining balance.

You cannot utilize the special power of your Original Sin Your reward manifests when you expend 3 points within the
unless you fill its gauge. Equilibrium area, enabling you to select a Moribus. Through
Equilibrium, you can swiftly acquire Moribus, benefit from
their advantages, and acquire your desired Sin or Virtue.

Nevertheless, the drawback lies in the inability to level up

your Light or Darkness side. Consequently, you will be un-
able to access the advancements they provide. Similar to all
other aspects within the Center, balance incurs a cost.
Pivot Points Sometimes, sentiments are not mutual. For the Conver-
gence perks to work, both parties should be in the same or
Everybody deserves a second chance in life, even when the a higher circle.
world is ending. Regardless of how dark you have painted
your soul or how pure you have strived to be, the opportu- Jamie has Lora in his Friendship circle, but Lora has
nity to change your path will present itself.
Jamie in her Apathy circle, so he won’t be able to use
These opportunities are called Pivot Points. They are critical the +1 Affinity perk. To do so, she will need to have him
moments in the story where something dramatic and in her Friendship circle, or in her Affection circle. If they
life-changing occurs, such as the death of a loved one or are are both in the same circle (i.e. Friendship) they can
the birth of a puppy. The Doom Monger (DM) may seize this combine the perks, and get +2 Affinity.
opportunity to offer the players involved in that part of the
story a chance to pivot their Passage. Affection and Rancor are the most interesting circles since
they can create intriguing story paths and lead to special
A Pivot will reset all Passage points, bringing you back to moves. However, both circles incur a Heat penalty. Be
the beginning. Although you will lose your Passage levels, cautious about adding too many people to these circles, as
perks, and moves, you will have a chance to start anew. it will cause your heat to skyrocket!
This may be the opportunity you have been waiting for to
escape the darkness and embrace the light you desire.
Alternatively, you may be fed up with always being the good
guy and yearn to repay the world in kind.

Furthermore, you will receive Pivot perks based on the

levels you previously attained in your Passage.

1 Level - Remove 1 Heat

2 Levels - Remove 1 Heat, +1 to Quirk of choice
3 Levels - Remove 1 Heat, +1 to Quirk of choice,
Remove a Misery

Playing a tabletop RPG, you are typically part of a group,
leading to the formation of relations and connections
with other characters. Whether intentional or not, these
connections contribute to the overall experience. Some
relationships are harmonious, while others are strained. In
rare cases, two or more parties may choose to form a more
intimate bond.

Forging these connections adds depth and significance to

your stories and character development. They fall into one
of the five circles of convergence, depending on the nature
of your relationships.

Affection - You have very strong feelings about them

| +1 Passion, +1 Heat (for actions relating to them)
Friendship - You have a sympathetic view regarding
them | +1 Affinity (for actions relating to them)
Apathy - You don’t really care about them
Disdain - You have a degree of dislike for them | -1
Affinity (for actions relating to them)
Rancor - You have a strong grudge against them | - 1
Passion, +1 Heat (for actions relating to them)

Depending on your Convergence status with another character,

you will be able to do more or less when questing with them.

The DM primarily controls your Convergence status with areas, and Neu Bonn, situated as the northernmost metrop-
other characters, based on your interactions throughout the olis in Paneuropa, is the epitome of scorching conditions.
story. The Doom Monger will assign and deduct points from
your relationships, requiring you to adjust their positions The heat profoundly impacts the lives of all individuals, yet
within the Convergence circles. none suffer more than those residing in the Center. Forsak-
en by the system and left with scant resources to endure,
Your Sins and Virtues also influence your Convergence, the relentless heat becomes their most formidable foe.
significantly impacting the balance of your relationships.
These traits define your character and determine how
others approach or avoid you. Therefore, before pursuing
a specific Sin or Virtue, consider how they will affect your
Convergence circles and whether you are comfortable with
the consequences.

Convergence Moves
Affection and Rancor constitute the innermost and outer- Heat has three stages:
most circles of your Convergence. They represent your most 1-2 - Hot - The heat is high wearing you down, but you
distinctive relationships, for better or worse. When two are used to it by now.
players find themselves in the same circle within either of
these two categories, they can initiate a Convergence move.
3-4 - Blazing - The air you breath burns your lungs. -
+1 every time you get Harm.
5-7 - Scorching - You can barely think straight, your
body functions are shutting down. - +1 every time you
get Harm - You can’t heal - -1 to all your Rolls.

Your Heat will be influenced by various factors throughout

the story. In most cases, any actions leading to physical or
emotional stress will contribute to an increase in your Heat
gauge. However, there are methods to reduce your Heat,
such as resting, staying hydrated, or taking time to calm
yourself mentally.

Heat also impacts several aspects of your abilities and

interactions, particularly your Rolls, Harm, and healing

Some moves give you the chance to perform an Outbreak,
during which you can fill your Heat gauge when it is below
Scorching and unleash it on your enemies, doubling the
effects of your moves. The Outbreak can be a desperate
Convergence moves are specific to each archetype, aiming action when everything seems lost. It will leave you ex-
to deepen the relationship either intimately or through cold hausted, weak, and vulnerable, and you will definitely need
and competitive means. For a Convergence move to occur, the help of others to reach a safe place and recover.
both parties must agree to it.

Harm & Violence

In most instances, Convergence moves further intensify the
already heated situation, as both sides already have +1 Heat
due to someone being in their Affection or Rancor circles.
The world of Dimday Red is one filled with conflict, whether

