CA Inter Charts Module 2
CA Inter Charts Module 2
CA Inter Charts Module 2
10 Audit Report
11 Company Audit
12 Audit of items of FS
14 Bank Audit
15 CARO 2020
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FORMING AN OPINION EXPRESSION OF OPINION KAM: Matters that, in auditor's professional judgment, Purposes of KAM
"1) Auditor from opinion whether FS prepared in accordance with "Unmodied opinion When FS prepared in accordance with were of most signicance in audit FS. "- enhances communicative value of the report - provides addn info to users of FS
applicable FRF. To from opinion obtain reasonable assurance applicable FRF. Communicating KAM is not to assist them in understanding matters most signicance in audit.- assist users in
whether FS free from material misstatements. Modified opinion understanding entity & areas of signicant mgt judgment in the audited FS"
2) In forming such opinion he shall consider following: "❖ Substitute for disclosures in FS
❖ FS not free from material misstatements, or KAM to be selected to from matters communicated to TCWG - In making
• Sufciency & appropriateness of audit evidences ❖ Substitute for expressing a modied opinion determination auditor shall take into account the following:
❖ is unable to obtain sufcient & appropriate evidence to
• Materiality of uncorrected misstatements ❖ Substitute for reporting in under SA 570 when
conclude FS free from material misstatement "- Areas of higher assessed ROMM
• Adequacy of disclosures in FS material uncertainty exists relating to
events/conditions that may cast signicant doubt on - Signicant auditor judgments relating to areas that involved signicant mgt
• Consistency of accounting Policies with applicable FRF
entity's ability to continue as a going concern; or judgment
• Reasonableness of Accounting Estimate so Reliability & Supplementary info
relevance of nancial info ❖ Separate opinion on ind matters." - Effect on audit of signicant events/transactions"
Integral part of FS: Cover in opinion
• Adequacy of disclosure of material transactions & Event so Otherwise: Differentiate from FS: If not then ask mgt to
Appropriateness of Terminology used FS Matter Determined to be KAM, still Not Communicated in the Report
change way of presentation; If mgt refuse - mention in
3) Fair presentation framework, he shall consider: report such info not audited "Describe each KAM in the report unless:- Law/regulation precludes public disclosure; or- In rare circumstances, adverse consequences of
• Overall presentation, structure & content of FS, & communicating matter would reasonably be expected to outweigh public interest benets."
• Whether FS represent underlying transactions & events so as to
achieve fair presentation."
SA 706 EMPHASIS OF MATTER (EOM) AND OTHER MATTER (OM) 1. Use heading "Modied/Adverse/Disclaimer of opinion" and "Basis for modied/Adverse/Disclaimer of opinion.
EOM: refers to matter appropriately incorporated in FS of such OM: Para relating to matter other than those in FS which is
importance that it is fundamental to user's understanding of FS. relevant to user’s understanding or auditor's responsibility or his COMPARATIVE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS CORRESPONDING FIGURES
"Include EOM para in the report provided: report "Comparative info where amounts & other disclosures for prior Comparative info where amounts & other disclosures for prior
1. Auditor wouldn't be required to modify opinion in accordance Auditor include OM para in the report, not prohibited by period are included for comparison with FS but, if audited, are period, included as integral part of FS & intended to be read in
with SA 705 law/regulation; & matter not been determined to be a KAM referred to in the opinion." relation to amounts & other disclosure
2. Matter not been determined to be KAM" Examples of OM: Auditor's Opinion refers to each period for which FS are "Auditor's Opinion on FS refers to currentperiod only."
- Reporting on more than one set of FS presented
Examples of EOM :
"- Uncertainty relating to future outcome of exceptional litigation - Restriction on distribution/use of the report "Audit opinion not refer to corresponding gures, EXCEPT:(1) Auditor’s report in prior period FS modied & subject matter is still unresolved
- Signicant subsequent event occurs bw date of FS & date of Audit Procedures (2) Auditor obtains AE w.r.t. existence of material misstatement in prior period FS on which unmodied opinion was issued, & misstatement
auditor's report "- Comparative info agrees with other disclosures has not been dealt as required by applicable FRF."
- Early application of new A/c standard - A/c policies in comparative info are consistent with those
applied in the current period. Prior period FS
- Major catastrophe"
- Changes in A/c policies, if any, have been properly accounted AUDITED BY ANOTHER AUDITOR UNAUDITED
for & disclosed."
"Auditor shall state in OM Para: State in OM Para
that corresponding
• FS of prior period audited by predecessor auditor
UDIN FS are unaudited.
• Type of opinion expressed by him
Financial documents /certicates attested by third person misrepresenting themselves as CA were misleading Authorities & Stakeholders. ICAI
• Date of that report.
also received complaints of signs of CAs being forged by non CAs. To curb malpractices, ICAI implemented in phased manner as innovative
concept of UDIN . All Certicates were made mandatory with effect from 1st February, 2019. CAs having full-time COP can register on UDIN Prior period FS contain material misstatements:
Portal & generate UDIN by registering certicates attested/ certied by them. Accordingly, auditor is required to mention UDIN w.r.t each audit • Communicate misstatement to TCWG & Mgt
report being signed by him. • Request predecessor auditor be informed"
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(1) Auditor to be CA only; rm where major partners are CA First Auditor Subsequent Auditor
(2) Firm appointed - CA Partners authorised to act & sign on behlaf of rm
(3) Person not eligible to be auditor:- Govt Co - Sec Others - Govt Co - Sec
Others - 139(6)
139(7) 139(1) 139(5)
a) Body corporate (Not LLP) c) Partner/employee of ofcer/employee
b) Ofce/employee of co d) Person/relative/partber holds: By CAG in 180
e) Person/rm having business (i) any security/interest in co/subsi/hold/asso/subs of holdco By BOD in 30 By CAG in 60 By Members days from
relationship with co/hold days from DOR days of DOR in AGM commencement
Relative may hold security/interest upto 1L (Face value) - of year
/subs/asso/subs of hold relative has shares above 1L -Corrective action in 60 days
In case of failure: Hold offc Hold offc till
f) Relative of director/KMP (ii) indebted to co/subs/hold/asso/subs of hold > 5L In case of failure:
Members in EGM from 1st AGM conclusion of
BOD in 30 days
"g) Person full time employment (iii) given guarantee/security to co/subs/hold/asso/subs of hold > 1L in 90 days to 6th AGM AGM
elsewhere or person appointed h) Person convicted of fraud & period of 10 yrs not elapsed
as auditor in more than 20 In case of failure: Where at any AGM, no auditor
cosother than OPC, dormant co, I) Person providing services u/s 144 Members in EGM appointed/re-appointed, existing auditor
small co & pvt co PUC<100cr" in 60 days continue to be the auditor
(4) Person incurs disqualication u/s - A/c and book keeping services - Internal Audit - Actuarial
Hold offc till conclusion of rst AGM
141(3) after appointment, vacate - Design & implementation of any nancial info system
ofce & deemed casual vacancy
- Investment advisory - Investment banking
(i) Written consent & certicate to be obtained from auditor.
