23, 2012
© 2012 by the American College of Cardiology Foundation ISSN 0735-1097/$36.00
Published by Elsevier Inc. doi:10.1016/j.jacc.2012.02.035
Objectives The purpose of this study was to determine whether a new accelerated diagnostic protocol (ADP) for possible cardiac
chest pain could identify low-risk patients suitable for early discharge (with follow-up shortly after discharge).
Background Patients presenting with possible acute coronary syndrome (ACS), who have a low short-term risk of adverse
cardiac events may be suitable for early discharge and shorter hospital stays.
Methods This prospective observational study tested an ADP that included pre-test probability scoring by the Thrombolysis
In Myocardial Infarction (TIMI) score, electrocardiography, and 0 ⫹ 2 h values of laboratory troponin I as the sole
biomarker. Patients presenting with chest pain due to suspected ACS were included. The primary endpoint was
major adverse cardiac event (MACE) within 30 days.
Results Of 1,975 patients, 302 (15.3%) had a MACE. The ADP classified 392 patients (20%) as low risk. One (0.25%) of these pa-
tients had a MACE, giving the ADP a sensitivity of 99.7% (95% confidence interval [CI]: 98.1% to 99.9%), negative predictive
value of 99.7% (95% CI: 98.6% to 100.0%), specificity of 23.4% (95% CI: 21.4% to 25.4%), and positive predictive value of
19.0% (95% CI: 17.2% to 21.0%). Many ADP negative patients had further investigations (74.1%), and therapeutic (18.3%)
or procedural (2.0%) interventions during the initial hospital attendance and/or 30-day follow-up.
Conclusions Using the ADP, a large group of patients was successfully identified as at low short-term risk of a MACE and therefore
suitable for rapid discharge from the emergency department with early follow-up. This approach could decrease the
observation period required for some patients with chest pain. (An observational study of the diagnostic utility of an accel-
erated diagnostic protocol using contemporary central laboratory cardiac troponin in the assessment of patients presenting
to two Australasian hospitals with chest pain of possible cardiac origin; ACTRN12611001069943) (J Am Coll Cardiol
2012;59:2091–8) © 2012 by the American College of Cardiology Foundation
From the *Christchurch Hospital, Christchurch, New Zealand; †University of Otago, Endocrine Research Group and the Queensland Emergency Medicine Research Foun-
Christchurch, New Zealand; ‡Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital, Brisbane, dation with small (20%) contributions from industry (Abbott and Alere). Drs. Than,
Australia; §University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia; 储University of Queensland, Cullen, and Parsonage, and Prof. Richards and Prof. Peacock have accepted travel,
Brisbane, Australia; ¶Monash University, Melbourne, Australia; #Carolinas Medical accommodation, consulting fees, or honoraria from Abbott. All other authors have
Centre, Charlotte, North Carolina; **Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, Ohio; reported that they have no relationships relevant to the contents of this paper to disclose.
††University of California, San Diego, California; and the ‡‡Singapore General Hospital, Manuscript received December 23, 2011; revised manuscript received February 13,
Singapore. Funding for the study was predominantly from the Christchurch Cardio- 2012, accepted February 14, 2012.
2092 Than et al. JACC Vol. 59, No. 23, 2012
Rapid Assessment of Possible Cardiac Chest Pain June 5, 2012:2091–8
Abbreviations A missed diagnosis of acute coro- ED patients suspected of having ACS who are suitable for
and Acronyms nary syndrome (ACS) may lead to safe early discharge. These patients could then have early
further ischemic events and a poten- outpatient or accelerated in-patient follow-up.
ACS ⴝ acute coronary
syndrome(s) tially preventable death or disability.
