Cleaner Levi From Attack On Titan

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Cleaning Levi

This pattern is for Cleaning Levi from the anime Attack on Titan. The
approximate height of the doll is 19 cm. Follow the instructions to get the same
result as the photo below. Please contact us via email or Instagram for any
questions or feedback; you can find them at the end of the pattern. Enjoy your

 2.5 mm Hook
 Yarn Needle
 White and Black Thread
 Dark Grey Felt Fabric
 Black Felt Fabric or 10 mm Black Buttons (for eyes)
 Stuffing
 Toothpick
 Glue

Used Yarn:

 Light skin color: 20 meters

 White color: 48 meters
 Black color: 22 meters
 Grey color: 13 meters
 Light brown color: 10 meters
 Dark brown color: 25 meters
 Pink color: 5 meters


 sc  single crochet
 inc  Increase
 R  Round
 st  stitch
 ch  chain
 sl  slip stitch
 L  Line
 dec  decrease
 dc  double crochet
 hdc  half double crochet


 8 cm width X 19 cm height

Note: Your creation could slightly vary from the photo shown in this pattern. Some of the steps
depend on the position of the eyes, so minor changes might be required so that the eyes align with the
body and the legs.

 Use the light skin yarn color.

R1: 6 sc magic ring  (6)
R2: inc (repeat 6 times)  (12)
R3: 1 sc, inc (repeat 6 times)  (18)
R4: 2 sc, inc (repeat 6 times)  (24)
R5: 3 sc, inc (repeat 6 times)  (30)
R6 – R13 (8 rounds): 1 sc (repeat 30 times)  (30)
 For the 10 mm black buttons: sew the eyes using the black thread (or safety buttons) between
R8 and R9 after the 8th and 13th stitches (Attach the eyes 5 stitches apart). But for the black felt
fabric, skip this step.



R14: 1 sc, dec (repeat 10 times)  (20)

R15: 2 sc, dec (repeat 5 times)  (15)
 Add stuffing to the head after round 15.
R16: 2 sc, dec (repeat 3 times), 3 sc  (12)
 Add more stuffing to the head after round 16 if you need
R17: dec, 2 sc (repeat 3 times)  (9)

 Continue from the previous round.

R18: 1 sc (repeat 9 times)  (9)
 Cut the yarn.
 Change to the grey yarn color.
 Continue from the previous round.
R19: inc (repeat 9 times)  (18)
R20: 2 sc, inc (repeat 6 times)  (24)
R21 – R27 (7 rounds): 1 sc (repeat 24 times)  (24)
 Cut the yarn.
 Change to the white yarn color.
 Continue from the previous round.
R28: 1 sc in back loop only (repeat 24 times)  (24)
 Add stuffing to the neck and body after round 28.
R29 – R30 (2 rounds): 1 sc (repeat 24 times)  (24)

 Continue from the previous round.

R31 (leg 1): 1 sc (repeat 11 times)  (11)

 Start Round 32 from the 10th stitch, counting backward as the photo below.
R32 – R42 (leg 1, 11 rounds): 1 sc (repeat 10 times)  (10)
 Add stuffing to the leg after round 42.
R43 (leg 1): dec (repeat 5 times)  (5)
 Cut the yarn.
 Use the crochet needle to sew and close the opening at the end of the leg.

Leg 1


Leg 1
Forward Backward
 Use the white yarn, insert it in the 2nd stitch from the first leg and start crocheting from the 3rd
R31 (leg 2): 1 sc (repeat 10 times)  (10)
 Leave the last two stitches and start Round 32 from the 10th stitch, counting backward.
R32 – R42 (leg 2, 11 rounds): 1 sc (repeat 10 times)  (10)
 Add stuffing to the leg after round 42.

Crochet R31

Leg 1


3rd 2nd

Insert the yarn

Forward Backward

R43 (leg 2): dec (repeat 5 times)  (5)

 Cut the yarn.
 Use the crochet needle to sew and close the opening at the end of the leg.
 Use the white yarn and sew between the legs (sew twice between each opposing two stitches).
 Cut the extra yarn.

