Draft Framework For Stakeholder Feedback

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Public Lighting Service Framework

A framework for delivering public lighting services

August 2019

Public Lighting Service Level Framework

Executive Summary

Public lighting is important for maintaining a safe visual environment for pedestrian, cyclist and
vehicular movement during times of inadequate natural light. It is an essential service that promotes
the safety of communities and roadway users and builds and creates a sense of place and presence.

SA Power Networks provides public lighting services to Councils and State Government agencies to
customers across the state. The delivery of public lighting services requires the ongoing
maintenance, inspection, and operation of public lighting installations, and the design, procurement
and construction of new public lighting installations as requested by public lighting customers.

The purpose of the document is to outline the levels of service SA Power Networks aims to deliver to
customers and stakeholders and provide an overview of the public lighting services. It is intended to
act as a high-level document outlining our commitment to working with key stakeholders to ensure
we deliver public lighting services that our customers value.

The provision of public lighting services, and associated maintenance and replacement
responsibility, is determined in accordance with asset ownership and arrangements in place with
public lighting customers.

Public lighting customers can choose which service offering best suits their circumstances, including
who funds the initial asset installation, future replacement, and depending on the tariff arrangement
who is responsible for the operational maintenance of the assets once installed.

SA Power Networks pricing proposal has been developed to continue to provide this flexibility in
service offerings to our customers. The tariffs vary according to asset ownership and responsibilities
with customer having the choice for higher or lower tariffs for capital and operational responsibility

SA Power Networks will work with public lighting customers to undertake a number of strategies and
initiatives to improve our public lighting services and ensure we deliver services that our customers

Public Lighting Service Framework – Draft for stakeholder feedback


ACS Alternative Control Services

AER Australian Energy Regulator
Cat P lighting Lighting designed principally for local roads to provide a safe and
comfortable visual environment for pedestrian movement at night
Cat V lighting Lighting designed principally for vehicular traffic eg traffic routes
CLER Customer Lighting Equipment Rate
DNSP Distribution Network Service Provider
EO Energy Only
ESCoSA Essential Services Commission of South Australia
HID High Intensity Discharge
Lamp Light globe
LED Light Emitting Diode
LGA Local Government Association
Luminaire A complete lighting unit consisting of a lamp or lamps together with
the housing designed to distribute the light, position and protect the
lamps and connect the lamps to the power supply.
NDS Negotiated Distribution Services
PLAB Public Lighting Asset Base
PLC Public Light Customer
PLWG Public Lighting Working Group
Public Lighting Any infrastructure that provides lighting for public areas including
Streetlights and car park lighting.
SAPN SA Power Networks
SLO Single Light Out
SLUOS Streetlight Use of System
TFI Transferred Infrastructure

Public Lighting Service Framework – Draft for stakeholder feedback

Table of Contents

1. Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 5
1.1 Purpose of this document................................................................................................ 5
1.2 Relationship to other documents .................................................................................... 5
1.3 Our vision ......................................................................................................................... 6
1.4 Overview of SA Power Networks and its public lighting services .................................... 6
1.5 Legislative requirements and standards .......................................................................... 6
1.6 Responsibilities ................................................................................................................ 7
1.7 Customers and stakeholders ........................................................................................... 9
2. Engagement and communication with stakeholders ........................................................ 11
2.1 Public Lighting Working Group (PLWG) ......................................................................... 11
2.2 How we will engage with our stakeholders ................................................................... 12
3. Public Lighting Inventory ................................................................................................. 14
3.1 Overview ........................................................................................................................ 14
3.2 Public lighting assets ...................................................................................................... 16
4. Public Lighting Services ................................................................................................... 17
4.1 Basic Services ................................................................................................................. 17
4.2 Value add services ......................................................................................................... 20
4.3 Emerging services .......................................................................................................... 21
4.4 Standards ....................................................................................................................... 21
5. Pricing and Tariffs ........................................................................................................... 23
5.1 Regulatory process ........................................................................................................ 23
5.2 Pricing methodology ...................................................................................................... 23
5.3 Tariffs ............................................................................................................................. 23
5.4 Tariff Agreements .......................................................................................................... 24
6. Implementation and Review ........................................................................................... 25
6.1 Strategy and actions 2020-25 ........................................................................................ 25
6.2 Monitoring and review .................................................................................................. 25
6.3 Dispute resolution ......................................................................................................... 26
6.4 Benchmarking ................................................................................................................ 26
ATTACHMENTS....................................................................................................................... 27
Attachment A - Target Levels of Service .................................................................................. 28

Public Lighting Service Framework – Draft for stakeholder feedback

1. Introduction
Public lighting is important for maintaining a safe visual environment for pedestrian, cyclist and
vehicular movement during times of inadequate natural light. It is an essential service that promotes
the safety of communities and roadway users and builds and creates a sense of place and presence.

Public lighting services are defined as:

• The design and construction of new public lighting assets;
• The operation of public lighting assets, including handling enquiries and complaints about
public lighting, and dispatching crews to repair public lighting assets;
• The maintenance, inspection, and repair of public lighting assets;
• The alteration and relocation of public lighting assets.

Our customers expect this service to provide a reliable and appropriate visual environment for
pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles on our public roads and in public places.

1.1 Purpose of this document

The purpose of the document is to:

• Outline the levels of service SA Power Networks aims to deliver to customers and
• Provide an overview of the public lighting services and relationships.
• Detail the responsibilities of SA Power Networks and public lighting customers.

The framework is intended to act as a high-level document outlining our commitment to working
with key stakeholders to ensure we deliver public lighting services that our customers value.

1.2 Relationship to other documents

There are a number of key documents relating to public lighting and the key purpose of other
documents is outlined below.

Tariff Agreement
The commercial arrangements agreed between Council and SA Power Networks in respect to the
ongoing provision and maintenance services are set out in the Tariff Agreement.

