Novel Anti Fatty Acid Synthase Compounds
Novel Anti Fatty Acid Synthase Compounds
Novel Anti Fatty Acid Synthase Compounds
ISSN 0077-8923
Address for correspondence: Teresa Puig, Institut d’Investigació Biomèdica de Girona, Universitat de Girona, Girona, Spain.
[email protected]
Fatty acid synthase (FASN) expression and activity has emerged as a common phenotype in most human carcinomas,
including breast cancer, and its expression is tightly linked to HER2 signaling pathways. The development of inhibitors
of FASN activity has consequently appeared as a novel antitarget modality for treating cancer. However, the clinical
use of FASN inhibitors, such as cerulenin, C75, and epigallocatechin 3-gallate (EGCG), is limited by anorexia and
induced body weight loss or by its low in vivo potency and stability. Here, we summarize the design and development
of G28UCM, the lead-compound of a novel family of synthetic FASN inhibitors, with both in vitro and in vivo activity
in a human breast cancer model of FASN+ and HER2+ .
Keywords: breast cancer; fatty acid synthase (FASN); novel anti-FASN compounds; HER2; preclinical study
doi: 10.1111/j.1749-6632.2010.05777.x
86 c 2010 The New York Academy of Sciences
Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1210 (2010) 86–93
Oliveras et al. Fatty acid synthase and cancer
mounting evidence has pointed to an important ERK1/2) pathways that modulate the expression
role of FASN in cancer cell survival, progression, and maturation status of the transcriptional factor
and malignity. FASN has emerged as a prognosis sterol response element binding proteins (SREBP-1)
biomarker in breast, prostate, and other carcinomas to produce SREBP-1c, which modulates FASN gene
and we have shown that its inhibition is specifically maturation and expression15 (Fig. 1A).
cytotoxic for human cancer cells.5,7 Although part The first signal that FA in cancer cells were due
of these effects could be due to the accumulation of to de novo synthesis was sent out in the 1950s, when
malonyl-CoA,8 similar effects have been observed Medes and colleagues16 determined that most of
by inhibiting other lipogenic enzymes, suggesting the FA esterified in tumors were FASN products
that lipogenesis has an important role in the can- (approximately 93% of FA originated from TG).
cer physiopathology.9 In summary, FASN plays an In general, cancer cells are characterized by an ex-
essential role in energy homeostasis and could be a acerbated anaerobic glycolysis accompanied by an
good target for the development of both anti-obesity activation of the glycolytic enzymes2 and also by
and anticancer agents. an increased level of synthesis of FA that corre-
lates with an overexpression and hyperactivity of
FASN expression and regulation in normal
lipogenic enzymes such as FASN.17 This pheno-
and cancer cells
type seems to give to malignant cells an advan-
FASN (E.C. is a homodimeric multien- tage for survival and growth in the microenviron-
zymatic protein of 250–270kD divided into seven ment of biological and metabolic tumors.18 FASN
functional domains, assembled into two homod- overexpression and hyperactivation have been de-
imers.10 Through a series of 32 reactions, FASN is scribed in many cancers and commonly correlate
able to synthesize long chain fatty acids (LCFA), with a higher rate of recurrence and a lower chance
mainly palmitate, using acetyl-CoA and malonyl- of survival.19 Using immunohistochemistry anal-
CoA as substrates and NADPH as an electron ysis, high levels of FASN have been observed in
donor.11 many preneoplasic lesions, including breast, pan-
FASN is expressed mainly in lipogenic tissues, in creas, prostate, colon, and lung cancer. The pathways
some hormone-sensitive cells (e.g., lactating mam- responsible for FASN overexpression in cancer cells
mary glands, cycling endometrium, and seminal are not yet well understood. Four different mecha-
vesicles), in various specialized cell types (type II nisms have been proposed: enhanced transcription,
alveolar cells to produce surfactant, hypothalamus increased translation, greater stability of proteins,
to control food intake), and in proliferating fetal and gene amplification.7 These mechanisms may
cells.12,13 In adults, lipogenesis is required primarily be active at the same time and may prevent FASN
