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Tender No: TVC-SNT-SIG-22-23-10 Closing Date/Time: 11/11/2022 14:00

SR DSTE/TVC acting for and on behalf of The President of India invites E-Tenders against Tender No TVC-SNT-SIG-22-23-10 Closing
Date/Time 11/11/2022 14:00 Hrs. Bidders will be able to submit their original/revised bids upto closing date and time only. Manual offers
are not allowed against this tender, and any such manual offer received shall be ignored.


Improvement of power supply by Installation of IPS and laying of cables in connection to the
Name of Work
installation of IPS at ERS, IPL, KYJ & QLN of Thiruvananthapuram Division.
Bidding type Normal Tender
Tender Type Open Bidding System Single Packet System
Tender Closing Date Time 11/11/2022 14:00 Date Time Of Uploading Tender 20/10/2022 20:13
Pre-Bid Conference
No Pre-Bid Conference Date Time Not Applicable
Advertised Value 2641315.78 Tendering Section WORKS
Single Rate for Each Schedule
Bidding Style Bidding Unit
Earnest Money (Rs.) 52800.00 Validity of Offer ( Days) 45
Tender Doc. Cost (Rs.) 0.00 Period of Completion 3 Months
Contract Type Works Contract Category Expenditure
Are Joint Venture (JV) firms
Bidding Start Date 28/10/2022 No
allowed to bid
Ranking Order For Bids Lowest to Highest Expenditure Type Revenue


S.No. Item Code Item Qty Qty Unit Unit Rate Basic Value Escl.(%) Amount Bidding Unit
Schedule A-Items covered under SOR 2011 2131133.18
Please see Item Breakup for details. 1310096.01 62.67 2131133.18
1 Below/Par
Description:- Please see item breakup for details

S.No. Item Code Item Qty Qty Unit Unit Rate Basic Value Escl.(%) Amount Bidding
Schedule B-Items not covered under SOR 2011 510182.60
NS1 4.00 Numbers 5782.92 23131.68 AT Par 23131.68 Rs.
Description:- "Releasing of existing IPS from the existing location. This work includes a) Releasing of Secondary
cells and battery stands along with connecting strips, wires and terminal boxes carefully without causing any
damage to the batteries, accounting and stacking them neatly at a place as instructed by Railway representative
1 a t site. After releasing any holes in the walls/ flooring shall be filled with cement mortar and plastered. b)
Releasing of all power equipments including IPS, terminal boards, power panel etc carefully without causing any
damage to the equipments after disconnecting all the supply wires. The released equipments shall be accounted
and stacked at a place as instructed by Railway representative a t site. After releasing any holes in the walls/
flooring shall be filled with cement mortar and plastered."
NS2 4.00 Numbers 83243.93 332975.72 AT Par 332975.72 Rs.
Descrip tio n :- "Installation, wiring and testing of IPS at stations as per RDSO Specification
No.RDSO/SPN/165/2012 Ver.3 or latest. This work includes a) Transportation of IPS from the stations/locations
by loading without any damages and installation of the same at site as per the instruction of Railway
representative at site. b) Wiring of all modules, proper earthing of equipments and all other works connected for
2 testing and commissioning of the same. c) Wiring all the outputs using wire PVC 7/1.4mm and 3/0.73mm copper
with proper ladder arrangement and termination on terminal box as per approved wiring diagram. d) Provision of
teakwood terminal box covered with decolum cover with locking facility for 230V input and output cables
separately and painting the particulars. e) Painting of Analog inputs for datalogger. (The IPS equipment will be
supplied by Railways). (Supply of IPS and PBT terminals 60mm is not covered in this schedule. Wire PVC
7/1.4mm and 3/0.75mm copper, aluminium cable ladder of required length and all other miscellaneous materials
required for the above work to be supplied by the contractor)."
NS3 4.00 Numbers 23331.30 93325.20 AT Par 93325.20 Rs.

