P- 1 2
2 01 8 Are Math Assignments Measuring Up?
Students can do no better than the assignments they’re given. That • B
ut underneath what seemed to be good news, there was
simple idea has been a driving force for The Education Trust’s news of a different sort: Most of the assignments were low-
practice work since its inception in the 1990s. And it animates a new level. Although generally aligned, at least in some part, with
generation of that work today, which involves analyzing classroom grade-appropriate standards, the assignments tended to have
assignments in the context of more rigorous common standards and low cognitive demand, over-emphasize procedural skills
calling teachers to action. This kind of painstaking analysis of the and fluency, and provide little opportunity for students to
daily academic experiences of students provides hugely important communicate their mathematical thinking. Moreover, this
insights into what teachers know and understand about college- and tendency was often worse in higher poverty schools.
career-ready standards — and what those teachers believe students
can do independently as a result of their teaching. • T
hese results were not just isolated to small districts or in
districts implementing decentralized curriculum practices.
Our experience shows that classroom assignments strongly reflect A fair amount of the assignments we analyzed came from
the expectations that educators hold for their learners, providing a districts that have invested significant time and financial
lens into the day-to-day experiences of students and their interaction resources into aligning curriculum materials to the Common
with curricula. So when assignments are not aligned with grade- Core. Nonetheless, the majority of assignments that their
level standards — as we found with roughly 6 in 10 middle-grades students received on a daily basis — six-plus years into the
literacy assignments in previous review1 — or tap only the lowest adoption of new math standards — remained far below the
levels of cognitive demand, we worry that students will never meet college- and career-ready level.
the standards that state leaders adopted with such fanfare six-plus
years ago. And as an equity-focused organization, we are always As we have seen in past standards movements, rigorous content
troubled when assignments in high-poverty schools are less rigorous standards do not automatically lead to cognitively demanding tasks
than those in low-poverty schools. Yes, low expectations take many that promote mathematical reasoning and problem-solving. Rather,
forms, but classroom assignments are perhaps the most concrete the implementation of the standards and resulting decisions we as
manifestation of them all. educators make about how students experience content are critically
important. If we are going to meet the true intent of the math
Building on our previous analysis of ELA, science, and social studies standards and ensure mathematical proficiency for all students, it is
assignments, we now turn our attention to math. Nationally, student imperative that we give attention to the quality of assignments that
performance in math has been flat, and achievement gaps persist. we are putting in front of students on a daily basis.
And with a growing economy driven by industries in the science,
technology, engineering, and math (STEM) fields, educators are
tasked with instilling interest in and preparing students for college
studies and careers that will supply these in-demand jobs. Now,
Why Assignments?
more than ever, it is critical that we as educators reflect on the daily
experiences of our students, and consider how we are preparing Historically, assignment analysis has been
them to meet the demands of more rigorous math standards. a powerful lens for viewing the day-to-day
experiences of students.2 Assignments:
For this analysis, we reviewed over 1,800 middle-grades assignments
from over 90 math courses from 12 middle schools in six districts • Are a clear window into classroom practice.
across the country (see sidebar: A Deeper Look At What We Did).
We used a framework comprising five key areas: alignment to the • Represent what teachers know and
Common Core, cognitive challenge, aspects of rigor, communicating understand about the college- and career-
mathematical understanding, and the potential for motivation and
ready standards.
engagement (see sidebar: Math Assignment Analysis Framework).
• Give insight into the school leader’s and/or
SO WHAT DID WE FIND? district’s expectations for what and how to
• A
lignment with at least a part of a grade- or course-appropriate teach.
math content standard was high: roughly three-fourths of
assignments. Furthermore, given the high rate at which • Reflect what teachers believe students
multiple standards were addressed within a single assignment, can do independently as a result of their
it seemed that teachers were grasping the interconnected teaching.
nature of the math standards, which is promising.
• Show how students interact with the
1 2
More than 70 percent of math Only 9 percent of assignments
assignments we reviewed were at pushed student thinking to higher levels.
least partially aligned with one or more
grade- or course-appropriate Common The overwhelming majority required low cognitive demand,
Core math content standards. with more than 9 out of 10 assignments limiting students to
recalling a fact, performing a simple procedure, or applying
basic knowledge to a skill or concept. This was even more
And over two-thirds of these aligned tasks addressed pronounced in high-poverty schools, where only 6 percent of
multiple standards, either within the same domain or across assignments were classified as requiring strategic or extended
domains in the same grade level. thinking, compared with 12 percent in low-poverty schools.