First Round

Second Round
 Use the light skin yarn color.
R1: 3 sc magic ring  (3)
R2: inc (repeat 3 times)  (6)
R3 – R4 (2 rounds): 1 sc (repeat 6 times)  (6)
 Change to the grey yarn color.
 Continue from the previous round.
R5 – R10 (6 rounds): 1 sc (repeat 6 times)  (6)
 Add stuffing to the arm.
 Sew the arm’s opening and leave some yarn to sew the arm
with the body.
 Repeat the steps to create the second arm.
 Attach the arms to the body from the sides starting from R20 (second round after the neck).

 Use the dark brown yarn color.

Foundation: 33 chains, turn  (33)
L1: from the 2nd stitch, 32 sc, turn  (32)
L2: from the 2nd stitch, 3 sc, 24 dc, 3 sc, turn  (30)
L3: from the 2nd stitch, 27 sc, 1 sl, cut  (28)
 Leave some yarn to sew the apron to the waist.

 Use the white yarn color.

Foundation: 36 chains, turn  (36)
L1: from the 2nd stitch, 35 sc, 1 ch, turn  (35)
L2: from the 2nd stitch, 35 sc, cut  (30)
 Follow the steps from the photo to add the cravat to the neck.


Short From
Short below
Long Hold down
and sew
 Use the light brown yarn color.
Foundation: 26 chains, turn  (26)
L1: from the 2nd stitch, 25 sc, cut  (35)
 You can use thread, yarn, or glue to fix the belt on the waist.
 For the glue option: glue the belt and attach it to the waist first. Then sew the ends on the belt.
 For the sewing option: sew and attach the ends of the belt first, then sew the belt to the waist.

 Use the light brown yarn color.

Foundation 1: 28 chains, cut  (28)
Foundation 2: 16 chains, cut  (16)
 Use the dark grey felt fabric and cut a small rectangle piece. Make four holes on the fabric
 Insert the long suspender in the upper holes and the small suspender in the lower holes.
 Attach the suspenders to the belt of the doll from the front and back.
 Cut some medium-length yarns to add some details.
 Cut two small squares using the dark grey felt fabric and glue them on the back.

Four holes

Add the yarn between the

Attach to the belt Attach to the belt Add the yarn between back suspenders, then glue
from the Front from the back the front suspenders the squares
 Use the light brown yarn color.
Foundation: 16 chains, cut  (16)
 Create another.
 You can use the thread or the glue to attach the belts on the leg (Optional).
 Create another two leg belts and attach them on the other leg.
 Cut some medium-length yarns to add some details.

Insert the edge to Fix the belt, then remove the

the leg. Make the belt turn around excessive yarn. Repeat the
the leg, then insert the edge steps using the second belt.
on the previous stitch.

Insert the edge of the Tie the two edges and cut
yarn in to the lower part the excessive yarn.
of the leg.

Turn the yarn around the

lower belt few times.

 Use the dark brown yarn color.

Foundation: 7 chains, turn  (7)
R1: from the 2nd stitch, 5 sc, inc, 5 sc, inc  (14)
R2: 3 sc, inc, 2 sc, inc, 2 sc, inc, 3 sc, inc  (18)
R3: 1 sc, inc 13 sc, inc, 2 sc  (20)
Side view
Front view
R4: 1 sc in back loop only (repeat 20 times)  (20)
R5: 1 sc (repeat 20 times)  (20)
R6: 5 sc, 2 dec, 1 sc, 2 dec, 6 sc  (16)
R7: 5 sc, 2 dec, 7 sc  (14)
R8: 5 sc, dec, 5 sc, dec  (12)
 Add some stuffing at the bottom of the shoe
R9 – R12 (4 rounds): 1 sc, (repeat 12 times)  (12)
R13: 5 sc, 1dc, 3dc in the same stitch, 1 dc, 4 sc, 1 sl, cut  (15)
 Create the second shoe.
 Use the black thread to sew the shoes to the leg.
 Don’t stuff the legs too deep into the shoes.

 Use the white yarn color.