Pa g e 1 o f 11 Ru n Da te/Time: 2 0 /10 /2 0 2 2 2 0 :13:5 5

Tender No: TVC-SNT-SIG-22-23-10 Closing Date/Time: 11/11/2022 14:00

Description:- "Supply and installation of Earthing and bonding system for signaling equipments as per RDSO
specification No. RDSO/SPN/197 ver.1.0 or latest amendment. The work involves I ) Supply of the following items
a) Copper bonded steel electrodes of 3.0m long,17.0mm dia with copper bonding thickness of minimum 250
micron and UL listed and marked b) Earth enhancement compound of RDSO approved brand supplied in sealed
bags of 35 kg. c) Copper strip of 200x25x6mm - 1 Nos d) Copper strip of 300x25x6mm ( MEEB ) - 1 Nos . e)
Multi-strand single core PVC insulated 35 Sqmm Copper cable as per IS-694 , used to connect MEEB to main
Earth electrode. ( minimum 10 mtrs or as per site requirements ) f) Multi-strand single core PVC insulated 10
Sqmm Copper cable as per IS-694 , used to connect individual Equipment to MEEB . ( minimum 10 mtrs or as
per site requirements ) g) Exothermic weld material & mould and all other miscellaneous materials required for
the work shall be supplied by the contractor. Inspection by RDSO (The material shall be procured from RDSO
3 approved firms) II) Installation of Earth electrode and the work involves the following, a) A hole of 100mm to
125mm dia shall be augured /dug to a depth of about 2.8 meters. b)The earth electrode shall be placed into this
hole. c) It will be penetrated into the soil by gently driving on the top of the rod. Here natural soil is assumed to be
available at the bottom of the electrode so that min. 150 mm of the electrode shall be inserted in the natural soil.
d) Earth enhancement material (minimum 35 kg) shall be filled into the augured/dug hole in slurry form and
allowed to set. After the material gets set, the diameter of the composite structure (earth electrode + earth
enhancement material) shall be of minimum 100mm dia covering entire length of the hole. e ) Remaining portion
of the hole shall be covered by backfill soil, which is taken out during auguring /digging. f) Copper strip of
200x25x6mm to be exothermically welded to Earth Electrode and the same to be connected to MEEB using 35 Copper cable. g) Inspection chamber shall be provided by the contractor as per para.8.4.4 of RDSO
specification. All the work has to be executed as per RDSO specification No. RDSO/SPN/197 Ver.1.0 or latest
amendment. All the precautions referred in Annexure I & II of RDSO specification to be complied and earthing to
be done as per drawing No.SDO/RDSO/E&B/001. The installation of earth electrode has to be supervised by the
representative of the OEM and joint installation report has to be submitted. Contractor has to submit MOU with
OEM for supply and installation of earth electrode. OEM shall certify that ""verification of system installation has
been completed by their authorised representative and all necessary arrangements meet the required standards
for trouble free working of installed system"". ( If the minimum quantity of supply items mentioned has not been
utilized, the remaining quantity has to be handed over to the Engineer in charge of the work. ) (Warrenty period
of 60 months from the date of commissioning shall be given for earthing as per RDSO specification)"
NS4 405.00 Metre 150.00 60750.00 AT Par 60750.00 Rs.
Description:- "Trenching in Hard rocky area - The work involved are chase cutting 500 mm deep in hard rocky
4 area, refilling and cement concreting as per DrgNo. CORE/S&T/ALD/SK/579/04 , consolidating the trench by
ramming and levelling.( Supply of cable is not included in this schedule ) cement, sand, stone jelly etc and all
other miscellaneous materials required for the work shall be supplied by the Contractor.] "


Schedule Schedule A-Items covered under SOR 2011

Item- 1 Please see item breakup for details
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 011010 Excavation of cable trench in all kinds of soil except hard rocky Metre 1320.00 34.65 45738.00
areas including clearing of roots of trees, rocks, bushes etc. to
a depth of 1.0 Mtrs and to a width of 0.3 Mtrs. Laying of
cables is not included in this schedule.
2 011040 Removing/breaking of existing RCC slabs on the Passenger Metre 60.00 169.95 10197.00
Platform, trenching to a depth of 0.6m to accommodate the
additional cables, replacing the slabs removed after the cables
are laid and replastering with cement mortar, refilling the
trench by ramming and consolidating it as per the instructions
of Railway Representatives at site. Laying of cables is not
included in this schedule. [Cement, river sand and all other
miscellaneous materials required for the work shall be
supplied by the Contractor].
3 011060 Excavation of trench to a depth of 1 Mtr. for track crossing of Metre 114.00 208.35 23751.90
cables, laying of DWC/ RCC pipes with collar/coupling, refilling
of trench by ramming and consolidating it as per the
instructions of Railway representative at site. During
excavation of trench it has to be ensured that the excavated
soil does not mix with the ballast available. The depth of 1m
trench shall be from the bottom of sleepers for track
crossings. Laying of cables is not included in this schedule.
(Supply of DWC/RCC pipes with couplers/ collars is not
included in this schedule).

