Sanueera ONHS

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VOLUME XXII August 2022-May 2023

CALL FOR LITERACY. Volunteers partake in the “Project Kasilonawan” of ONHS which aims to bridge the gaps in reading.


Over 100 volunteers back ONHS Brigada Pagbasa Project

By Miracle D. Rubio ONHS served as an municipal councilors, cussed for them to be
Vo l u n t e e r s The Brigada avenue to encourage the 11 Sangguniang equipped in utilizing
from different sectors Pagbasa program aims volunteers to take part Barangay and Sang- the resources depend-
supported the “Proj- to provide a platform and serve as solutions guniang Kabataan of ing on the students
ect Kasilonawan” of to synergize efforts to the problems of the Obando, PNP Oban- reading needs.
Obando National and resources to ad- students in reading,” do, religious groups,
High School (ONHS), dress education-re- said Alfred Castillo, Non-governmental ONHS pro-
project is under the lated challenges espe- one of the volunteers. organizations, private vided schedules for
Brigada Pagbasa Pro- cially on literacy and Castillo also individuals, ONHS the volunteers and
gram of ONHS, which numeracy. It will also said that serving as alumni, students, and struggling readers.
has been implemented create opportunities one of the volunteers retired teachers. The ONHS English
as of August 2022 and for all stakeholders to in this program made and Filipino Depart-
will end in July 2023. contribute possible him realize that teach- Or ient at ion ments have spear-
The project solutions to the cur- ing is a challenging and training were con- headed the program.
was recognized as the rent gaps in the coun- and tedious task. ducted to capacitate They provided the
Schools Division of try’s education system, ONHS tapped the volunteers with needed assistance of
Bulacan (SDO) Briga- especially in equipping partners includ- the strategies needed the volunteers. They
da Pagbasa Special the learners with 21st ing Obando Mayor to teach reading. The also helped in the mo-
Award Champion and century skills. Leonardo D. Valeda, learning resources bilization and training
became a qualifier in “The Brigada Obando Vice May- for reading were also of the volunteers.
the Region III search. Pagbasa Program of or Arvin Dela Cruz, introduced and dis-

ONHS conducts
2023 in all classrooms. the drill. joined the activity.
Mr. John Mark Bar- “The objective of the SANUERA journalists
celon, School Disaster lockdown drill is to interviewed AP De-
Lockdown Drill Risk Reduction and
Management Council
equip the students
with knowledge and
partment Teacher and
SHINE Club Adviser,
By: Lhanz Jeanssie Valeriano
led the activity on that information in case an Mr. Rommel De Jesus
day. intruder entered the and told them the pur-
SANUERA school with weapons,” pose of the lockdown
staffers interview Mr. Sir Barcelon stated. drill.
John Mark Barcelon, “Yes it was success- “To avoid the threat
MAPEH Depart- ful and we’re looking of chemical spill, hu-
ment Teacher and to do it again in the man-induced hazards
School Hydrological future for other stu- gaya ng pag-aamok,
Information Net- dents,” Sir Barcelon maaring dulot ng ta-
work (SHINE) Club added. galabas or mga bata,”
Obando Na- lockdown drill where Adviser and he said SHINE Club cooper- De Jesus said about
tional High School it happened at around that students had to ated with SDRRMC the aim of the activity.
(ONHS) initiated 9 a.m. 27th of April lock themselves in the while the Obando BFP
classroom as part of and Obando PNP also
p.2 NEWS
Bureau of Fire Pro- contest I just realized
tection Essay Writing that If it was just me?
Contest. Winning this I cannot even have a
title has inspired me to 1% chance of winning
continue pursuing my , but there is our coach
passion for writing,” Ma’am Carla . Maybe I
Aragon said. don’t believe in myself
He also added that but I do believe in our
he is thankful to his coach. I realize that
loved ones, especially there is always a rea-
to Ma’am Carla, my son and a behind story
trainer because they in every winning that
have motivated and we achieve and that
inspired him through- includes the person
out the competition. that makes you im-
Aragon, Rubio bagged 1st, 3rd Spots Me a nw h i l e ,
Rubio did not hesi-
prove and be yourself,”
Rubio stated.
in BFP Essay Writing Contest tate to share her ex-
perience as one of
Each elemen-
tary and secondary
By: Noel Benedict Marquez
the winners of the school in the munici-
Karl Mateo D. theme “Sa Pag-iwas motivate the public contest during the pality of Obando was
Aragon won 1st place sa Sunog, Hindi ka especially the youth interview. “3rd place requested to send at
and Miracle D. Rubio Nag-iisa!” to be more vigilant winner in BFP out of least one participant
grabbed the 3rd place The contest and be involved when other schools here in for the said competi-
in Essay Writing Con- was in line with the it comes to fire safety Obando? It’s shocking tion.
test organized by Bu- observance of Fire awareness. right? Well it shocked The 1st place winner
reau of Fire Protection Prevention Month “After 18,720 me too. I do not even received Php 2,000;
(BFP)- Obando last 2023 Celebration. The minutes of writing and think that I could get the 2nd placer re-
March 24, 2023 in the activity aims to inten- training for the com- a place in that out of ceived Php 1,500,
4th Floor of the Mu- sify the BFP’s cam- petition, I am deeply school contest so that’s while the 3rd placer
nicipal Hall of Oban- paign with one goal honored to have won why I’m so happy. got Php 1,000.
do, Bulacan with the in mind and that is to First Place in the But after the writing

