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Mcs and DSP Laser Ap: Instruction Manual

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Revision 1.1 of 20.11.2012

NUOVA ELETTRONICA s.n.c. di Pasqui F. & C.

Via Parri ZI Moiano - 06062 Città Della Pieve - PG - ITALIA - UE
Tel. : +39 (0)578 298066 Fax: +39 (0)578 297007
web: www.nuova-elettronica.com e-mail: [email protected]

Rev. 1.1 – Ed. 20/11/2012
Status of manual
Manual code: DLAM01EN
Revision: 1.1
Issue: 20/11/2012

Chronology of document revisions

Date Revision Summary of changes
15/09/2012 1.0 Draft
20/11/2012 1.1 First issue

Copyright information
Possible information about copyright

1. Foreword ..................................................................................................................... 1
1.1. General information ...................................................................................................... 1

2. Symbols used in the manual...................................................................................... 2

3. Warranty ...................................................................................................................... 3

4. Technical Service ....................................................................................................... 3

5. Safety precautions ...................................................................................................... 4

5.1. Checks ......................................................................................................................... 4
5.2. Spare parts ................................................................................................................... 4
5.3. Decommissioning ......................................................................................................... 4

6. Legend ......................................................................................................................... 5

7. Planning safety measures .......................................................................................... 7

8. Overview...................................................................................................................... 8
8.1. System composition ...................................................................................................... 8
8.1.1. MCS module ................................................................................................................. 8
8.1.2. DSP LASER AP .......................................................................................................... 13
8.2. Operating cycle of a press brake ................................................................................ 16

9. Signals and plate data .............................................................................................. 17

9.1. Leds and references: scheme and functions ............................................................... 17
9.1.1. MCS module ............................................................................................................... 17
9.1.2. DSP LASER AP .......................................................................................................... 24
9.2. Identification plates ..................................................................................................... 26
9.2.1. MCS module ............................................................................................................... 26
9.2.2. Receiver ..................................................................................................................... 26
9.2.3. Transmitter ................................................................................................................. 27

10. System Characteristics and Installation ................................................................. 28

10.1. Standard supply .......................................................................................................... 28
10.2. Transport and unpackaging ........................................................................................ 28
10.3. Mechanical installation ................................................................................................ 28
10.3.1. MCS module ............................................................................................................... 28 Preparation ................................................................................................................................... 29 Installation .................................................................................................................................... 30
10.3.2. DSP LASER AP .......................................................................................................... 30 Preparation ................................................................................................................................... 30 Installation .................................................................................................................................... 33
10.4. Electric connection...................................................................................................... 34
10.4.1. List of signals managed by MCS ................................................................................. 34
10.4.2. MCS electric connection ............................................................................................. 40 Machine power supply connection ............................................................................................... 40 Foot Pedal Controls with “antipanic” and Emergency chain ........................................................41

DSP LASER AP with MCS RH and LH side guards and other I/O ..........................................................................................45 Emergency of auxiliary devices....................................................................................................47 Automatic tool clamping ...............................................................................................................48 Connection to the Encoders monitoring Y1 and Y2 .....................................................................49 Commmunications to/from CNC via I/O and serial port ...............................................................50 Machine movement command (upstroke/downstroke/STOP) .....................................................52 Hemming ......................................................................................................................................55 Rear guards ..................................................................................................................................56 Robot function ..............................................................................................................................57
10.4.3. Electric connection of DSP LASER AP ........................................................................58
10.4.4. Electric connection of other front protections ...............................................................58

11. Commissioning .........................................................................................................59

11.1. Power supply and first functional verification ...............................................................59
11.2. List, description and programming of MCS parameters ...............................................59
11.2.1. List of parameters and description ...............................................................................60
11.3. System Test ................................................................................................................67
11.4. First installation of TX and RX .....................................................................................71
11.5. Verification of the stop distance ...................................................................................75
11.6. Sheet Edge Acquisition ...............................................................................................75
11.7. Verification of Low Speed and High Speed..................................................................76
11.8. Speed change point and Automuting ...........................................................................76
11.9. Blanking Modality of DSP LASER AP ..........................................................................80
11.10. Operation in Robot mode.............................................................................................86

12. Residual risks ............................................................................................................87

12.1. Risks typical of the laser source ..................................................................................87
12.2. Blanking ......................................................................................................................87
12.3. Risks deriving from dangers of mechanical type ..........................................................88
12.3.1. Manual support of the sheet ........................................................................................88
12.3.2. Installation and uninstallation of tools ..........................................................................89
12.3.3. Work organization .......................................................................................................89

13. Use .............................................................................................................................90

13.1. Light Indicators ............................................................................................................90
13.2. PCV setting .................................................................................................................90
13.3. Verification of stop distance .........................................................................................90
13.4. Sheet Edge Acquisition ...............................................................................................91
13.5. Adjustment after the tool change .................................................................................91

14. Maintenance...............................................................................................................95
14.1. Alarms/errors and possible solution of the problems....................................................95

15. Removal and reinstallation after the repair .............................................................99

16. Technical characteristics ........................................................................................100


1. Foreword
Purpose of this manual is to inform both the technical personnel responsible of the
installation, manufacturer or overhauling the press brakes (from now on indicated with
“manufacturer” for ease of writing) and the user of the machine where the device will be
installed about the operations of assembly, installation, use and maintenance of the
equipment. The information relevant to the use of the machine have to be integrated with
the information present in this document. The instructions are addressed to the
manufacturer’s personnel, in charge of integrating the equipment on the press, and to the
personnel of the press brake user, devoted to the normal working activities once the
equipment has been installed (use, setup, maintenance, ecc.). The installation of this device
requires a minimum of technical know-how and the use foresees the respect of the current
laws in force relevant to the safety in the work environment and to the accident prevention.

The manual must be kept with care, both by the machine manufacturer and by the user, in
such a place to be immediately available every time it is necessary.

Contact Nuova Elettronica for explanations and to require possible additional copies or
updates of the manual itself.
Nuova Elettronica reserves the discretion to change the production and the manual without
the obligation to update the previous production and manuals.

1.1. General information

This manual has been written by the equipment manufacturer and constitutes integral part
of the equipment itself.

It defines the purpose which the equipment has been created for and contains all the
information necessary to ensure a correct and safe use.
Nuova Elettronica, in pursuing a policy of continue development and update of the product
together with the evolution of the state-of-art of the laser safety devices for press brakes,
can carry out changes without any notice.
Nuova Elettronica declines any responsibility for changes made by the user to the device.


2. Symbols used in the manual

The important information has been highlighted and accompanied by the word:

Lack of reading this information can cause serious dangers for the

The information signals a risk which had been impossible to eliminate

Residual risk:

Indicates a situation of possible danger which, if not avoided, can cause

minor damages

Additional information not relevant to safety


Technical information of major importance is highlighted with bold font.


3. Warranty
The manufacturer ensures his own products for a period of 12 months from the sale date.
The warranty covers the parts of the device, if it is demonstrated that they are faulty in
materials or assembly, respecting the following conditions:

1) With warranty we mean the replacement of all those parts which have been found
faulty for manufacturing in conditions of normal use.
Warranty is not valid if not accompanied by the copy of the invoice attesting the
Moreover, the warranty is not valid in the following cases:
a) any kind of tampering of the device;
b) use of the device in modes not in compliance with the warnings reported in this
c) damages caused by the not suitability of the environment where the device
works and phenomena not depending on the normal operation (e.g.: wrong
voltage or frequency values of the mains);
d) repair interventions carried out by persons or Technical Service Centres not
authorized by Manufacturer.
2) The costs and the risks of the transport, of the packaging and of the possible labor
necessary for this purpose are at Purchaser’s charge.
3) The replacement of the device, as even the extension of the warranty after the
intervention for fault, is excluded.
4) No refund is foreseen for the possible inactivity period of the device during the period
necessary for the repair.