- Outsourced nancial service - Mgt services - Others (ii) Under Rule 4, the certicate shall state following:-
'Retiring auditor re-appointed at AGM, if- (a) individual/rm is eligible for appointment
(i) Not disqualied for re-appointment; (b) proposed appointment as per the term provided under the Act;
(ii) Not given notice in writing (c) proposed appointment is within limits laid down by or under the Act;
(iii) SR not been passed at that meeting appointing some other FILLING OF A CASUAL VACANCY [Sec 139(8)] (d) list of proceedings against auditor/rm/any partner of rm pending w.r.t professional matters of
conduct, as disclosed in the certicate, is true & correct.
auditor/providing expressly that he shall not be re-appointed.
(iii) Company le a notice of appointment with Registrar within 15 days of meeting in which auditor is appointed.
Other Companies Govt Companies
To be led by BOD in 30 days To be led by CAG in 30 days
In case of resignation, In case of failure: BOD shall ll
appointment by BOD to be in 30 days
Applicability of Sec 139(2) approved by Co. at AGM
In case of failure, auditor liable to a penalty of 50,000 or remuneration of auditor, Following classes of co's shall constitute an AC -
whichever is less, & in case of continuing failure, with further penalty of 500 each day
All listed co (Oher than OPC & small co) during which such failure continues, subject to a maximum of 5L Listed co
+ +
Manner of Rotation of auditors on expiry of their term (Rule 6) Public co loans/
Co borrowings
Unlisted "- AC recommend to BOD, name of individual auditor/rm Public co Public co borrowings/
from FI, banks, Pvt co
public co PUC PUC > turnover > debentures/
public deposit PUC > 50 cr - Where co required to constitute AC, BOD consider recommendation, & in other cases, BOD itself
> 10 cr = 10 cr = 100 cr deposits >
> 50 cr consider matter of rotation & make recommendation for appointment by members in AGM. = 50 cr
- in case of auditor, period for which individual/rm held ofce prior to commencement of Act taken
- Appoint individual more than 1 term of 5 yrs into account for calculating period of 5/10 yrs Manner of selection & appointment of auditors (Rule 3)
- Appoint rm more than 2 terms of 5 yrs - incoming auditor/rm not be eligible if such auditor/rm associated with outgoing auditor/rm "- In case of co required to constitute AC , AC, &, in cases where
under same network of audit rms. committee not required, BOD, take into consideration qualications &
Auditor not eligible for re appointment for 5 yrs
from completion of such term Explanation I - ""same network"" includes rms operating/functioning under same brand name, experience of individual/rm proposed to be considered for
trade name or common control. appointment as auditor
"(1) As on date of appointment, no rm having a
common partner to other rm, whose tenure Explanation II - (a) break in term for a continuous period of 5 yrs considered as fullling requirement - AC/BOD call for other info from the proposed auditor
expired in co preceding FY, appointed of rotation - Where co required to constitute AC, committee recommend name of
asauditor for a period of 5 years. (b) if partner, in charge of rm & also certies FS, retires from rm & joins another rm, other rm individual/rm to BOD for consideration & in other cases,BOD
(2) Right of co to remove auditor/right of auditor ineligible to be appointed for a period of 5 yrs." consider & recommend individual/rm to members in AGM
toresign not to be prejudiced. - If BOD agrees with recommendation of AC, further recommend
(3) Members of a co may resolve to provide appointment of individual/rm to members in AGM- If BOD disagrees
that- with AC, refer back recommendation to AC for reconsideration citing
reasons for such disagreement.
(I) Auditing partner & team rotated at intervals
- If AC decides not to reconsider its recommendation, BOD record
(ii) audit conducted by more than 1 auditor"
reasons for disagreement & send its own recommendation to
members; and if BOD agrees with recommendations of AC, it shall
place matter for consideration by members in AGM"
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Before expiry of term (Sec 140(1)): Remuneration of auditor xed in GM/in such manner as may be Applicability for Maintenance of Cost Records (Rule 3):
"- Board Resolution- Application to CG in Form ADT 2 in 30 days of BR determined. BOD x remuneration rst auditor appointed by it. Cos, engaged in production of goods/providing services, having overall turnover of Rs. 35 cr or more during preceding FY, required to include cost
Appointment of auditor other than retiring auditor - Sec 140(4) records. Including Foreign Cos but exclude co classied as MSME. Divide list of cos into (A) Regulated sectors and (B) Non-regulated sectors.
