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‘EFT / Information : © ‘et sift ted & fae tate eg Positional Grade is position of the candidate according to ‘grading pattern. The grades have beon awarded on a 8-point Seale as unde wet: waege 18 sei wheal fre ‘1 : Top 118" ofthe passed candidates ee2 : mee, 18 ae waa fre ‘2 : Next 1/8 ofthe passed candidates e ‘ea Fa 1s freer mre 1/8 3H ware Fe B+: Next 1/8" of the passed candidates 2: arte 1/8 sel wn BD : Next 1/8" ofthe passed candidates et: erg 1/8 sal wba fre [Cal : Next 19" of the passed candidates iz: cravat 1/8 srt wat & Re C2: Next 18 of he passed candidates Boy: eve (8 Tar whe ee +1: Next 1/8" ofthe passed candidates Bo: aeaeary (18 seid went fe D2: Next 1/8" ofthe passed candldates 4: rad regi adel fre E : For Essential Repeat candidates (5 pepatr ym fe 08 § o en 308 ae £1 fein & eons ei, fam A 39%, wt 398 war iv #395 ae ere | (@), Maru marks foreach subject of tena examination are 100. Minima pase mors each subject are 3%. n eae of a suciect Involving ractol work, a Canc mast obtain 33% marka in theory afd 33% marke practical seperately in adion to 33% ‘mars m agregaancrcero quay in hat ube. ay re ees | i a rE (Seis et secre Corte ire beth see ahr ‘re ot i a re Eat re Sere en santos rere ce saren fore roe | sree waa st sneer W Fel yee | ©) Goneral Stuses/ General Foundation Course (GFC), Work Experiance | Genasie Vocational Course (not applicable to ‘Vocational Scheme) end Heath & Physcal Eeueaton are sbjets internal exarinaion and the Grades are based on internal {sessment bythe senool Patracha Vieja | Pra candies ‘8s exempted for Suton) of ier examination. 3. cao che yest Bat ei tw eae fee {fw ine pc i ao 2 ae eae sis een sete Re #3995 te aT B-2 ie aree aa | (@) Topasethe exriraton, cndidets must btn teat Grade D-2 in all subjects of intemal assessment uries the candidat le ‘xempod ond 85% marks ar Grade D2 each of he te subjects ‘of external examination. (a) seme a an ee we | vo we wr he sir tetas fee sere gs raf eo fer (&) As per Scheme of Studies there ae five subjects of extemal ‘examination eltner lwo languages and three electives or one, language art four electives. (oy BaR eae ely spe genba fom wet | (@) Novara dsion/setincion‘aggregate Ie awarded. 4, fan tana a oe Se co ar frase fer TE 2 ieee he sana an eae wa “Tho caniates wo have been paced under compartment clegory shoul register meeives trough school Pavachar Vidyalaya and Brivate candidates should apply through website for eppeering comprment examination. 5, tire sect fre chia f @ teerke-mamcdsencin ‘rem ain ake vncneoreeutericin 23 Flatt updates vist websteof CBSE - or Rest ‘eos - wows choeresuits ne

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