The Tariff Agreement includes (where relevant) the Construction Agreement, which covers the
supply and installation of new lights.

Network Information for Customers and Contractors (NICC402)

The NICC provides an overview of the SA Power Networks requirements for a public lighting
extension or upgrade that will be connected to SA Power Networks distribution network.

More information on design of public lighting proposals can be found in TS 101: Public Lighting –
Design and Installation.

Public Lighting Service Framework – Draft for stakeholder feedback

1.3 Our vision

SA Power Networks primary objective is to deliver an excellent public lighting service that our
customers value.

We will achieve this by:

• Developing a collaborative approach with our stakeholders to understand their needs
• Ensuring a coordinated approach to public lighting
• Building relationships and trust with our stakeholders through ongoing engagement with our
public lighting customers
• Delivering public lighting services that align with customer expectations and meet agreed
levels of service
• Investigating and keeping abreast of emerging and smart technology.

1.4 Overview of SA Power Networks and its public lighting services

SA Power Networks provides public lighting services to Councils and State Government agencies to
customers across the state. The delivery of public lighting services requires the ongoing
maintenance, inspection, and operation of public lighting installations, and the design, procurement
and construction of new public lighting installations as requested by public lighting customers. These
services are provided on a on a fee (tariff) basis depending on the service level required.

1.5 Legislative requirements and standards

Local Government Act 1999

A Council’s functions under the Act include providing:
(a) services and facilities that benefit its area, its ratepayers and residents and visitors to its
area; and
(b) infrastructure for its community and for development within its area (including
infrastructure that helps to protect any part of the local or broader community from any
hazard or other event, or that assists in the management of any area).

One component of the infrastructure provided by councils in discharge of these functions is public
lighting along streets and in other public spaces. Councils also have functions and powers with
respect to undertaking roadwork, including the installation of street lighting.

Australian Standard AS/NZS 1158

AS1158 is the standard for roads and public spaces and provides guidance on the design,
manufacture and installation of road lighting for the safe use of roads by pedestrians, cyclists and

Lighting is designed and installed based on the requirements of the responsible road authority
including SA Councils and the relevant Government Departments. The road authority is responsible
for the design and classification and the level of compliance to the standard based on their risk

Highways Act 1926

Section 26 (11) of the Act states:
If the Commissioner installs or causes the installation of street lighting in a district in the exercise of
the Commissioner's powers under this section, the Commissioner may require the council to pay to
the Commissioner for payment into the Highways Fund (by payments made at times specified from

Public Lighting Service Framework – Draft for stakeholder feedback

time to time by the Commissioner) half of the reasonable costs paid by the Commissioner to an
electricity entity for the operation and maintenance of the lighting.

1.6 Responsibilities

The majority of public lighting services in South Australia are provided by SA Power Networks, as the
distribution network service provider, with some services provided directly by public lighting

TO BE INSERTED - Process Flow associated with Installation of New public lights – replacement of
existing public lights – relocation of public lights – and removal of public lights.

At the highest level, the Public Lighting customer decides the lighting output required at any given
location, designs/ pays for a lighting design to achieve this lighting level and then constructs/ pays
for a third party to construct the lighting. Although the asset may remain customer owned,
depending on the tariff arrangement the public lighting customer may be required to engage with SA
Power Networks to maintain or modify the light.

The provision of public lighting services, and associated maintenance and replacement
responsibility, is determined in accordance with asset ownership and arrangements in place with
public lighting customers.

SA Power Networks have funded the installation and provide a full maintenance service for
approximately 85% of installed public lighting assets (poles and lights), with these lights charged SA
Power Networks (SAPN) or Street Light Use of System (SLUOS) pricing. Public lighting customers or
developers may fund the installation of new lights and gift the installed lights to SA Power Networks
following completion, we will then assume full maintenance responsibility for the assets, including
responsibility for future replacement of the asset at the end of its useful life, these lights are subject
to a reduced Transferred Infrastructure (TFI) price. Alternatively, public lighting customers may
choose to fund the installation of the assets and retain ongoing responsibility for maintenance and
replacement of these assets. Our responsibility for these assets is administrative only, with the
assets recorded in our GIS system and any faults received forwarded to the public lighting customer
for their action, as a result these lights are charged an Energy Only (EO) price.

In some cases, SA Power Networks has agreed to maintain assets (including replacement of minor
components (eg PE cells)) owned by the customer, with the customer retaining responsibility for the
future replacement of all major public lighting asset components, these lights are charged Customer
Lighting Equipment Rate (CLER) prices. With the introduction of LED lighting, a further service
offering for Public Light Customer (PLC) was introduced, whereby we undertake routine
maintenance of the public lighting assets and have responsibility for future replacement of public
lighting infrastructure (poles), while the public lighting customer retains financial ownership of and is
responsible for replacement cost of the luminaire.

Table - Public Lighting Maintenance and Replacement Responsibilities

Service Installation / Operation and

Description Ownership
Category Replacement Maintenance

SAPN / SA Power Networks SA Power SA Power SA Power

SLUOS funds luminaire / Networks Networks Networks

Public Lighting Service Framework – Draft for stakeholder feedback

Service Installation / Operation and
Description Ownership
Category Replacement Maintenance

installation or upgrade

TFI Lighting luminaire / SA Power SA Power SA Power

infrastructure is Networks Networks Networks
transferred (‘gifted’ or
‘vested’) to SA Power

PLC Customer funds the Public Lighting Public Lighting SA Power

luminaire installation or Customer Customer Networks
upgrade (Luminaire) (Luminaire)
SA Power Networks SA Power SA Power
funds the installation Networks Networks
and upgrade of (Infrastructure) (Infrastructure)
SA Power Networks
maintains assets over
their life

CLER Customer funds all Public Lighting Public Lighting SA Power

public lighting assets Customer Customer Networks
SA Power Networks (minor
maintains assets over components)
their life

EO Customer funds and Public Lighting Public Lighting Public Lighting

retains ownership of all Customer Customer Customer
public lighting
equipment and

SA Power Networks responsibility

SA Power Networks is responsible for providing the following:
• Provide SAPN/ SLUoS, CLER and EO services to public lighting customers as requested.
• Use best endeavours to deliver public lighting services in accordance with the agreed public
lighting service levels.
• Where a public lighting customer owns the public lighting assets it is not required to take
any public lighting service from SA Power Networks, however a database reported public
lighting faults for EO services is maintained.

