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LT E-Bill

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2/28/23, 4:12 PM LT E-Bill

Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Co. Ltd.

Bill of Supply For: FEB-2023

Website :www.mahadiscom.in
GSTIN of MSEDCL 27AAECM2933K1ZB HSN code 27160000
BILL NO.(GGN): 000001908322493

Consumer No: 850280023942 Bill Date: 22-FEB-23

ASHOK NIVRUTTI KHARDE Bill Amount Rs: 660.00
326, Pitruchaya Kolhar Bhagwatipur, Thadifata Near Biroba Temple Bhagwatipur Ta:RAHTA
Mobile/Email: 90******66/vis***********@gmail.com Due Date: 14-MAR-23
If Paid After Due Date: 670.00

Billing Unit: 4841 :RAHURI FACTORY S/DN Supply Date: 01-Feb-2011

Tariff/Category: 090 /LT-I (B) Residential 1Ph Sanct. Load: .5 KW
Pole No: 00000003 Security Deposit(Rs): 230.02 Scan this QR
Current Reading Date: 18-FEB- Code with
PC/MR/Route Sequence/DTC: 5 / 11-0290-1230 /4841998
23 BHIM App for
Previous Reading Date: 18- UPI Payment
Meter No: 07500102377
Reading Group: Q5
Current Previous In case of payment by QR code, the
MF Unit Adj. Unit Total
Reading Reading prompt payment discount or delay
payment charges applicable as per the
12489 12401 01 88 0 88 payment date will be included in the
. next bill.
Meter status: NORMAL
Bill Period:1.03 Month(s) /

Billing History: * For any queries on this bill

400 please contact
MSEDCL Call Center:
284 18002123435
219 Rules and Regulations of MSEDCL for
redressal of customer grievances are
167 available on
136 141 www.mahadiscom.in >
105 107 ConsumerPortal > CGRF


Important :
1.Register for e-bill instead of printed bill and get a go-green discount of Rs. 10 on each bill.For registration:-https://pro.mahadiscom.in/Go-
Green/gogreen.jsp (The GGN number is available in the upper left corner of your printed bill.)
2. Pay electricity bill through digital medium and get 0.25% (up to Rs.500/-) discount (excluding taxes and duties).
3. If your mobile number and email address are incorrect, correct it by visiting-https://consumerinfo.mahadiscom.in/
4.Next month's reading will mostly take place on 18-03-2023 .
विशेष संदेश :
* Dear Consumer, Your registered mobile number is 90******66 For updation/registration of mobile number use Mahadiscom website or Mobile
App or send sms to 9930399303 as follows MREG 850280023942
* Please accept only computerized receipt with a computerized number when making any payment of MSEDCL. Handwritten receipts should
not be accepted. Use the option of online payment facility to avoid inconvenience.

Billing Unit: 4841 Consumer No: 850280023942 PC: Q5 Tariff: 090 If Paid by this Date: 03-MAR-23 660.00
If Paid After this Date: 14-MAR-23 670.00
Due Date: 14-MAR-23 660.00

Bank Copy: DTC No: 4841998 Due Date: 14-MAR-23 660.00

If Paid by this Date: 03-MAR-23 660.00
Billing Unit: 4841 Consumer No: 850280023942 PC: Q5 Tariff: 090
If Paid After this Date: 14-MAR-23 670.00

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2/28/23, 4:12 PM LT E-Bill

Terms & Conditions: Consumer No: 850280023942

Electricity Duty Calculation is as per government notification no ELDP/P.No-
273/Energy -1 dt 21/10/2016.Tax on Sale calculation is as per Government
notification dt 21/10/2016.For more information please check orders of Rs. Ps
Electricity Regulatory commission. Fixed rate is used for calculation till meter is Fixed Charges 105.00
installed. Energy Charges 295.68
1) Any discrepancy in the bill should be conveyed in writing to the local
office.Even if there is discrepancy in bill, to avoid delay payment charges, pay Wheeling Charges 1.35/ Unit 118.80
tentative amount for time being or pay full amount along with application to F.A.C. 57.20
rectify the mistake in the bill. In case of dispute or abnormally high bill amount, Electricity Duty (16 %) 92.27
bill equal to average consumption of previous period will be issued till the
complaint is resolved, The difference of which will be charged in next bill. Tax on Sale 0/ Unit 0.00
2) For bill paid after due date of previous bill and showing as arrears in current Current Interest 0.00
bill, please show the previous bill receipt to the cashier while paying for the Other Charges 0.00
current bill.
3) This bill is sent in accordance with Electricty supply act , tariff order , Total Current Bill(Rs) 668.95
regulations and Orders as per Govt of Maharashtra .
Net Arrears -3.11
Instructions for Cheque payment:
4) Cheque should be a/c payee only. Cheque should be payable in name of Adjustments -3.01
'MSEDCL', and issued by local bank. Please attach bill with the Cheque and do Interest Arrears 0.00
not staple them. Post-dated cheque will be not accepted.If amount is paid by
Total Arrears -6.12
Cheque/DD, the date on which amount deposited in 'MSEDCL' bank account
will consider as a bill payment date. Net Bill Amount 662.83
5) While putting cheque in collection drop box, please mention consumer Rounded Bill(Rs) 660.00
number (along with PC and BU) on the backside of the cheque.Pl mention
cheque details on the backside of receipt stub. DPC:8.36
6) As per negotiable instrument act 1981 article 138,cheque bounce is a After this date: 14-MAR-23
punishable offence and liable for legal action.
Pay Rs. 670.00
7) As per MERC order for Case No 322 of 2019 revised Cheque Bounce
charges of Rs. 750 plus GST or Bank charges whichever is higher will be
applicable from 01 April 2020.

Revised Tariff applicable wef 01-APR-22 Prompt Payment Discount: Rs. 5.77 , if bill is paid
on or before 03-MAR-23
LT-I (B)
Residential Unit 0-100 101-300 301-500 501-1000 >1000 Receipts considered up-to: 19-FEB-23
Last Receipt Date 13-FEB-23
Fix Last Receipt Amount 1,400.00
Charges(Rs): Amt(Rs) 3.36 7.34 10.37 11.86 11.86
105 Payment History:
FAC(Rs) 0.65 1.45 2.05 2.35 2.35 Receipt Date Paid Amount
13-Feb-2023 1,400.00
** As per the new electricity rates applicable from 01.04.2020, an additional fixed 04-Jan-2023 820.00
charge of Rs.10 per month will be levied on consumers in the municipal 03-Dec-2022 2,190.00
corporation area. 11-Oct-2022 1,020.00
08-Sep-2022 2,480.00
04-Jul-2022 770.00

In addition to the facilities currently available, new options are available to report power outages-
1) Give Missed call to 022-41078500 from registered mobile number
2) Send NOPOWER to 9930399303.
3) Visit https://wss.mahadiscom.in/wss/wss to view your electricity bill and pay online.
As per Income Tax provision vide section 269 ST cash receipt of Rs.2.00 lakhs and above will not be accepted by MSEDCL against
any type of Payment.
As per MERC order dt.24/02/2021, Monthly energy bill receipt in cash is limited to Rs.5000/- w.e.f 01/11/2021.

Follow us at:

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