Heat it be physical, political, or spiritual. Peaceful days are

nonexistent in Neu Bonn. In the Center, animosity brews
among the lower Castes, with oppression and exploitation
from the Syndicates. Additionally, the watchful eye of the
The world of Dimday Red is ablaze, both literally and meta- Hellios Conglomerate and the Praetorian patrols looms
phorically. As the Earth inexorably hurtles towards the Sun, over everything. No matter how hard you try to avoid it,
temperatures have soared to barely sustainable levels. Pro- harm will inevitably find you.
longed exposure in the open is out of the question in certain
Marking Harm Grave - When Death knocks on your door, you had
better find a specialized medical facility (good luck with
The hostile encounters you will have during your adven- that in the Center), or a Rayweaver to bring you back.
tures in the Center, both physical and mental, will evoke
different degrees of damage. For instance, a quick dagger When you enter the healing process, it is up to your DM
stabbing in the Center slums will inflict +1 Harm. A firearm to tell you how long it will take, and when you can remove
shot from a Praetorian, on the other hand, will result in +2 harm. In most cases it will depend on the seriousness of
Harm for an unarmored player. Furthermore, a devastating your condition and the circumstances of your surroundings.
mental attack from a Syndicate Controller can cause you +3 For example, it will be much easier to heal at the comfort of
Harm and leave you defenseless temporarily. Your Harm your own home, than in a moldy warehouse where you hide
gauge has three stages: from your enemies, with not enough food or water.
1-2 - Mild - Mostly superficial damage you can handle
by yourself.
3-4 - Major - More serious damage you will need help Protection
to overcome. Depending on the archetype they are based on, your charac-
5-7 - Grave - Soon to be fatal damage you will need ter will have access to a certain level of protection, ranging
expert attention to heal. from +1 to +3, which effectively reduces the amount of
damage taken.
If you mark Harm up to 7, you succumb to your wounds and
you enter the Purgatory where it will be decided if you will There are two types of protection: physical and mental.
live or die. Physical protection is effective against tangible attacks such
as punches and weapons, but it doesn’t provide defense
against mental and energy-based attacks like a Controller’s
Healing Harm Mindhack or an Oldboy’s Rod Blast. Mental armor, on the
other hand, can protect against both physical and mental
Depending on your Harm state, it will be easier or harder to attacks, but it tends to be lighter in most cases.
get better. Medical resources in the Center are very limited,
so don’t hope for an easy fix when you need it. Certain archetype moves can contribute to your overall pro-
tection. In such cases, you would add the protective effect of
Mild - Having made it so far, one thing is certain. You that move to your current level of protection. If the potential
are a tough cookie. You can tend to yourself when need- harm caused by an attack is equal to or lower than your ar-
ed, so Mild Harm will heal by itself over time. mor, you mark zero harm. However, if the attack bypasses
Major - If nothing else you are not invincible. When your armor due to factors like armor-piercing ammunition
your wounds are more serious, you will need medicine, or mental attacks, the full amount of the attack will count
rest, a medic, or all of the above. towards your harm gauge.

Miseries Dismal - -1 Empathy - You return but you are cold
When your Harm gauge fills, you enter Purgatory, a mental inside. Your relationships with others will suffer as you
state between Life and Death. There, you will have the choice will have trouble finding meaning in your connections.
to let your character die or have them cling to life, returning Fragile - -1 Ego - You come back but you don’t feel
with a Misery that marks their near-death experience. like yourself anymore. Your will to overcome has faded,
everything looks gloomy and meaningless.
You can choose one of four miseries:
Dismayed - -1 Passion - Returning with a broken Living in misery may sound like a better deal than not
spirit and a depleted body, you’ll encounter difficulty in living at all, but having been brought to the edge and tasted
keeping up with your physical activities and achieving defeat, it will take a considerable amount of courage to get
your goals. back to the fight. One thing is for sure: life will go on with or
without you!
Abashed - -1 Intellect - You come back but some part
of your mind has been left behind. Your concentration
and critical thinking will never be the same. Exodus Moves
If you decide to end your suffering and give up, either
through death or withdrawal from the story, you have an
opportunity to leave a lasting impression on others.

End Moves are specific to each archetype and come into

effect when you die or withdraw, excluding situations where
you fake your death or departure. These moves are unique
to each archetype and can have either temporary or perma-
nent effects on the ongoing narrative.

When your time to depart arrives, declare your End Move and
follow its instructions. Your suffering in this world has come
to an end, so it is time to let others handle it.

The Doom Monger

Game Plan
The Doom Monger (DM) is responsible for moving the story
forward in an intriguing and memorable way. While they
introduce dangerous situations and villains to challenge the
players, the DM’s role is to support the players rather than
oppose them. The Doom Monger should:
• Utilize the political and social tensions of the Center.
• Create circumstances that unsettle the players.
• Play to discover the outcome.

• Bring the suffocating world inside the C-Wall to life.
• Keep the characters in the Center. Talk to the charac-
ters, not the players.
• Bring everyone together and push them beyond their limits.
• Place the characters at the epicenter of the narration.
• Conceal your motives in plain sight.
• Make everyone real, with genuine motives and emotions.
• Give them what they deserve.
• Posing questions will create a more captivating story.
• Provide a path for the players.
• Allow the players to incorporate their own elements
into the story.
• Ensure no one is excluded from the action.
• In the Center, everything comes at a cost. Make them pay.
Doom Monger Basic Moves world they inhabit. This can lead to the discovery of new
clues, which in turn may reveal hidden or previously
The DM plays the part of everyone else except the player unknown pathways.
characters. The DM doesn’t get to roll dice, but they have
moves of their own:
Wreck some havoc!
Nothing beats a good old brawl, especially when things
Establish friction.
feel stagnant. Ramping up the action will not only propel
Inflict harm.
the narrative, but it can also lead to fresh ideas and new
Offer an opportunity with a cost.
Disclose hidden information.
Turn the tables.
Propose a Pivot Point.
Turn the tables with a Deus ex Machina.
Caution of incoming crisis.
Creating NPCs
Raise environmental heat. Making and utilizing NPCs in Dimday Red is a straightfor-
Invoke a Convergence moment. ward process: when you desire to introduce a fresh charac-
After every move ask: “What do you do?” ter, select a Convergence circle, assign them a name, and
Pushing the story forward provide players with a brief description. That’s all there is
to it. No complex character sheets, no intricate forms, no
At times the narrative may seem like it has entered a cul- anxiety. By inventing NPCs in a fictional manner, the rest
de-sac. Here are some suggestions on how to jump start a will naturally unfold.
dead battery!
As you generate more NPCs, start contemplating their con-
Introduce an NPC in their Convergence nections with each other, identify adversaries and potential
alliances, and consider the additional resources they can
Circles. bring into play. Ponder their offscreen activities and grad-
When progress appears to stall, introducing a new char- ually disclose the deals struck among them to the players,
acter can inject fresh energy into the situation. Give the enticing them to participate in the city’s political dynamics.
non-player character (NPC) depth, a significant purpose,
and perhaps a hidden agenda. This will inspire the other
characters to actively engage in the NPC’s storyline. Raison d'etre
When crafting NPCs, it’s essential to assign them drives
Polarize the atmosphere that fuel their actions. These motivations, such as seeking
Neu Bonn teeters on the brink of ignition, consumed by revenge or striving for personal gain, give depth to their
a polarization so intense it threatens to unravel at any character. While drives can be tailor-made for each NPC, a
given moment. Harnessing this seething tension, infuse predefined list of common drives is available for reference.
the narrative with a gripping political crisis that emerges
either from within the confines of the Catharsis Wall or As challenges arise, consider how they affect the NPC’s
from an external source. Let this crisis infiltrate the lives drive. If the challenge opposes it, expect a swift and aggres-
of your characters, upending their carefully laid plans sive response. However, when the challenge isn’t a direct
and plunging them into chaos. contradiction, the NPC may probe, waiting for opportunities
to exploit the situation.
Encourage players to Size them Up
Using the “Size them Up” move allows players to gather
additional information about other characters and the

Cannon fodder
In Neu Bonn, there exists a multitude of characters who
Play Materials
serve the powerful. These individuals, are mere minions
without noteworthy reputations. Though given names, they tenet dice correspondence
remain faceless to those who encounter them, preventing In the boxed game, the Sin and Virtue dice are cus-
players from linking names to important NPCs simultaneou- tom-made, but you can roll them with regular d8s. Please
sly. By employing goons, players can avoid the overwhelm- refer below for the corresponding regular dice options.
ing task of tracking numerous significant NPCs across dif-
ferent scenes, allowing them to follow the unfolding events
in the city. Important NPCs gradually emerge, accompanied
by their respective entourage of minions and lackeys.

