Secure Remote Workforce
Secure Remote Workforce
Secure Remote Workforce
There are three prominent scenarios created by 2. Data going to cloud services no longer routes
this shift that have an impact on security posture: through the corporate network: There has
been a massive increase in the use of cloud-
1. The internet is accessed directly, without
based tools to support meetings and
a VPN: Most VPN deployments aren’t ready
collaboration for decentralized teams. With
to scale to an entire workforce routing traffic
direct internet accesses, data sent to the cloud
through them. Slowdowns and outages can
falls out of visibility and becomes vulnerable.
cause users to turn off their VPN. Some may
Sharing within the cloud and to external parties
not be licensed for the entire workforce.
also falls outside of visibility and control.
In each scenario, devices will access the
internet directly without the defense in depth 3. Unprotected devices are being used for work:
of a managed network. Some organizations may be asking employees
to use their personal laptops for work remotely.
Others are issuing new managed laptops that
need to ramp up with existing endpoint security.
Unmanaged Internet
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