Foundation: 51 chains, turn  (51)
L1: from the 2nd stitch, 49 sc, 1 sl, cut  (50)
 Insert the yarn in stitch 18 and start the line from stitch 19.
L2: from the 2nd stitch, 14 sc, turn  (14)
L3: from the 2nd stitch, 12 sc, turn  (12)
L4: from the 2nd stitch, 16 sc, turn  (16)
L5: from the 2nd stitch, 10 sc, turn  (10)
L6: from the 2nd stitch, 2 sc, 1 hdc, 1 dc, 2 dc in the same st, 1 dc, 1 hdc, 1 sc, 1 sl, cut  (8)

Final look

 Use the black yarn color.

 Start with the hair base.
R1: 6 sc magic ring  (6)
R2: inc (repeat 6 times)  (12)
R3: 1 sc, inc (repeat 6 times)  (18)
R4: 2 sc, inc (repeat 6 times)  (24)
R5: 3 sc, inc (repeat 6 times)  (30)
 Follow the photos bellow:
 Cut 20 yarn robes. The length is approximately equal to the head height.
 Sew the 20 robes at the edge of the base using the hook.
 Cut another group of yarn and attach it to the next round.
 Repeat the same process for the next round.
 On the center of the base, add one line of hair to the left and two lines to the right.
 Add some hair on the front for the bangs.
 Glue the base to the head.
 Do some cutting and styling to the hair. Use the glue when needed.

Sew the hair as shown in red lines

(The arrows shows the direction of the hair) Final Hair
Yarn length equal to head height

Glue the middle to the Glue the bangs and do

right and left, then cut. some styling.
Glue and Cut the other
Layers. Leave the middle
Glue and Cut the first and the bangs

 Use the white yarn color.

Foundation: 55 chains, turn  (55)
L1: from the 2nd stitch, 54 sc, chain, turn  (55)
L2: from the 2nd stitch, 10 sl, 34 sc, turn  (44)
L3: from the 2nd stitch, 32 sc, turn  (32)
L4: from the 2nd stitch, 30 sc, 1 sl, turn  (31)
L5: from the 3rd stitch, 28 sc, 1 sl turn  (29)
L6: from the 3rd stitch, 26 sc, 1 sl, turn  (27)
L7: from the 3rd stitch, 24 sc, 1 sl, turn  (25)
L8: from the 3rd stitch, 22 sc, 1 sl, turn  (23)
L9: from the 3rd stitch, 20 sc, 1 sl, turn  (21)
L10: from the 3rd stitch, 18 sc, 1 sl, turn  (19)
L11: from the 3rd stitch, 16 sc, 1 sl, turn  (17)
L12: from the 3rd stitch, 14 sc, 1 sl, turn  (15)
L13: from the 3rd stitch, 12 sc, 1 sl, turn  (13)
L14: from the 3rd stitch, 10 sc, 1 sl, turn  (11)
L15: from the 3rd stitch, 8 sc, 1 sl, turn  (9)
L16: from the 3rd stitch, 6 sc, 1 sl, turn  (7)
L17: from the 3rd stitch, 4 sc, 1 sl, turn  (5)
L18: from the 3rd stitch, 2 sc, 1 sl, turn  (3)
L7: from the 3rd stitch, 1 sl, cut  (1)

 Use the pink yarn color.

 Create several yarn circles around your fingers.
 Cut the yarn from the finger edges.
 Add some glue to the top of the toothpick and stick the yarn around it.
 Hold the lower part of the yarn, then add another yarn around it
 Cut the yarn and stick it using the glue, then remove the excessive yarn.
 Cut the fabric into appropriate size eyes.
 Glue the eyes to the head.

 Use the pins to fix the mask from the front.

 Tie the mask from behind.

 Put the bandana in the right place and then sew the back using the white thread.

 Add some glue to the end of the duster (Optional).

 Insert the duster to the hand from the pointy edge.

Copyright Statement:
This pattern is an original work by Nerdy Hook, and it is free. Using this pattern for personal and
commercial use is permitted with giving the credit to Nerdy Hook (@nerdy_hook). However, selling
or publishing this pattern is not allowed without Nerdy Hook’s permission.
Contact us:

[email protected] @nerdy_hook

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