Renewislands-Renewable Energy Solutions

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Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews

11 (2007) 1888–1902

Renewislands—Renewable energy solutions

for islands
Fengzhen Chen, Neven Duic, Luis Manuel Alves,
Maria da Grac- a Carvalho
Research Group on Energy and Sustainable Development, Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Instituto Superior Técnico, Av. Rovisco Pais, 1049-001 Lisbon, Portugal
Received 13 December 2005; accepted 23 December 2005


Increase of the global energy demand and environmental problems relating to fossil energy
utilization request the new energy sources to replace the traditional fossil fuels. With respect to
energy production, most of the islands in European Union and in the other parts of the world,
depend on importation, mainly from oil and its related products. The global development of
renewable energy technologies can assure sustainable supply of power for islands. To overcome the
limitation of the sources of renewable energy, hydrogen is utilized as a storage medium integrated
with intermittent renewable energy sources such as wind and solar. This paper introduces the
programme of ‘‘Renewislands—Renewable Energy Solutions for Islands’’, the work tasks, details of
the design of the activities to develop solutions integrating intermittent renewable energy supply
(RES), fuel cell (FC) and hydrogen infrastructure to promote RES and innovative decentralized
power systems penetration in islands; main results achieved in each work packages are presented; in
addition, the development of intermittent renewable energy penetration in specific European Islands
are reviewed briefly.
r 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Islands; Intermittent; Renewable energy supply; Hydrogen; Integration system

Corresponding author. Tel.: +351 218417592; fax: +351 218475545.

E-mail address: [email protected] (F. Chen).

1364-0321/$ - see front matter r 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
F. Chen et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 11 (2007) 1888–1902 1889


1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1889
2. Review of intermittent renewable energy penetration in specific European Islands . . . . . 1890
2.1. Canary Islands (Spain) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1891
2.2. Renewable energies penetration in Ærø Island (Denmark) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1891
2.3. Renewable energies penetration in Greek Islands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1892
2.4. Renewable energies penetration in Madeira Islands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1892
2.5. Energy overview of the Azores Archipelago . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1893
2.6. The Cape Verde Islands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1893
3. Overview of the project renewislands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1894
3.1. Objective of the project. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1894
3.2. International co-operation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1894
3.3. Project organization and overall methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1894
3.4. Activities and results achieved . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1896
3.4.1. Analysis of issues with intermittent renewable energy in islands and
potential for hydrogen energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1896
3.4.2. Configuration and modelling of specific integrated RES/H2/FC
applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1897
3.4.3. Feasibility study an integrated RES/H2/FC system pilot facility . . . . . . . 1898
3.4.4. Opportunities for integrated RES/H2/FC systems in islands, the effects of
energy and environment regulation on their introduction, and wider
dissemination issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1899
4. Conclusions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1900
Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1900
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1900

1. Introduction

Island development problems are mostly related to imported fossil fuel energy
dependence, fresh water availability and waste management, associated with trans-
portation and other problems. The majority of the European Islands suffer from
large dependence on imported energy. The Amsterdam Treaty ratified recognizes
in declaration No. 30 that ‘‘insular regions suffer from structural handicaps linked
to their island status, the permanence of which impairs their economic and social
development.’’ These handicaps are particularly important in energy demand and
security of supply [1]. In most of the cases, there are no ways to link the islands
to continental European energy production networks, making difficult the implement-
ation of the solutions to reduce environmental costs, such as air pollution and CO2
Renewable energy technology is one of the solutions, which produces energy by
transforming natural phenomena (or natural resources) into useful energy forms. The
tremendous progresses on renewable energy indicate the feasibility to substitute fossil fuels
in the near future. The advantage of renewable energy technologies are specific uses in
small-scale applications such as household electricity, street lighting, irrigation systems,
village water pumps or similar instruments, technologies of micro-hydro, biogas, wind
generators and wind pumps operated in favourable locations [2]. Today more and more
studies serve the energy supply for islands in the world [3–10].
1890 F. Chen et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 11 (2007) 1888–1902

