Adult fluke
Upon reaching maturity, fertilized eggs are laid &
General morphology & physiology of Flukes: released into the environment thru:
a. Feces = for liver/intestinal flukes
Flukes belong to Phylum Platyhelminthes, Class
b. Sputum = for lung flukes
Trematoda, and Subclass Digenea.
2nd only to nematodes in abundance & distribution.
2. Fertilized egg requires “water” to undergo further
Their body form exhibits a variety of sizes & shapes
but most are leaf-like & range from 0.16mm-5.7cm
If the right conditions (temperature, oxygen &
concentration) are present, “embryonation”
takes place within 1-2 weeks.
Essential Body Parts: The developing zygote is transformed into a
1.Suckers = as organs of attachment. ciliated motile larval stage called the
a. Oral sucker = located at the anterior “MIRACIDIUM”.
end surrounding the mouth.
b. Ventral sucker/Acetabulum = situated Eggs passed out with feces >>>> Miracidium
on the mid-ventral anterior 3rdof the develops within the egg >>>> miracidium released
body which is the typical “distome”
(two-mouth) form. Miracidium penetrates appropriate Snail host ----
2.Integument = the entire external surface of Sporocyst, Redia, and Cercaria develops
flukes that functions as:
A. Cuticle Cercaria leaves snail host >>>> enters the 2 IH
B. Nutrition/Absorption
3.Mouth = surrounded by the oral sucker. In the 2ndIH, metacercaria develops ------
4.Esophagus = lined by a muscular organ, the Metacercaria ingested by Man
6.Blind pouches 1.All flukes appear flat and leaf-like except for
7.Muscular system Schistosomes (blood flukes) – elongated/cylindrical
8.Nervous system = typically ganglionic & “ladder 2.All are hermaphroditic (monoecious) except for
type”. Schistosomes – separate sexes (dioecious)
9.Excretory system & No circulatory system. 3.All eggs are operculated except for Schistosomes –
10. Reproductive system non-operculated
All are “hermaphroditic” except 4.Life Cycle of Trematodes
Schistosomes. Egg >> Larva >> Adult
A. Male reproductive tract = testes, cirrus Larva: Miracidium >> Sporocyst >> Redia >>
(penis). Cercaria >> Metacercaria
B. Female reproductive tract = ovary, *Except for Schistosomes: No Metacercaria
seminal receptacle, uterus, vitellaria 5.Infective Stage to the Final Host: Metacercaria
(yolk glands). except for Schistosomes: Cercaria
C. Genital pore = common opening where 6.Mode of Transmission: Ingestion except for
the male & female reproductive systems Schistosomes: Skin Penetration (Forked tail
connect to the external environment. Cercaria)
7.Require 2 Intermediate Host
Morphology (shape & arrangement) of the 1st IH: Snail (Cercaria)
reproductive system is very useful for the 2nd IH: Fish, Crab, Plant, Snail, Ant (Metacercaria)
classification & identification of flukes. Fish: Heterophyes heterophyes, Clonorchis
Flukes infecting man are found in a variety of sinensis, Opisthorchis felineus
habitats inside their hosts: Crab: Paragonimus westermani
1. Liver flukes = reside in the bile ducts. Plant/Vegetation: Fasciola hepatica, Fasciola
2. Intestinal flukes = found in the lumen of the SI. gigantica, Fasciolopsis buski
3. Lung flukes = encapsulated on lung parenchyma. Snail: Echinostoma ilocanum
Ant: Dicrocoelium dendriticum, Eurytrema
All flukes follow an indirect cycle. pancreaticum
Mature (adult) fluke resides in man. *Except for Schistosomes – only 1 Intermediate
Immature larvae occur in various IH. Host: Snail (Cercaria)
8.Adults attach themselves to the host by means of 2 - Infective Stage: Metacercaria
sucker: oral sucker, ventral sucker (acetabulum) - MOT: Ingestion of 2nd IH
except for Heterophyes heterophyes having 3 - Egg: large, operculated, unembryonated, yellowish
suckers – 3rd sucker: Genital sucker / Gonotyle brown egg resembling F. gigantica and F. buski egg
9. Egg Fasciola egg: resembling Hen’s egg shape
a. Mature when laid (embryonated) - Adult: Cephalic cone, well developed shoulder
b. Immature when laid
10. Possess Alimentary Canal without Anus
Possess complex reproductive structures: Testis,
Ovary, Uterus Fasciola gigantica
11. Treatment: Praziquantel - CN: Giant Liver Fluke / Tropical Liver Fluke
- Infects cattles in the
Hermaphroditic - Common in tropical areas
Body of adult worm is leaf like (oral and ventral - Dominant species affecting
sucker) cattle and water buffaloes in
Infective stage: Metacercaria the Philippines
Mode of transmission: Ingestion - Habitat: Biliary Passages of
Requires 3 hosts:DF –man; 2 IH Liver
1st IH: snails/mollusks - FH: Cattle
2nd IH: may vary - 1st IH: Snail
Operculated egg 2nd IH: Plant/Vegetation E.g.
