HSS F379-Phil - Sci
HSS F379-Phil - Sci
HSS F379-Phil - Sci
Course Description:
The course introduces students various philosophical perspectives on science in general. It mainly
considers a few of the classic questions in the philosophy of science: What is it to call something
a science? How does scientific reasoning work? What is the nature of scientific explanation? How
do scientific theories change over time? Are scientific theories true? Is science value-free? A
detailed discussions on these will enable students to understand the concern of philosophy of
science, in general, and various thought provoking philosophical issues associated with different
branches of science, in specific. In the end, students will be knowledgeable about the critical issues
in the philosophy of science. They will find themselves comfortable discussing complex ideas and
able to analyze and construct philosophical arguments concerning science.
1. Okasha, Samir. 2002. Philosophy of Science-A Very Short Introduction. OUP. NY.
2. Merrilee H. Salmon., et.al. 1999[1992]. Introduction to the Philosophy of Science.
Hackett Publishing Company. Indianapolis.
Reference books/Articles:
1. Lewens, Tim. 2016. The Meaning of Science-An Introduction to the Philosophy of Science.
Basic Books. NY.
2. Losee, John. 2001. A Historical Introduction to the Philosophy of Science. 4th ed. OUP.
3. Chakravartty, Anjan. 2017. Scientific Realism. Stanford Encyclopedia of Sciences.
4. Course Plan:
Lec. Learning Objectives Topics to be covered Reference Chap / Sec.
1 To introduce philosophy and Philosophy and Science RB-1: Introduction
5. Evaluation Scheme:
EC Evaluation Duration Weightage (%) Date, Time Remarks
No. Components
1. Quiz 10 minutes 10 To be announced Closed Book
2. Debate/Group 5 (attendance) + 5 Open Book
Discussion I 45 Minutes (leading discussion)
Total = 10
3. Mid Semester Exam 1.5 hours 30 To be announced Closed Book
4 Debate/Group 5 (attendance) Open Book
Discussion II 45 Minutes 5 (leading
Total = 10
5 Comprehensive 3 hours 40 To be announced Closed Book
01/08/23 Instructor-in-Charge