However, the intermittency of renewable energy sources such as wind and solar poses
issues related to matching electricity supply and demand and technical issues related to
grid integration that result in barriers to intermittent RES penetration. The issue of
intermittency and the barriers associated with it are exacerbated in small energy systems,
such as islands and remote locations. Current storage technologies are not suitable to
accommodate a large-scale penetration of intermittent RES. The production of hydrogen
from RES may be the solution to energy storage and provide an energy vector with a
variety of uses and excellent environmental characteristics. In particular, hydrogen could
be used in fuel cells (FCs) for electricity, combined heat/cooling and power and transport
applications with zero emissions. Hydrogen and FCs are well poised to become the
prominent energy vector and conversion technology and may well shape the future energy
system. However, no integrated intermittent renewable energy and H2 storage (IRE/H2)
solution is currently available [11], considerable efforts are required for them to become a
commercial reality. Research, development and demonstration on the critical technologies
of hydrogen production, storage and handling and FCs is of strategic importance for
Europe and could have very important socio-economic repercussions for industry and
As advertised in the EU’s Campaign for take-off of the Renewable Sources of Energy,
the optimization of the available potential of renewable energy technologies requires
them to be used together in integrated systems [12]. These systems obviously have to be
adapted to the conditions of each specific location. The aim of RenewIslands is to
develop solutions and strategies for the integration of RES, hydrogen systems and FC use
in islands. In addition, it would identify suitable end-users and applications, tailor
solutions to fit to their requirements, assess their viability and sustainability and develop
strategies for their implementation and dissemination. These would enhance RES
penetration in islands and facilitate the move towards 100% renewable energy systems,
thus enabling the creation of sustainable communities. Apart from increasing the
penetration of intermittent renewable electricity sources, integrated RES/H2/FC systems
present advantages in that they could be integrated with the heat/cooling and transport
fuel needs of islands.
This paper introduces the programme of ‘‘Renewislands—Renewable Energy Solutions
for Islands’’, the work tasks, details of the design of the activities to develop solutions
integrating intermittent renewable energy supply (RES), FC and hydrogen infrastructure
to promote greater intermittent RES and innovative decentralized power systems
penetration in islands and other markets, contributing to the short-term market
introduction of these new technologies; main results achieved in each work packages
(WPs) are presented; in addition, the development of intermittent renewable energy
penetration in specific European Islands are reviewed briefly.

2. Review of intermittent renewable energy penetration in specific European Islands

After experiencing different developments renewable energies penetration in the

European Islands relies on their renewable resources and the politics undertaken.
Renewable energies are most developed in some islands which are trying to achieve 100%
power consumption supported by renewable energies. Renewable energy penetration in
specific European Islands was reviewed in the project for understanding their present
F. Chen et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 11 (2007) 1888–1902 1891

status and the feasibilities of enhancing its penetration through applying integrated
RES/H2/FC systems in islands and remote areas.

2.1. Canary Islands (Spain)

Political and environmental concerns result in a particular energetic strategy in the

Canaries, which shows the importance of improving the indigenous energetic resources, the
renewable energies, towards the goal for energy supply with stable offer, low cost and
environmental friendliness [13,14].
In the Canaries, wind energy has been developed well with annual increase (Table 1)
[13–16]. In recent years solar energy has been enhanced, and the amounts of installed solar
thermal panels and photovoltaic systems expanded. Previous studies [13,14,17] indicated
that in an isolated system, energy storage is important for the use of the great wind
potential of the islands.

2.2. Renewable energies penetration in Ærø Island (Denmark)

The solar energy is used for district heating, being the major energy source in Ærø
Island. Currently the amount of thermal solar panels installed, 3.7 m2 per inhabitant (total

Table 1
Wind energy production per island in the Canaries (MWh)

Year Lanzarote Fuerteventura Gran Canaria Tenerife La Palma La Gomera El Hierro Total

1990 215.98 102.00 317.98

1991 1396.34 1766.68 3163.02
1992 4204.30 970.40 4607.65 3193.05 12,975.40
1993 11,710.24 2763.30 8546.53 2857.48 312.83 26,190.38
1994 18,094.20 21,831.17 13,582.36 5241.76 2743.63 836.32 62,327.45
1995 16,882.49 24,292.31 12,757.88 5920.89 2509.74 643.53 63,006.84
1996 18,755.57 26,257.45 15,367.68 6292.89 2512.60 370.60 963.50 70,520.30
1997 12,758.35 21,362.60 28,311.67 10,504.17 2010.60 728.80 761.24 76,437.42
1998 17,443.34 25,195.20 39,792.70 23,217.23 8209.20 600.80 921.38 115,379.85
1999 17,933.85 28,037.94 110,133.73 56,691.16 9357.60 314.40 965.08 223,433.76
2000 16,107.80 25,722.93 128,588.34 62,463.67 8336.40 796.80 991.46 243,007.39

