Modern Powerplants
Modern Powerplants
Modern Powerplants
Research and development of heat resistant steels and alloys for high-efficient power plants at
650oC and above are being now promoted in Europe, USA and Japan. Great advancement has
been achieved in the analysis of specific microstructure instability causing a loss of creep strength,
the prediction of onset time of the creep strength loss and the theoretical modelling of precipitation
sequences in power plant steels. A number of highly creep-resistant martensitic 9Cr steels with
higher creep rupture strength than existing high strength steels such as T91 and P92 have been
proposed at NIMS project in Japan for application to 650oC USC plants. The formation of thin
scale of Cr-rich oxides is achieved on the surface of 9Cr steel by the combination of Si addition and
pre-oxidation treatment in argon gas at 700oC. This significantly improves oxidation resistance of
9Cr steel in steam at 650oC. The addition of boron suppresses the Type IV fracture in HAZ at low
stresses and significantly improves the creep rupture strength of welded joints. Approximately no
difference in microstructure between HAZ and base metal produces no mechanical constrain effect
in HAZ. The future prospect of austenitic steels for 700oC USC plants is also described.
9Cr steel, creep strength, MX carbonitride, M23C6 carbide, Z-phase, Laves phase, boron, oxidation,
Cr oxide scale, welded joint, Type IV fracture, austenitic steel
Energy security combined with lower carbon dioxide emissions is increasingly quoted to protect
global environment in the 21st century. Coal provides us abundant, low cost resources for electric
power generation. In China and India, electric power generation by coal-fired power plants
becomes highly increased to meet the needs of growing population and economy. However,
traditional coal-fired power plants emit environmentally damaging gases such as CO2, NOx and SOx
at high levels relative to other electric power generation options. Adoption of ultra supercritical
(USC) power plants with increased steam parameters significantly improves efficiency, which
reduces fuel consumption and the emissions of environmentally damaging gases. For example, the
increase in steam parameters from conventional 536/566oC and 24.1 MPa to 650/593/593oC and
34.3 MPa causes an increase in relative efficiency of 6.5%, which results in significant coal saving
and hence the reduction of CO2 emissions [1].
Kern et al. [2] showed that recently a continuous increase in steam parameters can be observed
worldwide as shown in Figure 1. In Japan, coal-fired steam power plants have been already
extending to USC conditions. Today, China seems to be adopting the new technologies to use
USC conditions for the challenge of developing their electricity supply industry. They also
pointed out that natural gas plays an important role in the present energy market situation but that
beside land-based gas turbines, coal-fired power plants operated with steam will also play an
important role in the future. The largest and the most reliable fossil energy resources in the future
seem to be coal around the world.
The increase in steam parameters above 600oC requires extensive R&D of advanced
ferritic/martensitic steels with sufficient long-term creep rupture strength higher than conventional
ones. At present, national and international projects aiming at the development of high-Cr
martensitic steels capable of steam conditions up to 650oC are being promoted at NIMS [3] in Japan
and at COST536 program [2, 4] in Europe. In addition to enough creep strength, high operational
flexibility is another issue for thick section components in USC plants. 9-12Cr martensitic steels
can offer the highest potential to meet the required flexibility, because of their smaller thermal
expansion and larger thermal conductivity than austenitic steels and Ni base superalloys.
Figure 1 Improvement of steam parameters in Europe, Japan, USA and China [2]
Further advanced steam conditions of 700oC and above have been already initiated to gain net
efficiency higher than 50% at Thermie AD700 project [5] aiming at 700oC in Europe and at DOE
Vision 21 project [6] aiming initially at 760oC but recently modified at 732oC in the US. These
projects involve the replacement of 9-12Cr martensitic steels by nickel base superalloys for the
highest temperature components. It should be noted that nickel base superalloys are much more
expensive than ferritic/martensitic steels. To minimize the requirement of expensive nickel base
superalloys, 9-12Cr martensitic steels can be applied to the next highest temperature components of
such very high temperature plants. Therefore, 9-12Cr martensitic steels are strongly desired to
expand the present temperature range up to 650oC and more.
