• Times single events or accumulated time from 1 µs to 999,999 hrs
• Timing resolution to 0.2 µs
• Selectable HH.MM.SS clock format or decimal format
• Inputs from NPN or PNP proximity switches, contact closures, digital logic,
magnetic pickups down to 12 mV, or AC inputs up to 250 Vac
• Triggers on positive or negative pulse edges
• External controls for reset, meter hold and decimal points
• Universal AC power, 85-264 Vac
• Isolated 5, 10 or 24 Vdc excitation supply to power sensors
• NEMA 4X, 1/8 DIN case
• Optional serial I/O: Ethernet, USB, RS232, RS485, Ethernet-to-RS485 converter
• Optional relay outputs: dual or quad relays, contact or solid state
• Optional isolated analog output: 4-20 mA, 0-20 mA, 0-10V, -10 to +10V
• Optional low voltage power: 10-48 Vdc or 12-32 Vac
• Optional Extended Timer: features of standard timer plus rate based on 1/time
The Laureate stopwatch meter is designed to time single 1 s resolution. The stopwatch display is updated during timing
events, such as sporting events or processes, which produce at a rate controlled by a gate time, up to 25/s. It is reset to zero
start and stop pulses. It can also time the width of a single pulse. when the next start pulse occurs. Accumulated time from multiple
Highest resolution is 0.2 µs, since timing is achieved by counting events (Item #2) is also tracked and may be displayed up to
5.5 MHz clock pulses. For long intervals, the display is updated 999,999 hours.
continuously during timing. Laureate™ stopwatch timers use the
FR dual-channel signal conditioner and Standard counter main Inputs to the FR dual-channel signal conditioner can be
board. proximity switches with PNP or NPN output, TTL or CMOS logic,
magnetic pickups, contact closures, low-level outputs from
turbine flow meters down to 12 mV, and high-level AC line inputs
up to 250 Vac. A built-in isolated 5, 10, or 24 Vdc excitation
supply can power proximity switches and other sensors, thus
eliminating the need for an external power supply.
Digital filtering is selectable for electrically noisy environments,
including a batch averaging filter and an adaptive moving aver-
age filter which provides a choice of 8 time constants from 80 ms
to 9.6 s. When a significant change in signal level occurs, that
• A-A Stopwatch Mode. Time can be measured between a filter adapts by briefly switching to the shortest time constant to
start pulse and a stop pulse, both on Channel A, from either follow the change, then reverts back to the selected time con-
the positive or negative edges. stant. In a selectable Auto filter mode, the filter time constant is
automatically selected based on detected signal noise.
• A-B Stopwatch Mode. Time can also be measured between
a start pulse on Channel A (positive or negative edge) and a Designed for system use. Optional plug-in boards include
stop pulse on Channel B (positive or negative edge). This Ethernet and other serial communication boards, dual or quad
mode allows inputs from different sources. In addition, the A relay boards, and an isolated analog output board. Laureates
and B inputs can be tied together to start the stopwatch with may be powered from 85-264 Vac or optionally from 12-32 Vac
one polarity and stop it with the other polarity. or 10-48 Vdc. The display is available with red or green LEDs.
• Rate Based on 1/Time Mode. Highly accurate rate can be The 1/8 DIN case meets NEMA 4X (IP65) specifications from the
displayed by taking the inverse of time. Extensive arithmetic front when panel mounted. Any setup functions and front panel
capabilities allow display in engineering units, such as keys can be locked out for simplified usage and security. A built-
meter/sec. This mode requires use of an Extended counter. in isolated 5, 10, or 24 Vdc excitation supply can power trans-
ducers and eliminate the need for an external power supply.
Display. The event time (Item #1) may be displayed H, M or S All power and signal connections are via UL / VDE / CSA rated
format with six-digit resolution. The longest single-event timing screw clamp plugs.
interval is 999,999 hours. The highest resolution is 0.2 µs. The
event time may also be displayed in HH.MM.SS clock format with
LAUREL ELECTRONICS INC., 3183-G Airway Ave., Costa Mesa, CA 92626, USA • Tel 714-434-6131 • 1
Types AC, pulses from NPN, PNP transistors, contact closures, magnetic pickups.