ONHS organizes SHS

awareness seminar
By Noel Benedict Marquez
Obando Na- Department and the
tional High Scho- event was focused
ol (ONHS) spread at educating Grade
awareness to Grade 10 ONHSians about
10 students about Senior High School
matter on Senior tracks and strands.
High School (SHS) Mr.Neri L. Dizon,
as it recently laun- School Principal II, BE PREPARED! Students ask question about their clarification in deciding what strands they will
possibly choose in SHS. Mr. Abelardo Miranda Jr., Filipino Master Teacher I, expounds the ways in
ched “Senior High commenced the se- making the right career decisions.
School Tracks and minar with opening
the law behind it. ment Master Tea- Aloha Lopez and
Strands Orientation remarks followed by
Meanwhile, other cher, spoke about ri- Mrs. Joyce Estrella-
to Grade 10 Stu- Mr. Rico B. Sta. Ana,
speakers also sha- ght career decisions do, ESP Department
dents” last February A.P. Department
red information to and gave advice on Teacher and the pro-
17 at the school head teacher, stating
the attendees, with how to do it right. gram successfully
grounds, it started the event’s purpose.
MAPEH Depart- At the end of the ended as Grade 10
at exactly 1:00 PM After a wonderful
ment Master Tea- program, at exactly 4 ONHSians gained
and received excel- opening, the first
cher, Mr. Jonathan :30 PM, event’s spe- invaluable knowled-
lent reception from speaker, Mrs. Ca-
Alfonso spoke about akers and technical ge that they can use
Grade 10 students therine Rafael, TLE
what is senior high support groups were when they finally
and several teachers. Department teacher,
school, its tracks recognized and were became Senior High
The orientation was spoke about the K-12
and strands, and Mr. given certificates of School students.
hosted by Ms. Aloha curriculum, its ori-
Abelardo Miranda, recognition, it was
Lopez of the English gin, its benefits, and
Jr., Filipino Depart- distributed by Ms.
NEWS p.3
Teachers Day ers who were the
event’s main guests.
teachers who re-
the partment got third
place. The remaining
By: Miracle D. Rubio Mrs. Roma ceived high ratings departments received
Catherine Cordovil- in the most recent consolation prizes.
la and Mr. Romeo IPCRF. Teachers also All teachers
Manalaysay Jr. facil- were awarded for and most of the par-
itated the program. their commitment ents and stakeholders
As Mrs. Mary Joyce and years of service. engaged in the activ-
Estrellado, ESP Co- Mr. Miran- ity. Teachers received
ordinator, led the da Jr. announced the awards from the PTA’s
DAY OF HEROES! PTA initiates a contest of wearing 70’s or 80’s opening prayer. Mr. winners of the re- sponsors. Teachers’
attire and all teachers present it with poise and dance.
Neri L. Dizon, the cently held “Adapt- efforts throughout
Parent-Teacher Asso- School’s quadrangle. School Principal, a-Corner” Project the previous school
ciation (PTA) pursued It was attend- and Mr. Abelardo in accordance with year and in the on-
the School Celebra- ed by the residents Miranda Jr, Faculty Brigada Eskwela. Fil- going Brigada Esk-
tion of Teachers’ Day of Homeroom PTA Club President, both ipino Department wela were affirmed
was held last Octo- in each section from sent messages. notched first place, and commend.
ber 6, 2022, at Oban- grades 7-10, public Obando Na- MAPEH in second ------------------------
do National High officials, and teach- tional High School place, and Math De-
performance from
ONHS crowns standout various subject de-
“Adapt-a-Corner” projects partments, teachers
By Noel Benedict Marquez who achieved differ-
ent merits and awards
Obando National High School (ONHS) were also recognized,
Faculty Club recently held the awarding of the school administra-
“Adapt-a-Corner” project under the theme of tors led the awarding
“Notable and Lasting Differences” last October of the teachers who
6,2022 at the school ground as three outstand- exemplary imparted
ing clubs were recognized amid ceremony and efforts to the campus
was actively attended by teachers, head teachers, with their service.
and other stakeholders. Each depart-
The event was facilitated by Filipino ELEGANCE! Mr. Carlota Cruz and Mr. Romeo Manalaysay Jr.
ment also presented
host the event to maintain the smooth and elegant flow of the
Department Master Teacher and president of Year-End Celebration. their dance perfor-
Faculty Club, Mr. Abelardo Miranda, Jr. as he mance which was also
reiterated appreciation to the efforts of the par- ONHS year-end party one of the highlights
ticipants. highlights year-long of the night. There
On the other hand, ONHS School Principal II, was a bridal shower
Mr. Neri L. Dizon also praised the efforts done triumphs for Ms. Jocelyn Gal-
to beautify the corners of the campus. By Noel Benedict Marquez vez, teacher from
Mr. Miranda announced the victors of the re- OBANDO gant flow of the cel- Science Department,
cent “Adapt-a-Corner” project in line with NHS - Obando Na- ebration that was birthday greetings for
Brigada Eskwela, another school-wide program. tional High School themed as shining the December, and a
The Filipino Department bagged the (ONHS) recently cel- Black and White, the celebration of thank-
first spot, while MAPEH Department ranked ebrated the successes attendees of the party fulness for Mrs. Ruth
second, and Math Department ended third; the and victories for the received raffle prizes L. Ramos from one of
remaining departments received consolation year 2022 and was at- and each of them took ONHS alumna.
prizes, at the same time, teachers’ efforts last tended by most of the their classy red carpet Mr. Neri L.
school year and from the present Brigada Esk- school’s teaching and entrance. Dizon, School Prin-
wela were also recognized and deeply appreciat- non-teaching person- Municipal Mayor cipal, also stated the
ed. nel last December 14 Leonardo “Ding” Vale- achievements of the
in a form of a year-end da also attended the school during the year
party. said event. He greeted 2022, the school ex-
The event was the attendees and later pressed it’s deep grati-
facilitated by ONHS distributed his present tude to all efforts given
English Department to the teaching and by everyone because
teachers Ms. Carlota non-teaching person- each one has contri-
Cruz and Mr. Romeo nel. bution for the school’s
Manalaysay, Jr .The The event successes in spite of
emcees maintained featured the teachers trials given by time.
the smooth and ele- with impressive track


Return Summer Break

Editorial Board

Miracle D. Rubio

Assosiate Editor:
Yves Collin Angeles

Managing Editor:
Aira Louise Santos

News Editor:
Noel Benedict F. Marquez

Editorial Editor:
Cian Jivone S. De Guzman

Science Editor:
Karl Mateo D. Aragon
Due to incidents in school where learners were reported struggling to
Feature and Literary Editor:
concentrate, passed out, missed classes, and suffered from nose bleeding due to Jessie Mae M. Suarez
intolerable heat in classrooms, there are calls to return the opening of classes to
June and break during the hottest months of the year– April and May respec- Sports Editor:
Samuel M. Floro
tively. Sean Elijah Silverio

Recently high heat indices or perceive temperature were reported in John Benedict Butihen
which according to Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Rachel G. Manuel
Services Administration (PAGASA) when it ranges from 27˚-32˚C it is con- Photojournalists:
sidered cautious, 33˚-41˚C extreme cautious, 42˚-51˚C dangerous, and when it Lordy R. Burgos
John Matthew A. Pantanilla
reaches 52˚ and beyond extremely dangerous.

Prior to the pandemic, the Philippines used the June to March academic Contributors:
year schedule; however, this was modified to August to July to make accommo- Mary Joyce E. Estrellado
dations from the effects of the pandemic. Lorinel M. Conde, EdD
Ryshana Marga A. Gungon
Xianel DS. Mendoza
The implementation of lockdowns brought undesirable effects to edu- Ryanne Kish A. Buenaventura
Empress Sheryne Calalang
cation. Thus, the resumption of face-to-face was pushed through to address the Mary Sophia Quinto
gaps in learning. Renzo Posada
Adrian Miranda
Rover David DC. Villanueva
Teachers have expressed that the hottest months of the year are not con- Ralph Jedric C. Manuel
ducive to learning especially in crowded classrooms. Installing air-conditioners Jayra Mariella D. Ramos
Justine Benjo D. Evasco
in classrooms is not feasible because of the power costs and the fund needed in Cameron Zeus Exequiel O.
supplying these in every classroom in the country. Villanueva
Kelly C. Gestopa
Paulene Gwen Jocson
The Department of Education (DepEd) said that school authorities
could call off face-to-face classes and shift to distance learning during days with Advisers:
extremely high temperatures but the lessons from the pandemic showed the Shirley P. Sevilla
infectivity of distance learning. Carlota L. Cruz
Aeron James B. Mendoza

The best option is to return classes to the old school calendar to avoid Consultant:
Reygie C. Bauza
the months in which extreme heat is at its peak.
Weather has a significant impact on human health and well-being. Our Neri L. Dizon
academic calendar should follow what is happening in our surroundings.

a group. Subtle Haz- ping. According to To stop hazing,
Scream to Stop Hazing ing typically involves Franklin College Jour- everyone including the
activities or attitudes nalism Professor Hank one who did not finish
By: Aira Louise Santos that breach reasonable Nuwer, over 200 uni- school need to improve
A bunch of Republic Act no. 8049, standards or mutual versity hazing deaths their self-esteem, grow
love or a punch of fist? is a Philippines law that respect and place new have occurred since up, learn to be mature,
Hazing is the persecu- regulates the acts of members. However, 1838, with 40 deaths talk about it with other
tion or torture to some- hazing and other ini- harassment and vio- between 2007 and 2017 people who can help
body in a subordinate tiation rites in frater- lent hazing behavior alone. you to improve your
position. It has become nities and sororities in that has the potential John Matthew lives. You can gain a
part of the initiation the country. It prohibits to cause physical, emo- Salilig, a chemical en- lot of friends without
rites that have taken and normalizes physi- tional, and psychologi- gineering student from joining fraternity. Do
deep roots in the prac- cal harm and violence cal harm. Adamson Universi- what makes you think
tice of the Philippines in such practices. It often in- ty died due to "severe is right as long as it can
fraternities and other On the other cludes activities that blunt force trauma" his make you happy and
organizations. hand, hazing is a rit- tend to be the most ex- body was found last healthy. Do what will
The Anti-Haz- ual that involves risk, treme types of hazing. February 28, 2023, over not make you regret at
ing Act of 1995, of- pain or harm, typically Examples may include a week after he was re- the end.
ficially designated as as part of initiation to capturing or kidnap- ported missing.