This paper describes recent advances in 9-12Cr martensitic steels for 650oC USC plant and the
future prospect. The present status of austenitic steel development is also described, because
austenitic steels are being considered as one of candidates for 700oC USC plants in Japan.
Loss of creep rupture strength at long times and prediction of degradation behavior*
The loss of creep rupture strength has extensively been investigated for a number of 9 to 12 Cr
steels [7]. The proposed mechanisms are due to the occurrence of microstructure degradation
during creep exposure and are classified as (a) dissolution of fine M2X and MX carbonitrides and
* The sections with asterisk are based on a review paper by the present author [7]. Detailed
references are given in ref. [7].
precipitation of new phases, (b) preferential recovery of microstructure in the vicinity of prior
austenite grain boundaries, (c) loss of creep ductility and (d) recovery of excess dislocations. The
precipitation of Z-phase, M6X carbonitrides and Fe2(W,Mo) Laves phase during creep causes a loss
of creep strength at long times, because they consume existing fine M2X and MX and or M23C6
precipitates. Z-phase is a complex nitride of the form Cr(Nb,V)N. Figure 2 shows the sigmoidal
behavior in creep rupture data for 0.1C-0.55Mn-0.07Si-10.84Cr-0.14Mo-2.63W-2.86Co-0.55Ni-
0.19V-0.06Nb-0.016N-0.019B steel (TAF 650) at 650oC, comparing with the data for original TAF
and Mod.9Cr-1Mo (T91) [8] and the formation of Z-phase [9]. The synergetic effect of Z-phase
precipitation and tungsten depletion of solid solution due to Fe2W Laves phase formation could be
the reason for the sigmoidal shape of creep rupture strength curve of TAF 650 steel.
Z phase
Figure 2 (a) Comparison of stress versus time to rupture curves for various martensitic steels
at 650oC [8] and (b) formation of Z-phase in NF12 [9].
The loss of creep rupture strength in T91 steel is reported to be due to preferential recovery of the
microstructure in the vicinity of prior-austenite grain boundaries, as shown in Figure 3 [10]. The
referential recovery promotes the onset of acceleration creep and hence causes premature rupture.
The dissolution of MX and the precipitation of Z-phase promote the preferential recovery.
500 (b)
(a) Mod.9Cr-1Mo steel
550 C
Stress ( MPa )
600 oC
650 oC
40 700 oC
ε( r=30%) o
725 C
1 2 3 4 5
10 10 10 10 10
Time to rupture / h
Figure 3 (a) Stress versus time to rupture curves for Mod.9Cr-1Mo steel (T91) and (b) TEM
micrograph after creep rupture testing for 34,141 h at 600oC and 100MPa [10].
Strang et al. [11] investigated parametric extrapolation for the prediction of long-term creep rupture
strength of 9 to 12Cr power plant steels, such as 9Cr1Mo(V), 12CrMoVNbN, X19CrMoVNbN and
TAF650, taking the sigmoidal behavior into account. Analysis of the data using the Manson
parameter showed a temperature dependency on both the stress and duration of the sigmoidal
inflection point. However, the effect of testing temperature on the sigmoidal inflexion stresses is
very small being only between 1-2 %, which is much smaller than actual values.
Maruyama et al. [12] pointed out that fracture mechanisms often changed from ductile transgranular
fracture at shorter life (high stress) to brittle fracture at longer life (low stress) and that the change
in fracture mechanisms made a difficulty in evaluating long term rupture life. He proposed a new
method based on multiple region analysis taking different fracture modes into account for
evaluating long term creep rupture strength. On the other hand, Kimura et al. [13] reported that
the inflection in a number of steels, including T91 steel, took place at the stress condition
corresponding to half of 0.2% proof stress at the testing temperature. Half of 0.2% proof stress
was almost the same as elastic limit at the testing temperature. The creep rupture strength of T91
steel at 105 h was adequately evaluated by Larson-Miller parameter with the selected data under the
stresses lower than half of 0.2% proof stress.
