What Is Broadband

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What Is Broadband?

Broadband refers to various high-capacity transmission technologies that

transmit data, voice, and video across long distances and at high speeds.
Common mediums of transmission include coaxial cables, fiber optic
cables, and radio waves.

Broadband is always connected and removes the need for dial-up. Its
importance is far-reaching; it allows for high-quality and quick access to
information, teleconferencing, data transmission, and more in various
capacities, including healthcare, education, and technological


 The term broadband refers to high-speed and high-bandwidth

communication infrastructure.
 It commonly relates to high-speed Internet services, which have
become increasingly important to both consumers and governments.
 New innovations in satellite-based broadband services could
potentially broaden the scope of access throughout the world.
 There are six main types of broadband technologies: digital
subscriber line (DSL), cable modem, fiber, wireless, satellite, and
broadband over power lines (BPL).
 The bulk of Internet users (92.6%) across the globe access
broadband through their mobile phones.

Understanding Broadband
Today, the discussion of broadband often centers on high-speed Internet
access. Historically, broadband Internet was defined as being faster than a
traditional dial-up Internet connection. However, it is now common for
more precise definitions to be required.

For instance, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC)  ruled in

2015 that, to be considered broadband Internet, the service must offer
download and upload speeds of at least 25 and 3 megabits per second,

In general, however, the two defining characteristics of broadband are that

it is high-speed and that it is available at all times. Both of these
characteristics serve to distinguish broadband from older dial-up
connections. Not only was dial-up Internet connection slower, but it was
only available when specifically requested by the user. 
Global usage and speeds
Because of its clear advantages over dial-up services, broadband Internet
access is preferred by both end users and governments.

The use of broadband has been increasing. According to data from the
International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the United Nations
specialized agency for information and communication technologies
(ICTs), the estimated number of people using the Internet hit 4.9 billion in
2021, up from an estimated 4.1 billion in 2019.

Broadband speeds are also improving. By 2023, the global average

broadband speed is expected to be 110.4 Mbps, more than double the
average speed of 45.9 Mbps registered in 2018. Mobile speeds,
meanwhile, are predicted to average 43.9 Mbps in 2023, up from 13.2
Mbps in 2018.

U.S. broadband investment

A decent Internet connection and a healthy economy go hand in hand.
Nowadays, consumers and businesses rely on broadband to buy and sell
things, communicate, obtain information, operate technology, and so forth.
This means fast, affordable access is paramount, and having no
broadband connection is considered comparable to living in the Dark

The U.S., like many other economies, has allocated a great deal of money
to improve its Internet capabilities. In November 2021, President Joe Biden
signed into law the historic $1.2 trillion Infrastructure Investment and Jobs
Act. Aside from earmarking funds for transportation, roads, power grids,
supplies of safe water, and so forth, the ambitious bipartisan legislation
also set aside $65 billion to boost Internet access in rural areas and
among low-income families.

The plan is to “help ensure every American has access to reliable high-
speed Internet” at an
affordable price by investing in technology, boosting competition, and
making it easier to shop for better deals.

“Broadband Internet is necessary for Americans to do their jobs, to

participate equally in school learning, healthcare, and to stay connected.
Yet, by one definition, more than 30 million Americans live in areas where
there is no broadband infrastructure that provides minimally acceptable
speeds —a particular problem in rural communities throughout the
country,” the White House said in a press release announcing its
infrastructure pledge.

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