Farmasi Unit HPU - B.0560.0 - 7 - SOA Extract 2

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Australasian Health Facility Guidelines


Indicative Schedules of Accommodation for a Pharmacy Unit are provided in the following tables.
These are based on three scenarios as described below. Area allocations will need to be adjusted
to suit the scope of pharmacy services being delivered, the level of automation being implemented,
the provision of satellite pharmacy services, and the required staffing profile.
• Scenario 1: Pharmacy within a Small Hospital – this scenario relates to Australian Hospital
Peer Groups D / some Group C hospitals, and Level 3 pharmacy services as per the NSW
Health Guide to the Role Delineation of Clinical Services (2019) and Victorian Pharmacy
Authority Guidelines (2019). This assumes that at least one full time pharmacist is provided
plus support staff. Limited compounding services would be provided.
• Scenario 2: Pharmacy within a Medium Hospital – this scenario relates to Australian
Hospital Peer Groups B / some Group C hospitals, and Level 4 pharmacy service as per
the NSW Health Guide to the Role Delineation of Clinical Services (2019) and Victorian
Pharmacy Authority Guidelines (2019). The provision of compounding services and clinical
trials will depend on the service profile.
• Scenario 3: Pharmacy within a Large / Principal Referral Hospitals – this scenario relates
to Principal Referral and Group A Hospital Peer Groups and Level 5 or 6 pharmacy services
as per the NSW Health Guide to the Role Delineation of Clinical Services (2019) and
Victorian Pharmacy Authority Guidelines. A full range of aseptic compounding services is
assumed, as well as active involvement in clinical trials and research activities.
The ‘Room / Space’ column describes each room or space within the Unit. Some rooms are
identified as ‘Standard Components’ (SC) or as having a corresponding room which can be derived
from a SC. These rooms are described as ‘Standard Components –Derived’ (SC-D). The ‘SD / SD-
C’ column identifies these rooms and relevant room codes and names are provided.
All other rooms are non-standard and will need to be briefed using relevant functional and
operational information provided in this HPU.
In some cases, rooms or spaces are described as ‘Optional' or ‘o’. Inclusion of this room or space
will be dependent on a range of factors such as operational policies or clinical services planning.

Part B – Health Facility Briefing and Planning Page 1

0560 – Pharmacy Unit, Revision 7.0, April 2021
Australasian Health Facility Guidelines


AusHFG Room / Space SC / SC-D Small Medium Large / Remarks

Room Code Hospital Hospital Principal
Pharmacy Pharmacy Referral
2 2 2
Qty m Qty m Qty m
WAIT-10 Waiting Yes 1 4 1 8 1 15 Areas are indicative and will depend on
the number of people to be
accommodated and volume of outpatient
and discharge dispensing. Electronic
queueing systems should be considered
and will impact on waiting area given
patients can go elsewhere while awaiting
notification that their medications are
1.2m2 recommended per seat, 1.5m2 per
wheelchair space.
PHA-CO Pharmacy - Counter Yes 1 4 1 9 1 12 May be divided into separate patient and
hospital staff access points in larger
INTV Interview Room Yes Shared 9 9 Interview / counselling room. Number
dependent on anticipated utilisation.
Access to telehealth required to support
off-site consultation and patient
education. Dual access from Waiting and
Pharmacy. Recommend use of glazing to
support visual access for safety while
providing acoustic privacy.

Discounted Circulation 25% 25% 25%


AusHFG Room / Space SC / SC-D Small Medium Large / Remarks

Room Hospital Hospital Principal
Code Pharmacy Pharmacy Referral
Qty m2 Qty m2 Qty m2
AHDR After Hours Drug Store Yes 1 3 1 4 1 6 May be located close to clinical areas or
on the periphery of the pharmacy with
internal and external access.
Requirement will depend on adoption of
automated technology. May be provided
as a 'drop box' linked to a pharmacy
robot. Size will be dependent on
operational practices and volume of
medicines to be stored. ADCs will
enable recording of access data.

