UP Report Guidlines
UP Report Guidlines
UP Report Guidlines
MARCH 2000
In the
March 2000
In die
Maart 2000
The summary provides a brief description of the contents of the report bound into the report. The
summary may not be longer than 500 words. The summary should contain a short but clear
description of the problem, purpose of the study and the main conclusions reached during the study.
'n Afrikaanse vertaling van die opsomming moet in alle Suid-Afrikaanse verslae voorsien word. Die
samevatting moet nie langer as 500 woorde wees nie. Dit moet 'n kort maar duidelike beskrywing gee
van die probleem, doel van die studie en die belangrikste gevolgtrekkings wat gedurende die studie
gemaak is.
Author: AB Name
An abstract in English containing a brief description of a dissertation or thesis must also be provided
on a separate page (and not bound into the report). The abstract may not exceed 150 words for a
dissertation and 350 words for a thesis. No abstract is required for project reports.
I wish to express my appreciation to the following organisations and persons who made this project
report/dissertation/thesis possible:
b) The ABC organisation for financial support, the provision of data or the use of laboratory
facilities during the course of the study.
c) The following persons are gratefully acknowledged for their assistance during the course of
the study:
i) Dr AB Name
1.1 Background 1-1
1.2 Objectives of the study 1-1
1.3 Scope of the study 1-1
1.4 Methodology 1-1
1.5 Organisation of the report 1-1
2.1 Introduction 2-1
2.2 Importance of research 2-1
2.3 Requirements 2-2
2.4 Research methodology 2-3
2.5 Writing of the report 2-4
2.6 Evaluation 2-6
3.1 Introduction 3-1
3.2 Typing conventions 3-1
3.3 Section headings 3-1
3.4 Mathematical equations 3-2
3.5 Tables and figures 3-2
3.6 Notes on report writing 3-4
4.1 Introduction 4-1
4.2 Systems 4-2
4.3 Systems approach 4-2
4.4 Problem definition 4-3
4.5 System constraints 4-4
4.6 Goals and objectives 4-4
4.7 Measures of effectiveness 4-6
4.8 Modelling 4-6
4.9 Alternative solutions 4-7
4.10 Evaluation 4-8
4.11 Decision-taking 4-9
4.12 Conclusions 4-9
4.13 Problems 4-9
5.1 Conclusions 5-1
5.2 Recommendations 5-1
3.1 Example of a figure 3-3
A Symbol A
B Symbol B
Chapter 1 describes the reasons motivating the study, the purpose of the study as well as any
restrictions on the scope of the study. It is more concerned with the study itself than with
technical contents. Technical detail should, therefore, be kept to a minimum.
The background contains a brief history leading to and motivating the objectives of the study.
The importance of the research topic must be stressed. The reader must be given a clear
explanation on why the research is needed and what the implications of the research are.
Describes the purpose and objectives of the study. Conclusions must be reached for each of
the stated objectives (on a one-to-one basis).
Describes limitations of the research. Explain what has been investigated and what has not
been covered. Explicitly states aspects that have not been covered during the study.
• Chapter 3 usually describes the field observations undertaken during the study. It is
important the experimental method should also be motivated.
• Appendix A (and other) normally contains data obtained from field observations.
The purpose of a research project in the Department of Civil Engineering at the University of
Pretoria is to provide an opportunity for students to develop the skills necessary for
independently undertaking research in a chosen subject area. In formal subjects taken at the
university, the student is normally given all the knowledge required to pass the subject. With
the research project, however, the student is personally responsible for finding the necessary
information to solve a problem. A study leader will advise the student on the research
methodology that should be followed during the research.
Engineering research is normally directed towards the development of methods that can be
applied generally to a class of problems. An existing method may be insufficient or
inappropriate and improved methods needed. This is in contrast with normal engineering
projects, which have the objective of finding a solution to one specific problem only.
There are various reasons why students should gain experience in research. These include the
a) Problem solving. Research experience develops the ability of the student to apply a
scientific approach to problems for which solutions are not readily available. These
problems often occur in engineering practice and students should be aware of
methods that can be followed in solving problems.
