Cardio Case Study
Cardio Case Study
Cardio Case Study
(Recurrent Stroke)
Stroke is a disease that affects the arteries leading to and within the brain. It is the No. 5 cause of
death and a leading cause of disability in the United States. A stroke occurs when a blood vessel
that carries oxygen and nutrients to the brain is either blocked by a clot or bursts (or ruptures).
When that happens, part of the brain cannot get the blood (and oxygen) it needs, so it and brain
cells die.
a. Ischemic stroke: This is the most common stroke and happens when a blood clot or the
narrowing of a blood vessel (artery) reduces blood flow to the brain. This keeps blood
from flowing into other parts of the brain and stops oxygen and nutrients from reaching
Embolism: a clot that moves from another part of the body, such as from the heart to the
neck or brain
Stenosis: when a blood vessel in the brain narrows, typically due to fatty deposits lining
b. Hemorrhagic stroke: This is the second major kind of stroke. It’s marked by a burst
blood vessel that causes blood to leak into or around the brain. This break reduces
delivery of oxygen and nutrients to brain cells and exposes the brain tissue to toxic
substances that may cause the cells to die. The bleeding also increases pressure inside the
Some risk factors for stroke, such as age, race and ethnicity, and family history, can’t be
controlled. But there are steps you can take to help lower your risk, including:
Control high blood pressure. Regularly check your blood pressure. If it is high, follow
a doctor’s advice on how to lower it. Treating high blood pressure lowers the risk of
Don’t smoke. Smoking increases your risk for stroke. It’s never too late to quit.
Control your cholesterol. High blood cholesterol levels can lead to plaque buildup in
your arteries. In time, this can block blood flow and lead to a stroke. If you have high
Control your diabetes. Untreated diabetes can damage blood vessels and lead to
narrowed arteries and stroke. Follow a doctor’s suggestions for keeping diabetes
under control.
Eat healthy foods. Eat foods that are low in cholesterol and saturated fats. Include a
Exercise regularly. Try to make physical activity a part of your everyday life. Do
things you like; for example, take a brisk walk, ride a bicycle, or go swimming. Talk
with your health care provider if you haven’t been exercising and you want to start an
Manage blood thinners. Too much blood thinning medication, such as aspirin or
anticoagulants, can lead to bleeding. If you take these medications, a doctor can help
and rehabilitation.
a. Ischemic stroke treatments: Drug therapy is the most common treatment for strokes
caused by a blood clot. The two most common drug therapies for stroke are:
Antithrombotics, which prevent the formation of new blood clots that can become
stuck in an artery of the brain and cause strokes. This group of drugs includes
antiplatelet and anticoagulant drugs, also called blood thinners. They help stop
cells and other factors in the blood from sticking together and forming blood
Thrombolytics, which treat the stroke by dissolving the blood clot that is blocking
blood flow to the brain. The most commonly used drug for thrombolytic therapy
is called tissue-plasminogen activator (t-PA), but other drugs can do the same
thing. Starting treatment with t-PA within three hours after an ischemic stroke is
important for recovery. Getting to a hospital right away allows time for a CT scan
of the brain, which helps the doctor decide whether the clot-busting medicine is
b. Hemorrhagic stroke treatments: Treatment for hemorrhagic stroke involves finding the
source of the bleeding and controlling it. Hemorrhagic strokes get worse with
the bleeding and relieve any pressure on the brain caused by the excess fluids. Surgery
and vascular procedures are also often used to prevent stroke, reduce the risk of having
another stroke, or repair damage to the arteries or malformations in and around the brain.
These include:
Angioplasty: The insertion and inflation of a small balloon within a blocked artery
to press plaque or a blood clot against the artery wall to improve blood flow.
Stenting: The placement of a small metal tunnel, or stent, in the clogged artery.
The stent helps to keep the artery open and decrease the chance of it narrowing
deposits blocking one of the two carotid arteries, the main suppliers of blood for
the brain.
There are many different ways to help people get better after a stroke. Many treatments start in
the hospital and continue at home. By supporting the brain’s ability to rewire some of the circuits
lost after a stroke — a process called neuroplasticity — rehabilitation therapy may lead to some
Physical therapy: Helps a person relearn simple motor activities such as walking, sitting,
standing, lying down, and the process of switching from one type of movement to
drinking, and swallowing; bathing and dressing; cooking; reading and writing; and using
the toilet. Using exercise and training activities, occupational therapists focus on helping
Speech therapy: Helps a person relearn language and speaking skills or learn other forms
of communication. With time and patience, a stroke survivor may be able to regain some,
Name: T. D.
