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Characters begin with 5 Attribute points to allocate.

In some Campaigns, Characters might begin as

No Attribute may be above 3 at creation. These entirely inexperienced folk such as peasants or
Attribute Points include a bonus point granted by the children, with only 1 Trait. Other Campaigns might
initial 3 Traits. jump right in, with the Players making seasoned
After a Player allocates their Attributes, they should professional soldiers; grizzled veterans with 6 Traits.
calculate their derived Combat Attributes. These Some more advanced Campaigns might even features
include Vitality, Evasion, Armor, Alacrity, and Power. asymmetric Trait levels, such as a narrative about an
old Abkhazi master and her young student traveling the
Skills land, in which she begins with 10 Traits and her
apprentice 3.
Skills are particular trained actions in which a

Advancement Table:
Character can gain proficiency. There are five Skill
Ranks: Novice, Apprentice, Adept, Expert, and Master.
When relevant, they affect the outcome of a Character's Chapter Attribute Points Traits Skill Points
interaction with their surroundings. Skill Ranks are 1 4 1 2
advanced by spending Skill Points; each point increases 2 4 2 4
a Skill by one Rank. Two Skill Points are awarded at 3 5 3 6
the end of each Chapter. 4 5 4 8
5 5 5 10
Characters begin with 6 Skill points to spend
6 6 6 12

Traits 7
Traits are specific techniques or aspects that set a 9 7 9 18
Character apart from others. Each can only be learned 10 7 10 20
once, and becomes a permanent part of the Character
11 7 11 22
that provides hard mechanical bonuses in specific
12 8 12 24
situations. Characters gain a Trait at the end of each
Often one Chapter will begin almost immediately
Characters begin with 3 Traits after the last left off. Other times, the narrative may

Chapters and
step forward in time. The Arbiter may simply say “You
travel for two days on the road to Brigill, undisturbed

Characters advance by completing Chapters to gain
save for the soft grey rain, dampening supplies and
spirits with its chill.” Sometimes large spans of time will
be bridged with mere words: “The winter was cold and
Traits and Skills. hard, and you lost many good men.”
Chapters are small complete narrative arcs or Between Chapters it may be appropriate to jump
episodes within the greater story of a Campaign, that many years or even decades into the future, providing
last a session or two. If Players are starting the the Arbiter opportunity to describe broad shifts in the
Campaign with inexperienced Characters, the first few Campaign setting.
Chapters should each last only a single session to allow Ultimately this is dependent on the scope of the
the Characters to solidify their identities through Campaign, and should be something understood and
earning Traits and Skills. If Players are committed to a agreed upon by all the Players.
longer Campaign, the Arbiter may choose to only grant
these benefits every other Chapter.
On completion of a Chapter, each Character gains 1
Trait and 2 Skill Points. A Character no longer receives
these benefits after they have achieved their 12th Trait.
Every third Trait a Character receives, they also receive
a bonus Attribute point.

On Chapter Completion:
+1 Trait
+2 Skill Points
+1 Attribute Point (Every 3 Chapters)

In most games, Characters begin with 5 Attribute

Points, 3 Traits, and 6 Skill Points as though they have
already completed three Chapters. These three
assumed Chapters signify the Character’s backstory
before the game begins.

Characters are defined by their Beliefs, the
World Belief
The World Belief directly connects your Character to
fundamental ideas that drive them. Beliefs represent a a key part of the Premise of the Campaign and their
Character’s explicit outlook and their Player’s goals. goals regarding it. It could relate to a Character, a
They help solidify what kind of Character their Player faction, impending conflict, recent disaster, or any
wants them to be, what they want to do, and how they other force requiring immediate action. Pick something
are tied to the Premise of the Campaign and the other that interests you as a Player, and think about your
Characters. Beliefs let the Arbiter and other Players Character's opinion on it. How do they view it and feel
know what you as a Player want out of the Campaign, about it? Consider how they will act based on this
and help you to tell a better story together. Consider opinion, and what has prevented them from doing so
the types of activities you want to experience. already, or what stands in their way now.
The Arbiter may want to use this Belief to unite the
Sample Activities: Players under a common cause. Using our previous
example, they might say the Campaign is about an
Skillful fighting
impending disaster in Tarn. Each Player should have
Diplomatic negotiations
their Character’s Belief provide a reason for them to
Experimenting with alchemy
sympathize with House Thorn or have animosity
Amassing a huge fortune
towards the factors that threaten it. Being bound by a
Becoming a folk hero
similar World Belief helps move the story forwards
Pursuing romance
while giving all Characters the opportunity to be true
Exploring the world
to their concept.
Mastering swordsmanship
Rising to power
Malik’s World Belief: House Thorn is the only
Seeking revenge
power holding order in eastern Tarn, and if it falls
Unraveling mysteries
many Eskarn will suffer. For the sake of my people I
Defending the weak
will use my might to defeat the House’s enemies
Making reckless choices
wherever I find them.
Being a leader
Acting as a skillful tactician
Elaria’s World belief: Before he died, the Lord of
House Thorn took me in even though I’m his
Beliefs are meant to be challenged. They can grow
bastard. I owe him my life, and I will defend House
stronger or weaker, be shattered, and even betrayed.
They can change as Characters grow and develop over Thorn with my guile and my bow to the very end.