4. Technical Service
Technical and Repair Service, as the replies to the request of specific information or
explanations, are provided directly by the equipment manufacturer:

NUOVA ELETTRONICA s.n.c. of Pasqui F. & C.

Via Parri ZI Moiano - 06062 Città Della Pieve - PG - ITALIA - UE
Tel. : +39 (0)578 298066 Fax: +39 (0)578 297007
web: www.nuova-elettronica.com
e-mail: [email protected]


5. Safety precautions
5.1. Checks
• Check the operating voltage of the device before use.
The operating voltage (24Vcc ± 10%) is indicated on the plate located on MCS module.
The device is not disconnected from mains until MCS module is physically connected to
the electric panel, even if the device seems “off”.

• Stop immediately using the device in case of penetration of liquids or objects

inside the device itself.
Disconnect the device and take care that qualified personnel checks it.
To disconnect the device, refer to the procedure described in the chapter relevant to the
device removal.

5.2. Spare parts

Spare parts can be supplied only by Nuova Elettronica.

5.3. Decommissioning
If You decide to stop using DSP LASER AP and MCS device because obsolete or
irremediable faulty, decommission it making the device itself not operating and deprived of
risks. Seal the device within a robust package and dismantle it acting in compliance with the
current laws in force, contacting the local bodies charged for these operations.


6. Legend

Speed of the mobile part of the machine when closing or approaching the
Alarm generated by the pressure of the third position of the downstroke
BEND AXIS Axis of the section perpendicular to the punch length
AUTOMUTING Automatic inhibition of a detection area
Speed of the mobile part of the machine, when closing or approaching the
sheet, equal to or lower than 10 mm/s
BLANKING Function inhibiting part of the detection area
DETECTION Minimum size of the test piece capable to be detected
Procedure allowing the alignment of the laser beam generated by TX to
the RX receiving area
Distance between the punch tip and the lower edge of the detection area,
equal to the sum of the maximum stop distance and 5 mm
DSP LASER AP Name of the device charged to monitor the front part of the press
ESPE Electro-Sensitive Protective Equipment
Automatic and temporary interruption of the safety functions executed by
the safety parts of the control system
BENDING LINE Line defined by the pungh tip along all the press
Name of the module for the monitoring and control of the functions to use
in safety state of the press brake
Safety function ensuring the intervention of a safety measure if the
MONITORING capability of a component or an element in executing its function is
MUTING Temporary inhibition of the device charged to safety monitoring
Output Signal Switching Devices
Mute Point: point of the closing stroke where the speed changes from fast
MUTE POINT approaching speed (Fast Speed) to safety or work speed, lower than or
equal to 10 mm/sec (Low Speed)
PROGRAMMING MCS parameters which can be changed, through proper procedure, to
PARAMETERS configure functions and outputs of MCS
Sliding layer of the bend line during the punch movement
Bottom Dead Center: lowest point of the moveable table stroke, generally
set by the numeric control to achieve the wished bend
Top Dead Center: highest point of the moveable table stroke, generally
set by the numeric control to achieve the wished bend
Maximum Top Dead Center: highest point of the stroke, achievable by the
moveable table
Use of more than one device or system or parts of them with the aim of
REDUNDANCY ensuring that, in case of fault of a single component during its function,
another compont is capable to execute that function
Name of the receiver, part of DSP LASER AP, which includes the
sensitive function and the leds
Distance covered by the moveable table after the interception of the
detection area of DSP LASER AP


STATE OFF State where the output circuit is open and interrupts the flow of current or
is at potential 0V, if we deal with solid state outputs
STATE ON State where the output circuit is closed and allows the flow of current or is
at potential 24V, if we deal with solid state outputs
Maximum time between the moment when the test piece is introduced
FEEDBACK TIME inside the detection area of DSP LASER AP device and the moment when
MCS outputs switch to OFF state
Name of the transmitter part of DSP LASER AP. It generates and emits
the laser beam and the system synchronism
Area within which the beam emitted by the transmitter is detected by the
Area within which the specified test is detected


7. Planning safety measures

The whole system has been developed and designed to achieve the necessary level SIL3
or PL=e, respecting the indications of the standards:
CEI EN 62061 : 2005 and EN ISO 13849-1 : 2008

DSP LASER AP device has been, moreover, designed respecting even the indications
specified by the standards CEI EN 61496-1:2005 and CEI CLC/TS 61496-2:2007. It can be
classified as ESPE of type 4

MCS device has been, moreover, designed respecting even the indications specified by the
standard EN 12622:2009

The laser contained in DSP LASER is classified as CLASS 1M, according to standard CEI
EN 60825-1:2009.

DSP LASER AP device, if properly installed and used as described in this Manual, is in
compliance with the provisions of:

• Machinery Directive 2006/42/CE and relevant reference laws and specifications:

o CEI EN 61496-1:2005 and CEI CLC/TS 61496-2:2007
o EN ISO 12100 : 2010
EN 12622:2009, CEI EN 60204-1:2006, CEI EN 60825-1:2009

• Low Voltage Directive 2006/95/CE and relevant reference laws

o CEI EN 61496-1:2005
o CEI EN 60204-1:2006

• Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive 2004/108/CE and relevant reference laws

o CEI EN 61496-1:2005
o CEI EN 61000-6-3 : 2007 and CEI EN 61000-6-2 : 2006


8. Overview
8.1. System composition

8.1.1. MCS module

MCS is an electronic module whose logic has been planned to monitor and operate the
systems and the components, present on a press brake, which ensure a safe use of the
press itself according to what foreseen by standard EN12622.
The concepts used for its design and manufacturing allows achieving, for some safety
functions, the category 4, PL=e according to standard EN ISO 13849-1 and SILCL3
according to standard EN 62061, the highest possible as regards the realization of
equipment preposed to the costruction of safe machines. The structure is characterized by
two processors and, then, two channels, usually named “Channel A” and “Channel B”.
The system nature and its partial capability to be programmed allow the adaptation and the
use of the press brake in different planning methods.

Types of front protections controlled by MCS

As you can see in Figure 1, MCS controls the photoelectric device DSP LASER AP as main
component for the protection against the access to the front part of the bending machine.
This generates a protection photoelectric area with advanced characteristics, allowing the
achievement of high machine performances, ensuring however a very high protection
degree for the operator.
MCS can manage even the protection photoelectric area generated by DSP LASER or by a
generic protection barrier. In this case, refer to the manual of the device you wish to use.

The standard version of MCS software is the PS version suitable to the

use of DSP LASER AP. If you use MCS with a device different from DSP
LASER AP, make sure to have purchased the version with the special
Information: PG software version installed.


Figure 1


Section for the monitoring of speed/position/direction


C C 1 2

Figure 2

Figure 2 shows a scheme of the section which allows connecting in parallel to channels A
and B of the two, usually linear, encoders present on the synchronized press. They
measure the stroke of the hydraulic jacks responsible of the movement and the operation of
the moveable table. With this system, the machine speed is measured and controlled. Other
controls and automatisms are moreover implemented, necessary to the management of the
safety and of the operativity of the bending machine, as the monitoring of the direction of
the moveable part movement and its position with respect to the fixed part.
If the machine is not provided with encoders for the adjustment of the position of the jacks,
proper encoders can be installed in order to carry out the measures and the monitoring
mentioned above.


Components and systems managed by MCS

MCS module monitors and manages even other machine systems and components, some
of them with safety functions and others complementary to these or, generally, as
completion of the press brake operation and not devoted to safety functions.