Pa g e 2 o f 11 Ru n Da te/Time: 2 0 /10 /2 0 2 2 2 0 :13:5 5

Tender No: TVC-SNT-SIG-22-23-10 Closing Date/Time: 11/11/2022 14:00

4 011100 Provision of GI pipes (50/100mm dia) for cable laying in hard Metre 300.00 168.08 50424.00
rocky area with off sets at both ends duly supported by
concrete blocks of size 300mm x 300 mm x 300 mm at an
interval of 2m. The ends of the pipes shall be closed with brick
masonry work so that no cable is exposed, The work shall be
carried out as per the instructions of Railway representative at
site. Supply of GI pipes with couplings and laying of cables is
not included in this schedule.[Stone jelly of size 20/25mm,
bricks, sand, cement and all other miscellaneous materials
required for the work shall be supplied by the Contractor].
5 011110 Laying of signaling/power/telecommunication cables as per Metre 9750.00 9.83 95842.50
cable plan in cable trenches, masonry ducts, RCC Pipes,
DWC pipes, GI Pipes etc.(Supply of cables is not included in
this schedule).
6 011130 Placing of one row of country bricks of size approximately Metre 1320.00 48.76 64363.20
220mm x 100mm x 60mm breadth wise horizontally above the
cables in 0.3m width trench.[Country bricks of size 220mm x
100mm x 60 mm (approximately) shall be supplied by the
7 011150 Refilling of cable trench 1m depth by 0.3m width throughout, Metre 1320.00 8.33 10995.60
with earth after laying of cables, and consolidating the trench
by ramming and leveling.
8 011180 Supply of RCC cable markers as per drawing Numbers 30.00 166.29 4988.70
No.CSTE/CN/OFC/1. The lettering on the cable marker shall
be "SIG" / "TELE" / "OFC" as per the instructions of Railway
representative at site.
9 011190 Digging of pit to a depth of 800mm of size 300mmX300mm, Numbers 30.00 121.43 3642.90
casting of concrete foundation of size
300mmX300mmX300mm and Placing of RCC cable markers
on top of the foundation and refilling the pit and consolidating
it by ramming. The cable markers shall be provided at an
interval of 20 Mtrs. within station limits and 50 Mtrs. outside
station limits throughout the cable route, diversions and also
at every track/road/crossing.
10 011210 Supply of Double walled corrugated pipe - 103.5mm inner dia Metre 114.00 263.20 30004.80
& 120mm outer dia conforming to specification No. IS
14930(Part 2): 2001 with one coupler for every 6m of pipe as
specified in Vol.II of the Tender document.
11 011220 Supply of GI pipes - 50mm dia -3.65mm thick as specified in Metre 150.00 343.20 51480.00
Vol.II of the Tender document.
12 011230 Supply of GI pipes - 100mm dia-4.5mm thick as specified in Metre 150.00 838.80 125820.00
Vol.II of the Tender document
13 011250 Excavation of pit, casting concrete foundation and erection of Numbers 2.00 9875.30 19750.60
apparatus case full size as per Drg. No.SG/CN/02/6 and fixing
of 2 Nos. of 'E' type locks, one for the front door and another
for the back door, fixing of one hard wood shelf plank 37mm
thick and painting the apparatus case inside and outside with
one coat of red-oxide and two coats of aluminium paints.
(Supply of apparatus case is not included in this schedule).
[Foundation bolts & nuts, 'E' type locks, cement, river sand,
stone jelly of size 20/25 mm, hardwood plank of 37mm thick,
paints, varnish, fixing bolts & nuts and all other miscellaneous
materials required for the work shall be supplied by the

