General Banking Activities of Jamuna Bank Limited

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Internship Report

General Banking Activities of Jamuna
Bank Limited

Submitted To
Professor Abul Kalam
Dean, Faculty of Business
Sonargaon University (SU)

Submitted By
Rakib Hossain
ID : BBA 1903018004
Major : Accounting
Semester : Summer 2023
Sonargaon University (SU)

Date of Submission : 16th September 2023

Letter of Transmittal

September 16, 2023

Professor Abul Kalam
Dean, Faculty of Business
Sonargaon University (SU)

Subject: Submission of Internship Report

Dear Sir,
It is a great pleasure that you have given me an opportunity to submit the report on General
Banking Activities of Jamuna Bank Limited which was the topic of my Internship Program. I
have completed my Internship period with Jamuna Bank Limited (Uttara Branch).

I believe that this internship program has given me a vast opportunity to enrich both of my
knowledge and experience. I made my best effort to fulfill the objective of the report and believe
that it will meet your expectation.
In preparing this internship affiliation report I have complied with the instructions of my
organizations supervisor while at the same time I tried to follow the guideline given by you. I
also tried to apply relevant concepts I learnt from MBA program. I will be glad to clarify any
discrepancy that may arise.

I, therefore, hope that you will enjoy reviewing this report.

Sincerely yours

Rakib Hossain
ID : BBA 1903018004
Major : Accounting
Semester : Summer 2023
Sonargaon University (SU)

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Supervisor Certificate

The Internship Report entitled “General Banking Activities of Jamuna Bank Limited has been
submitted to the Department of Accounting and Information Systems, in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree of Masters of Business Administration, Faculty of Business
Administration on September 2023 by Rakib Hossain ID : BBA 1903018004 The report has
been accepted and may be presented to the Internship Defense Committee for evaluation.
(Any opinions, suggestions made in this report are entirely that of the author of the report. The
University does not condone nor reject any of these opinions or suggestions).


Professor Abul Kalam

Dean, Faculty of Business
Sonargaon University (SU)

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Student Declaration

I, Rakib Hossain ID : BBA 1903018004 hereby declare that the report of internship paper
namely General Banking Activities of Jamuna Bank Limited by me after completing the
inspection with all the data by myself.
I also declare that this paper is originally worked and prepared by myself for academic purpose
which is a part of BBA- internship paper, and the paper may not be used in actual scenario.

Rakib Hossain
ID : BBA 1903018004
Major : Accounting
Semester : Summer 2023
Sonargaon University (SU)

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I would like to pay my sincere gratitude to almighty Allah for giving me adequate patience and
knowledge to prepare this report. In the effort to venture into the world of Corporation, this
project has not only been an amazing guideline for my future, but also, it has taught me to deal
with real life corporate issue like never before. In this little but significant journey of mine
through this path, I have come across people who have immense contribution in the reaching of
our destination. My heartiest gratitude to Professor Abul Kalam for kindly allowing me to
prepare this report and thereby I got the exposure of real life management rather than confining
on both covers of the book. My Internship placement at General Banking Department of Jamuna
Bank Limited is a step towards fulfilling this commitment by giving students an opportunity to
get ready for the real world before they enter their practical life. I am also grateful to my family
members and friends for their selfless support and encouragement to fulfill my objective.

Executive Summary

This paper entitled General Banking Activities of Jamuna Bank Limited originated from the
fulfillment of the internship program. I was placed at General Banking Department of Jamuna
Bank (Uttara Branch) in Dhaka and have gained knowledge about practical working experience
of the real life with a closer look. It is very much important to match the academic knowledge
with the practical one. Commercial banks play an important role in the financial system and the
economy of a country as it allocate funds from savers to borrowers in an efficient manner.
According to W. Hock, “Bank is such an institution which creates money by money only.” They
are considered as to be the life-blood of modern economy and financial services provided by the
banks help to run the wheel of the economy to move forward thus making the overall economy
more efficient. They become the effective partners in the process of economic development and

A bank divides its operation mainly in three parts like General Banking, Loan & Advances and
Foreign Exchange. Among these General Banking is one of the most important functions
performed by a bank which acts as a foundation between banker-customer relationships. Jamuna
Bank Ltd. provides all kinds of banking services like other banks. The major service area are
receipt and payment of cash, clearing and remittance of bills, giving loans and advances,
accounts opening, inward and outward mails, foreign exchange transactions etc. Jamuna Bank is
offering different types of Deposit scheme, Monthly Benefit Scheme, Monthly Saving Scheme,
Marriage Deposit Scheme, Double Growth Deposit Scheme, Education Saving Scheme, and
Millionaire Deposit scheme are the most popular offers that are completely new innovation in the
banking sector and widely accepted by the clients. This paper includes real life experience of
working in Jamuna Bank which includes general banking activities such as- cheque requisition,
dormant account activation, account statement, clearing, cash deposit and cash receipt etc.
Beside general banking department there are other departments such as- credit/advance
department and foreign exchange department. Some problems were identified which were
included in the report and accordingly some suggestions were proposed at the end of the report.

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Topics Page
Letter of Transmittal i
Letter of Endorsement ii
Acknowledgement iii
Executive Summary iv
1.1 Background of the Report 1
1.2 Origin of the Report 2
1.3 Objectives of the Report 3
1.3.1 Broad Objective 3
1.3.2 Specific Objectives 4
1.4 Scope of the Report 4
1.5 Methodology of the Report 4
1.5.1 Population 6
1.5.2 Sample 6
1.5.3 Sources of Data 6
1.6 Limitation of the Report 7


2.1 Background of the Organization 8
2.1.1 Profile of the Company 10
2.2 Vision, Mission and Core Values 11
2.2.1 Vision 11
2.2.2 Mission 11
2.2.3 Corporate Slogan 11
2.2.4 Core Values 12
2.3 Strategic Objectives 12
2.4 Objectives of the Bank 13
2.5 Ethical Principles and Corporate Culture 14
2.5.1 Ethical Principles 14
2.5.2 Corporate Culture 15
2.5.3 CSR Activities 15
2.5.4 Structural Position 18
2.6 Products and Services 20


3.1 General Banking Activities 22
3.1.1 Functions of General Banking Department 23

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3.2 Front Desk or Account Opening Section 23
3.2.1 Acceptance of Deposits 23
3.2.2 Opening a New Account 28
3.2.3 Issuing Cheque Book 31
3.2.4 Issuing Debit Card 32
3.2.5 Transfer of an Account 32
3.2.6 Closing an Account 32
3.2.7 Bank Account Statement 33
3.3 Cash Section 33
3.3.1 Procedure of Cash Receipt 34
3.3.2 Procedure of Cash payment 34
3.3.3 Bill Received by the Bank 35
3.3.4 Issuance of Demand Draft 35
3.3.5 Issuance of Pay Order 36
3.3.6 Telegraphic Transfer 36
3.4 Clearing Section 36
3.4.1 Outward Cheque Clearing 37
3.4.2 Inward Cheque Clearing 37
3.4.3 Bangladesh Automated Clearing House 37
3.5 Accounts Section 38
3.5.1 Daily Functions 39
3.5.2 Periodical Functions 39
3.6 Dispatch Section 39
3.6.1 Books Maintained 40
3.7 Other Relevant Activities of Different Departments 40
3.7.1 Foreign Exchange Section 40
3.7.2 Human Resource Department 40
3.7.3 Marketing Department 41


4.1 Presentation and Discussion of the Empirical 42
4.1.1 No. of Branches 42
4.1.2 Trend of Deposits 43
4.1.3 Trend of Investments 44
4.1.4 Trend of Income from Investment 45
4.1.5 Trend of Loans and advances 46
4.1.6 Volume of Non-performing Loans (NPLs) 47
4.1.7 Percentage of NPLs to Total Loan and 48
4.1.8 Trend in Total Shareholders’ Equity 49
4.1.9 Trend in Remittance 50

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5.1 Identified/Observed Issues and Problems 51
5.2 Academic Preparation 52
5.2.1 Relevance of the Academic Preparation 52
5.3 SWOT Analysis of Jamuna Bank 43


7.1 Conclusion 58
7.2 Suggestions 59

Appendix-A: Bibliography
Appendix-B: Annual Report
Appendix-C: Account Opening Form

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1.1 Background of the Report

Internship program so called work attachment program is essential for every student

because it helps him or her to acquaint with the real life situation. This report is a

requirement for the degree of Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) of Sonargaon

University . The primary goal of internship is to provide an on-the-job exposure to the

student and an opportunity for translation of theoretical conceptions in practical

situation. On the other hand banking sector is one of the fastest growing sectors in our

country. There are sixty three banks operating which includes local and foreign venture.