Age: 74 y/o
Gender: Male
Nationality: Filipino
Occupation: N/A
Weight (current): 58 kg
Height: 167 cm
Objective data: Ineffective The patient 1. Positioned the patient by maintaining on high After 12 hours of nursing
airway will able to back rest. (Upright position limits abdominal contents management, the patient was
- Noted with clearance expectorate from pushing upward and inhibiting lung expansion. able to expectorate secretions
productive related to secretions This position promotes better lung expansion and as manifested by absence of
cough retained as improved air exchange.) crackles
secretions manifested
- presence of 2. Explained the importance of deep breathing and
secondary to by absence
crackles upon coughing exercises. (Performing respiratory exercise
neuromuscular of crackles
auscultation of will help prevent respiratory system complications.)
breath sounds
3. Facilitated chest physiotherapy. (To facilitate
- With oxygen removal of retained or profuse airway secretions.)
support at
2LPM via nasal 4. Suctioned secretions as needed. (Suctioning is
cannula needed when patients are unable to cough out
secretions properly due to weakness, thick mucus
- Right-sided plugs, or excessive or tenacious mucus production.)
body weakness
5. Maintained oxygen support as prescribed,
2LPM/nasal cannula. (Increasing humidity of
inspired air will reduce thickness of secretions and aid
their removal.)
Objective: Risk for The patient 1. Assessed level of consciousness. (The primary risk After 12 hours of
-With NGT for OF Aspiration will avoid any factor of aspiration is decreased level of consciousness.) nursing intervention the
feeding related to signs of patient observed no
-Difficulty decreased aspiration as 2. Positioned patient to Fowler’s position when signs of aspiration as
swallowing ability to observed by feeding. (To prevent food/ liquid to be aspirated into observed with no
-GCS 10/15 (awake swallow unlabored the airway and lungs.) presence of unlabored
to drowsy) secondary to breathing and breathing, no episode of
stroke oxygen 3. Checked patency of NGT before feeding, using shortness of breath and
saturation auscultation, x-ray study (most accurate), and with 99% oxygen
within normal gastric aspirate. (A displaced tube may erroneously saturation noted..
limit deliver tube feeding into the airway. Chest x-ray
verification of accurate tube placement is most reliable.
Gastric aspirate is usually green, brown, clear, or
Generic Inhibits the movement of Angina pectoris CNS: Contraindicat Assessment
Name: calcium ions across the due to coronary Dizziness, ed with History: Allergy to amlodipine, impaired
AMLODIPINE membranes of cardiac and artery spasm light- allergy to hepatic or renal function, lactation, CHF
arterial muscle cells; inhibits (Prinzmetal’s headedness, amlodipine, Physical: Skin lesions, color, edema; P, BP,
variant angina) fatigue impaired baseline ECG, auscultation; R, adventitious
Brand Name: transmembrane calcium
Chronic stable CV: hepatic or sounds; liver evaluation, GI normal output;
Norvasc flow, which result in the angina, alone or Peripheral renal function, renal function tests, urinalysis
depression of impulse in combination Edema lactation Interventions
Classification: formation in specialized with other drugs Dermatologi Use WARNING: Monitor patient carefully (BP,
Calcium cardiac pacemaker cells, Essential c: Flushing, cautiously cardiac rhythm, and output) while adjusting
channel- slowing of the velocity of hypertension, rash with CHF, drug to therapeutic dose; use special caution if
conduction of the cardiac alone or in GI: Nausea, pregnancy patient has CHF.
combination with abdominal Monitor BP very carefully if patient is also
Antianginal, impulse, depression of the
other discomfort on nitrates.
Antihypertensiv myocardial contractility, and antihypertensives
e dilation of the coronary Monitor cardiac rhythm regularly during
stabilization of dosage and periodically during
arteries and arterioles; these
long-term therapy.
Pregnancy effects lead to decreased
Administer drug without regard to meals.
Category C cardiac work, decrease Teaching points
cardiac oxygen Take with meals if upset stomach occurs.
Patient’s consumption, and in patients You may experience these side effects:
Dose/Route: with vasospastic Nausea, vomiting (eat frequent small meals);
5mg tab OD (Prinzmental’s) angina, headache (adjust lighting, noise, and
increase delivery of oxygen temperature; medication may be ordered).
to cardiac cells. Report irregular heartbeat, shortness of breath,
swelling of the hands or feet, pronounced
dizziness, constipation.