Pa g e 3 o f 11 Ru n Da te/Time: 2 0 /10 /2 0 2 2 2 0 :13:5 5

Tender No: TVC-SNT-SIG-22-23-10 Closing Date/Time: 11/11/2022 14:00

14 011350 Termination of new main/tail cables on the existing terminals/ Numbers 330.00 39.78 13127.40
fuse blocks in apparatus cases/ battery boxes/ CT boxes/
cable termination racks as per approved circuit diagram. The
terminal particulars are to be repainted /corrected on the
doors of apparatus cases/ battery boxes/ cable termination
boxes and FTOT index board as instructed by Railway
representative at site. This work includes closing the opening
created for entry of new cables in the apparatus cases with
masonry brick work and sealing the bottom of the apparatus
cases/ cable termination racks with cable compound.[Paints,
wire PVC 3/0.75mm and 16/0.2mm copper, sealing
compound, bricks, cement, river sand and all other required
miscellaneous materials shall be supplied by the contractor].
15 011360 Termination of main, tail, Signaling and power cables and Numbers 810.00 93.16 75459.60
internal wiring on terminal/ fuse blocks in new apparatus
cases, cable termination boxes and in gate Lodges excluding
cable termination rack at relay room. The work includes fixing
of all new cables by teakwood clamp on teakwood base plank,
fixing of Phynolic synthetic industrial fibre base fine weave
cotton fibre board 6mm thick for terminal board to suit each
apparatus case, varnishing all teakwood items, fixing of
terminals/ fuse blocks on the terminal board, drilling of
necessary holes, termination of cables, wiring, identification of
cables using aluminium tags with letters punched neatly, as
per approved circuit diagram and cable plan, painting of
particulars on sleeves and also on the inner side of the doors
of apparatus cases. After terminations are over, the side
openings of apparatus case foundation shall be closed with
brick work, cement plastered, the inter-space filled with river
sand up to base level and the bottom surface shall be sealed
with sealing compound. (Supply of PBT terminals and Fuse
blocks is not covered in this schedule).[Cement, teakwood
cable clamp 50mm x 50mm, base planks 100mm x 25mm,
Phynolic synthetic industrial fibre base fine weave cotton fibre
sheet - 6mm thick to IS specification 2036 - 1995 - Type F5,
PVC/Nylon sleeves, varnish, paints, bolts, nuts and washers,
Non-deteriorating type of fuses of various capacities,
Aluminium cable tags, sealing compound, country bricks
220mm x 100mm x 60mm, copper bus bars, brass screw,
river sand, wire PVC3/0.75mm copper and other
miscellaneous materials shall be supplied by the Contractor].
a. Termination on 25/60mm PBT terminals (new location)
(Phynolic sheet)

Pa g e 4 o f 11 Ru n Da te/Time: 2 0 /10 /2 0 2 2 2 0 :13:5 5

Tender No: TVC-SNT-SIG-22-23-10 Closing Date/Time: 11/11/2022 14:00

16 011380 Termination of main, tail, Signaling and power cables and Numbers 500.00 81.68 40840.00
internal wiring by fixing additional terminals/ fuse blocks on the
existing terminal boards of apparatus cases, cable termination
boxes etc. The work includes fixing of all new cables by
teakwood clamp on teakwood base plank, varnishing all
teakwood items, fixing of terminals/ fuse blocks, on the
existing terminal boards, drilling of necessary holes,
termination of cables, wiring, identification of cables using
aluminium tags with letters punched neatly, as per approved
circuit diagram and cable plan, painting of particulars on
sleeves and also on the inner side of the doors of apparatus
cases. After terminations are over, the side openings of
apparatus case foundation shall be closed with brick work,
cement plastered, the inter-space filled with river sand up to
base level and the bottom surface shall be sealed with sealing
compound. (Supply of PBT terminals and Fuse blocks is not
covered in this schedule).[Cement, teakwood cable clamp
50mm x 50mm, base planks 100mm x 25mm, PVC/Nylon
sleeves, varnish, paints, bolts, nuts and washers, Non-
deteriorating type of fuses of various capacities, Aluminium
cable tags, sealing compound, country bricks 220mm x
100mm x 60mm, copper bus bars, brass screw, river sand,
wire PVC3/0.75mm copper and other miscellaneous materials
shall be supplied by the Contractor]. a. Termination of cables
on 25/60mm PBT terminals (existing location)
17 011390 Termination of main, tail, Signaling and power cables and Numbers 84.00 102.08 8574.72
internal wiring by fixing additional terminals/ fuse blocks on the
existing terminal boards of apparatus cases, cable termination
boxes etc. The work includes fixing of all new cables by
teakwood clamp on teakwood base plank, varnishing all
teakwood items, fixing of terminals/ fuse blocks, on the
existing terminal boards, drilling of necessary holes,
termination of cables, wiring, identification of cables using
aluminium tags with letters punched neatly, as per approved
circuit diagram and cable plan, painting of particulars on
sleeves and also on the inner side of the doors of apparatus
cases. After terminations are over, the side openings of
apparatus case foundation shall be closed with brick work,
cement plastered, the inter-space filled with river sand up to
base level and the bottom surface shall be sealed with sealing
compound. (Supply of PBT terminals and Fuse blocks is not
covered in this schedule).[Cement, teakwood cable clamp
50mm x 50mm, base planks 100mm x 25mm, PVC/Nylon
sleeves, varnish, paints, bolts, nuts and washers, Non-
deteriorating type of fuses of various capacities, Aluminium
cable tags, sealing compound, country bricks 220mm x
100mm x 60mm, copper bus bars, brass screw, river sand,
wire PVC3/0.75mm copper and other miscellaneous materials
shall be supplied by the Contractor]. b. Termination of cables
on PBT fuse block (existing location)
18 011770 Provision of earth electrodes as per drawing No.SG/SN/02/13 Numbers 6.00 1799.00 10794.00
and earthing of metallic sheath and armour of all cables in all
apparatus cases, relay room, equipment room, SM's room for
block and control, and earthing of all equipments in apparatus
cases, power room, relay rack, cable termination rack, control
panel, signals, lever frames with MS flat 35mm X 6mm/19c
cable (MS flat for closure by areas and MS flat/19c cable
combination for farther areas) as per the instructions of
Railway representative at site. The work includes painting of
earth resistance value on the earth pit. Supply of 19C cable is
not covered in the scope of this schedule.[MS flat for earthing
35mm X 6mm, cement, GI earth electrodes, common salt,
charcoal, country bricks, river sand, soldering materials and all
other miscellaneous materials required for the work shall be
supplied by the Contractor].