In martensitic 9 to 12Cr steels, efforts have been paid to the precipitation behavior of Z-phase, M6X
and Fe2(Mo,W) Laves phase and the stability of MX and M23C6 during creep exposure, because
they cause a loss of long-term creep strength [7]. The coarsening of M23C6 carbides in
12CrMo(W)VNbN steels is accompanied by dissolution of fine MX carbonitrides due to the
precipitation of coarse M6X and or Z-phase. Increase in Ni content in 12CrMoV steel results in
accelerated microstructure degradation with more rapid coarsening of M23C6, dissolution of MX,
precipitation of coarse M6X and Fe2Mo. The formation of coarse Z-phase is also observed in T91
steel at 600 and 650oC. Increase in nitrogen content results in accelerated microstructure
degradation during creep at 650oC with more rapid precipitation of Z-phase.
Re-dissolution of vanadium nitrides and two-phase separation of primary MX carbonitrides are
demonstrated for high-Cr steels during heat treatment. Energy filtering transmission electron
microscopy allows a reliable quantitative distinction between M23C6, VN and Laves phases to
establish size distribution of these precipitates in different specimen conditions. Atom probe field
ion microscopy measurement shows that boron is incorporated and evenly distributed within M23C6,
M6C, MX and Laves phases in power plant steels and that boron is not segregated to the precipitate-
matrix interface. Scanning Auger spectroscopy shows that the enrichment of boron in M23C6
carbides is more significant in the vicinity of prior austenite grain boundaries than in the matrix far
from grain boundaries. The effects of microstructure evolution on creep strength have extensively
been investigated for a number of power plant steels with emphasis on long-term behavior.
Bhadeshia and his co-workers [14] have established a new model for multiple precipitation
reactions, which includes multicomponent treatments of both diffusion-controlled growth and
capillarity. The new model shows good agreement with experimental data about not only volume
fractions but also particle sizes for each alloy carbide in 3Cr-1.5Mo and 2.25Cr-1Mo steels.
Murata et al. [15] have successfully applied the concept of system free energy to the prediction of
formation and morphological change of Fe2W Laves phase in Fe-10Cr-W-C quaternary steels. A
phenomenological calculation based on cluster variation method has been attempted to seek
inexpensive substituting elements for Pd in fine precipitates of FePd-L10 intermetallic compound in
9Cr steel and to calculate phase equilibria for FeNi3 and FeNi phases in 9Cr steel [16].
A neural network model has been combined with thermodynamic and kinetic calculations, together
with metallurgical experience, to propose two alloys, steel A and steel B, with stress rupture
properties which are predicted to be better than existing 10CrMoW steel [17]. The chemical
compositions are 0.12C-0.48Mn-9Cr-0.75Mo-3W-1.25Co-0.21V-0.01Nb-0.064N-0.008B-
0.0003Ta-0.0003Re (steel A) and 0.13C-0.5Mn-8.7Cr-0.3Mo-3W-0.21V-0.01Nb-0.064N-0.008B-
0.0003Ta-0.0003Re (steel B). Comparing with existing 10CrMoW steel, there is reductions in the
Mn and Cr concentrations together with an increase in the level of W. The experimental results on
creep rupture strength of the alloy-designed steels have not been reported.
Figure 4 shows the creep rupture data for high strength martensitic 9 to 12Cr steels at 650oC [7].
In this figure, two 9Cr-3W-3Co-0.2V-0.05Nb steels with 0.05N-0.002C (0.002C steel [18]) and
with 0.08C-0.0139B (0.0139B steel [19]) are experimental steels developed by NIMS, Japan, 12Cr-
2.6W-2.5Co-0.5Ni-0.2V-0.05Ni steel (NF12) and 12Cr-3W-3Co-0.2V-0.05Nb-0.1Ta-0.1Nd-0.05N
steel (SAVE12) are experimental steels developed by Japanese steelmaking companies as upgrade
versions of P92 and P122, respectively, and oxide dispersion strengthened (ODS) 9Cr steel [20],
0.13C-9Cr-2W-0.2Ti-0.35Y2O3, with martensitic microstructure is developed for fast breeder
reactor cladding materials.