IncludeBy:the word "Guide"

Cian Jivone De Guzman
Teenage or problem themselves? not be led to early preg- was just another game. of the world for her.
early pregnancy has Considering, 1 in 10- nancy because of their Currently, she has a Jessica is a strong wom-
been one of the big 10.3% among those in curiosity. daughter but experi- an who has a challeng-
problems in the Phil- the poorest quintile In addition, it encing a challenging ing life but has a strong
ippines. According had experienced being was 5.3% among those life because of her fam- personality.
to Manila Times, last pregnant. who finished Grades ily's small communal All in all, Fil-
January 23, fewer Fili- However, the Philip- 7-10; 4.8% for those bowl. This shows the ipinos must think be-
pinas ages 15 to 19 and pines must not focus who completed Grades lack of sex education fore they decide some-
younger are getting on the problem. The 11-12; and just 1.9% and guidance, which thing that may change
pregnant, the Philip- country must find a for those who reached deserves an attention. their entire life. Open
pines Statistics Author- way such as let the college suffer from this On the other hand, your eyes and open
ity (PSA), citing the youth know what they pproblem. The coun- Jessica E. Larido is a your mind. Are you
results of a nationwide need to know. A good try must look beyond young mother who has ready to shoulder big
survey conducted last way is Sex Education it. Let the youth open a big dream and want- responsibilities? If you
year. that is being added on their eyes. ed to become a Police do not want something
Furthermore, the curriculum of K-12 M o r e o v e r , Officer. However, she to regret later, mind
this is a big conflict for especially in Obando just like Joan Garcia got pregnant after 3 your decisions. Be-
the country because National High School who liked leaping into months of relationship ing pregnant does not
the youth is the future (ONHS), it is added in the sea and racing the with her boyfriend. mean that a person is
of the Philippines, but the lessons so the stu- boys to the nearest Py- On the contrary, her sinful, it just reminds
how will the coun- dents will have knowl- lon. She liked playing happiness right now is everyone that seconds
try solve this chron- edge about these mat- tag. When she started her child even if she got of joy can be a lifetime
ical conflict when the ters. Also, these have a having this thing at 13 early pregnancy, it does regret.
youth are somehow the goal that the youth will years old, she thought it not mean it is the end

Let your voice be heard

By: Cian Jivone De Guzman
Who is the youth should observe tional High School in this country readily to your decisions how
right one? The barangay to vote wisely. (ONHS), which it was commit murder over your vote will change
and SK election already However, even how the moment to let the political rivalries. the future.
started, and all the can- many more times they youth be mindful in Therefore, Filipinos
didates are preparing. say to vote wisely, there their decisions because must vote the one who Overall, in
Based on March 22, are still Filipinos who in just a day of voting fights fairly and the one this coming barangay
2023 regular meeting vote who they want will affect many days who dedicate them- and SK election Filipi-
of Commission of Elec- without thinking how and months. selves for public serv- nos must be mindful
tions (COMELEC), their vote will affect ing. and background check
filing for Certificate of many citizens and the Let them know The Filipinos the candidates. Being
Candidacy was moved future. what the standard is. must vote the one who mindful about your
on August 28-31 , 2023 In addition, Besides, according to is deserving and ready vote is the key to have
and September 1-2, COMELEC satellite Philippine Star, over to commit for their a prosperous country
2023. Therefore, the registration had oc- and over again, they hometown. Think be- down to locality.
Filipinos especially the curred at Obando Na- have seen how people fore you vote, it is up