Other Belief
the course of a Campaign, or remain the solid bastions
that define a Character's journey.
Any time a Character gains a Trait, at the beginning The Other Belief pertains directly to another
or end of a Chapter, they may alter one or more Beliefs. Player’s Character. Pick a Character that interests you
Altering Beliefs is not mandatory; rather, it should be as a Player, and think about your Character’s feelings
done rarely and only when a large shift occurs in a about or towards that Character. You may wish to help
Character or the narrative.
or hinder them in some way.
A strong Belief is a compounded Ideology and
Action. They are unambiguous and have no verbal
nuance. Try the following formulas: Malik’s Other Belief: I loved Elaria’s father as a
brother and owed him my life. To pay this debt, I
I think A, so I’ll do B. must protect his daughter’s honor and person with
Because of A, I want B, so I’ll do C. my steel as if she were my own.

My family is weak, and I must lead it if it is to This tells us a lot about this Character. It is stronger
prosper, so I must earn the favor of the Lord Thorn than the simple expression of a statistic characteristic.
to ensure my position at its head. We know from this that he is loyal, and imbued with a
sense of honor and duty beyond the simple idea that he
This Belief combines an “Idea” (My family is weak. ) will protect Elaria. More importantly, it tells the
With “What” the Character will do about it (I must Arbiter and other Players what types of activities his
lead it if it is to prosper.) Player wants from the game. He wants to fight to
And “How” the Character intends to do it (I must protect others. Ideals of honor and bonds of kinship are
earn the favor of the Lord Thorn.) important to him.

Each Player should make one Belief about some

aspect of the Premise of the Campaign (World Belief),
one about another Player’s Character (Other Belief),
and one your Character has about themselves (Self

A strong Belief like this opens up the possibility for
exciting interactions between Characters.
Complications are core negative or detrimental
facets of a Character's personality. Each Character must
Elaria’s Other Belief: As I grew to maturity, my
start with at least one Complication. A Player may
adoration of Mailk became something more, but
invent their own Complication or choose one from the
because he is half Eskarn and I am of Noble Tarnish
following list.
blood, this love can never be. I must act coldly
towards him while harboring my secret feelings.
This belief already strongly colors their interactions You rarely speak. Perhaps you were born mute, or
and adds potential for future intrigue. When Malik became mute after witnessing a terrible and traumatic
finds out, he may then be conflicted over Elaria’s role as event. Perhaps you had your tongue cut out as a
a surrogate daughter or perhaps reciprocate her punishment for some transgression or perhaps your
amorous feelings. Malik’s Player might even be silence may be voluntary, a solemn vow as penance or
inspired by this narrative avenue and shape his promise.
backstory to add fuel to it. He could say that Malik was
always in love with Elaria’s mother, whom she very Loner:
much resembles, but who chose Elaria’s father over Your trust is not easily earned. Even those you do
him. trust, you never trust completely. You think everyone
This is just one of a multitude of engaging should be able to take care of themselves; if they can’t,
interactions made possible by a strong Belief. Perhaps it’s their own fault. You often have trouble saying
Elaria hates Malik, blaming him for her father’s death, thanks.
and wants nothing to do with what she views as his
attempt at penance.
Even though each Player only makes a single Other
If things are going south, you’re likely to save
Belief, they are encouraged when creating their
yourself. Even if you care for your companions, the fear
Character to discuss potential shared backstory that
for your own life is greater. Even if you’re a fighter,
may tie them to other Characters. The Other Belief
you’d rather slit a man’s throat than risk a fair fight.
simply represents the strongest or most interesting of
these connections that a Player wishes to explore.
Self Belief You are incapable of feeling empathy or
understanding the emotional connections of others.
The Self Belief is the most complex of the three, and
You see others as tools to be manipulated, even by lies,
is often the most difficult for new Players to craft well.
and show no remorse or shame for your actions.
It is a philosophical Belief, tied to one of the
Character’s moral or ethical priorities. The most
interesting Characters will have this third Belief in Greedy:
some way come into tension with the other two. You cannot resist the temptation of wealth or power.
You will do terrible things for gold or valuables, even at
Malik’s Self Belief: I am of Eskarn blood, the Inoruit great risk. You believe that coins or station can afford
are my kinsmen, and the Tarnish have caused much you happiness, and you’re willing to pay whatever price
wrong to my people. I will uphold my bonds of it takes to get them.
blood and clan before those of gold or fealty.
Elaria’s Self Belief: I have always resented being a You are haunted by memories of war, violence, or
bastard. I can lead the House better than my half other trauma. You often have nightmares, replaying
brother, and I will use subterfuge to ensure that I sit past events. Sometimes you experience flashbacks,
upon my father’s throne. triggered when presented with similar situations or
placed under duress.