Public lighting customers responsibility

The obligations of public lighting customers will depend upon the service to be provided by SA
Power Networks.
• The road authority is responsible for the design, classification and level of compliance of
public lighting based on their risk assessment.

Public Lighting Service Framework – Draft for stakeholder feedback

• Where lights are to be gifted to SA Power Networks, ensure the lights installed are in
accordance with SA Power Networks design and construction standards.
• SAPN/SLUoS services - the public lighting assets are owned by SA Power Networks and the
only responsibility of the public lighting customer is to pay the relevant tariffs.
• PLC services - customer responsible for funding the luminaire installation or upgrade.
• CLER services - the public lighting customer will be responsible for all maintenance of the
public lighting assets except for the replacement of failed lamps which is undertaken by SA
Power Networks.
• EO services - the maintenance of the public lighting assets is the responsibility of the
customer (including replacement of failed lamps) and SA Power Networks only responsibility
is to maintain a database relating to street lights and record and inform customers of
reported street light faults.
• Where no services are taken from SA Power Networks, the public lighting customer has the
entire responsibility for providing the public lighting services.

1.7 Customers and stakeholders

There are a number of organisations that have a key role in the provision or management of public

Local Government
Local Government is a key stakeholder in public lighting and SA Power Networks will work
collaboratively to deliver public lighting services. Under the Local Government Act, Councils are
responsible for the provision of street lighting for all minor and many major roads within their
Council area. Councils have the role of specifying the lighting category to be installed on roads (other
than State roads which are managed by DPTI) and public places. In addition, Council may be required
to provide feedback and input for new standardised luminaires and columns.

All local Councils in South Australia are customers of SA Power Networks. The majority of public
lighting on Council roads is owned and maintained by SA Power Networks. There are 68 Councils in
SA, of which 19 are metropolitan Councils and 49 are rural or regional Councils, and public lighting
services are provided to all of these Councils.

The Local Government Association (LGA) - the LGA is a membership organisation for all Councils in
South Australia and is the voice of Local Government in the State. The LGA is created by Councils and
all 68 Councils are members of the Association. The LGA provides leadership and advocacy to
Councils on key issues affecting Councils and communities, including public lighting.

Department of Planning, Transport & Infrastructure (DPTI) – DPTI is the state government
department responsible for the management of major arterial roads in South Australia. This
management responsibility encompasses the provision of lighting on all DPTI designated roads. DPTI
is generally responsible for the installation and maintenance on most Category V (vehicular) lighting
on arterial roads. DPTI is also responsible for public lighting on the main road network (arterial
roads) in partnership with the local Council (recovers cost from Council where amenity to Council).

In addition, there are a number of regulators that regulate the public lighting industry or energy
• Office of the Technical Regulator (OTR) – the OTR is responsible for technical and safety issues
in the electricity supply industry, including public lighting services.

Public Lighting Service Framework – Draft for stakeholder feedback

• Essential Services Commission of South Australia (ESCoSA) – ESCoSA regulates the energy
industry in SA, including the licensing of electricity operations and establishment of performance
targets. ESCoSA has a reliability framework that will apply to SA Power Networks from 1 July
2020 to 30 June 2025. Under this framework, a GSL payment of $25 for each period (5 business
days for metropolitan areas, and 10 business days for non-metropolitan areas) in which the
street light is not repaired is payable to the first person to report the fault.
• Australian Energy Regulator (AER) – the AER is the economic regulator for electricity
distributors and determines funding levels based on regulatory periods. The AER has determined
to classify public lighting services as an Alternative Control Service (ACS) for the 2020–25
regulatory period, which is consistent with the classification of public lighting in other
jurisdictions. This will be a change from the current classification in South Australia, where public
lighting services are classified as a negotiated distribution service and will come into effect from
1 July 2020. As an ACS, the AER will set price caps for public lighting services reflective of the
efficient cost of providing the service.

SA Power Networks informs the retailers of energy usage associated with public lighting and the
retailers are responsible for billing public lighting customers for energy usage.

Other customers
Un-metered public lighting is provided to a number of stakeholders including Councils, Housing SA,
Department of Education and for private customers such as Community, Lifestyle or Retirement
villages, Ports Corporation and various other small customers.

Industrial and residential land subdivisions are ongoing throughout South Australia as the need for
additional housing or industry is required. The lighting infrastructure is generally vested back to SA
Power Networks if SA Power Networks standard luminaires and associated equipment has been
installed. If the developer has chosen non-SA Power Networks standard luminaires, the lighting
infrastructure is vested to the public lighting customer.

Community and residents

The wider community and residents have an interest in public lighting, with the key reasons being
safety and amenity on roads and in public places. Engagement with the wider community is through
Local Government.

Public Lighting Service Framework – Draft for stakeholder feedback

2. Engagement and communication with stakeholders

2.1 Public Lighting Working Group (PLWG)

In December 2018, a Public Lighting Working Group was established to provide a representative
group for public lighting customers to work with the LGA and SA Power Networks on public lighting.
As DPTI is also a key stakeholder, the Department was also represented in the PLWG.

The group was established to:

• Provide a forum for listening and discussion with metropolitan, regional and rural Councils
and DPTI.
• Seek input from public lighting customers and stakeholders on the transition from NDS to
• Build mutual understanding and trust between the LGA, SA Power Networks and public
lighting customers.
• Identify new service and product lines to add value to public lighting customers.
• Discuss current issues associated with public lighting services and opportunities for working
more collaboratively with. public lighting customers

Principles to guide our decision-making

The PLWG was committed to developing a set of principles to guide their discussion and decision
making. An independent facilitator was engaged to develop a set of principles.