As we know that banks are the most important institutions for the economic

development of any country. This report consists of a major in depth study of the

general banking activities of Jamuna Bank Limited. The General Banking department is

one of the vital parts for financial institution. It is linked with all other department. So it

is very important to have an effective and sound management System in banking

business. As internship program is a perfect blend of the theoretical and

practical knowledge, keeping this in mind the internship program was being
included in the MBA curriculum. The goal of this program is to provide experience for

the student about how to deal in a corporate environment and also to provide an

opportunity for applying classroom knowledge in practice.

The BBA program of Sonargaon University is designed to focus on theoretical

and Professional development of students who are open to take up business as a
profession as well as service as a career. Internship reports are a requirement for
the completion of the BBA program. This Internship reports is of knowledge and
learning become perfect when it is associated with theory and practice. For any
business student only curriculum activity is not enough for handling the real
business situation, therefore, it is a requirement after the completion of BBA to
involve with a business organization to prepare a report. So it is an opportunity

for the students to know about the field of business through the Internship
Therefore as an internee in JBL, Mirpur Branch, I shall complete my practice session and
prepare the report based on my personal experience, observation and acquired practical and
theoretical knowledge, As an BBA student I shall try my level best to cover the SME Loan
Disbursement and Recovery Procedures of Jamuna Bank Limited in my report.

As a part of course structure of the Bachelor of Business Administration(BBA)

program of LMC, every student have to conduct an internee program in any

organization to acquire practical knowledge after completing vast theoretical

courses. The main objective of this program is providing practical knowledge to

the concerned student. At the end of the program the concerned student ids

suggested to prepare a report on the assigned topic by his/her supervisor. I would

have the opportunity to complete my report in a well known private bank which

is “Jamuna Bank Limited”. This program helps me to enhance my analytical

skills and scholastic aptitudes.

1.2 Origin of the Report

Now a day, education is not just limited to books and classrooms. In today‟s world,

education is the tool to understand the real world. Practical knowledge has no

alternative and internship program provides perfect opportunity for a

student to apply theoretical knowledge in practical field. A three

months internship program with a particular organization and a

report assigned by the academic supervisor is mandatory for every

student of Master of Business Administration of

Sonargaon University . I got the opportunity to do my internship in

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Jamuna Bank Limited at Uttara Branch, Dhaka. They posted me at general

banking department of that branch. Throughout my internship period, Md.

Abdul Hakim, Professor and Chairman, Department of Accounting &

Information Systems of Sonargaon University , was my academic supervisor. I was

authorized to make a report on the “Jamuna Bank Limited: A look into General

Banking Activities”. In this report we would be able to identify the overall banking

activities and would be able to provide general idea about the general banking activities

of Jamuna Bank.

1.3 Objectives of the Report

1.3.1 Broad Objective:

The main objective of the study is to make an observation of activities of

General Banking of Jamuna Bank Limited.

The economic and social importance of the General Banking is well recognized

everywhere. It is also acknowledged that these sectors in the economy may be

under served, especially in terms of Finance. Although there have been

numerous schemes and programs in different economic environments, there are

a number of distinctive recurring approaches to SME finance.

 Collateral based lending offered by traditional banks and finance

companies is usually made up of a combination of asset based finance,

contribution based finance, and factoring based finance, using reliable

debtors or contracts.

 Information based lending usually incorporates financial statement

lending, credit scoring and relationship lending.

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 Viability based financing is especially with venture capital.

1.3.2 Specific Objectives:

 To know about the management system of Jamuna Bank, its formation,

functional and financial aspects.

 To have a clear knowledge about the division and departments of Jamuna Bank

at Uttara Branch.

 To analyze different products and services of Jamuna Bank

 To apply theoretical knowledge in the practical field.

 To know the procedure of General banking operation.

 To observe the working environment in commercial banks.

 To recommend some suggestions based on findings.

1.4 Scope of the Report

Jamuna Bank Limited is one of the new generation banks in Bangladesh. The topic of

the report was “Jamuna Bank Limited: A look into General Banking Activities”. As

the Internship was conducted at Jamuna Bank Limited., Uttara Branch, the scope of the

study is only confined to the day to day activities of this branch. The report covers some

general information and Investment functions, bank's Products and Services,

Organizational Overview, Management and Organizational Structural Positions of the

bank. It also covers overview of the general banking division, processes and other

functions. I also tried to find out some of the limitations of the bank and how to solve

some of those problems. Therefore I recommended some tactics for the bank to

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overcome the problems I found. To prepare the report, I have used both primary and

secondary data which was available to me.

1.5 Methodology of the Report

The report has been done by using both primary and secondary data. The primary data

has been collected from the employees of the bank and also by observing the works of

them during my internship. The secondary data were collected from the annual reports,

journals and newspapers. I used journals, brochures, manuals and several books on

Finance and Banking to prepare this report.

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1.5.1 Population

All sixty three banks operating in Bangladesh constitutes the population of the study.

1.5.2 Sample

The sample includes only one bank- Jamuna Bank Limited. As I have got the

opportunity to complete my internship program in Jamuna Bank (Uttara Branch).

1.5.3 Sources of Data

This report is based mainly on observations that I experienced during the internship

period. Data required for this report were collected from the annual report of Jamuna

Bank. Apart from these, helpful information was collected from online resources. The

data have been collected using both primary and secondary sources.

Primary Sources:

 Face to face conversation and in depth interview with the respective officers of

the branch

 Personal observation of different activities followed by the officials

 Desk work in different section

 Discussion with the bank‟s officers

 Discussion with my bank‟s advisor/ supervisor

 Informal conversation with the client or customers

 Relevant documents related to the study as provided by the officers

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Secondary Sources:

 Annual Reports of Jamuna Bank

 Website of Jamuna Bank

 Different procedure manual published by Jamuna Bank

 Various books and articles regarding general banking function, foreign exchange

operations and credit policies

 Periodical published by Bangladesh Bank

1.6 Limitation of the Report

It was a great opportunity for me to work in Jamuna Bank Limited as an Intern and

make a report on the “Jamuna Bank Limited: A look into General Banking

Activities”. As I am student it was not possible for me to collect all the necessary

information. The officers were very co-operative but they were too busy to give me time

to gather knowledge about all the practical activities. In spite of having the

wholehearted effort, there were some limitations which include-

 In Uttara branch of Jamuna Bank Ltd. although I worked in the General Banking

Department but the main activity for me was to work in the account opening

section and to fill the form correctly for which I can‟t gain insight on other

general banking activities.

 The bank employees were so busy all the time that they could not help me much

to gather knowledge about all the practical activities.

 As I have done this kind of report for the first time it was difficult for me to

organize the report in a proper manner. Omission and error may be there due to

lack of experience during preparation of this report.

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 Because of limited time many aspects couldn‟t be covered and dropped out of the

report which disables many opportunities for a comprehensive study.