NPCs may eventually resort to hurting or killing the PCs
in your game. As the game master, you can harm the PCs LUST SLOTH ENVY WRATH
when it fits the story. However, it’s crucial to foreshadow
the impending danger to avoid surprising the players. Set 1 2 3 4
up harm by presenting a milder situation and allowing the
PCs to respond. Once the consequences are resolved, the
PCs can choose to retaliate.

Conflicts fluidly shift between characters, with each side

making moves and responding, although the exchange
doesn’t always follow a strict back-and-forth pattern. Mul-
tiple moves may occur before the PCs can react, especially 5 6 7 8
on 8-10 rolls.

Harm & Healing

NPCs incurring harm follow similar rules as player charac-
ters. Their damage is calculated by subtracting their armor
value from the harm inflicted by a weapon, considering
special moves like inflict terrible harm. For instance, if a PC
shoots a cop wearing a bulletproof vest (1-armor) with a
9mm (2-harm close loud), the harm inflicted is reduced to
1, as 2-harm minus 1-armor equals 1. Medical assistance
becomes critical for wounded NPCs to survive, with a lim-
ited timeframe for PCs to transport them to a doctor. Those CHASTITY DILIGENCE KINDNESS PATIENCE
who do survive often spend multiple sessions recovering in
1 2 3 4
a hospital.

Player vs Player Combat

When engaging in conflicts between PCs, it is vital to ensure
that the attention is shared evenly among them. While
one PC may initiate the conflict by resorting to violence or HUMILITY CHARITY TEMPERANCE WILDCARD
expressing their emotions, it is essential to distribute the
action among all players so that everyone has their time in 5 6 7 8
the spotlight.

In player vs. player conflicts, offering assistance and ob-

structing the opposing player’s moves become crucial strat-
egies. If one character launches an attack against another,
the targeted character can only respond by obstructing the
attack until the situation is resolved. Whether their aim is to
divert the attacker’s attention, retaliate strongly, or escape,
any attempts to diminish the effectiveness of the attack are
rolled up to hinder the progress.
basic moves index Become Temptation Roll with Intellect
You will use your wits to tempt the other side in order to
seeing red Roll with Passion
achieve your goals. One a hit choose one of the following:
• convince them follow your cause
On a hit, you inflict harm to your opponent as this is calcu- • make them an offer they can’t refuse
lated by your skills and gear and they can choose one of: • mark +1 to one of your Connections
• they inflict harm back to you • become irresistible and mark +1 Heat
• they give you a hard time
• they try to escape On an 11+ mark +1 to your Pride
On a fail mark -1 forward to your Ego
On an 11+, you also choose one:
• you wreak havoc (+1 harm)
• you make use of something around you Unwind and Cool Roll with Ego
• you create an opening for a +1 Connection On an 11+ you will be able to cool down and assess the
situation in the most useful and efficient way. Mark -1 Heat.
Bare your Teeth Roll with Passion On an 8-10 you the other side chooses one of the following:
On a hit, you intimidate your opponent in order to avoid conflict • they put you in a tough spot
but you have to choose one of the following consequences: • you have to answer a personal question
• you suffer reduced harm (-1) but you escalate the situation. • lose your chance for Equilibrium for one turn
• you suffer harm but you escape. • mark -1 forward to your Ego
• you have to sacrifice something.
• you mark +1 Heat.
Open your Mind Roll with Ego
On an 8-10, your opponent will also choose one. On a hit you get a more comprehensive view of what’s hap-
pening around you. You can choose one of the following:
Help the Other Roll with Affinity
• ask another character about their backstory
• discover a hidden secret from your environment
On a hit, you get to offer them your assistance. • Combine information to assess your goal
• ask a +1 Connection to share their view on a situation
On an 8-10 they may get suspicious of your actions and
question you about them. If you don’t manage to ease their On an 11+ mark -1 Heat.
doubts they may even turn on you.

Under your Skin Roll with Affinity advanced moves

Others will be inspired by you, making it easier for them to When you choose to advance your basic moves, you will
believe in you and follow you. have access to the following options:

Suffer one of the following: □ SEEING RED - On a 14+, you inflict harm and you de-
• mark +1 Heat stroy your opponent’s armor.
• mark - 1 ongoing to your Intellect □ BARE YOUR TEETH - On a 14+, you intimidate your
• lose your chance for Equilibrium for one turn opponent and you suffer no consequences.
□ HELP THE OTHER - On a 14+, you can move them two
On an 11+ you can also choose: Convergence circles up.
• mark +1 to one of your Connections □ UNDER YOUR SKIN - On a 14+, you inspire others and
• mark +1 forward to your Passion you suffer no consequences.
□ SIZE THEM UP - On a 14+, can ask up to two more
Size them Up Roll with Intellect □ BECOME TEMPTATION - On a 14+, choose one more.
On a hit you can get information about another player or □ UNWIND AND COOL - On a 14+, can mark -1 Heat
NPC. Ask two of the following questions: more.
• who is behind their actions? □ OPEN YOUR MIND - On a 14+, your discoveries will be
• what are their intentions? of great value to your cause.
• what do they need to help you?
• what do they fear/hope? When you advance a basic move check the box next to
• why do they think they have a drop on you? its name in your playbook.

On an 8-10 you have to answer one too. On a fail you have

to unmark a point from your Tenets chart.