The five principles developed were:

1. Looking backwards only to plan forwards
2. Commit the time to be collaborative
3. Sector wide versus individual
4. Equitable pricing for standard services
5. Progress over perfection.

A bit more rationale for the principles is provided below:

Looking backwards only to plan The PLWG felt this was needed as a reminder for at least the
forwards next 6 months as we look forward but recognise the past.
Commit the time to be Investment of time to develop shared understanding before
collaborative coming to definitive resolution.
Sector over individual The need to consider the sectors needs versus individual public
lighting customer or vested interests.
Equitable pricing for standard This principle was about finding an equitable way forward
services for all, regardless of location and demographics. While some
public lighting customers choose to go beyond the standard
service offer, this would be a user pays model, but when it is
standard, then pricing should be equitable.
Progress over perfection The need for future focus and the priority of
shifting the technology forward as well as keeping up
momentum, rather than striving for everything to be
100% perfect (80:20 rule).

Public Lighting Service Framework – Draft for stakeholder feedback

2.2 How we will engage with our stakeholders

IAP2 Spectrum for Public Participation

To ensure effectively engage with our customers, SA Power Networks have adopted the Public
Participation Spectrum approach developed by the International Association for Public Participation.
This approach outlines the possible types of engagement that can be undertaken with stakeholders
and customers as part of the public participation process.

As the public progress through the spectrum there is an increase in the expectation of participation
and types of engagement tools that can be implemented along the spectrum from inform to

Based on this spectrum, the proposed levels of engagement for public lighting are outlined in the
table below.

Public Lighting Service Framework – Draft for stakeholder feedback

Table: IAP2 public participation spectrum approach and how it may be applied for public lighting services


Stakeholder/ To provide stakeholders/ To obtain feedback from To work directly with key To partner with key To place the final decision
customer customers with stakeholders/ customers for stakeholders to ensure stakeholders during all stages making in the hands of key
participation goal: information on our public public lighting services issues and expectations are of the process, including the stakeholders
lighting services understood and considered development of alternatives
in developing public lighting and solutions for public
services lighting

Commitment to We will aim to keep you We will aim to keep you We will aim to work with We will aim to seek direct We will implement what you
stakeholders/ informed informed, listen and you to ensure that your advice in developing solutions decide
customers: acknowledge concerns and concerns and expectations and incorporate your input
provide feedback on how are reflected in our services into decisions or services as far
influenced decisions or and provide feedback on as practicable
services how influenced decisions or

Example of • ESCoSA requirements • Outage Reporting • Information Survey • Annual Local Government • Final decision-making
opportunities or • Regulatory Proposal • Postage stamp pricing Public Lighting Forums • SA Power Networks does
issues: • Public Lighting Working • Targeted workshops eg. not propose this level of
Group asset management, new participation for public
• Design/ construction technology lighting at this stage
audit services • Approach to:
• Billing and provision of - column pricing
spatial data - decorative lighting
• Maintenance reporting - recovery period
- luminaires
- metro/regional pricing
for luminaire
• Access Gateway/ Portal
• Emerging technology

Public Lighting Service Level Framework

3. Public Lighting Inventory

3.1 Overview

There are approximately 240,000 public lights across the state. This comprises:
• 200,000 on SA Power Networks infrastructure
- 120,000 attached to our network grid ‘stobie poles’ eg. lighting brackets
- 80,000 on dedicated lighting columns
• 40,000 on customer infrastructure ie. Councils, State Government.

Each public lighting installation has several asset components:

• Lamp: Light globe that produces the illumination, lamps are mounted inside traditional (High
Intensity Discharge (HID)) luminaires.
• PE Cell: Photo-electric cell which switches the light on in low light conditions.
• Luminaire: Distributes, filters or transforms the light transmitted from a light source,
including lamps or LED modules.
• Bracket: Supporting structure to hold or extend the luminaire from a pole.
• Pole / Column: Elevates the luminaire assembly above the ground, may be distribution poles
or dedicated lighting poles/ columns.

Public lighting follows two basic configurations:

1. The Public Light is mounted to a Stobie Pole via a bracket to a crossarm, the luminaire is
attached to the bracket and wired through the bracket to the low voltage supply on the Stobie

Typically, the luminaire is controlled via a PE cell or in older installation via switchwire.

2. The Public Light is mounted on a Public Lighting column, the luminaire is attached to the end of
the column and wired down through the column (via an electrical cable) to a switch and fuse at
the base of the column behind an inspection hatch. The wiring then continues down the column
under the ground and then is connected to the electricity network via a LV service pit. Wiring
between the column and pit is part of the public lighting assets.

Typically, the luminaire is controlled via a PE cell or in older installation via switchwire. Public
lighting columns are either galvanised or powder coated and range in height from 4.5m to
10.5m. Public lighting cable is typically 2.5mm squared Copper Twin and 6.0mm squared Copper
Earth, although this may vary depending on age. Some wiring is in conduit, but the majority is

Two typical configurations are shown in the figures below.

Public Lighting Service Level Framework

Typical Stobie pole mounted public lighting configuration

Typical Column mounted public lighting configuration

Public Lighting Service Framework – Draft for stakeholder feedback

Public lighting luminaires are categorised by the level of lighting intended to be provided in
accordance with AS1158:2005 Lighting for roads and public spaces as follows:
• Vehicular traffic (V category): relate to arterial roads
• Pedestrian area (P category): relate to minor roads

SA Power Networks has a wide range of lamp types (globes) on the public lighting system. This has
developed as technology changes have occurred and as trends have altered across the world. As at
March 2019, 51,000 (25%) of the luminaires installed have been upgraded to more energy efficient
LEDs, providing improved energy and maintenance outcomes for our customers. By 30 July 2025, it
is forecast that 74% of lights will have been converted to LEDs.