ADP ⴝ accelerated
Therefore, patients with symptoms
diagnostic protocol suggestive of ACS often undergo a Methods
AMI ⴝ acute myocardial
lengthy assessment in the emer-
Study design and setting. The ADAPT (2-Hour Accel-
infarction gency department (ED) or as hospi-
erated Diagnostic Protocol to Assess Patients With Chest
cTn ⴝ cardiac troponin tal inpatients. These patients ac-
Pain Symptoms Using Contemporary Troponins as the
cTnI ⴝ cardiac troponin I
count for approximately 10% of ED
Only Biomarker) trial was a prospective observational vali-
ECG ⴝ electrocardiography
See page 2099
dation study designed to assess a predefined ADP that
ED ⴝ emergency consisted of TIMI score risk assessment, ECG, and 0- and
department 2-h central laboratory contemporary cardiac troponin I
presentations and 25% of hospital
HS-cTn ⴝ highly sensitive (cTnI) as the only biomarker. The study population was
cardiac troponin admissions (1), yet up to 85% do not
from the Brisbane, Australia and Christchurch, New Zea-
MACE ⴝ major adverse
have a final diagnosis of ACS (2–4).
land, that is, 2 of the 14 sites participating in the ASPECT
cardiac event(s) Prolonged assessment contributes to
study. Most participants were recruited as part of the
STEMI ⴝ ST-segment
duplication of work, high costs, and
ASPECT trial, but we also included additional patients
elevation myocardial ED overcrowding, which leads to
infarction adverse patient outcomes, including through ongoing post-ASPECT recruitment at both cen-
increased mortality (1,5). The need ters. The process for 2-h blood sampling and central
TIMI ⴝ Thrombolysis In
Myocardial Infarction for accurate identification of a low- laboratory analysis of cTnI was pre-planned before the start
risk group that may be safely dis- of the ASPECT study, and a priori local ethics committee
charged without jeopardy of an adverse event from an ACS is approval was obtained for this. All participants provided
written informed consent. The results of the 2-h cTnI
therefore a priority (4).
samples were not used as part of routine clinical care (or for
International guidelines for the investigation of ACS rec-
reference standard adjudication). This study was subse-
ommend serial measurement of cardiac troponin (cTn) at the
quently separately registered with the Australia-New Zea-
onset of symptoms, and many hospitals use the presentation
land Clinical Trials Registry, ACTRN12611001069943.
at the ED as time zero for sampling (6 –10). A reproducible,
Participants. Patients were enrolled consecutively between
reliable, and more timely process for identifying patients
November 2007 and February 2011, at 2 urban EDs in
presenting with chest pain who have a low short-term risk
Brisbane, Australia and in Christchurch, New Zealand. Due
of adverse cardiac events is needed to support their earlier
to local recruitment logistics, enrollment did not start and
discharge (4). Only 2 studies have prospectively validated
finish at the same time in each center. Criteria for enroll-
accelerated diagnostic protocols (ADPs) for the early dis- ment included age ⱖ18 years of age, with at least 5 min of
charge of low-risk patients using serial biomarkers in the symptoms consistent with ACS, where the attending phy-
first 2 hours after arrival (11,12). sician planned to perform serial cTn tests. The American
The recent ASPECT (A 2-h Diagnostic Protocol to Heart Association case definitions for possible cardiac
Assess Patients with Chest Pain Symptoms in the Asia- symptoms were used (i.e., acute chest, epigastric, neck, jaw,
Pacific region) study used 0- and 2-h biomarker testing with or arm pain; or discomfort or pressure without an apparent
a point-of-care multimarker panel, electrocardiography noncardiac source) (14). Patients were excluded for any of
(ECG), and the Thrombolysis In Myocardial Infarction the following: ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction
(TIMI) score (11). In that study, the ADP identified 9.8% (STEMI), a clear cause other than ACS for the symptoms