Figure 3

Figure 3 represents the components which can be connected to MCS inputs to be

controlled and monitored.


Safety outputs and monitor inputs

Figure 4 represents the MCS safety outputs which are realized at solid state, have high
current in output and are synchronized with the MCS inputs available for the possible
monitors of the devices they control.
The already set MCS functional states can be assigned to these outputs. This easy, but
effective, assignment function allows controlling different configurations of the actuators
preposed to the machine closing.

Usually we refer to hydraulic components because the great part of the

bending machines use them, but the safety outputs can control any type
Information: of actuator, as the command is electric.









Figure 4



Figure 5


For the operation, it is necessary that MCS transmits and receives some simple ON/OFF
information to/from CNC and to/from the press brake (Figure 5).
For this purpose, some digital I/O are available, not regarding the safety, whose state will be
then ON /OFF. It is even possible, but not necessary, that some of these data are
transmitted via serial port RS232.

Interface MCS - Operator

MCS manages a great number of signals and executes different machine functions. Then,
an interface is necessary with the personnel devoted to its installation during the
construction of the machine and with the personnel which then will use it.
The module has two types of interface towards the external world (Figure 6). The first
interface is realized with:

• LEDs showing the I/O states.

• Alpha-numeric display showing messages and data regarding the operation of the
system and of the machine.
• Keys for the selection of the operation options.





Figure 6

The second interface is realized by the CNC display. The data and the messages to display
are processed by CNC depending on the signals coming from MCS through the serial port.



The safety device DSP LASER AP is a visible laser emission barrier which, realized and
placed as described in Standard EN12622, protects the operator of the press brake against
the danger to be squashed between the upper tool and the lower tool during the closing of
the press in high speed. The device is constituted by a transmitter TX, which generates the
laser emission, and by a receiver RX, which receives it and transmits the processing of the
received signals to MCS module.
Main task of DSP LASER AP is detecting, within the limits defined by its detection
capability, the intrusion of any opaque physical element into the “detection area”.
Figure 7 represents the position of DSP LASER AP on the machine and the section of the
detection area with the sensors present in the receiver lighted by the laser beam.

Figure 7
Not during all the phases of the machine cycle or in the different operating modalities, all the
receivers are necessarily enabled to detect an object entering the detection area. To be
detected, the object has to interrupt the laser beams hitting at least, one of the enabled
sensors. Detecting the object causes the intervention of the device, which must stop the
movement of the machine or activate an action foreseen by the operating cycle, as the
inhibition of a set of sensors in case of blanking. Figure 8 represents the section of the
protection area and its logic of positioning with respect to the upper tool.
The horizontal protection layer is located from the tip of the tool at a safety distance equal to
the maximum stop distance allowed for the safe use of the press brake with the DSP
LASER AP device + 5mm. The maximum allowed values are, as described later, three:
14mm, 18mm and 24mm.
The safety area preempts the movement of the upper tool for such a distance which allows
stopping the tool without this can squash any opaque object possibly between itself and the
lower tool.
The object possibly under the protection area, once penetrated it, should generate the
command to stop the machine, which will stop within a distance called “machine stop
As the stop command has been generated at a distance equal to “maximum allowed stop
distance”+ 5mm, the tool has ended its movement at a distance = maximum allowed SA –
machine SA + 5mm, clearly without even brushing on the object.


Figure 8
As regards the Blanking function used for bending boxes, the detection area is subdivided
in 3 different areas: a front area (towards the operator), a central area (under the tip of the
upper tool and sligthly shifted towards the rear part of the press) and a rear area (towards
the rear part of the press brake).

Area Task
Front Protects the operator’s fingers too close to the working area. Moreover, it
protects against the risk of squashing between the die edge and the tip of the
upper tool.
This area can be inhibited for special machining.
Central Protects the operator against the squashing between the tip of the upper tool
and the sheet/die.
Rear Avoid the squashing between the tip of the upper tool and the rear
This area can be inhibited for special machining or if the rear
backgauges are intercepted.

As regards the Automuting function, the detection areas are 3: Area A, Area B and Area C.

Area Task
Area A Area A is composed by the 3 lowest sensors: one front sensor, one central
sensor and one rear sensor. The set of sensors of the Area A is that
intercepting first an obstacle during the downstroke. The detection of the sheet
thickness is executed by the central sensor of the Area A.
Note. If the machine Stop Distance, measured by MCS during the test, is less
than 6mm, the Area A is automatically disabled by DSP LASER AP during the
normal operation. It remains, however, active during the verification of the Stop
Distance and the Sheet Edge Acquisition.
Area B Area B is composed by the 3 sensors located above the Area A: one front
sensor, one central sensor and one rear sensor.
Area C Area C is composed by the 3 sensors located above the Area B: one front
sensor, one central sensor and one rear sensor. This set of sensors is the
closest to the tool tip.


Foreseen use of the System

DSP LASER AP device has been designed to create on the press brake, as described in
par. 8.1.2, a detection area (volume), by means of the laser beam emitted by the transmitter
and captured by the receiver, to protect the operator who should penetrate it.

DSP LASER AP protects the operator only stopping the movement in

progress of the upper table. Then, it cannot be used in case of material
Warning: projection. Then take care in the choice of the material to process, of the
tools and to the possible presence of foreign bodies within the tool
movement area. Transparent objects penetrating the detection area are
not detected.

The device has been designed and manufactured to ensure protection to the operator,
accessing in front of the die area of a press brake, against the dangers due to the
movement of the moveable table during the high speed downstroke. If the operator
intercepts the detection area of DSP LASER AP during the high speed downstroke, the
movement of the moveable table is stopped before the tool installed on it can touch the
operator. The operator, however, must know the risks relevant to the processing on this
type of press brakes.

Pay special attention to the tool shape, which must not exceed the
protection area generated by the laser.

Anyway the device does not replace the necessary training of the personnel and the
information relevant to the residual risks described in chap. 12 Residual risks.
MCS module has been designed to monitor the parts and the functions which the different
press brake models usually have in common.
Should the monitored parts not work as foreseen and the function assume logics or produce
abnormal values, MCS ensures the STOP of what monitored.
The typical use of the system foresees the mechanical installation of the transmitter and of
the receiver on the upper table and the installation of MCS module inside the electric panel
of the press brake.
In case of machines with moveable upper table, they move together with the moveable
table. Vice versa, in cases of machines with closing movement upwards, the transmitter and
the receiver remain fixed with the upper tool, being understood all other considerations are
the same.
Electric installation must respect what reported in this manual and, in any case, be in
compliance with what foreseen by the current laws regarding the safety installation for
industrial use.
Any use different from those clearly allowed and reported in this use and maintenance
manual of DSP LASER AP and MCS module is, and must be considered, forbidden.
For these uses not allowed and/or not foreseen by NUOVA ELETTRONICA s.n.c. of Pasqui
F. & C., any kind of explicit and implicit warranty decays, as any responsibility for possible


8.2. Operating cycle of a press brake

Here below is reported the operating chart of a work cycle for a hydraulic press brake with
downstroke of the upper table.

Cycle State Centers and phases of Cycle

the cycle
Maximum Top Dead Centre


DOWNSTROKE Top Dead Centre P
Deceleration ramp
Speed change point
Sheet contact point E
Decompression point
Bottom Dead Centre

The normal operating cycle foresees the start from the top dead centre (PMS), which does
not necessarily coincide with the maximum top dead centre (PMSM). In fact, in order to
minimize the down time, the stroke of the moveable table is usually limited to the lowest
possible value, compatibly with the shape, the size and the bends to execute on the part.
The synchronized axes of the moveable crossbeam are named Y1 and Y2.
The pressure of a maintained contact device (usually a pedal) issues the High Speed (more
than 10 mm/s) closing movement up to PCV, where the speed automatically decreases to a
value lower than or equal to 10 mm/s, defined Low Speed.
For special machining or maintenance operations requiring it, the machine is forced to Low
Speed even in the part of the stroke the tool usually covers in High Speed, with the aim to
deactivate the safety systems which, executing their task, would stop the downstroke. This
speed limit is kept for all the closing stroke under the PCV until the press action which takes
place within the PMI. Once ended the decompression, the punch can return to the
PMS/PMSM, automatically or by the upstroke pedal.