3.2 Public lighting assets

Public lighting assets are assets which are dedicated to the function of providing lighting and are in
essence comprised of the luminaire, a means of supporting the luminaire and wiring.


As at December 2018 there were ~240,000 luminaires under management across the network, a
significant portion are 30+ years old and the newly installed LEDs 2-3 years old.

With the LED rollout it is expected most, if not all, old technology luminaires will be replaced in the
next 5 years.


There are approximately 68,000 SA Power Networks owned public lighting columns and these range
in mounting height, colour and outreach.

In addition, there are approximately 30,000 customer owned columns that support lights which SA
Power Networks provides a service for.


There are approximately 119,000 public lighting brackets in service. Of those, 8,000 are Long Pipe
brackets which attract a SLUoS (Street Light Use of System) tariff.

Cable (wiring)

There are approximately 2,750km of underground public lighting wiring.

Public Lighting Service Framework – Draft for stakeholder feedback

4. Public Lighting Services
The provision of public lighting services, and associated maintenance and replacement
responsibility, is determined in accordance with asset ownership and arrangements in place with
public lighting customers.

Public lighting customers can choose which service offering best suits their circumstances, including
who funds the initial asset installation, future replacement, and depending on the tariff arrangement
who is responsible for the operational maintenance of the assets once installed. SA Power Networks
pricing proposal has been developed to continue to provide this flexibility in service offerings to our

4.1 Basic Services

Maintaining lighting output

SA Power Networks is required to maintain lighting output by ensuring the lights are on and at right
illuminance in accordance with AS1158 unless an alternative agreement is in place with our

Maintaining lighting output is done in a number of ways:

• Bulk lamp and PE cell replacement to minimise the failure rate of lighting components (eg
lamps) and to maintain lighting levels. The replacement period is determined based on age
of the component and their associated failure rates. Typically, 30,000 lamps and 4,000 PE
cells are changed per year and covers Metro and rural, P and V category Lights.
• Illuminance and cleaning of all lights
• Immediately repairing SLO’s in accordance with ESCoSA requirements
• Physical testing
• Establishing and managing a system to allow reporting to owners of failed CLER and EO

Target Level of Service:

• Repair 98% of public lighting faults, for which we are responsible, within 5 business days (metro)
or 10 business days (regional areas).
• Replace HID road lamps at least every 4 years (HID) or otherwise as required to maintain
luminance output and minimise SLO lamp failures.
• To maintain luminance output, luminaries will be cleaned as part of every lamp change for HID
• To maintain LED luminance output, LED’s are scheduled to be cleaned every 10 years. To validate
the requirement to clean the LED 25% of LED lights installed will be luminance checked at 4 years
and 8 years. Should cleaning be required prior to the 10-year scheduled cleaning cycle to
maintain light output, this will be done on a quoted charge basis.

Public Lighting Service Framework – Draft for stakeholder feedback

Outage Reporting

Public lighting faults are reported by customers through our online SLO reporting tool or by phoning
our call centre. Our aim is to rectify 98% of faults within 5 business days for metro areas and 10
business days for regional areas. Currently, a GSL payment of $25 for each period (5 business days
for metropolitan areas, and 10 business days for non-metropolitan areas) in which the street light is
not repaired is payable to the first person to report the fault1.

For SLO maintenance to provide the most cost-efficient outcome for public lighting customers, a
services contract is used in the metropolitan area (high density lights) and local depot staff are used
in regional areas (low density lights).

Failures are reported via the Online SLO Reporting Tool, SA Power Networks does not inspect or
patrol for lamp/ luminaire operability, completely relying on reporting from the public.

A Customer Portal for public lighting is currently being developed in collaboration with public
lighting customers and it is expected that Stage 1 to be accessible to customers by the end of 2019.
The aim of the portal is to provide a simplified way for all public lighting customers to obtain more
information on public lighting eg. carbon usage reporting, lights out, track work online; interact with
your assets and generate reports.

Target Level of Service:

• An online reporting tool for members of the public and public lighting customers to report faults.
• Where a fault is reported, for which we are not responsible, we will notify the public lighting
customer of the outage within one business day of receiving the outage report

Billing/ tariffs

Customers have a number of basic needs in relation to billing and tariffs:

• Timely and accurate billing
• Timely and accurate billing of energy consumption
• Ability to seamlessly transition between relevant tariffs

To meet this requirement SA Power Networks provides a number of services:

• Bill issued to all public lighting customers on the 6th of the following month
• A full list of luminaires and locations are supplied with each bill
• Provide accurate details of luminaires and energy consumption (from load tables) to
customers retailer
• Flexibility in facilitating transition arrangements to enable shift from HID to LED and SAPN
LED to PLC tariffs.

The Customer Portal being developed in consultation with customers will provide the ability to
access data on billing and tariffs.

The charges associated with the electricity supplying public lighting is invoiced to the public lighting
customers by their nominated Retailers. The Retailer invoice also includes the regulated network
supply charges referred to as the Distribution Use of System charges (DUoS).

ESCoSA reliability framework – charge will apply to SA Power Networks from 1 July 2020 to 30 June 2025.

Public Lighting Service Framework – Draft for stakeholder feedback

Target Level of Service:
• Invoices for public lighting services, specifying lamp types and volumes, will be issued by the 6th
business day of the month, for the preceding month
• If tariff change requested, tariff to be changed within 30 days of payment.

Asset Management

SA Power Networks has a range of strategies in place to manage capital and maintenance work on
public lighting assets. The following table provides an overview of the asset management strategies,
including the provision of GIS information and providing a cost-effective service.

Data • Spatial data is provided to customers with each bill. These includes data
on the lamp types, numbers of lamp types and associated tariffs.