Don’t Forget to Like, Do Not!
Share, and Subscribe! By: Kelly C. Gestopa
By: Paulene Gwen V. Jocson What is the feeling of degrading
How many During this time tool in the classroom someone in favor of their own harmful satis-
minutes or hours do of pandemic where or inside the comforts faction? Technology has been part of our daily
you spend watch- teachers and students of our own homes that lives today since it gives us a lot of help to make
ing vlogs more than were robbed by the fact is the main reason why our life easier. However, even though it’s real-
watching video les- that we can no longer we watch people share ly good for us, some people abuse it to make
sons? YouTube is not learn or see each oth- their lives to us or in others suffer. Cyber Bullying, digital torment-
only for vlogs entries. er face to face. A lot a nutshell a vlog be- ing, and computerized badgering influence
New normal is hand- of teachers made their cause they keep enter- more than 70% of youngsters worldwide, as
in-hand teaching with own channel on You- tain at the same time indicated by the Unified Countries Kids' Asset
technology. Tube which without a they give knowledge (UNICEF), as it approached web clients to "be
YouTube and doubt is a really huge although it always de- thoughtful on the web" and forestall this type
teachers are inextrica- help for those students pends on the channel of brutality.
bly linked nowadays. who are having a hard and content creator as A new 1,000,000 in number UNICEF
YouTube is a free vid- time understanding a well. survey of 15-to 24-year-old from in excess
eo-sharing platform certain topic. YouTube YouTube is a of 160 nations incited the organization's call,
with a diverse selec- is a great entertain- powerful platform; we alongside a progression of understudy drove
tion of videos to fit ment tool and learning must always remem- #ENDviolence Youth Talks held universally,
every child's learning tool as well. Everyone ber to use YouTube which inspected what guardians, educators,
style. From science to can create their own moderately and not and policymakers can do to protect young
phonics, everything channel, share their be too engrossed with people. “Cyberbullying can cause significant
is protected. When a videos, and comment it to the point that we mischief as it can rapidly contact a wide crowd,
and can stay available online inconclusively,
YouTube video is used on others. It gives a are neglecting our own
for all intents and purposes 'following' its casu-
to accompany a com- sense of familiarity reality.
alties online forever," the UNICEF said.
plicated subject, it may towards one another. Focusing on
Nowadays, because of our situation
make it easier to un- Most of the teachers one's dream is a great
due to the pandemic, cyber bullying cases have
derstand. Many talent- are using this to have way not to be swayed
increased since the number one way to com-
ed people work behind video lessons in order by our own imagina- municate is through social media platforms.
the scenes to produce to become available tion and by the things Although, government has promulgated mea-
incredible content that whenever students that keep us enter- sures to prevent cyber bullying here in the
really educates chil- have internet access. tained. YouTube is a Philippines, the number of cases still grows
dren. There are great platform and we faster. We must not be the one who bullies our
Y o u T u b e 700,000 educational can take advantage of neighbors through social media platforms and
can be a great help in videos on YouTube it but not too much we must not be a victim of cyberbullying too.
teaching, regardless which increased dra- because it can eat us Let us all live the life we always wanted with
of the students’ age. It matically during this all alive. Depending on respect to others online or offline.
keeps a child's focus period of time. You- something to learn is We have plenty of meaningful things
and is different from Tube isn't just for stu- one thing but abusing to live with. We go beyond what we have and
their teacher, which dents; educators can it is another. Live in soar while holding our hands together. Let us
can make a child listen use YouTube as a pro- your reality. indicate the spirit of love, acceptance, mercy,
more effectively. fessional development and understanding which are all rooted to
God. At the end of the day, it is not about how
By Cameron Zeus Exequiel O. Villanueva
many people who idolize or fear us, but it is
about the readiness of answering God’s ques-
tion, what goodness you gave to your neigh-
Life is difficult especial- poor students. Not just We as a society value ed-
ly for the lower class or that but also they are a ucation more than gold bors?
the poor. Getting proper target for bullying. So can but for the others they
world could be reduced As citizens of this coun-
education is challenging you live this daily dose of need the gold for getting
by more than half. try, we should change
for the underprivileged. suffering? I guess not. the right education.
Many strategies for over- our ways. Open our eyes
Poor people stop going to Even though lower-class According to UNESCO,
coming poverty have a and seek accountability
school because they have students are constant- an estimated 171 million
direct link with educa- on how we could invest
to work, which hinders ly being bombarded by people could escape se-
tion, including econom- in our education. We
them from acquiring the pain, they still do not give vere poverty if all chil-
ic expansion, decreased should find long term
basic literacy and numer- up on education, they dren in developing na-
income inequality, de- solutions to lift our ed-
acy skills they need to im- pour all their dedication tions had just the most
creased infant and mater- ucation and bring solu-
prove their situations. to knowledge because basic reading abilities.
nal mortality, decreased tions to poverty. Our
Getting food, school they believe it is the key If all adults obtained a
stunting, and decreased government should also
supplies, and uniforms for a better tomorrow secondary education,
domestic and societal vi- prioritize and imbue our
are grueling tasks for the and that is the right path. the rate of poverty in the
olence. educational system.
enough to turn people against each
AN OPEN LETTER other just to have it. It’s what I fear
because of the chances.
FROM AN AUSOME Oppression – I knew in my
heart that if I have that authority I
MOM will use it to give them the justice
they deserve.
Lorinel M. Conde, EdD According to an article
of Mahanirban Calcutta Research
Group, more than 600,000 Filipinos
Doubt starts with comparing yourself died during the time of the Span-
with those parents who are not iards from ages 16 to 60 years old,
responsible in doing their job while men and women forced to do hard
YOU did everything to make yourself a labor - and their blood flow on the
perfect one. Chosen barren land of their own nation.
So perhaps, like Ibarra, I
So there comes some thoughts that Destination will risk my own life to change the
lives of my comrades. This will ignite
why are they given "normal" ones even
Jessie Mae M. Suarez my patriotism and burning desire
if they suck at what they do. They
for freedom.
merely give proper nutrition and at- Choose the way to your fate… As the magnificent Spo-
tention to their little ones and yet they I was scrolling through my larium of Juan Luna showed to the
turned out "fine" news feed when I saw a post that said world how blood, flesh, screams,
,” What if you entered the world of and future of the Filipino echoes
But YOU, on the other hand, give Noli Me Tangere (Touch Me Not)?” the islands of the Philippines. The
almost everything in the world. The It piqued my attention as loudest screams but nobody can
BEST ones and after that, questioning my mind slowly wondered about hear- Noli Me Tangere from its pag-
the things I would do. Jose Rizal, the es narrated this oppression, death,
the universe, why yours turned out to
National Hero of the Philippines and truth.
be like "this". wrote this timeless novel in the year At some point all I can do
1887. This book tackles issues during is to wait – for this new chapter to
Now imagine this, what if your little that time and encompasses his great unfold wishing for a better fate for
ausome one goes to that kind of family? love for his motherland. the characters of Chrisostomo Ibar-
No attention. A novel that opened the ra, Maria Clara, Sisa, Crispin, and
No nutrition. eyes of many and made the voices of Basilio and even the villains Friar
Not everything. those silenced-heard. Sivila, and Damaso. I just wonder
Do they deserve that? If I were in that story, would if justice will be given to those who
I make the same choices they did? suffer a lot. I am a spectator of this
Maybe, depending on the situation I TV series even though I read the
God gave us special ones because He
have – Power. It was something very whole book.
knows that we are the BEST. We can evident in the book, the crave for
give their needs and they will always be I know darkness will engulf
power of those who already have it the ending of this novel, I still wish
in good hands. but keeps on wanting more. for the impossible… freedom…
Power- a word strong happiness… fate…
God sees the good inside you.
You are not being punished. Until the Last Page
You are being trusted. Xianel DS. Mendoza
With a paper and a pen, another beginning can be written,
So next time you think that you don't Hoping that it would reach the eye and never be forgotten
deserve all of this, just remember that As the unfamiliar is now known.
your ausome little one deserves ALL OF The world behind the door can be seen.
Is what we know should be shown?
We've got this ausome parents! What you can do on your own.
Lines, phrases, and sentences; books, stories, and novels…
Unravel each piece and context on its pages.

Time cannot be stopped on things that have gone by,

Eager human minds itch and cause them to try.
Rage, cultures, and traditions none of them matter.
With the written wisdom; humanity’s conviction is indeed greater.

Through another form of art, value deserves a merit.

Unbound puzzles that aren’t meant to be bound and don’t fit.
The hand that holds my heart. Reality is within the grasp, all that is left is to believe.
Photo credit : Dr. Lorniel M. Conde Entrust oneself on how it starts until the last page – ACHIEVE!


Caged no more!
Yves Collin Angeles

An eagle whose wings got clipped.

I imagine myself like that bird species, a big

wild and free creature that roams the sky
and dominates it. Not until Covid-19 pan-
demic enters the picture.

A virus that struck almost every coun-

A Mark that will Never FadeJessie Mae M. Suarez

try, leaving a massive crisis. It attacks the
respiratory system of the infected individual
making them feel sick like having trouble
Alongside the opening of classes at Obando National High School, a breathing, sore throat, and loss of taste.
new school principal was also installed. The beginning of an era and changes
for the better. December 2019 is the time when the said
Mr. Neri Laurio Dizon, who graduated with flying colors from Bulacan virus emerges and starts to conquer the
State University, is now set to make changes in our school.
world. Affecting many aspects of our lives, it
In each school he went to he made sure to leave a mark that he was
once there. From being Teacher I as he started his career to his second choice creates a humongous dent on many coun-
profession. Until he was promoted as head teacher and now a principal in his tries’ economy, and also education.
second school, he has taken an oath to make changes that will last and make a
visible difference. As a response, our country's education
He started his journey at Dampol 2nd National High School in Pulilan, sector or Department of Education (DepEd)
Bulacan, where he spent 10 years of his fruitful time from being Teacher I to
developed many alternative ways to deliver
Teacher III. After some time, he opted for a ranking process for head teacher
and successfully obtained the position. He was assigned to Santa Monica Na- learning to students- Online and Modular
tional High School as the head teacher of the TLE department. Learning.
Afterwards, he became the Officer in Charge of Santa Cruz National
High School, where he met his wife. They now have five kids -three boys and But even though our government developed
two girls. this different kind of learning, some stu-
After years of teaching in 2017, Sir Neri as he is called by his colleagues dents are not convinced and satisfied about
and teachers took the National Qualifying Exam for School Heads or the
NQESH. Two months later, the result came out, and he was able to be one of
it and that includes many of us.
the lucky five who passed the exam out of 380 examinees in the whole province
of Bulacan. He was then assigned as Principal I at Iluminada Roxas-Mendoza In my opinion, it is like we are caged. Only
Memorial High School, Bocaue, Bulacan, and later became Principal II. living with the limited sources that are
In the span of five years, Sir Neri was able to transform the school com- given to us, I feel robbed, like something
pletely, and he was commended a lot for it. Someone once told him, "Sir, you that is supposed to be mine was taken away
made a noticeable difference," it sparks a good idea in his mind – CHANGES.
from me. And it always has been like that
When he was installed in Obando National High School last August
2022, he considered the thought of using his initials for his goals – DIFFER- throughout the quarantine period.
Since August, he has been able to make a lot of improvements around Thankfully, the World Health Organiza-
the school, although there was not enough budget. With the help of the stake- tion (WHO) said that the ending of the
holders, head teachers, master teachers, teachers, and students he has man- COVID 19 pandemic is 'in sight.' DepEd
aged to make a lot of projects, such as the information wall, the electrical sys- also declares the resumption of classes at the
tem in the covered court, the Brigada Pagbasa room, the two classrooms that
were elevated alongside the alley, and the hydroponics garden to improve our
second of half of the year 2022.
urban gardening for the TLE department.
Moreover, some of the projects he has lined up during his stay here at Through that, many schools started to oper-
our beloved school are to provide a complete set of security cameras around ate again, and the traditional way of learning
the school to monitor what happens inside the school premises, as well as a was once again put into use. and we can
proposed four-story, eight-classroom building in the demolished classroom finally say that we're already receiving what
building, which will be the highest in Obando if it is approved. He also plans
we deserve.
to improve the guard house and install a new clinic and DRR office.
So far, Sir Neri has been focusing on minor construction and repairs.
When working on a new project, he wants to add a personal touch to it, so he It might seem like a small thing, but I know
is often seen on the school grounds doing the labor himself. Due to being a that the cage that used to stop us is start-
"frustrated engineer," he aims to show his passion by improving the school's ing to rust, giving us freedom. Giving us a
facilities with his own touch – LASTING DIFFERENCE. chance to fly once again. and even though
With all of these, we can tell that our second home is in great hands, the Pandemic is not over yet. We are ready
and we can expect nothing but the best from our very own principal.
He aims to leave an impression and concrete evidence of what he has
to roam the sky because I won't be caged no
done to improve our school. How about you ONHSians? From what aspect more.
would you like to be remembered?
"A bird in a cage is safe, but God didn't cre-
A true leader he is – Noticeable and Lasting Difference. ate birds for that." -Paulo Coelho