The decompression phase belongs to the Low Speed downstroke, but

with opposite direction. By the ING5 input, the system informs MCS that
Information: the machine is executing the decompression.

The activation of the safety outputs of MCS device, dedicated to the control of the
movement of the moveable crossbeam, can be configured according to the following states
of the working cycle of the press brake:
• High speed dowstroke
• Low speed downstroke
• Stop
• Upstroke


9. Signals and plate data

9.1. Leds and references: scheme and functions

9.1.1. MCS module


MCS front panel (Figure 9) contains the LEDs indicating the state 1 (led on) or 0 (led off) of
the safety inputs, the LEDs indicating the state ON (led on) or OFF (led off) of the safety
outputs, the display and the keys, the digit numbering, the type and the numbering of the
inputs and the outputs connected to the corresponding connectors, the type and the value
of the power supply for the module, the numbering of some connectors.

GREEN NUMBERS 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9

They indicate the number of the male connector, present on the module, which the female
connector with the same number must be connected to.

Figure 9


INS1÷INS24 with relevant YELLOW LED:

Safety inputs with input logic level 0-1. The relevant YELLOW LED indicates if a logic level
1 (24 Vcc)=LED ON or a logic level 0 (0Vcc)=LED OFF is present in input.


INP1÷INP8 with relevant ORANGE LED:

Safety inputs which accept, in input, the relevant pulsed signal generated by OUT P1÷OUT
P8. The relevant ORANGE LED indicates if a logic level 1 (24 Vcc)=LED ON or a logic level
0 (0Vcc)=LED OFF is present in input. If a pulsed output different from the proper one is
connected to the input, the led will be regularly ON, not detecting the error, which will
instead detected by MCS logic.



Pulsed outputs which drive the relevant inputs INP1÷INP8.


OUTS1÷OUTS8 with relevant GREEN LED:

Safety outputs with capability to deliver up to 3,2A at 24Vcc. The relevant GREEN LED
indicates the state of the output ON (24Vcc)=LED ON or OFF (0Vcc)=LED OFF.


0Vcc, 24Vcc, :
They indicate one of the two MCS connection to power supply by means of the clamps
0Vcc and 24Vcc the connection to ground (see par.


The function of the display is to interface the personnel responible of the assembly, during
the installation procedure, and the operator during the use of the machine, above all if MCS
is not interfaced with CNC or if the machine is not equipped with CNC.
The display shows the parameters and allows programming them through keys (operation
possible only to the manufacturer and to the machine installer, who is provided with the
access password). Moreover, it displays errors, alarms and other parameters useful to the
The part of MCS front panel which regards the display and the keys is reported in Figure 10.

Figure 10


The first screen on the display at switch-on is reported in Figure 11.

Figure 11

Screen 1:
Line 1: Product name: MCS and factory model name: PSA 1B01C33
Line2: SA value (measured Stop Distance) expressed in mm (or xx if the SA test has not
been executed yet) and result of AV (High Speed) measurement expressed in mm/s (or
maximum value reachable from AV=330 mm/s if the SA test has not been executed yet).

Pressing ARROW UP key, you access to the second screen (Figure 12).

Figure 12

Screen 2:
Line 1: The label ING indicates that the state of the generic inputs is displayed.
Line 2: State of the generic inputs ING1÷ING6. The input number is indicated by the
numbers referring to the character position. State 1=24Vcc, state 0=0Vcc.

Pressing ARROW DOWN key, you access to the third screen (Figure 13).

Figure 13

Screen 3:
Line 1: The label OUTG indicates that the state of the generic outputs is displayed.
Line 2: State of the generic inputs OUTG1÷OUTG14. The output number is indicated by the
numbers referring to the character position. State 1(ON)=24Vcc, state 0(OFF)=0Vcc.


Pressing ARROW UP key, you access to the fourth screen (Figure 14).

Figure 14
Screen 4:
Line 1: Position (in mm) of axis Y1 with respect to sheet edge, with resolution of tenth of
Line 2: Position (in mm) of axis Y2 with respect to sheet edge, with resolution of tenth of

Pressing ARROW UP key, you access to the fifth screen (Figure 15).

Figure 15

Screen 5:
Line 1: List of errors or alarms E1÷E3 of channel A sorted in chronological order.
Line 2: List of errors or alarms E1÷E3 of channel B sorted in chronological order.

Pressing ARROW UP key, you access to the sixth screen (Figure 16).

Figure 16

Screen 6:
Line 1: List of errors or alarms E4÷E6 of channel A sorted in chronological order.
Line 2: List of errors or alarms E4÷E6 of channel B sorted in chronological order.



On the face down of MCF module (Figure 17) you can see the type and the numbering of
the inputs and the outputs connected to the relevant connectors and the numbering
assigned to some connectors.

Figure 17

GREEN NUMBERS 4, 5 and label RS 232

Numbers of the male connector, present on the module, which the female connector
marked with the same number must be connected to.
RS 232 is the name of the serial port allowing the communication with CNC or other
dedicated device.


CH A E1, CH B E1, CH A E2, CH B E2, 0V ENC:

Connections to the inputs of the channels A and B of the encoder 1 connected to the axis
(or hydraulic cylinder) Y1 and connections to the inputs of channels A and B of encoder 2
connected to the axis (or hydraulic cylinder) Y2. 0V ENC indicates the 0V reference of the
channels of the two encoders.


Connections between DSP LASER AP –TX and MCS (see par. 10.4.3).


Connections between DSP LASER AP –RX and MCS (see par. 10.4.3).


One of the connections where the reference 0V of MCS power supply is available.

0Vcc, 24Vcc:
One of the two connections to MCS power supply by means of terminals 0Vcc and 24Vcc
(see par.

Output which communicates, rapidly, to CNC that the lowest central sensor (Area A) of DSP
LASER AP has intercepted the sheet. Output state is: ON(24Vcc)=1 or OFF(0Vcc)=0.


Outputs suitable to control the relays to put in emergency the components connected to
their NO contacts (see par. Output state is: ON(24Vcc)=1 or OFF(0Vcc)=0.

Generic outputs with capability to deliver up to 0,4A at 24Vcc. The output state
ON(24Vcc)=1 or OFF(0Vcc)=0 is shown on the display (Figure 13).


On the right face of MCS module (Figure 18) you can see the type and the numbering of the
inputs and the outputs connected to the relevant connector and the numbering assigned to
the connector.

Figure 18


Number of the male connector, present on the module, which the female connector marked
with the same number must be connected to.


Generic outputs with capability to deliver up to 0,4A at 24Vcc. The output state
ON(24Vcc)=1 or OFF(0Vcc)=0 is shown on the display (Figure 13).

Generic inputs. The state 1=24Vcc and the state 0=0Vcc are shown on the display (Figure

RIF 0V, RIF 0V :

Two of the connections where the reference 0V of MCS power supply is available.


LEDs installed on machine board and controlled by MCS

The LEDs installed on machine board by the Manufacturer must match the requirements
regarding the colour and the position on the machine as required by the current laws.

• LED Reset Emergency:

ON when the alarm of the Emergency chain has been activated.
OFF when the alarm of the Emergency chain has not been activated or has been
correctly reset.