3 4
Assignments were more than Less than one-third (32 percent)
twice as likely to focus on procedural of math assignments provided
skills and fluency (87 percent) compared an opportunity for students to
with conceptual understanding communicate their thinking
(38 percent) or application of a or justify their responses.
mathematical concept (39 percent).
The majority of assignments were answer-focused and did not
This imbalance meant less frequent exposure to assignments ask students to defend or explain their thinking at any point
containing multiple representations, a critical indicator for within the task. Only 36 percent required students to write
developing conceptual understanding in mathematics. anything besides an answer, and 95 percent of assignments
Only 39 percent of assignments incorporated varied types showed no opportunity for discussion.
of mathematical representations.
Students were rarely given
opportunities for choice in their
assignments (3 percent), and only
2 percent of tasks provided some
aspect of relevancy using real-world
Ten of the 12 schools were traditional middle schools (grades Sixth-, seventh-, and eighth-grade teachers
6-8), one was a junior high school (grades 7-9), and one was an teaching math courses, ranging from math 6
intermediate (grades 5-6). through geometry.
Free and reduced-price lunch (FRL) rates ranged from 16 percent Average number of assignments submitted
to 82 percent across the schools. We classified six schools with per course = 20. The median number of
FRL rates higher than 65 percent as high-poverty in our data
assignments submitted per course = 19.
analysis. Student racial/ethnic populations were also different;
students of color (African American and Hispanic students)
ranged from 8 percent to 84 percent of the total population.
The percentage of English learners also varied across
schools (from less than 5 percent to 22 percent).
Assignment Collection
Assignments were defined as any in-school or out-of-school task that a student completed independently or with a
group of peers. Assignments completed during teacher-led practice or assignments given by substitute teachers were
not counted for the purpose of this study.
We collected all classroom assignments meeting our definition over the course of a two-week period from each of our
participating teachers. Collecting all assignments over a consecutive two-week period allowed us to see the full range of
assignments students received (e.g., from brief tasks like exit tickets to longer-term math projects) and provided evidence
of students’ opportunities to learn and the competencies they are typically asked to demonstrate. Two-thirds of the
assignments were collected between February and March 2016, with the remaining one-third collected during winter 2015.
All assignments were given a unique identification number to ensure teacher, school, and district confidentiality.
Assignments Scored
by the Numbers
Total number of math
assignments submitted: 2,176 Total number of math
assignments scored: 1,853 (85%)
Assignments were not scored if they were incomplete or illegible. Additionally, lesson plans or other
curriculum documents were not scored.
The assignment aligns to at least part
of one grade- or course-appropriate
Common Core math content standard.
The assignment clearly
articulates the task. 98%
Our analysis utilizes Norman L. Webb’s Depth of Knowledge Levels to assess cognitive challenge.
Assignments at the strategic level (level 3) or extended thinking level (level 4) are considered
to have high levels of cognitive demand.
The assignment requires high levels of
cognitive demand. 9%
Mathematical rigor is defined in the Common Core as having a “deep, authentic command of
mathematical concepts” pursued through three aspects of rigor: conceptual understanding,
procedural skills and fluency, and application.3 Connected to these aspects of rigor, particularly
conceptual understanding, is the use of varied mathematical representations.
The assignment requires students to
communicate their understanding using
the language of mathematics. 32%
The assignment requires students
to write short phrases, sentences,
or one or more paragraphs.
The assignment provides opportunity for
informal or formal discussion. 5%
Students have choice in the assignment
in one of the following areas: content,
product, process, or mathematical tool.
The task is relevant. It focuses
on a poignant topic, uses real-world
materials, and/or gives students
the freedom to make connections
to their experiences, goals,
interests, and values.
That these math assignments mostly aligned to the Common We also observed a handful of instances in which a particular
Core should not be overlooked, particularly given the math standard was incorrectly executed across an entire school or
substantial shift in focus that more rigorous standards call for district. In these assignments, our reviewers could see an attempt
in mathematics. Previous math standards typically required to address a particular standard, but in ways that clearly did not
educators to cover lots of topics in a “mile-wide, inch-deep” meet the standard’s intent. In some cases, these assignments
curriculum approach, and we anticipated seeing remnants of were replicated across multiple courses within a school, and
this affecting the alignment in the current math assignments even throughout the district, leading large numbers of students
that students were receiving. But what we saw instead made us to experience content that entirely missed a standard’s true
cautiously optimistic that teachers are embracing the deep and target. This underscores the critical importance of thorough
narrower philosophy called for in the Common Core — and understanding by teachers and curriculum staff when it comes to
truly using the standards to help focus instruction in the critical the standards and the instructional shifts they demand.
areas that have been identified at each grade level.