A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7


B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7


C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7


D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7

E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7


F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7


G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 G7


You can print this page and cut out the cards, or you can assign them to dice rolls like so: A=1. B=2, C=3,
D=4, E=5, F=6, G7. If you roll 0, you roll again. For example, to get the D6 card, you would have rolled 4 in
one dice and 6 in the other (having declared which is which).
tenets chart seven deadly sins

glutTony lust envy WRATH

Enjoy an unprecedented short-term lev- You magnify the impact of every Intimidate and make others feel Deliver unparalleled punishment,
el of vigor and efficiency; however, in the encounter you have, but you deplete inferior by relinquishing your ability to but you leave yourself open and
long term, your energy will decrease. your focus and cognitive skills. experience any profound emotions. unprotected.
+ 2 Passion + 2 to selected Convergence + 2 Ego + 2 Passion
-1 all other Quirks -1 Intellect -1 Affinity +1 Heat (permanent)

appetite for mortal attraction i for an eye rage against all

destruction Your body emits pheromones that
cause others around you, regardless
Your words form an enchanting in-
cantation, rendering them powerless
Explode in an uncontrollable and
devastating wave of rage. Your aura
Consume their will to oppose you, of their sexual preferences, to be against your calculated defama- becomes visible, even to those who
whether physically or mentally. They physically attracted to you. As long tion. In due course, they will inevitably couldn’t normally see it, projecting
will fear you without understand- as they are in your presence, they will turn on one another, regardless of your murderous instincts. Whoever
ing why, and their fear will intensify be under your spell. their close bonds. They transform into comes in your way, friend or foe, will
as time elapses. Once you depart from puppets for you to manipulate and toy suffer your wrath.
their presence, the spell you have cast Ask, and they will deliver. with, as long as they remain within
upon them will gradually diminish, your vicinity.
yet they will remain aware of your
formidable power.

greed PRIDE sloth

You become cunning and sharp, but You gain a sense of certainty that Achieve high levels of perception, but
others will keep their distance from you. you can achieve anything; however, you have to sacrifice your potency and
paradoxically, your success dwindles performance.
over time.
+ 2 Intellect + 2 Intellect
+ 1 to all Quirks
-1 to all new Convergence -1 Passion
+1 Heat (permanent)

never enough idle hands

You intimidate them into giving you adonis curse In any kind of confrontation, you can
whatever you ask for, whether You create a mental image of superi- choose to stay out and let others
tangible or not. You can continue ask- ority over others, presenting yourself fight. Even if you are standing right
ing, and they will be unable to resist. as significant and influential. This in front of them, you will not come
However, you will also be unable to projection allows you to exert authority to their attention. If you find yourself
resist asking for more, regardless of over them, causing them to perceive alone against many, they will turn on
the cost it has on your relationship you as a leader and willingly follow you each other. If you are in a one-on-one
with them. to the ends of the earth, as long as you situation, they will lose interest in
remain by their side. You possess the confronting you. Regardless of the
You keep taking until they have noth- ability to inspire them or coerce them scenario, after the confrontation, they
ing left to give you. to comply with your desires, and they will have no recollection that you
will be fully aware of your power. abstained.

patience diligence temperance chastity

You are imbued with a convergence You become stronger and more You enjoy a growing level of self-con- By attaining widespread approval,
of focus and determination, yet resilient at the cost of causing your trol, but you lose a sense of what is you become an easy target for those
experience a loss in efficiency and relationships to suffer. important. seeking to exploit you.
+2 Passion Achieve Equilibrium +1 all Quirks
+ 2 Intellect -1 to all new Convergence -1 Passion +1 Heat (permanent)
-1 Passion
fair is fair keeping it down pure as snow
good things come You enter a state of focus and clarity You know how to keep your cool. Your body emits a luminous white
Time, though finite, holds no sway over that allows you to settle any dispute, Now, you can also impose it on oth- aura, visible to all. The purity of your
your ability to patiently await the oppor- no matter how hostile. All parties ers. You will be able to de-escalate a heart instills trust and compels oth-
tune moment. By setting a need or involved will perceive your contribu- situation between friends or enemies, ers to follow you, placing faith in your
goal, it shall manifest itself during tion as just and fair, and they will be whether it is physical or emotional. cause and intentions. However, this
your next Passage. The universe, the unable to resist it. However, once you In any case, all parties involved will influence gradually diminishes over
gods, or whichever entity you perceive are gone, their feelings and ideas will feel compelled to cool down and find a time, emphasizing the importance
as the orchestrator of events, shall align remain unaffected. peaceful solution. of making the most of the time you
to grant you your desires. spend with them.

kindness charity humility

Empower your resolution but it will You gain widespread acceptance, but You create connections and become
leave you vulnerable to malicious you expend considerable energy in popular but it takes its toll on your
intends. proving your true nature. self-esteem and morale.
+ 2 Ego + 2 to all existing + 2 Affinity
+1 Heat (permanent) -1 Ego
-1 all Quirks

mild at heart all becomes one

Your mellow state of being expands to sharing is caring You enter a phase of all-seeing nirva-
others, removing all negative emo- You gain access to your hidden stash na. The most important question you
tions in a situation. People will be in order to share resources that will have will be answered, no matter
able to see the other side, and cooler assist others. The stash is only avail- how secret or unforeseen it may be.
minds and intentions will prevail. You able for an act of selfless kindness The answer may not always be clear,
will be recognized as the one making and generosity like this, but it will be but it will provide you with a solid
this possible as your power becomes more than sufficient for individuals understanding of things as they are or
visible to others. facing desperate situations. as they will be.

Character creation possessions
NAME PICK ONE or write yours
Malik, Zainab, Farah, Yasmin, Remy, Natalia,
Hassan, Nour, Khalil, Amina,Lillian, Valentina,
Layla, Yara, Tobias, Bastian, Salma, Mona,
Sebastian, Ayman. OLD WATCH


• Common, extraordinary, adrogynous
• White, Black, Middle Eastern, Asian, _____
• Clothing: casual, torn, dirty, random


Cheerful, serious, enthusiastic, calm, determined

• Where has your Hardskin formed?
• How does your mutation affect you?
• How do you deal with discrimination?
• Do you use your Hardskin as power?
• What is your greatest ambition?

A run-down shack, old bicycle, pair of sunglasses
made of a piece of wood, a spoon.

One weapon of choice:

• Pointed stone
• Rusty 9-inch nail
• Small jar filled with battery acid If you die or retire, you pass on to
another player your Father's Watch.
Your Father’s Watch They can ask the Doom Monger for a
This is the only thing you have leſt to remind you of clue about the message on the back.
your family. It is old and worn out; it doesn't have
straps, but it works with body movement, and it does
not require a battery. It dutifully shows you the time,
reminding you that you don't have much leſt! An
encoded message is engraved on the back, but you
ORIGINAL sin +1 Heat (permanent)
have never found a clue to its meaning. This is your Original Sin; it was bestowed upon you since
the day you were born. You experience its drawbacks but
not its advantages. If you choose to embrace it, you gain

NOTES its advantages but also amplify its drawbacks.