There is a particular enemy you hate more than
anything. They have done you an irreparable wrong.
When stirred, this hatred can blind you and make you
unreasonable. You would do anything to see this enemy

Near-Blind: Indebted:
Your vision is blurred. Your sight is terribly You owe your life to a powerful entity, be they an
impaired. You may have been born this way, or lost organization or individual. They use this to their
your vision through some sickness, accident, or act of advantage frequently and with little or no hope of
violence. reparation.

Survivor: Intolerant:
You have lost too many friends, and are slow to make You are strongly partial to your own creed and
new ones. You are slow to show warmth or form intolerant of others. You favor those who appear
relationships, often keeping others distant for fear you similar to you almost as much as you dislike those who
might lose them. do not.

Arrogant: Cruel:
You are always right. Everyone else is beneath you. You take pleasure in causing pain. You will go out of
You’ve been told your pride will be your undoing, but your way to harm others for the sheer enjoyment of it,
you are confident in your abilities. be it physical or mental. You delight in hurting others
and do it without a trace of remorse.
You cannot help but take loose coins and precious Fanatic:
things that catch your eye. It’s not avarice, it’s that you You have excessive zeal for a particular subject.
just have to take it. You steal for the rush; it is Perhaps you are extremely religious, or unshakably
compulsive. devoted to a leader or cause. The ends always justify
vicious means. Sometimes you do things for your group
Drunk: that they wouldn’t agree with, but you do it for their
own good.
You’d always like a drink, and a drink always makes
you want another. Seldom without cup in hand, or
wineskin at your belt, you need to be drinking. It helps Gruff:
you sleep, or forget, or remember. You have coarse manners and a lack of social graces.
You seem to have a knack for committing social
Resentful: blunders and landing yourself in awkward or
downright hostile situations.
You grow bitter at perceived slights. You remember
all wrongs against you and allow them to fester in your
heart. Everything is meant personally and that is how Rebellious:
you take it. You cannot help but flout authority. You’ll break a
law or disobey an order just for the sake of it. You
Secretive: instantly dislike those who command a higher station
than yourself.
You harbor a great secret that could be your undoing
or cause great harm to those you love should it come to
light. No one can ever know what you know. Obedient:
You have unwavering faith in a particular institution
Wrathful: or to a particular individual. You are loyal to a fault and
will obey them without question.
You are quick to anger. Insult and frustration add
fuel to your simmering temper. You lash out verbally or
violently at perceived provocation. Heroic:
You have a desire to save everyone and always do
Lustful: right. You will always risk your own life or put yourself
at risk for the sake of others. You wouldn't kill a
You have a weakness for carnal pleasures. If you find
someone attractive, they have immediate power over defenseless foe, even if it proved wise or prudent.
you. Perhaps there is a particular brand of this vice you
desire most of all. Fearful:
You have a particular phobia that renders you
Loose Tongued: helpless. It might be being alone and abandoned, being
trapped in dark spaces, or some small thing that sows
You often say what you feel even when it is not
appropriate. Perhaps you are too clever for your own terror in the dark corners of your mind.
good, a cynic with a sharp tongue, or an innocent fool
oblivious to your blunders.

You love to take risks, gamble, and can’t resist a Disfigured:
challenge. You never back down from a wager, no Whether through birth or accident, you are hideously
matter the odds. Be it literal dice and bets or daredevil deformed. Your disfigurement is apparent for all to see,
risks, you live to beat the odds. and is not easily concealed.