Table 2
Three district heating plants

District name Areas of thermal solar panels (m2) Numbers of


Marstal town 18,300 1375

Ærøskøbing 4900 (plus a wood pellet boiler of 1 MW and a straw boiler of 3.2 MW) 580
Rise 3600 (with a wood pellet boiler of 800 kW) 115
1892 F. Chen et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 11 (2007) 1888–1902

of 26,800 m2), presents the most developed renewable energy penetration for a certain area
[18]. There are three district heating plants situated at Ærø Island (Table 2).
In the year of 2001, 20.5 GWh accounting for 57% of the total electricity consumption in
Ærø was supported by 7.2 MW wind power. Ærø made the decision to work continuously
to cover the islands’ energy consumption 80–100% with renewable energy in the period of
10 years from 1998 to 2008 [18]. The Ærø Island was the winner of the ‘‘Danish solar city
2000’’ in 2000.

2.3. Renewable energies penetration in Greek Islands

Several kinds of renewable energy are utilized in the Greek Islands. Up to the last year,
50 wind parks were installed with a power of 120 MW in total, and 300 KWp of
photovoltaic power systems finished installation. Also, one small hydroelectric unit
(300 KW) and one biogas-burning unit (166 KW) are situated in Crete Island [19].
At the island of Ikaria, a hybrid energy system includes a typical hydroelectric unit
linked with two pumping-and-storing plants of 3.8 MW, together with a wind park of
2.4 MW. In 2003, the electric system produced the power of 23 GWh in which 6.23 GWh
(27.1%) was from wind, 7.96 GWh (34.6%) and 8.80 GWh (38.3%) were provided by
hydroelectricity and fossil fuels, respectively.
Several papers presented their analytical data concerning the energy consumption in
Greek Islands and the installed RES facilities [20–24], the results show that there are many
islands with significant RES penetration; energy storage and management are required for
further development of RES in the Greek Islands.

2.4. Renewable energies penetration in Madeira Islands

Hydroelectric energy is developed well in Madeira because of its mountainous

orography and plenty of water. Another important renewable resource is wind potential
for electricity production. The average annual increase rate of electricity generation is 7%
during the period from 1991 to 2000 (Fig. 1).

Diesel Hydro Wind Total






1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000

Fig. 1. Electricity production in 1991–2000.

F. Chen et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 11 (2007) 1888–1902 1893

Thermal Renewable














Fig. 2. Evolution of electricity production in Azores (GWh), 1982–2007.

In 2000, 16% of electricity production in the archipelago (Fig. 1) was supported by

renewable energy (wind and hydro). It meant that 25 million litres of fuel oil and 15,000 l of
diesel oil and the associated import costs were saved. Consequently, principal environmental
pollution, CO2 emission of 71,390 t, was cut down. The most favourable year was 1996
because renewable forms of energy provided 33% of total electricity production [25].

2.5. Energy overview of the Azores Archipelago

The Azores archipelago is composed of nine islands (Sao Miguel, Santa Maria, Terceira,
Graciosa, São Jorge, Pico, Faial, Flores and Corvo) with a very rich diversity in fauna and
flora. Due to the pressure of environmental protection, increasing the RES penetration is a
common objective for all islands.
The total electric energy consumption in Azores was 600.8 GWh in 2002 [26], 43% of the
energy produced in the archipelago was generated with clean energy sources; the rest was
produced mainly in fuel oil and gasoil plants.
The study from the Forum for Energy and Development (FED) shows that there are
islands that actually use modern renewable energy technologies on a large scale. For
example, in 1999, 37.6% of total electricity production was contributed by renewables in
São Miguel Island; hydropower is the main contributor (42.6%) in Flores Islands. Fig. 2
clearly displays main islands potential and mid-term projections [27,28].