The following are the more important requirements of a university research project:
c) Quality of research. It is important that a topic should be selected which is not too
extensive in scope. Quality is more important that quantity. It is advisable to
investigate a smaller problem thoroughly rather than trying to solve an extensive
problem superficially. A research report is similar to a mathematical proof - it must
provide complete, logical, correct and incontrovertible evidence that the most
appropriate solution has been found for a problem. If the time available for the
research is limited, it is especially important that the scope of the study should be
restricted and a simpler research topic selected.
d) Balance. Preference should be given to research topics that will provide a student
with experience in most aspects of the research methodology. The important aspects
are the literature study, experimental work, analysis and report writing. A good
balance should be maintained between these aspects, and repetitive experimental
work or observations should especially be kept to a minimum.
e) Systems approach. The student should give particular attention to applying the
system approach to the problem being researched. It is particularly important that, not
only pure technical aspects of a problem be considered, but also that a broader
c) Literature study. The literature study is one of the most crucial steps in a research
project. It is of extreme importance that the literature study is as extensive as
possible, since it may critically affect the success of the research. The student should
discuss the literature with the study leader. Study objectives can be reformulated on
the basis of the literature study.
d) Draft report (mini-thesis). This step is recommended when the research topic is
complex or when it is unclear which experimental work is required for the study. If
the research project is relatively simple and no doubt exists on which experimental
work is required, this step can be skipped. The step involves the writing of a first
draft of the report based solely on the literature study. In this draft, information that
needs to be collected is identified and research procedures established. It is important
to make sure that all information that may be required is identified at this stage. The
collection of information is very expensive and effort should not be wasted on
unnecessary repetition of experimental work. Approval of the draft report must be
obtained before the student may continue with the research.
A research project may depend more on the use of a model than on experimental
work. When such a model is used or developed, it is extremely important that
attention should be given to the realism of the model and to ensure that the model is a
true reflection of the real world situation.
f) Final report. The report must meet requirements of technical report writing. Ensure
absolute technical and language correctness. A single error will require correction and
could even be viewed negatively. If you doubt your language abilities, it is
permissible to obtain assistance from a competent linguist. Do not expect your study
leader to correct your language or check the technical correctness of the report.
Research reports in the Department of Civil Engineering may be written in either Afrikaans or
English. The following steps should be followed when writing the report:
a) Table of contents. The table of contents must be drawn up and submitted to the study
leader for approval. This should be undertaken before commencing with writing of
the report. Careful planning is required at this stage.
b) Chapter 1. The first chapter of the report normally contains a general technical
introduction based on a literature study of the research topic. The title of the chapter
is often related to (but not the same) the main title of the report. This chapter must
first be completed to the satisfaction of the study leader before commencing with
subsequent chapters.
c) Subsequent chapters. The second and subsequent chapters normally contain details
of the experimental work undertaken during the study and the analysis thereof.
Conclusions and recommendations are given in the final chapter. References follow
at the end of the report. Appendices may also be added to provide information that
does not require the immediate attention of the reader.
d) Submission of the report. The report is submitted in stages as given below. The
required number of copies of the report is given in Table 2.1. Prescribed colours of
report covers are given in Table 2.2.
ii) Examination copies. Ring-bound copies of the report are submitted for
examination purpose. The study leader and external examiners may require
further revisions of the report.
iii) Final copies. The report must first be submitted to the study leader for final
approval before final copies are made.
iv) Master copies. A master unbound copy of the report is also required for
master's dissertations and PhD theses only.
Division Colour
Construction project management Claret red
Geo-technical engineering Red
Structural engineering Green
Transportation engineering Black
Urban engineering Brown
Water resources engineering Blue
The research report will be evaluated on the basis of the evaluation criteria listed below. A
minimum standard must be achieved in each of the criteria before the report will be accepted.
