SJPI NICM Students Handbook
SJPI NICM Students Handbook
SJPI NICM Students Handbook
Version 1.0
Student’s Handbook
Dear Students, Welcome to SJPI-NICM family!!
An educational institute has an immense responsibility of shaping the future citizens of the
world. With over 26 years of experience of imparting quality education, NICM Society's Shri
Jairambhai Patel Institute of Business Management and Computer Applications has always
endeavoured to fulfill the responsibility with passion and dedication. I am greatly rejoiced and
proudly place on record the fact that our institute, the visionary dream of its founder Chairman,
Late Shri Jairambhai Patel – a stalwart personality associated with the cooperative sector has
left behind a rich legacy of glorious past and great future.
The purpose of this Students’ Handbook is to give students and their parents/guardians an
understanding of the general rules and guidelines for attending and receiving an education in
our Institution. It also includes policies and procedures of Shri Jairambhai Patel Institute of
Business Management and Computer Applications. Although we have attempted to include
most of the regulations governing our Master of Business Administration Programme, Students
and parents/guardians should be aware that this document is reviewed annually since policy
and procedure adoption is an ongoing process. The most recent adopted policy or procedure
will always prevail. The handbook may be amended at any time and those changes will be
communicated by the administration to the staff, students and parents/guardians.
Our institute cares for the individual development of each and every student. We accord prime
importance to the behavioural discipline, moral integrity and cognitive developments of our
students. Our teachers strive to teach not only academic programmes but also life skills needed
for students’ self-development with highly resourceful faculty.
I wish the best of fortune, peace and prosperity to all those who contribute to the noble task of
spreading education and its manifest qualities, aims and objectives.
Student’s Handbook
To create global leaders of excellence in management and research for societal development.
Shri Jairambhai Patel Institute of Business Management and Computer Applications aims to
be an institute of international repute by providing conducive learning environment with
value-based quality education, industrial exposure, training and research to build professional
proficiency amongst individuals equipped with moral values.
M1: To impart value-based quality education for building professional proficiency.
M2: To encourage individuals in conducting research and problem solving.
M3: To provide industrial exposure and training for developing global leaders.
M4: To be an institute of international repute inculcating moral values.
The postgraduate centre at NICM has been renamed as Shri Jairambhai Patel Institute of
Business Management from 2008-09. NICM Trust is founded by the Gujarat State Cooperative
Bank Ltd. In order to make the management of co-operative organizations more professional,
it calls for matching the specific but unmet needs of the sector with the formal techniques and
skills of the management profession. Linking the two are the 'leaders and managers' prepared
by SJPI through its two-years full-time MBA programme and Management Development
Programmes (MDPs). Over the years, NICM has provided management training, support and
research facilities to students committed to rural development, and in this process, it has
brought within its ambit several co-operatives, non-government organizations, government
development agencies, international development organizations and funding agencies.
SJPI is renowned for its world-class infrastructure, excellent learning environment, quality and
all-around edification through its multifaceted teaching-learning methodology, dynamic
placement support through its placement cell etc. While its B-School is consistently ranked
among the top B-schools in Gujarat, besides conducting two years of full-time MBA
programmes, approved by AICTE, MHRD, Govt. of India and affiliated to Gujarat
Technological University, the Institute has already established the Centre for Research for
Ph.D. in the fields of Management, Commerce, Cooperation and Communication. The Institute
has also established a Centre of the Society for Creation of Opportunity through Proficiency in
English (SCOPE) approved by Government of Gujarat; Agriculture Cooperative Staff Training
Institute (ACSTI) accredited by NABARD; Centre for Professional Excellence in Co-
operatives (C-PEC), accredited by Bankers' Institute of Rural Development, Lucknow and
Centre for Management Development, Research & Consultancy. SJPI has extensive
collaborative arrangements with leading institutions and universities countrywide.