of patients with suspected ACS who could have been (e.g., examination findings of varicella zoster), inability to
discharged early from the ED, with a sensitivity of 99.3% provide informed consent, staff considered recruitment to be
for 30-day major adverse cardiac events (MACE). inappropriate (e.g., receiving palliative treatment), transfer
Some studies have shown superiority of point-of-care mul- from another hospital, pregnancy, previous enrollment, or
timarker strategies compared with troponin alone when used inability to be contacted after discharge. Perceived high risk
for early evaluation of such patients, but studies have been was not used as an exclusion criterion. Patients were
criticized for using relatively insensitive cTn assays. Current managed according to local hospital protocols, including
laboratory troponins may now be equivalent or superior to point- blood draws for cTnI measurement at presentation, and
of-care multimarker strategies even at these early time points (13). then 6 to 12 h afterwards in compliance with international
This might increase the number of patients eligible for early guidelines (6,14). Christchurch Hospital used the Abbott
discharge, while maintaining very high sensitivity (⬎99%). ARCHITECT cTnI assay (Abbott, Inc., Chicago, Illinois),
The purpose of this study was to determine if an ADP which has a detection limit of ⬍0.01 /l, 99th percentile of
using a serial troponin as the only biomarker could identify 0.028 /l, 10% coefficient of variation of 0.032 /l, and a
JACC Vol. 59, No. 23, 2012 Than et al. 2093
June 5, 2012:2091–8 Rapid Assessment of Possible Cardiac Chest Pain
10% coefficient of variation of 0.06 /l, and a decision 1. cTnI level at 0 and 2 h below institutional cutoff for an elevated troponin
cutoff, as per manufacturer, of ⬎0.04 /l. Following Federal
2. No new ischemic changes on the initial ECG
Drug Authority concerns about results consistency between 3. TIMI score ⫽ 0 (16)
DxI analyzers for measurement of the Beckman assay, a a. Age ⱖ65 yrs
local reassessment was performed in Brisbane that showed b. Three or more risk factors for coronary artery disease:
only a 5% bias between the 2 local DxI analyzers. Long- (family history of coronary artery disease, hypertension,
term imprecision at the 99th percentile has been 13% to hypercholesterolaemia, diabetes, or being a current smoker)
14%. After assessment of local data, there has been no c. Use of aspirin in the past 7 days
d. Significant coronary stenosis (e.g., previous coronary stenosis ⱖ50%)
market withdrawal in Australasia. In both centers, results
e. Severe angina (e.g., ⱖ2 angina events in past 24 h or persisting
for clinical use and outcomes adjudication were rounded to discomfort)
2 decimal places. f. ST-segment deviation of ⱖ0.05 mV on first ECG
Data were collected prospectively using a published data g. Increased troponin and/or creatine kinase-MB blood tests
dictionary (15). Nursing staff collected the demographic and (during assessment*)
clinical data from patients, supervised ECG testing, and *The results of the 0-h cardiac troponin-I (cTnI) were used for calculation of the Thrombolysis In
drew blood samples for cTnI testing. If a patient was unsure Myocardial Infarction (TIMI) score in this study, which is a modification from the original published
score. This score parameter and that of ST-segment deviation are effectively redundant in the
of an answer to a question (e.g., history of hypertension), a ADAPT accelerated diagnostic protocol (ADP) because of the broader cTnI and electrocardiographic
response of “No” was recorded. Patients were followed up to (ECG) criteria (1 and 2).
The 193 patients eligible, but not recruited, were similar in age, gender, and risk factors (p ⬎ 0.05 for all). The 30-day follow-up included initial hospital attendance,
and no patients were lost to follow-up. ADP ⫽ accelerated diagnostic protocol; MACE ⫽ major adverse coronary event(s); TIMI ⫽ Thrombolysis In Myocardial Infarction.