Provision of power • For SLUoS, SAPN & PLC LED and TFI LED, SA Power Networks has full
responsibility for site inspection.
• For CLER and EO, SA Power Networks will attend and determine if fault
exists between luminaire and the connection point and notify customer
of their responsibility to repair.
• For EO lighting, a connection point is supplied, and SA Power Networks
is responsible for keeping power to the connection point. This
responsibility does not extend past the connection point.

Lighting elevated • For SLUoS, SAPN LED and TFI LED SA Power Networks is responsible to
and structure inspect, maintain/ repair/ replace and restore (after accident) public
maintained lighting elevation structures.
• For CLER and PLC LED, SA Power Networks is not responsible for the
structure but will attend an emergency, make the site safe and notify
the customer.

Whole of life costs • To minimise whole of life costs extensive testing on lighting assets is
undertaken by our Standards Group prior to approval being given to
install lights on to the network.

Warranty • Asset information is stored with warranty information and a system is in

management place to ensure luminaires returned to manufacturers for warranty

Public Lighting Service Framework – Draft for stakeholder feedback


Public lighting customers have a few reporting requirements, which include understanding if SAPN is
delivering service level and to report carbon / energy usage from public lighting.

SA Power Networks provide energy / carbon reporting to all major customers on an annual basis. In
addition, a full list of luminaires and locations are supplied with each monthly bill.

Target Level of Service:

• Replace road lamps at least every 4 years or otherwise as required to maintain luminance output
and minimise SLO lamp failures.
• Public lighting asset data, including luminaire details and locations, will be provided to public
lighting customers monthly.
• Operational reports, detailing fault performance, will be provided to public lighting customers
quarterly for the preceding quarter.
• All Public Lights mapped in SAPN’s GIS system, with GIS data provided to public lighting
customers annually.
• Energy / carbon reporting will be provided to all major customers every six months.

Design / Construction / Audit

SA Power Networks provides design and construction services for new lighting installations.
Auditing services of public lighting assets is also provided.

Target Level of Service:

• Provide quote for simple transactions in X days and more complex designs in X days – NB. target
dates to be determined in consultation with public lighting customers.

4.1.2 LED rollout

Interest from public lighting customers is building to reduce costs through the deployment of more
efficient and potentially longer lasting lighting technology such as Light Emitting Diodes (LED).

LED lighting create an overwhelmingly compelling case to change from traditional High Intensity
Discharge (HID) lighting, particularly for the pedestrian (P Category) lighting where the energy usage
of LEDs is typically a third to a quarter of HID lights.

LED rollouts are underway, both customer and SAPN initiated, and it is expected that at least all P
category lighting will be replaced in under 5 years, with V category being changed more slowly
resulting in 74% of all luminaires forecast to be converted to LED by 30 July 2025.

4.2 Value add services

Public lighting technology is continuing to evolve, with the evolution of smart controls. We are
working with smart city technology providers to develop a cost-effective and ongoing smart
lighting/smart city management platform that we can roll out in South Australia. Smart street
lighting with remote monitoring can automatically report failures, allowing faster maintenance and
reduced operational costs. Smart controls can allow lights to be dimmed when streets are unused or
ensure enhanced brightness for events or safety reasons. Approximately 94% of our public lighting
customers have indicated they are interested in smart control technology.

Public Lighting Service Framework – Draft for stakeholder feedback

4.3 Emerging services

The AER has also classified emerging public lighting technology as ACS. All new services eg LEDs or
smart controls would be added and approved by the AER as part of our annual pricing approval
process. The AER will not approve fee-based services within a regulatory control period, so all new
services introduced mid period will need to be introduced as quoted services.

Smart lighting/ smart cities technology

Smart cities technology is used to find innovative solutions in urban areas and provide sustainable
solutions to meet urban challenges and improve liveability in cities and towns. The Australian
Government committed to the Smart Cities Plan in 2016. One of the key objectives of this plan is
smart technology and the introduction of energy efficient technology.

Smart street technology includes the following:

• Lighting with remote monitoring that automatically report failures, allowing faster maintenance
and reduced operational costs.
• Smart controls or sensor-based units that allow lights to be dimmed when streets are unused or
ensure enhanced brightness for events or safety reasons.
• Remote sensors to provide ongoing data about the use of council assets such as parks and main
streets to support decision making on lighting needs and management.
• Installing multi-function streetlights fitted with touch screens and surveillance cameras that
provide Wi-Fi, monitor traffic conditions.
• Installing solar panels on streetlights to generate energy.

A number of Councils are considering ‘smart city’ opportunities and investigating technology to
enable greater convenience and efficiencies in on demand smart lighting and energy conservation.

4.4 Standards

SA Power Networks has a variety of equipment available for public lighting. Our Technical Standards
and Equipment Group is responsible SA Power Networks undertakes assessment, strategic
development and integration of equipment onto the distribution network to provide a safe, cost
effective and reliable network.


SA Power Networks uses a variety of luminaires and equipment, dependent upon the location, road
category and customer requirements. There are a large range of types and styles of luminaires on
the Australian and international market which vary significantly in terms of price and quality. .

In order to maximise value, while minimising total cost ownership, and ensure we maintain lighting
compliance for customers, various equipment types and styles have been selected and are held on
stock. The equipment list includes luminaires, lamps, outreach arms, columns and fixtures.

SA Power Networks also installs, upon request, flood lights (also called security lights) and several
types are held on stock.

Public Lighting Service Framework – Draft for stakeholder feedback

SA Power Networks has a range of standard luminaires and lamps held on stock. Further
information can be found in the Network Information for Customers and Contractors (NICC402) and
TS 101: Public Lighting – Design and Installation.


As part of the standard equipment, SA Power Networks has specified several brackets. The longest
of these, a long pipe bracket, is 6 metres long and is often used over wide intersections, to extend
beyond the tree canopy in heavily vegetated streets and when the stobie pole is set back on a wide

There are various other smaller outreach brackets available which have different height and
extension lengths.