Discounted Circulation 25% 25% 25%

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0560 – Pharmacy Unit, Revision 7.0, April 2021
Australasian Health Facility Guidelines


AusHFG Room / Space SC / SC-D Small Medium Large / Remarks

Room Hospital Hospital Principal
Code Pharmacy Pharmacy Referral
Qty m2 Qty m2 Qty m2
PHA-DS Pharmacy - Dispensing Yes 4 4 4 Number of workstation dependent on
Workstation service requirements. May include EMM
triage stations. VPA Guidelines
recommend one station for each 150
prescriptions or part thereof dispensed
on a typical day between 9am and 6pm.
Inpatient, outpatient, clinical trials and
manufacturing dispensing areas may
need to be separated in larger services.

Bay - Multifunction Device / 2 2 2 Assume shared between 4 dispensing

Storage workstations.,
Bay - Trolleys / Shelves 1 2 1 4 1 6 Storage for trolleys with dispensed items
awaiting collection. Includes refrigerated
Store - Refrigerated 1 4 1 10 1 16 Refrigerators and freezers. Also requires
access for distribution workflows.

STGN-8 Store - General Yes 1 3 1 6 1 12 Distribution and dispensing consumables

such as labels. Also requires access for
distribution workflows.

BHWS-B Bay - Handwashing, Type B Yes 1 1 1 Number and location dependent on

STAD Store - Accountable Drugs Yes 1 2 1 7 1 10 Assume wall-mounted safe for small
pharmacy with collocated workstation.
Larger services supporting theatres and
ICU will require a strongroom or secure
cabinet given high volume of accountable
drugs. Will also store drugs awaiting
collection. May include refrigerated S8s.
Refer to local jurisdictional requirements
for storage of S4/S4Ds. Direct access to
sink required.

Workstation 1 2.2 Optional, provided within strong room for

(o) larger services depending on local work
flows. Will be required for small services
with wall mounted drug safe only.

PHA-PR Pharmacy - Preparation Room, Yes 1 12 1 16 Preparation of extemporaneous

Non-Aseptic compounds. Provision in smaller
hospitals will depend on service needs.

BES Bay - Emergency Shower Yes 1 2 1 2 Emergency use. Should include eye
wash. Accessible from compounding
Preparation / Repacking Area 1 6 1 10 Space allocation dependent on volume of
items to be packed or repacked. May
include specialised packs eg
resuscitation trolley supplies, anaphylaxis
Bay - Clean-up 1 3 1 3 (o) 1 4 (o) Area to store measures etc. for
dispensing and wash up / dry after use.
Collocate with prep/repacking area. This
area may be combined with the Non-
Aseptic Preparation Room.
Discounted Circulation 25% 25% 25%

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0560 – Pharmacy Unit, Revision 7.0, April 2021
Australasian Health Facility Guidelines


AusHFG Room / Space SC / SC-D Small Medium / Principal Remarks

Room Hospital Large Referral
Code Pharmacy Hospital Hospital
Pharmacy Pharmacy
Qty m2 Qty m2 Qty m2
Goods Receipt - Pharmacy 1 10 1 14 Area requirement will depend on
operational arrangements. Combine with
bulk store for small hospitals. May be
collocated with or remote from the Store -
Bulk. Requires ergonomic bench for
efficient processing, checking and
unpacking of incoming stock and
workstation to support purchasing

STBK-40 Store - Bulk Yes 1 20 1 60 1 130 Requirements will depend on scope of

service and provision of vendor managed
inventory solutions. Area allocations
assume that bulk fluids and dialysis fluids
are not stored in the pharmacy. If
pharmacy robot is being provided this will
also include separate storage for items
that cannot be stored within the robot.
Requirements to support other services
across the network to be considered.
Flammable liquids and hazardous
substance storage to be determined
based on local hospital policies. Disaster
management requirements to be

Workstation Shared 2.2 2.2 For ADC terminal / other depending on

local requirements.