Student’s Handbook
NICM – SJPI Campus is located at the entry point of Gandhinagar city, which is about 30 km
from Ahmedabad. It is conveniently placed in terms of accessibility to a large number of
academic and development institutions; the more important of these are IIT, NID, NIFT,
DAIICT, Gujarat Central University, NIRMA University, Pandit Dindayal Petroleum
University, Forensic University, Bhaskaracharya Institute of Space Applications and
Geological Research, Gujarat Institute of Disaster Management, National Law University,
Kadi Sarva Vishwavidyalaya University etc. The Institute’s campus is spread over a landscaped
twenty-five acre site adjacent to the Info city and BISAG. The campus is fully residential
equipped with students’ hostels, mess, lecture halls, seminar rooms, library, faculty and
administrative offices, auditorium, executive training and development centre, faculty and staff
housing quarters and other support facilities.
SJPI – NICM is the preferred destination for students, faculty, and recruiters. The experienced
faculties who have proven themselves in their respective fields provide an excellent blend of
rigor and relevance in their teaching. The support staff who are ever ready to reach out is an
asset of NICM. Robust industry interaction and research aimed at solving problems of real
work reflects the true identity of NICM. SJPI-NICM has an exemplary track record in career
counselling and placement facilitation – combined to provide a rare synergy that transcends
artificial barriers and enables students to follow their hearts with passion and confidence.
The MBA programme is governed by AICTE and affiliating University Gujarat Technological
University(GTU). MBA is a Two-year full-time programme with a total of 4 semesters. The
programme is a combination of Classroom teaching & Organizational internship and Projects.
Year one of the MBA programme consist of two semesters, Semester I and Semester II. After
completing the MBA semester II university examination, the students need to undertake a 6-
week summer internship training in an organization.
In the second year of the MBA programme, the students have to choose their specialization,
sectoral and functional electives. Once the specialization is selected in semester 3 cannot be
changed in the subsequent semester.
In the subsequent paras and tables detailed information along with the breakup of the evaluation
pattern is discussed.
Semester I
Semester I consist of 7 full 4 credit subjects and 1 non-credit subject. There will be External
and Internal evaluation for all the full credit subjects. For non-credit subject, there will be only
external evaluation. The students must get minimum passing marks in the non-credit subject.
However, its grade / marks will not be counted for result / grade/ percentage calculation.
Student’s Handbook
Semester II
Semester II consist of 7 full 4 credit subjects and 1 non-credit subject. There will be External
and Internal evaluation for all the full credit subjects. For non-credit subject, there will be only
external evaluation. The students must get minimum passing marks in the non-credit subject.
However, its grade / marks will not be counted for result / grade/ percentage calculation.
Evaluation (maximum
Sub code Subject Name Category
E M I V Total
4529201 Business Analytics CS 4
70 30 50 0 150
4529202 Corporate Finance CS 4
70 30 50 0 150
4529203 Marketing Management CS 4
70 30 50 0 150
Human Resource
4529204 CS 4 70 30 50 0 150
Production & Operations
4529205 CS 4 70 30 50 0 150
4529206 Research Methodology CS 4 70 30 50 0 150
4529207 Entrepreneurship CS 4 70 30 50 0 150
Developing Contributory
4529208 CS 0 50 0 0 0 50
Skills – II*
*= non-credit subject, CS= Compulsory Subject E=Theory External, M=Theory Internal,
I=Practical Internal, V=Practical External
Student’s Handbook
Semester III
Semester III consist of 8 full 4 credit subjects (which includes 2 projects) and 1 non-credit
subject. From this semester, students have the choice to select the subject Specialization,
Functional and Sectoral Elective. Specialization once selected in semester 3 cannot be changed
in the subsequent semester. For example, a student who has selected marketing as a
specialization in semester 3 cannot change it to Finance or HR in semester 4. S / he has to
continue with Marketing Specialization only in semester 4 as well.
During semester III, students will be studying 1 compulsory full credit subject and 2
compulsory projects. Students will be studying three subjects based on their Subject
Specialization and one subject from Functional and Sectoral Elective as per their choice. As of
now Institute is offering Marketing, Finance, and Human Resource Management as a
specialization. Behavioural Finance, Managing Talent Globally, and Digital and Social Media
Marketing as the Functional Electives and Retailing and Franchising, Financial Markets and
Services, and Management of Industrial Relations and Labour Laws as a Sectoral
Electives.Any additional Specialization / Functional and sectoral Elective is offered if
minimum 20 students selected that Specialization / Functional and Sectoral Elective.