2.6. The Cape Verde Islands

An important source of energy for Cape Verde is biomass, particularly in the rural areas.
Biomass represents 37.4% of the total consumption of energy and is generally used for
cooking. Three wind farms with a total capacity of 2.4 MW were installed in the main
power systems of Cape Verde in 1994. The turbines are eight 300 kW Nordtank turbines.
Wind energy represents the greater contribution within the renewable energies to electricity
generation in the Cape Verde Islands. This is due to the good wind conditions in the
1894 F. Chen et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 11 (2007) 1888–1902

islands where the Trade Winds prevail (winds of north–east direction) and are
characterized by being constant and with medium–high speeds (in some areas the speeds
average is 12 m/s). In fact, wind farms in the Cape Verde Islands are the ones with bigger
productivity of the world, with capacity factors (energy really produced in a year divided
by the one that in theory can be produced in the same period) higher than 0.4 (40%)
The wind power installed on the Cape Verde Islands represented 3% of total electrical
power installed on the Archipelago in 2002. The penetration levels have been achieved
without any wind farm dedicated control, except for the standard wind turbine con-
trollers in each machine. Wind farm control adjustments were done manually, by the diesel
power plant operators. The total technical availability has been high (92–98%). The
Capeverdean government and Denmark’s development agency Danida jointly financed the
Also, many researches showed the potential possibilities for renewable energy
application in islands [32–40]. They analysed the technical and economic feasibility to
install renewable energy systems in remote area and islands. Generally, significant
progresses have been made in renewable energy technologies, and some are available
commercially. However, not all renewable energy systems are mature and cost competitive,
continuing efforts on research and demonstration are demanded.

3. Overview of the project renewislands

3.1. Objective of the project

The project RenewIslands aimed to contribute to the market penetration of new energy
systems combining FCs, renewable energy sources and hydrogen in islands and remote
regions in EU and Third Countries.
The principal objectives of the project were to: (1) analyse issues associated with
intermittent RES penetration in islands and assess the potential for hydrogen energy
storage; (2) understand integrated RES/H2/FC applications and markets; (3) con-
figure integrated RES/H2/FC applications and develop a software tool to model their
technical, economic and environmental characteristics; (4) check the technical and
economic feasibility of a grid-connected integrated RES/H2/FC installation on the
example of Porto Santo, Madeira, based on an existing wind park and a desalination
plant; (5) discuss opportunities for integrated RES/H2/FC systems in islands, the effects
of energy and environment regulation on their introduction, and wider dissemination

3.2. International co-operation

The project involved seven partners across six European countries, consisting of
universities and other research institutes, a regional energy agency, a leading electrolyser
industry and island networks. The consortium presents an appropriate mix of skills
(hydrogen, FC, renewable energies, dissemination and market studies) and adequate
geographical distribution to accomplish the project objectives, ensure exploitation of
results and their dissemination, and provide Community added-value.
Table 3
Structure of the consortium, management and resources

No. Institution short Country Main activity in the Function in the project Involvement in
name project WPs

1 IST Portugal Research, Project Coordinator, WP4 WP1, WP2, WP3,

technological and Leader WP4
feasibility studies,
2 HYDRO Norway Technological Partner, WP2 Leader WP1, WP2, WP3,
studies WP4
3 E4TECH Switzerland Technological and Partner, WP3 Leader WP1, WP2, WP3,
feasibility studies WP4
4 ITC Spain Research, Partner, WP1 Leader WP1, WP2, WP3,
technological WP4
5 AREAM Portugal Research, Partner WP1, WP2, WP3,
regulatory, and WP4

feasibility studies,
6 NTUA Greece Socio-economic Partner WP1, WP4
7 ISLENET Belgium Dissemination Partner WP1, WP4
F. Chen et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 11 (2007) 1888–1902
1896 F. Chen et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 11 (2007) 1888–1902

Over-riding Subsidiary questions Work packages


Is there potential 1. Analysis of issues

opportunity for concerning renewable
RES/H2/FC systems? energy in islands and
potential for hydrogen

What systems could 2. Configuration and

work in each modelling of specific
application? integrated RES/H2/FC

3. Feasibility study of an
systems offer a viable What can be learned
Do RESH2/FC integrated RES/H2/FC
energy solution for from designing a pilot
systems work? system facility
EU islands? system?