Table 2 Participant Characteristics
Demographics: Participant Characteristics
Characteristics (Nⴝ1,975) ADP Positive ADP Negative
Age, yrs 60.4 ⫾ 14.9 63.2 ⫾ 14.8 49.4 ⫾ 9.2
Sex (% male) 60.0 (1,185) 60.1 (951) 59.7 (234)
Caucasian 89.8 (1,748) 90.3 (1,411) 87.5 (337)
Maori 1.7 (34) 1.9 (30) 1.0 (4)
Aboriginal 0.8 (16) 0.8 (13) 0.8 (3)
Indian 0.9 (17) 0.8 (13) 1.0 (4)
Chinese 0.2 (3) 0.2 (3) 0 (0)
Other 6.8 (129) 6.0 (92) 9.6 (37)
Risk factors
Hypertension 52.1 (1,029) 59.0 (934) 24.2 (95)
Diabetes 14.4 (285) 17.4 (276) 2.3 (9)
Dyslipidemia 51.1 (1,009) 57.5 (907) 26.1 (102)
Previous smoker 41.7 (823) 43.5 (688) 34.5 (135)
Current smoker 18.9 (374) 18.3 (289) 21.7 (85)
Family history of coronary artery disease 53.5 (1,056) 55.4 (874) 46.4 (182)
Medical history
Angina 33.8 (668) 41.5 (657) 2.8 (11)
Coronary artery disease 21.0 (415) 26.2 (414) 0.3 (1)
Acute myocardial infarction 23.3 (461) 29.1 (461) 0 (0)
Revascularization 17.3 (341) 21.7 (341) 0 (0)
Congestive heart failure 7.9 (157) 9.8 (155) 0.5 (2)
Stroke 9.6 (190) 11.6 (183) 1.8 (7)
Coronary artery bypass graft 8.7 (172) 10.9 (172) 0 (0)
Arrhythmia 6.1 (121) 7.4 (116) 1.3 (5)
Length of initial hospital attendance (h)
Median 31.3 (24–96) 48.0 (24–120) 24.1 (11.3–28.1)
Mean 81.8 ⫾ 245.2 93.1 ⫾ 270.8 34.8 ⫾ 48.2
Values are mean ⫾ SD, % (n), or median (interquartile range [IQR]). *Data missing in 28 patients. Values ⬎100% due to multiple factors reported
by patients.
During Initial
Frequency andHospital
Type ofAttendance
Frequency Major Adverse
and Type oforMajor
Adverse Cardiac Event
Table 3
During Initial Hospital Attendance or 30-Day Follow-Up
ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) occurred after initial recruitment. *350 events occurred in 302 patients during initial hospital
attendance or 30-day follow-up.
2096 Than et al. JACC Vol. 59, No. 23, 2012
Rapid Assessment of Possible Cardiac Chest Pain June 5, 2012:2091–8
Test Parameter
to the Results
Parameter Occurrence
of Individual
Performance: of Major
Occurrence Combination
of Major ofEvents
the Cardiac
Adverse Accelerated
During Initial
Events Hospital
During Protocol
Initial Testor
Hospital Parameters
30-Day or 30-Day
Table 4
Follow-Up According to the Results of Individual and Combination of the Accelerated Diagnostic Protocol Test Parameters
Outcome Outcome
*Electrocardiography (ECG) alone: any new ischemia was positive. †Any cardiac troponin-I (cTnI) greater than the cutoff was positive. ‡Accelerated diagnostic protocol (ADP) false negative cases.
§Thrombolysis In Myocardial Infarction (TIMI) score of ⱖ1 was positive. TIMI used contemporary cTnI and ECG result at 0 h. 储cTnI more than the cutoff or any new ischemia on ECG was positive. ¶Any new
ischemia on ECG or TIMI score ⱖ1 was positive. #ADP was negative if TIMI score was 0 and ECG and cTnI were all negative. If TIMI score was ⱖ1 or any other parameter was positive, then ADP was positive.