• LED Reset Rear Guards:

ON when the alarm has been activated by the open rear guards or by the
photoelectric barrier.
OFF when the alarm of the rear guards has not been activated or has been correctly

• LED Sheet Edge request:

Fast Blinking: the Stop Distance Check function is active. It is necessary to execute
the test pressing the downstroke pedal and wait for the machine automatically stops.
Fixed ON: Sheet edge detection function active. You must make DSP LASER AP –
RX detects the edge of the sheet to work placing it on the die, pressing the
downstroke pedal and waiting for the machine stops.
OFF: MCS in working mode.

• LED Foot Pedal control nr.1:

Fixed ON: Foot Pedal control nr.1 active and system ready to work.
OFF: Foot Pedal control nr.1 not selected, the alarm of the Emergency chain has
been activated or the alarm of open rear guards has been activated (or rear
photoelectric barrier interrupted). In mode 2 Pedals Master-Slave, the pedal pressing
sequence has not been carried out correctly.
Slow Blinking: in mode 2 Pedals, the downstroke pedal of Foot Pedal control nr.2 is
Fast Blinking: antipanic alarm activated.

• LED Foot Pedal control nr.2:

Fixed ON: Foot Pedal control nr.2 active and system ready to work.
OFF: Foot Pedal control nr.2 not selected, the alarm of the Emergency chain has
been activated or the alarm of open rear guards has been activated (or rear
photoelectric barrier interrupted). In mode 2 Pedals Master-Slave, the pedal pressing
sequence has not been carried out correctly.
Slow Blinking: in mode 2 Pedals, the downstroke pedal of Foot Pedal control nr.1 is
Fast Blinking: antipanic alarm activated.

• LED Upper Tool Holder:

Fixed ON: Upper tool holder open.
OFF: Upper tool holder closed.

• LED Lower Tool Holder:

Fixed ON: Lower tool holder open.
OFF: Lower tool holder closed.

• Yellow blinker:
Blinking ON: the machine can move in slow speed with the front protection (DSP
LASER AP) inhibited.




RX front panel (Figure 19) contains the slots for the passage of the light necessary to the
receiving elements of the three sensitive areas, the LEDs indicating operation modes and
states and references to mechanically place RX with respect to the laser beam already set
and, then, to the machine.

Figure 19

The BLUE LEDs ON indicate the corresponding Front, Central and Rear areas active, while
the state OFF of the LED means the corresponding area is inhibited.

With Mode 1, the LEDs ON will be:


With Mode 2, the LED ON will be:


With Mode 3, the LEDs ON will be:


The YELLOW LED OFF indicates the device is in Mode 1 or in Mode 2, but with the
Blanking function not active yet, then with all the three detection areas enabled.
The LED blinking ON means the device is in Blanking state, in Mode 2 or in Mode 3, then
with the rear and front areas or only with the rear area disabled.

The RED LED OFF indicates that all the active receivers are lighted.
The LED ON means that at least one receiver of any active area has been shaded.

The BLUE LED HORIZONTAL AREAS OFF indicates that no area is in Automuting.
The LED fixed ON indicates that the first area is set in Automuting.
The LED blinking slowly indicates that even the central area is in Automuting.


The LED blinking rapidly indicates that all the three areas have been set in Automuting.

The GREEN LED OFF indicates that at least one receiver of any active area has been
shaded. The LED ON indicates that all the active receivers are lighted.

The WHITE LED OFF indicates MCS in active operation.

The LED ON indicates MCS in lock state.


TX front panel (Figure 20) displays the transparent area for the passage of the laser beam
and the indication that the equipment emits a laser beam.

Figure 20

• The state of LASER EMISSION present indicates that power supply is connected
to the transmitter.
• The state of LASER EMISSION absent indicates that the transmitter is not


9.2. Identification plates

9.2.1. MCS module
MCS identification plate (Figure 21) reports the following data:
• Name, address and contact references of the device Manufacturer
• Logo “Costruito in Italia”
• Inputs and outputs, if properly connected, can reach SILCL3
• CE marking
• Logo of the Notified Body which has executed the certification
• Feedback time (TEMPO DI RISPOSTA): 2,5ms
• MCS Protection rating (GRADO PROTEZIONE MCS): IP20
• Operating temperature (TEMPERATURA ESERCIZIO): 0-50°C
• Power supply voltage and consumption (ALIMENTAZIONE): 24 Vcc 10W
• Serial number (N.S.) and manufacturing date (DATA)

Figure 21

9.2.2. Receiver
DSP LASER AP-RX rear identification plate (Figure 22) reports the following data:
• Name, address and contact references of the device Manufacturer
• Patent number (BREVETTO): 0001342651
• Device safety level: ESPE type 4
• Logo “Costruito in Italia”
• CE marking
• Logo of the Notified Body which has executed the certification
• Detection capacity (CAPACITA’ DI RELEVAMENTO): e 10mm
• Feedback time (TEMPO DI RISPOSTA): 5ms
• TX-RX protection rating (GRADO PROTEZIONE TX-RX): IP65
• Operating temperature (TEMPERATURA ESERCIZIO): 0-50°C
• Power supply voltage (ALIMENTAZIONE): 24Vcc from MCS module

Figure 22


DSP LASER AP-RX side plate (Figure 23) reports the following data:
• Device part: DSP LASER AP-RX
• Serial number (N.S.) and manufacturing date (DATA)

Figure 23

9.2.3. Transmitter

DSP LASER AP-TX rear identification plate (Figure 24) reports the following data:
• Name, address and contact references of the device Manufacturer
• Number of the Patent (BREVETTO) which protects the device: 0001342651
• Device safety level: ESPE type 4
• Logo “Costruito in Italia”
• CE marking
• Logo of the Notified Body which has executed the certification
• Indication of presence of the laser beam
• Class of laser equipment according to EN 60825: classe 1M
• Warning not to observe directly the laser beam with optical instruments

Figure 24

DSP LASER AP-TX side plate (Figure 25) reports the following information:
• Device part: DSP LASER AP-TX
• Serial number (N.S.) and manufacturing date (DATA)

Figure 25


10. System Characteristics and Installation

MCS with DSP LASER AP is high safety level system. It is however essential that it is
correctly installed and used according the following instructions.

10.1. Standard supply

MCS with DSP LASER AP consists in the following elements:
• Tool for test and positioning of TX-RX
• Copy of this instruction manual

10.2. Transport and unpackaging

MCS with DSP LASER AP is provided into a proper package of rigid cardboard and with
weight of 6 Kg. Weight and small dimension do not cause particular problems nor risks both
for the transport and the unpackaging operations.

The elements constituting the package must not be dispersed in the

environment. Contact the specialized collection centres, equipped for the
Caution: disposal in respect of the nature and the laws in force.

Check, by sight, the presence and the integrity of all the components
constituting the device, making sure that no evident damage has been
suffered during the transport. If this is not the case, do not use the device

10.3. Mechanical installation

10.3.1. MCS module

MCS module is designed to be placed inside the electric panel of the press brake.

MCS module must be installed inside an electrical panel with minimum

protection rating IP 54.

DSP LASER AP with MCS Preparation
Figure 26 indicates the module dimensions.

Figure 26
Figure 27 indicates the positions for the drilling of the panel on the four points, marked with
the letter “F”, where MCS will be fastened. Then drill the four holes for the fastening and the
relevant threads, if no self-threading screws will be used.