P92 (9Cr-0.5Mo-1.8W-VNb)
T91 (9Cr-1Mo-VNb)
300 ODS-9Cr (Ukai et al.)
NF 12 (12Cr-2.6W-2.5Co-NVNb)
SAVE 12 (12Cr-3W-3Co-VNbTaNdN)
200 650 C
Stress ( MPa )
101 102 103 104 105
Time to rupture ( h )
Figure 4 Creep rupture data for 0.002C and 0.0139B steels with 9Cr-3W-3Co-0.2V-0.05Nb base
composition, comparing with P92, T91, NF12, SAVE12 and ODS-9Cr steels at 650oC [7]
Abe and his co-workers [21] have been exploring new alloy design concept for 9Cr steels, which is
based on the stabilization of martensitic microstructure in the vicinity of prior austenite grain
boundaries during creep exposure, by the addition of boron and by a dispersion of fine MX nitrides
alone combined with the elimination of unstable M23C6 carbides for 9Cr-3W-3Co-0.2V-0.05Nb
base steel. In order to maximize the effect of boron and to eliminate the formation of large boron
nitrides, the addition of high boron exceeding 100 ppm was combined with no addition of nitrogen.
In order to achieve a dispersion of fine MX nitrides alone, which are thermally stable particles for
prolonged periods of exposure at elevated temperatures, it is crucial for 9Cr steels to reduce carbon
content to very low amounts less than 50 ppm, because the addition of carbon to a 9Cr steel causes
the formation of a large amount of unstable M23C6 carbides rich in Cr. In Fig.4, the 0.0139B and
0.002C steels, which are strengthened by boron and fine nitrides, respectively, exhibit much higher
creep rupture strength than T91 and P92. The creep rupture strength of the 0.002C steel is a little
bit lower than that of the ODS-9Cr steel at long times above 103 h, while the 0.0139B steel has
approximately the same creep rupture strength as NF12 and SAVE12 at around 103 h. Oxide
particles are introduced by complicated mechanical alloying and therefore the production of large-
scale components using the ODS-9Cr steel is not economically viable. Using Larson-Miller
parameter method, the creep rupture strength at 650oC and 105 h is estimated to be 80 and 100 MPa
for the 0.0139B and 0.002C steels, respectively. The improved creep rupture strength by the
addition of boron results from the stabilization of M23C6 carbides in the vicinity of prior austenite
grain boundaries by an enrichment of boron. The European COST-522 project has also
demonstrated that a cobalt-boron containing 11Cr steel without tungsten, such as 0.17C-11Cr-
1.5Mo-3Co-0.2Ni-0.2V-0.07Nb-0.01B (designated FB8), is the most favorable turbine steel for
620/630oC applications [22]. The 105 h creep rupture strength of the FB8 steel was estimated to
be 120 and 90 MPa at 600oC and 620oC, respectively.
The minimum creep rate of the 0.002C steel in Fig.5 is much lower than that of the 0.078C steel
containing similar carbon content as T91 and P92; about 1/10 at 650oC and 140MPa,as shown in
Figure 5. This causes longer creep life in the 0.002C steel. It has been understood that the
transient creep is a consequence of the movement and annihilation of excess dislocations and that
the migration of lath or subgrain boundaries, causing the coarsening of lath or subgrains, is closely
correlated with the onset of acceleration creep. The difference in creep rate between the two steels
in the transient region is only slight as shown by 1/3 order of magnitude. The longer duration of
transient creep region due to the stabilization of martensitic microstructure by pinning effect of fine
MX nitrides is more effective to reduce minimum creep rate. The addition of boron to the 9Cr-3W
base steel, the 0.0139B steel in Fig.4, scarcely decreases the creep rate in the transient region but it
significantly retards the onset of acceleration creep and increases the duration of transient region,
which effectively reduces minimum creep rate. Therefore, the stabilization of martensitic
microstructure, especially near grain boundaries, is a key issue for the reduction of minimum creep
rate and hence for the improvement of creep rupture strength at 650oC.
650 C, 140 MPa
Creep rate ( 1 / h )
10-4 Precipitation
strengthening .
ε min
mass% carbon
10 0.002C Stabilization of
0.078C microstructure 1/10
10 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4
10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Time ( h )
Figure 5 Creep rate versus time curves of 0.002C and 0.078C steels with
9Cr-3W-3Co-0.2V-0.05Nb base composition at 650oC and 140MPa [7].