4. Opportunities for
Could RES/H2/FC RES/H2/FC systems in
systems be used more islands, implications of
widely? energy and environment
regulation on their
introduction, and wider
dissemination issues

Fig. 3. Overall methodology.

3.3. Project organization and overall methodology

The project objectives were fulfilled through a total of four WPs, each with a WP leader,
and consisting of a number of tasks (Table 3).
The over-riding question that this project was seeking to address whether integrated
RES/H2/FC systems can offer technically, environmentally and economically viable energy
solutions that would lead to an enhanced integration of RES and decentralized power
systems in EU Islands and other remote areas. In addressing this question subsidiary
questions needed to be answered, which in turn created the individual WPs . The linkage of
this overall methodology is shown in Fig. 3.

3.4. Activities and results achieved

The project had produced results relevant to a wide range of energy users, local
authorities, energy planners, consumers’ associations, industrial and private investors,
tourism industries and energy companies.

3.4.1. Analysis of issues with intermittent renewable energy in islands and potential for
hydrogen energy
In review of potential technical solutions to enhance renewable energy penetration in
islands emphasis was placed on the analysis of solutions involving hydrogen energy storage
and on the identification of end-use applications for H2 in islands (e.g. electricity for peak
F. Chen et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 11 (2007) 1888–1902 1897

shaving, tri-generation in hotels, CHP for desalination, transport fuel). Also, this task
provided an analysis of renewable energy penetration and the role for hydrogen energy
storage in participating islands, building on the results of the above reviews and analyses.
Technical issues and solutions associated with different integrated RES/H2/FC config-
urations were investigated as follows:

1. Solutions for enhanced intermittent RES penetration: Development of energy storage

technology is growing and varying rapidly. The possibility of using energy storage
technology to change the traditional way of power systems is explored and planned.
Energy storage has the advantages to increase asset utilization, assisting penetration of
renewables, and improve the quality of electric systems in flexibility, reliability, and
efficiency. General requirements of energy storage and the different electricity storage
options were reviewed, hydrogen was studied as a storage medium.
2. Hydrogen production processes and applications: Hydrogen is an attractive energy media
to be applied in islands. The processes of hydrogen production, storage and use would
enhance renewable energies penetration in weak and small islands electrical grids. This
work reviewed hydrogen production, water electrolysis and hydrogen distribution.
Emphasis was placed on its uses both for electricity production and as fuel for
transportation systems. Safety issues of hydrogen were also considered.
3. Programme and trials of intermittent RES/H2/FC systems: Relevant projects on
hydrogen from intermittent renewables and integrated RES/H2/FC systems are being
processed worldwide at different degrees of implementation. Some of these projects
were described in this task. They are: (1) Utsira Project (Norway), (2) Hydrogen Demo
Project in UK: PURE—Promoting Unst Renewable Energy, (3) Antarctic Experience:
Introduction of Hydrogen Energy at Mawson, (4) Buses Running on Hydrogen for the
Macaronesia (Hydrobus), (5) Integrating Self Supply into End Use for Sustainable
Tourism (Green Hotel), (6) Hybrid Renewable Energy Hydrogen Production System in
Gran Canaria (Canary Islands—Spain), and (7) Cluster Pilot Project for the Integration
of RES into European Energy Sectors Using Hydrogen (RES2H2).
4. Review of intermittent renewable energy penetration in specific islands: Renewable
energies application were investigated in Canary Islands (Spain), Utsira Island
(Norway), Greek Islands, Madeira Islands (Portugal), Azores Archipelago (Portugal)
and Cape Verde, some general information with respect to power production and
energy consumption in these Archipelagos were introduced. Special emphasis was made
on analysis of energy storage requirements and hydrogen storage technologies.