The evaluation will only consider the personal contribution of the student and is not a
reflection of the capabilities of the study leader.
a) Work method. Students will be evaluated for their general attitude towards the
research, adherence to the timetable, personal contributions and ability to work
d) Systems approach. The research will be evaluated for the degree to which the
systems approach was applied. Particularly important are the problem definition and
objectives, development and evaluation of alternative solutions, motivations and
scientific proofs, own conclusions and recommendations.
f) Oral examination. During the oral examination the student will be evaluated for his
or her knowledge of the research topic. The student must also be able to defend the
research report and show that he or she has become an expert in the particular field
(as well as related aspects).
If the student should fail in any of the above aspects, no supplementary examination will be
given. The student will then not be allowed to resubmit the same report and will be required
to start with a completely different research topic. It is therefore in the own interest of the
student to ensure that he or she has reached the required standards as set out in this document.
Each chapter of the report should preferably start with an introduction that serves to explain
the following:
Reports should be typed in 1½ line spacing. Only one space must be left between the
headings and text and between paragraphs. Two spaces must follow a table or figure.
Use margins of 25 - 30 mm on all four sides of the page. The page number must be typed
within the top margin. It is difficult to read a wide column of text, especially with
proportional fonts, and the width of the text should therefore not exceed 125 mm.
A typing font that is either too small or too large is difficult to read. The Times New Roman
10 or 11 point font is normally recommended for text while an Arial 11 or 12 point font is
recommended for headings.
Do not underline important words. Italics may be used to draw attention to important words
or passages.
3.3.1Paragraph headings
The use of paragraph headings (third level) should be restricted to a minimum. Four or more
levels are unacceptable and should be avoided where possible.
Do not use headings longer than one line. Restrict the use of verbs to a minimum in headings.
Do not use headings as part of the contents of a document or expect the reader to read
headings consciously. The very first sentence of a section should describe the contents of the
section. The exact wording of the heading can even be repeated in the first sentence.
Y = eX.t
X = Description of X variable.
Y = Description of Y variable
Tables and figures should be used as often as possible, because they are easier to follow than
long strings of sentences. A short description and interpretation of each table and figure must,
however, be given in the document. If the table or figure is unworthy of comment, then it
should not be in the report at all. Do not expect the reader to derive his own conclusions from
a table or a figure.
Refer to tables and figures in the text as Tables 3.1 and 3.2 or Figure 3.1. The table and figure
must be given as soon as possible after being referred to in the text but should never precede
the reference. When it is necessary to include a large number of tables and figures in the
report itself, however, it may be advisable to group the tables and figures together at the end
of each chapter.
The following are a number of guidelines that should be considered when drawing up a table:
b) Put units with the headings, not in the body of the table.
d) Break up long columns of figures by inserting a blank row every fifth line.
e) Round numbers to the minimum required (usually the first 2 that change).
The following are a number of guidelines that should be considered when developing a
a) Avoid too much information on a figure (preferably not more than 3 graphs per
b) Use linear scales where possible - be especially careful of using logarithmic scales.
d) Use the x-axis for the independent variable, y-axis for the dependent variable.
f) Report layout. Be systematic and logical in the formulation of the contents. Take
care of the following:
ii) Keep chapters short, preferably not longer than 10 pages, so that the reader
does not lose track of the purpose of the chapter. This will often only be
possible if a non-hierarchical approach is followed.
iii) Use at least one, but preferably two, headings per page.
iv) Where possible, place long lists of facts in tables rather than in the text.
h) Plagiarism. Take extreme care not to commit plagiarism under any circumstances.
Always acknowledge the work of somebody else. Your report will be rejected if you
commit plagiarism.
i) Scientific proof. Provide scientific arguments and motivate every single statement
(or at least provide a reference to the required motivation). Contents must be free of
any unfounded assumptions and must be objective. Never base arguments on
"engineering judgement". Never give unfounded opinions. Be exact, correct and clear
in all motivations. Be especially cautious not to give the perception of preconceived
conclusions (that you wanted to "prove" something).
j) Accuracy. Check the accuracy of technical information and data, not only for errors,
but also that conclusions are given without bias or wrong emphasis.
k) Style. Write the report in the passive form (never refer to the first and second person,
e.g. you or I). The past tense must be used to describe work that was performed (e.g.