Pa g e 5 o f 11 Ru n Da te/Time: 2 0 /10 /2 0 2 2 2 0 :13:5 5

Tender No: TVC-SNT-SIG-22-23-10 Closing Date/Time: 11/11/2022 14:00

19 011790 Installation of combined type point machine - IRS type and Numbers 17.00 8856.15 150554.55
connecting all ground connections including wiring and
termination in point machine and interconnections between
point machine and CT box through PVC hose pipe with
3/0.75mm and 7/1.40mm copper wire and painting. This work
includes provision of insulation to stretcher bars, throw bar lug
and "D" bracket wherever required, cutting of notches on the
point machines covers to suit crank handle configuration.
(Combined type point machine with ground connection,
uninsulated stretcher bar, throw bar lug and 'D' brackets will
be supplied by Railways.[All types of insulations connected to
point work, coal bengal, all type of bolts and nuts, washers
spring/flat wire PVC 7/1.4mm copper, PVC hope pipe, paints,
PVC/nylon sleeves and all other miscellaneous materials
required for the work shall be supplied by the Contractor].
20 012120 Supply of Low maintenance secondary cells of the following Numbers 60.00 5797.00 347820.00
capacities with necessary inspection as per specification/
drawing/ description enclosed in this document. e. Supply of
secondary cells-2V-300AH capacity
21 013220 Charging and installation of secondary cells of the following Numbers 60.00 587.55 35253.00
capacities, on existing battery stand/ RCC slabs in the battery
room. The work involves charging of secondary cells, fixing
and connecting the batteries with strips, manufacture and
fixing of teakwood terminal box, termination of cables, wiring
with suitable wire PVC 7/1.40mm and 3/0.75mm copper
through suitable PVC pipes/ casing properly clamped,
provision of battery particulars board made of phynolic sheet
6mm thick of size 900mm x 1200mm with Aluminium grooved
channel frame in the relay room. The particulars shall be
digitally using good quality laminated gum sheet, provision of
hydrometer -1 No. on a stand and battery tester-1 No.
Charging of secondary cells shall be done by the contractor
through reputed agencies(Supply of secondary cells is not
covered in this schedule).[Teakwood plank 25mm thick for
manufacturing termination box with locking facility, wire PVC
7/1.4mm and 3/0.75mm copper, anti-corrosive paint, varnish,
PVC pipes/ casing, and all other miscellaneous materials
required for this work shall be supplied by the contractor]. a.
Installation of 2V-300AH cell on existing stand / slabs
22 013230 Charging and installation of secondary cells of the following Numbers 60.00 475.05 28503.00
capacities, on existing battery stand/ RCC slabs in the battery
room. The work involves charging of secondary cells, fixing
and connecting the batteries with strips, manufacture and
fixing of teakwood terminal box, termination of cables, wiring
with suitable wire PVC 7/1.40mm and 3/0.75mm copper
through suitable PVC pipes/ casing properly clamped,
provision of battery particulars board made of phynolic sheet
6mm thick of size 900mm x 1200mm with Aluminium grooved
channel frame in the relay room. The particulars shall be
digitally using good quality laminated gum sheet, provision of
hydrometer -1 No. on a stand and battery tester-1 No.
Charging of secondary cells shall be done by the contractor
through reputed agencies(Supply of secondary cells is not
covered in this schedule).[Teakwood plank 25mm thick for
manufacturing termination box with locking facility, wire PVC
7/1.4mm and 3/0.75mm copper, anti-corrosive paint, varnish,
PVC pipes/ casing, and all other miscellaneous materials
required for this work shall be supplied by the contractor]b.
Installation of 2V-200AH on existing stand/slabs