3.4.2. Configuration and modelling of specific integrated RES/H2/FC applications

Three tasks were involved in the second WP. The first configured integrated RES/H2/FC
systems to be modelled, based on the integrated RES/H2/FC opportunities and issues
identified in the first WP. Configurations differed in terms of hydrogen storage location
and its end-uses (e.g. peak shaving, CHP for desalination plant and surplus electricity
input to the grid, tri-generation at tourist resorts, combined stationary and transport
applications). The second task developed an H2RES software model for the analysis of
integrated RES/H2/FC systems and applied the model to analysis selected system
configurations. The key technical and economic characteristics of the systems were
modelled under specific island energy system constraints. In the third task, it used the
technical and economic modelling results to assess the viability of specific integrated
1898 F. Chen et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 11 (2007) 1888–1902

RES/H2/FC configurations compared to alternative solutions for providing similar energy

Hydrogen storage in islands can be considered as a way to make use of excess renewable
electricity delivered by existing or new renewable capacity. In such a context, hydrogen
storage is used for solving mismatch between overall demand and supply patterns. This
choice is associated with a more effective use of installed renewable technology capacity, as
it makes use of otherwise wasted renewable energy sources available at times when
electricity demand is low.
In an example investigated, it was shown, for example, that displacing a diesel engine
peak unit could halve the total annual fuel consumption and emission rate. The choice of a
very large hydrogen storage capacity (enough to act as seasonal storage) reduced
significantly the number of wind turbines to be installed, leading to a better use of the
installed capacity along the year [41]. The introduction of significant photovoltaic cells
capacity for an unchanged storage capacity achieved similar fuel consumption and
emissions rates with a much lower number of wind turbines, and a lower amount of
electricity generated in excess.
A new modelling tool H2RES developed and applied to different case studies had
confirmed that using a hydrogen loop technically allowed the renewable penetration rate to
reach 100%. However, because of the high costs of hydrogen-related technologies and lack
of experience with their integration in grid applications, a possible first step was to consider
peak shaving schemes with FCs fuelled with renewable hydrogen. Such an option had been
investigated for the islands of Porto Santo and Sal, and it was shown that with such
schemes, the renewable penetration could reach, respectively, 16% and 18% in these two
islands [42,43].
Modelling activities undertaken in this work have shown that when excess electricity
cannot be exported to the grid at any time, there were environmental benefits associated
with hydrogen storage due to a lower amount of fossil-based electricity imported from the
grid. The annual cost of energy supply was, however, several times greater than Business as
Usual even under optimistic assumptions. For stand-alone systems which aimed at 100%
renewable energy, hydrogen was of interest either by itself or in association with batteries,
as it had the potential to be more economic than batteries by themselves over the system
On the other hand, when excess electricity could be exported to the grid at any time,
there was no rationale for the introduction of hydrogen storage within grid-connected
distributed energy systems if the electricity selling and buying prices were uniform
throughout the day. It was much more costly than configurations without storage, while at
the same time less environmental, as direct use of renewable sources was much more
energy efficient and displaced fossil-based electricity into the grid.
Islands and remote regions have more similarities than differences, from energy point of
view, so the same methodology may be applied to both.

3.4.3. Feasibility study an integrated RES/H2/FC system pilot facility

Four tasks were studied in this WP. Firstly, the project analysed electricity demand and
wind electricity supply in the island of Porto Santo, and described a wind/H2/diesel system
to serve the island. Information about energy consumption and wind energy production of
Porto Santo were obtained in previous WPs. Technical preparations of a hydrogen energy
system for the entire island were also considered.
F. Chen et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 11 (2007) 1888–1902 1899

Secondly, the basic design of the hydrogen energy system to be used in Porto Santo was
given. The facility consisted of, based on preliminary system considerations and
components availability, a 75 kW (hydrogen output) electrolyser, a 300 kWh hydrogen
storage (max.), a 25 kW FC and system control and monitoring equipment. The facility
would be integrated with an existing 1.1 MW wind farm in Porto Santo and would use its
surplus electricity to produce hydrogen. System performance was modelled using the
model developed in WP2.
Furthermore, modelling of facility key operating and performance parameters was
analysed. These parameters are important in assessing the techno-economic viability and
environmental benefits of the scheme and similar systems.
The fourth task focused on planning, safety and regulatory issues and how to address
them. It also discussed issues related to performance monitoring and analysis of the pilot
facility, useful for validating modelling data and for assessing the viability of the scheme
and future systems.
For the possibilities to introduce Wind/Hydrogen energy systems into the existing diesel
engine in Porto Santo grid, the following results drawn from the research activities for this
WP were obtained: (1) large wind energy application would increase costs invested; (2)
economic analysis showed that wind energy utilization is limited in islands, which reaches
about 50% of peak load; (3) the processes for applying hydrogen energy system in the
island of Porto Santo should be gradual, in several phases; (4) deploying renewable energy
projects, it is important to have careful planning; early communications with authorities
and the public would smoothen project implementation.

