Tle 8 Curriculum Map Ver 2

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San Ramon Catholic School, Inc.

Brgy. Su-ay, Himamaylan City, Negros Occidental

Gov’t. Recognition No. SR-016 s.2018

Curriculum Map
(Version 2) July 2023
Subject: TLE EXPLORATORY Grade Level: 8
Quarter: 1st-4TH QUARTER Modality: ONLINE/OFFLINE
Teachers: Ms. Doresa V. Tiocsay
Institutional Core Values: Every student as he/she studies and graduates from San Ramon Catholic School, Inc. is expected to live and embrace the following core values: Pro-
God, Pro-Life, Pro-Environment, Pro-Nation, Self-Discipline and Leadership, Self-worth and Integrity, Responsibility and Accountability, Fairness and Gender Sensitivity, and
CV 1: Pro-God – As members of the SRCS community, we believe that in order to know ourselves better, we should recognize in ourselves the God who made us in His own
image, for if we do this, we in turn will be recognized and acknowledged by our Maker. We continuously strive to manifest in our lives the commandments and will of God for
each one of us in the most unique way possible.

CV 2: Pro-Life – We believe and been taught that we have been created in the image and likeness of God, and that image is indelible. This would affirm the essential dignity of
each human being inherent to him/her and the eternal destiny of each one of us – to be restored perfectly in God’s image. Each soul is a shining star uniquely fashioned to reflect
God’s glory.

CV3: Pro-Environment – The world was created for mankind and thus, we all share the responsibilities in becoming the stewards of it. As San Ramonians, we enrich our
awareness and care for the environment entrusted to us in some simple ways we can.

CV4: Pro-Nation – As members of the SRCS community, we promote social awareness and concern for the needs of the community and Filipino majority as part of the social
transformation we aimed for the development of the nation and of the global community.

CV5: Self-Discipline and Leadership – Guided by Christ’s teachings, San Ramonians are formed and developed to be future leaders of our nation. Self-discipline in the light of
Christ’s life is continually instilled in the hearts and minds of every San Ramonian in order to counter impulses and to maintain focus on a long and wide journey ahead.

CV6: Self-worth and Integrity – Being formed in the image and likeness of God, possessing the inviolable dignity, San Ramonians give high reverence and value to oneself.
With this, San Ramonians adhere to moral and ethical principles as part of their holistic formation to become persons of worth and integrity.

CV7: Fairness and Gender Sensitivity – We at San Ramon are committed to promoting respect and fairness for everyone, regardless of their gender, economic status, or
outlook in life. We recognize that each person is unique and has their own individual perspectives and experiences, but we also believe that everyone deserves to be treated with
kindness and compassion. We strive to create an environment of equality and inclusivity that celebrates and respects the diversity of our community.
Email add: [email protected] Cell phone No. 09175031082 (SEC) No. CN201537577
San Ramon Catholic School, Inc.
Brgy. Su-ay, Himamaylan City, Negros Occidental
Gov’t. Recognition No. SR-016 s.2018

CV8: Excellence – San Ramonians are encouraged to strive for excellence in all aspects of life. It is important to focus on developing a holistic approach to life, which includes
physical, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual aspect. This holistic approach allows us to develop our talents and passions, set achievable goals, and foster meaningful
relationships. By striving for excellence in all aspects of life, we can become the best version of ourselves and fulfill our highest potential.
Institutional Core Values particular to this subject: CV1, CV4, CV7, & CV8
Quarter 1 Grade Level Standard:
Content Standard: 1.recognize PECs needed in Beauty Care Services;
August 14, 2023 2.assess your PECs with your business or career choice;
-October 20, 2023 3.generate a plan which leads to the success in your chosen business and career.
Performance Standard: The learner interprets plans and drawings relative to agricultural crop production.
Week 1 Unit 1: Getting Recognize PECs needed in Beauty Care. MPT#1. Focus group discussion as peer Generating business ideas for beauty
(Aug. 14-18, 2023) Started with Beauty a assessment on recognizing PECs care services and conducting SWOT
Care (Nail Care Generate business idea that relates with a career needed in beauty care. analysis of the chosen concept.CV5*
Services) choice in Beauty Care (Nail Care) Services
TLE_7/8PECS -0K-1 Visiting and Interviewing at least
TLE_ HEBC7/8EM-0K-1 one nail care salons owner or