Guilty: Menacing:
You blame yourself for everything even when it’s not Justified or not, you are threatening to people. Maybe
your fault. Every death or injury of those around you you’re large, or just have an intense way about you, but
weighs on your conscience. you make people uneasy.

Childish: Crippled:
You are whimsical or naive, a poor judge of character Most normal injuries can be healed with Blood, but
and wont to be taken advantage of. Others may not not always. The poor often do not have access to
take you seriously, viewing you as puerile or simple Blooded healing. Even if they do, a poor healer might
minded, but you simply experience the world in a mend bone and flesh incorrectly. They are also unable
different way. to replace a limb that has been destroyed or lost.

Lawful: Malik chooses the Outcast complication, deciding

that he has been exiled by his Eskarn tribe for his
You have a creed you live by, a code of honor you association with House Thorn.
never stray from. Any violator of your precepts, no
matter how close to you, is not above the code. Elaria chooses Bastard for her complication, as it
ties nicely into her beliefs and lets the other Players
Dwarf: and the Arbiter know how central it is to her
Your growth is stunted and you are extremely short, character concept.
no taller than a child. You are frequently mocked,
scorned, and treated as less than a man. Grizzled Character
A Player may elect to give their Character an extra
Deviant: complication to enhance roleplaying opportunities.
You act in a way contrary to what your culture This may happen once at Character creation or during
dictates, flaunting its established concepts of gender or a significant point in the Character’s story. Characters
social roles and structure. should not have more than two complications except in
rare circumstances. Like Beliefs, some complications
Superstitious: can be resolved through play, but a Character must
You believe the old stories. Your exact notions are always have at least one.
born from the culture you were formed in, but
regardless of their specifics you believe in supernatural
forces, prophecy, and luck.

You are an outlaw. Perhaps you were outlawed for a
crime you did or did not commit, or for your perceived
allegiance to a downcast group or bloodline. Whatever
the reason, you are now hunted by a powerful force.

You have been banished from a place or group.
Whether you earned your exile or not, you are no
longer welcome by some. Whether for your own
crimes or actions, or those of your kin or affiliates,
some may react to you with hostility.

Born of a cultural taboo, you are a second-class
person shamed by your name and lineage. Born of
some scandal, illegitimacy or forbidden love, your
relationship to your kin may be complicated.

Every Character is defined by four core Attributes
Dexterity is a Character’s agility of body and the
that represent their physical and mental abilities. They quickness of their hand and blade. Dexterity is used in
are typically scored from 0 to 5, with 0 reflecting the determining turn order (Alacrity) and a Character’s
average human. If a Character is significantly below chance of avoiding attacks (Evasion). Dexterity also
average in an Attribute, they will not only have a score affects a Character's chance to hit and the chance to
of 0, but often a relevant Complication. A score of 5 is inflict Major Wounds with some weapons.
considered to be the limit of human capabilities.
These points provide a bonus to all rolls that are Each point of Dexterity increases Evasion by 1 (see
governed by that Attribute. page 14).
Each Point of Dexterity increases Alacrity by 1 (see
3 Mind would result in a +3 to all Mind-based page 14).
Checks. Each Point of Dexterity may grant +1 Chance of
Major Wounds (see page 30).
Player Characters start with a pool of 5 Attribute
Points — a base of 4, plus 1 from their first 3 Traits. Example Dexterity Checks:
Leap from a balcony to a walltop
A Character may never have a higher attribute than Avoid falling rocks on a cliffside path
their number of Traits. Scale a dilapidated rooftop
Flourish a knife
Through progression, no Attribute may exceed 5. Balance on a ship’s deck

Characters gain an extra Attribute Point for every

three Traits (3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th Traits). This includes
Mind represents a Character's mental capabilities. It
the three Traits gained at creation.
can manifest as the cleverness of a street urchin, the
raw intellect of a brilliant alchemist, the wisdom of a
With five points, a Character can start with one of
hermit, or the iron will of a warrior. It is a key attribute
the following Attribute arrangements:
for Blooded. Mind is a factor used to determine turn
order (Alacrity), and also increases the number of
unique Reactions a Character is able to take each
Each point of Mind increases your number of
Reactions by 1 (see page 30).
These 5 points represent that the Player Characters
Each Point of Mind increases Alacrity by 1 (see page
have some prominent or definitive characteristics. The
average human may have as few as 0 Attribute Points,
Mind affects many Blooded Traits.
and truly exceptional humans may have as many as 10.