Luminaires are installed on stobie poles when available. In underground developments and where
the power supply is underground, lighting columns are used. There are several standard types and
sizes held on stock including 4.5m post top to 10.5m columns used for arterial roads.

Standard SA Power Networks columns are galvanized, black or green powder coated. However, SA
Power Networks is not responsible for the ongoing performance of any powder coated finish. When
Customers request a different colour finish, they are permitted to do so subject to formally
accepting the ongoing maintenance of the finish.

Public Lighting Service Framework – Draft for stakeholder feedback

5. Pricing and Tariffs
The public lighting service is funded via tariff arrangements where the cost is calculated for each
luminaire type via a building block methodology. The tariffs vary according to asset ownership and
responsibilities with customer having the choice for higher or lower tariffs for capital and
operational responsibility inputs.

5.1 Regulatory process

The Australian Energy Regulator (AER) has determined to classify public lighting services as an
Alternative Control Service (ACS) from the commencement of the 2020–25 regulatory period, which
is consistent with the classification of public lighting in other jurisdictions. This is a change from the
current classification in South Australia, where public lighting services are classified as a negotiated
distribution service. As an ACS, the AER will set price caps for public lighting services reflective of the
efficient cost of providing the service. This will provide some certainty to customers every 5 years we
will need to forecast costs and proposed prices and the AER will independently review.

5.2 Pricing methodology

A building block approach is used to determine the efficient cost of providing public lighting services.
This building block approach enables us to continue to support pricing flexibility and customer
choice, aligned with the current negotiated pricing framework. Charges vary depending on the
service package selected by customers.

There are five components used in determining public lighting prices:

• Luminaire capital - the recovery of capital costs associated with the installation of new
luminaires where SA Power Networks funds the installation, this is applicable for lights
within the SAPN and SLUOS service categories.
• Luminaire operating - reflects the costs associated luminaire maintenance, including
reactive SLO work, proactive inspection and cleaning, and bulk replacement activities.
• Infrastructure capital - provides for the return of and on the Public Lighting Asset Base
• Infrastructure operating - reflects the costs of completing column inspections, associated
column repairs, and cables repairs resulting from SLO faults.
• Admin and systems - reflect the administrative costs directly attributed to provision of
public lighting services, including systems and GIS data maintenance, SLO reporting,
customer management, and asset management functions.

5.3 Tariffs

The provision of public lighting services, and associated maintenance and replacement
responsibility, is determined in accordance with asset ownership and arrangements in place with
public lighting customers.

SAPN have funded the installation and provide a full maintenance service for approximately 85% of
installed public lighting assets (poles and lights), with these lights charged SA Power Networks
(SAPN) or Street Light Use of System (SLUOS) pricing. Public lighting customers or developers may
fund the installation of new lights and gift the installed lights to SA Power Networks following
completion, we will then assume full maintenance responsibility for the assets, including
responsibility for future replacement of the asset at the end of its useful life, these lights are subject
to a reduced Transferred Infrastructure (TFI) price. Alternatively, public lighting customers may

Public Lighting Service Framework – Draft for stakeholder feedback

choose to fund the installation of the assets and retain ongoing responsibility for maintenance and
replacement of these assets. Our responsibility for these assets is administrative only, with the
assets recorded in our GIS system and any faults received forwarded to the public lighting customer
for their action, as a result these lights are charged an Energy Only (EO) price.

In some cases, SA Power Networks has agreed to maintain assets (including replacement of minor
components (eg PE cells)) owned by the customer, with the customer retaining responsibility for the
future replacement of all major public lighting asset components, these lights are charged Customer
Lighting Equipment Rate (CLER) prices. With the introduction of LED lighting, a further service
offering for Public Light Customer (PLC) was introduced, whereby we undertake routine
maintenance of the public lighting assets and have responsibility for future replacement of public
lighting infrastructure (poles), while the public lighting customer retains financial ownership of and is
responsible for replacement cost of the luminaire.

5.4 Tariff Agreements

Existing tariff agreements will cease on 30 June 2020 and the arrangements governing public lighting
installed prior to this date will automatically transition to the new arrangements from 1 July 2020.

The commercial arrangements agreed between Council and SA Power Networks in respect to the
ongoing provision and maintenance services will be outlined in the Terms and Conditions.

Public Lighting Service Framework – Draft for stakeholder feedback

6. Implementation and Review

6.1 Strategy and actions 2020-25

This section outlines the strategies and initiatives that SA Power Networks is proposing to undertake
to improve our public lighting services and ensure we deliver services that our customers value.

The following strategies will be developed in consultation with Local Government and other key
stakeholders over the next five-year regulatory period.

Action Description Timeframe Responsibility

Customer Develop a customer Stage 1 – Dec 2019 SAPN in collaboration

Portal portal for public lighting Stage 2 – 2020 (TBC) with public lighting

Smart lighting Trials of smart lighting Ongoing SAPN in collaboration

trials and new technology with public lighting

LED rollouts LED rollouts

GSL payment Review the requirement 2020 ESCoSA/ SAPN

review for the GSL payment for

Levels of Evolving our levels of 2020 SAPN in collaboration

Services Service to ensure with public lighting
delivering what customers
customers want

Ongoing • PLWG – continue the June 2020 LGA/SAPN/ Public

engagement PLWG and review lighting customers
with customers ongoing role,
purpose and
• Run an Annual Local October 2020 – annual SAPN
Government Forum
• Newsletter updates Ongoing SAPN
and provision of

6.2 Monitoring and review

This framework will be reviewed every five years, in line with our regulatory control periods, to
promote opportunities for continual improvement on how we deliver public lighting services. In
addition, a mid period review will be undertaken every two to three years.

The framework will be reviewed in 2022-23.

Public Lighting Service Framework – Draft for stakeholder feedback

6.3 Dispute resolution

Disputes may arise from decisions made by SA Power Networks in carrying out its responsibility in
the provision of public lighting services.