 Another limitation of the report is bank‟s policy. There are various information

that the bank officers didn‟t provide due to security issue and confidentiality

regarding corporate obligations.

 The study of such a short course of time may not reflect the actual scenario.

2.1 Background of the Organization

Jamuna Bank Limited is a Banking Company registered under the Companies Act, 1994

with its Head Office at Chini Shilpo Bhaban, 3, Dilkusha C/A, Dhaka-1000. The Bank

started its operation from 3rd June, 2001.

The Bank provides all types of support to trade, commerce, industry and overall

business of the country. Jamuna Bank‟s finances are also available for the entrepreneurs

to set up promising new ventures. Jamuna Bank, the only Bengali named 3rd generation

private commercial bank, was established by a group of local entrepreneurs who are

well reputed in the field of trade, commerce, industry and business of the country.

The Bank offers both conventional and Islamic banking through designated branches.

The Bank is being managed and operated by highly educated and professional team

with diversified experience in finance and banking. The Management of the bank

constantly focuses on understanding and anticipating customers‟ needs. Since the need

of customers is changing day by day with the passage of time, the bank endeavors its

best to device strategies and introduce new products to cope with the change. Jamuna

Bank has already achieved tremendous progress within its past 16 years of operation.

The bank has already built up reputation as one of quality service providers of the


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Jamuna Bank provides maximum importance to customers and strives to provide

financial solutions best suited to their need. Corporate banking team comprises of

highly skilled and experienced relationship managers who are capable to focus on

clients‟ financial requirements and able to provide customized solutions. Jamuna Bank,

a leading issuer of Debit and Credit cards in Bangladesh.

At present the Bank has real-time Online banking branches (of both Urban and Rural

areas) network throughout the country having smart IT-backbone. Besides traditional

delivery points, the bank has 215 ATMs of its own, sharing with other partner banks

and consortium throughout the country.

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2.1.1 Profile of the Company

Name Jamuna Bank Limited

Legal Status Public Limited Company

Date of incorporation 2001

Registered Address Jamuna Bank Limited

Head Office

Hadi Mansion, 2 Dilkusha C/A, Dhaka

Formal launching of the Bank 3rd June, 2001

Listed with DSE April 12, 2006

Listed with CSE April 17, 2006

Authorized Capital 10,000.00 Million BDT

Paid up Capital 6,141.2 Million BDT

Total Assets 168,418.30 Million BDT

Total Liabilities 152,569.66 Million BDT

No. of branches 112

No. of ATM's 215

No. of employees 2443

Credit Rating Long Term: AA2

Short Term: ST 2


E-Mail [email protected]


Source: JBL Annual report 2016.

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2.2 Vision, Mission and Core Values

2.2.1 Vision

To become a leading banking institution and play a significant role in the development

of the country

2.2.2 Mission

The Bank is committed to satisfying diverse need of its customers through an array of

product at a competitive price by using appropriate technology and providing timely

service so that a sustainable growth, reasonable return and contribution to the

development of the country can be ensured with a motivated and professional work-


2.2.3 Corporate Slogan

"You Are Partner for Growth"

From the slogan it is clear that Jamuna Bank treats its customers as its partner. It

explains that the bank is trying to build a relationship which will last long and will help

to grow the bank for the betterment of the growth of the bank so that it can also

contribute to the country‟s economic development and growth.

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2.2.4 Core Values

 Trust

 Integrity

 Commitment

 Business Ethics

 Quality

 Fairness

 Teamwork

 Respect

 Courtesy

 Harmony

 Unique Culture

 Responsible Corporate Citizen

2.3 Strategic Objectives

 Delivering customer's desired products and services to create true customer's


 Bringing unbanked people into our delivery channels.

 Focusing on export of both traditional and non-traditional items and remittance to

ensure a comfortable position of foreign exchange all the time.

 Ensuring organizational efficiency by continuous improvement of human capital

and motivation level, dissemination of information and thereby ensuring a very

congenial environment.

 Doing businesses that have higher risk adjusted return.

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 Maximizing shareholders‟ value at all times alongside ensuring a sustainable

growth of the organization.

 Focusing on maintenance of assets quality rather than its aggressive expansion.

 Pursuing CSR activities for our continued support to future generation, distressed

people and for advancement of under privileged people of the country.

 Changing the deposit mix thereby reducing the cost of deposits.

 Establishing the brand image as a growth supportive and pro-customers bank.

 Ensuring all modern alternative delivery channels for easy access to our services

by customers.

 Strengthening Risk Management techniques and ensuring compliance culture.

 Restructuring existing products and introducing new products to meet the

demand of time and the target group.

 Remaining aware and conscious about the environment and support the

maintenance of a „green‟ environment.

2.4 Objectives of the Bank

 To earn and maintain CAMEL Rating 'Strong'.

 To establish relationship banking and improve service quality through

development of Strategic Marketing Plans.

 To remain one of the best banks in Bangladesh in terms of profitability and assets


 To introduce fully automated systems through integration of information


 To ensure an adequate rate of return on investment.

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 To keep risk position at an acceptable range (Including any off balance sheet


 To maintain adequate liquidity to meet maturing obligations and commitments.

 To maintain a healthy growth of business with desired image.

 To maintain adequate control systems and transparency in procedures.

 To develop and retain a quality work force through an effective Human

Resources Management System.

 To ensure optimum utilization of all available resources.

 To pursue an effective system of management by ensuring compliance to ethical

norms, transparency and accountability at all levels.

2.5 Ethical Principles and Corporate Culture

2.5.1 Ethical Principles

 Strictly comply with all rules and regulations.

 Provide fair treatment to all stakeholders.

 Maintain strict secrecy of customers‟ accounts.

 Listen to customers and work to serve their needs.

 Provide adequate disclosure of corporate information and operation results to

shareholders for taking suitable investment decision.

 Ensure work under highly motivated team spirit and fellowship bond.

 Do not encourage projects which are not environment friendly.

 Extend financial assistance to poor, helpless and distressed people as well as

provide donation/sponsorships to sports, culture, and health-care and community

development ventures as we are responsible corporate citizen of the country.

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2.5.2 Corporate Culture

Employees of Jamuna Bank share certain common values, which helps to create an

organizational culture. These cultures are as follow:

 The client comes first.

 Search for professional excellence.

 Openness to new ideas and new methods to encourage creativity.

 Quick decision making.

 Flexibility and prompt response.

 A sense of professional ethics.

2.5.3 CSR Activities

Over the past years Jamuna Bank has taken forward their commitment to a structured

and integrated approach to sustainability by developing group-wide CSR focus areas at

the core of their business. Jamuna Bank has played important role in the field of

Corporate Social Responsibilities with the object to contributing for the cause of

underprivileged segment of the society and for socio-economic development of the

country. The task of fulfilling the commitment towards the society is undertaken by

Jamuna Bank Foundation since inception in the year 2007. The Bank made provision

for Jamuna Bank Foundation at 3.00% on pretax profit of Jamuna Bank Limited. As

Jamuna Bank‟s non-profit subsidiary, Jamuna Bank Foundation has a unique role to

play, providing leadership and making a difference for CSR in the Country. Some of the

activities include-

 Scholarship for the unprivileged & disabled but meritorious students

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 Free medical camps are organized for the people of the society, who have no

such ability to get medication/ treatment. Jamuna Bank Foundation organized

free Eye Camp, Diabetes, Gynae and General treatment services with providing

medicine at different areas of the country each year.

 Jamuna Bank Foundation organized a Free Medical Service Centre at Bishwa

Ijtema to serve the Muslims like every year. About 25,084 no. muslims get free

service at Bishwa Ijtema during the year 2016.

 Jamuna Bank Foundation every year distributes free blankets countrywide among

distressed people as a part of its social responsibility. During the year 2016,

Jamuna Bank Foundation distributed 37,500 piece blanket to the cold prone


 An Art Competition for the children was held with the endeavor & finance of

Jamuna Bank Foundation at IDEB Bhaban, Dhaka.