- Co hold GM in 60 days of receipt of approval of CG for passing SR
- Auditor given a reasonable opportunity of being heard." "- Special notice required for resolution at AGM appointing auditor a
person other than retiring auditor/providing expressly that retiring Maintenance of Cost Records (Rule 5):
"Direction by Tribunal - Auditor acted in Fraudulent Manner (Sec auditor not be re-appointed
140(5)): Tribunal suomotu/on application made by CG/any person "Every co required to maintain cost records in Form CRA-1. As per clause (vi) to Paragraph 3 of the CARO, auditor has to report whethermaintenance
concerned, satised auditor has acted in fraudulent manner, it may, by - On receipt of notice, Co send copy thereof to retiring auditor of cost records specied by CG & whether such accounts & records have been so made & maintained."
order, direct co to change its auditors.If application made by CG & - Where notice given & retiring auditor makes representation in
Tribunal satised that any change ofauditor required, it shall within 15 writing to co & requests its notication to members, Co shall, unless
days of such application, make an order that he shall not function as representation is received by it too late for it to do so,- Applicability of Cost Audit (Rule 4):
auditor & CG may appoint another auditor a) in notice of resolution state fact of representation made; and "- ""Regulated Sectors"" if overall annual turnover during immediately preceding FY is Rs. 50 cr or more & aggregate turnover of individual
Auditor against whom nal order passed under this section not be product/service for which cost records are required to be maintained is Rs. 25 crore or more.
b) send copy of representation to every member to whom notice is
eligible to be appointed as auditor of any co for a period of 5 yrs from dat sent & if a copy of representation not sent as aforesaid, auditor may - ""Non-Regulated Sectors"" if overall annual turnover during immediately preceding FY is Rs. 100 cr or more & aggregate turnover of individual
of passing of the order & also be liable for action u/s 447" require that representation read out at the meeting." product/ service for which cost records required to be maintained is Rs. 35 cr or more."
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Applicability for Maintenance of Cost Records (Rule 3): 1. Duty to inquire on certain matters:
Cos, engaged in production of goods/providing services, having overall turnover of Rs. 35 cr or more during preceding FY, required to "a) whether loans & advances made by co on basis of security properly secured & whether terms are prejudicial;
include cost records. b) transactions of co represented merely by book entries prejudicial to interests of co;
Including Foreign Cos but exclude co classied as MSME. Divide list of cos into (A) Regulated sectors and (B) Non-regulated c) where co not being an investment/banking co so much of assets of co as consist of shares, debentures & other securities sold at a price less than
sectors. that at which they were purchased by the co;
d) loans & advances made by the co shown as deposits;
Maintenance of Cost Records (Rule 5): e) personal expenses charged to revenue account;
"Every co required to maintain cost records in Form CRA-1. f) it is stated in books & documents of the co any shares allotted for cash, whether cash has actually been received in respect of such allotment, & if
As per clause (vi) to Paragraph 3 of the CARO, auditor has to report whethermaintenance of cost records specied by CG & whether no cash has actually been so received, position as stated in books & BS is correct, regular & not misleading."
such accounts & records have been so made & maintained."
2. Duty to report - Sec 143(2) and (3): The auditor's report shall state:
Applicability of Cost Audit (Rule 4):
"a) sought & obtained all info & expl necessary for purpose of audit & if not, details & effect of such info on the FS;
"- ""Regulated Sectors"" if overall annual turnover during immediately preceding FY is Rs. 50 cr or more & aggregate turnover of
b) proper books of account as required by law kept by co
individual product/service for which cost records are required to be maintained is Rs. 25 crore or more.
c) report on accounts of any branch ofce of co audited by other person sent to him under proviso to that sub-section & manner in which he has dealt
- ""Non-Regulated Sectors"" if overall annual turnover during immediately preceding FY is Rs. 100 cr or more & aggregate
with it in preparing his report;
turnover of individual product/ service for which cost records required to be maintained is Rs. 35 cr or more."
d) BS & PL A/c are in agreement with books of account and returns;
e) FS comply with accounting standards;
Appointment of cost auditor (Rule 6):
f) observations of auditors on nancial transactions or matters which have any adverse effect on the functioning of the co;
"- Co to appoint auditor within 180 days of commencement of every FY. Before such appointment, written consent of cost auditor
to appointment & certicate shall be obtained. The certicate to be obtained from the cost auditor shall certify that the- g) any director disqualied from being appointed as director under sub-section (2) of the section 164;
(a) individual/rm eligible for appointment h) any qualication, reservation/adverse remark relating to maintenance of accounts & other matters connected therewith;
(b) individual/rm satises criteria provided in sec 141 I) co has adequate IFC with reference to FS in place & operating effectiveness of such controls;
( c) proposed appointment within limits laid down by/under authority of the Companies Act, 2013; &(d) list of proceedings against j) Other matters as prescribed"
auditor or any partner of rm pending w.r.t professional matters of conduct is true & correct.
- Every co inform auditor of his/its appointment & le notice of appointment with CG within 30 days of BM in which such "- Co disclosed impact of pending litigations in its FS;
appointment is made or within 180 days of he commencement of FY, whichever is earlier in Form CRA-2
- Co made provision, as required under any law/A/c standards, for material foreseeable losses, if any, on long term contracts including derivative
- The auditor appointed shall continue in such capacity till expiry of 180 days from closure of FY or till he submits cost audit report, contracts;
for FY for which he has been appointed."
- Any delay in transferring amts to IEPF
- a) Mgt represented that no funds advanced/loaned/invested by co to/in any other person/entity, Intermediary shall lend/invest in other
Submission of cost audit report: persons/entities or provide any guarantee, security/like on behalf of Ultimate Beneciaries;
"- To BOD - submit audit report along with his reservations in Form ORA-3 within 180 days from closure of FY b) Mgt represented that no funds received by co from any person co shall lend/invest in other persons or entities or provide any guarantee,
- To CG- Co within 30 days from date of receipt of copy of audit report in Form CRA-4 in XBRL format. If, after considering report, security/the like on behalf of Ultimate Beneciaries
CG of opinion any further info necessary, may call for such further info" c) Based on audit procedures nothing has come to notice that has caused auditor to believe that representations under above sub-clause
contain any material misstatement.