name pronouns

look PRIDE

Caste AGE
Embrace your sin
+ 1 to all Quirks
+2 Heat (permanent)
QUIRKS On creation add +1 to any of the
starting values HARDSKIN moves idioms
PASSION INTELLECT You have this move. your GIFTS Choose two:
In order to use your giſts, you have to Spend 1 Hold to create spikes from your Hardskin,
grow the tumors that compose your hurting whoever is standing very close to you.
-1 0 Hardskin. Roll with Passion. On a Hard ARMORED
Hit, Hold 3 and mark -1 Harm. On a Hit Spend 1 Hold to expand the area of your Hardskin,
Hold 3 and choose one: creating a shield you can use to avoid damage, even
• Mark +1 Harm from a firearm.
SEEING RED □ SIZE THEM UP □ • Mark -1 Passion Ongoing for the rest of
Go agro Get info about something the scene HAIL
BARE YOUR TEETH □ BECOME TEMPTATION □ • Mark +1 Heat Spend 1 Hold to create sharp projectiles you can use
Intimidate to avoid conflict Charm somebody On a Miss Hold 1. You will not be able to against your opponents. They are not big and they don’t
inflict a lot of damage, but they can distract an enemy
use Growth again for the rest of the for a short while.
AFFINITY EGO scene. On a Holy Mess you won’t be able
to create any Growth until your next GLADIUS
Passage. Mark +1 Heat. Spend 1 Hold to create a large Hardskin blade on one of
your arms. If your Hardskin is not already on your arm,
Choose two more.
you take 1 Harm to reposition it.

You are used to hardship, so life is just a Spend 1 Hold to create a large shell around your curled
joke for you. Whenever a companion body. No type of damage can penetrate this shell, but
HELP THE OTHER □ UNWIND AND COOL □ needs support, physical or emotional, you can maintain it for up to 2 minutes and will be
Offer assistance Relax and assess unable to move at this time. If your Hardskin is not
you will be there for them. Roll with already on your torso or back, you take 1 Harm to
UNDER YOUR SKIN □ OPEN YOUR MIND □ Passion instead of Affinity. On a Full Hit, reposition it.
Feel hard and inspire See the bigger picture you overcome their expectations and
mark +1 in their Circle.
Harm Armor Many have mistreated you in your unfair
existence. When you choose to exact
Hardskins are among the most discriminated against
people in the Center. In order to cope, they create
Communes to protect and support each other. Each
MILD MAJOR GRAVE vengeance on those who did you wrong, commune has a Commissar, elected by the people,
mark +1 Ongoing in Passion against them. who is responsible for maintaining the order, delivering
justice and representing the people.
I, TANK Choose your place in the Commune:
When playing Seeing Red, your □ Active member, contributing your best
opponent can’t choose a counter- □ Supporting from the shadows

-1 Passion
measure. □ Upcoming leader
□ Indifferent
□ Opposing the idea, better off alone
Instead of dying pick one ABASHED SOFT SPOT
of these. -1 Intellect Choose your relationship with the Commissar:
Your body may be hard, but your heart □ You are a trusted friend
DISMAL can be as soſt as a puppy's! When □ You are a dutiful aide
-1 Affinity someone enters your Affection Circle, □ You are a loyal follower
choose one of the following: □ You don’t really care about them
FRAGILE • Engage in an intimate conversation □ You are an opposing rival
-1 Ego with them.
When you level up, review your place in the Commune
• Exchange a valuable object (you can and your relationship with the Commissar.
give or receive).
• Cook your famous street food for

HEAT them.
• Take a bullet (or a beating) for them
when the time comes."
You can use your
RANCOR Convergence move
with people inside your
Affection circle.
advancement DISDAIN


When you take Passage draw 3 Moribus cards and pick 1.

Mark Sin and Virtue based on the card’s Tenet symbol.
Choose one from the list below. Fill one side of the spectrum to earn a Tenet Card. SHI

Available from Available after 5 GREED CHARITY

the beginning passages
+1 Status (max+1) +1 any Convergence SLOTH DILIGENCE
+1 Status (max+1) +1 any Convergence
+1 Status (max+1) erase a Misery
a new Hardskin move
a new Hardskin move
achieve Equilibrium
advance 3 basic moves
bright side
choose one more Giſt advance 3 basic moves WRATH PATIENCE As a Hardskin you are not used to getting
choose a move from change to a new emotionally attached with non-Hardskin people.
another archetype archetype PRIDE HUMILITY This gives you an overflowing optimism you
remove a person from retire to safety never felt before. Hold 1 and spend it whenever
your Convergence
edges they need your assistance.
Character creation possessions
NAME PICK ONE or write yours
Alejandro, Bartholomew, Beth, Constance,
Danuta, David, Emma, Frank, Joanne, Jose,
Julie, Kimiko, Leo, Mahinder, Michelle,
Skylar, Tabitha, Terry, Regis, Yakub EYE TALISMAN


• Common, extraordinary, adrogynous
• White, Black, Middle Eastern, Asian, _____
• casual clothing, dirty clothing, formal
clothing, uniform clothing


charming, crass, professional, reserved

• What were you once known for in the city?
• How long have you lived here?
• What was your greatest accomplishment?
• Why did you step back from who you were?
• What do you desperately need?

An old apartment, electric scooter, worn outdoors
breathing equipment, Elvis sunglasses.

One weapon of choice:

• Old but sharp dagger If you die or retire, you pass on to
• Stainless steel razor blade.
another player the last fragments of
• Compact makeshiſt crossbow.
your Second Vision, providing them
The Eye Talisman with clues about what is to come in their
Given to you by your Elder, as passed to him by his, the future.
talisman symbolizes the path of true insight. It is your
most treasured possession, although it doesn't
possess any special attributes, at least as far as you
know. You always carry it with you.
ORIGINAL sin -1 all new Convergence
This is your Original Sin, it was bestowed upon you since
the day you were born. You get its drawback but not its
advantage. If you choose to embrace it, you get it’s

NOTES advantage but double its drawback.

name pronouns

look greed
Caste AGE
Embrace your sin
+ 2 Intellect
-2 all new Convergence
QUIRKS On creation add +1 to any of the
starting values marble eyes moves idioms
You have this move. your second sight
SEEING REDDER Ever since you were little, you have had visions of a
Give them a fright. You turn your eyes strange occurrence. You are not sure if it is something
that happened in the past or a message from the
red when you Bare your Teeth and
0 1 make them lose it. On an 8-10 your
future. You always see bits and pieces, and you have
spent most of your conscious life trying to figure them
opponent doesn't get to choose. out.

Choose one of the following:

SEEING RED □ SIZE THEM UP □ □ You can see faces.
Go agro Get info about something Choose two more. □ You can see locations.
BARE YOUR TEETH □ BECOME TEMPTATION □ □ You can see objects.
Intimidate to avoid conflict Charm somebody THE WHOLE TRUTH
Also, choose one of the following handicaps:
Check if someone is lying through their □ You see everything from a distance.
AFFINITY EGO aura. When you unwind and cool, roll □ You see everything blurry.
with intellect instead of ego. □ You see only details.