 Jamuna Bank always gives priority and emphasizes on religious spirit and belief

of the Muslim Community. To discharge the responsibility towards religion

organized seminar each year on “Importance of Holy Ramadan & Qirat

Competition Program”.

 With its initiative and finance Jamuna Bank Foundation distributed relief among

the people affected by flood and river-erosion at 03 Union of Islampur Thana of

Jamalpur District. A total of 2000 Reliefpackages, which is worth of more than

BDT 12 lac, were distributed among 2000 afflicted families. Also distributed

relief among the people affected by flood and river-erosion at Chilmarir Char,

Nayarhat Char and Jor Gasaghat of Chilmari Upazila of Kurigram District. A

total of 3000 Relief-packages, which is worth of more than BDT 17 lac.

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 Jamuna Bank Foundation has started the construction works of Old home at

Mekail Nagar, Keranigonj. A local business man AL-Haj Zulhash donated 10

bigha land for establishing this Old Home.

 Jamuna Bank Institute of Information, Communication & Technology” (JBIICT)

an initiative of Jamuna Bank Foundation was inaugurated with a simple

ceremony at National Plaza, 109, Bir Uttam CR Datta Road, Sonargaon Road,

Dhaka. JBIICT will give free ICT training to poor but meritorious students.

 Jamuna Bank Foundation organizes different seminars on “Momentous and

Importance of International Mother Language Day”, “Importance and

Momentous of Great Independence Day”, Seminar on Anti Drug.

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2.5.4 Structural Position

Chairman Advisor Board of Director

Managing Director

Additional Managing Director

Deputy Managing Director

Executive Vice President

Senior Vice President

Vice President

Assistant Vice President

Senior Principal Officer

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Principal Officer


Assistant Officer

Junior Officer

Probationary Officer

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2.6 Products and Services

Jamuna Bank offers different types of corporate and personal banking product and

service involving all segment of the society within the purview of the rules and

regulations as laid down by the central bank and other regulatory authorities. Retail

banking mainly consists of two types of products:

1. Deposit Products

2. Loan products

Deposit Products: Mainly three types of deposit products are available:

I. Transactional Accounts

 Current Deposit (CD) Accounts

 Short Notice Deposit (SND) Accounts

 Savings Bank (SB) Accounts
 Special Savings Bank Accounts
 Resident Foreign Currency Deposit (RFCD) Accounts
II. Fixed Deposit Receipts
III. Deposit Schemes
 Lakhpati Deposit Scheme
 Millionaire Deposit Scheme
 Kotipati Deposit Scheme
 Double Growth Deposit Scheme (DGDS)
 Triple Growth Deposit Scheme (TGDS)
 Monthly Savings Scheme (MSS)
 Monthly Benefit Scheme (MBS)
 Marriage Deposit Scheme
 Educational Deposit Scheme
 Rural Deposit Scheme

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 Mudaraba Hajj Savings Scheme

Loan Products: Seven types of loan products are available: Auto Loan, Any purpose
Loan, Personal Loan, Salary Loan, Doctors Loan, Education Loan, and Overseas Job
Loan. We can get an idea about different products and services by simply looking at the
following figure:

Products & Services

Deposit Related Credit Related Electronic

Key Deposit A/c/s Deferent types of

Deposit Schemes

CD A/c (s) MBS

Fixed Deposit A/c Real time on- Line any Branch
Lakhpati Deposit Scheme
Millionaire Deposit Scheme
24 hours ATM
Kotipati Deposit Scheme
Telephone Banking
Education Deposit Scheme
SMS Banking
Marriage Deposit Scheme
Internet Banking

Funded Credits Non-Funded Credits

Funded Agricultural Industrial Lease SME Personal Retail

CC(H) CC(P) OD Term Credit Loan for Credit
Loan Credits Credits Credits Finance
Related to Scheme Woman Products

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Non-Funded Credits Bank Guarantee
Related to International

3.1 General Banking Activities

General banking is the most important division for any commercial bank. This division

is designed to provide the customers the facilities of depositing money, smoothing

transactions for customers and ensure security of the precious wealth of the customers.

We know banks stand between ultimate borrowers and ultimate lenders. Banks perform

this function in two ways- taking deposits from various areas in different forms and

lending that accumulated amount of money to the potential investors in other different

forms. General Banking is the starting point of all the banking operations. General

Banking department aids in taking deposits from its customers. It is the department,

which provides day-to-day services to the customers. it receives deposits from the

customers and meets their demand for cash by honoring cheques. It opens new

accounts, demit funds, issue bank drafts and pay orders etc. Since bank is confined to

provide the services every day that is why general banking is also known as “retail


General banking is considered as the direct customer service center. Customer service

includes providing information to all type of customer queries. Each day many people

come to the branch with various types of problems. Some needs information about how

to open an account, different requirements that need to be fulfilled during opening an

account, DPS related information , FDR related information, account closing

information, DPS closing information, how to issue pay order, and any other queries.

xxxi | P a g e
3.1.1 Functions of General Banking Department

General banking department performs four different types of functions such as front desk or

account opening section, cash section, clearing section, accounts section. Those various

sections consist of various types of activities under general banking department.

 Front desk or account opening section

 Cash section

 Clearing section

 Accounts section

 Dispatch Section

3.2 Front Desk or Account Opening Section

It is said that, there is no banker customer relationship if there is no account of a person

in that bank. Opening an account with the bank binds the banker and customer into a

contractual relationship. But selection of customer for opening an account is very crucial for

a Bank because fraud, money laundering and forgery start by opening an account. So, the

Bank should act cautiously in selection of customers. Account opening section performs

several activities such as- acceptance of deposits, opening a new account, closing an

account, cheque requisition, issuing cheque book, transfer of an account, account

inquiry, issue notice to dormant account, transaction statement, activation of dormant

account etc.

3.2.1 Acceptance of Deposits

There are several types of deposit accounts through which the bank receives deposits from

its customers. Mainly three types of deposit products are available which are further

classified as follows:

xxxii | P a g e
I. Transactional Accounts

 Current Deposit (CD) Accounts

 Short Notice Deposit (SND) Accounts

 Savings Bank (SB) Accounts

 Special Savings Bank Accounts

 Resident Foreign Currency Deposit (RFCD) Accounts

II. Fixed Deposit Receipts

III. Deposit Schemes

 Lakhpati Deposit Scheme

 Millionaire Deposit Scheme

 Kotipati Deposit Scheme

 Double Growth Deposit Scheme (DGDS)

 Triple Growth Deposit Scheme (TGDS)

 Monthly Savings Scheme (MSS)

 Monthly Benefit Scheme (MBS)

 Marriage Deposit Scheme

 Educational Deposit Scheme

 Rural Deposit Scheme

 Mudaraba Hajj Savings Scheme

Current Deposit (CD) Accounts

Current Deposit Account is meant for facilitating day to day transactions of different

business entities, nonprofit organizations, Government, Semi Government, Autonomous

bodies, Sector corporations and different other organizations/ institutions, club,

societies, Trust etc. Opening of the account requires a minimum deposit of TK. 5000.

xxxiii | P a g e
However, there are no minimum balance requirements and also no ledger fee. Only a

half yearly service charge of Tk.500 and Government Excise Duty etc. are applicable.