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Tender No: TVC-SNT-SIG-22-23-10 Closing Date/Time: 11/11/2022 14:00

23 013270 Installation of charged secondary cells of the following Numbers 82.00 265.72 21789.04
capacities in apparatus cases, connecting them with strips,
wiring with wire PVC 3/0.75mm copper and termination. This
work also includes charging of cells through reputed agencies.
The details of the batteries shall be written on the inside of the
doors of the apparatus cases.(Supply of secondary cells is not
included in this schedule). [Wire PVC 3/0.75mm copper,
connecting strips, paint and all other miscellaneous materials
required for the work shall be supplied by the Contractor]. b.
Installation of 2V-40/80AH cell in apparatus case
24 015110 Dismantling and releasing of existing Point machines (all Numbers 17.00 1458.75 24798.75
types) including ground connections and other accessories
available complete without any damage to the gadgets,
accounting and stacking them neatly at a place as instructed
by Railway representative at site.
25 015130 Releasing of Secondary cells and battery stands available in Set 3.00 2916.75 8750.25
the battery room along with connecting strips, wires and
terminal boxes carefully without causing any damage to the
batteries, accounting and stacking them neatly at a place as
instructed by Railway representative at site. After releasing
any holes in the walls/ flooring shall be filled with cement
mortar and plastered.
26 015220 Releasing of all power equipments including equipment Set 1.00 6832.50 6832.50
stands, terminal boards, power panel etc., in the power room
carefully without causing any damage to the equipments after
disconnecting all the supply wires. The released equipments
shall be accounted and stacked at a place as instructed by
Railway representative at site. After releasing any holes in the
walls/ flooring shall be filled with cement mortar and plastered.
Total 1310096.01


Special Technical Criteria

S.No. Description Confirmation Remarks Documents

Required Allowed Uploading
1 Not Applicable since the tender value is less than 50 lakhs No No

Standard Financial Criteria

S.No. Description Confirmation Remarks Documents

Required Allowed Uploading
1 Not Applicable since the tender value is less than 50 lakhs No No

Submission of Document Verification Certificate

S.No. Description Confirmation Remarks Documents

Required Allowed Uploading
Please submit a certificate in the prescribed format (please download the format from the
link given below) for verification / confirmation of the documents submitted for
compliance of eligibility / qualifying criteria. Non submission of the certificate, or Allowed
1 No No
submission of certificate either not properly filled in, or in a format other than the (Mandatory)
prescribed format shall lead to summary rejection of your offer.
( Click here to download the Format of Self Certificatio)