There will be External and Internal evaluations for all the full credit subjects. For non-credit
subject there will be only external evaluation. The students must get minimum passing marks
in the non-credit subject. However, its grade / marks will not be counted for result / grade/
percentage calculation.
Evaluation (maximum
Total marks)
Subcode Subject Name Category
E M I V Total
4539200 Summer Internship Project CS 4 0 0 60 140 200
4539201 Strategic Management CS 4 70 30 50 0 150
Multidisciplinary Action 4
4539202 CS 0 0 60 140 200
Developing Contributory 0
4539203 CS 50 0 0 0 50
Skills – III*
4539211 Consumer Behaviour SP -MKT 4 70 30 50 0 150
Integrated Marketing 4
4539212 SP -MKT 70 30 50 0 150
Sales and Distribution 4
4539213 SP -MKT 70 30 50 0 150
Security Analysis and 4
4539221 SP-FIN 70 30 50 0 150
Portfolio Management
4539222 Financial Derivatives SP-FIN 4 70 30 50 0 150
Insurance and Risk 4
4539223 SP-FIN 70 30 50 0 150
Change Management and 4
4539231 SP-HRM 70 30 50 0 150
Organization Development
4539232 Compensation Management SP-HRM 4 70 30 50 0 150
4539233 Human Resource Audit SP-HRM 4 70 30 50 0 150
Student’s Handbook
Evaluation (maximum
Total marks)
Subcode Subject Name Category
E M I V Total
International Marketing 4
4539241 SP-IBM 70 30 50 0 150
International Finance 4
4539242 SP-IBM 70 30 50 0 150
International Human 4
4539243 SP-IBM 70 30 50 0 150
Resource Management
Data Warehousing and Data 4
4539251 SP-ITM 70 30 50 0 150
Systems Analysis and 4
4539252 SP-ITM 70 30 50 0 150
4539253 E-Business SP-ITM 4 70 30 50 0 150
4539261 Entrepreneurial Finance SP-EFB 4 70 30 50 0 150
Family Business 4
4539262 SP-EFB 70 30 50 0 150
Micro, Small and Medium 4
4539263 SP-EFB 70 30 50 0 150
scale Enterprises &Start-up
4539271 Operations Research SP-POM 4 70 30 50 0 150
Services Operations 4
4539272 SP-POM 70 30 50 0 150
Production Planning and 4
4539273 SP-POM 70 30 50 0 150
4539281 International Business FE 4 70 30 50 0 150
4539282 Behavioural Finance FE 4 70 30 50 0 150
4539283 Managing Talent Globally FE 4 70 30 50 0 150
4539284 Social Entrepreneurship FE 4 70 30 50 0 150
4539285 Project Management FE 4 70 30 50 0 150
4539286 Econometrics FE 4 70 30 50 0 150
Digital and Social Media 4
4539287 FE 70 30 50 0 150
Managing Digital Innovation 4
4539288 FE 70 30 50 0 150
and Transformation
4539291 Retailing and Franchising SE 4 70 30 50 0 150
Financial Markets and 4
4539292 SE 70 30 50 0 150
Management of Industrial 4
4539293 SE 70 30 50 0 150
Relations and Labour Laws
Tourism and Hospitality 4
4539294 SE 70 30 50 0 150
4539295 Social Media Analytics SE 4 70 30 50 0 150
4539296 Export Import Procedures SE 4 70 30 50 0 150
Logistics and Supply Chain 4
4539297 SE 70 30 50 0 150
*= non-credit subject, CS= Compulsory Subject, SP = Specialization, MKT= Marketing, FIN=
Finance, HRM= Hyman Resources Management, FE= Functional Elective, SE= Sectoral
Elective, E=Theory External, M=Theory Internal, I=Practical / Internal, V=Practical External,
Student’s Handbook
Semester IV
Semester IV consist of 5 full 4 credit subjects (which includes, 1 project). During semester 4
students will be studying 1 compulsory project and 2 subjects based on their specialization and
1 subject from each Functional and Sectoral Elective as per their choice.
At present institute offers, Legal Aspects of Business, Business to Business Marketing, and
Financial Planning and Taxation as the Functional Electives and Rural and Agricultural
Marketing, Banking, and Leadership as Sectoral Electives. Any additional Specialization /
Functional and sectoral Elective is offered if minimum 20 students select that Specialization /
Functional and Sectoral Elective.