Current Deposit Account facilitates:

 Free MICR cheque facility

 Unlimited deposit and withdrawal

 Free online facilities across the branches

 Cash management facilities under the prior arrangement

 Automated clearing facility

 Electric fund transfer without cheque

 SMS Banking facility

 Internet Banking facility

 Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS) facility

Necessary Documents needed to open Current Account -

 Passport size photograph for each account holder and nominee(s)

 Proof of identification such as national/Voter's ID, Passport or Driving License

 Tax Identification No (TIN)

 Trade License

 An introduction

Short Notice Deposit (SND) Accounts

Short Notice Deposit Account is meant for facilitating transactions on a short intervals

of different business entities, nonprofit organizations, Government, Semi Government,

Autonomous bodies, Sector corporations and different other organizations/ institutions,

club, societies, Trust etc. The account bears an attractive interest on fulfillment of

xxxiv | P a g e
conditions. Opening of the account requires a minimum deposit of TK. 5000 for urban

area and TK. 2000 for rural area. The same deposit needs to be maintained as minimum

balance for receiving interest. However, there is no ledger fee. Only a half yearly

service charge of BDT500 for urban area and BDT300 for rural area and Government

Excise Duty etc. are applicable.

Savings Bank (SB) Accounts

Savings Bank Deposit Account is meant for individual savers. The account bears an

attractive interest on fulfillment of conditions. Opening of the account requires a

minimum deposit of TK. 2000 for urban area and TK. 500 for rural area. The same

deposit needs to be maintained as minimum balance for receiving interest. Yearly

service charge is applicable as per Bangladesh Bank's rules.

Savings Bank Deposit Account facilitates:

 MICR cheque facility

 Debit Card with wider ATM/ POS access

 Limited number and amount of monthly withdrawal allows receipt of interest

accrued payable on a half yearly basis

 Free online facilities across the branches

 Automated clearing facility

 Electric fund transfer without cheque

 SMS Banking facility

 Internet Banking facility

 Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS) facility

Necessary Documents needed to open Savings Account -

xxxv | P a g e
 Two copies of passport size photographs of account holder

 One copy of passport size photograph of the nominee

 A valid identification proof like passport/ National ID /Driving License of each


 An introduction

Special Savings Bank Accounts

Some customized Savings Account available includes:

 Housewives offering Grihini Savings Account

 Student Savings Account

 Senior Citizen Savings Account

Resident Foreign Currency Deposit (RFCD) Accounts

Persons ordinarily resident in Bangladesh may open and maintain RFCD accounts with

foreign exchange brought in at the time of their return from travel abroad. Any amount

brought in with declaration to Customs Authorities and up to US$5000 brought in

without any declaration. Balance in these accounts shall be freely transferable abroad.

Fund from these accounts may also be issued to account-holders for the purpose of their

foreign travels in the usual manner.

Resident Foreign Currency Deposit (RFCD) Accounts facilitates:

 Opportunities to open RFCD account as per desired of the account holder in

USD, Pound Starling and EURO.

 Opportunities to avail international credit card against the balance amount of

RFCD account.

xxxvi | P a g e
 Interest will be paid as per Bangladesh Bank guidelines.

xxxvii | P a g e
Fixed Deposit Receipts

Generally the bank offers Fixed Deposit for 3 months, 6 months and 12 months tenors at

attractive interest rates.

Deposit Scheme

Fixed Deposit having a tenor more than 12 months under different schemes are also

available like:

 Double Growth Deposit Schemes (DGDS)

 Triple Growth Deposit Schemes (TGDS)

 Monthly Benefit Scheme (MBS)

The bank also offers some other Deposit Scheme at attractive interest rates which were

mentioned above.

Fixed Deposit Receipt Account/ Scheme Deposit Account Documentation


1. Passport size photograph

2. Photocopy of National ID card

3. Board resolution for opening of account and operation of account (For Limited

Company only)

4. Memorandum and Articles of Association. (For Limited Company only)

5. Certificate of Incorporation (For Limited Company only)

3.2.2 Opening a New Account

xxxviii | P a g e
In order to open an account a customer needs to fulfill some requirements set by the bank.

When anyone wants to open an account, he has to submit some documents to the bank

officer. The documentation formalities for some of the accounts have already been

mentioned above.

Procedure of Opening an Account

To open an account customer has to apply through a form provided by the bank named

Account opening form which consists of - personal information form, transaction

profile, KYC profile form, FACTA, customer declaration form, mini KYC profile form.

For rules and regulation of opening a new account, one can see the appendix attached in

this report.

 Savings account: Client needs to pay Tk.1000 to open a savings account. The

profit for this account is 3%. A Customer's maximum limit per transaction is

500,000 BDT with the approval of branch manager. Tk. 345 is deducted from the

client's account twice in a year. One can withdraw maximum Tk. 50,000 with

Debit card once in a day through ATM. A customer has to maintain a minimum

Tk. 500 balance in his/her account.

 Current account: No profit is payable in this account. The minimum account

opening balance is 2000 BDT and account maintaining fee is 1000 BDT. Tk. 575

is deducted from the client's account twice in a year.

 Fixed deposit account: Minimum Tk. 50,000 has to be deposited to in order to

earn profit from this account. Below Tk. 50,000 one can open an account but

cannot earn any profit.

xxxix | P a g e
Contributions I Made regarding Opening an Account

 Normally customers fill up the forms but if anyone is unable to fill the form then

I helped them to fill the form. Sometimes I fill it up on behalf of them.

 After filling the form I checked the photo of the client and the photo of nominee.

the photo of the client needs to be attested by the introducer and the photo of

nominee needs to be attested by the client/account holder.

 Then I checked the NID and relevant documents. If the NID is unavailable then

the customer should bring driving license/passport/TIN certificate/Birth

registration certificate/ identification including photo of the client attested by a

first class government officer.

 I checked the electricity bill which is needed to verify the client's address.

 I need to ensure that the introducer's information is properly filled. I also need to

verify introducer's signature.

 I checked all the parts of the forms among which the KYC form and transaction

form need to be filled with utmost care.

 Customer have to sign in five different pages which had to be ensured as it is

important to open the account and I carefully check whether the customer has

properly signed in each designated pages.

 Then I provide the form to account opening officer, who at first give entry to

JBL's database to open the account.

 Then the officer put required seals in required fields. Sometimes they also

provide the seals to me to put the seals in the form.

Then the officer provides the account number to the client.

NID Verification

xl | P a g e
First we are provided with a list of Account holders which consists of account holders

account number, NID, Date of birth, nominee's NID and Date of birth. We provide the

list to the authorized officer for the print out of NID verification. Then we attach the

NID verification to the respective account opening form.

3.2.3 Issuing Cheque Book

In case of new account holders one has to apply through prescribed form for new

cheque book. in case of existing account holders there is a page inside the cheque book

which should be properly filled by the customer for new cheque book requisition. It

takes 5 to 7 days to deliver the cheque book to customers.

The cheque books are printed from the dealers authorized by Bangladesh Bank. Now a

day‟s the bank is providing MICR (Magnetic Ink Character Recognition) cheque books

to its clients according to Bangladesh Bank circular. MICR is a process where cheques

are printed & encoded using magnetic ink.

Features of MICR:

 Personalized cheque book with name & account number printed

 Account number & bank information encoded in a machine readable format

Advantages of MICR:

 Cheque clearing time will be reduced, funds will be available faster

 The risk of cheque related fraud & forgery will be minimized

3.2.4 Issuing Debit Card

xli | P a g e
Now a day‟s most of the individuals use debit card for daily cash withdrawal from the

ATM. It is very convenient as ATM booths are located throughout the city at

convenient locations. No form is needed to be filled up. The customer has to inform the

officer about his/her account number and the card takes about 12 to 15 days to get ready

for customers. Tk. 350 is charged annually for using a debit card. After receiving the

card the customer is given a PIN no. within an envelope which he need to change just

after activation of the card through making phone call to their customer care.

3.2.5 Transfer of an Account

Jamuna Bank provides online banking system. But sometimes if an account holder

wants to transfer their account, account opening section also transfer account from one

branch to another.


At first the client has to give an application for transferring the account from one branch

to another. He has to handover the cheque book and debit card to the authorized officer.