Oxidation resistance in high-temperature steam
Figure 6 compares the weight gain due to oxidation in steam at 650 oC among the 9 to 12Cr steels
[23]. The sheet specimens having a size of 10x20x2 mm were cut from bulk materials, which
were already heat treated, ground on a SiC paper of 320 grit, rinsed in acetone and then supplied to
the oxidation test in steam at 650oC. At present, we have no deciding criterion for oxidation
resistance. We think that new steels for boiler components operating at 650oC should exhibit
oxidation resistance in steam at 650oC better than that of T91 and P91 in steam at 600oC, because
T91 and P91 are being now used for long duration in power plants operating at 600oC. In Fig.6,
the weight gain of T91 in steam at 600oC is shown by the dotted line. The weight gain of P92
(9Cr-0.5Mo-1.8W-VNb) and P122 (11Cr-0.4Mo-2W-CuVNb) in steam at 650oC is much larger
than that of T91 at 600oC. This suggests that existing steels, even in 12Cr steel P122, cannot
satisfy the present criterion for oxidation resistance in steam at 650oC. It should be noted that the
weight gain of 9Cr-3WVNb steel with 3% Pd is significantly lower at 650oC than that of T91 at
600oC. Thin scale of Cr-rich oxide, presumably Cr2O3, forms on the specimen surface of 9Cr-
3WVNb steel with 3%Pd in steam at 650oC, while thick scale consisting of magnetite in the outer
layer and Fe-Cr spinel oxides in the inner layer forms on the surface of the other steels including
T91. No evidence is found for the formation of Fe3O4 magnetite type oxide scale nor any oxide
containing Pd in the 9Cr-3WVNb steel with 3%Pd. The TEM observations show that the surface
grinding on a SiC paper produces strained region with a high density of dislocations about 1 µm
beneath the specimen surface. The oxidation test of the 9Cr-3WVNb steel with 3%Pd after
additional annealing at 750oC for 50 h in vacuum for strain release exhibits a large weight gain and
the formation of thick scale
9Cr-3W VNb
25 9Cr-1.5MoVNb
8.5Cr-2WVNb + 0.8Si o
9Cr-3W VNb + 3Pd 650 C
Weight gain ( mg / cm2 )
20 T91
T91 (600oC)
0 200 400 600 800 1000
Time ( h )
Figure 6 Weight gain of the steels in steam at 650oC as a function of time,
comparing with that of T91 at 600oC shown by dotted line [23].
consisting of two layers similar as those in the other steels. The buff-polishing instead of the
surface grinding on a SiC paper also exhibits a large weight gain and the formation of thick scale.
The present results suggest that a combination of Pd addition and surface straining promotes the
formation of protective Cr-rich oxide scale, which significantly improves the oxidation resistance in
steam at 650 oC. It should be noted that the formation of protective Cr-rich oxide scale is a
guiding principle for satisfying the oxidation resistance in steam at 650oC, although the addition of
expensive Pd is economically not viable.
The formation of protective Cr-rich oxide scale is also achieved by a combination of Si addition and
pre-oxidation treatment in argon gas at 700oC [24] and by a combination of shot-peening of Cr and
pre-oxidation treatment in air at 700oC [25]. The oxidation test was carried out for 9Cr- 3WVNb
steel containing different Si concentrations of 0 to 0.8% in steam at 650oC after pre-oxidation
treatment in Ar gas. In the condition of no pre-oxidation treatment, the addition of Si decreases
the weight gain of the steel in steam but the effect of Si is not large. The pre-oxidation treatment
in Ar gas further decreases the weight gain during subsequent oxidation in steam. This is more
significant with increasing Si concentration and with increasing pre-oxidation time. The formation
of thin scale of Cr-rich oxides is achieved by the addition of Si higher than 0.5% and by the pre-
oxidation treatment in argon gas at 700oC for 20 h or more. The thin scale of Cr-rich oxides is
stable during oxidation in steam at 650oC up to long times as shown in Figure 7, where the weight
gain of 9Cr-3W-3Co-VNb-0.7Si-0.02B steel (MARB2; martensitic boron steel containing 200ppm
boron) in steam at 650oC is shown as a function of time. Excellent oxidation resistance of
MARB2 is also firmed even in the condition of no pre-oxidation by the Task 3 of EPRI project [26].