There will be External and Internal evaluation for all the full credit subjects.
Student’s Handbook
Student’s Handbook
4. Evaluation of performance
5. Passing Standards
The students have to qualify the below mention criteria to pass the subjects and examination.
Passing standards for Project
Maximum Passing Overall Passing
Marks (40%) Criteria (50%)
External VIVA –(V) 140 56
Aggregate 50% (100
Continuous Evaluation and out of 200)
60 24
Internal VIVA–(I)
Total 200 ----- 100
Student’s Handbook
6. Grading system
The university adopts the grading system. The marks will be converted in to equivalent to 100
and grades will be assigned as follow:
Cumulative Performance Index (CPI) is calculated using the above formula only but reflects
the Cumulative Performance of all the semesters.
Below 5.5 Pass Class
5.5 & above 2nd class
6.5 & above 1st Class
7.1 & above 1st class with distinction
The SPI or CPI can be easily converted into percentage using the following formula.
Student’s Handbook
If students are not satisfied with the University examination result, they can go for the
Reassessment or Rechecking.
Rules of Reassessment
Rules of Rechecking
1. For rechecking, students must apply within 3 days after the declaration of the results.
2. Rechecking is permitted only in the university theory exams.
3. Student can apply for any number of subjects for rechecking.
4. The result of the student revised on account of rechecking shall not entitle the student for
5. A student can apply for rechecking of his own answer books only.
6. For rechecking, in case there is a change of marks, the rechecking fee shall be returned.
7. The fee for Rechecking is Rs. 100/- for each subject.
8. Remedial examinations
Student’s Handbook
9. Detention
At any point of time, the student can have maximum 4 backlogs (FF) pending. If backlogs are
more than 4, the student will get detention. Student will be eligible to rejoin when S/he clear
all or some of the backlogs and backlogs are 4 or less. For calculation of detention Immediate
previous semester, backlogs are not counted for detain purpose.
1. Students must have the minimum attendance of 75% in all the subjects.
2. If a student is having attendance below 75%, S/he will not be allowed to appear in
University or Institute examinations.
3. If a student is engaged officially outside the classroom, e.g., in a placement program, an
institute level meeting or in a specially approved Institute activity, s/he needs to take prior
permission from respective authorities.
4. Leaves on medical ground:10% of the total period of absence of a student will be counted
as attended days by the Institute (student must provide valid medical certificate, though).
For example, if a student remains absent for 10 days due to illness, 10% of the duration (1
day) will be considered as present/attended by the college. The medical certificate should
be from Registered MBBS / MD/MS.
Student’s Handbook
Shri Jairambhai Patel Institute of Management – SJPI has transitioned to a hybrid model of
teaching and learning that includes physical courses, online classes, and tutorials. In general,
courses are held in the Institute's classrooms, with students and teachers physically present
inside the learning environment. However, depending on the needs, part or all classes may be
conducted online. Students are also expected to perform some self-study of a subject's themes
under the supervision of the teacher.
Conduct of classes:
1. All physical or online classes are held by the individual faculty members in the assigned
classroom at the prescribed time period, precisely according to the timetable. Before the
faculty member comes, students must be properly seated with their class notes, books, or
other study tools. It is not permitted to enter the classroom or laboratory after the start time
has passed by 5 minutes. Once the faculty member begins the teaching-learning activity,
absolute quiet must be maintained.
2. A faculty member may use the black/whiteboard, project a presentation on the LCD
projector in the classroom or do both at the same time while instructing. Students must pay
attention, take enough notes in their personal notebooks, and follow the faculty's
instructions. It is totally forbidden to use mobile phones to take photographs or record
videos in the classroom or laboratory.
3. Students can ask professors if they have any doubts or are unsure about something. In the
classroom, it is greatly encouraged to ask questions. Students must fully engage in the
teaching-learning process and work cooperatively with faculty members for interactive
discussion, question answering, and clarification of doubts.