PHA-DB Pharmacy - Distribution 6 6 6 Number of workstation dependent on

Workstation service requirements. Requires bench
space, PC, barcoding system, PDE
devices and space for trolleys to “pick”
and store items for delivery. Will be
collocated with Bay - Trolleys
PHA-RE Pharmacy - Returns 1 6 2 6 Number of workstations dependent on
Workstation volume of items to be packed or
repacked. Smaller service will combine
with distribution workstation.
Dispatch / Collection 3 8 12 Distribution trollies / carts for delivery of
imprest stock to clinical units.
BPTS Bay - Pneumatic Tube 1 1
STFS-10 Store - Files Yes 1 3 1 6 1 10 Old prescriptions, registers.
Requirements will depend on digitisation
of records, mainly relating to S8 records.
Assumes off-site storage of archives.

DISP-8 Disposal Room Yes Shared 1 5 1 8 Separate waste streams including

recycling and confidential waste.
CLRM-5 Cleaner's Room Yes Shared 1 5 1 5
Discounted Circulation 25% 25% 25%

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0560 – Pharmacy Unit, Revision 7.0, April 2021
Australasian Health Facility Guidelines


AusHFG Room / Space SC / SC-D Small Medium Large / Remarks

Room Code Hospital Hospital Principal
Pharmacy Pharmacy Referral
2 2 Ph 2
Qty m Qty m Qty m
OFF-S9 Office – Single Person Yes 1 9 1 9 1 9 Number and area allocation will depend
on staff profile and local jurisdictional
Office - Workstation 4.4 4.4 4.4 Number and area allocation will depend
on staff profile and local jurisdictional
policies. Consider provision of telehealth
pods and work space for students.
STPS-8 Store - Photocopy / Stationery Yes 1 3 1 5 1 8 Provided as a bay in smaller units.

MEET-L-15 Meeting Room Yes 1 15 1 40

PROP-2 Property Bay - Staff Yes 1 1 2 2 4 2
BBEV-OP Bay - Beverage, Open Plan Yes 1 3 -
SRM-15 Staff Room Yes Shared 1 15 1 20 Requirements will depend on staff profile
and opportunity to share with adjacent
WCST Toilet - Staff Yes 1 3 3 3 4 3 Number in accordance with staff profile.
Access to an accessible toilet will be
Discounted Circulation 25% 25% 25%


The area requirements for an aseptic production suite will require expert input from a GMP
cleanroom consultant and will depend on the types of products being prepared and the number
and types of cabinets to be installed. Indicative areas to support an aseptic production suite,
including a cleanroom with three clean workstations, are provided below.

AusHFG Room / Space SC / SC-D Qty m

2 Remarks
Room Code
Change Room 1 10 Size will depend on number of people to
be accommodated.
Cleanroom 1 24 This indicative area allocation assumes
the inclusion of 3 clean workstations.
Area requirements will depend on the
number and type of cabinet to be
installed and requires expert input.
Isolators will require more room than
clean workstations or CDSCs.

Preparation Room 1 26 Indicative area allocation. Actual area

requirements to be confirmed in
consultation with GMP cleanroom
Documentation, Storage Area 1 12 Indicative area allocation. Actual area
requirements to be confirmed in
consultation with GMP cleanroom
BES Bay - Emergency Shower Yes 1 2
Discounted Circulation 25%

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0560 – Pharmacy Unit, Revision 7.0, April 2021
Australasian Health Facility Guidelines


AusHFG Room / Space SC / SC-D Qty m

Room Code
PHA-DS Dispensing - Clinical Trials Yes 4 4 Number of workstations is indicative and
will depend on no. of clinical trials.
Bay - Multifunction Device / 1 2 1 shared between 4 dispensing
Storage workstations.,
Bay - Clean-up 1 2 Area to store measures etc. for
dispensing and wash up / dry after use.
Store - Drugs, Clinical Trials 1 15 Area is indicative and will depend on
scope of clinical trials. To be separate
from main drug storage. Includes
refrigerated storage and may require
freezer storage.
STFS-10 Store - Files Yes 1 10 Area is indicative and will depend on
scope of clinical trials. Records to be kept
for 25 years.
Office - Workstation 2 4.4 Pharmacy audit
Discounted Circulation 25%

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0560 – Pharmacy Unit, Revision 7.0, April 2021

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