Every time you level up in your Passage, you get a new

-1 1 NOWHERE TO HIDE glimpse and another piece of the puzzle.
When cornered roll with +1 Forward to
use your extraordinary vision and see your ELDER
behind objects. This will give you an You are one of the special few Marble Eyes who get
HELP THE OTHER □ UNWIND AND COOL □ advantage to escape or even turn the Second Sight. As such, you have an Elder Oracle, a blind
Offer assistance Relax and assess tables on them. Marble Eyes, as you will be when you reach your 40s.
Elder Marble Eyes guide the giſted ones so they can
UNDER YOUR SKIN □ OPEN YOUR MIND □ understand and make use of their Second Sight.
Feel hard and inspire See the bigger picture BLACK AS TAR
Take +1 Passion (max +3) Choose your relationship with your Elder.
□ They are kind like a parent figure.
□ They are strict and harsh.
Harm Armor □ They seem to be keeping something from you.
□ They are Delphic, speaking in riddles.

MILD MAJOR GRAVE NOTHING HIDDEN UNDER Every time you get a new glimpse of your Second Sight,
THE SUN seek your Elder and describe it to them. They will help
you understand and guide you on the path of True
While venturing outside, you can Insight.
combine a Moribus card with 'Open
your Mind' to assess your surround-
ings. You can see objects or details that
-1 Passion
others cannot see.

Instead of dying pick one ABASHED

of these. -1 Intellect CONNECTING THE DOTS
Use your Second Sight to get images
DISMAL from the Other Plane and connect them
-1 Affinity to your current situation.
FRAGILE Choose one:
-1 Ego • See something related to an enemy
• See the numbers that break a code
• Discover a secret location
• See someone get hurt or killed

You can use your
RANCOR Convergence move
with people inside your
Affection circle.
advancement DISDAIN


When you take Passage draw 3 Moribus cards and pick 1.

Mark Sin and Virtue based on the card’s Tenet symbol.
Choose one from the list below. Fill one side of the spectrum to earn a Tenet Card. SHI

Available from Available after 5 GREED CHARITY

the beginning passages
+1 Status (max+1) +1 any Convergence SLOTH DILIGENCE
+1 Status (max+1)
+1 Status (max+1)
+1 any Convergence
erase a Misery
Look inside
a new Marble move achieve Equilibrium You take a look inside the other person and see
a new Marble move advance 3 basic moves their most hidden thoughts and fears. Ask
add a snapshot to your advance 3 basic moves WRATH PATIENCE
Second Vision change to a new them a question and they must answer.
choose a move from archetype PRIDE HUMILITY
Mark + 1 Heat.
another archetype retire to safety
remove a person from
your Convergence edges
Character creation possessions
NAME PICK ONE or write yours
Youssef, Isolde, Jamal, Sana, Julian, Isabella,
Zahra, Rayan, Amir, Nabil,
Zaid, Seraphina, Majid, Mona, Hana, Elara, MINI
Yara, Viktor, Layla, Dominik. GUY


• Common, extraordinary, adrogynous
• White, Black, Middle Eastern, Asian, _____
• Clothing: Casual, Oiled, Uniform, Worn


Humble, anxious, friendly, poised, decisive.

• What is your area of expertise?
• What kind of exoskeleton/robot companion
do you have?
• Who introduced you to the Oldboys?
• Do you follow the Code, or are you a Freelancer?
• What do you strive to achieve?

An abandoned warehouse, modified electric 2CV, air
filter mask, high leather work boots.

One weapon of choice:

• Electric rod
• Spanner wrench If you die or retire, you can grant another
• Makeshiſt nail gun player access to your Workstation. They
will be able to create simple machines,
Mini Guy but they won't have the Oldboy
A small robot wired to your arm, it is controlled by knowledge required for complex
your finger movements and can perform very delicate constructions.
actions, such as working on miniature machine parts
or even picking locks. Although the robot is not
sentient, you have developed a connection with it.
ORIGINAL sin -1 Affinity
This is your Original Sin, it was bestowed upon you since

the day you were born. You get its drawback but not its
advantage. If you choose to embrace it, you get it’s
advantage but double its drawback.

name pronouns

Caste AGE
Embrace your sin
+ 2 Ego
-2 Affinity
QUIRKS On creation add +1 to any of the
starting values oldboy moves idioms
PASSION INTELLECT You get this one: your creed
Oldboys either belong to a Creed abiding by the Code or
NEED FOR CREED work as Freelancers. Creeds don’t charge money for their
If your adventures bring you to a place commissions, and their members are bound to work on
-1 1 with a Creed Workstation nearby, you
can choose to go say hi, even if you are
whichever project is assigned to them by the Creed.

a Freelancer. A member of the Creed If you follow a Creed, choose one of the following:
□ You can have access to more materials and blueprints.
will offer to help you. Roll with Intellect. □ You can have help creating more complex machines.
SEEING RED □ SIZE THEM UP □ On a Hard Hit, you will have access to all □ You may come across information about rare items.
Go agro Get info about something of the Creed's equipment. If you are a
Freelancer, mark +1 Heat because it is If you are a Freelancer, choose one of the following:
BARE YOUR TEETH □ BECOME TEMPTATION □ illegal! On a Hit, you will manage to □ You can make money from your commissions.
Intimidate to avoid conflict Charm somebody work the machine, but it will be missing □ You can choose not to work on a project.
a vital part that requires additional □ You can create machines that are not permitted by the
AFFINITY EGO work. On a miss, you do not impress the Code, such as weapons.
specific Creed with your abilities, and
they forbid you to use their equipment. YOUR WORKSTATION
As an Oldboy, you have access to a workstation, either
1 0 Choose two more: provided by a Creed or created by yourself. Creed
workstations are better equipped, but they don't offer
something new the freedom to create anything that falls outside the
Create an accessory for a member of Order's boundaries.
HELP THE OTHER □ UNWIND AND COOL □ your party. They will be touched by
Offer assistance Relax and assess your gesture and move to their next When you use your Workstation to create a new
machine, the DM will choose one of the following:
UNDER YOUR SKIN □ OPEN YOUR MIND □ convergence Circle. □ You have to quest for one of the needed materials.
Feel hard and inspire See the bigger picture □ You have to get help from another player, and they
all help welcome must be in your Friendship or Affection circles.
You use your exoskeleton or companion □ You have to clean your Workstation aſter completion,
making you unavailable for the next day.
Harm Armor robot to overcome a physical confronta-
tion. Mark +1 to Armor and Harm for this
scene. You will have to spend time
□ One of your tools will break, and you will have to
replace it in order to use it again.
□ You are missing a component, so you will have to
MILD MAJOR GRAVE repairing them depending on the come up with a creative solution for it. Describe how
intensity of the battle. you overcome the problem, for example, using a lot of
duct tape!
swiss army guy □ Your power tools are unavailable, and you have to do
all the work the old-fashioned way. Depending on the
Having dedicated your life to working project, it will take 1-7 days to complete.
on machines, you can provide a □ You need the guidance of another Oldboy to