Drug Details Mechanism of Action Indications and Side Effects and Nursing Responsibility
Contraindications Adverse
Generic Name: Indications: Atorvastatin Adverse Effect: Stress that atorvastatin is an
Atorvastatin Reduction of risk of stroke competitively inhibits Headache, adjunct to – not a substitute for
and heart attack in type 2 HMG-CoA reductase, flatulence, low-cholesterol diet
Brand Name: diabetes patients without the enzyme that diarrhoea, nausea, Tell patient to take drug at the
lipitor evidence of heart disease but catalyses the vomiting, same time each day to maintain
with other CV risk factors, conversion of HMG- anorexia, its effects
Classification: and revascularization CoA to mevalonic xerostomia, Instruct patient to take a missed
Dyslipidaemic procedures in patients acid. This results in the angioedema, dose as soon as possible. If it’s
Agent without evidence of coronary induction of the LDL myalgia, almost time for his next dose, he
heart disease (CHD) but with receptors, leading to rash/pruritus, should skip the missed dose.
Dosage: multiple risk factors other lowered LDL- alopecia, allergy, Advise patient to notify
20mg than diabetes (eg, smoking, cholesterol infection, chest prescriber immediately if he
HTN, low HDL-C, family concentration. pain. develops unexplained muscle
Frequency: history of early CHD) Absorption: Rapid pain, tenderness, or weakness,
Once daily Patients with CHD, to reduce from the GI tract Potentially especially if accompanied by
2000H risks of MI, revascularization (oral). Fatal: Thromboc fatigue or fever
procedures, hospitalization Distribution: Protein- ytopenia.
Route: for CHF, and angina binding: 98%. Rhabdomyolysis
G-tube Metabolism: Extensiv with acute renal
Contraindication: ely hepatic; converted failure.
Date ordered: Hypersensitivity, active liver to active inhibitors of
March 19, 2014 disease or unexplained HMG-CoA reductase.
persistent elevations of serum Excretion: Faeces (as
transaminase, porphyria, metabolites); 14 hr
pregnancy, lactation. (elimination half-life).
Drug Details Mechanism of Indications and Contraindications Side Effects and Nursing Responsibility
Action Adverse Reactions
Generic Name: Competitively inhibits Indication: Activates the biosynthesis of Adverse Reaction: Instruct patient to take
Citicoline the action of structural phospholipids in neuronal Gastrointestinal the medication as
Brand: histamine at H2 membrane, increase cerebral metabolism and disorders, itching, prescribed. Teach the
Zynapse receptors of the increase the level of various neurotransmitter, hives, swelling in patient that citicoline may
parietal cells of the including acetylcholine and dopamine. face or hands, be taken with or without
Classification: stomach inhibiting Citicoline has shown neuroprotective effects vomiting and food. Monitor for adverse
Neuroprotectiv basal gastric acid in situations hypoxia and ischemia diarrhea, slow or fast effects; instruct patient to
e secretion and gastric heartbeat report immediately if
CNS drugs and acid secretion that is Contraindication: he/she develops chest
agent for stimulated by food Allergy References: tightness, tingling in mouth
ADHD insulin, histamine, This medicine is not recommended for use if and throat, headache,
Dosage: 1g cholinergic agonists, you have a known history of allergy to diarrhea and blurring of
gastrin and Citicoline or any other ingredients present vision.
Route: pentagastrin. along with it.
Intravenous Hypertonia References:
References: This medicine is not recommended for use
Frequency: in patient having abnormal muscle tension
Every 8hrs and stiffness due to nerve damage in the
brain. This condition is also present in
Duration: people who have had a brain surgery to
Continuous remove certain specific nerves.
until MD Pediatric Use
This medicine is not recommended for use
in children who are aged 18 or below.
Drug Details Mechanism of Indications and Side Effects and Adverse Nursing Responsibility
Action Contraindications Reactions
Generic Name: Omeprazole Indication: CNS: Agitation, asthenia, Give omeprazole before meals, preferably
Omeprazole interferes with To treat symptomatic dizziness, drowsiness, fatigue, in the morning for once-daily dosing. If
gastric acid gastroesophageal fever, headache, malaise, psychic needed, also give an antacid, as prescribed.