- Dividend declared/paid in compliance with section 123"
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"- Obtain signed schedule & conrm all of them Audit of Trade Payables and Other current liabilities
are shown in BS. "- Check adequacy of cut-off procedures adopted by the entity Audit of depreciation and amortization
- Examine agreement in case of assignment of - Examine correspondence & other relevant documentary evidence "- Understand & evaluate adequacy & effectiveness of IC regards accounting, maintenance & safeguarding of FA
Copyrights/transfer of trade marks - In case of any unusual payments around year-end, examine them thoroughly & proper distinction made bw capital & revenue expense
- Ensure trademarks & copyrights have been - Review subsequent transactions to identify/ conrm material liabilities o/s - Check the amt of depreciation accurately calculated
duly registered under respective laws. - Conrmation procedures and analytical procedures" - Ensure cocomplied with requirements of AS 10
- Verify existence of copyright by reference to - Ensure provisions of Section 123(1) complied with by the company.
contract bw author & entity Audit of loans and advances and other current assets - Perform analytical procedures to obtain audit evidence as to overall reasonableness of depreciation &
- See value determined properly & costs amortisation expense."
"- Examine entity is empowered to make loans
incurred for purpose of obtaining trademarks
- Examine loan document & other evidence to examine terms & conditions
& copyrights have been capitalised. Purpose of depreciation
- Ascertain parties complied with terms & conditions of loans & advances- In case of defaults, Consider these are
- Ascertain legal life of trademarks & indicative of unwillingness or inability of parties concerned to make payment. a) To provide funds for replacement of assets b) To determine true cost of goods
copyrights not expired. c) To determine the prot or loss for the year d) To show a true and fair value of entity's assets in
- Pay particular attention to loans & advances given to parties in whom directors/persons who are substantial
- Ensure amt paid for both IA properly owners of the entity are interested." the balance sheet
Function of govt audit performed by CAG Financial admin and budgetary procedure Sources of Funds
Meaning : Objective, systematic, professional & independent
examination of nancial, admin & other operations of public entity Duties of CAG "Budget preparation determining levels of taxation, rates & ceilings "• Grants & donations, fund raising programmes, advertisements,
for evaluating & verifying them. on expense. Objectives of local bodies budgetary procedure are: subscriptions, gifts etc.
- Compile & submit accounts
• Financial Accountability. • Donations received in nature of capital receipts shown as liabilities
- Audit receipts & expense of entity substantially nanced from
Power of CAG • Control of expenditure, & • In the form of corpus contribution or contribution towards revolving
consolidated fund
"General powers: inspect any ofce of accounts under control of • Ensure funds raised & money spent in accordance with rules & fund."
- Audit grants & loans
Union/State Govt; require that any accounts, books, papers & other regulations."
documents sent to specied places; - Audit receipts/expense of consolidated fund
Objectives of audit of local bodies Audit Programme
can put such question as he may consider necessary; call for such - Audit accounts of govt co's & corporations
"- Reporting on fairness of content & presentation of FS "• Corpus Fund: The contributions/ grants examined w.r.t letters from
info as he may require " - Submission of accounts
the donor.
- Reporting upon strengths & weaknesses of systems
"Directions by CAG to Auditor [Sec 143(5)]: CAG direct auditor • Ear-marked Funds: Check requirements of donors, BR of NGO &
manner in which accounts required to be audited; Auditor submit Audit of Partnership firms - Reporting on adherence to legal & admin requirement rules & regulations of schemes of the funds.
copy of audit report to CAGReport include directions issued by CAG, Advantages - Reporting upon value being fully received on expense • Programme & Project Expenses. Verify agreement with
action taken & its impact on accounts and FS of the company." - Detection of error, fraud & misuse of resources." donor/contributor supporting particular programme / project.
"- Audited accounts reliable means of settling accounts bw partners
"Supplementary audit report [Sec 143(6)]: CAG within 60 days - Audited accounts accepted by IT Dept as basis for computing Audit consideration for audit of partnership firm • Contributions & Grants: Check agreements with donors & grants
from date of receipt of report, have following rights: assessable income letters
"- Conrming that letter of appointment clearly states nature &
- Order conduct of supplementary audit - Relied upon by banks when advancing loans. scope of audit. • Receipts from fund raising programmes: Verify in detail IC
system & obtain conrmations from persons responsible for
- Comment upon/supplement report - Helpful in negotiations to admit a partner. - Studying minute book. collection of funds & mode of receipt."
- Any comments/supplement sent by co to every person entitled to - Effective safeguard against undue advantage being taken by - Verifying that business is authorised by the deed"
copies of audited FS" working partner."
Test Audit [Sec 143(7)]: CAG cause test audit
Audit of LLP
Audit of various items under govt audit Applicability of audit (Rule 24) Annual Return
Expenditure Audit LLP, whose t/o doesn't exceed, in any FY, 40L or whose contribution LLP required to le AR in Form 11 with ROC within 60 days of
doesn't exceed 25L, isn't required get accounts audited. closer of FY.
Audit of rules & orders Audit of sanctions
"- To ensure expenditure is in accordance with: "- To ensure the expenditure is: Covered by a sanction and Appointment of auditor Appointment of designated partners
a) relevant provisions of Constitution & of laws & rules Sanctioned by appropriate authority
Appointed for each FY "- At any time for rst FY but before end of rst FY
b) Rules, regulations issued by CAG. - Thus auditor should consider following:
If designated partners failed to appoint - At least 30 days prior to end of each FY (other than rst FY),
c) Orders of, or rules made by, any higher authority." a) knowledge of sanctioning powers of various authorities
Partners may appoint auditor - To ll casual vacancy in ofce of auditor
b) Examine all sanctions adequately noted
Tenure of auditor - To ll up vacancy caused by removal of auditor."
Audit against provision of funds c) For petty expense, signature of competent authority on a bill can
be regarded as a sanction" "hold such ofce till the period —
"Ensure whether expense: a) New auditors are appointed, or
a) made for purpose to which grant has been provided. b) They are re-appointed."
Performance Audit
b) Does not exceed the appropriation made."
"- Ensure govt programmes achieved desired objectives at lowest
cost & given intended benets. Audit of Charitable Institution
Propriety Audit - Performance audit includes efciency, economy & effectiveness "- Examine donations received shown in cash book w.r.t copies of receipts issued.