Week 2 Use Nail Care Tools Prepare the necessary tools and equipment for WW#1. Formative assessment on the use Identifying the uses of tools and
and Equipment the specific nail care activity of nail care tools and equipment. equipment in nail care according to
the requirements.CV5*
Identify the uses of tools and equipment in nail
care according to the requirements PT#1. Skill based assessment on the Using tools and equipment
Use tools and equipment according to task proper usage of nail care tools and according to task requirement in nail
requirement equipment. care services.CV4*

Observe safety procedure of using tools and Demonstrating the safety procedure
equipment of using tools and equipment.CV8*
Email add: [email protected] Cell phone No. 09175031082 (SEC) No. CN201537577
San Ramon Catholic School, Inc.
Brgy. Su-ay, Himamaylan City, Negros Occidental
Gov’t. Recognition No. SR-016 s.2018

Week 3 Maintain Tools and Perform basic preventive and corrective WW#2 Assessment through objective Role playing on how to conduct an
Equipment (MT) maintenance test/ open-ended test on purposes of inventory of nail care paraphernalia
cleaning tools and equipment according and properly storing of nail care
Clean tools according to standard Procedure to standard operating procedure tools, materials and equipment.
Inspect defective tools and equipment MPT#2. Assessment through skill based
TLE_HEBC7/8MT0d-e-3 on maintaining tools and equipment.
Week 4 Practice occupational Keep workplace clean WW#3. Assessment through objective Sharing discussion on safety
health and safety test/ open-ended test on occupational procedure and purposes through
procedures (OS) Identify protective outfit for nail care health and safety procedure and nail video clip.CV5*
Practice Nail Shape Identify hazards and risks
PT#2. Skill based assessment on Performing a nail trimming with
Explain workplace hazards and risks fingernail and toenail care nail trimmings plain manicure and conducting a
plain manicure technique.CV8*
Observe preventive precaution in the workplace
Quarter 2 Grade Level Standard:

August 14, 2023 Content Standard: The learner interprets plans and drawings relative to agricultural crop production.
-October 20, 2023
Performance Standard:
Week 1 Fundamental of LO 1. Recognize Personal Competencies and
Animal Production Skills (PECS) needed in Animal Production
Business LO 2. Recognize and understand the market for
animal production
Use and maintain
Farm Tools and LO 1. Select and use farm tools
Email add: [email protected] Cell phone No. 09175031082 (SEC) No. CN201537577
San Ramon Catholic School, Inc.
Brgy. Su-ay, Himamaylan City, Negros Occidental
Gov’t. Recognition No. SR-016 s.2018

Equipment LO 2.Select and operate arm equipment

LO 3. Perform Preventive Maintenance
Week 2 Perform Estimation LO 1.Perform Estimation
and Basic 1.1 Identify job requirements
Calculation 1.2 Estimate quantities and resources required
to complete task
1.3 Calculate the duration of work completion
LO 2.Perform basic workplace calculation
2.1 Identify calculations to be done according to
the job requirement
2.2 Determine correct methods of calculation
2.3 Ascertain systems and units of measurement
to be followed
2.4 Perform calculations needed ro complete a
task using the four basic mathematical
2.5 Employ different techniques in checking
accuracy of result
2.6 Use appropriate operations to comply with
the job
Week 3 Interpret Plans and LO 1.Draw layout plan of different types of
Drawings housing
1.1 Identify types of housing and their
components in poultry and livestock
1.2 Design different houses used in poultry and
livestock production
LO 2. Enumerate the provisions of the building
code in constructing poultry and livestock

Email add: [email protected] Cell phone No. 09175031082 (SEC) No. CN201537577
San Ramon Catholic School, Inc.
Brgy. Su-ay, Himamaylan City, Negros Occidental
Gov’t. Recognition No. SR-016 s.2018