Kaleidoscope like Painting Honesty

Xianel DS. Mendoza Justine Benjo D. Evasco

I as a student of my generation,
In a blank canvas, how will a painter fulfill it
I want to be a better person,
from ideas that are vast?
A person who practices honesty,
There are times in our life where we feel blue. Possesses a strong personality.
Metaphorically, there are days our eyes can only see
the world in monochromatic colors. Being honest helps in developing good
Unmotivated, depressed, anxious, discour- personality,
aged, low self-esteem, and unconfident, etc. Are we That requires proper guidelines and humility,
going to continue living like this? Discipline, kindness, and moral integrity,
Each day that arrives is not always bright but With the absence of lying, cheating and
that also does not mean that it will continue to be stealing.
dark. Experiencing things like that is proof that ev-
You! Are you honest to others? It’s not too late,
erything has solutions. Keep in mind that you are the
You still have time to do it,
painter of your own painting. Each canvas represents
Every second and every minute,
every morning that will come. Is important to do it.
You are the one who is in control of what will happen
all throughout the day. What would our world be?
Start your day with positivity. If everyone practices honesty,
Do what makes you happy. If ever things The world would be better,
get a little uncontrollable, try to make other things And we would be able to trust each other.
work. You are free to repaint it until you are satisfied.
Remember that a painter has her freedom to draw
whatever she desires.
Community Quarantine (ECQ), Moderate
Threats are unpredictable, opportunities are
Community Quarantine (MCQ), essentials
unlimited. Possibilities are countless so as positivity.
have their own meaning during this time and
Use the creativeness of your own imagination.
for us it opens our new perspective in life.
After that you will finally be able to see life
Before this unexpected event happened we lived
that is like a kaleidoscope. Limitless patterns, innu-
a happy life as students, we played a lot with our
merable colors, and uncountable hues.
friends, attended our classes and it brought me
so much joy remembering how my life used to
be before.
I in the Midst of Pandemic We continued to learn from our house with
Jayra Mariella D. Ramos new classmates, my sister, and brother with our
new teacher, my mother. We called it modular
learning where I learned my lesson.
And now I stepped again on the school
grounds, I felt the fresh air of excitement to
hear the academic noise, to feel the warmth
of my classmates hand and to finally hear that
after two years we are almost in our second
home – school.

As we all experienced this COVID-19

pandemic we all experienced different kinds of sacri-
fices and changes. For instance some of the establish-
ments were forced to close businesses because of the
lack of consumers and sales.
Therefore for the students like us it brings changes in
our everyday life as a student. This pandemic intro-
duced us to different terminologies such as Enhanced

Grateful for Kindness
Ryshana Marga A. Gungon
In Psalm 46:1-2, God is our refuge and strength, an ever present help
in trouble. Therefore, we will not fear, though the earth gives way and the
mountains fall into the heart of the sea.
Earthquake, one of the most dangerous and violent calamities. It can
damage properties, cause injuries, and kill thousands of living things in a matter
of seconds and minutes. Earthquakes occur daily. In the Philippines, 20 earth-
quakes a day and 100-150 are felt per year.
February 7, 2023, magnitude 7.9 earthquake hit Turkey and Syria and
magnitude 7.7 aftershocks. Many Filipinos reached out for help and started
collecting donations. Our government sent rescue teams, engineers, and health
workers to provide necessary assistance to the victims of the tragedy. Humanity Revenir
is evident in so many ways. Miracle D. Rubio
Turkey deeply moved and expressed gratitude for the generous kind-
ness and contributions of the Philippines. The fun is back!
A hand that is willing to help, a heart that wants to show compas- Are you ready to attack?
sion, and a soul that is full of faith in God. You should not slack,
You can never go wrong with kindness. And ready to be shocked .
Compassion to those victims of natural disasters. Those distresses
and weak hearts can be strong again when someone shows them love.
It's true that no calamity can suppress the love of humanity.
It is the real test,
After the black guest.

Too Complicated to Handle We finally leave our nest,

Go and be the best.
Miracle D. Rubio
Distance go away,
If you feel like life is SINKING, try POSITIVE THINKING. Together we now stay.
Since this pandemic started there have been so many
Everything becomes okay .
changes that have happened that we are not used to. The
We can now slay.
pandemic itself has caused much worry, stress, and grief to us.
As a student do you think this pandemic is a stressor for
you? Face to face is happening.
The increased screen time of online instruction and the lack of It’s quite challenging.
face-to-face interaction have affected many students' mental It start to be exhausting
and physical health. In fact, increased screen time has been But it is actually exciting.
linked to anxiety, depression, and perceived attention prob-
Why do you think so? Although Covid-19 is negatively affecting
Some students may find online class to be so draining because students, the pandemic has given our gov-
they are struggling to process nonverbal cues, such as body ernment the opportunity to create a more
language or voice tone that can cause awkward silence or effective method of educating future stu-
reduced interaction during online classes that makes it harder dents even in this pandemic.
for students to ask questions and carry conversation with their It’s too complicated to handle this new
teachers. way of education but if we really want to
Unstable connection glitches and the natural lag in zoom calls do something for our dreams, there is no
can result in conversation being choppier, with interruptions problem or even a pandemic can stop us
happening more often that countless students are experienc- from pursuing our dreams.
ing that can be a source of anxiety and stress. Online learning
is causing students to experience eye strain because of the in-
creased screen time caused by attending class.
Staring at a fixed point on our screen for hours can lead to
uncomfortable headaches. A lot of students are struggling to
maintain a healthy diet because it is hard to eat mindfully when
you're fully immersed in an onscreen task that can replace des-
ignated meal time.
Online classes can mean there is a lack of structure during the
day, which means there is no incentive to get out of bed before
noon or go to sleep before 3 AM. The fact that students may
take fewer breaks than before is not helping. Over time, this can
make sleep problems worse.
When you see a student, it seems that all that they did during
this pandemic was very easy. But if we know them better, we
will see how hard they work during this crisis and how they face
this problem. It could affect their mental health and how they
are struggling.