6.NS.C.6. Understand a rational number as a point on the number line. Extend number line diagrams and coordinate axes familiar
from previous grades to represent points on the line and in the plane with negative number coordinates.
a. Recognize opposite signs of numbers as indicating locations on opposite sides of 0 on the number line; recognize that the opposite
of the opposite of a number is the number itself, e.g., -(-3) = 3, and that 0 is its own opposite.
b. Understand signs of numbers in ordered pairs as indicating locations in quadrants of the coordinate plane; recognize that when
two ordered pairs differ only by signs, the locations of the points are related by reflections across one or both axes.
c. Find and position integers and other rational numbers on a horizontal or vertical number line diagram; find and position pairs
of integers and other rational numbers on a coordinate plane.
We found a very different story when we took a closer look at these algebra I content, we question why they should be relegated to
assignments to analyze cognitive demand. Only 9 percent of tasks assignments any less rigorous. In these cases, the course content and
required high levels of cognitive demand that pushed student instructional standards should change; opportunities to experience
thinking to the strategic level. And when we disaggregated the data cognitively challenging math tasks should not. This becomes even
by school FRL rates, we found an even bigger disparity: In high- more worrisome when you consider the intersection of student
poverty schools, only 6 percent of assignments were classified as demographics and course access that we typically find in schools
requiring strategic thinking, compared with 12 percent in more and districts across the country — specifically the disproportionate
affluent schools. The majority of assignments demanded little of number of low-income students and students of color placed in
students, not moving them beyond recalling a fact, performing a lower level, remedial courses. Could this be yet another example of
simple procedure, or applying basic knowledge to a skill or concept. well-intentioned, but misguided, efforts to “catch students up” by
No assignments in the over 1,800 that we collected pushed students slowing them down?
to extended thinking (see Figure 2).
Not surprisingly, assignments with higher levels of cognitive
Given that we collected all tasks from teachers (including warm-ups, demand were also much more likely to incorporate a number
procedural practice, and exit tickets), we certainly would not expect of other indicators on our framework, including opportunities
all assignments to be cognitively demanding. We did, however, to communicate mathematical understanding and develop
assume that the progression of a particular topic would unfold conceptual understanding. And these high-demand assignments
over a two-week period and allow us to see a rich distribution of almost always took longer to complete, which makes us wonder
tasks that promoted mathematical reasoning and problem-solving. about the impact of repetitive routines and formulaic structures
Unfortunately, that was not the case. Teachers in more than three- that we often find in math classrooms. Could it be that we are
fourths of the courses that we analyzed gave two or fewer cognitively seeing the results of such structures hinder our ability to get
demanding assignments within the two-week period, with students to more challenging math tasks that promote reasoning and
in 38 percent of courses never experiencing even a single task problem-solving, and instead, implementing answer-focused
requiring strategic or extended thinking. tasks centered on the application of a formula or routine
procedure?6 Or should we be rethinking how we use warm-ups
We were particularly alarmed by the extremely low number of and exit tickets to promote higher levels of cognitive demand
challenging tasks in the pre-algebra/algebra-prep courses that (see Example 2)? The warm-ups and exit tickets we saw in
eighth-graders took when they were not placed in algebra I. In our analysis typically looked like Assignment A, though we
these remedial courses, 97 percent of the assignments fell at questioned why individual prompts from Assignment B couldn’t
the recall or basic application levels. While the students in pre- be used as stand-alone warm-ups or exit tickets in the same way,
algebra/algebra-prep courses may have been unprepared for thereby creating brief tasks with high cognitive demand.
Strategic Thinking
Requires reasoning or developing a plan or sequence of steps to approach the problem;
requires some decision-making and justification; it’s abstract, complex, or non-routine; and
9% there is often more than one possible answer.
Extended Thinking
An investigation or application to real world; requires time to research, problem-solve, and
process multiple conditions of the problem or task; and requires non-routine manipulations
0% across disciplines/content areas/multiple sources.