Kangkong/Water Spinach
Intermediate Host - Infective Stage: Metacercaria
P.westermani – Sundathelpusaspp, - MOT: Ingestion of 2nd IH
Parathelpusaspp. - Egg: Fasciola egg
E.ilocanum – Pila luzonica/ Vivipara angoralis - Adult: Longer cephalic cone, less developed
F. hepatica – ipomea obscura shoulder. Almost same w/ F. hepatica but is bigger
F. buski – water chestnuts, bamboo shoots, water --Largest fluke to infect man; easily recognized by its
caltrop large size, presence of cephalic cone or shoulder,
C. sinensis, O.felineus, M. yokogawai, highly dendritic intestines, ovary & testes.
H.heterophyes - Fishes --RH: cattle & water buffaloes (carabaos).
Eurytrema pancreaticum
C. LUNG FLUKE - CN: Pancreatic Fluke
- Cholecystitis, Pancreatitis
Paragonimus westermani - Habitat: Pancreatic ducts
- CN: Oriental Lung Fluke - FH: Sheep, Cattle
- Causing Endemic Hemoptysis - Accidental Host: Man
- TB like symptoms - 1st IH: Snail
- Common in Sorsogon 2nd IH: Ant, Grasshopper, Mantis, Crickets
- Habitat: Lungs FH: Man - Infective Stage: Metacercaria
- 1st IH: Snail 2nd IH: Crab, Crayfish - MOT: Ingestion
- Infective Stage: - Egg: Operculated, Embryonated (Mature)
- MOT: Ingestion of 2nd IH
Crab w/ Metacercaria
E. BLOOD FLUKES Comparison of Schistosoma eggs:
- Adult stages are in the blood vessels
- Most Romantic Parasites “Perpetual Copulation”
- Adult male with gynecophoral canal where the
female is held
- Diagnosis: Demonstration of eggs in feces,rectal or
liver biopsies,urine (S.haematobium)
Faust and Maleneys egg hatching techniques
Circumoval Precipilin Test (COPT) of Oliver and
Non hermaphroditic/Dioecious
Body of adult is not leaflike (oral and ventral sucker
and male has schist)
Mode of Transmission: Skin Penetration
Adult Female blood fluke produces NON
Require 2 hosts: DH Man; One IH: Snails/Mollusk
S. japonicum - Oncomelania quadrasi
S. mansoni - Biomphalaria, Planorbis, Tropicorbis
S. haematobium - Bulinus, Physopsis
Schistosoma intercalatum
- Egg: resembles egg of S. haematobium, but Acid-
Fast Positive
- Adult: located in the venules of colon (large
Schistosoma mekongi
- Egg: resembles egg of S. mansoni, but much smaller
- Adult: located in the venules of small intestine