for the following: (1) to store excess of energy from its physiological regulation, thus resulting in
ingested as carbohydrates by generating TG; (2) to a constitutive activation of the lipogenic pathway
synthesize fat from other substrates (carbohydrate in tumors. FASN regulation at the transcriptional
or protein) in fat-deficient diets; or (3) to produce level is one of the most studied mechanisms. It in-
FA in special tissues or situations such as the volves mainly growth factors/growth factor recep-
synthesis of medium chain fatty acids in lactation. tors (GF/GFR) and steroid hormones/steroid hor-
Taking into account these functions, the role of mone receptors (SH/SHR), although new players
FASN in a well-nourished population is not of great such as hypoxia-inducible factor 1 (HIF-1␣) and
significance, as dietary lipids cover the requirements p53 family members have recently been implied in
to maintain homeostasis.14 In normal cells, FASN the regulation of FASN expression. It is important
expression remains at low levels and its regulation is to notice that at the transcriptional level, the ex-
complex and highly dependent on nutritional status pression of FASN in both normal and cancer cells
and on the hormonal profile.11 To summarize, FASN occurs in most cases through the same signaling
is activated by nutritional status and its expression pathways (PI3K/AKT/mTOR and MAPK/ERK1/2)
is mediated by different signaling pathways, such by promoting the binding of SREBP-1c to its re-
as the phosphoinositide-3 kinase/protein kinase sponding elements in the FASN promoter. The main
B (PI3K/Akt) and mitogen-activated protein ki- difference between normal and cancer cells is the
nase/extracellular signal-regulated kinase (MAPK/ stimuli that activate the signaling cascades (Fig. 1B).
Figure 1. FASN regulation in normal and cancer cells. (A) FASN expression in normal cells is dependent on nutritional and
hormonal status. FASN transcription is upregulated by food intake, fatty acids (FA), or hormones and downregulated by polyun-
saturated fatty acids (PUFAS), cAMP, or fasting (glucagon). These stimuli activate different cascades, such as the phosphoinositide
3-kinase/protein kinase B (PI3K/AKT) or mitogen-activated protein kinase/extracellular signal regulated kinase (MAPK/ERK1/2)
pathways, which finally modulate the expression and maturation status of the sterol regulatory element-binding protein 1C (SREBP-
1C). The active form of SREBP1C is translocated into the nucleus where it can bind to the FASN promoter responding elements.
(B) In cancer cells, the growth factors (GF) or steroid hormones (SH)—esterols, androgens or progesterone—lead, through their
receptors (GFR/SHR), to downstream PI3K/AKT, MAPK/ERK1/2, or mTOR signaling pathways by, finally, promoting the binding
of SREBP-1C to its responding elements in the FASN promoter region. FASN expression in cancer cells is also activated by the
tumor microenvironment (hypoxia and acidosis) through the upregulation of the hypoxia-inducible factor 1␣ (HIF-1␣), which
induces the AKT activation. Other proteins, such as p53 or SPOT14, are able to increase FASN transcription. FASN expression can
also be achieved at the posttranslational level through interaction with USP2a, a preproteasomal ubiquitin-specific protease that,
by removing ubiquitin from FASN, strongly stabilizes FASN protein. All these pathways can occur simultaneously in cancer cells.
(Figure taken from Relat & Puig.41 )
In cancer cells, FASN is insensitive to nutritional cells, and it has been demonstrated that FASN plays
signals and SREBP-1c expression and activation is an essential role in tumor growth and survival.20
driven by aberrant GF/GFR and SH/SHR levels or In prostate and breast cancer, several studies have
impaired signaling pathways.5,18 demonstrated an association between FASN expres-
sion and the prognosis of the disease. In stage I breast
FASN: a biomarker and a druggable target
cancer, patients with high levels of FASN show a
FASN expression and activity have been shown to fourfold increased risk of death from this pathology
be a common phenotype in most human tumor than patients with lower FASN protein levels.21 In
Figure 1. Continued.