After collecting the cheque book and debit card the officer find out the application form

and cancel it, and transfers all the documents to the branch where the client wish to

open the account.

3.2.6 Closing an Account

Account closing is also done by account opening section. The customer may close their

account any time by giving a notice to bank. Similarly bank can also close a customer's

account by giving notice for the action.

xlii | P a g e

At first the client has to give an application to the officer and need to handover the

cheque book and debit card to the authorized officer. If the account was active for six

months then service charge will be deducted. If any of the transaction was above

Tk.100,000 then excise duty will also be deducted. After deducting all the fees, one

page of the cheque book is given to the client to withdraw money from his account.

Then the remaining pages of cheque book will be cancelled and the debit card will be

closed. At last they will remove the account from their database.

3.2.7 Bank Account Statement

Account holder has to give account number and say his/her name to the officer for the

print out of account statement. He also has to confirm the time period such as how many

months or weeks of transactions should include in the statement.

3.3 Cash Section

Cash section of any branch plays a vital role in the general banking. Cash section is an

important section where cash transactions are made. The Cash department is the riskiest

department of the bank. So it is treated as one of the most secret and restricted

department. In this section tight security is required to avoid occurrence of any kind of

accidents. There is a limit regarding the amount of cash that each counter can carry;

carrying of excess cash is avoided for safety reasons.

As a financial institution bank accepts deposit from customers and provide the

opportunity to withdraw from the bank when needed. Functions of cash section are

given below:

xliii | P a g e
3.3.1 Procedure of Cash Receipt

When a customer wants to deposit cash, officers do the following things:

 Officer collects the pay slip from client and checks it.

 Then he counts the money and writes denomination in the backside of the pay


 Then officer put seal on the carbon copy and sign it and give the carbon copy to


 Then the officer write it in cash receive register book.

3.3.2 Procedure of Cash payment

When depositors want to withdraw money from the bank, the procedure is:

 Customer present the cheque to cash counters to withdraw money.

 Then the officer checks the cheque and account balance.

 Then he verified the signature by previous signature card appeared on the

database. If necessary the cash officer can tell the clients to sign in the backside

of the instruments.

 Then officer debited the customer's account and count the money in machine and

pay it to the customer.

 All checks, drafts, debit vouchers etc. must be branded with

“Cash Paid” stamp with the current date.

xliv | P a g e
3.3.3 Bill Received by the Bank

Jamuna Bank receives payment for Electricity Bills on behalf of DESCO from

customers. Sometimes customers can give instructions to the bank if they want to pay

those bills online.

3.3.4 Issuance of Demand Draft

The demand draft is a written order by one branch of a bank upon another branch of the

same bank to pay a certain sum of money to or to the order of a specified person.

Process of issuing a demand draft:

 Get the application properly filled up and signed by the applicant.

 Complete the lower portion of application form meant for bank use.

 Calculate the total amount in taka including bank's commission charges etc.

 The form should be verified by the authorized officer and the DD officer records

the particulars of the DD on the cheque.

 If the purchaser desires his account with the branch to be debited for the amount

of DD the officer should get the account holder's signature verified properly,

from the signature card on the record of the branch and debit client's account for

the total amount including commission, charges etc.

 If cash deposit is required, request the purchaser to deposit money at cash


 The cash department, after processing of the application form, cash/ cheque will

validate the application form. The application n form is send to the remittance

department for further processing. The remittance department issues a DD in

favor of the client. The issuing branch sends credit advice to Progoti Sarani

branch for making payment.

xlv | P a g e
3.3.5 Issuance of Pay Order

It is a process of money transfer from payer to payee within a certain clearing area

through banking channel. It is an order of local payment on behalf of the bank. A

customer can purchase different modes of pay order such as- pay order by cash and pay

order by cheque. The process of DD and pay order is almost same except for the


3.3.6 Telegraphic Transfer

TT is the most rapid and convenient but expensive method. There are different modes of

TT such as- Fax, mobile, telephone, telex and telegram. If a customer wants to transfer

money quickly to another city or district he/she may request the officer to send it by TT.

3.4 Clearing Section

According to the Article 37(2) of Bangladesh Bank Order, 1972, the banks, which are

the member of the clearinghouse, are called as Scheduled Banks. The scheduled banks

clear the cheque drawn upon one another through the clearinghouse. Clearing is one of

the most magical parts of modern banking. Most of the banks are linked with other

banks due to interbank transactions. These transactions are settled by the process of

clearing. This is an arrangement by the central bank where every day the representative

of the member banks gathers to clear the cheque. The place where the banks meet and

settle their dues is called the Clearinghouse. Clearing House is a centralized and

computerized system for settling indebtedness between its

member banks. Clearing House enables the member banks to offset claims against one

another for checks and orders paid into banks.

xlvi | P a g e
This department has two main jobs. They are:

1. Outward cheque clearing

2. Inward cheque clearing

3.4.1 Outward Cheque Clearing

Whenever any branch of Jamuna Bank receives a cheque of other Bank to collect

money, then the branch sends the cheque to its Head Office. The Head Office arranges

the cheques separately by the name of different bank and then it send to the respective

bank for clearance by the clearinghouse. Thus we became the collecting bank on behalf

of the customer.

3.4.2 Inward Cheque Clearing

This is the opposite flow of the outward cheque clearance. When Jamuna Bank‟s cheque

is send to other Bank, that Bank will do the same thing to claim money from Jamuna

Bank with the same procedure like outward cheque clearing of that Bank. At the time of

inward cheque clearance, we make the payment.

3.4.3 Bangladesh Automated Clearing House (BACH)

Bangladesh Bank has introduced paperless Automated Clearing House in the Country

which is the Inter Bank clearing system that electronically clears and settles payment

instructions of clearing instruments and of electronic fund transfer instructions.

Bangladesh Automated Cheque Processing Systems (BACPS) had started its operation

on October 7th, 2010 in the Dhaka Clearing House area. BACPS uses the Cheque

Imaging & Truncation (CIT) technology for electronic presentation and payment of

paper instruments (i.e. cheque, pay order, Demand Draft, dividend & refund warrants,

xlvii | P a g e
etc).This project is being implemented as part of its several reform measures taken by

Bangladesh Bank to improve the safety and efficiency in the payment system.

Advantages of Bangladesh Automated Cheque Processing System (BACPS):

 Reduced Costs

 Immediate Confirmation

 Increased Productivity

 Streamlined Process

 Faster Reimbursement

3.5 Accounts Section

This is the one of the most confidential department of a bank. Recording all kinds of

transactions of the branch, confirming their accuracy and preparing statements are the

main job of this department. Now a day‟s under computerized banking system, the jobs

of accounts department has become very easy. Now the computer directly prepares the

clean cash statement. The function consists of two parts:

 Daily functions

 Periodical functions

xlviii | P a g e
3.5.1 Daily Functions

The routine daily tasks include:

 Recording the daily transactions in the cash book.

 Recording the daily transactions in general and subsidiary ledger.

 Preparing daily position of the branch comprising of deposit and cash.

 Preparing daily statement of affairs showing all the assets and liability of the

branch as per ledger and subsidiary ledger separately.

 Paying all expenditures on behalf of the branch.

3.5.2 Periodical Functions

The routine periodical tasks include:

 Preparing the monthly salary statements for the employees.

 Preparing the weekly position of the branch, which is sent to the Head Office

3.6 Dispatch Section

The documents that enter into the branch or exit from the branch must go through this

section. The main objective of this section is –

 To keep record of the documents those are sent to other branches or bank.