"- Auditor examine cases of improper expense even though audit. - Check periodic internal report w.r.t. donations received during that period
expense incurred as per existing rules & regulations. - Efficiency Audit: Examine various schemes/projects executed, - Donation may also be received in kind, ensure their proper recognition in books of account.
- Auditor examine public nancial morality by looking in to the & operations carried out in efcient manner, & yielding expected
- If any grant received for some particular purpose, examine same has been utilised for designated use only.
wisdom, faithfulness & economy of transactions. results.
- Compare other expenses like stationery telephone etc. with those of previous year"
- No hard & fast rules laid down regarding standards of nancial - Economy Audit: Examine govt acquired nancial, human &
propriety- Auditor examine that :— physical resources in economical manner, & sanctioning &
spending authority have observed economy. Audit of educational institution
a) Authorities made expense with same degree of vigilance, as a
person of ordinary prudence would exercise in respect of his own - Effectiveness Audit: Examine programmes & projects "- Check admission fee amt credited to a separate account. Refundable money shown as liabilities.
money. performing well & Overall targeted objectives achieved." - Check demands for fee raised against all students.
b) Expense not prima facie more than occasion demands. - Ascertain amts demanded from student are as per rates specied according to their course.
c) No authority exercises its power of sanctioning expenditure which - Check authorization for fee concessions.
will accrue to its own advantage. - Ensure that in case of late payment of fee, ne properly imposed, collected & accounted for
d) Public money not utilised for benet of a particular person - Donations of two types - specic/general use. Check recording of such amt in separate accounts
/section of community."
- Verify grant from govt or any local authority with reference to sanction letter."
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Content of Auditor's report [Sec 73(3) & (4)] Books of accounts Qualification of auditor (Sec 72)
"In his opinion & to best of his info & according to explanation given, said account give info "Every MSCS keep books of account with respect to- "CA. Persons not eligible for appointment as auditors:
required & give a true & fair view : a. all sum of money received & expended & matters in respect of which receipt & a. A body corporate
a. In case of BS, of state of society's affairs as at end of its FY; & expenditure take place; b. An ofcer/employee of the society
b. In case of PL, of PL for its FY. The report shall also state: b. all sale & purchase of goods; c. A person member/who is in employment, of an ofcer or employee of society
- He obtained all info & explanation necessary for audit c. the assets & liabilities; d. A person indebted to the society or has given any guarantee or provided any security of any
- Proper books of account kept by the society so far as appears from examination of books & d. in case of MSCS engaged in production, processing & manufacturing, third person to the society for an amount exceeding 1,000"
proper returns received from branches or ofces not visited by him. particulars relating to utilization of materials or labour or other items of cost"
- Report on accounts of any branch audited by person other than him forwarded to him & how Inquiries by auditor [Sec 73(2)]
he dealt with same Appointment of Auditor (Sec 70) "a. Loans & advances made on basis of security properly secured & terms not prejudicial to
- Society's BS & PL A/c in agreement with books of account & return "- First auditor: by BOD within 1 month of date of registration & hold ofce until interests of society
- Where any matters answered in negative, the auditor's report shall state reason" conclusion of rst AGM b. Transactions represented merely by book entries not prejudicial to interests of the society
- If BOD fails, society in GM may appoint rst auditor c. Personal expenses charged to revenue account, and
- Subsequent auditor appointed by society, at each AGM. Hold ofce from d. It is Stated in books & papers of the society any shares allotted for cash, cash has actually,
conclusion of that meeting until conclusion of next AGM." been received & if no cash received, position as stated in account is correct"
Affairs Not Managed in Accordance With, Financial Position its such as would Managed as it would Cause Injury to Interest
Prudent Commercial Practices endanger its Insolvency of Trade or Industry or Business
"1. CG at any time by order direct that a special audit of the society's accounts for such period as may be specied
2. CG order for special audit only if Govt hold 51% or more of paid-up share capital in such society.
3. Special auditor same powers & duties as an auditor has under section 73. Special auditor make report to CG.
4. On receipts of report CG take such action as it considers necessary. If CG does not take any action within 4 months, govt send to the society
copy of, or relevant extract from, there port with its comments thereon & require the society either to circulate that copy to members or to
have such copy or extracts read before the society at its next GM"
Basis Inquiry by central res=gistrar (Sec 78) Inspection of society (Sec 79)
On are quest from: federal co-operative to which society is afliated or a creditor or not less than 1/3 of members or
not less than 1/5 of total no of members
How Hold inquiry/inspection into constitutions, working & nancial condition of the society
Opportunity of
Before holding such inquiry/inspection 15 days notice must be given to the society
being Heard
"a. Access to books, accounts, documents, securities, cash "a. Access to all books, accounts, papers, vouchers,
& other properties & summon any person in securities, stock & other property of society & in event of
possession/responsible for custody of any such thing serious irregularities discovered take them into custody
b. Require ofcers to call GM by giving notice of not less & have power to verify cash balance & to call a meeting
Powers given than 7 days & place at head quarters to consider such where such GM is, in his opinion necessary.
matters as may be directed, and where ofcers refuse to b. Every ofcer or member shall furnish such info with
call such a meeting, he have power to call it himself. regard to working as the central registrar or the person
c. Summon any person reasonably believed to have any making such inspection may require."
knowledge of affairs of the society to appear before him"
Follow up: Central Registrar with in a period of 3 months Inspection Report: Copy of report of inspection
communicate report of inquiry to the society communicated to the society within 3 months from date of
completion of such inspection.
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Commercial Banks: most wide spread banking institutions, that provide no of products & services. Two of its main functions are - accepting deposits and granting advances.
Regional Rural Bank: Banks set up in rural areas to cater to basic banking & nancial needs of rural communities.
Co-operative Bank: function like Commercial Banks but set up on basis of Cooperative Principles & registered under Cooperative Societies Act of the respective state or MSCS Act
Payments Bank: New type of banks. Allowed to accept restricted deposits but cannot issue loans & credit cards.