"speeds were measured"). The present tense is used for the discussion of results and
conclusions (e.g. "it is therefore concluded").
l) Readability. Ensure that the reader for whom it is intended will easily understand the
report. The meaning of each sentence must be immediately apparent. Do not expect
the reader to read through the remainder of a paragraph to understand an earlier
m) Language. Use a very formal academic (and not a popular), crisp and to the point
style of language. Vary the length of sentences, but avoid unnecessary long sentences.
One-sentence paragraphs are not acceptable. Do not include information unless it is
essential to the topic - do not "pad". Use an absolute minimum of words, but do not
omit any essential information. However, be careful of not being too blunt - always
use complete sentences.
n) Paragraph structure. Start each paragraph with one sentence describing the theme
of the paragraph. Remaining sentences in the paragraph must provide technical detail.
Each sentence should only convey one element of this detail. Where appropriate, end
the paragraph with a summary sentence. Do not describe more than one important
concept or give more than one fact per paragraph. The reader may miss an important
concept hidden away in such a paragraph, while he may be confused by a multiplicity
of information. More than one fact must be given point by point or in tables.
ii) Do not endow objects with human attributes, as in "the equipment refused to
iii) Vague expressions and clichés such as "it would seem" and "it is clear".
A number of common English and Afrikaans language errors are given in Tables 3.3 and 3.4
Do not use an American dictionary to spell-check a document. Use the "-ise" spelling instead of "-ize".
Use the following word order: subject - verb - indirect object - direct object.
An: Words beginning with a e i o u - silent h - single letters: a e f h i l m n o r s x
A : Words beginning with other letters - single letters: b c d g j k p q t u v w y z
I: am/was/have/shall We: are/were/have/shall
You: are/were/have/will You: are/were/have/will
He, she, it: is/was/has/will They: are/were/have/will
Noun nearest to the verb counts: The first noun is the one that counts:
Neither ... or With
Neither ... nor Together ... with
Not ... but As well as
Not only ... but also Including
Example: Neither the lecturer nor the students are Example: The lecturer as well as the students is
Quantities and collectives take the singular verb "is":
x tons, x litres, x metres, R 2000 series, public, furniture, news, mathematics
Criterion Criteria
Datum Data
Stratum Strata
The number of A number of
aim at move into
under the circumstances multiply by
Complain of within a time period
compliment on for a period of time
different from place onto
disqualified from reaction to
divide by/into in respect of
exception to Succeeded in
exchange an - for a - Surprised at
in front of too many
Affected by, the effect of
Extent of, extend the (extent is a noun, extend a verb)
Fewer numbers but less quantity
Owing to means because of, due to means caused by
Percentage Percent
Performed, investigated Done
Researchers, professionals Persons
Several, various A number of
X metres long X metres in length
Plaas werkwoorde so na as moontlik aan die einde van 'n sin, maar nie teen elke prys nie.
Gebuik noord, oos, suid en wes met klein letters.
Beïnvloed, gereelde, reëlings
Definieer (nie defineer nie)
Finansieel – finansiële
Gruispad (nie gryspad nie)
Offisieel – offisiële (gebruik eerder amptelik)
Oorskry (nie oorskrei nie)
Opdraand (nie opdraend nie)
Parkering (nie parkeering nie)
Suid-Afrika, Oos-Transvaal, Aliwal-Noord
Wêreld, brûe
In antwoord op
Benadering van (nie tot nie)
Daar word aangeneem dat (nie dit nie)
Dit wil voorkom of (nie dat nie)
Dit blyk dat (nie of nie)
Nog of verdere besonderhede (nie meer nie)
Dit wil voorkom asof (nie of nie)
Vergesel van (nie deur nie)
afdoende = deurslaggewend; voldoende = toereikend
bevind = weloorwoë beoordeling; gevind = momentele oordele
Bylae Bylaag
Nóg ... nóg / nié ... óf Nog ... of
Oponthoud Vertraging
Openbare vervoer Publieke vervoer
Sowel A as B Beide A en B / A sowel as B
Uitvoer Doen
Verdeling Verspreiding
Verstadig Vertraag
Engineers must cope with a variety of problems that vary enormously in scope and
complexity. Some problems are relatively simple and the solutions are obvious. Other
problems are more formidable and the best solutions are not readily apparent. Such problems
require a structured approach to identify the most appropriate solution. The systems approach
provides a general framework for handling such complex problems. In essence, it is a broad-
based philosophy that may be used to formulate or structure problems and to rationally and
systematically search for the best or optimum solutions to problems. The approach can be
used for many types of problems, but is especially applicable to problems typically
encountered by engineers and planners.