4. Maintaining strict classroom discipline is required. At all times, students are responsible
for ensuring a healthy academic atmosphere. If a student is not paying attention in class,
converses with other students, causes noise or disruptions, is found sleeping or using a
mobile phone or engages in any other activity that is considered inappropriate and has an
adverse effect on others, the faculty member has the authority to ask the student to leave
the classroom, or to make any other decision she or he deems appropriate. The Director
will take strict disciplinary action against the student, which may include prohibiting the
student from attending further classes in that subject, prohibiting the student from attending
classes in any subject, prohibiting the student from taking the examination, imposing a
penalty, or a combination of these.
Student’s Handbook
Apart from the regular classes, tutorials or smaller classes will be arranged for students who
face difficulties in core concepts. In every subject faculty, members/ meritorious students will
conduct various tutorials based on their needs. Tutorials will run differently depending on your
discipline; the most common tutorial types are:
Discussion-based tutorials:
These tutorials focus on a deeper exploration of course content through discussions and
Problem-solving tutorials:
These are common in math, science and engineering and focus on problem-solving processes
and quantitative reasoning.
Review and Q&A tutorials:
In these tutorials, students ask questions about the course content and assignments, review
key course content in preparation for tests or exams, and consolidate their learning in the
guiding presence of their instructor or Teaching Assistant (TA).
If a student is identified as "students who need special attention" than S/he must attend the
General rules:
Students are expected to act in ways that are consistent with the role and guiding values of the
Institute. Students should regulate their own conduct so as not to impede or prejudice the work
of other members. They are entitled to work, learn, study and participate in the social aspects
of the Institute's life in an environment of safety and respect. It is expected that students will
act with integrity and demonstrate respect for others and adhere to the standards of conduct.
Students should refrain themselves from the misconduct of any kind.
1. Students should show respect and politeness towards all staff members at the Institute and
their fellow students, including girls. Any act of sexual harassment, ragging, disobedience,
anti-social behaviour or harassment of girl students are punishable offences and will be
dealt with the utmost severity.
2. All students should strictly follow the rules and regulations of the Institute shall always
behave with dignity and courtesy.
3. The students will be accountable for their behaviour in the institute premises. Proper actions
will be taken against the students violating the rules and regulations of the Institute or
behaving in an absurd manner and will be rusticated from the Institute. It is assumed that
the students and their parents and/or guardians have read and understood these rules
4. No student shall individually or collectively interfere in any manner in the matter of
administration of the Institute.
5. It is mandatory for every student to provide the registered communication address and
contact number. It is the student's responsibility to inform the office of the Institute about
the change of address and contact number.
6. Not to pursue any other course of study that may come in conflict with the course schedule
in which he/she takes admission in this Institute.
Student’s Handbook
7. Any disfigurement or damage to the Institute building, water, gas, fire, electrical
installations, furniture, gardens, and premises will be punished and the cost of the damage
will be recovered.
8. Disruptive or disorderly behaviour may include but not limited to disoriented or irrational
behaviour, physical violence, verbal attacks and threats or violation of Institute Rules, by
any student will be dealt with severely. Students should report such instances immediately
to the Director immediately.
9. Students are forbidden to organize or attend any meeting not held by the Institute in the
Institute or to collect money for any purpose without the prior permission of the Director.
10. Students will not operate any equipment without the permission of the instructor /faculty /
staff, for example computer, projectors, audio system etc.
11. No responsibility will be accepted by the Institute for any injury, loss or damage to the
personal articles of students.
12. The students at the Institute are required to be attentive and diligent. A student neglecting
his / her studies and having unsatisfactory progress will be given two warnings, after which
if he/ she fails to improve, he/ she will be liable for expulsion from the Institute.
13. It is compulsory for the students to attend functions / activities organized by the Institute
on various occasions like Independence Day, Republic Day, Annual Day, etc, whether the
function falls on a working day or on holidays. Absence from such functions without valid
reasons will invite disciplinary action.
14. Students shall observe all safety precautions. The Institute is not responsible for any
accident, of whatever nature, in the workshop, playground and during summer training and
industrial training or educational tour/trip or outside the campus.
15. Students must make all possible efforts to conserve electricity and water. They must switch
off lights & fans when they leave the classroom, lab etc.
16. Students must help keep the Institute neat and clean and also preserve and maintain the
17. Students must through the rubbish in the dustbin only. Any student found disobeying the
rule will be fined Rs. 500.
