Secure Remote Workforce

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Security for Employees Working

from Anywhere

We’re in a time of rapid change for our IT environments. As

companies shift from working in an office within their controlled
network to working from anywhere, many are finding that the
architectures they have in place aren’t ready for the scalability
and security challenges of a decentralized workforce.


There are three prominent scenarios created by 2. Data going to cloud services no longer routes
this shift that have an impact on security posture: through the corporate network: There has
been a massive increase in the use of cloud-
1. The internet is accessed directly, without
based tools to support meetings and
a VPN: Most VPN deployments aren’t ready
collaboration for decentralized teams. With
to scale to an entire workforce routing traffic
direct internet accesses, data sent to the cloud
through them. Slowdowns and outages can
falls out of visibility and becomes vulnerable.
cause users to turn off their VPN. Some may
Sharing within the cloud and to external parties
not be licensed for the entire workforce.
also falls outside of visibility and control.
In each scenario, devices will access the
internet directly without the defense in depth 3. Unprotected devices are being used for work:
of a managed network. Some organizations may be asking employees
to use their personal laptops for work remotely.
Others are issuing new managed laptops that
need to ramp up with existing endpoint security.

Cloud data exfiltration via collaboration and

2 SaaS use outside of corporate network
Vulnerable personal and
3 enterprise devices
at home

Unmanaged Internet

Strain and cost of provisioning

1 additional VPN connections


Figure 1. How an increase in employees working

remotely impacts security posture.

2 Security for Employees Working from Anywhere


For many, existing security investments can be Enable Direct-to-Web Browsing

slightly augmented or scaled to cover these use and Cloud Access
cases. Others may need to quickly add
To regain the defense in depth of on-premises web
capabilities. Let’s discuss how, beginning with a
security, companies can deploy Skyhigh Security
set of requirements. To enable a secure and
Security Service Edge (SSE) solution, which uses a
productive work from anywhere environment, we
cloud-based secure web gateway to add access
recommend that:
control, advanced malware prevention, and data
1. Corporate devices are protected against web- loss prevention to any internet connection from a
based threats without routing through VPN. managed device. This is built for large enterprises,
2. Employees can connect to sanctioned cloud with an average service availability of 99.999%.1
services from their corporate devices without Managed devices can connect to the cloud-based
using their VPN. secure web gateway at home and from any other
internet connection worldwide. Existing customers
3. Cloud services have device checks, data
of Skyhigh Security Secure Web Gateway can add
controls, and are protected against attackers
this cloud service to create a hybrid deployment
who can access SaaS accounts over the
for their web security.
4. Corporate devices have complete endpoint
Protect Data on Endpoints and in
threat prevention, detection, and response in
Cloud Services
Outside of a corporate network, protecting
5. Employees can use their personal devices to
data requires new control points at the source of
access corporate SaaS applications, with
data itself. Data Loss Prevention on a managed
conditional access to sensitive data in the
endpoint will prevent sensitive and regulated data
from leaving your visibility to a USB device or
To fulfill these requirements for securing remote external media.
employees, enterprises can deploy the following
For the increase in data going to cloud services
security capabilities.
from employees collaborating remotely, a cloud
access security broker (CASB) provides the most
comprehensive security. CASBs enable visibility
and control over data entering, moving within, and
attempting to leave cloud services, along with
threat prevention and control over Shadow IT.

1. Measured April 2020 on a 90-day rolling basis. Current

status can be found here:
and details on the calculation found here: https://trust.

3 Security for Employees Working from Anywhere


About Skyhigh Security

When your sensitive data spans the web, cloud
applications, and infrastructure, it’s time to
rethink your approach to security. Imagine an
integrated Security Service Edge solution that
controls how data is used, shared, and created,
no matter the source. Skyhigh Security empowers
organizations to share data in the cloud with
anyone, anywhere, from any device without
worry. Discover Skyhigh Security, the industry-
leading, data-aware cloud security platform.

Learn More
For more information visit us at

6220 America Center Drive Skyhigh Security is a registered trademark of Musarubra US LLC. Other
San Jose, CA 95002 names and brands are the property of these companies or may be claimed
888.847.8766 as the property of others. Copyright © 2022. March 2022

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