a) The problem is often unclear and it is difficult to determine what is expected from a
c) Not all problems can be solved as mathematical problems may be calculated and
solved. Many problems (particularly engineering problems) have several alternative
solutions, each consisting of both good and bad features. Some solutions may do
more good than harm, but some solutions can also cause more problems or
difficulties. The best that can be expected in such situations is a most appropriate or
optimum solution. However, even such an optimum can be suspect because a solution
which may be an optimum for one person can be a disaster for another. For example,
a road bypassing a small town may be beneficial to long distance travellers, but could
lead to the demise of the town. Building a new dam can bring wealth to a few
industrialists and farmers, but could lead to the death of a valley.
In spite of its many limitations and shortcomings, the systems approach remains an excellent
procedure that should be adopted as a basic philosophy by all engineers and planners. The
approach is the epitome of common sense, providing guidance to rational arguments, and will
result in solutions that are at least no worse than solutions found without the approach. More
often it would lead to better solutions, even if the solutions are not necessarily the best. At
least, it will indicate the many dilemmas and pitfalls which exist in finding solutions.
One of the most important features of the system approach is that problems should not be
considered in an isolated or fragmented context, but that a broad, holistic approach should be
adopted in which the problem is viewed in its totality. Many problems, even problems that
may not be considered as complex, can have far-reaching effects, with consequences that bear
little direct relation to the original problem. Such problems require a comprehensive
understanding of the problem, whereby the underlying causes of the problem are ascertained,
and all possible consequences fully determined.
Civil engineering problems are typically very large in magnitude and can have far-reaching
effects, especially on the socio-economic well being of people as well as the natural
environment. Building a new road or construction a new dam can, for example, lead to
developments far beyond the mere transportation or water-supply functions. Engineers should
especially ensure that a holistic approach is taken and problems considered in the broadest
systems context.
The systems approach is a procedure that will assist the engineer or planner in finding the
optimum solutions. The approach consists of the following steps:
a) Problem definition.
h) Decision-taking.
It is essential that earlier steps in the procedure should continually be revised, as more
information becomes available during a study. The problem may, for example, become
clearer during the development of the model or another completely different problem may
even become apparent. An iterative process should then be followed in which the problem is
redefined and subsequent steps adjusted accordingly, until a decision can finally be made.
Engineers and planners are continuously involved in the scanning of the socio-economic
environment in order to identify deficiencies and needs. In this, reliance is often placed on
management information systems in which information is collected and analysed on a regular
basis to ensure that problems are promptly uncovered.
A major emphasis of the systems approach involves the development of a clear problem
statement. Although it is an obvious step in the process, the attainment of a clear problem
definition can easily be neglected or overlooked. An inappropriate identification of a problem
can lead to an unsatisfactory solution of the problem, and could result in a complete waste of
effort and resources.
b) The tendency to immediately pose solutions before establishing the exact nature and
extent of the problem.
If a problem is extensive or complex, the problem can be subdivided into smaller sub-
problems that are more manageable. The sub-problem then becomes a problem statement in
itself, which again can be subdivided into a hierarchy of smaller sub-problems.
The search for a solution to a problem is often restricted by system constrains which place
limitations on the type of solutions that may be considered for the problem. The most
important constraint is that of the law - unlawful solutions will not often be considered, nor
solutions which are immoral or unethical. Another important constraint is affordability - only
solutions for which sufficient finances can be found should be considered. Even if the
solution can be justified economically, there is little advantage in selecting such a solution if
it can not be afforded or financed. Other constraints include the natural environment and
locations of historical significance.