prostate cancer, FASN expression correlates with a impairs their DNA synthesis and cell cycle progres-
fourfold risk of recurrence and an increased Glea- sion. Many efforts have been made into developing
son grade and risk of death from the disease. It has pharmacological anti-FASN activity compounds. At
been shown that this risk raises up to 12-fold when a molecular level, different pathways have been
PTEN is deleted.22 FASN expression has also been modified by FASN inhibition and it has been shown
associated with HER2 expression in poor prognosis that cancer cell death can also be increased if FASN
tumors.23 Recently, an ELISA assay has been devel- inhibitors are combined with inhibitors of FASN-
oped to show the positive correlation between cir- related signaling cascades (e.g., PI3K/AKT, HER2,
culating levels of FASN and the disease’s degree.24 and mTOR).22,25 In addition to cell arrest, FASN
However, further studies will be necessary to deepen inhibition causes cancer cell death.26 The inhibi-
in the role of FASN expression in the cancer prog- tion of FA synthesis using siRNA against FASN or
nosis and the usefulness of determining FASN in ACC reduces the incorporation of phospholipids
serum or in tumor samples as pathologic markers into membranes, causing morphological changes in
for diagnoses or for predicting the progression of cells and ultimately leading to apoptosis of breast
the disease. and prostate cancer cells without affecting nonma-
Recent studies have sought to describe the effect lignant cells.8 It has been observed that FASN in-
of FASN activity inhibition on the cell cycle status. hibition (using siRNAs or small molecules) causes
The fact is that the disruption of de novo FA synthesis ER stress and activation of an unfolded protein
response (UPR), inducing cell death.27 FASN inhi- structurally related synthetic molecules were devel-
bition also causes an increase of malonyl-CoA levels oped: C75 and C93.26,29 C75 is a cerulenin-derived
that could result in an accumulation of malonyl- compound that lacks the reactive epoxi group
CoA or toxic lipid intermediates that finally induce (Fig. 2).29 C75 was initially synthesized as an
cell death.8 Finally, FASN overexpression is associ- inhibitor of mammalian FASN and structurally
ated with the palmitoylation of signaling proteins, related to malonyl-CoA. Although initially it
so that the interference of this pathway may also provides the first evidence of in vivo growth tumor
induce apoptosis.28 reduction after FASN inhibition,29 its clinical devel-
In summary, many reasons point to FASN as opment as an antitumor agent has been discarded
a novel druggable target against cancer. Thus, owing to the side effects produced. The use of C75
many efforts have been put toward developing in- in vivo is limited by anorexia and body weight
hibitors of FASN activity as novel anticancer com- loss, which we and others have associated with
pounds, alone or combined with other anticancer the stimulation of carnitine palmitoyltransferase-1
drugs. (CPT-1), the enzyme responsible for the regulation
of mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation.30 C93 is
Preclinical development of FASN inhibitors
a C75 analogue that blocks the KS domain of
The most studied FASN inhibitors are cerulenin FASN without stimulating FA oxidation or causing
and its synthetic derivative C75 (Fig. 2). Ceru- body weight loss.31 This improvement makes it
lenin [2S,3R)-2,3-epoxi-4-oxo-7,10-dodecadien possible to treat animals more frequently than
oxylamide] is a mycotoxin metabolite derived with C75 and also increases the effectiveness of the
from Cephalosporium caerulens,14 which covalently treatment. Another advantage of C93 is that it can
blocks the -ketoacyl synthase activity (KS) of be administered orally.32 Orlistat is a -lactone
FASN, thus avoiding condensation between the that was first approved as an anti-obesity drug.
