Sample - ECC - Sun Protection Policy Word FINAL.2
Sample - ECC - Sun Protection Policy Word FINAL.2
Sample - ECC - Sun Protection Policy Word FINAL.2
for early childhood centres.
Early childhood centres are welcome to copy
this Sun Protection policy and use it as their
own. Please ensure it accurately reflects your This policy relates to the following National Law and
setting. Regulations:
Please note: to comply with SunSmart guidelines, Education and Care Services National Law Act
your policy must state sun protection is used 2010
during terms one, three and four (or 1 August to 30 - Section 167 – Protection from harm and
April – please select terms or dates), and whenever hazards
UV levels are 3 and above at other times. Education and Care Services National
Regulations 2011
<Centre>’s Sun Protection - Regulation 100 – Risk assessment must be
conducted before excursion
policy - Regulation 113 – Outdoor space–natural
This policy applies to all centre events on and off-site. - Regulation 114 – Outdoor space–shade
- Regulation 168: Policies and procedures (2)(a)
(ii)–sun protection.
A balance of ultraviolet (UV) radiation exposure is
important for health. Too much of the sun’s UV
National Quality Standards
radiation can cause sunburn, skin and eye damage All of the following SunSmart procedures link to:
and skin cancer. Sun exposure during childhood and Quality area 2: Children’s health and safety.
adolescence is a major factor in determining future skin
cancer risk. There are also links to:
Too little UV radiation from the sun can lead to low Quality area 1: Educational program and
vitamin D levels. Vitamin D is essential for healthy practice
bones and muscles, and for general health. Sensible Quality area 3: Physical environment
sun protection when UV is 3 and above does not put Quality area 5: Relationships with children
people at risk of vitamin D deficiency.
Quality area 6: Collaborative partnerships with
families and communities
Objectives Quality area 7: Governance and leadership.
This Sun Protection policy has been developed to:
encourage children and staff to use a combination
of sun protection measures whenever UV Index
levels reach 3 and above
work towards a safe outdoor environment that
provides shade for children and staff at appropriate
assist children to be responsible for their own sun
ensure families and new staff are informed of the
centre’s Sun Protection policy.
Procedures 4. Shade
Staff are encouraged to access the daily sun protection Quality area 2: Children’s health and safety
times on the SunSmart app, or at Quality area 3: Physical environment to assist with implementing
this policy. A shade audit is conducted regularly to determine
the current availability and quality of shade.
We use a combination of sun protection measures for
Management ensures there is a sufficient number of
all outdoor activities during terms one, three and four
shelters and trees providing shade in the outdoor
(or 1 August until 30 April – please select either terms
or dates in your policy, but not both) and whenever UV
radiation levels reach 3 and above at other times. Extra The availability of shade is considered when
care is taken during the peak UV radiation times and planning excursions and all other outdoor activities.
outdoor activities are scheduled outside of these times Children are encouraged to use available areas of
where possible. shade when outside.
Children who do not have appropriate hats or
1. Clothing outdoor clothing are asked to play in the shade or a
Quality area 2: Children’s health and safety suitable area protected from the sun.
3. Hats
Quality area 2: Children’s health and safety
All children are required to wear hats that protect their
face, neck and ears, i.e. legionnaire, broad brimmed or
bucket hats. Baseball or peak caps are not considered
a suitable alternative.
7. Enrolment and information for 9. Education
families Quality area 1: Educational program and practice
Quality area 6: Collaborative partnerships with Quality area 5: Relationships with children
families and communities
Quality area 6: Collaborative partnerships with
When enrolling their child, families are: families and communities
informed of the centre’s Sun Protection policy Sun protection is incorporated into the learning and
asked to provide a suitable hat for their child (if development program.
The Sun Protection policy is reinforced through
asked to provide their child with suitable outdoor staff and children’s activities and displays.
clothing that is cool and covers as much skin as
possible (i.e. covering the shoulders, chest, upper Staff and families are provided with information on
arms and legs) sun protection through family newsletters,
asked to provide SPF 30 or higher, broad noticeboards and the centre’s website.
spectrum, water resistant sunscreen for their child
(if applicable) 10. Policy review
required to give permission for staff to apply Quality area 7: Governance and leadership
sunscreen to their child
Management and staff monitor and review the
families and visitors are encouraged to use a effectiveness of the Sun Protection policy and revise
combination of sun protection measures (sun the policy when required (at least once every three
protective clothing and hats, shade, sunglasses years).
and sunscreen) when attending the centre.
Date of next policy review:……………………………….
8. Staff WHS and role modelling
Quality area 5: Relationships with children
As part of WHS UV risk controls and role modelling,
when the UV radiation is 3 and above, staff:
wear sun protective hats, clothing and sunglasses
when outside
apply SPF 30 or higher broad spectrum, water
resistant sunscreen
seek shade whenever possible.