Cr Fe
4 Oxidation in steam at 650 C
After pre-oxidation in Ar at 700oC, 50 h
2 Without pre-oxidation Cr2O3
Mn Si Rhombohedral
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000
Time ( h )
Figure 7 (a) Weight gain of 9Cr-3W-3Co-VNbSi steel (MARB2) in steam at 650oC, and
(b) and (c) formation of protective Cr2O3 scale after pre-oxidation in argon at 700oC [24].
Exfoliation of thin scale of Cr-rich oxides, which formed during pre-oxidation treatment, has been
investigated by cyclic oxidation test in steam. No evidence has been observed for the exfoliation
of thin scale of Cr-rich oxides up to 40 cycles of cyclic heating and cooling in steam between 650
and 150oC. No difference is observed in weight gain between cyclic and continuous oxidation
tests. Further investigation based on cyclic oxidation test under stress will be required.
The creep rupture time of simulated HAZ specimens of P92 and P122 has its minimum after AC3
heating which produces fine-grained martensitic microstructure with high density of dislocations
and enlarged M23C6 carbides but no lath structure [27-29]. The inhomogeneous recovery of excess
dislocations and the coarsening of M23C6 are much more significant in the fine-grained AC3
simulated HAZ specimens during creep than in the AC1 simulated HAZ specimens and base metal.
The onset of acceleration creep takes place at shorter times in the AC3 simulated HAZ specimens
than in the AC1 simulated HAZ specimens and the base metal. This results in higher minimum
creep rate and hence shorter time to rupture in the AC3 simulated HAZ specimens. The welded
joints of P92 and P122 are fractured in fine-grained HAZ at low stresses, indicating Type IV
fracture. Reducing the width of HAZ by EB welding is effective for the extension of creep life of
welded joints, but the brittle Type IV fracture takes place at low stresses. Multi-axial stress
condition in fine-grained HAZ with lower creep strength, resulting from mechanical constrain effect
by the surrounding weld metal and base metal with higher creep strength, is essential for the
formation of creep voids and brittle Type IV fracture in the fine-grained HAZ.
The addition of about 100ppm boron combined with minimized nitrogen as low as 10-20 ppm
suppresses the Type IV fracture in HAZ at low stresses and improves the long-term creep rupture
strength of welded joints [30, 31]. Figure 8(a) shows the creep rupture data for the welded joints
of 130ppmB-9Cr steel and P92 at 650oC, comparing with those for their base metals. There is
substantially no degradation of creep rupture strength in the 130ppmB-9Cr steel welded joints
comparing with the base metal, while the degradation of creep rupture strength in P92 welded joints
becomes more significant with increasing test duration. The observed degradation of creep
rupture strength in P92 welded joints results from Type IV fracture. No degradation of creep
rupture strength in welded joints was also observed for the 90ppmB-9Cr steel, similar as the
130ppmB-9Cr steel.
150 (b)
650 C
Stress ( MPa )
9Cr-3W-3Co-VNb-B steel
80 Welded joint
50 2 3 4
10 10 10
Time to rupture ( h )
Figure 8 (a) Creep rupture data for welded joints of the 130ppmB-9Cr steel and P92 at 650oC
and (b) microstructure of base metal and HAZ [30, 31].
Figure 8(b) shows the EBSP analysis of HAZ and base metal of the 90ppmB-9Cr steel and P92.
