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Ginekologia Polska

2021, vol. 92, no. 11, 822–828

Copyright © 2021 Via Medica
R ECCO MENDATIO NS ISSN 0017–0011, e-ISSN 2543–6767

DOI 10.5603/GP.a2021.0206

Urogynecology Section of the Polish Society of

Gynecologists and Obstetricians
guidelines on the management of stress urinary
incontinence in women
Klaudia Stangel-Wojcikiewicz1 , Artur Rogowski2,3 , Tomasz Rechberger4 ,
Wlodzimierz Baranowski5, Magdalena E. Grzybowska6 , Tomasz Kluz7 ,
Elzbieta Narojczyk-Swiesciak8 , Edyta Wlazlak9 , Bartlomiej Burzynski10 ,
Grzegorz Surkont9
1Department of Gynecology and Oncology, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Cracow, Poland

2Department of Gynecology, „Inflancka” Specialist Hospital, Warsaw, Poland

3Collegium Medicum, Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University, Warsaw, Poland

4II Department of Gynecology, Medical University of Lublin, Poland

5Department of Gynecology, Gynecological Oncology, Military Medical Institute, Warsaw, Poland

6Department of Gynecology, Gynecological Oncology and Gynecological Endocrinology, Medical University of Gdansk, Poland

7Clinic of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Institute of Medical Science, College of Medical Science, University of Rzeszow, Poland

8II Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Centre of Postgraduate Medical Education, Bielanski Hospital Warsaw, Poland

9Department of Operative Gynecology and Gynecological Oncology, I Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics,

Medical University of Lodz, Poland

10Department of Rehabilitation, Faculty of Health Sciences in Katowice, Medical University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland

Objectives: The aim was to present an interdisciplinary Guideline of the Urogynecology Section of the Polish Society of
Gynecologists and Obstetricians (PSGO) for the management of stress urinary incontinence (SUI).
Material and methods: A review of the literature, including current international guidelines and earlier recommendations
of the PSGO Urogynecology Section, about the treatment of SUI was conducted.
Results: Management of SUI is presented. Four lines of therapy were identified: line 1 — the so-called ‘conservative treat-
ment’, which should always be attempted, regardless of SUI symptom severity; line 2 — surgical intervention; lines 3 and
4 — reoperations after unsuccessful surgeries from line 2. The literature reports which provided supporting evidence for
this Guideline, including the practical aspects, were discussed.
Conclusions: A systematic review of the guidelines and an analysis of SUI management were conducted. The need for
an individualized approach was emphasized.
Key words: urinary incontinence, stress urinary incontinence, conservative treatment, physiotherapy, surgical treatment,
midurethral sling, colposuspension
Ginekologia Polska 2021; 92, 11: 822–828

Corresponding author:
Magdalena E. Grzybowska
Department of Gynecology, Gynecological Oncology and Gynecological Endocrinology, Medical University of Gdansk, 17 Smoluchowskiego St, 80-214 Gdansk, Poland
e-mail: [email protected]

Received: 20.09.2021 Accepted: 26.09.2021 Early publication date: 10.11.2021

This article is available in open access under Creative Common Attribution-Non-Commercial-No Derivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) license, allowing to download
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Klaudia Stangel-Wojcikiewicz et al., Guideline on the management of stress urinary incontinence in women