S.No. Description Confirmation Remarks Documents

Required Allowed Uploading

Pa g e 7 o f 11 Ru n Da te/Time: 2 0 /10 /2 0 2 2 2 0 :13:5 5

Tender No: TVC-SNT-SIG-22-23-10 Closing Date/Time: 11/11/2022 14:00

All the tenderers/Contractors have to deposit full Bid Security as stipulated for
the tender, through online modes as permitted in IREPS application through
1 multiple banks net banking, debit and credit cards . All documents related to No No Not Allowed
Partnership deed/Joint venture/ Consortium/ MOU, duly signed by the notary
public, should be uploaded failing which offer will be summarily rejected.
Until a formal agreement is prepared and executed, acceptance of this tender
shall constitute a binding contract between us subject to modifications, as may
2 No No Not Allowed
be mutually agreed to between us and indicated in the letter of acceptance of
my/our offer for this work.
I/We also hereby agree to abide by the Indian Railways Standard General
Conditions Of Contract 2022, with all correction slips up-to-date and to carry
out the work according to the Special Conditions of Contract and Specifications
3 Yes No Not Allowed
of materials and works as laid down by Railway in the annexed Special
Conditions/Specifications, Schedule of Rates with all correction slips up to date
for the present contract
I/We offer to do the work for DRM/S&T/TVC, at the rates quoted in the
attached schedule and hereby bind myself/ourselves to complete the work in
all respects within the period of completion stipulated in the tender document,
from the date of issue of letter of acceptance of the tender. The amount as
stipulated in the tender document is herewith forwarded as Bid Security. Full
4 Yes No Not Allowed
value of the Bid Security shall stand forfeited without prejudice to any other
right or remedies in case my/our Tender is accepted and if : (a) I/We do not
execute the contract documents as stipulated in performance guarantee
clause of GCC 2022 as detailed in general instructions. (b) I/We do not
commence the work within seven days after receipt of orders to that effect.
I/We hereby Confirm that the rates, rebates and/or other financial terms, if
any, quoted by us in the relevant fields of the Financial Bid page will only be
5 the ruling terms for deciding the inter-se ranking, and any such condition Yes No Not Allowed
having financial repercussions, if quoted by us anywhere else including
attached documents shall not be considered for deciding inter-se ranking
However, Railways shall have the right to incorporate any such condition
6 No No Not Allowed
quoted by us, in the contract, at their discretion, if contract is placed on us.
Manual submission of Bid Security cannot be entertained/Considered and
7 No No Not Allowed
hence no need of uploading the scanned copy of financial instruments
Please enter the percentage of local content in the material being offered.
Please enter 0 for fully imported items, and 100 for fully indigenous items. The Allowed
8 No Yes
definition and calculation of local content shall be in accordance with the Make (Optional)
in India policy as incorporated in the tender conditions.

Pa g e 8 o f 11 Ru n Da te/Time: 2 0 /10 /2 0 2 2 2 0 :13:5 5

Tender No: TVC-SNT-SIG-22-23-10 Closing Date/Time: 11/11/2022 14:00

The tenderer whether sole proprietor / a company or a partnership firm / joint

venture (JV) / registered society / registered trust / HUF / LLP etc if they want
to act through agent or individual partner(s), should submit along with the
tender, a copy of power of attorney duly stamped and authenticated by a
Notary Public or by Magistrate in favour of the specific person whether he/they
be partner(s) of the firm or any other person, specifically authorizing him/them
to sign the tender, submit the tender and further to deal with the Tender/
Contract up to the stage of signing the agreement except in case where such
specific person is authorized for above purposes through a provision made in
the partnership deed / Memorandum of Understanding / Article of Association
Board resolution, failing which tender shall be summarily rejected. The
tenderer whether sole proprietor / a company or a partnership firm / joint
venture (JV) / registered society / registered trust / HUF / LLP etc if they want
to act through agent or individual partner(s), should submit along with the
tender, a copy of power of attorney duly stamped and authenticated by a
Notary Public or by Magistrate in favour of the specific person whether he/they
9 be partner(s) of the firm or any other person, specifically authorizing him/them No No
to sign the tender, submit the tender and further to deal with the Tender/
Contract up to the stage of signing the agreement except in case where such
specific person is authorized for above purposes through a provision made in
the partnership deed / Memorandum of Understanding / Article of Association
Board resolution, failing which tender shall be summarily rejected. A separate
power of attorney duly stamped and authenticated by a Notary Public or by
Magistrate in favour of the specific person whether he/they be partner(s) of the
firm or any other person, shall be submitted after award of work, specifically
authorizing him/them to deal with all other contractual activities subsequent to
signing of agreement, if required. Note: A Power of Attorney executed and
issued overseas, the document will also have to be legalized by the Indian
Embassy and notarized in the jurisdiction where the Power of Attorney is being
issued. However, the Power of Attorney provided by Bidders from countries
that have signed the Hague Legislation Convention 1961 are not required to
be legalized by the Indian Embassy if it carries a conforming Appostille

General Instructions

S.No. Description Confirmation Remarks Documents

Required Allowed Uploading
The tenderer shall thoroughly go through the entire tender documents and
1.1 No No Not Allowed
strictly adhere the instructions and directions given at different pages.
1.2 Tender Document Cost for this work is NIL. No No Not Allowed
Unreleased Bid Security, if any, held with the Railway Administration, shall not
1.3 No No Not Allowed
be adjusted towards the Bid Security to be remitted.
If the Tenderer(s) deliberately give(s) wrong information/ incorrect documents
in his/their tender or create circumstances for the acceptance of his/their
tender, the Railway reserves the right to reject such tender at any stage. The
1.4 entire Bid Security and any other dues available with Railway against that No No Not Allowed
contract will be forfeited. Action will be taken to suspend the business with the
tenderere for a period of five years. In addition, Administration reserves the
right to prosecute under suitable law.
All terms and conditions in the tender documents are binding on the
1.5 No No Not Allowed
Railways reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the tenders and to
1.6 award the work in whole or in part without assigning the reason for any such No No Not Allowed
The Tenderers are advised to visit the site of work in their own interest and
acquaint themselves with the site conditions and expected quantum of work
and assess all the site specific difficulties to be experienced while executing
1.7 No No Not Allowed
the same and the rate shall be arrived duly considering all the facts above and
quoted in the tender. Any representation at a later date specifying the site
difficulties shall not be considered.