Small nance Banks: Set up to make available basic nancial & banking facilities to unserved & unorganised sectors
Types of report to be issued Regulatory Authority - RBI Types of banks on basis of Engagement team (ET) discussion "ET discussion ordinarily includes a discussion of following matters:
a) Report on adequacy & operating effectiveness of ICFR "RBI is responsible for level of computerisation "ET hold discussions to gain better understanding of bank & its • Errors that may be more likely to occur;
b) LFAR • Development & supervision of 1. Non computerised environment, including IC & also to assess potential for material • Errors which have been identied in prior years;
constituents of Indian nancial misstatements of FS. The discussion provides:
c) Report on compliance with SLR 2. Partially computerised • Method by which fraud might be perpetrated
system • Opportunity for more experienced members to share their insights
d) Report on treasury operation of bank 3. Fully computerised • Audit responses to Engagement Risk, Pervasive Risks, & Specic Risks;
• Determining monetary & credit • Opportunity for members to exchange info about bank's business
e) Report on whether income recognition, asset classication & • Need to maintain professional skepticism throughout audit engagement;
policies keeping in with the need risks.
provisioning made as per guidelines issued by RBI • Need to alert for info/conditions indicates a material misstatement may have
of the hour. • An understanding amongst members about effect of results of RAP
f) Report on whether any serious irregularity noticed in working occurred"
• Regulating activities of banks" on other aspects of audit"
ET discussion ordinarily includes a discussion of following matters: Appointment of Auditor Content of Audit report Accounts where there is erosion in value of security
• Errors that may be more likely to occur; "• Auditor of banking co - appointed at AGM; of nationalised bank - "In case of nationalised "Not follow stages of asset classication. straight-away classied as doubtful/loss asset:
• Errors which have been identied in prior years; appointed by BOD. In either case approval of RBI is required bank, auditor required to I) Realisable value of security is less than 50% of value assessed by bank at time of last
• Method by which fraud might be perpetrated • Auditors of SBI appointed by CAG in consultation with CG make report to CG to state inspection - classied under doubtful category
• Audit responses to Engagement Risk, Pervasive Risks,& Specic Risks; following:
• Auditors of subsidiaries of SBI to be appointed by SBI ii) Realisable value of security, as assessed by bank less than 10% of o/s in borrowal accounts,-
• Need to maintain professional skepticism throughout audit engagement; a) whether BS is full & fair
• Auditors of RRB to be appointed by bank with the approval of CG" classied as loss asset. It may be either written off or fully provided for by the bank."
• Need to alert for info/conditions indicates a material misstatement may have occurred BS containing all
necessary particulars & Agriculture advances
Long Form Audit Report (LFAR) Initial consideration by stat auditors properly drawn & in For long duration crops For short duration crops
Declaration of indebtedness Planing case he called for any Instalment remains overdue for 1 crop season. Instalment remains overdue for 2 crop seasons
"Besides audit report as per statutory requirements, terms
of appointment require auditors to also furnish LFAR. Internal assignment by auditor Terms of engagement info whether given & Audit of Advances
Matters in the LFAR specied by RBI.LFAR to be satisfactory
Communication with previous auditor Initial engagement
submitted before 30th June every year. Format of LFAR "Auditor primarily concerned with obtaining evidence about following:(a) Amts included in BS are
b) Transactions within
doesn't require executive summary to be given, members Assessment of risk Establish engagement team o/s at date of BS(b) Advances represent amount due to bank.(c) Amts due to bank are
powers of
may consider providing same to bring out key Understanding Bank & its environment appropriately supported by Loan documents (d) There are no unrecorded advances.(e) Stated
observations." Mode of creation of security Prudential norms on income recognition, asset classification & provisioning c) Returns received from basis of valuation of advances is appropriate & properly applied(f) Advances disclosed, classied
branches found & described in accordance with accounting policies (g) Appropriate provisions towards advances
Understanding Risk Mgt Process Mortgage Set off NPA - An asset becomes NPA when it ceases to generate income for the Bank. adequate have been made as per the RBI norms"
a) Oversight & involvement in control process by TCWG Pledge Lien "Out of order - An account treated as 'out of order' if o/s bal remains continuouslyin d) Other matter which he Accounts regularized near about BS Date: should be handled with care & without scope for
b) Identication, measurement & monitoring of risks Hypothecation Assignment excess of sanctioned limit/drawing power. In cases there are no credits for90 days as considers should be subjectivity. Where account indicates inherent weakness - deemed as a NPA.
c) Control Activities d) Monitoring Activities on BS date, these accounts should be treated as 'out of order'." brought to notice of
Advances under Consortium: Based on record of recovery of respective individual member.
e) Reliable information system Overdue - Amt due to bank is 'overdue' if it isn't paid on due date xed by bank. CG"
Any income exceeds 1% of total income if the income is reckoned on a gross basis or one percent of the net prot before taxes if the income is reckoned net of costs, should be considered on accrual as per AS-9.
Audit of expenses Computation of drawing power (DP) Auditor can obtain SAAE Audit of revenue items Evaluation of IC over advances
"• Obtain analysis of deposits o/s at end of each quarter. Work out "- DP limit up to which a rm or co can withdraw from working capital limit sanctioned. about advances by: "• When credit facility classied as NPA "• Make advance only after satisfying
weighted avg int rate. Compare this rate with actual average rate of - Sanctioned limit is total exposure that bank can take on a particular client On the other hand, DP refers to amt • examining validity of for rst time, interest accrued & as to credit worthiness of borrower
interest paid as per annual accounts & enquire into diff, if material. calculated based on primary security less margin as on a particular date. recorded amts credited in PY not realized should be • All necessary documents executed
• Compare avg rate of int paid with corresponding gures for PYs & • examining loan reversed by parties before advances are
- All accounts kept within DP & sanctioned limit. Accounts exceed sanctioned limit/DP brought to notice of Mgt
analyse any material diff documents • Interest on advances against Term made.