Algebra Standard:7
A.SSE.A.2 Use the structure of an expression to identify ways to rewrite it. For example, see x4 - y4 as (x2)2 - (y2)2,
thus recognizing it as a difference of squares that can be factored as (x2 - y2)(x2 + y2).
Math 8 Honors
For each of the following problems, factor completely (you may
have to use more than one type of factoring), and state for each Assignments A and B are both aligned to the same
step which type of factoring you are using. Label as “PRIME” algebra standard that focuses on seeing structure and
if a polynomial cannot be factored. producing equivalent forms of expressions (A.SSE.A.2).
Both tasks also incorporate Math Practice Standard 7 —
1. -x 10 + 25 7. x 16 – 256 look for and make use of structure. And both assignments
2. 3x 4 – 12 8. x 2 + 8x + 15 ask students to use their procedural knowledge of
factoring, yet do so in distinct ways, ultimately leading to
3. x 2 – 8x + 15 9. 2x 2 + 12x – 32 notably different levels of cognitive challenge.
4. 10x 2 – 28x – 6 10. 25 – 10x + x 2
Assignment A is a more conventional task found in algebra
5. 5x3 b – 3x2 b2 + 15x5 b 11. 3x 2 + 3x – 90 courses that asks students to select an appropriate
procedure to factor different types of polynomial
6. x 4 + x 3 – 6x 2 12. x 8 – x 4
expressions – a routine algebraic practice that requires the
basic application of a skill/concept (DOK Level 2).
4. A
n expression that can first be factored using the greatest common
factoring with a factor of 3x2. Explain why there are an infinite number
of polynomial expressions that can satisfy the description.
A central tenet of the Common Core math standards is the equal Understandably, some of the middle-grades standards portrayed in
pursuit of rigor in three areas — conceptual understanding, assignments during our collection period may have lent themselves
procedural skills and fluency, and application — so that students more clearly to a particular aspect of rigor. But even in the two-
can obtain an authentic command of mathematical concepts.8 week window in which we collected assignments, it seemed
Taken together, these aspects of rigor allow students to develop extreme for the practice of procedural skills and fluency to be so
a deep understanding of mathematical content, carry out disproportionately stressed. Given that the time students spend
procedures flexibly and accurately, and apply their knowledge studying math is finite, this over-reliance on a particular aspect of
in mathematical situations. Importantly, these three should be rigor has the potential adverse effect of coming at the expense of
pursued with equal intensity. others. If this same pattern is emphasized throughout the school
year, how can students experience the balance in rigor called for
However, in our analysis of math assignments, what we in the standards? Does this not lead to a narrow, answer-focused
found was an over-emphasis on procedural skills and fluency perception of mathematics rather than the coherent body of
compared with the other two aspects of rigor (see Figure knowledge it is intended to be?
3). Assignments were more than twice as likely to focus on
procedural skills and fluency (87 percent) compared with Related to this, we also measured the use of multiple representations
conceptual understanding (38 percent) or application of a within each assignment, including contextual, visual, verbal,
mathematical concept (39 percent). Though half of the tasks physical, and symbolic forms.9 Thirty-nine percent of assignments
we reviewed contained two or more aspects of rigor within the prompted students to access, approach, or solve problems in
same assignment, the other half focused solely on procedural more than one way using multiple representations. And logically,
fluency. And when multiple aspects of rigor were present in assignments incorporating multiple representations were more
a single assignment, they were typically isolated as discrete likely to focus on conceptual understanding and application of
sections in a particular order (e.g., a section of procedural mathematical content rather than procedural skills and fluency.
problems at the beginning and problems involving application This opportunity to interact with varied representations in math
toward the end) rather than being integrated. Assignments like tasks is critical for providing students multiple entry points into
Example 3 were rare in our analysis. the same problem — a major implication in the equitable access
of content in our math classrooms.
Conceptual Understanding
Students access concepts from a number of perspectives in order to see math as more than
38% a set of mnemonics or discreet procedures.
Students use math in situations that require mathematical knowledge.
8.SP.A.4 Understand that patterns of association can also be seen in bivariate categorical data by displaying frequencies and relative
frequencies in a two-way table. Construct and interpret a two-way table summarizing data on two categorical variables collected from
the same subjects. Use relative frequencies calculated for rows or columns to describe possible association between the two variables.