Figure 27


Leave, around the module, the space necessary for an easy insertion and extraction of the
side connectors.
The choice of the module position inside the electrical panel shall even allow an easy view
of the display and an easy access to the keys under it. Installation
Fasten MCS module to the electric panel in stable way by means of four screws of proper
size, for example TC M5, with length in function of the shape of the electric panel.
It is mandatory to use, for the module fastening, the four holes present on the container of
the module itself.
It is strictly forbidden to drill other holes on the module container.
If you wish to execute a fastening with different dimensions, but mechanically equivalent,
realize the mechanical detail for the adaptation with the same drilling of the module and,
then, fasten the module to the adaptation mechanical detail and then fasten this to the

10.3.2. DSP LASER AP

Special care shall be paid to the mechanical installation, because the detection area defines
the limits of intervention of DSP LASER for the protection of the operator.
The mechanical supports must, however, be equipped with setup devices to adjust this
detection area in accurate way with respect to the tip of the upper tool of the machine.
TX and RX containers are equal: RX and TX can be, however, immediately acknowledged
by the plates applied to the relevant containers and by the front side.
The detection area must be placed under the upper tool. The manufacturer of the press has
to install the device properly on the machine, while the users has to adjust the device
properly according to the indications of the manufacturer and depending on the different
used tools.

The transmitter must mandatorily be installed on the left side of the press,
looking at the press from the front side. The receiver, as consequence,
Warning: must be installed on the right side of the press. The arrow indicating the
direction of the part insertion, present on the front sides of TX and RX,
must always point the back of the press. Preparation
TX and RX devices must be fastened to the upper table of the press by means of moving
supports which allows the operator of the press executing, as final movement, a sliding in
longitudinal direction along the vertical axis or a rotation.
This movement is allowed in order to execute the replacement of the upper tool. This
movement does not directly create a danger, but generates a condition equivalent to that of
laser obstructed. Then, it must be executed with care, respecting the rules and, above all, it
must not be prolonged.
Moreover a sliding in longitudinal direction is allowed along the vertical axis of calibration,
made to adapt the protection area to a tool of different size.
The moving supports must be equipped with adjustments, then not accessible to the user if
not by means of tools, to allow the following adjustments:

1. Parallelism of TX, above all because source of the laser emission, and RX with the
lower edge of the upper tool.
2. Misalignment of TX and RX with respect of the bend axis.


Figure 28 indicates the dimensions of TX and RX, which are identical.

Figure 28

The moving supports must be firmly fastened to the upper tool-holder table, for example by
means of plates provided with extensions for the moving supports of TX and RX (Figure

The plates must be installed behind the upper table or on its sides. The
front installation is discouraged, because the plates could create areas of
Warning: mechanical danger due to the movement of the table and to the possible
contact of the sheet against the table during the work.

The fastening must be made in such a way that:

• Plates are made of rigid and indeformable material (e.g.: steel)

The stiffness of the mechanical system must be such that the setting
must resist under the application of a force of, at least, 250 N along the
Information: support axes.



Upper table

Figure 29


• The distance between the front part of TX and RX and the basement of the press is
greater than or equal to 100 mm, with the purpose to avoid the hand squashing.
• The design of the moving support of the device must be such not to create
entrapment points during the upward and downward movements of the press.
• Additional protections must be used to eliminate the dangers which can arise from
DSP LASER (for example, between DSP LASER and the fixed part of the press) and
to allow the access to the die area only passing through the front area.
• The device must be protected against the accidental shocks which could damage it or
change its setting.
• The stroke of the supports is such to allow:
• the correct use of the tools with minimum and maximum height, indicated by the
press manufacturer

Install the minimum height tool, move the TX and RX supports as high as
possible and lock them in this position. Verify that the beam is interrupted
by the tool.
Install the maximum height tool, move the TX and RX supports as low as
possible and lock them in this position. Verify that the beam is not
interrupted by the tool.

• the removal of the tools without having to remove the devices and/or the supports
(e.g: possibility to extract the tools with TX fully lifted)

• the fastening of the supports, once adjusted, is safe against the accidental loosening

Use all the possible precautions in order to reduce the machine vibrations.
Protect the devices and the supports with material protections in such a way
Caution: to avoid the shocks.

DSP LASER AP with MCS Installation

TX and RX containers are provided with four stud bolts (Figure 28) for the fastening to the
corresponding moving supports. Fasten, then, TX and RX to the supports by means of
these couplings and tighten the supplied 5MA thread nuts.

Make sure the nuts are tighten in such a way the machine vibrations do not
loose them. The torque of the screws must not be less than 1.96 N*m
Caution: (20 kgf*cm).

The devices must be fastened to the supports in such a way that:

• The central vertical protection layer of TX and RX can be not more than 2mm
beyond the tool axis in direction of the rear part of the press, as visible in Figure 30.

Figure 30


• The lower horizontal protection layer of TX and RX is perpendicular to the bending

layer along all the adjustment stroke of the supports, as visible in Figure 31.



Figure 31

• The lower horizontal protection layer of TX and RX is parallel to the upper table, so
that the value of the safety distance is constant for all the length of the upper tool, as
visible in Figure 32.



Figure 32

10.4. Electric connection

10.4.1. List of signals managed by MCS

The pins (I/O) on the SAFETY CONTROL MODULE, called MCS, are listed in the following
table which describes their function.
The safety outputs, from OUTS1 to OUTS8 and the relevant inputs for the possible monitors
of the controlled devices (OUTS8 is lacking), can be assigned to different operating states
by means of a programming procedure, under password, and using only the display and the
MCS keys.

The short circuit on the wiring of the outputs cannot be detected by MCS.
Then, it is necessary to use suitable wiring techniques to avoid it.

This makes very easy, but absolutely safe, the adaptability of MCS to the different hydraulic,
and not only, configurations which control the movement of the moveable part of the press
to manage in safety, according to what required by Standard EN12622 and with a safety
level up to SILCL3 as indicated in Standard EN62061.
These outputs can manage a current of 3,2A at 24Vcc. This makes them suitable to any
type of solenoid valve used in the market of the press brakes.


Pin name Function Note

SAFETY INPUTS enabled by the relevant pulsed outputs 1

INP1 Input for pulsed Output, Antipanic chain A, NC

INP2 Input for pulsed Output, Antipanic chain B, NC
INP3 Input for pulsed Output, Emergency chain A, NC
INP4 Input for pulsed Output, Emergency chain B, NC
INP5 Input for pulsed Output, Right Side Protection, NC
INP6 Input for pulsed Output, Left Side Protection, NC
INP7 Input for pulsed Output, Rear Guard, NC 2
INP8 Available 2


OUTP1 Antipanic chain A pulsed output

OUTP2 Antipanic chain B pulsed output
OUTP3 Emergency chain A pulsed output
OUTP4 Emergency chain B pulsed output
OUTP5 Right Side Protection pulsed Output
OUTP6 Left Side Protection pulsed Output
OUTP7 Rear Guard pulsed Output 2
OUTP8 Available 2

SAFETY INPUTS 24V 3mA (14mA peak)

INS1 Selector Blanking Mode2 input 3

INS2 Selector Blanking Mode3 input 3
INS3 Selector Foot Pedal1 Control input 4
INS4 Selector Foot Pedal2 Control input 4
INS5 Pedal “Downstroke1” (Main) NO
INS6 Pedal “Downstroke1” (Main) NC
INS7 Input for Monitor of EV1/OUT1 NC with EV OFF 5,6
INS8 Input for Monitor of EV2/OUT2 NC with EV OFF 5,6
INS9 Input for Monitor of EV3/OUT3 NC with EV OFF 5,6
INS10 Input for Monitor of EV4/OUT4 NC with EV OFF 5,6
INS11 DOWNSTROKE from CNC 0-24 V 8
INS12 LOW speed from CNC or from Selector 0-24 V 8
INS13 UPSTROKE from CNC 0-24 V 22
INS14 Input for Monitor of EV5/OUT5 NC with EV OFF 6
INS15 Contact monitor Relay1 of OUTRL1 NC 9
INS16 Contact monitor Relay2 of OUTRL2 NC 9
INS17 Ingresso per Monitor di EV6/OUT6 NC with EV OFF 6
INS18 Downstroke Pedal 2 NO 10
INS19 Downstroke Pedal 2 NC 10
INS20 Input for Monitor of EV7/OUT7 NC with EV OFF 6,7
INS21 Input for Selector Foot Pedal Controls 1 and 2 4
INS22 Robot function activation signal 11
INS23 Upper Tool Holder Pressure switch OFF/0V 12
INS24 Lower Tool Holder Pressure switch OFF/0V 12