INTRODUCTION 4. physiotherapy;
Stress urinary incontinence (SUI) is defined as involun- 5. supportive devices: pessaries, vaginal tampons;
tary leakage of urine on effort or exertion, or with coughing 6. pharmacotherapy.
or sneezing [1, 2]. SUI affects a significant number of women
and negatively impacts their quality of life. As many as 75% Second-line treatment: first-line surgical
of older, 44–57% of middle-aged, and 25% of young women interventions
report symptoms of urinary incontinence [3]. If the conservative therapy proves ineffective or the
physical examination reveals high-grade urinary incon-
Objectives tinence, with unfavorable prognosis after conservative
The aim of this publication was to develop a Guideline management, second-line treatment, i.e., surgery, is rec-
for the management of stress urinary incontinence, based ommended.
on the available literature, expert knowledge, and everyday A. MUS (midurethral sling) procedure, during which the
practice. sling is placed in the middle part of the urethra, or retropubic
colposuspension (Burch) are the most common first-line
MATERIAL AND METHODS surgical treatments.
In 2005, 2006 and 2010, the expert panel of the Polish So- B. If the tape surgery proves unsuccessful, implant re-
ciety of Gynecologists and Obstetricians (PSGO) developed moval and the insertion of a new tape is recommended.
guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of urogynecologic Some specialists suggest to perform Burch colposuspension
conditions. The present publication is an update of those in such cases. In patients with persistent SUI symptoms
recommendations, based on the literature reports published after Burch colposuspension, MUS may be considered [5–7].
between 2010 and 2019, as well as the recommendations
of the American Urological Association, the International Third-line treatment: second-line surgical
Urogynecology Association, the European Association of interventions
Urology, and the Canadian Urological Association [4]. If first-line surgical treatment (usually after both surger-
The literature about the management of SUI, including ies) proved ineffective or in selected cases, the following are
the current international guidelines, was reviewed. Special used as second-line surgery:
attention has been paid to the level of evidence and degree a) urethral bulking agents
of recommendation of the available data sources. If the b) autologous pubovaginal sling
literature source seemed insufficient, expert opinions and
management protocols were included. Fourth-line treatment: third-line surgical
GUIDELINES If the first- and second-line surgical interventions prove
First-line treatment: non-surgical treatment ineffective, an artificial urethral sphincter and an adjustable
At the first stage of the treatment, it is important to compression device may be considered in selected cases.
inform the patient about the details of the management
which aims to minimize the discomfort associated with OVERVIEW OF THE RECOMMENDATIONS
urinary incontinence, i.e. the smell of urine, skin irritation The literature offers a number of effective therapies for
due to prolonged exposure to urine, and the feeling of loss SUI, including various types of non-surgical and surgical
of control over one’s body. The use of personal hygiene treatments. Conservative management should be the first
products such as pads and sanitary towels is recommended. stage of SUI therapy [8].
The choice of non-surgical methods should be tailored
to the individual needs and symptoms of the patient, and Non-surgical treatment
her ability to comply with the therapy. Patient motivation Conservative management should be attempted in
to introduce lifestyle changes and compliance positively many patients, even if surgical treatment had already been
affect treatment efficacy. planned. The effectiveness of non-surgical treatment is typi-
Among the methods of non-surgical treatment of SUI, cally evaluated after 8 to 12 weeks.
the following should be considered: The use of protective materials (high absorbency pads
1. treatment of concomitant diseases and drug modifica- and sanitary towels, intravesical catheters which allow
tion; for external urine collection) can improve the short- and
2. lifestyle modifications; long-term patient comfort [9]. Appropriate sanitary prod-
3. treatment and prevention of recurrent urinary tract ucts are well-tolerated, and women of all ages use them will-
infections; ingly. Product diversity enables the users to adjust the size

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Ginekologia Polska 2021, vol. 92, no. 11