MACE ⫽ major adverse cardiac event.
and suitable for outpatient care at a risk of 0.25% for a mended value of greater than the 99th percentile (rather
short-term MACE. These patients could have been safely than using the local institution’s cutoff rounded to 2 decimal
discharged to outpatient follow-up many hours earlier than places), the sensitivity of this ADP would have been
what usually occurs in current practice. The reduction in unchanged (99.7%). Using such a cutoff would have iden-
time required for observation for some patients through tified 3 less patients (n ⫽ 389; 19.7%) as low risk (Online
application of this ADP could have significant benefits for Table 3).
health services, even in those centers with chest pain This study confirms that each of the components of the
observation units. In the United States alone, ⬎6 million ADP, including troponin, is needed to achieve sufficient
ED visits a year involve patients presenting with chest pain sensitivity to be used at an early timeframe after presenta-
(20). In centers with lower disease prevalence, such as in the tion (Table 4). A TIMI score equaling 0 within the ADP
United States, it is likely that even more patients would be resulted in a lower and more acceptable false negative rate
suitable for discharge to outpatient care with this ADP,
than when only troponins and ECG were used for the
which could potentially reduce extended observation in
prediction of 30-day MACEs (0.25% vs. 3.2%).
millions of patients annually. In patients unsuitable for
This study also demonstrates that central laboratory
outpatient follow-up, a negative ADP result could allow
troponin assays currently in use have sufficient sensitivity at
earlier in-patient investigation and still reduce length of stay
in the hospital. an early time point to negate the need for additional
The new ADP has a very high sensitivity and negative biomarkers (such as myoglobin and creatine kinase-MB) as
predictive value, and using a contemporary cTnI as the components of the ADP. These other biomarkers do not
single biomarker in the ADP doubled the proportion of improve the sensitivity, and reduce the proportion of pa-
patients classified as low risk in comparison to the ASPECT tients defined as low risk (due to a greater number of
study (20% vs. 9.8%) (11). If the cutoff used to define an patients with a positive biomarker result), as was shown in
elevated troponin had been the internationally recom- the ASPECT study (11).
Table 5 Accuracy:
DiagnosticAccuracy of Accuracy
Accuracy: cTnI, ECG,ofTIMI,
cTnI,and ADP
ECG, for and
TIMI, Prediction
ADP forofPrediction
ECG ECG* Troponin† Troponin and ECG‡ TIMI and ECG§ ADP (ECGⴙ TIMI ⴙ Troponin)储
Sensitivity 24.5 (20.0–29.7) 87.4 (83.2–90.7) 89.1 (85.1–92.1) 98.3 (96.2–99.3) 99.7 (98.1–99.9)
Negative predictive value 86.7 (85.0–88.2) 97.6 (96.7–98.3) 97.7 (96.7–98.3) 98.7 (97.1–99.5) 99.7 (98.6–100.0)
Specificity 88.5 (86.8–89.9) 92.6 (91.2–93.7) 82.6 (80.7–84.3) 23.5 (21.5–25.6) 23.4 (21.4–25.5)
Positive predictive value 27.7 (22.7–33.4) 68.0 (63.2–72.5) 48.0 (43.9–52.2) 18.8 (17.0–20.8) 19.0 (17.2–21.0)
Negative likelihood ratio 0.85 (0.80–0.91) 0.14 (0.10–0.18) 0.13 (0.10–0.18) 0.07 (0.03–0.17) 0.01 (0.002–0.10)
Positive likelihood ratio 2.12 (1.67–2.70) 11.79 (9.90–14.05) 5.12 (4.58–5.72) 1.29 (1.25–1.33) 1.30 (1.27–1.34)
*ECG alone: any new ischemia was positive. †cTnI more than cutoff for an elevated troponin was positive. ‡Troponin and ECG: cTnI more than cutoff value for an elevated troponin and/or any new ischemia
on ECG was positive. §TIMI and ECG: TIMI score of ⱖ1 was positive and/or any new ischemia on ECG was positive. 储ADP was negative if TIMI score was 0 and ECG and troponin were all negative. If TIMI
score was ⱖ1 or any other parameter was positive, then ADP was positive.
Abbreviations as in Table 4.
JACC Vol. 59, No. 23, 2012 Than et al. 2097
June 5, 2012:2091–8 Rapid Assessment of Possible Cardiac Chest Pain
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