Fine-grained microstructure, having average grain size of 10 µm or less, is observed to have formed
in the AC3 heating HAZ of P92 welded joint. On the other hand, no evidence is observed for the
formation of fine-grained HAZ in the 90ppmB-9Cr steel welded joints, which is also typical for the
130ppmB-9Cr steel welded joints. The average grain size is substantially the same between HAZ
and base metal. Substantially no difference in microstructure between HAZ and base metal
produces no mechanical constrain effect and hence no multi-axial condition in HAZ. This is a
main reason responsible for the suppression of Type IV fracture by the addition of boron. There
are two possibilities for the production of same grain size between HAZ and base metal in the boron
steel. One of the possibilities is austenite memory effect, which has been shown to be a direct
consequence of the existence of retained austenite in starting bainitic or martensitic microstructure
[32, 33]. Another possibility is the effect of martensitic reverse transformation and suppression of
subsequent recrystallization during austenitization in heat cycle of welding. Martensitic reverse
transformation based on shear mechanism has been reported in 18%Ni maraging steel [34]. Grain
boundary segregation of boron can reduce grain boundary energy, which suppresses nucleation of
α/γ diffusive transformation at grain boundaries. Suppression of subsequent recrystallization can
reproduce the same grain size as the original austenite. Further investigation will be required to
make clear the mechanisms responsible for the production of same grain structure between HAZ
and base metal in the boron steel.
Although the addition of boron to 9Cr steel effectively suppresses Type IV fracture, the long-term
creep rupture strength of base metal depends on boron content. Because upper limit of the creep
strength of welded joints is provided by that of base metal, it is concluded that the increase in boron
content improves the long term creep rupture strength of base metal and also welded joints of 9Cr
steel without any degradation due to Type IV fracture.
CCA 617
Inconel 740
Haynes 230
Std. 617
Alloy 800H
Super 304H
Figure 9 105 h creep rupture strength for several nickel base superalloys and austenitic steels
as a function of Larson-Miller parameter with a constant C = 20 [6].
Igarashi et al. [35] pointed out that solution hardening by the elements such as Mo, W and N is
essential for strengthening of austenitic alloys, while the phase stability against the σ embrittlement
is required for long-term creep ductility and the resultant creep strength. These strengthening
methods have successfully been used in HR6W. HR6W is strengthened by the combination of the
dispersion of the precipitates such as M23C6, MX and fine Laves phase and the solid solution of W
with the stabilization of the precipitates by B. This was confirmed by the TEM observations. To
achieve further creep strengthening of HR6W for application to 700oC USC plant, the possibilities
of increase in the amount of Laves phase and of introduction of γ’ and α-Cr phases have been
examined by phase diagram calculations. They also pointed out that in any case phase stability
against the σ phase formation is a key issue for achieving both high strength and enough ductility in
austenitic steels.
1) The loss of creep strength in 9 to 12Cr steels at 550oC and above is shown to be mainly due to
dissolution of fine M2X and MX carbonitrides during creep exposure, which is driven by the
precipitation of coarse Z-phase and or M6X carbonitrides which are thermodynamically more
stable than the M2X and MX. The sigmoidal inflection in creep rupture data can be predicted
well by parametric analysis using Manson parameter.
2) Highly creep-resistant martensitic 9Cr steels strengthened by boron and by fine nitrides have
developed on the base of microstructure stabilization, especially in the vicinity of prior austenite
grain boundaries. The new 9Cr steels exhibit higher creep rupture strength than existing high
strength steels T91 and P92.
3) The formation of protective Cr-rich scale is achieved on the surface of 9Cr steel by the
combination of Si addition and pre-oxidation treatment in argon gas at 700oC for 20 h or more.
This significantly improves oxidation resistance of 9Cr steel in steam at 650oC.
4) The addition of boron suppresses the Type IV fracture in HAZ at low stresses and significantly
improves the creep rupture strength of welded joints. No evidence is observed for the formation
of fine-grained HAZ in the boron steel welded joints. Approximately no difference in
microstructure between HAZ and base metal produces no mechanical constrain effect in HAZ.
5) At 700oC, the 105 h creep rupture strength of austenitic steel HR6W is a little bit lower than 100
MPa, although it is approximately the same as that of standard 617 and larger than that of
austenitic Super 304H and Alloy 800H.
1) K. Muramatsu, Advanced Heat Resistant Steel for Power Generation. The University Press,
Cambridge, UK, (1999), p.543.
2) T.-U. Kern, K. Wieghthardt and H. Kirchner, Proc. 4th Int. Conf. on Advances in Materials
Technology for Fossil Power Plants, Hilton Head Island, SC, USA (2004), CD-ROM.
3) F. Abe, Proc. 4th Int. Conf. on Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants,
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