as well as the following features: absorption, odor control, There is evidence that women who do sports experience uri-
anti-allergic properties, etc. (LE 1b). nary incontinence later in life (LE 3 recommendation) [17, 18].
1. Drug modification may reduce the symptoms of SUI in Nevertheless, proper body weight and higher mobility when
patients treated for concomitant diseases, e.g., metabol- accessing the toilet are undeniable benefits of engaging in
ic syndrome, cardiovascular diseases, respiratory system regular physical activity.
diseases, chronic renal failure, degenerative syndromes, e) Smoking cessation
including multiple sclerosis, mental diseases, and de- No relationship between smoking cessation and im-
pression [10]. proved urine control has been demonstrated. However,
2. Educating the patient about lifestyle modifications often smoking-associated cough may increase the intra-abdom-
results in significant improvement. It also allows the inal pressure and intensify the symptoms of urinary incon-
patients to better understand the nature of the disease tinence [19].
and, consequently, to treat it more effectively. f ) Bladder training
a) Consumption of fluids containing caffeine or theine Controlled voiding, scheduled micturitions with gradu-
(coffee, tea, carbonated drinks) and alcohol bever- ally extended time intervals between voiding and correct
ages urination habits are elements of bladder training. These
The literature offers no evidence of a linear associa- techniques are typically used in the management of urgency
tion between caffeine intake (equivalent to one cup of cof- urinary incontinence, but they also proved to be effective
fee/day) and the prevalence and severity of urinary incon- in SUI therapy [20].
tinence. Only reduction of caffeine intake combined with 3. Comprehensive diagnosis, treatment and prevention
behavioral therapy was demonstrated to reduce urgency, of urinary tract infections are important elements of
but it did not reduce urinary incontinence as compared managing patients with lower urinary tract symptoms.
to behavioral therapy alone [11]. Therefore, lower caffeine 4. Physiotherapy.
intake does not reduce symptoms of urinary incontinence The most common physiotherapeutic methods used
(LE2). It is recommended to reduce fluid intake (including in the management of SUI in women include pelvic floor
fluids which increase diuresis) two hours before bedtime, muscle training — PFMT (the so-called ‘Kegel exercises’),
especially in patients with early morning and night urinary biofeedback, ultrasonography feedback, EMG biofeedback,
incontinence. electrostimulation (superficial, vaginal), and pelvic floor
b) Treatment of overweight and obesity manual therapy [1, 3, 4, 8, 10, 21]. Incorrect physiotherapy
Overweight and obesity are confirmed risk factors for may intensify urogynecological symptoms. Professional uro-
the development of urinary incontinence. SUI is believed gynecological physiotherapy should be initiated after the
to occur even 4.2-fold more often in obese women as com- functional diagnosis. Its effectiveness depends on therapy
pared to their normal body weight peers [12]. The loss of at duration and expert supervision over the therapeutic pro-
least 5% of the initial weight is recommended. According to cess [22]. PFMT includes different protocols and principles
NICE, weight reduction should be recommended to women of this branch of physiotherapy. Separate guidelines for
with the BMI of >30 kg/m2 [13, 14]. Even a slight reduction physiotherapeutic management of SUI in women have been
of the body weight can improve urinary continence in over- presented elsewhere.
weight and obese women [15] (LE 1a). 5. Supportive devices.
c) Treatment of constipation a) pessaries
Constipation is a common occurrence in patients with Silicone pessaries (urethra and cerclage), with a thick-
urinary incontinence. According to an observational study ening near the urethra, are usually recommended in SUI
in women with urinary incontinence, women with POP, and therapy. The desired effect is obtained when the thickening
controls, history of constipation was associated with both, of the pessary supports the transition of the bladder and
pelvic organ prolapse and urinary incontinence [16]. How- the urethra. The rim of the pessary must be sized so that
ever, no evidence supports the alleviation of SUI symptoms it does not move and rests along the posterior wall of the
after reduction of constipation (LE 4). vagina. If those pessaries prove ineffective, a cube-type
d) Physical activity pessary may be used. In such cases, the upper edge of the
Regular physical activity can positively affect pelvic floor pessary should be placed under the urethra for support and
muscles and reduce urinary incontinence episodes. Resist- urine control. A gynecological examination and adjustment
ance training with additional load, high-intensity jumping, of the material, durability, size and shape to the anatomic
e.g., trampolining, as well as high-intensity running should conditions are necessary to select the appropriate vaginal
be excluded. Various studies demonstrated elevated risk for tampon or pessary. All the measures can be used periodi-
developing SUI in active women, especially sportswomen. cally or remain the only form of conservative therapy (with

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Klaudia Stangel-Wojcikiewicz et al., Guideline on the management of stress urinary incontinence in women

