No Code

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[ DEMO ]

This demo was built in 20 mins with no

coding/ programing experince.

This is the most basic type of magic program

possible to build with this tool. That being said
this program I designed is actually quite usful
in casual performances.

In this transcript my goal is to introduce you to

a powerful phone magic tool that has been
very useful to me and my friends. Introducing
this to the magic community has been some-
thing ive wanted to do with this tool for quite
sometime now. Also I will share a simple and
very usful forcing program I discovered using
this tool.

Although it is not meant for magicains to use

it this way sometimes indirect uses of com-
mercial products are a magciains secret
This the best method to build usable magic apps
without learning to code, they offer a free or paid

In the normal world this is a program used to create

wireframe demos of how an app would look for com-
pany before a developer would spend all the time
writing the code. So essentially it’s a time saver for
prototyping mock up phone apps to try out new
phone magic ideas on friends. They use photos and
custom hotspot buttons to mimick phone controls.

The cool thing about this is with a couple small set-

ting changes these programs are completly useable
in live performances. Once any creative magician
see’s this tool its game over. I have friends that have
made some awesome projects. This is my go to
method for testing out new phone magic ideas and
the best part is I can have most projects up and run-
ning in 30 minutes or less to..ready to perform.

This is such a usful tool to be aware of and get good

at using as a magicain. I have made insanly comlex
projects with this program before its really only limit-
ed to your creativity... up until now i’ve only shared it
with a few close friends.

We are going to cover the basics in this ebook with a

simple project example. I will share my more complex
builds in the near future.
[ ]

This is what it looks like on the iphone

app store and the desktop website.

Make an account and log into both.

The desktop version has more setting

and transition options avalible for during
the actuall creation process.

Note: Friends have told me some-

times account activation takes
12-24 hours.
[ Basic work flow ]

Start with building from screen shots.

1. Use the mark up feature in the photo edit tab on iphones to

remove things like time/ date. We don’t want togive away the fact
that its a photo.

2. Create a new project in marvel.

3. Upload the photos to the app.

4. Add hotspots for the buttons and link them to the next image in
the sequence.

5. Test the functionality on the phone.

6. Navigate to the settings section of your project on the desktop/

computur version and toggle on “remove hotspot hints”..toggle all
other options off.

7. Pre - Load your program and keep the app running in the back-
ground to allow for easy acess during a live performance.
This is the framwork for the calculator card force program i built.
The basic ploy uses disarming natrualness along with turning the
phone face down and having the spectator blindly tap the screen.
We also will be educating the audience on a simple industry secret to
allow for space in the method to force the card suit.

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