Strength Example Mind Checks:

Memorize the turns you took to descend into the
Strength is a Character's physical constitution and catacombs
power. Characters with high Strength scores are Solve a riddle or win a game of skill
characterized by their might and endurance. Strength Recall facts or information
is required to use some armor and weapons effectively.
Remain composed upon seeing a horrific sight
Strength also plays a role in determining a Character’s
Formulate a cunning plan
chance of hitting a foe and inflicting devastating

attacks (Major Wounds). It is also used in determining
Vitality and staving off diseases and poisons.
Presence is a Character’s ability to call social
Each point of Strength increases Vitality by 1 (see attention towards themselves and use it to their
page 14). advantage. It may manifest itself in different ways; a
Each Point of Strength may grant a +1 Chance of Character could have great beauty, a skillful tongue, or
Major Wounds (page 30). charismatic manner. However, even a barbarian king —
scarred and without social graces — could exude a
Example Strength Checks: strong Presence with his attitude of dominance and
Move a cart with a broken axle command. Presence also increases the amount of
Break down a door Tenacity a Character begins each Chapter with.
Lift an injured companion
Swim in a storm at sea
Climb a castle wall

Each point of Presence increases your starting Armor
Tenacity by 1 (see page 14). Armor acts as an extra layer of defense above
Presence affects many Blooded Traits Evasion. If an attacker beats the Evasion of their target
but fails to beat their Armor, any Wounds they would
Example Presence Checks: receive are halved. A Wound becomes a Minor Wound,
Tell a compelling story and Minor Wounds are absorbed entirely.
Charm a soldier
Befriend a stranger Armor = Evasion + Armor Bonus + Traits
Put on a riveting performance
Stand out at a feast Malik’s Armor extends from 12-16. He has 12
Evasion, and an Armor Bonus of 4 from his scale
Malik decides he is big and strong with a powerful mail. Any attacks that meet or exceed his Evasion
demeanor. but fall within this range are mitigated.

Strength: 3 Elaria’s Armor extends from 13-16. She has 13

Dexterity: 0 Evasion, and gains 2 Armor from her studded
Mind: 0 leather plus 1 from the Ironclad Trait.
Presence: 2

Elaria wants to be lithe, nimble, and clever.

Alacrity represents how fast on their feet and quick
on the uptake a Character is. Natural reflexes and keen
Strength: 0 senses combine to make Alacrity. Alacrity determines
Dexterity: 2 turn order — Characters interact from highest Alacrity
Mind: 2 to lowest. It may be helpful to have Players sit in their
Presence: 1 turn order. The Arbiter should always have a list of the

Combat Attributes
Players’ Characters’ statistics in front of them.
In the event of a tie, the Character with the higher
Dexterity goes first. If their Dexterity is equal, the

Vitality Arbiter decides the order. If the tie is between Player

and non-Player Characters, it is recommended they
A Character's Vitality represents their physical favor the Players. A Player may always chose to treat
fortitude and will to live. When a Character receives a their Character’s Alacrity as a lower number if they
number of Wounds (see page 30) equal to their current have yet to take a Turn in the Round.
Vitality, they die. Wounds can be healed by Blood, or
else mend naturally over time.
Alacrity = Dexterity + Mind + Modifiers
Vitality = 3 + Strength + Traits
Malik has 0 Alacrity. Both his Mind and Dexterity
are 0.
Malik has 6 Vitality, the sum of his base (3) plus his
Strength (3)
Elaria has 4 Alacrity. She adds 2 from her Mind and
2 from her Dexterity.
Elaria has 4 Vitality, the sum of her base (3) plus the
Tough Trait (1)
Evasion Tenacity is a resource given by the Arbiter to the
Players, that can be expended to gain certain bonuses
A Character’s Evasion is the CR their attacker is
or fuel Traits. All Characters reset to their starting
attempting to meet or exceed in order to land a
Tenacity at the beginning of each Chapter. They may be
successful blow. Characters with higher Evasion are
awarded additional Tenacity by the Arbiter for
better at avoiding blows.
exceptional role playing. You may spend one Tenacity
to gain Advantage (see page 18) on a single Check or
Evasion = 10 + Dexterity + Shield + Traits
give Advantage to another Character.
Note: Dexterity may be limited by Armor or Shields

Malik has 12 Evasion. He adds his base (10) to his - Gain Advantage
shield (2) - Give Advantage to another Character

Elaria has 13 Evasion. She adds her base (10) to her Tenacity is awarded by the Arbiter when a Character
Dexterity (3) acts in accordance with their Beliefs or Complications
in a notable or exceptional way. Any time a Player


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