3.4.4. Opportunities for integrated RES/H2/FC systems in islands, the effects of energy and
environment regulation on their introduction, and wider dissemination issues
Two tasks were undertaken in the following actions. The programme reviewed relevant
EU, national and regional energy and environment legislation and discussion of issues
regarding norms and standards related to integrated RES/H2 systems and H2 end-use. This
task provided a review of relevant EU, national and regional energy and environment
legislation that influences the uptake of RES and that affects the development of integrated
RES/H2/FC systems. Table 4 lists EU legislation pertaining to renewable energy sources in

Table 4
Legal instruments since 2000

The Directive on the promotion of electricity The Directives on labelling of electric ovens, of
produced from renewable energy sources, 2001/77/ airconditioners and of refrigerators
EC-OJ L283/33—27.10.2001 2002/40/EC-OJ L283/45—15.5.2002
2002/31/EC-OJ L86/26—3.4.2003
The Directive on energy performance of buildings, 2003/66/EC-OJ L170/10—9.7.2003
2002/91/EC-OJ L1/65—4.1.2003
The Directive on the promotion of biofuels 2003/30/ The Regulation on Energy Star labelling for office
EC-OJ L123/42—17.5.2003 equipment, 2001/2422/EC-OJ L332/1—15.12.2001
The Directive for the taxation of energy products and The Directive on Eco design requirements for energy
electricity, 2003/96/EC-OJ L283/51—31.10.2003 using products, Proposal COM (2003) 453
The Directive on the promotion of cogeneration, The Directive on energy efficiency and energy
2004/8/EC-OJ L52/50—21.2.2004 services, Proposal COM (2003) 739
1900 F. Chen et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 11 (2007) 1888–1902

recent years. It discussed issues related to norms and standards with regard to integrated
RES/H2 systems and H2 end-use.
Another task discussed drivers and barriers to greater RES penetration and
development of integrated RES/H2/FC systems. This task built on the review of task 1
and identified drivers and barriers to a greater RES penetration and development of
integrated RES/H2/FC systems across the EU and for islands in particular.
Norms and standards concerning the hydrogen application in the energy sector have
been addressed in several EU and other international projects and networks [44–47]. Codes
and standards for the use of hydrogen as an energy carrier have been studied. Currently
other norms and standards are being referred for the early implementation of hydrogen
energy systems.
Without dedicated standards it is a challenge to obtain the approval from the authorities
for hydrogen system installations. However, early standards that are ahead of mature
hydrogen technology might hinder current technology choices and innovation.
The relevant RES legislation advocates increasing the renewable energy penetration for
energy safety supply and environment protection, this could be as a main drive to a greater
RES penetration and development of integrated RES/H2/FC systems across the EU and
for islands in particular. Special European laws and financial supports are required to meet
the demands of energy autonomy of islands without environment impacts.

4. Conclusions

Today, deployment of renewable energy in islands is a great opportunity to test new

technologies, in circumstances where conventional technologies are costly, and new
solutions are more efficient.
The project contributed to devising the ways to increase the market penetration of new
energy systems combining FCs, renewable energy sources and hydrogen in islands and
remote regions in EU and Third Countries. It has developed solutions integrating
intermittent RES, FC and hydrogen infrastructure to promote greater intermittent RES
and innovative decentralized power systems penetration in islands and other markets,
contributing to the market introduction of these new technologies. It has resulted in
RenewIslands methodology for sustainable development of islands, and has resulted in an
upgrade of a dedicated island energy planning model H2RES.


Support from Foundation of Science and Technology of Portugal through the Post-
doctoral scholarships of Dr. Fengzhen Chen (SFRH/BPD/20651/2004), Dr. Neven Duic
(SFRH/BPD/14993/2004) and Dr. Luis Manuel Alves (SFRH/BPD/11552/2002) are
gratefully acknowledged.


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