-1 Passion
variety of services to your party. Roll
with Intellect. On a Hard Hit, hold 3.
complete your machine/weapons

A Freelancer workstation can provide the following

Instead of dying pick one ABASHED On a Hit, hold 2. You can spend one
assets. Choose five: wrenches, screwdrivers, pliers,
of these. -1 Intellect Hold on the following: hammers, power drills, welding equipment, lathes,
• Repair a machine used by the party. milling machines, bench grinders, measuring
DISMAL • Create a helpful tool for one of the instruments, vices, saws, soldering irons, clamps, drill
-1 Affinity other players. press, angle grinder, tape measure, chisels, files, rasps,
• Create fortifications for your wire cutters, rivet guns, bench vises, abrasive tools,
FRAGILE current base. work lights, magnifying lamps, parts bins or
-1 Ego • Use Mini Guy to pick a lock. organizers, work gloves, sander/polisher, bandsaw.

A Creed workstation can also provide the following

mind games assets. Choose one if you belong to a Creed: pneumatic
Focus on accessing the Oldboy tools, CNC machines, laser cutters, 3D printers,

HEAT knowledge base that you carry in your

head. Roll with Ego. On a Hit, you
precision hand tools, air filtration system, electrical
testing equipment, lubrication equipment, vacuum
cleaner, paint booth, extraction system.
recover a new blueprint for something
HOT BLAZING SCORCHING you need. On a Miss, you fail but can Each time you level up, you can add two assets.
try again later. On a Holy Mess, this
specific blueprint is lost forever. You
must declare the information you are
looking for before the roll. CONVERGENCE
You can use your

RANCOR Convergence move
with people inside your
Affection circle.

When you take Passage draw 3 Moribus cards and pick 1.

Mark Sin and Virtue based on the card’s Tenet symbol.
Choose one from the list below. Fill one side of the spectrum to earn a Tenet Card.
Available from Available after 5 GREED CHARITY
the beginning passages

+1 Status (max+1) +1 any Convergence SLOTH DILIGENCE

+1 Status (max+1) +1 any Convergence
+1 Status (max+1) erase a Misery
a new Oldboy move achieve Equilibrium
a new Oldboy move advance 3 basic moves four hands
add two assets to your advance 3 basic moves WRATH PATIENCE Oldboys are mostly solitary, associating with
Workstation change to a new others only when working on bigger projects.
choose a move from archetype PRIDE HUMILITY Connect with someone and make them your
another archetype retire to safety apprentice. They will gain access to your
Workstation, allowing you to create your
machines faster."
Character creation possessions
NAME PICK ONE or write yours
Hamza, Malak, Kristoff, Nabil, Omar, Genevieve,
Kareem, Xavier, Rima, Zephyr, Casper,
Kareem, Zara, Yannick, Ivan, Rima, Valentina, LUCKY
Katrina, Oliver. DIE


• Common, extraordinary, adrogynous
• White, Black, Middle Eastern, Asian, _____
• Clothing: casual, uniform, all black, quirky


Stoic, empathetic, self-assured, diplomatic,

• What is your first memory?
• Who is the person closer to your heart?
• How do you feel about your Boss?
• What is your worst nightmare?
• Do you take pleasure from your job?

A room in a defunct hotel, modified bike, heat
regulating coat, a cart-postal from Venice.
An old apartment, electric scooter, worn outdoors
breathing equipment, Elvis sunglasses.
One weapon of choice: If you die or retire, you discover that
• Claw hammer your lucky die was hollow, containing a
• Brass knuckles clue from your life before you became a
• Makeshiſt mace Zealot. Ask the DM to tell you about it.
Lucky Die
You have this die as long as you can remember
yourself, but you don’t know how you got it. You play
with it when you need to relax, finding peace in the
randomness of chaos. It also helps you make
ORIGINAL sin -1 Intellect
important decisions, although you don’t always trust This is your Original Sin, it was bestowed upon you since
its judgment. the day you were born. You get its drawback but not its
advantage. If you choose to embrace it, you get it’s
advantage but double its drawback.

name pronouns

Caste AGE
Embrace your sin
+ 2 to selected Convergence
-2 Intellect
QUIRKS On creation add +1 to any of the
starting values zealot moves idioms
Choose two: Someone out there has your trigger word, and as a
result, they can have complete control over you
let them in whenever they wish. You can share the word with your
Roll with Affinity to add another player
1 1 to your Affection Circle. Once there, you
party, but you will always be bound to your boss.
Choose one of the following options:
can share your trigger word with them, □ A Syndicate
but it won't work if it comes from any □ The Seed of Ra
□ The Divine Light
other member of your party. □ The FOI
Go agro Get info about something
On a Hard Hit, the person you choose is YOUR focus
obliged to use the trigger word only
Intimidate to avoid conflict Charm somebody with your permission. On a Miss, they Once activated, a Zealot will focus on one task.
Everything else goes on autopilot, and all his faculties
can use it even in cases when they will serve that task. Choose the area in which you have
AFFINITY EGO know you disagree. been trained to focus:
□ Physical combat
□ Code breaking
mind over matter □ Problem solving
0 -1 Take +1 on Intellect (max +3) □ Weapon handling


Offer assistance Relax and assess the negotiator
UNDER YOUR SKIN □ OPEN YOUR MIND □ You can use your problem-solving
Feel hard and inspire See the bigger picture experience even without being triggered
when a conflict is about to erupt, and you
want to avoid it.

Harm Armor Roll with Intellect. On a Hard Hit, you will

achieve calming the spirits from both
sides. On a Hit, one side will back down,
MILD MAJOR GRAVE but the other will be ready for a chance to
strike. On a Miss, there will be a fight
with a worse outcome than before you
Choose one:
gone berzerk Thanatos, Erebus, Nyx, Stygian, Cerberus, Tartarus,
-1 Passion When you get triggered during a
battle, roll with Intellect instead of
Harbinger, Nemesis, Phobos, Deimos, Acheron,
Chthonic, Gorgon, Hydra, Scylla, Chimera, Erebos,
Furies, Minotaur, Charon.
Instead of dying pick one ABASHED Passion and mark +1. On a Hard Hit,
of these. -1 Intellect you take out up to 3 opponents. On
DISMAL a Holy Mess, in the process you kill YOUR quest
-1 Affinity one of your team mates. Since you can remember, you have strived to be free
from those who seek to control you. In order to achieve
FRAGILE that, you must complete a number of tasks assigned to
-1 Ego BREAK THE CHAINS you by someone. Aſter that, you can reset your trigger
Embark on the quest for freedom. Roll word and learn to activate yourself. Strike out all of the
a Tenet die. If it matches your original following tasks and become your own master!
sin, you can ask a party member who □ Help retrieve an object
□ Neutralize a threat using non lethal force
knows your trigger word to help you
HEAT fulfill a quest task. It can be used once
per scene.
□ Help solve a problem
□ Lead an attack against impossible odds
□ Convince someone to join your cause
□ Help break in a high security establishment
HOT BLAZING SCORCHING □ Kill a loved one

You can use your
advancement RANCOR Convergence move
with people inside your
Affection circle.

