171 E.R. 70
171 E.R. 70
171 E.R. 70
on the within security for any longer period. And I do hereby desire t h a t my
execu-[218]-tors or administrators, in case of my decease, do permit and suffer the
same sum to remain on the within security, so long as it may be convenient to the
said Charles Metcalfe, without suit at law or in equity against the said Charles
Metcalfe, until three years after my death, provided he continues to pay the interest
thereof regularly as the same becomes due. Witness my hand this 17th day of July,
1811. E D W A R D STONE.
" Witness, William Redin."
It was contended on the authority of Leeds v. Lancashire, 2 Campb. 205, and
Hartley v. Wilkinson, 4 Campb. 127, t h a t this indorsement was to be incorporated
with the note, and made the whole instrument a special agreement, which ought
to have been stamped and declared upon as such.
But the indorsement was not distinctly proved to have been written before the
note was signed.
Lord Ellenborough said, t h a t if it was subsequently written when the note had
been perfected and delivered in its absolute state, it could not be considered as a part
of that instrument, although it chanced to be inscribed upon the same piece of paper.
In that case, it was an agreement by way of defeasance, and it lay upon the defendant
to produce it with a proper stamp. But even if the indorsement had been con-
temporaneous with the body of the note, his Lordship said he should have thought
it the expression of [219] an intended courtesy to the defendant, and not a quali-
fication of the contract between the parties.
The plaintiff had a verdict.
Garrow, A. G., and Holroyd for the plaintiff.
Topping and Tindal for the defendant.
[Attornies, Wortham and Baxters.]