acyl intermediate and malonyl-CoA. It has been Orlistat targets gastrointestinal lipases and inhibits
reported that cerulenin is able to delay the progres- FASN by blocking its TE activity domain, which
sion of breast, ovarian, and prostate human cancer is responsible for releasing palmitate.33 Although
xenografts.29 Because of the cerulenin chemical it has been demonstrated that Orlistat inhibits the
instability caused by a reactive epoxi group and growth of a prostate tumor xenograft,34 its poor
the poor systemic availability of cerulenin, two solubility and bioavailability seem to limit the
Cancer cell cytotoxicity (IC50 (M))
[FASN/HER2 expression levels]
Inhibition of FASN
Compound AU565 [+++] MCF-7 [+] MDA-MB-231 [±] activity (% of control)
use of orlistat as an antitumor drug. It has also conditions,13 which may be illustrated by the lim-
been observed that Orlistat suppresses endothelial ited activity of green tea in prostate cancer clinical
cell proliferation and angiogenesis by inhibiting trials. Based on the chemical structure of EGCG,
FASN.35 we have recently reported the synthesis and bio-
Polyphenols constitute a wide group of differ- logical evaluation of a new series of polyphenolic
ent molecular structures: catechins, flavones, antho- derivatives, which has resulted in the identification
cyanidins, anthraquinones, lignans, coumarins, and of two potent FASN inhibitors with high antitu-
tannins. Some tea polyphenols (black tea and green mor activity in vitro.39 Novel compounds were se-
tea) are able to control body weight, inhibit cancer lected based on their FASN activity inhibition and
cell growth, diminish fat accumulation in the liver their selective cancer cell cytoxicity in a panel of hu-
and blood, and act as antioxidants. These polyphe- man breast cancer cells composed by AU565, MCF-
nols function through many different mechanisms, 7, and MDA-MB-231, as in vitro models of high
including the following: inducing apoptosis, stim- (+++), moderate (+), and low (±) levels of FASN
ulating lipid metabolism, inhibiting lipases, regu- expression, respectively. We observed that two of the
lating thermogenesis, controlling food intake, and novel polyphenolic compounds were quite superior
blocking FASN activity.35 to EGCG in terms of cancer cytotoxicity and FASN
Polyphenolic catechins are the main components activity inhibition.40 Among them, G28UCM was
of green tea and include epicatechin (EC), epicate- selected because of its high FASN activity inhibition,
chin 3-gallate (ECG), epigallo-catechin (EGC), and its potent and selective cancer cell cytotoxicity (Table
epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), which is consid- 1), its ability to induce apoptosis in a FASN/HER2+
ered the main player in relation to the therapeutic breast cancer model, and finally its marked inhi-
properties of green tea and is also the most abundant bition of HER2-related signaling pathways com-
variety (Fig. 2). Recent studies have reported that pared to EGCG.40 We have preformed preliminary
EGCG, the main polyphenolic catechin of green tea, experiments to evaluate the pharmacological inter-
and other naturally occurring flavonoids (such as action between G28UCM and different anti-HER
luteolin, quercetin, and kaempferol) inhibit FASN, agents against FASN+ and HER2+ breast cancer
induce apoptosis of several tumor cell lines in vitro, cells (AU565 cells), and the potential effectiveness of
and reduce the size of mammary tumors in ani- G28UCM in an in vivo animal study of breast cancer
mal models.36 We have recently reported a simul- FASN+ /HER2+ xenograft. Preliminary results in-
taneous comparison of the cellular, molecular, and dicate that intraperitoneal G28UCM treatment (40
functional effects on the key fatty acid metabolism mg/kg/day) of animals exhibited marked tumor vol-
enzymes FASN and CPT-1 of C75 versus EGCG ume reduction compared with the vehicle treated
in breast cancer cells.9,37,38 We showed that EGCG control animals without any changes in FASN pro-
achieves all cellular, functional, and molecular an- tein expression analyzed by immunohistochemistry.
titumor effects of known FASN inhibitors but, un- Importantly, no significant weight loss or anorexia
like C75, it did not increase CPT-1 activity. How- was identified after 45 days of daily G28UCM-
ever, the in vivo effect of EGCG might be limited treatment in the experimental group. Hematoxylin-
by its IC50 value, as well as its relative instability eosin and picrosirius red stains of the myocardium
under the slightly neutral or alkaline physiological showed no significant structural alterations between
the control and G28UCM-treated animals (work in 16. Szutowicz, A., J. Kwiatkowski & S. Angielski. 1979. Lipo-
progress). Our preliminary findings provide a ratio- genetic and glycolytic enzyme activities in carcinoma and
non-malignant diseases of the human breast. Br. J. Cancer
nale for the preclinical development of G28UCM,
39: 681–687.
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treating HER2-overexpressing breast cancer. the lipogenic phenotype in cancer pathogenesis. Nat. Rev.
Cancer 7: 763–777.
Conflicts of interest 18. Visca, P., V. Sebastiani, C. Botti, et al. 2004. Fatty acid syn-
The authors declare no conflicts of interest. thase (FASN) is a marker of increased risk of recurrence in
lung carcinoma. Anticancer Res. 24: 4169–4173.
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