OUTS8 OUT8/EV 8 14


ING1 Upper Tool Holder Command ON/24V 12

ING2 Sheet Edge request button NO 15
ING3 Emergency Reset button NO
ING4 Rear Guard Reset button NO
ING5 Decompression and Stop for Stop Distance NO 16
ING6 Lower Tool Holder Command ON/24V 12


OUTG1 Led integrated in Rear Guard Reset button

OUTG2 Led integrated in Sheet Edge request button
OUTG3 Generic Output1 Programmable from MCS 17
OUTG4 Foot Pedal Control 1 Led active
OUTG5 Generic Output2 Programmable from MCS 17
OUTG6 Led integrated in Emergency Reset button
OUTG7 Signal LOW Speed for CNC 19
OUTG8 Generic Output3 Programmable from MCS 17
OUTG9 Foot Pedal Control 2 Led active 10
OUTG10 Led Upper Tool Holder Open 12
OUTG11 Yellow Blinker
OUTG12 Generic Output4 Programmable from MCS 17, 18
OUTG13 Led Lower Tool Holder Open 12
OUTG14 Output DOWNSTROKE enabling for CNC 20


OUTRL1 Output for Relay components to set in emergency 9

OUTRL2 Output for Relay components to set in emergency 9
OUTV Push-pull output for sheet interception for CNC 21


CHAE1 Input of channel A of the linear encoder of jack Y1

CHBE1 Input of channel B of the linear encoder of jack Y1
CHAE2 Input of channel A of the linear encoder of jack Y2
CHBE2 Input of channel B of the linear encoder of jack Y2
1. When a pulsed input is not used, connect it to the relevant pulsed output.

2. When the rear protection is a mechanical element, signal its opening by means of a
device (e.g.: end-of-stroke) equipped with a NC (normally closed) contact which
connects INP7 to OUTP7 and assign the value “SINGLE” to the programming parameter
When the rear protection is a Photoelectric Barrier, it is necessary to use its two outputs
(OSSD) to pilot two relays, whose NO (normally open) contacts must be connected: one
to INP7 and OUTP7 and the other to INP8 and OUTP8. In this case, it is necessary to
assign the value “DOUBLE” to the programming parameter B6.

3. The Blanking Modes can be selected even via RS232. To activate this functionality, it is
necessary to assign the value “A CNC” or “B CNC” to the programming parameter B5.
In this case, do not connect INS1 and INS2.


4. The Foot Pedal Controls can be selected even via RS232. To activate this functionality,
it is necessary to assign the value “2P N CNC” or “2P MS CNC” to the programming
parameter B2. In this case, it is necessary to connect INS3, INS4 to 24Vcc through a
NO/NC selector. When INS3 is connected to 24Vcc and INS4 to 0V, only foot pedal
control 1 will be activated. Connecting, instead, INS3 to 0V and INS4 to 24Vcc, the
selection of the foot pedal controls will take place via RS232. Do not connect the input

5. It is suggested to use the safety outputs OUTS1 and OUTS2 to command the High
Speed solenoid valves, while the safety outputs OUTS3 and OUTS4 to command the
solenoid valves of proportional, as the verification of the monitors relevant to these
outputs depends the machine operating cycle.

6. The function of every Module can be activated through the programming parameters
C13 and C14.
For example, if you wish to use Monitor1 and Monitor2 and not Monitor3 and Monitor4,
assign the value 1100 to parameter C13: the first two digits (set to 1) mean Monitor
active, while the others (set to 0) mean Monitor inactive.

7. The output OUTS7 and the relevant input INS20, for the Monitor of the actuator
commanded by this output can be used if the hemming monitor function is not used.
The programming parameter B8 allows activating the hemming control function.
If this parameter is set to value “OFF”, the hemming function is not active and the output
OUTS7, together with the input INS20 relevant to Monitor7, can be used as the other
safety outputs. Instead, if the value “ON” is assigned to this parameter, the output
OUTS7 is monitored by MCS to command the execution of hemming, while INS20 is
used for the function enabling. If the parameter B8 is set to value “ON CNC”, output
OUTS7 is monitored by MCS to command the execution of hemming, the enabling of
hemming function is transmitted to CNC through RS232 while the input INS20 is not

8. Inputs INS11 and INS12 receive the CNC signals requiring to command the downstroke
in High Speed and in Low Speed. To command the High Speed downstroke, the signals
must assume these values: INS11=24V and INS12=0V. To command the Low Speed
downstroke, the signals must assume these values: INS11=24V and INS12=24V. In all
the other cases, or if MCS detects locking conditions, downstroke is not enabled.

9. Outputs OUTRL1 and OUTRL2 with the relevant feedback inputs, IN15 and INS16, are
active if the value “ON1” or “ON2” has been assigned to programming parameter B1.
Otherwise, do not connect.
• When the value “ON1” is assigned, these outputs will be active if the machine is
not in emergency.

This configuration can be used to set other devices in emergency or to

signal to other safety devices, as the safety PLC of a Robot, that MCS is
Information: in emergency.

• When the value “ON2” is assigned, these outputs will be active if the machine is
not in emergency and the side guards are not both open. When the side guards
are opened or closed, the outputs deactivate for 1 second and re-activate if the
conditions above are valid.


This last type of configuration is specially suitable if you wish to use

these outputs to command the power supply and/or the enabling of the
Information: rear backgauges of the press (Axis X).

10. When you use two Pedals, make sure to have assigned, to the programming parameter
B2, one of the value: “2P N”, “2P MS”, “2P N CNC” or “2P MS CNC”. Otherwise, if the
value “1P” has been assigned to parameter B2, do not connect the inputs INS18 and
INS19 and the output OUTG9.

11. For the activation of Robot function, call Nuova Elettronica snc to get the necessary

12. When using the function for the control of the Upper and Lower Tool Holder, make sure
that the value “ON” or “ON CNC” has been assigned to the programming parameter B7.
When sending the command signals through RS232, make sure that the value “ON
CNC” has been assigned to programming parameter B7. In this case, do not connect
the inputs ING1 and ING6.
Otherwise, if the value “OFF” has been assigned to parameter B7, do not connect the
inputs INS22, INS23, ING1 and ING6 and the outputs OUTG10 and OUTG13.

13. The programming parameters allow selecting which safety outputs use and the state
they must assume in the different machine states (Upstroke, Stop, Slow Downstroke,
Fast Downstroke). The programming parameter C15 allows selecting which outputs,
among OUTS1, OUTS2, OUTS3 and OUTS4, you wish to use as safety output
controlled by MCS and which not. The selected outputs will be controlled by MCS and
will assume, in the different machine states, the state assigned by parameters C1, C4,
C7 and C10. Those not selected, downgraded to generic power outputs, can be
controlled by CNC through RS232.
Values and corresponding meaning:

C15 : 1101 OUTS1, OUTS2 and OUTS4 used as safety
outputs by MCS
OUTS3 used as generic output driven by
CNC via RS232
C1 : 1100 Values assumed in High Speed
OUTS1=24V, OUTS2=24V, OUTS4=0V
C4 : 0001 Values assumed in Low Speed
C7 : 0000 Values assumed in Stop
C10 : 1101 Values assumed in upstroke
OUTS1=24V, OUTS2=24V, OUTS4=24V

Similarly, the programming parameter C16 allows selecting which output, among
OUTS5, OUTS6, OUTS7 and OUTS8, you wish to use as safety output controlled by
MCS and which not. The selected one will be controlled by MCS and will assume, in the
different machine states, the state assigned by the parameters C2, C5, C8 and C11.
Those not selected, downgraded to generic power outputs, can be controlled by CNC
via RS232.