The establishment goals and objectives represents one of the crucial steps of the systems
approach. Goals and objectives are basically statements of "why" one alternative solution is
more suitable or more optimum than another, or why something should be done. Alternative
solutions are evaluated to determine which of the solutions most closely fulfils the stated
goals and objectives.
Engineers and planners have historically been plagued with the difficulty of defining
meaningful goals and objectives. This is particularly true when dealing with complex
problems typically encountered by civil engineers. Such problems involve social
considerations that tend to be abstract or intangible and lack definitive meaning.
A goal is usually a general statement of the end result that is to be achieved, while objectives
are more detailed statements of the purpose of the analysis. Few objectives can, however,
fully address this purpose and can only provide partial answers to the "why". For example,
two important objectives in engineering are economics and safety - but it can always be
questioned why these objectives should be considered? There must therefore be a greater
objective or goal that can answer the "why". Goals and objectives thus have a hierarchical
structure, each objective having a greater objective or goal.
A possible end goal for engineers and planners is to maximise socio-economic improvement
and quality of life for all. The perception of quality of life varies from person to person, but
for most individuals it probably implies health, wealth and happiness. These goals, however,
are difficult, if not impossible to attain, because it is hardly possible to achieve development
without some damage, especially to the natural environment. Although it may be possible to
improve the quality of life for the majority of inhabitants, others may suffer some loss.
Perhaps engineers should add the reservation that inhabitants gaining from a development
should compensate others for their losses through corrective (or affirmative) actions.
Although it is apparent that it is impossible to state goals or objectives which are universally
true, no solution will be found unless a pragmatic approach is followed and objectives
selected which will at least point in the direction where quality of life is likely to be
improved. The following are examples of objectives that are often applied in engineering
Economic objectives
Economic development
Economic growth, business creation
Equal opportunities, extended ownership base, fair and open participation
Employment, labour intensive methods
Promotion of local technology
Economic efficiency
Institutional costs
Capital costs (constructability)
Maintenance costs (durability, maintainability)
Operating costs
Social objectives
Aesthetics, visual intrusion
Noise, pollution
Safety and security
Comfort and convenience
Mobility and accessibility
Freedom, choices
Natural environment
Strategic objectives
Defence and national security
Many of the above objectives are contradictory - some objectives can only be reached to the
detriment of others. Is it possible to develop and save the environment at the same time? Can
travel time be reduced on a road and safety be improved as well? These questions indicate the
difficulties that exist in drawing up a set of objectives and attaching weights to each objective.
Different communities will also have different preferences - the needs of the third world are
very different to those of the first world. When establishing goals and objectives, it is
therefore important that the socio-economic environment of the community should be taken
into account.
The uncertainties that exist in establishing goals and objectives often mean that politics
become an important factor. Many engineers do not view politicians favourably and view
their decisions as biased or uninformed. This may be true in some instances, but most
politicians are guided by the wishes of the community, which is perhaps the best approach
that can be followed in establishing objectives. The democratic process is perhaps also better
served by introducing "public participation" in which not only the politicians, but also the
community itself can have direct input in determining objectives.
Although it may be the right of the community, directly or indirectly through their elected
officials, to establish goals and objectives, it remains the task of the engineer and planner to
point out all possible consequences. The community is not always correct in their perceptions,
especially if the community depends on information from a biased media. There is also the
problem of the "tyranny" of the majority, where the minority is forced to lead a life that is
decided upon by the rest of the population. In this, the engineer or planner can make a
valuable contribution by making the decision-taker aware of all possible consequences and
thus reduce the effects of biased decisions.
Goals and objectives are broad criteria for the evaluation of alternatives. It is, however,
difficult to evaluate alternatives objectively, unless some scale exists that can be applied to
measure the degree to which an alternative fulfils a particular objective. These scales are
called measures of effectiveness.
Measures of effectiveness should, where possible, be based on an objective numeric scale, but
a subjective scale is also acceptable. In fact, subjective scales may in some instances be more
preferable, because it may be difficult to obtain numeric measurements.
Models are required to obtain measurements of measures of effectiveness in order to find the
best or optimum solution. Although the measurements can be obtained from observations of
the real-life situation, this is seldom feasible, because of the need to implement alternative
solutions before their consequences can be observed.