Pa g e 9 o f 11 Ru n Da te/Time: 2 0 /10 /2 0 2 2 2 0 :13:5 5

Tender No: TVC-SNT-SIG-22-23-10 Closing Date/Time: 11/11/2022 14:00

The bidder has to fill in his quoted rate against each item in the Bid rate / Unit
rate column. If the bidding unit is Above/ Below/ Par, the bidder can select the
2 %Above, %Below or %At Par option from the drop down list in the same No No Not Allowed
column. If the bidding rate is Rs. or Rs./ unit, the bidder has to quote his rate
for the item group or individual item accordingly
All the bidders/tenders should ensure that they are GST compliant and their
3 No No Not Allowed
quoted tax structure/rates are as per GST Law
In case of any wrong information submitted by tenderer, the contract shall be
terminated, Earnest Money Deposit(EMD), Performance Guarantee(PG) and
4 No No Not Allowed
Security Deposit(SD) of contract forfeited and agency barred for doing
business on entire Indian Railways for 5(five) years

Special Conditions

S.No. Description Confirmation Remarks Documents

Required Allowed Uploading
Contractor is to abide by the provisions of Payment of Wages act & Minimum
Wages act in terms of clause 54, 55, 55-A and 55-B of Indian Railways
General Condition of Contract. In order to ensure the same, an application has
been developed and hosted on website
1 ''. Contractor shall register his No No Not Allowed
firm/company etc. and upload requisite details of labour and their payment in
this portal. Contractor shall apply for onetime registration of his company/firm
etc. in the Shramikkalyan portal with requisite details subsequent to issue of
Letter of Acceptance.


S.No. Description Confirmation Remarks Documents

Required Allowed Uploading
In the e-tendering process,it is mandatory that every tenderer/contractor/firm
registered with to submit his bank details ie. Name of the Allowed
1 No No
Bank along with Bank branch code, Account Number, IFSC code and PAN (Mandatory)
2 Statement of works on hand No No
The tenderers shall submit a notarized affidavit on a non-judicial stamp paper
stating that they are not liable to be disqualified and all their
statements/documents submitted along with bid are true and factual. Standard
format of the affidavit to be submitted by the bidder is enclosed as annexure-
A . Non submission of an affidavit by the bidder shall result in summary
3 rejection of his/their bid. And it shall be mandatorily incumbent upon the No No
tenderer to identify, state and submit the supporting documents duly self
attested by which they/he is qualifying the Qualifying Criteria mentioned in the
Tender Document. It will not be obligatory on the part of Tender Committee to
scrutinize beyond the submitted document of tenderer as far as his
qualification for the tender is concerned


S.No. Description Confirmation Remarks Documents

Required Allowed Uploading
I/we have carefully gone through the tender documents, specifications, special
1 No No Not Allowed
conditions etc. attached with the tender documents.
I/We undertake to keep this offer valid for a period indicated in tender
2 documents from the date of opening of tender and further not to revoke the No No Not Allowed
same before the expiry of such period.
I/ We have visited the works site and I / We am / are aware of the site
3 No No Not Allowed

6. Documents attached with tender

S.No. Document Name Document Description


Pa g e 10 o f 11 Ru n Da te/Time: 2 0 /10 /2 0 2 2 2 0 :13:5 5

Tender No: TVC-SNT-SIG-22-23-10 Closing Date/Time: 11/11/2022 14:00

2 GCC_April-2022.pdf GCC 2022

3 SOR20113.pdf SOR 2011

This tender complies with Public Procurement Policy (Make in India) Order 2017, dated 15/06/2017, issued by
Department of Industrial Promotion and Policy, Ministry of Commerce, circulated vide Railway Board letter no.
2015/RS(G)/779/5 dated 03/08/2017 and 27/12/2017 and amendments/ revisions thereof.

As a Tender Inviting Authority, the undersigned has ensured that the issue of this tender does not violate provisions of
GFR regarding procurement through GeM.


Designation : Sr.DSTE

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