2.1 Discuss building code in constructing

poultry and livestock houses
2.2 Interpret signs and symbols of building code

Week 4 Apply safety LO 1. Apply appropriate safety measures

measures in Farm 1.1 Identify work tasks
Operations 1.2 Determine place and time for safety
1.3 Prepare appropriate,tools,materials and
1.4 Use tools and materials accordingly
1.5 Identify hazards
1.6 Wear outfits accordingly
1.7 Observe shelf life
1.8 Follow emergency procedures
LO 2. Safekeeping/ disposal of tools, materials
and outfit
2.1 Explain how to clean used tools and outfit
in line with farm procedures before storing
2.2 Label unused materials and supplies
according according to manufacturers,
government and farm requirements

Quarter 3 Grade Level Standard:

Content Standard:
August 14, 2023 Performance Standard:
-October 20, 2023

Email add: [email protected] Cell phone No. 09175031082 (SEC) No. CN201537577
San Ramon Catholic School, Inc.
Brgy. Su-ay, Himamaylan City, Negros Occidental
Gov’t. Recognition No. SR-016 s.2018

Week 1 Competencies and

LO 1. Recognize Personal Entrepreneurial skills
Business and Competencies (PECs) needed in cookery
Opportunities in
LO 1. Identify the key concepts environment
Cookery Use of
and market in types cookery
Kitchen Tools,
LO 1. Utilize appropriate kitchen tools,
Equipment, and
equipment and paraphernalia
1.1 Identify of tools, equipment and
1.2 Classify the types of appropriate cleaning
tools and equipment base on their uses
Week 2 Maintenance of LO 2. Maintain appropriate kitchen tools ,
Kitchen Tools, equipment, and paraphernalia
Equipment and 1.1 select various types of chemicals for
Paraphernalia cleaning and sanitizing kitchen tools ,
equipment , and paraphernalia
1.2 clean and sanitize kitchen tools and
equipment following manufacture’
instructions use cleaning tools equipment,
and paraphernalia in accordance to standard
operating procedures maintain kitchen tools,
equipment and work areas”
Week 3 Mensuration and LO 1. Carry out measurements and calculations
calculations in in a require task
cookery 1.1 Give the abbreviations and equivalents of
1.2 Measure ingredients according to recipe
1.3 Convert system of measurement according

Email add: [email protected] Cell phone No. 09175031082 (SEC) No. CN201537577
San Ramon Catholic School, Inc.
Brgy. Su-ay, Himamaylan City, Negros Occidental
Gov’t. Recognition No. SR-016 s.2018

to recipe requirement
1.4 Perform substitution of ingredients

LO 2. Calculate cost of production

2.1 Discuss principles of costing
2.2 Compute cost of production”

Week 4 Practice LO 1. Importance of occupation al Health and

Occupational Health Safety Procedures
and safety 1.1 recognize the importance of OSH”
Procedures TLE_HECK7/8OHSOh-8


Quarter 4 Grade Level Standard:
Content Standard: The learner demonstrates an understanding of the preparation of SMAW materials and tools.
August 14, 2023
-October 20, 2023 Performance Standard: The learner independently prepares appropriate SMAW materials and tools based on industry standards.
Week 1 Prepare SMAW Identify and select materials and
Material tools
Manipulate the tools and materials
in a job/task
Select measuring instruments
Manipulate the measuring tool for a
specified task

Week 2 Metrology Carry out measurements and

Measure and calculate the
Email add: [email protected] Cell phone No. 09175031082 (SEC) No. CN201537577
San Ramon Catholic School, Inc.
Brgy. Su-ay, Himamaylan City, Negros Occidental
Gov’t. Recognition No. SR-016 s.2018

dimensions of a specific object


Week 3 Occupational Health LO 3. Store tools and equipment
and Safety 1.1 Tools are stored safely in
appropriate locations in accordance
with manufacturer specifications or
standard operating procedure
Week 4 Maintain Tools and 1. Analyze signs, symbols and data
Equipment 1.1 Determine appropriate welding
materials based on technical
Interpret Plans and drawings
Interpret technical drawings
2.1.Necessary tool, materials and
equipment are identified according
to plans

Prepared by:


TLE Exploratory Teacher

Checked and Noted:


Junior High School Coordinator

Email add: [email protected] Cell phone No. 09175031082 (SEC) No. CN201537577
San Ramon Catholic School, Inc.
Brgy. Su-ay, Himamaylan City, Negros Occidental
Gov’t. Recognition No. SR-016 s.2018



Email add: [email protected] Cell phone No. 09175031082 (SEC) No. CN201537577

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