the recommendation to change daily). In SUI therapy, the MUS

pessaries may be used during the day or whenever needed Currently, sling implantation under the middle part of
(LE 2a) [23–25]. the urethra is based on the use of macroporous tape (type
b) vaginal tampons 1 according to Amid's Classification) [34–37]. The tape pa-
Tampons made of special, flexible, and delicate medi- rameters allow to significantly reduce the risk of exposure
cal material — PVA (vinyl polymer-polyvinyl alcohol) in as compared to multifilament and microporous materials
the shape of a cylinder or a cube, are used in SUI therapy. (higher risk of infection). With the advancements in this area,
The tampon is inserted under the urethra for support. It is new materials will likely be used in the future. The method
recommended to use vaginal tampons only when necessary, of sling implantation has been modified: the tape can be
which might mean only during sport activities or dancing inserted from the suprapubic side down to underneath of
for some patients, or throughout the day for others [25]. the urethra (rarely used) or passed through the retropubic
6. Pharmacotherapy of SUI. or the obturator space [38]. Some studies indicated the
Duloxetine, which inhibits the presynaptic re-uptake of possibility of improved outcomes of SUI therapy after MUS
serotonin (5-HT) and norepinephrine (NE), can be used in SUI surgery if the procedure is individualized using pelvic floor
therapy. A meta-analysis of four randomized, placebo-con- sonography (PFS). The choice of the implantation site is
trolled clinical trials reported to the European Medicines determined by urethral length and mobility and the type
Agency, demonstrated that duloxetine was more effective of sling [39–43].
than placebo as far as the rates of weekly incontinence
episodes were concerned [26]. Level LE 1a recommendation Retropubic colposuspension
for duloxetine has been reported by the experts from the Colposuspension is usually performed in patients with
European Association of Urology, whereas in the USA, paravaginal lateral defect and excessive mobility of the
the FDA suspended the registration of this drug for SUI bladder neck, which causes SUI. Colposuspension may be
therapy [27]. Duloxetine is not registered for the treatment performed in patients after MUS. MUS implantation is also
of SUI in Poland (‘off label’ use). often recommended after unsuccessful colposuspension
A review of the Cochrane database and the avail- [7, 44].
able literature indicated improved continence control in Colposuspension is associated with the rate of urinary
a short-term evaluation for vaginal estrogen use (LE 1a). incontinence correction ranging from 85–90% for the
The method of application is easy and safe for the patient. follow-up (FU) of 1–5 years after surgery to 70% for FU
The degree of absorption and of systemic activity is so low of > 5 years. A comparison of colposuspension and MUS re-
that it can be used for short periods even in women after vealed no differences in the subjective or objective efficacy
breast cancer treatment. The optimal duration of the therapy of SUI therapy, regardless of the time factor [45, 46] (LE 1a).
has not been determined and should be adjusted to the Likewise, studies comparing the results of MUS from the ret-
individual needs of the patient [28–30]. ropubic versus obturator access (1–5 years FU and > 5 years
Systemic estrogen-progestogen replacement therapy FU), found no differences in the subjective recovery rate (LE
may intensify the symptoms of urinary incontinence as 1a). FU of > 5 years showed the recovery rate of 51–88% for
compared to placebo [31]. the retropubic and 43–92% for the obturator access [47].
The obturator access was associated with more frequent
Second-line treatment: first-line surgery groin pain (6.4% vs 0.6%), while the retropubic access with
First-line surgical treatment of SUI includes: midurethral a higher rate of bladder perforations (4.5% vs 0.6%), difficulty
sling, during which the sling is placed in the middle part of passing urine, and organ and vessel injury (LE 1a).
the urethra, or retropubic colposuspension (Burch).
The choice of the procedure should be tailored to the Third-line treatment: second-line surgery
individual needs of the patient, based on the symptoms a) urethral bulking agents
and diagnostic results, as well as the expert knowledge and The procedures which ‘seal’ the urethra consist in the
surgical experience of the physician. The scope of preopera- administration of bulking agents, submucosally delivered
tive diagnostics depends on the symptoms, findings of the via the transurethral or transvaginal route, which reduces
clinical examination and the additional tests, the experience the urethral lumen. The agents are typically injected into
of the physician and common practice in a given medical the submucosa surrounding the bladder neck or mid-ure-
center. It is necessary to evaluate pelvic organ prolapse and thra [48].
the possible treatment methods before or during SUI sur- Due to the variety of the available bulking agents and
gery [32, 33]. These issues have been discussed elsewhere, lack of long-term observations, it is challenging to present
in the guideline for the surgical management of POP. unequivocal guidelines for their use in SUI therapy. Only

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Ginekologia Polska 2021, vol. 92, no. 11

short-term observations demonstrated improved urine con- tive treatment and personal hygiene measures have been
trol (1b) [49]. Therefore, bulking agent injection, despite exhausted and SUI persists.
being minimally invasive, should be treated as an alternative Importantly, guidelines are only an indication for the
procedure for SUI: in the next stage of treatment, in patients specialist treatment and will not replace clinical knowledge
with systemic diseases who do not want to undergo the when making individualized therapeutic decisions, which
classic procedures (2a) [50]. in some cases may prompt the experts to deviate from the
b) Autologous fascial sling, pubovaginal sling, bladder recommendations.
neck slings
This procedure uses a piece of the fascial tissue which Conflict of interest
stabilizes the urethra on the vaginal side. The most used All authors declare no conflict of interest.
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