Procedural skills and fluency can be found, as students:
• If you were not given all of the data needed to complete a • C onstruct a two-way table to record frequencies of
two-way table, can they be calculated? Explain how. bivariate categorical data in part B.
• Compare and contrast the information that is readily
• C alculate relative frequencies in order to complete the
available in each representation.
table in part C.
Part C. Recreate your table below with the relative • Calculate probability in part C.
frequencies, based on the data given in Part B.
Total Application can be found, as students:
• D
escribe possible patterns of association for bivariate
Total categorical data in a real-world context.
• E xplain what the individual data summaries represent
• H ow did you change from raw data to relative
in terms of the context of the problem.
• If a guest is selected at random, what is the probability • U
se the data to make generalizations or predictions of
that the guest is neither a friend nor a relative? expected behavior.
• Give at least 3 statements that provide an interpretation It is important to remember that all three aspects of
of the association between variables based on your table. rigor do not always have to be presented together, just
as they do not always have to be presented separately.
Instructional balance among the three should be evident
across a series of assignments and/or unit of study.
63% 95%
6.G.A.1 . Find the area of right triangles, other triangles, special quadrilaterals, and polygons by composing into rectangles or
decomposing into triangles and other shapes; apply these techniques in the context of solving real-world and mathematical problems.
• D
uring the check-in with a partner and the whole class
discussion, students have the opportunity to critique
the reasoning of others (SMP 3) and communicate their
understanding using the language of mathematics
1. Find the area of figure d by using what you know about the
(SMP 6).
area of triangles and rectangles.
• In questions 3 and 4, students reflect on their learning,
2. Choose a quadrilateral from the figures above. deepening their understanding of strategic approaches
to finding area by writing to explain different
a. Find the area of the quadrilateral using mathematical processes that produce the same
two different methods. solution. The expected writing output is more than two
b. Describe the methods used, and explain
why they result in the same area. The expectations for mathematical communication in
this assignment produce valuable information, allowing
teachers to formatively assess learning and provide
3. C ompare your methods and results with your partner.
feedback based on student responses.
What is the same about your methods, and what is different?
Students have choice in the assignment in one of the following areas: content, product,
process, or mathematical tool.
The task is relevant. It focuses on a poignant topic, uses real-world materials, and/or gives
students the freedom to make connections to their experiences, goals, interests, and values.
8.F.B.5 Describe qualitatively the functional relationship between two quantities by analyzing a graph (e.g., where the function is increasing
or decreasing, linear or nonlinear). Sketch a graph that exhibits the qualitative features of a function that has been described verbally.
This analysis of middle-grades math assignments show that • H
ow are we utilizing multiple representations as an
schools and districts across the country are falling short when it opportunity to build conceptual understanding through
comes to providing their students with high-quality math tasks multiple points of entry?
that meet the demands of college- and career-ready standards.
The high percentage of aligned assignments demonstrates • H
ow frequently are we asking students to communicate
that teachers are adjusting from the “mile-wide” philosophy their mathematical understanding by asking them to
of previous standards movements and embracing the focused explain or justify their responses, or critique the reasoning
prioritization of content that the math standards provide. These of others?
high rates of alignment should be celebrated and strengthened.
However, alignment on its own is not enough to meet the high • W
hat role does student choice play in our math
bar set by rigorous college- and career-ready math standards. classrooms?
As our data show, we as educators must do more to provide
students with quality math assignments that promote cognitive • D
o we offer opportunities for students to bring their own
challenge, balance procedural skills and fluency with conceptual ideas, experiences, and opinions into the work they do?
understanding, provide opportunities to communicate
mathematical understanding, and engage students with 2. B
egin with assignments. As we suggested in our literacy
opportunities for choice and relevance in their math content. analysis, teachers and leaders need to track what their students
As with our literacy analysis, we recommend two starting points are being asked to do on a daily basis in their classrooms.
for this work: Analyzing the math tasks that students experience provides
the necessary insight to gauge the quality of college- and
1. D
ig deeper through questions. This analysis has cued for us career-ready standards implementation. It illuminates how
important questions that all stakeholders should be asking the standards have been actualized in classrooms. And it
about math tasks in middle schools in the era of college- and prompts us to question the frequency with which we are
career-ready learning standards. Now more than ever, we providing students with high-quality math tasks that promote
wonder: mathematical reasoning and problem-solving.