Grounding Common ground for channels A & B
Minimum Signal Nine ranges from (-12 to +12 mV) to (+1.25 to +2.1V).
Maximum Signal 250 Vac
Noise Filter 1 MHz, 30 kHz, 250 Hz (selectable)
Contact Debounce 0, 3, 50 ms (selectable)
Stopwatch Mode
Timing Modes:
With Ch A only + to + edge, or - to - edge.
With Ch A tied to Ch B + to - edge, or - to + edge.
With Ch A and Ch B + edge of A to + edge of B, + edge of A to - edge of B,
- edge to A to - edge of B, - edge of A to - edge of B
Timing Interval 1 µs to 999,999 hrs
Timing Resolution 0.2 µs to 1 hr
Selectable Decimal Time 999999 H, M or S format with decimal point
Selectable Clock Time HH.MM.SS format
Output & Display Update 30 ms + gate time programmable from 10 ms to 199.99 s
Output Levels 4-20 mA, 0-20 mA, 0-10V, -10 to +10V (single-output option)
4-20 mA, 0-20 mA, 0-10V (dual-output option)
Current compliance 2 mA at 10V ( > 5 kΩ load)
Voltage compliance 12V at 20 mA ( < 600Ω load)
Scaling Zero and full scale adjustable from -99999 to +99999
Resolution 16 bits (0.0015% of full scale)
Isolation 250V rms working, 2.3 kV rms per 1 min test
(dual analog outputs share the same ground)
LAUREL ELECTRONICS INC., 3183-G Airway Ave., Costa Mesa, CA 92626, USA • Tel 714-434-6131 • 2
Serial Data I/O (optional)
Electrical Connections
LAUREL ELECTRONICS INC., 3183-G Airway Ave., Costa Mesa, CA 92626, USA • Tel 714-434-6131 • 3
Application Examples
Stopwatch Mode
The start and stop pulses used for timing can be generated by
the dual relay board in a Laureate analog panel meter or digital
counter. For instance, the start and stop pulse edges can be
created as temperature passes two alarm setpoints, or as
temperature cycles in a hysteresis control mode.
Some of the many possibilities in instrumenting a pulsed laser system with Laureate dual-channel
counters: elapsed time, number of pulses, pulse width, pulse separation, duty cycle, and pulse rep rate.
LAUREL ELECTRONICS INC., 3183-G Airway Ave., Costa Mesa, CA 92626, USA • Tel 714-434-6131 • 4
Ordering Guide
Create a model number in this format: L50000FR, IPC
Note: Use of the Extended Main Board makes this counter also suitable for A-B time interval,
frequency, rate, period, square root of rate, up or down total, arithmetic functions, simultaneous
rate and total, phase, duty cycle, batching, and custom curve linearization.
Add-on Options CBL01 RJ11-to-DB9 cable. RJ11 to DB9. Connects RS232 ports of meter and PC.
CBL02 USB-to-DB9 adapter cable. Combination of CBL02 and CBL01 connects meter RS232
port to PC USB port.
CBL03-1 6-wire data cable, RJ11 to RJ11, 1 ft. Used to daisy chain meters via RS485.
CBL03-7 6-wire data cable, RJ11 to RJ11, 7 ft. Used to daisy chain meters via RS485.
CBL05 USB cable, A-B. Connects USB ports of meter and PC.
CBL06 USB to RS485 adapter cable, half duplex, RJ11 to USB. Connects meter RS485 port
to PC USB port.
CASE1 Benchtop laboratory case for one 1/8 DIN meter
CASE2 Benchtop laboratory case for two 1/8 DIN meters
IPC Splash-proof cover
BOX1 NEMA-4 Enclosure
BOX2 NEMA-4 enclosure plus IPC
BL Blank Lens without button pads
NL Meter lens without button pads or Laurel logo
LAUREL ELECTRONICS INC., 3183-G Airway Ave., Costa Mesa, CA 92626, USA • Tel 714-434-6131 • 5