A Slice of Allum Cepa DACEAE and a high
dietary fiber- rich pe-
Miracle D. Rubio
rennial herb. Its close
It can make Association (NDA), relatives include gar-
people cry, but it is an the most widely cul- lic, scallion, leek, and
important ingredient tivated species of ge- chive.
to your “ginisa.” nus Allium was the There are va-
Back in 5000 Allium Cepa coming rieties of onion that
years ago in Central from the Latin word are widely cultivated
Asia onions are said to “Cepa“ which means in the Philippines and Onion pow- value of
have originated. It was “onion.” Carl Linnae- these are red onions der can be an alterna- onion decreases as
important in Ancient us was the one who (red creole), white tive to onion but when it becomes an onion
Egypt and other civi- first described this in onion (yellow granex) an organic spice turns powder.
lizations as their staple his 1753 work species and multiplier onions out to be artificial, it A slice of spice
food. plantarum. (shallot or native on- means that it already equals a thousand
According to Allium Cepa ion). contains chemicals or values.
the National Onion is placed under the GMO. The nutritional

Disappearing Beauty
Xianel D. Mendoza

Saturn is known for its mesmerizing

appearance. The sixth planet from the sun and
the second largest in our solar system. Saturn
has seven main rings; they are labeled in order
in which they were discovered from the planet
They are D, C, B, A, F ,G, and E. Saturn
would float in water because it is made of gas.
This planet has 82 moons, 53 of them have their

Addiction at Glance
Miracle D. Rubio
names confirmed and the rest of them don't
have official naming as it’s still under discov-
ery and exploration.
There are a lot According to the As time goes by, Saturn is starting to
Present enjoyment, of mobile games in- 2021 systematic re- lose its ring. NASA discovered that it is disap-
future punishment. vented in the world. view ,there are 3-4% pearing at an extremely fast face. The research-
Some of them are Mo- of gamers worldwide ers found that the electrification of the dusty
The games are bile Legends (ML), that are addicted to matter. It is something which is caused by dis-
very popular to a lot Clash of Clans (COC), video games. Thus, turbance due to micrometeorites and the sun‘s
of people especial- League of Legends this percentage means radiation, become attuned to Saturn magnetic
ly to youths but they (LOL), Genshin Im- that 60 million people field lines and start spiraling along those invisi-
actually start in the pact, Valorant, DOTA, or more are suffering ble paths.
research labs of scien- Roblox, etc. These are from game addiction. After millions of years, the next gener-
tists. In the year 1958 well-known games ations may not be able to see Saturn's rings or it
in the month of Octo- especially to the teen- Playing online might not be the same.
ber, the Physicist Wil- agers in today's gener- games can cause poor The most unique planet in the solar
liam Higginbotham ation. sleep hygiene, de- system.
created the first video hydration, physical
game. Game addiction health atrophy, poor
based in the World concentration, heart
According to 2020 Health Organization problems, obesity, de-
statistics, there are 43 (WHO) is officially pression, aggression,
million active gamers classified as a Men- anxiety, and most
in the Philippine tal Health Disorder. probably stress.
gaming industry and Thinking of games all
across Southeast Asia. the time ,feeling bad Being an online
There is a 12.9% yearly that you can't play, gamer isn't bad but
increase from 2017 up and spending 24 hours playing too much or
to the last 2020 statis- playing are considered being a game addict is
tics. as a game addict. the dilemma. The beauty of Saturn starts to disappear.

er, Improving energy
Blanket for Life
Miracle D. Rubio
efficiency in buildings
and transportation,
According implementing carbon
There is no planet B
to World in Data, the pricing policies to in-
primary causes of a centivize companies to
According to
greenhouse effect are reduce their emissions,
the Center for Climate
the emission of green- investing in research
and Energy Solution,
house gases into the and development of
the greenhouse effect
atmosphere, primarily new technologies to
is a naturally occurring
through burning of fos- reduce emissions and

Aqua Marvel
phenomenon that oc-
sil fuels, deforestation, encouraging reforesta-
curs when gases in the
and industrialization. tion and afforestation
atmosphere trap ener-
Miracle D. Rubio These gases trap in- to increase carbon se-
gy from the sun. Re-
Thousands of people live without mon- coming radiation from questration.
sulting in an increase
ey but no one without water. the sun in the atmo- But on the oth-
in global temperatures.
According to the Bureau of Reclamation sphere, warming the er hand, simple things
Greenhouse gases,
71% of Earth's surface was covered by water. planet and leading to that we do can also be
such as carbon dioxide,
Furthermore 97% of Earth's water is found in global climate change. a good starting point
water vapor, methane,
According to on solving the green-
oceans or those that are too salty to use in every- and ozone absorb and
the United Nations, house effect. Some of it
day life. However the remaining 3% of Earth's re-emit infrared radi-
global greenhouse gas are planting trees and
water is considered to be freshwater. ation and heat. Creat-
emissions have in- other vegetation to ab-
Humans use water in a variety of things ing a kind of blanket
creased by 70% since sorb carbon dioxide
such as when drinking, cooking, watering, bath- around the earth that
1970.The top three from the atmosphere
ing, washing plates, or clothes and keeps us clean affects climate patterns
greenhouse gases emit- ,reducing energy con-
and healthy. In addition to this, human bodies and weather. As the
ted globally are carbon sumption by turning
comprise approximately 60% of water. concentrations of these
dioxide (CO2), meth- off lights and electron-
Based on the Centers for Disease Con- gases increase in the at-
ane (CH4), and nitrous ics when they're not in
trol and Prevention (CDC) that another use of mosphere, more of the
oxide (N2O).The ener- use, using public trans-
water is in agriculture, industry, and electric- sun's energy is trapped
gy sector is responsible portation or carpool-
ity. The irrigation system would not be called leading to an increase
for the largest share of ing instead of driving
an irrigation system if there is no water. Crops in global temperatures.
global greenhouse gas alone , eating a plant-
and livestocks industries are provided by water. The most recent stud-
emissions, followed by based diet or reducing
According to Our World in Data, 70% of the ies on greenhouse ef-
agriculture and forest- meat consumption, as
world's freshwater is used in agriculture. Water fects suggest that the
ry. animal agriculture is
can generate electricity too so that is why there world's average surface
Based on the a significant source of
is a hydroelectric energy that uses the move- temperature has risen
Department of Ecol- greenhouse gas emis-
ment of water to generate energy. by 1.7 degree celsius
ogy ,solving the is- sions.
(1 degree celsius) since
The benefits of water to humans, ani- sue of greenhouse gas Of course,
pre-industrial times
mals, and the environment are very huge. Let's emissions is a com- these solutions may
and is projected to in-
conserve water until it is not too late to not have plex problem that re- not be enough to com-
crease by another 0.5
regrets because it is not all about what we have quires a multi-faceted pletely solve the prob-
degree celsius to 1.5
now but because of what we may have in the fu- approach. Some po- lem, but they are good
degree celsius in the
ture. tential solutions that starting points.
next few decades.
Water is vital to life. There is no life if have been proposed A change in Earth
If left un-
there is no water. It is necessary not only to hu- are transitioning to starts with me and
checked, the effects of
mans nor animals but especially to the environ- renewable energy you! Be a responsible
climate change, includ-
ment. sources such as wind, human being and be
ing extreme weather,
solar, and hydro pow- green!
changes in agricultur-
al productivity, water
scarcity, and sea level
rise, could have dev-
astating consequences
for people and ecosys-
tems around the globe.
Thus, it is important
for all countries to take
steps to reduce their
greenhouse gas emis-
Water is vital to life. There is no life if there is no water.