 To send documents safely and at correct address/destination

 To receive different documents that come through different sources, such as

postal service, courier service, via messenger etc.

xlix | P a g e
3.6.1 Books Maintained

 Register Dispatch Khata (For Registered letter)

 Ordinary Register Khata (For Unregistered letter)

 Inward Register Books

 Outward Register Books

3.7 Other Relevant Activities of Different Departments

3.7.1 Foreign Exchange Section

Foreign exchange is an important department of Jamuna Bank, which deals with import,

export, opening L/C and foreign remittances. It facilitates international trade through its

various modes of services. It bridges between importers and exporters. This department

mainly deals in foreign currency.

3.7.2 Human Resource Department

Human resources division of Jamuna Bank will be responsible for management of

human resources of the bank.

There are so many functions of HRM. Some important functions are presented here:

 Recruitment: Human resource division recruits efficient and committed people

for the organization.

 Training & Development: The new recruits need training and development

programs for performing activities effectively and efficiently. Alongside existing

employees should also be trained in case of introduction of any new technology,

software etc.

 Promotion and transfer: in case of promotion HR division needs to supervise

the performance of their employees. HR division is also responsible for

providing any bonus or increment. Promotions are being made in every two

years normally. Employees may be transferred as per need of the organization or

according to the regulations of Bangladesh.

3.7.3 Marketing Department

In order to sell goods and services or promote an idea, Promotion acts as the coordinator

of all seller initiated efforts to set up channels of information and persuasion. Jamuna

Bank uses Direct Marketing and Interactive marketing as the major promotional


 Jamuna Bank only uses direct marketing and personal selling as their advertising


 In the TV news, Jamuna Bank sponsors for reminding the customers.

 They think that Personal Selling is effective in creating brand image, conveying

information, creating awareness and can generate a behavioral response.

 As we know that Direct Marketing is in itself a form of Advertising. Trough

mail, print, or TV adds they make a direct response with the customers.

 In the news papers, Jamuna Bank gives ads for their social marketing activities

like, AIDS, Drug Addiction, to help poor children, to save the ACID victim etc.

4.1 Presentation and Discussion of the Empirical Findings

li | P a g e
4.1.1 No. of Branches

Year 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018

No of Branches 111 102 97 91 83

No. of Branches

100 111
80 91



2022 2015
2021 2014
2020 2013
2019 2012

From the above graph, it is clear that the number of branches increased with each year.

It is a good sign of improvement for the bank. In order to provide better and smooth

services to the customers the bank need to continue this advancement in future through


lii | P a g e
4.1.2 Trend of Deposits

Year 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018

Amount in 141,550.96 118,849.18 114,635.13 97,485.61 79,623.13


Tk. in Million

2022 2016 2021
2015 2020
2014 2019
2013 2018

From the above graph, it is clear that the overall trend of deposits was positive and

increasing during the period under study. The trend of deposits shows about 77.78%

increase over the five years period.

liii | P a g e
4.1.3 Trend of Investments

Year 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018

Amount in 30,113.97 34,722.81 39,963.54 31,392.20 39,118.93


Tk. In Million

20222016 2015
2021 2014
2020 2013
2019 2012

From the above graph, it is clear that investments were highest in 2014 and 2012. But

after 2014 it shows a decreasing trend and investments decreases about Tk. 9849.57


liv | P a g e
4.1.4 Trend of Income from Investment

Year 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018

Amount in 3748.12 3794.17 3243.59 2580.52 1988.14


Income from Investment

Tk. In Million

2016 2021
2015 2020
2014 2019
2013 2018

From the above graph, it is clear that the overall trend of income from investment was

positive and increasing during the period under study. The trend of income from

investment shows near doubling of the figure in four years.

lv | P a g e
4.1.5 Trend of Loans and advances

Year 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018

Amount in 117,099.61 87,252.28 77,899.79 67,669.38 54,887.03


Loans and Advances

Tk. In Million

2022 2016 2021
2015 2020
2014 2019
2013 2018

lvi | P a g e
From the above graph, it is clear that the overall trend of loans and advances was

positive and increasing during the period under study. The trend of loans and advances

shows about more than doubling of the figure in four years.

4.1.6 Volume of Non-performing Loans (NPLs)

Year 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018

Amount in 4,743.50 5,839.60 4,422.15 5,133.76 5,337.87

Tk. In Million

2022 2021 2020 2019 2018

We know that a loan on which the borrower is not making interest payments or repaying

any principal is classified as non-performing by the bank. From the above graph, it is

lvii | P a g e
clear that up to 2014 volume of NPLs shows decreasing trend. But in 2015 NPLs

increased about Tk. 1417.45 million which is highest among the year under observation.

In 2016, the amount of NPLs decreased about Tk. 1096.10 million. In order to achieve a

better competitive position the bank needs to reduce the number of NPLs. Also it needs

to provide loans to those clients who are capable of repaying the loans with interests.

4.1.7 Percentage of NPLs to Total Loan and Advances

Year 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018

% of NPLs to total 4.05 6.69 5.68 7.59 9.73

Loan & Advances

% of NPLs to total Loan & Advances

% of NPLs to total loan & Advances



2022 2015
2021 2014
2020 2013
2019 2012

lviii | P a g e
From the above graph, it is clear that up to 2014 the graph shows decreasing trend. But

in 2015 it slightly increases. In 2016, the ratio further reduces which shows a good

indication that the Percentage of NPLs to Total Loan and Advances is lowest in 2016

during the period under study.

4.1.8 Trend in Total Shareholders’ Equity

Year 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018

Amount in 15,848.64 15,708.35 10,810.67 8,880.94 8,324.83


Total Shareholders' Equity

Tk. In Million

20222016 2021
2015 2020
2014 2019
2013 2018

lix | P a g e
From the above graph, it is clear that the overall trend of total shareholders‟ equity was

positive and increasing during the period under study.

4.1.9 Trend in Remittance

Year 2022 2021 2020 2019 2019

Amount in 12,030.00 11,726.70 8,200.00 6,859.00 4,029.00


lx | P a g e
Tk. In Million 10,000.00
2022 2016 2021
2015 2020
2014 2019
2013 2018

From the above graph, it is clear that the overall trend of remittance was positive and

increasing during the period under study.

5.1 Identified/Observed Issues and Problems

 There is less number of branches throughout country as well as in Dhaka city.

 There is less number of ATM booths throughout country as well as in Dhaka


 According to some clients, introducer is one of the main problems to open an


lxi | P a g e
 There is no customer complain desk where customer‟s could share their


 They no longer conduct smaller L/C.

 There is no entertainment system in waiting lounge area for customers (Ex.


 The bank faces frequent server failure which hampers the activities of all


 Jamuna Bank has limited number of workforce which is a drawback for

providing effective and efficient service to the customers.

 They fail to attract clients due to lack of proper marketing activities.

lxii | P a g e
5.2 Academic Preparation

5.2.1 Relevance of the Academic Preparation

 To get to work with different types of accounts that I learned earlier in one of my

course. Generally bank offers three types of accounts to satisfy customer‟s

demand- Current Account, Saving Account, Term or Fixed deposit Account.

Jamuna Bank offers the same. It also offers other deposit schemes to its


 I have learned earlier about different types of loans. Generally loans provided to

individuals include House Loan, Automobile Credit, Education Loan, Medical

Loan etc. and loans provided to Business Organizations include Working Capital

Loan, Asset Replacement Loan, Fixed Asset Acquisition Loan, Export-Import

Loan etc. Jamuna Bank also offers some similar loans to individuals and


 Previously I have learned about electronic banking, internet banking, functions of

debit card, credit card, clearing house activities, and bank risk management

system theoretically which are also practiced in Jamuna Bank.

 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is also practiced by the bank which we

learned theoretically.

 Different Islamic Banking terms which we learn earlier are also practiced by

Jamuna Bank through its Islamic Banking Window.

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5.3 SWOT Analysis of Jamuna Bank

SWOT analysis is the detailed study of an organization's exposure and potential in

perspective of its internal strength and weakness, and external opportunity and threat.