A model should be capable of not only producing the average or most likely consequence, but
also an indication of a range of possible consequences together with the probabilities that the
consequences will occur. It is rarely possible to state that a certain action will result in one
particular consequence, and it is more likely that an action can have different consequences,
some of which are more likely to occur than others. When an alternative solution is evaluated,
it is important that all possible consequences and their likelihood should be taken into
All models have the disadvantage that they are only approximate representations of real-life
situations and therefore not accurately reflect true consequences. Many models, and
especially mathematical models, give the impression that they are precise, but it is exactly
these types of models that require the most simplifying assumptions in order to provide
tractable solutions.
Although models are very important in engineering, it is crucial that engineers should
understand the limitations of the models. It is equally as important to have a proper
understanding of the limitations of the model than the model itself. Many engineers have a
dislike in the word "assumption" and some even question the need to state such assumptions.
This is perhaps one of the greatest shortcomings of many engineers - their blind trust in
models as black boxes. Some engineers also hide behind models and are unwilling to consider
other issues which may be intractable. Models are elevated to a god-like status, while they are
only one of the steps in the systems approach, and perhaps even a minor step. The argument
can even be made that a model is of no use, unless it is capable of addressing the real issues.
One way of improving trust in a model, is to calibrate the model, using an existing real-life
situation. The model can then be trusted as long as the difference between the alternative
solutions and the real-life situation is not extensive. Care should, however, be taken in
extrapolating the results of a model to situations where the model may not be applicable.
The success of applying the systems approach depends greatly on the ability of the engineer
or planner to develop alternative solutions. The best solution is only the best of alternatives
that were thought of, and is not necessarily the best solution available. A broad-minded
approach, imagination and creativity are required in the development of alternatives.
Engineers develop alternative solutions by using one or more of the following approaches:
a) Design standards. Design standards are used when the same problem occurs at
different locations. This approach has the advantage that it reduces the possibility of
making a serious error, but the risk exists that it could lead to inflexibility. Standards
should not be applied blindly, and judgement should always be exercised to
determine whether standards are applicable to a particular situation.
b) Design guidelines. Design guidelines are more flexible than design standards and can
be of great value in developing an optimum solution.
An example of this approach is found in traffic engineering where traffic flow is often
handled analogously to the flow of water.
e) Model optimisers. Some models have the ability to automatically search for an
optimum solution. These models are, however, fairly restricted in their scope and can
generally only be applied to highly technical aspects of a problem.
g) Intuition. Most complex problems rely on the intuition and imagination of the
engineer or planner to find solutions. A multidisciplinary approach can often provide
valuable contributions and should be adopted where possible.
Alternative solutions are evaluated using the model to estimate values for the different
measures of effectiveness. This is usually a fairly straightforward step if a simple model is
available. The evaluation can, however, become highly complex if an elaborate model is used.
The evaluation of alternatives only results in values of the different measures of effectiveness
and is not in the final answer. The best solution is only determined in the next step, namely
decision taking.
The decision-taker should consider all possible likely consequences of alternative solutions,
as well as the likelihood of the consequences. Solution may sometimes appear obvious, but
more often solutions can be highly controversial, requiring careful deliberation. The decision-
taking process can, however, be enhanced if the engineer or planner has approached a
problem in sufficient width and depth in order that all consequences have properly been
quantified and all possible alternative solutions considered.
The systems approach will fail if the decision-taker remains inflexible in the face of evidence
presented. Adherence to cherished beliefs or prejudice can also adversely influence results. It
is of utmost importance that objectivity should be maintained and consideration be given to
all consequences.
Although the systems approach is not a panacea for solving problems, it does provide a
framework in which problems can be approached systematically and rationally. It reduces the
impact of emotional arguments and is especially effective in countering inflexibility and
prejudice. It encourages broad-mindedness in the sense that all viewpoints are accommodated.
Hopefully, this would lead to better solutions that will improve the quality of life for all (and
to a better research report!).
A summary of the results of the research must be provided in the last chapter, together with a
conclusion for each of the study objectives. There must be a one-to-one relationship between
the conclusions and the study objectives. One conclusion (or set of conclusions) must be
given for each objective, in the same order as given in Chapter 1 of the report.