Itch Alarm
Miracle D. Rubio

One touch, one big mistake…

Natural vs Artificial
Monkeypox is a new outbreak that is Miracle D. Rubio
considered as a rare disease caused by infection Different in drugs are those that drugs examples are
with the Monkeypox virus. Monkeypox virus is kind but has the same are created using synthetic cannabi-
part of the same family of viruses as Variola vi- purpose to find. man-made chemicals noids, phenethyl-
rus, the virus that causes smallpox. instead of natural in- amines, and novel
On the 13th day of May 2022 accord- According gredients. These are benzodiazepines
ing to the World Health Organization (WHO) to The Herbal Acad- artificially modified (Xanax).
there has been a start of case reports of Monkey- emy, Sumerians in from naturally-oc-
pox across the WHO regions. The first case of ancient Mesopota- curring drugs. From the
human Monkeypox was confirmed here in the mia created clay tab- pieces of informa-
Philippines on July 28, 2022. lets containing first As reported tion given it is clear
Based on the Centers for Disease Con- ever written records by NCBI, other than that it's better to use
trol and Prevention (CDC) statistics there have of medicinal plants being natural and ar- herbal medicines
been 79,655 cases of Monkeypox globally. In the
over 5000 years ago tificial there is anoth- than synthetic drugs
Philippines there are a total of 4 cases confirmed
that compiled a list of er difference between because one of the
,but staying calm should be avoided because it
plants and herbal rec- herbal and synthetic advantages of herbals
can still increase.
Monkeypox is not considered as a Sex- ipes. medicine and that is is that they don't con-
ually Transmitted Disease (STD) because it can herbals usually di- tain chemicals and
be gotten by direct contact with infected persons Because sci- rect towards aiding can be found easily in
like their rash, scabs, and bodily fluids, having entists learnt more the body's own heal- our surroundings.
physical contact, touching items, animals, and about chemistry and ing process however
the vertical transmission of pregnants to their biology by the use of synthetics address Herbal and
fetus. Friedrich Sertürner, a symptoms caused by synthetic drugs are
Having a rash with blisters on face, German scientist ,the specific diseases. different from each
hands, feet, body, eyes, mouth of genitals, fe- first pharmaceutical other but in the end
ver, swollen lymph nodes, headaches, muscle medicine was created Based on they have the same
and back aches, and having a low energy are the and this was called Healthline, the most purpose and that is
symptoms of it according to the World Health Morphine, named af- popular herbs across to cure, treat, and
Organization (WHO). ter the Greek God of the world are Echina- prevent illness that
By avoiding close physical contact with Sleep. cea, Ginseng, Ginkgo humans have. Even
people who are infected by Monkeypox just Biloba, Elderberry, if you turn the world
like kisses, hugs, and sharing eating utensils A medicine St.John's Wort, Tur- upside down these
should be avoided. Refrain from touching face that uses therapeutic meric, Ginger, Valeri- two will be the cure
and washing hands oftenly with soap and water use of plants its roots, an, and Chamomile. humans have and
should be observed to avoid Monkeypox. stems, leaves, flowers, Philippines has sam- whenever the one is
or seed to improve bong, lagundi, yerba, unavailable the one
A touch is a need but it's attached to a trap.
health and prevent or bayabas, tsaang gu- will be there to sup-
treat illness and dis- bat, niyug-niyogan, port us.
eases are known as akapulko, bawang,
the herbal plants base amplaya, and orega- One stands out but
on no that are approved no one will be left
Betterhealth. by Department of out.
Health (DOH).
On the oth-
er hand synthetic Synthetic
Monkeypox scares thousands of people and the community .

ONHS Athletes bring home medals from the Provincial Athletic Meet
Samuel M. Floro
ONHS arni- The achieve-
sadors include An- ments of the ONHS
nielyn Martin, Cher- players are because of
ish Joy San Diego, the best effort of the
Rhaven Nicole Perez, MAPEH Department
Rhenzo Ruiz Posada, headed by Mrs. Mary
Aaron James Aquino, Joy G. Rocio and their
Jhessie Ervie, Char- coaches.
ish Danong, Ghe- ONHS also
nysis Yrah Ignacio, competed in swim-
Raymart Enriquez. ming competitions
They notched 9 Gold, which brought them
In the recently share in taking home ONHS arnisadors did 11 Silver, and 5 bronze home 3 Bronze med-
concluded 2023 Pro- medals for the school. a decent job of bring- from Team Synchro- als. And in Table Ten-
vincial Athletic Meet, One of the sports ing home medals nize Solo Baston, nis, Patricia L. Austria
athletes from ONHS events in the athletic ranging from Bronze Doble Baston, Espada won bronze and Joeroz
have done their fair meet was Arnis. The to Gold. Y Daga, and Full Con- M. Sassi got silver.
Breakthrough of e-sports
Adrian Miranda
Filipinos are well many games are pop- What sets this game
known as competitive ular nowadays, either apart from the others is
people. They won't let computer or mobile that it has a number of
their country be left games. modes, including sur-
behind as many Fili- These are Defense vival mode, which is
pinos are competing of the Ancients also a battle royale mode,
outside their country known as Dota, Chess-TD, which is a
to represent the Philip- League of Legends, tower defense mode,
pines. They are not just Player Unknown's and Magic Chess. The era of e-sport arose among the young Filipinos.
playing some outdoor Battlegrounds or These games
sports like basketball, commonly known as are so popular now- ippines, the Mobile revenge after they got
volleyball, soccer and PUBG where it is one adays and became Legends is having a a winning streak over
other sports we typi- of the most played more popular during popular tournament Alter Ego and RRQ
cally know, they are Battle Royale games. this pandemic, where called MPL or Mobile Hoshi from Indone-
also giving their best Probably the most in those people espe- Legends: Bang Bang sia. They successful-
in e-sports for them popular game in the cially between 10-18 Professional League ly bagged the trophy
to show their gaming list is Mobile Leg- years old who defi- where there are teams with a total prize pool
skills by using modern ends:Bang Bang. nitely need to stay at consisting of profes- of $300,000 USD.
technology. Since its publication, home. sional players having E-sports is
Playing on- the game has currently Aside from having one intention and that the ideal field to get
line games is a nat- received over 500 mil- online classes, they're is to be the champion. involved with if you're
ural thing for every lion downloads and 75 spending their time The Philip- inspired, focused, and
single Filipino gamer, million active players. playing these kinds of pines took a path in excited about profes-
especially teenagers. Each MOBA game games. Speaking of the MLBB M2 World sional gaming.
As modern technol- has the same game- one of the most popu- Championship 2021 It is a subset of the
ogy became popular, play mechanics. lar games in the Phil- as a champion. The gaming industry in
tournament took place which amateur players
from January 18-24, can earn a living by
2021 in Singapore in- competing in tourna-
stead of Jakarta, Indo- ments and leagues as
nesia. BREN Esports professional athletes,
and OMEGA Esports just as they would in
secured the upper traditional sports like
bracket and eventually football or hockey. It
they went on the low- is not about what is
er bracket. OMEGA happening, you'll just
Esports failed to con- need to be focused on
tinue their journey but the things that make
BREN Esports took a you happy.