Brand: Prosec secretion by reflux disease disturbance, somnolence CV: If needed, open capsule and sprinkle
inhibiting the (GERD) Chest pain, hypertension, enteric-coated granules on applesauce or
Classification: hydrogen peripheral edema EENT: Anterior yogurt or mix with water or acidic fruit
Proton pump potassium Contraindication ischemic optic neuropathy, optic juice, such as apple or cranberry juice.
inhibitor adenosine Concurrent therapy atrophy or neuritis, otitis media, Give immediately. Give drug via NG tube,
triphosphatase with rilpivirine- stomatitis ENDO: Hypoglycemia when needed by mixing granules in acidic
Dosage: (H+ K+ - containing products; GI: Abdominal pain, acid juice, because enteric coating dissolves in
Adults: 20 mg ATPase) hypersensitivity to regurgitation, constipation, alkaline pH, or using the delayed-release
daily enzyme system, omeprazole, diarrhea, Clostridium difficile- oral suspension form by mixing with water.
or proton pump, substituted associated diarrhea, dyspepsia, Know that because drug can interfere with
Route: Oral in gastric benzimidazoles, or elevated liver enzymes, flatulence, absorption of vitamin B12, monitor patient
parietal cells. their components. fundic gland polyps (long-term for macrocytic anemia. Monitor patient for
Frequency: use), hepatic dysfunction or failure, bone fracture, especially in patients
Twice a day References: References: indigestion, nausea, pancreatitis, receiving multiple daily doses for more
20TH Edition 20TH Edition Nurse vomiting than a year because proton pump inhibitors,
Duration: Nurse Drug Drug Handbook such as omeprazole, increase risk for
Continuous as Handbook By JONES AND References: osteoporosis-related fractures of the hip,
MD advise. By JONES BARTLETT 20TH Edition Nurse Drug spine, or wrist.
AND Learning 2021 Handbook
Learning 2021 Learning 2021 20TH Edition Nurse Drug Handbook
Drug Details Mechanism of Indications and Side Effects and Adverse Reactions Nursing Responsibility
Action Contraindications
Generic: Elevates plasma Indication: CNS: Asthenia, chills, coma, Assess patient for hypersensitivity
Mannitol osmolality, causing To reduce intracranial or confusion, dizziness, fever, reactions, including anaphylaxis,
Brand: water to flow from intraocular pressure headache, lethargy, malaise, rebound dyspnea, and hypotension; cardiac
Classification tissues, such as increased intracranial pressure, arrest and death have occurred. If
: Osmotic brain and eyes, and Contraindication: seizures CV: Chest pain, heart hypersensitivity reactions present,
Diuretic from CSF, into Active intracranial failure, hypertension, hypotension, stop infusion immediately, notify
extracellular fluid, bleeding (except during palpitations, peripheral edema, prescriber, and expect to provide
Dosage: thereby decreasing craniotomy), anuria, tachycardia, thrombophlebitis EENT: supportive emergency care.
100 ml intracranial and hypersensitivity to Blurred vision, dry mouth, rhinitis
intraocular pressure. mannitol or its GI: Diarrhea, nausea, vomiting GU: Monitor patient, especially patient
Route: IV As an osmotic components, severe Acute kidney injury, anuria, with impaired renal function, for
Frequency: diuretic, mannitol pulmonary vascular azotemia, hematuria, oliguria, CNS toxicity such as coma,
Every 6 hours increases the congestion or osmotic nephrosis, polyuria, urine confusion, or lethargy. This may
osmolarity of pulmonary edema, retention. occur as a result of high serum
Duration: glomerular filtrate, severe hypovolemia. mannitol concentrations or
Continuous as which decreases References: disturbances of electrolyte and
MD advise water reabsorption. References: 20TH Edition Nurse Drug Handbook acid–base balance caused by
20TH Edition Nurse By JONES AND BARTLETT mannitol administration.
References: Drug Handbook Learning 2021
20TH Edition Nurse By JONES AND References:
Drug Handbook BARTLETT Learning 20TH Edition Nurse Drug
By JONES AND 2021 Handbook
Learning 2021 Learning 2021
Drug Details Mechanism of Indications and Side Effects and Adverse Nursing Responsibility
Action Contraindications Reactions
Generic Name: Antagonizes the Indication: To treat CNS: Agitation, anxiety, Watch closely for tardive dyskinesia, especially
Metoclopramide inhibitory effect gastroesophageal confusion, depression, in the elderly, women, and patients with diabetes,
Brand: of dopamine on reflux disease dizziness, drowsiness, because this serious adverse effect is often
Classification: GI smooth extrapyramidal reactions irreversible even after therapy stops.
