Stomata-Cornell Notes

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Stomata Processes
Subject: Science - Class 8 07 / 07 / 2023

Main Ideas: ❖ The opening and closing of stomata are controlled by the
Stomata: Opening and movement of ions and water across the guard cells.
Closing o When stomata open, the guard cells actively accumulate
Text Evidence: “Increased potassium ions (K+) and water enters the cells by osmosis,
concentration of K... [causes] causing them to swell and the stomatal pore to open.
sufficient osmotic pressure to o Conversely, when stomata close, potassium ions are actively
absorb water from surrounding transported out of the guard cells, leading to a loss of
cells...[furthermore] increase water and the shrinking of the cells, resulting in pore
turgor pressure of guard closure.
cells…[leads] to the opening of ❖ The opening and closing of stomata are regulated by various factors,
stomatal pores”(“Byjus: including light intensity, carbon dioxide concentration, humidity, and
Potassium Pump Theory” 1). the plant's water status.
Text Evidence: The opening and o When the plant has sufficient water and favorable
closing of stomata depend on conditions, stomata open to allow gas exchange and
the turgor the facilitate photosynthesis.
osmotic flow of water in the o Contrarily, in conditions of water scarcity or high
guard cells...guard cells are temperatures, stomata close to reduce water loss through
turgid; they expand resulting transpiration.
in the opening of stomata...the ❖ Stomata are small openings or pores found on the surface of leaves,
guard cells lose water... stems, and other plant organs. They are primarily responsible for
flaccid leading to stomatal gas exchange in plants, allowing for the exchange of gases such as
closure” (“Byjus: oxygen, carbon dioxide, and water vapor with the surrounding
Stomata”2). environment.
o Each stoma consists of two specialized cells called guard
What Are Stomata?
cells that surround a central pore. The guard cells can
change shape to open or close the stomatal pore.
What Surface Are ❖ Stomata are more abundant on the lower surface of leaves in most
plant species. This arrangement helps reduce water loss through
Stomata Located? transpiration by minimizing exposure to air currents and direct
o Stomatal closure occurs in response to water scarcity, high
temperatures, or elevated levels of the hormone abscisic
acid (ABA), which signals the efflux of potassium and
chloride ions, leading to water loss and pore closure.

Small Openings found mainly on the lower surface of leaves, stomata are responsible for gas
exchange of CO2, O2, and water vapor in plants. When the vacuole is full due to increased gas
exchange, the guard cells become rigid and the stoma opens; as the vacuole loses water, the guard
cells become flaccid and the stoma closes.

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