Badminton: A Game of Strength and Endurance
Sean Elijah Silverio
wide for doubles.
A net 5 feet
(1.5 metres) high
stretches across the
width of the court
at its centre. A clear
space of 4 feet (1.3 me-
tres) around the court

Arnis Passion Pays Off is needed. Play con-

sists entirely of volley-
Samuel M. Floro ing—hitting the shut-
B a d m i nt on , competition for men’s tlecock back and forth
Arnis is a Filipino martial art that court or lawn game and women’s singles across the net without
focuses on the use of sticks, knives, and played with light- (one against one) and letting it touch the
other weapons for self-defense. For Charish weight rackets and a doubles (two against floor or ground within
Danong, a 10th Grader from section Faith, shuttlecock. two). Mixed doubles the boundaries of the
arnis has become a passion and a way to im- Historically, the shut- was introduced at the court.
prove her physical and mental well-being. tlecock (also known 1996 Games. Enjoyable
Under the guidance of her coach, Sir Jona- as a “bird” or “birdie”) Competitive outdoor or indoor ac-
than Alfonso, Charish has been preparing was a small cork hemi- badminton is usually tivity for all ages, bad-
for her upcoming competition on March 6 sphere with 16 goose played indoors be- minton became the
in Malolos, where she will be competing as feathers attached and cause even light winds chosen sport of many.
a fifth fighter. She has been training since weighing about 0.17 affect the course of The endur-
January, spending several hours a day prac- ounce (5 grams). the shuttlecock. Rec- ance in this sport
ticing her techniques and refining her skills. Badminton reational badminton, should be evident and
Arnis requires a lot of discipline and fo- first appeared in the on the other hand, is a sustain all throughout
cus, as well as physical endurance and Olympic Games as a popular outdoor sum- the set of the game.
agility. Charish's training regimen in- demonstration sport mertime activity. The Some played it on
cludes a mix of cardiovascular exercises, in 1972 and as an ex- rectangular court is 44 a court designed for
strength training, and flexibility drills to hibition sport in 1988. feet (13.4 metres) long badminton and most
improve her speed, power, and accuracy. At the 1992 Games it and 17 feet (5.2 me- of the time it is an
In addition to physical training, Charish also became a full-medal tres) wide for singles, enjoyable recreation
practices mental exercises to help her stay Olympic sport, with 20 feet (6.1 metres) among friends.
focused and calm during competitions. She
meditates and visualizes herself performing
well, and also practices deep breathing tech-
niques to help manage stress and anxiety.

Sasi wins gold in EDDIS meet

table tennis competition
Sean Elijah Silverio
and Myla V. Santiago
Joeroz M. Sasi, Sasi was one of
from Grade 10 -Chari- the representatives of
ty, climbed his way up Obando National High
in his table tennis ca- School (ONHS) in ta- is not impossible to Mr. Reyes taught Sasi cial Meet to be held in
reer. ble tennis. Mr. Eduar- achieve your dream," the table tennis skills. National University,
Sasi captured do S. Calalang and Ms. he added. Gaining the skills in Baliwag, Bulacan. After
the gold medal in the Teresita G. Velasquez During his el- the said sports, he entering high school,
EDDIS Meet table ten- served as his coach and ementary days specif- competed in the Pro- Sasi’s time has final-
nis competition held trainer. ically when he was in vincial Meet when he ly come, because after
last January 16, 2023 "You don't the 4th Grade, Sasi was was in Grade 5 which qualifying in the ED-
at Obando Central need height," said Sasi. inspired by his cous- was held in the City DIS IV meet in table
School. He defeated “Height does not mat- in Mary Jane to play of Malolos Bulacan in tennis, he is also now
the representative of ter, for a teenager like table tennis, his first which he notched the preparing for another
Prenza National High me, to become an ath- trainer was Mr. Danny 4th Place. battle on February 20,
School bringing him to lete. As long as you are Reyes, one of the jani- Sasi is cur- 2023.
Rank 1. working hard for it, it tors in Obando Central rently preparing for
School. the upcoming Provin-

Bulacan Provincial Athletic Meet 2023 unleashes sportsmanship, camaraderie
Samuel M. Floro

Delegates, school heads, and coaches from EDDIS IV arrive with their game faces on at Smashing Success: A Look
Bulacan Sports Complex, Sta. Isabel Malolos City Bulacan as 2023 Bulacan Provincial Meet
commenced last March 6, 2023. Photo courtesy of Cherry De Asis at the Dedicated Badminton
Fire! Burning desire Isabel, City of Malolos The week-
to showcase the ath- Bulacan last March 6, long series of com-
letic skills of Bulaken- 2023. petition of Provincial
Samuel M. Floro
Badminton is the court, Malolos. Chris-
yos, the Schools Divi- Obando Na- Athletic Meet was
second most popu- tine has been train-
sion of Bulacan held tional High School participated by EDDIS
lar sport in the world ing since mid January
the 2023 Provincial (ONHS) student-ath- I-VI, BulPriSA, and
where 2 or more play- and has been grinding
Athletic Meet with the letes together with our NAVSAA-Bu l ac an.
ers play on the same to refine her skills as
theme “Manlalarong school head Mr. Neri The athletic meet aims
court with one racket a badminton player
Bulakenyo, Matatag na L. Dizon, MAPEH to choose participants
on hand. Badminton from ONHS.
Tumutugon sa Hamon Department Head who will represent the
focuses on footwork Christine's passion for
ng Pagbangon.” The Mrs. Mary Joy G. Ro- province of Bulacan
and coordination. For badminton has not
opening program and cio, and the MAPEH in the 2023 Central
Christine Gilliane, a only helped her im-
parade of colors were Department joined Luzon Regional Ath-
9th grader from the prove her physical fit-
conducted in Bulacan the delegates of ED- letic Association Meet
section Ivory, badmin- ness and skills but has
Sports Complex, Sta. DIS IV. (CLRAA).
ton helped her with also taught her valu-
her physical and men- able life skills, such as
The Hanging Bomb Ball is About to Explode tal well-being. discipline, persever-
Aloha M. Lopez
Under the guidance of ance, and teamwork.
defense quickly fades again established and
her coach, Coach An- She has learned to set
It's been more than a away and our enemy we will conquer our
gelo De Castro, Chris- goals for herself and
year since the spirit of easily gets through and throne and never ever
tine has been working work hard to achieve
sports began to wear makes our strategies lose it again.
hard and perfecting them, as well as how
off. fail in just a glimpse of We will rise and and
her badminton skills to cooperate and com-
The energy of sta- an eye. come back from being
diums has been shut Sports indeed makes the king, we will sur- for an upcoming com- municate effectively
down, sports fields our world alive and en- vive and grow stronger petition on March 6 with her teammates.
have been locked ergetic. Sports bring us than ever. in Jacas badminton
down. Athletes have happiness, no matter Indeed, the Bomb
been unexpectedly if you're an athlete or Ball will once again ex- The Ultimate Basketball Trio
crippled by the un- simply a fan to cheer plode and nothing can Samuel M. Floro
wanted hostile that has and support. stop us, not even the
easily invaded the en- The spirit of sports invincible adversary,
tire human territory. still lives on, we may be because in the end.
Our opponent is stopped for a while but We, we are the ones
such a small foe, we nothing will ever shut who will end up trium-
even think that it can us down from keeping phant, the kingdom of
easily be defeated but the passion burning in sports is ours and we
here we are still trying our hearts. always owe it to our al- When it comes to bas- the representatives of
to defy its unimag- Our strongest mighty God. ketball, the ultimate ONHS, they fought
inable strength. Our defense will be once trio is a game changer. in the 3x3 Basketball
That’s what the ONHS category getting third
3x3 team showcased place.
in the EDDIS IV 2023 The school is very
Provincial Meet. proud of what they
Silverio Jazlyn, Sil- have accomplished.
verio Khassel, Man- Fans are expecting
syon Bernadette, and good performances in
Magpoc Jillian were the future.

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