This facilitates the organization to make their existing line' of performance better and

also foresee the future to improve their performance in comparison to their competitors.


 Jamuna Bank has already established a favorable reputation in the banking

industry of the country. It is one of the leading private sector commercial banks

in Bangladesh. The bank has already shown a tremendous growth in the profits

and deposits sector.

 Jamuna Bank has provided its banking service with a top leadership and

management position. The top management officials have all worked in reputed

banks and they have years of banking experience, skill, and expertise. They will

continue to contribute towards further expansion and growth of the bank.

 Jamuna Bank has an interactive corporate culture. The working environment is

very friendly, interactive and informal. There is no hidden barriers or boundaries

while communicating with the superiors. They communicate with each other in a

very friendly manner. This corporate culture acts as a great motivation factor

among the employees.

 The employees are very good in nature, highly educated and helpful, if

subordinate makes a mistake, higher authority motivates politely rather than

blaming them which helps to build loyal employee base for the organization.

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 The employees of credit departments are highly experienced. They can handle

any crucial matter with great expertise and can also handle the clients very


 The bank provides its client quality product and services which is helping the

bank to build a loyal customer base.

 The bank has a large corporate client base and by providing good services they

have maintained those corporate clients to become loyal towards the bank.

 Company has been working hard to maintain its reputation and goodwill. It

achieved "Certificate of Merit Award" in the 16th ICAB National Award for Best

Presented Annual Reports 2015.


 The bank captures a very small market share in comparison to other successful

commercial banks.

 ATM service is not up to the mark. The number of bank‟s own ATM booth is

high for Dhaka city but in many large cities it has only one ATM booth and in

many cities it has no ATM booth at all.

 Some of the job in Jamuna Bank has no growth or advancement path. So lack of

motivation exists in persons filling those positions. This is a weakness of the

Bank that it is having a group of unsatisfied employees.

 The number of branch is also limited throughout the country which is a weakness

of the bank.

 The bank failed to provide a strong quality-recruitment policy in the lower and

some mid level position. As a result the quality of the services of the bank is not

up to the mark in present days.

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 Lack of full scale automation hampers the banks activities. Also frequent server

failure hampers the activities of all branches.


 In order to reduce the business risk, Jamuna Bank has to expand/diversify their

business portfolio.

 Need to introduce fully automated systems through integration of information


 Need to maintain a healthy growth of business with desired image.

 Need to develop and retain a quality work-force through an effective human

Resources Management System.

 Need to ensure optimum utilization of all available resources.

 Scope of market penetration through diversified products.

 Need to keep risk position at an acceptable range (including any off balance sheet


 Need to ensure an adequate rate of return on investment.

 Need to maintain adequate liquidity to meet maturing obligations and


 Need to maintain adequate control systems and transparency in procedures.

 Need to attract new customers through developing new quality products and

services and also through value addition among existing products and services.

 Need to focus on the opportunities that are arising due to increasing trend in

nternational business.

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 Increased competition for market share in the industry is a big threat for the bank.

 Entry of new banks in the market will increase the intensity of competition and

the bank will have to develop strategies to compete against those new entrants.

 The default risks of all terms of loan have to be minimized in order to sustain in

the financial market which can lead the organization towards bankruptcy in


 Frequent changes of banking rules by the Central Bank are imposing pressure on

the bank.

 National and global political unrest can harm international trade which can

ultimately harm the banks position.

Internship experience plays a vital role for every student to implement their theoretical

knowledge and get a practical knowledge from any organization. A student can

implement this internship experience in his future work area. Today's world is really

very competitive and only academic education does not make a student perfect to face

it. Internship is highly needed to gain idea, knowledge and experience. Jamuna Bank

gives me the opportunity for gathering practical experience and preparation of the


Internship program is really is a cherry on the top for any resume. I got the opportunity

to learn about the real business world and organizational culture from working with

Jamuna Bank. I learned how to talk and behave with co worker. I get so many ideas

since they have lot of experience in this field. I observe how they interact with their co

worker and clients. I noticed how punctual and productive, and formally dressed they

are and I learned corporate etiquette from them.

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This three month internship taught me to work hard, make the most of my time and the

organization's too and not to waste any time. I learned to greet client with smiling face

and with polite gesture. Because showing our clients kindness goes a long way.

This internship program helps me to build relationship with people of Jamuna Bank. It

is really very important to have relationship with experienced personnel to look up to.

The employees were really friendly and helpful. They were really nice and patient with

me. They provide so much support and help throughout my internship.

Tasks that I handle were quite important. As I choose to work in general banking

(account creation) department, I had to interact with clients and check their document

and form for account opening. A minor mistake might lead to damage of reputation. So

I had to remain very focus during the tasks. I learn about bank related software from

working with Jamuna Bank. This will help me to develop my skill in future. I learned to

motivate and guide a client to think about why Jamuna Bank is different from other

commercial banks. Consumer loyalty partly depended up on my behavior and the

quality of information provided. This ensures whether the client would return to avail

the service and make next transaction.

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7.1 Conclusion

Jamuna Bank Limited is a new generation bank in the private banking sector of

Bangladesh with a promise to fulfill every possible customer need with high efficiency

and satisfaction. As a new bank Jamuna Bank has a positive participation in the

economic development of our country. To keep pace with the current market and

demand, it is following several strategies and taking new initiatives, offering new

products and services to the customers. During internship I was assigned in general

banking section. There my activity was to fill up new account opening form, NID

verification, daily voucher sorting etc. I observed other department as well as and talk

with the officers to gain information about their department activities. There are more

activities in general banking department such as- cheque requisition, dormant account

activation, account statement, clearing, cash deposit and cash receipt etc. Beside general

banking department there are other department also, such as- credit/advance department

and foreign exchange department. Credit department deals with different types of loans,

credit card etc. Foreign exchange department activities are import export, L/C etc. From

this internship I learned corporate etiquette, punctuality, time management etc. There

were several problems that I observed during my internship. There are less number of

branches and ATM booth of Jamuna Bank, no entertainment system for awaited clients,

frequent server problem and up gradation, limited workforce in many branches. So far I

found no mismatch with my major courses with internship. Based on the performance, I

hope that Jamuna Bank will be able to achieve its goals and would become a finest

corporate citizen‟s in the banking industry.

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7.2 Suggestions

 The JBL authority should recruit more employees to serve the customers. They

can recruit experienced candidates as well as fresh graduates.

 JBL should improve their existing marketing strategies to attract more clients

 JBL should open more branches throughout Dhaka city and as well as in other


 JBL should install more ATM booths for giving prompt service to clients

 The bank should take effective initiatives to recover default loans

 The bank should take alternative measure for the person who does not have any

introducer to open an account.

 There should be a complain desk to improve their services and products

regarding for their clients.

 JBL should install television to entertain their awaited clients in the waiting


 Conduct smaller L/C for the bank's potential growth and profit.

 JBL update their system server to avoid from crashing and develop their IT


 There are many customers who request services after the normal banking hour.

For those customers initiative for evening banking can be appreciated.


Appendix A: Bibliography

lxx | P a g e
Annual Report:

 Jamuna Bank Limited. (2016). Annual Report 2016. Dhaka.

 Jamuna Bank Limited. (2015). Annual Report 2016. Dhaka.

 Jamuna Bank Limited. (2014). Annual Report 2016. Dhaka.

 Jamuna Bank Limited. (2013). Annual Report 2016. Dhaka.

 Jamuna Bank Limited. (2012). Annual Report 2016. Dhaka.


 Khan, A. R. Bank Management: A Fund Emphasis First Edition.

 VanHorne, J. C., & Wachowicz, J. M. (2009). Fundamentals of Financial

Management Thirteen Edition. FT Prentice Hall


Jamuna Bank Limited. Home Page. Retrieved October 2017, from Jamuna Bank

Official Website:

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