- DP to be arrived based on current stock statement. Stock statements not be older than 3 months.
• On test check basis, verify calculation of int & satisfy himself that: • reviewing operation of Deposits, NSCs, KVPs taken to • Compliance with terms of sanction
- Stock statements, quarterly returns & other statements submitted by borrower to bank be scrutinized in detail. accounts income account on due date,
a] Int provided on all deposits up to BS date; & end use of funds should be
Audited Annual Report submitted by borrower should be scrutinized properly. provided adequate margin is
• examining existence, ensured.
b] Int rates in accordance with bank’s internal regulations - Ensured DP calculated as per guidelines formulated by BOD. Special consideration should be given to proper available
enforceability & • Sufcient margin kept against
c] In case of FDs examine Int rate are in accordance with Rate reporting of sundry creditors. valuation of security; • In case of bills purchased O/s at close securities taken
mentioned in FD Receipt/ Certicate. - Stock audit carried out by bank for all accounts having funded exposure of more than 5 crores." of year discount receivedshould be
• checking compliance • Securities requiring registration
d] Int on Savings Account checked on test check basis properly apportioned between the 2
with RBI norms registered in name of bank
e] Int on inter-branch balances provided at rates prescribed by HO
• DP Register updated every month
10 • In case of bills for collection, auditor
f] Int on overdue/matured term deposits estimated & provided for." to record value of securities
examine procedure forcrediting party
on whose behalf bill collected."
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Every co including a foreign company as dened in clause (42) of section 2 of the Companies Act, 2013 except-
a) Banking co b) Insurance co c) Sec 8 co d) OPC & small co
e) Private co, not being subsidiary/holding co of a public co, having a paid up capital & reserves & surplus not more
than Rs. 1 crore as on BS date & which does not have total borrowings exceeding Rs. 1 crore from any bank/FI
at any point of time during FY & which doesn't have a total revenue exceeding Rs. 10 crore during FY
Clause Description
(i)(a) (A) whether co maintaining proper records showing full particulars, including quantitative details and situation of PPE; (B) whether the co maintaining proper records showing full particulars of intangible assets;
(i)(b) Whether these PPE physically veried by mgt at reasonable intervals; whether any material discrepancies were noticed on such verication and if so, whether same have been properly dealt with in books of account
(i)(c) Whether title deeds of all immovable properties disclosed in the FS held in the name of the co, if not, provide the details thereof as follows:- 1. Description of property 2. Gross Carrying Value 3. Held in the name of 4. Whether promoter, director or their relative
or employee 5. Period held–indicate range, where appropriate 6. Reason for not being held in name of co
(i)(d) Whether co revalued its PPE (including ROU assets) or intangible assets or both during the year and, if so, whether revaluation is based on valuation by a Registered Valuer; specify the amount of change, if change is 10% or more in the aggregate of the net
carrying value of each class of Property, Plant and Equipment or intangible assets;
(i)(e) Whether any proceedings initiated or pending against co for holding any benami property under Benami Transactions (Prohibition) Act, 1988 & rules made thereunder, if so, whether co appropriately disclosed the details in its nancial statements;
(ii)(a) Whether physical verication of inventory conducted at reasonable intervals by mgt & whether, in the opinion of auditor, the coverage & procedure of such verication by the management is appropriate; whether any discrepancies of 10% or more in the
aggregate for each class of inventory were noticed and if so, whether they have been properly dealt with in the books of account;
(ii)(b) Whether during any point of time of the year, the company has been sanctioned working capital limits in excess of ve crore rupees, in aggregate, from banks or nancial institutions on the basis of security of current assets; whether the quarterly returns or
statements led by the company with such banks or nancial institutions are in agreement with the books of account of the Company, if not, give details;
(iii) Whether during year the co made investments in, provided any guarantee or security or granted any loans or advances in nature of loans, secured or unsecured, to companies, rms, LLP or any other parties, if so ,-
(iii)(a) "Whether during the year the co provided loans/provided advances in nature of loans, or stood guarantee, or provided security to any other entity [not applicable to companies whose principal business is to give loans], if so, indicate- (A) aggregate amt during the
year, & balance outstanding at the BS date with respect to such loans or advances and guarantees or security to subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates;(B) aggregate amt during the year, & balance o/s at the balance sheet date with respect to such loans or
advances and guarantees or security to parties other than subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates;"
(iii)(b) Whether investments made, guarantees provided, security given & terms and conditions of grant of all loans & advances in the nature of loans and guarantees provided are not prejudicial to the company’s interest;
(iii)c) In respect of loans and advances in the nature of loans, whether the schedule of repayment of principal and payment of interest has been stipulated and whether the repayments or receipts are regular;
(iii)(d) If the amount is overdue, state the total amount overdue for more than ninety days, and whether reasonable steps have been taken by the company for recovery of the principal and interest;
(iii)(e) Whether any loan or advance in nature of loan granted which has fallen due during the year, has been renewed/extended /fresh loans granted to settle overdues of existing loans given to same parties, if so, specify aggregate amt of dues
renewed/extended/settled by fresh loans & percentage of aggregate to total loans or advances in nature of loans granted during year
(iii)(f) Whether the company has granted any loans or advances in the nature of loans either repayable on demand or without specifying any terms or period of repayment, if so, specify the aggregate amount, percentage thereof to the total loans granted, aggregate
amount of loans granted to Promoters, related parties as dened in clause (76) of section 2 of the Companies Act, 2013;
(iv) In respect of loans, investments, guarantees, and security, whether provisions of sections 185 and 186 of the Companies Act have been complied with, if not, provide the details thereof;
(v) In respect of deposits accepted by co or amts which are deemed to be deposits, whether the directives issued by RBI & provisions of sections 73 to 76 or any other relevant provisions of the Companies Act & rules made thereunder, where applicable, have been
complied with, if not, nature of such contraventions be stated; if an order has been passed by Company Law Board or NCLT or RBI or any court or any other tribunal, whether the same has been complied with or not;