Dopamine 2 muscle. This Contraindication: (motor restlessness,
receptor causes gastric Catecholamine- Parkinsonism, tardive Monitor patient closely for neuroleptic malignant
antagonist contraction, releasing dyskinesia), fatigue, syndrome, a rare but potentially fatal disorder
which promotes paragangliomas, hallucinations, headache, characterized by hyperthermia, muscle rigidity,
Dosage: gastric emptying epilepsy, history of insomnia, irritability, altered level of consciousness, irregular pulse or
10 mg and peristalsis, dystonic reaction or lassitude, panic reaction, blood pressure, tachycardia, diaphoresis, and
Route: Oral thus reducing tardive dyskinesia restlessness, seizures, arrhythmias.
Frequency: gastroesophageal to metoclopramide, suicidal ideation CV: AV
Thrice a day reflux. hypersensitivity to block, bradycardia, fluid Know that risk increases in patients experiencing
metoclopramide or retention, heart failure, a toxic reaction to metoclopramide as a result of
Duration: References: its components. hypertension, hypotension, overdosage or receiving concomitant treatment
Continuous as 20TH Edition supraventricular tachycardia. with another drug associated with neuroleptic
MD advise Nurse Drug References: malignant syndrome. Expect metoclopramide to
Handbook 20TH Edition Nurse References: be discontinued immediately, if present.
By JONES AND Drug Handbook 20TH Edition Nurse Drug
BARTLETT By JONES AND Handbook References:
Learning 2021 BARTLETT By JONES AND 20TH Edition Nurse Drug Handbook
Learning 2021 BARTLETT Learning 2021 By JONES AND BARTLETT Learning 2021
Drug Details Mechanism of Action Indications and Side Effects and Nursing Responsibility
Contraindications Adverse Reactions
Generic Name: Ampicillin inhibits Indication: Treatment of SE: Before drug Administration:
Sultamicillin bacteria cell wall susceptible infections, CNS: Dizziness, Baseline Assessment; Ask patient for
Brand: Unasyn synthesis. Sulbactam including intra-abdominal, Somnolence, Sedation, history of penicillin allergy
Classification: inhibits bacterial gynecologic infections, due Headache During Administration:
Penicillin betalactamase. to beta-lactamase Respiratory: Dyspnea PO
Dosage: producing organisms Immune System: The interacting penicillin should be
750 mg References: including H. Influenzae,E Anaphylactic Shock, administered one hour before or two
Route: Oral coli,Klebsiella, Hypersensitivity. hours after meals.
Frequency: Acinetobacter, After Drug Given:
Duration: Enterobacter, S. aureus and References: Intervention/Evaluation
Continuous as bacteroides spp. >Hold medication and promptly report
MD advise. rash or diarrhea
Contraindication: >Monitor I and O, UA, renal function
Hypersensitivity to any tests.
penicillinor sulbactam. >Be alert for superinfection: fever,
vomiting, diarrhea, anal, / genital
References: pruritus, oral mucosal changes (ulceration, pain, erythema).
Increased intracranial
Blood and oxygen are delivered pressure Mannitol 20%
into some parts of the brain 100cc IVTT q 6
Endothelial cells dysfunction
Signs &
Nursing Dx & Management Hypoxia of brain cells Symptoms
Impaired verbal -Numbness or Patient with
in premembral zone
communication related to weakness IFC
alterations of the brain -Loss of connected
functions coordination to urine bag
Damage to the
-Collaborate to speech
anterior or middle
-Use strategies to improve cerebral artery
Signs & Symptoms
client’s comprehension by Patient
-Sudden loss of
using touch and behavior to verbal output with
communicate calmness and Damage to the -Unable to swallow NGT
non-verbal communication Broca’s area voluntarily
Nursing diagnosis
Imbalanced Nutrition: Less than body
Treatment medications: requirements related to difficulty in swallowing
-Citicoline IVTT q 12h secondary to neurological disorder and damage
-Amlodipine 10mg tab OD
-Clopidogrel tab OD
-Atorvastatin 40mg tab OD Good prognosis Poor prognosis
-Metoclopramide tab BID (Continued medical treatment) (Continued medical
-Sultamicillin 750mg tab TID treatment)
-Continue medication Oxygen and nutrients enter the Irreversible brain damage
-Start rehabilitation brain cells