Pattern Cubone - ENG - Versie 1.0

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Design by Stitch and Thread

Materials Cubone – English pattern
 Yarns: dark brown, light grey and beige. I This is version 1 from the pattern. There can be a
used Catona 503 Hazelnut, Catona 248 few errors in the pattern. If you come across any
Champagne and Catona crème. please notify me so I can modify the pattern.
 3 mm crochet hook Thank you in advanced! We enjoy seeing your
 2X 10mm safety eyes work so certainly do share it on Ravelry!
 Stuffing If you share your work anywhere else or sell it,
 Embroiling needle please mention Stitch and Thread as Thank you in
 Stitch marker advanced!
 Textile glue
Have a lot of fun crocheting!

Size; 9.5 centimetre with the ears

Difficulty; easy

Terms (ENG)
CH = Chainstitch
SC = Single Crochet
inc = increase
dec = decrease
HDC = Half Double Crochet
DC = Double crochet

Pattern by Desiree & Andréa Gaal SCan Stitch

and Thread.

© 2017 from Desiree Gaal

All rights researched.
Don’t sell/share or publish the pattern. Also no
sharing of modifications from this pattern. The
final crocheted Cubone may be sold. When you
shared your final crocheted Cubone, please
mention Stitch and Thread.
The character Cubone is owned by Nintendo.

Cubone – English pattern brown (36)
Row 23. 13SC brown, 8SC crème, 15SC
The head & body brown (36)
Start with grey From here we use just brown.
Row 1. 6SC in a magic ring Row 24. 2SC, dec, *4SC, dec* do this 5
Row 2. inc, repeat to the end (12) times, 2SC (30)
Row 3. *1SC, inc* do this 6 times (18) Row 25. *3SC, dec* do this 6 times (24)
Row 4. 1SC, inc, *2SC, inc* do this 5 times, Row 26. 1SC, dec *2SC, dec* do this 5
1SC (24) times, 1SC (18)
Row 5. *3SC, 2SC in 1 st* do this 6 times Row 27. 1SC, dec repeat 6 times (12)
(30) Row 28. dec, repeat 6 times (6)
Row 6. 2SC, inc *4SC, inc* do this 5 times, FO.
2SC (36)
Row 7. 5SC, inc do this 6 times (42)
Row 8. SC in every stitch (42)
From now on we are going to change between
colours. This to get the brown eyes in the grey
Row 9. 8SC in grey, 5SC in brown, 10SC in
grey, 5SC in brown, 14SC in grey (42)
Row 10. 8SC in grey, 6SC in brown, 8SC in
grey, 6SC in brown, 14SC in grey (42)
Row 11. 8SC in grey, 6SC in brown, 8SC in
grey, 6SC in brown, 14SC in grey (42)
Row 12. 8SC in grey, 5SC in brown, 10SC in
grey, 5SC in brown, 14 in grey (42)
Row 13. 9SC in grey, 4SC brown, 10SC in
grey, 4SC brown, 15SC in grey (42)
Row 14. 1SC in every stitch (42)
Row 15. 5SC, dec (36)
At this point you insert the safety eyes. Between De legs (make 2)
the 2th and the 3th row of brown, between the Use dark brown.
3th and 4th stitch. Row 1. 6SC in a magic ring (6)
Row 16. 2SC, dec *4SC, dec* do this 5 Row 2. inc repeat to the end (12)
times, 2SC (30) Row 3. 1SC in every stitch (12)
Row 17. 3SC, dec (24) Row 4. *2SC, dec* repeat to the end (9)
Row 18. 1SC, dec *2SC, dec* do this 5 Row 5-6. 1SC in every stitch (9)
times, 1SC (18) FO.
The body starts here, we start with brown but
change to cream very soon. De arms (make 2)
Row 19. inc (6 times brown, 5 times crème, Use dark brown.
7 times brown) (36) Row 1. 6SC in a magic ring (6)
Row 20. 12SC brown, 10SC crème, 14SC Row 2. 1SC, inc repeat to the end (9)
brown (36) Row 3-6. 1SC in every stitch (9)
Row 21. 12SC brown, 10SC crème, 14SC FO.
brown (36)
Row 22. 12SC brown, 10SC crème, 14SC

De tail assembled but with a bunch of pinhead’s sticking
Use dark brown. out. This way you get a good idea of how
Row 1. 4SC in a magic ring everything needs to be sown on. You can also use
pins to map out the face. You use the pins to
Row 2. inc, repeat to the end (8)
determine the middle of the face from the top to
Row 3. 1SC in every stitch (8)
the bottom. This way you have more of a
Row 4. 1SC, inc, repeat to the end (12)
direction to count your stitches and get a
Row 5. 1SC in every stitch (12) symmetric face.
Don’t fill the arms to much and squeeze a little at
The ring around the eye the opening when you assemble them. This way
Use grey they will fit nicely in the curve between the head
Chain of 19 CH. and the body.
The 19 ch you glue with textile glue around the
brown eye hole. You can use the tail of the row to
The horns (big)
make the beginning stuck to the head. You will
Use grey
take this thru the head with a needle
Row 1. 4SC in a magic ring (4)
Row 2. 1SC, inc, repeat to the end (6) With the assembling of the muzzle use only the
Row 3. 1SC, inc, repeat to the end (9) back loop. With the rest of the pieces you use the
Row 4-7. 1SC in every stitch (9) both loops.
The biggest horns are between row 3 and 6 on
top of the head.
The horns (small)
Use grey The end result
Row 1. 4SC in a magic ring (4) It will look like this;
Row 2. 1SC, inc, repeat to the end (6)
Row 3-4. 1SC in every stitch (6)

The muzzle
Use dark brown
Row 1. 6SC in a magic ring (6)
Row 2. inc repeat to the end (12)
Row 3. *1SC, inc* repeat to the end (18)
Row 4-6. 1SC in every stitch (18)

You should now have the following:
1x the head with the body on to it
2X leg
2X arm
2X big horns
2X small horns
1X a muzzle
1X a tail
2X a row of 19 ch

Now we assemble the cubone plush. First you pin

everything in place so it looks like it is already

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