• W
hat level of cognitive demand are we asking of our B
ased on our analysis, we have created a Math Assignment
students in mathematics? Are we pushing students, Analysis Guide that practitioners can use to engage in their own
particularly low-income students and students of color, to analysis of math assignments in their school or district. And
think strategically in math? When and how frequently? we look forward to diving deeper into policy questions and
implications that schools, districts, and states might want to
• D
o we have different expectations for what cognitive consider (e.g., the role of assessment expectations, instructional
demand levels can be met based on accelerated or remedial time, and curriculum decisions) as they work to ensure their
math course identification? How can we provide all students students are college- and career-ready. As we explore these
in all courses cognitively challenging math tasks? topics in further detail, it is already clear that important work
lies ahead for those committed and determined to strengthen
• H
ow are we ensuring a balance between procedural skills the implementation of these demanding standards. Our
and fluency, conceptual understanding, and application nation’s students deserve no less.
within and across the classroom assignments we provide
for our students?
1. Sonja Brookins Santelises and Joan Dabrowski, “Checking In: Do Classroom Assign-
ments Reflect Today’s Higher Standards?” (Washington, D.C.: The Education Trust,
September 2015), https://edtrust.org/resource/classroomassignments/.
2. Lindsay Clare and Pamela R. Aschbacher, “Exploring the Technical Quality of Using
Assignments and Student Work as Indicators of Classroom Practice,” Educational
Assessment 7, no. 1 (2001): 39-59.
3. “Common Core State Standards for Mathematics” (Washington, DC: National
Governors Association for Best Practices & Council of Chief State School Officers,
2010), http://www.corestandards.org/other-resources/key-shifts-in-mathematics/.
4. Common Core State Standards.
5. Common Core State Standards.
6. Cathy L. Seeley, Smarter Than We Think: More messages about math, teaching, and
learning in the 21st century (Sausalito, Calif.: Math Solutions, 2014): 264.
7. Common Core State Standards.
8. “Common Core State Standards for Mathematics” (Washington, DC: National
Governors Association for Best Practices & Council of Chief State School Officers,
2010), http://www.corestandards.org/other-resources/key-shifts-in-mathematics/.
9. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Principles to Actions: Ensuring
Mathematical Success for All (2014): 24-25.
10. Common Core State Standards.
11. Courtney Koestler et al., Connecting the NCTM Process Standards & the CCSSM
Practices (National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 2013): 29-30.
12. These practice standards build on the prior recommendations of the National
Council of Teachers of Mathematics’ Reasoning and Proof, Communications, and
Representation Process Standards, as well as the National Research Council’s
adaptive reasoning strand from Adding It Up.
13. Cathy L. Seeley, Smarter Than We Think: More messages about math, teaching,
and learning in the 21st century (Sausalito, Calif.: Math Solutions, 2014): 89-90.
14. Common Core State Standards.
15. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Principles to Actions: Ensuring
Mathematical Success for All (2014): 62.
16. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Principles to Actions: Ensuring
Mathematical Success for All (2014): 60.
17. Common Core State Standards.
The Education Trust is a nonprofit organization that promotes closing opportunity gaps
by expanding excellence and equity in education for students of color and those from low-
income families from pre-kindergarten through college. Through research and advocacy,
the organization builds and engages diverse communities that care about education
equity, increases political and public will to act on equity issues, and increases college
access and completion for historically underserved students.
In this series, we will take a close look at how issues of equity are playing out in the daily
activities of schools and educators. We aim to advance the work of practitioners and connect
district, state, and federal actions aimed at improving education for low-income students
with meaningful teaching and learning in schools. Most importantly, however, work in this
series will continue to ask how we can adjust our practices, systems, and policies so that
low-income students and students of color are actually benefitting from these efforts.
We are grateful to the many individuals that contributed to the development of this work.
A special thanks to our math team leads, Nakeia Drummond, Toya Jones Frank, and Beyunka
Scates for their work in making this analysis possible. We would also like to extend our
gratitude to the thought partners that provided valuable insight and feedback on this work,
including: Achieve, The Charles A. Dana Center at The University of Texas at Austin, and
Student Achievement Partners.
1 2 5 0 H S T R E E T, N W, S U I T E 7 0 0 , WA S H I N G T O N , D . C . 2 0 0 0 5
P 2 0 2 - 2 9 3 - 1 2 1 7 F 2 0 2 - 2 9 3 - 2 6 0 5 W W W . E D T R U S T. O R G