18. Students must not eat in the classrooms. However, they can use the designated canteen area
on the left side of the institute gate for taking lunch / snacks etc.
19. Mobile Phone usage during the class/ seminar/webinar or other official work is strictly
prohibited. Any student found disobeying the rule will be fined Rs. 500.
20. Students must pay their fee/dues on or before the prescribed deadline, failing to take
appropriate disciplinary action. Students may note that fees once paid will not be refunded.
21. Any student who fails to clear all the dues shall be debarred from appearing in the
22. All applications must be addressed to the Director.
This is a Ragging free institute. The institutes strictly follow the AICTE and UGC directions
for Anti Raging.
Students are prohibited from indulging in any disorderly conduct, whether by words spoken or
written or by an act with the effect of teasing, treating or handling with rudeness, any other
student. Indulging in unruly or indiscipline activities which cause or are likely to cause
annoyance, hardship or psychological harm or to raise fear or apprehension thereof in any
student, junior or senior, or asking the student to do any act or perform something which such
Student’s Handbook
a student will not do in the ordinary course and which has the effect of causing or generating a
sense of shame or embarrassment so as to adversely affect the physique or psyche of the student
is prohibited. Any student violating the above and thus indulging in any act or ragging, will be
severely dealt with.
All students and their parents and guardians are therefore requested to go through this
document carefully and promise to abide by it.
Process of Reporting a Ragging Incident: Students can contact any faculty members or
Director for reporting ragging incident if any.
Mass Boycott
The students involved in mass boycott / common off / mass bunking are liable to fine up to
Rs.500/- per student and other disciplinary action decided by the Institute from time to time.
1. Each student shall conduct herself / himself, both within and outside the campus of the
Institute in a manner befitting a student of a prestigious institute. Each student shall show
due respect and courtesy to the teachers, administrators, staff of the Institute, and to the
visitors and residents of the Institute, and good behaviour to fellow students.
2. Lack of courtesy and decorum; unbecoming conduct within and outside the Institute;
willful damage to Institute property, removal of any property belonging to the Institute,
fellow students or other personnel and residents of the Institute; use of abusive and
offensive language; disturbing fellow students in their studies; breach of rules and
regulations of the Institute; adoption of unfair practices in tests, quizzes, assignments, or
examinations; noisy and unruly behavior shall constitute violation of the code of conduct.
3. Talking loudly, loitering or congregating, being a source of distraction and annoyance to
others is not permitted.
4. The students are required to move silently through the corridors without disturbing the
nearby classes and other activities.
5. The students must maintain utmost silence and dignity in classrooms, library, computer
laboratory, seminars, workshops, and any other academic activity.
6. Nobody should sit and learn on the corridor walls.
7. Give way to teachers, staff and visitors while moving in the corridors, on the staircases and
other places in the campus.
Student’s Handbook
8. Extend cordial help with politeness to outsiders/visitors, parents of other student’s etc.
coming to the Institute.
9. Behave in such a manner that suits a cultured MBA.
10. Note: You are under CCTV surveillance; your behaviour is being monitored and recorded;
please be aware of the same.
Dress Code
One's appearance is the window through which the world looks at the person. Dressing plays a
vital role in everybody's life. An individual's style of dressing not only enhances his/her
personality, but also increases self- confidence. Dressing reflects the individual's personality
and also influences other's perceptions of your mood, attention, concentration, discipline, and
overall behaviour.
Institute does not expect students to formal dress code given by instituted every day. But Being
part of a professional course in a leading Institute, you must be properly dressed in a proper
professional attire to maintain the academic ambience and reputation of the Institute.
Smoking or using tobacco products (such as pan masala, gutkha etc., containing tobacco)
anywhere in the Institute premises is strictly forbidden. Any student found smoking or using
tobacco products is liable to strict disciplinary action, which may be up to expulsion from the
Consuming alcoholic beverages or being under the influence of alcoholic beverages is strictly
Any student found using, possessing or being under the influence of intoxication due to
alcoholic substances or narcotics/ drugs in the Institute is liable to strict disciplinary action,
which may be up to expulsion from the Institute.
Student’s Handbook
1. Please bring Institute ID-Card while using the library. ID-Card is a must for Library
2. Students have to sign the log-book while entering and leaving the Library and also have to
mention the time in and time out.