The conclusions must be related to the contents of the report and no new information should
be introduced. Make sure that conclusions are valid and supported by the study.
Provide recommendations on the application of the results of the research, based on the
conclusions. Recommendations for future research should only be provided when significant.
It is also advisable to mention possible consequences if the recommendations are not
The Harvard method must be used to refer indirectly (Author, 1994; Author1 and Author2,
1994; Author et al., 1994) or directly to Author (1994). The list of references are given
alphabetically in the following format (without the headings):
References to books
Author, A.B. 1994. Name of book. 2nd ed. Publisher, Place of publication.
Author, A.B. and Author, A.B. 1994. Title of article in book. Name of book. Ed A.B. Name.
2nd ed. Publisher, Place of publication, pp 243-212.
Author, A.B. Author, A.B. and Author, A.B. 1994. Title of article. Name of journal, Vol 130,
No 1, Month, pp 123-124.
References to newspapers
References to reports
Author, A.B. Author, A.B. and Author, A.B. 1994. Title of report. Organisation. Type of
report and report number. Place.
References to theses
Important note: The headings given above are used only for clarification purposes and
should not be included in the list. Provide only one single list of publications, sorted
The structure of an appendix should closely follow the structure of an ordinary chapter. The
same type of headings should preferably be used.
Appendices should contain detailed data and graphs that are referred to in the document. The
following are a number of examples of such data:
a) Derivation of formulae.
b) Examples of questionnaires.
c) Maps.
d) Brochures.
e) Computer printouts
f) Survey results.
Minimum vereistes - die skripsie sal terugverwys word indien daar nie aan al die volgende
vereistes voldoen is nie
Skripsie is grotendeels student se eie werk. Student moet Geen plagiaat is gepleeg nie. Die skripsie is in student
duidelik aantoon watter deel van die skripsie sy eie is. se eie woorde. Aanhalings is duidelik getoon
‘n Behoorlike literatuurstudie is uitgevoer en is korrek Die sisteembenadering is toegepas
Eksperimentele werk is gedurende die skripsie uitgevoer Doelstellings en gevolgtrekkings is gegee
‘n Statistiese ontleding van data is uitgevoer Die skripsieverslag voldoen aan voorgeskrewe formaat
Die skripsie is tegnies korrek (geen foute nie) Die Harvard verwysingsmetode is toegepas
Punte toekenning
30% Baie swak 45% Swak 55% Aanvaarbaar 65% Goed 75% Baie Goed 90% Uitstekend
Interne Eksterne
Eksaminator Eksaminator
1.1 Algemene houding teenoor navorsing NVT
1.2 Nougesetheid, stiptelike nakoming van program, skriftelike verskonings NVT
1.3 Onafhanklike werksvermoë. Skripsie is grotendeels student se eie werk. NVT
2.1 Volledigheid, gehalte en korrektheid. Toepaslikheid van literatuurstudie
2.2 Interpretasie & kritiese beoordeling van literatuur
2.3 Uiteensetting van inligting
3.1 Toepaslikheid en motivering van eksperimentele metodes wat gevolg is
3.2 Volledigheid, gehalte en korrektheid van waarnemings en analise
3.3 Statistiese tegnieke en vertrouensintervalle, Verteenwoordigende monsters
4.1 Probleem en doelstelling van studie (skripsie)
4.2 Beoordelingsnorme gestel gedurende studie
4.3 Alternatiewe oplossings vir probleem
4.4 Evaluering, motivering, afledings gedurende studie
4.5 Gevolgtrekkings en aanbevelings van skripsie
5.1 Formaat van verslag (tikwerk), Gebruik van die Harvard verwysingsmetode.
5.2 Verslag in student se eie woorde. Oorgeskryf vanaf ander verslae.
5.3 Skryfstyl (formeel), taalgebruik en terminologie, sinskonstruksie, spelling, taal
5.4 Ordening van verslag (logiese volgorde, voldoende opskrifte)
5.5 Gebruik van tabelle en figure