(vi) Whether maintenance of cost records has been specied by CG under sub-section (1) of section 148 of the Companies Act and whether such accounts and records have been so made and maintained;
(vii)(a) Whether co regular in depositing undisputed statutory dues including GST, PF, ESI, IT, sales-tax, service tax, duty of customs, duty of excise, VAT, cess and any other statutory dues to the appropriate authorities and if not, the extent of the arrears of outstanding
statutory dues as on the last day of the nancial year concerned for a period of more than six months from the date they became payable, shall be indicated;
(vii)(b) Where statutory dues referred to in sub-clause (a) have not been deposited on account of any dispute, then amts involved & forum where dispute is pending shall be mentioned
(viii) Whether any transactions not recorded in the books of account have been surrendered or disclosed as income during the year in the tax assessments under the Income Tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961), if so, whether the previously unrecorded income has been
properly recorded in the books of account during the year;
(ix)(a) "Whether the company has defaulted in repayment of loans or other borrowings or in the payment of interest thereon to any lender, if yes, the period and the amount of default to be reported as follows:-1. Nature of borrowing 2. Name of Lender 3. Amount not
paid on due date 4. Whether Principal or interest 5. No. of days delay or unpaid"
(ix)(b) Whether the company is a declared wilful defaulter by any bank or nancial institution or other lender;
(ix)c) Whether term loans were applied for the purpose for which the loans were obtained; if not, the amount of loan so diverted and the purpose for which it is used may be reported;
(ix)(d) Whether funds raised on short term basis have been utilised for long term purposes, if yes, the nature and amount to be indicated;
(ix)(e) Whether co taken any funds from any entity/person on account of/to meet obligations of its subsidiaries, associates or JVs, if so, details thereof with nature of such transactions and the amount in each case;
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Clause Description
(ix)(f) Whether co raised loans during the year on pledge of securities held in its subsidiaries, JVs or associate companies, if so, give details & also report if the company has defaulted in repayment of such loans raised;
(x)(a) Whether moneys raised by way of IPO/FPO (including debt instruments) during the year were applied for purposes for which those are raised, if not, the details together with delays or default and subsequent rectication, if any, as may be applicable,
be reported;
(x)(b) Whether co made any preferential allotment or private placement of shares or convertible debentures (fully, partially or optionally convertible) during the year & if so, whether requirements of section 42 & 62 of the Companies Act, 2013 complied with
and the funds raised have been used for the purposes for which the funds were raised, if not, provide details in respect of amount involved and nature of noncompliance;
(xi)(a) Whether any fraud by the company or any fraud on the company has been noticed or reported during the year, if yes, the nature and the amount involved is to be indicated;
(xi)(b) Whether any report under sub-section (12) of section 143 has been led by the auditors in Form ADT-4 as prescribed under rule 13 of Companies (Audit and Auditors) Rules, 2014 with the Central Government;
(xi)c) Whether the auditor has considered whistle-blower complaints, if any, received during the year by the company;
(xii)(a) Whether the Nidhi Company has complied with the Net Owned Funds to Deposits in the ratio of 1:20 to meet out the liability;
(xii)(b) Whether the Nidhi Company is maintaining ten per cent. unencumbered term deposits as specied in the Nidhi Rules, 2014 to meet out the liability;
(xii)c) Whether there has been any default in payment of interest on deposits or repayment thereof for any period and if so, the details thereof;
(xiii) Whether all transactions with the related parties are in compliance with sections 177 and 188 of Companies Act where applicable and the details have been disclosed in the nancial statements, etc., as required by the applicable accounting standards;
(xiv)(a) Whether the company has an internal audit system commensurate with the size and nature of its business;
(xiv)(b) Whether the reports of the Internal Auditors for the period under audit were considered by the statutory auditor;
(xv) Whether the company has entered into any non-cash transactions with directors or persons connected with him and if so, whether the provisions of section 192 of Companies Act have been complied with;
(xvi)(a) Whether the company is required to be registered under section 45-IA of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 (2 of 1934) and if so, whether the registration has been obtained;
(xvi)(b) Whether company has conducted any Non-Banking Financial or Housing Finance activities without a valid Certicate of Registration (CoR) from the Reserve Bank of India as per the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934;
(xvi)c) Whether the company is a Core Investment Company (CIC) as dened in the regulations made by the Reserve Bank of India, if so, whether it continues to full the criteria of a CIC, and in case the company is an exempted or unregistered CIC, whether
it continues to full such criteria;
(xvi)(d) Whether the Group has more than one CIC as part of the Group, if yes, indicate the number of CICs which are part of the Group;
(xvii) Whether the company has incurred cash losses in the nancial year and in the immediately preceding nancial year, if so, state the amount of cash losses;
(xviii) Whether there has been any resignation of the statutory auditors during the year, if so, whether the auditor has taken into consideration the issues, objections or concerns raised by the outgoing auditors;
(xix) On the basis of the nancial ratios, ageing and expected dates of realisation of nancial assets and payment of nancial liabilities, other information accompanying the nancial statements, the auditor’s knowledge of the Board of Directors and
management plans, whether the auditor is of the opinion that no material uncertainty exists as on the date of the audit report that company is capable of meeting its liabilities existing at the date of balance sheet as and when they fall due within a period
of one year from the balance sheet date;
(xx)(a) Whether, in respect of other than ongoing projects, the co transferred unspent amount to a Fund specied in Schedule VII within a period of 6 months of the expiry of FY in compliance with 2nd proviso to Sec 135(5)
(xx)(b) Whether any amount remaining unspent under subsection (5) of section 135 of the Companies Act, pursuant to any ongoing project, has been transferred to special account in compliance with the provision of sub- section (6) of section 135 of the said
(xxi) Whether there have been any qualications or adverse remarks by the respective auditors in the Companies (Auditor's Report) Order (CARO) reports of the companies included in the consolidated nancial statements, if yes, indicate the details of the
companies and the paragraph numbers of the CARO report containing the qualications or adverse remarks.