3. Keep your personal belongings at the property counter.
4. Please maintain the atmosphere of dignity, peace and silence.
5. Please handle the library materials with utmost care.
6. Audible use of mobile phones is not permitted in the library.
7. Use of personal stereos, music-sets, mobiles, IPods etc. in the library is not permitted.
8. Smoking, food and drinks are not allowed in the library.
9. No material from the Library should be taken out without proper issuing / recording.
10. All Users have to maintain discipline and peace in the library. In case if any user is found
violating the library rules will be penalized immediately.
11. The students should ensure before entering in to library that their Mobiles are switched off
or in silent mode.
12. The title has a special mark “Not to be Issue only for Reference” will not to be issued to
any student.
13. Students are not allowed to bring in their personal books and other reading materials inside
the library. However, they can bring only writing pads/papers for noting purposes.
14. Every student will get Textbook Set from the book bank issued for semester. The books
issued in the book set are also to be returned on a timely basis (at the end of the semester).
Any failure to adhere to the 'Issue-Return' rules will invite a penalty. No student should go
to the Director for waving-off or minimizing the penalty. The amount decided by Institute
will be final and payable, for which the receipt is to be collected by the student.
15. Every student will get maximum of three titles at a time on library passbook for 15 days.
16. An issued book can be renewed for another 15 days, subject to a maximum of 2 times. If
the book has been reserved by any other student, then the book cannot be renewed.
17. Late fee: if students fail to return or renew the title, the late fee will be levied on it as per
the following.
a. Rs. 2:00 per day (for first 15 days) Rs. 5:00 After Fifteen Days
18. No issue and return transactions will take place on Institute Holidays.
19. Student(s) have to strictly follow the issue and return timings of titles/books in the library.
20. Title/ books will be issued on the basis of availability in the library. In case any title is not
available and issued to other users, student(s) have to fill up the demand slip and wait for
his/her turn.
21. Violation of the library rules may lead to disciplinary action.
Student’s Handbook
The primary mode of communication of the institution with the student is through Email /
Google classroom / Notice board.
Students are also advised to check the Email / google classroom / Notice board regularly.
Ignorance about the communication will not entitle any student for excuse or consideration.
Each student is provided with an Identity Card. Students shall always carry their identity cards
in the campus and should show the identity card on demand to any faculty/official of the
1. Failing to produce the Identity card, the student may not be allowed to join classes, appear
in examination or enjoy any facility that the Institute provides.
2. The Identity Card is not transferable; otherwise, the owner of the card will be held
responsible for any damaged or loss caused by the user.
3. If the Identity Card is lost, a new Identity Card may be issued on payment of Rs.100/- only.
The student has to contact the admin department for the same.
4. If the Identity Card is damaged, then it may be submitted at admin office and a new Identity
Card may be issued on payment of Rs. 100/- only.
5. In case of transfer or withdrawal from the Institute, this card must be returned to the
Institute’s admin office.
Student’s Handbook
Medical facilities by way of a medical doctor is available for convenience of students. In case
of emergency during the college hours student can contact the Director / Campus Director, and
medical facilities will be made available to the needy student. If the student is residing in hostel
and is in need of a medical facility after the regular college hours, the student can contact
Director via Rector.
Placement Cell plays a major role in transforming a student into a professional. Through its
various activities / initiatives, it aims to combine experiential learning to the MBA programmes.
Conducting placements and associated activities viz., pre-placement talks, mock tests,
placement drives, pooled campus drives are the major activities of Placement Cell besides skill
development, summer internship, practice school, career development/ advancement programs
and pre-placement training.
A student will be allowed to participate for the campus recruitment / Summer Internship (On
campus/pooled campus) of a particular company, subject to the fulfilment of the following
The Director shall provide a list of holidays for an academic year at the start of the session.
The same will be reflected in the holiday schedule and list. For information on allowed
holidays, students can consult the holiday list and/or timetable.
Shri Jairambhai Patel Institute of Business
Management and Computer Applications
Address: Near Infocity Gate 01, Indroda Circle, Koba- Gandhinagar Road,
Gandhinagar, Gujarat 382007
Phone: 079 2321 3036