When you take Passage draw 3 Moribus cards and pick 1.

Mark Sin and Virtue based on the card’s Tenet symbol.
Choose one from the list below. Fill one side of the spectrum to earn a Tenet Card.
Available from Available after 5 GREED CHARITY
the beginning passages

+1 Status (max+1) +1 any Convergence SLOTH DILIGENCE

+1 Status (max+1) +1 any Convergence
+1 Status (max+1) erase a Misery
a new Zealot move achieve Equilibrium
a new Zealot move advance 3 basic moves magic word
choose a new quest advance 3 basic moves WRATH PATIENCE
You create a special bond with the other person.
choose a move from change to a new You can exchange it with those who reveal their
another archetype archetype PRIDE HUMILITY
retire to safety trigger word only to those who have the patience
to come close to you. Share it with those who
enter your Affection Circle. Mark +1 Heat.
Character creation possessions
NAME PICK ONE or write yours
Karim, Ophelia, Nada, Mariam, Zara,
Quentin, Amira, Tariq, Layla, Sarah,
Faisal, Henrik, Hadi, Xavier, Fabian, MAGNETIC
Adnan, Jasmine, Faris, Seraphina, Cassandra. PLATE


• Common, extraordinary, adrogynous
• White, Black, Middle Eastern, Asian, _____
• Clothing: casual, uniform, worn, reinforced


Confident, reserved, outgoing, laid-back, assertive.

• Why did you choose to become an Aug?
• What was your latest contract?
• Which was your first implant?
• What is your reputation amongst other Augs?

Abandoned basement, electric monobike, hooded
mantle, Zippo lighter.

Weapon of choice:
• Slingshot
• Throwing Knife
• Compact makeshiſt crossbow
If you die or retire, you pass the ability to
Magnetic Plate use one of your augmentations, at its
This is your lucky charm, which clips magnetically onto current state, to another player.
your metal collarbones. You removed it from the However, they will not be able to
lifeless body of your first contract, and you always advance it further.
wear it when you're on a job..

ORIGINAL sin +1 Heat (permanent)

This is your Original Sin, it was bestowed upon you since
the day you were born. You get its drawback but not its

NOTES advantage. If you choose to embrace it, you get it’s

advantage but double its drawback.

name pronouns

Caste AGE
Embrace your sin
+ 2 Passion
+2 Heat (permanent)
QUIRKS On creation add +1 to any of the
starting values aug moves idioms
Choose three:
now you see me As an Aug, you have to choose between the Tech and
Become one with your surroundings Terra Sects. The Tech Sect seeks the advancement of
and vanish from plain sight. Others the human body through technology, while the Terra
1 1 won’t be able to see you, even when
standing next to you, until you move.
Sect believes that the body must converge with the
natural habitat.
Can’t be used during a confrontation or Choose one of the following:
if someone has already seen you.
Go agro Get info about something all out • You can implant low-tech devices.
BARE YOUR TEETH □ BECOME TEMPTATION □ • You can implant metal alloys.
Put those augmentations to use! • You can implant makeshiſt mechanical weapons.
Intimidate to avoid conflict Charm somebody When you inflict Harm, add +1 to your
attack. □ TERRA SECT
AFFINITY EGO • You can implant animal fangs and claws.
• You can implant rock and metals.
guardian angel • You can implant makeshiſt melee weapons.
In a conflict, when you play Help the
-1 0 Other, you will put yourself in harm’s
way to protect them.
Every time you level up, you can choose to make a
small advancement to your implants.

Roll with Intellect. On a Full Hit, you take

HELP THE OTHER □ UNWIND AND COOL □ everyone out of harm's way, but you YOUR AUGMENTATIONS
Offer assistance Relax and assess take a beating. Mark +2 Harm and Put together your primal augmentations by combining
choose a Moribus card. up to three parts from the following:
Feel hard and inspire See the bigger picture TECH SECT
strong feelings • Metal spring
Your body is not the only part of you • Knife blade
• Small battery
Harm Armor that can be augmented. When you
play Under your Skin, roll with
Passion instead of Affinity.
• Sling mechanism
• Compact arrow
• Retracting mechanism (requires Spring)
MILD MAJOR GRAVE • Zoom lens (requires Battery)
STRIVING FOR PERFECTION • Claw-shaped knuckles
• Trigger mechanism (requires Spring)
As an Aug, your raison d'être is to • Steel jaws (requires Spring)
achieve your maximum potential. You
can add another augmentation to your TERRA SECT
body, with a maximum of 2 per campaign. • Tiger fangs

-1 Passion
You have to take a day off to recover. • Granite blade
• Black marble knuckles
• Rough diamond nails
Instead of dying pick one ABASHED rise up • Extruded titanium elbows
of these. -1 Intellect When upgrading your augmentations, • Extruded titanium knees
there is a chance of entering a deep • Metal chestplate
DISMAL • Bear claws
-1 Affinity trance state that enhances your body's • Elephant tusks
chemistry and improves the implants. • Large basalt blade (replaces arm)
-1 Ego Roll with Ego. On a Full Hit, you can
choose an additional attribute for the
specific augmentation.

On a Partial Hit or Miss, your body

HEAT advancement proceeds as planned. On a
Holy Mess, you lose the augmentation.
You can use your
RANCOR Convergence move
with people inside your
Affection circle.
advancement DISDAIN


When you take Passage draw 3 Moribus cards and pick 1.

Mark Sin and Virtue based on the card’s Tenet symbol. TENETS FRIEND
Choose one from the list below. Fill one side of the spectrum to earn a Tenet Card. P




Available from Available after 5

the beginning passages GREED CHARITY

+1 Status (max+1) +1 any Convergence

+1 Status (max+1)
+1 Status (max+1)
+1 any Convergence
erase a Misery
something borrowed
a new Aug move achieve Equilibrium ENVY KINDNESS You create a special bond with the other
a new Aug move advance 3 basic moves person. You can exchange one item each, that
advance augmentation advance 3 basic moves
choose a move from change to a new WRATH PATIENCE holds much value, practical or sentimental.
another archetype archetype Mark +1 Heat.
remove a person from retire to safety PRIDE HUMILITY
your Convergence
the center map

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