Resolving customer grievances is important to SA Power Networks and we will endeavour to resolve
any dispute with those affected in accordance with our Complaint Management Process.

SA Power Networks aims to respond to or acknowledge all complaints or enquiries within five
business days via the most practical and time efficient medium, whether this be via written
correspondence, email, telephone, or social media.

If you are not satisfied that SA Power Networks has satisfactorily resolved an issue, the matter can
be referred to the Energy and Water Ombudsman of South Australia:

• Energy and Water Ombudsman SA

Level 12, 50 Pirie Street
Adelaide SA 5000
GPO Box 2947
Adelaide SA 5001

Tel: 1800 665 565

Email: [email protected]
Website: www.ewosa.com.au

The Energy and Water Industry Ombudsman is a totally independent industry body and will act as a
mediator between the customer and SA Power Networks. This service is free of charge.

6.4 Benchmarking

Benchmarking with other utility providers in Australia is important to understand interstate trends
and improvements in public lighting to ensure we continue to implement best practice public
lighting in South Australia by attending national conferences and workshops, undertaking trials and
ensuring ongoing dialogue with key stakeholders and industry bodies.

Public Lighting Service Framework – Draft for stakeholder feedback

A. Target Level of Service

Public Lighting Service Framework – Draft for stakeholder feedback

Attachment A - Target Levels of Service
Customer requirement SA Power Networks service KPI / SAPN response
Ability to report public lighting not meeting basic General Enquiries Help Line Call Centre provided 131261
Single Light Out Online Reporting Tool Reporting tool provided and operational
EO light owners are notified of the SLO and the online reporting tool
resets in 5 days.
To receive a public lighting bill within 30 days of the billing SAPN bill issued by the 6th working day of the month for the preceding 12 bills sent per year in month succeeding the billing
period that describes the lighting asset and associated tariffs month and contains the lamp types, numbers of lamp types and period.
that makes up the bill. associate tariffs.
Ability to quickly and easily change between tariff types (for Future 1: LED tariffs types shown on bill, customer manually requests – Invoice sent to customer within 30 days of request
example changing from SAPN LED to PLC LED tariff) via email these PLs be transferred to PLC. SAPN creates invoice and
Tariff changed within 30 days of payment.
sends to customer, on payment tariffs change.
Future 2: All done through portal
To calculate the energy usage of the public lighting in their Utilising the Asset Data for the public lighting, SAPN tabulates all the 12 Energy usage reports sent to retailer on a monthly
area of responsibility and send this data to their nominated lamp types in the customers area and applies the AEMO load table basis.
energy retailer. values per lamp creating an energy usage table for the customer. This
System under oversight and audited by ESCOSA.
is sent to the customers retailer.
To understand geospatially the location of public lights in All Public Lights are mapped in SAPN’s GIS system. This data is 1x GIS file sent to customers annually or on request.
their area of responsibility and get this data in a format that maintained and provided to customers on request or annually.
can be used with their GIS / Asset Management systems
To understand / report carbon / energy usage from public On a six-monthly basis provide energy / carbon reporting to all major 2x Energy / Carbon reports sent per year.
lighting in their area of responsibility customers.
Power is provided to public lighting assets EO lighting has a connection point supplied, SAPN responsibility is to Forms part of lighting performance below.
keep power to the connection point and does not extend past
connection point.
CLER and PLC LED, SAPN will attend and determine if fault exists
between luminaire and the connection point and notify customer of
their responsibility to repair.
SLUoS, SAPN LED and TFI LED SAPN has full responsibility to repair and
restore power to public lighting. (including cable faults)

Public Lighting Service Level Framework

Light output of each public light is at 70% of original output, • Bulk lamp change to renew lamps and clean visors. • 1x Bulk lamp / PE change report per year
or in line with the requirements of AS1158 • Illuminance testing in planning phase of bulk lamp change.
• Bulk PE Cell change
• Repair 98% of SLO reports in 5 working days in metro and 10 working • Reported 12x monthly reporting, 1x annual
days in regional areas. performance review.
• Change of luminaire if failed for SLUoS, SAPN LED and TFI. • Reported 12x in monthly reporting.
• Reporting to owners of failed CLER and PLC LED lighting. • Systems in place to notify.
Public Lighting service provided cost effectively • Warranty management, asset information stored with warranty • Lighting asset in SAP, warrantee functionality
information and system in place to ensure luminaires returned to enabled?
manufacturers for warranty claims. • Standards Group systems.
• Minimise whole of life costs by extensive testing on lighting asset • Procurement group systems – namely tendering
prior to approval onto network. processes.
• Maximising economies of scale (by limiting lighting options per class)
and leveraging purchasing power to minimise capital costs.
• Providing common systems to all customers
Public lighting is elevated and this elevation structure is • For SLUoS, SAPN LED and TFI LED SAPN has full responsibility to
correctly maintained to minimise risk to the public. inspect, maintain / repair / replace and restore (after accident) public
lighting elevation structures
• CLER and PLC LED, SAPN does not have responsibility for the
structure other than attending an emergency and making the site
safe and notifying the customer.
Understanding the Public Lighting asset • Future – SAPN to provide access to PL asset information from SAP.
Contact for general enquiries relating to Public Lighting • Attend to asset condition enquiries.
• Attend to enquiries raised by residents/constituents for Council, MP’s
• Attend to enquiries relating to legal issues pertaining to lighting (e.g.
vehicle collisions etc.)
Contact for designs • Designs to AS1158
• Lighting audits
• Construction
• Project management
Want limited / no involvement in the O&M management of • Replacement of a failed luminaire (for any reason) with modern • 12x Monthly reporting of luminaire replacement per
public lighting in their area of responsibility equivalent at no cost to customer. year

Public Lighting Service Framework – Draft for stakeholder feedback

Public Lighting Service Level Framework

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