14. Output OUTS8 is without input for the Monitor relevant to controlled actuator.

15. The Sheet Edge request can be transmitted even via RS232. This functionality is always
active: if you wish to use it, ING2 cannot be connected.

16. This signal can provide two different indications to MCS, depending on the operation
MCS is executing. First case: if the machine is executing the Low Speed
Decompression, the signal must assume the value 24V for all the duration of the
operation. Second case: MCS is executing the Stop Distance test. In this case, during
the High Speed Downstroke, if you wish MCS executes the Stop before having reached
the position assigned by the programming parameter A5, the signal must assume the
value 24V for, at least, 30ms.

17. The programming parameter C17 allows selecting which outputs, among OUTG3,
OUTG5, OUTG8 and OUTG12, you wish to make active on the MCS command to
assign, then, always by means of the programming parameters C3, C6, C9 and C12,
the state ON or OFF they must assume in the four machine states (Upstroke, Stop,
Slow Downstroke, Fast Downstroke). The outputs not controlled by MCS commands
can be controlled by CNC via RS232 interface (see item 13, Safety Outputs).

18. It is suggested to use the generic output OUG12 to transmit the MCS Lock state to
CNC, when you do not wish to use the RS232 interface. To do this, the parameters C17,
C3, C6, C9 and C12 must be programmed in the following way:
C17: xxx1
C3: xxx1
C6: xxx1
C9: xxx1
C12: xxx1
where x stands for “any value”.
In this way, the signal OUTG12 will assume the value 24V when MCS will be in a state
different from Lock, while it assume the value 0V when MCS will Be in Lock.
Remember that, in Lock state, any movement of the upper table is inhibited.

19. This signal assumes the value 24V every time MCS does not allow the High Speed

20. This signal assumes the value 24V every time MCS allows the Downstroke.

21. This signal assumes the value 24V every time MCS, during the Downstroke, intercepts
an object. It returns to 0V when the Upstroke is commanded.

22. The upstroke request signal is considered “active” when it assumes the value 24V and
“not active” when it assumes the value 0V.

MCS transmits, via RS232 interface, the state of all the inputs and outputs,
which can be then used by the numeric control. Remember that the
Information: numeric control cannot manage functions classified as “safety functions”.


10.4.2. MCS electric connection

Here below are reported the illustrations with the electric schemes subdivided by topics.
Some schemes indicate a possible maximum configuration.
The configuration can however be reduced depending on the machine needs. Machine power supply connection

Figure 33 illustrates how connect MCS to the 24 Vcc power supply line present in the
machine electric panel. The power consumed by MCS is 10W and includes even the power
supply of DSP LASER AP.
Almost all the consumed power is used to supply solenoid valves and services, and it
changes from machine to machine. As visible in the scheme, two power supply lines are
foreseen to separate the power supply of the safety functions from that of the services.
The terminals marked with RIF0Vcc are used to connect possible other devices for the
exchange of data with MCS (for example, CNC) to the power supply zero reference.

Figure 33

DSP LASER AP with MCS Foot Pedal Controls with “antipanic” and Emergency chain

Foot Pedal Controls
MCS can manage up to 2 foot pedal controls.
In “one foot pedal control” mode, it is not necessary to wire the selector Foot Pedals
Controls (INS 3, 4 and 21) and the Foot Pedal Control 2 (INS 18 and 19). In this case,
assign the value “1P” to the programming parameter B2.
In “two foot pedal controls” mode, through the three-position Selector Foot Pedal Controls,
you can choose if using only Foot Pedal Control 1 (position 1 of selector), only Foot Pedal
Control 2 (position 2 of selector) or both Foot Pedal Controls together (position 3 of
The two foot pedal controls mode can operate in two different ways, depending on the value
assigned to the programming parameter B2.
• If the value “2P N” (2 Pedals Normal) has been assigned to B2, the downstroke
request is acquired by MCS when both the pedals are pressed, independently from
the order they are pressed.
• If the value “2P MS” (2 Pedals Master-Slave) has been assigned to B2, the
downstroke request is acquired by MCS when both the pedals are pressed. In this
case, however, the Slave (Pedal 2) must be pressed before the Master (Pedal 1),
otherwise MCS will signal Error.
Always in “two foot pedal controls” mode, the pressure of one pedal is signalled to the other
station by the blinking of the foot pedal control led. When Pedal 2 is pressed, for example,
the led pedal 1 in the foot pedal control 1 will blink.

Parameter B2 INS 3 INS 4 INS21 Selected Foot Pedal Control

“1P” X X X Foot Pedal Control 1
“2P N“ o ”2P MS” 24V 0V 0V Foot Pedal Control 1
“2P N“ o ”2P MS” 0V 24V 0V Foot Pedal Control 2
“2P N“ o ”2P MS” 0V 0V 24V Foot Pedal Control 1 +
Foot Pedal Control 2

All the configurations of inputs INS3, INS4 and INS21 different from
those reported in this table will cause a Lock of MCS, which will be
Information: restored when these inputs will return in a correct configuration.

The selection of the foot pedal controls can be even demandated to CNC through the use of
the serial connection RS232. To use this functionality, it is necessary to assign the value
“2P N CNC” to the parameter B2 for the Normal mode, or the value “2P MS CNC” for the
Master-Slave mode. In this case, it is necessary to connect INS3, INS4 to 24Vcc by means
of a NO/NC selector. When the selector is in default position 1 (INS3 = 24V, INS4 = 0V),
only Foot Pedal Control 1 is active; when the selector is in default position 2 (INS3 = 0V,
INS4 = 24V), the selection is executed by CNC via RS232.

Parameter B2 INS 3 INS 4 RS232 Selected Foot Pedal

“2P N CNC“ o ”2P MS CNC” 24V 0V X Foot Pedal Control 1
“2P N CNC“ o ”2P MS CNC” 0V 24V Ped1 Foot Pedal Control 1
“2P N CNC“ o ”2P MS CNC” 0V 24V Ped2 Foot Pedal Control 2
“2P N CNC“ o ”2P MS CNC” 0V 24V Ped1+ Foot Pedal Control 1+
Ped2 Foot Pedal Control 2
“2P N CNC“ o ”2P MS CNC” 0V 24V X Foot Pedal Control 1 +
Foot Pedal Control 2


All the configurations of inputs INS3 and INS4 different from those
reported in this table will cause a Lock of MCS, which will be restored
Information: when these inputs will return in a correct configuration.

Should the RS232 connection between CNC and MCS be interrupted or work in wrong way,
with selector in position 2 (INS3=0V and INS4=24V), MCS will set to default configuration,
where both the foot pedal controls are active: this to ensure the safety of the operator.
Selector Foot Pedal Controls
For the selection of the foot pedal controls, a 3-position selector must be used with the 3
NO contacts connected to the 3 inputs IN3, INS4 and INS21 and the common connected to
Position 1 of the selector must close the contact 1 connected to INS3 with the common
+24V, leaving the others not connected.
Position 2 of the selector must close the contact 2 connected to INS4 with the common
+24V, leaving the others not connected .
Position 3 of the selector must close the contact 3 connected to INS21 with the common
+24V, leaving the others not connected.
Antipanic alarm is raised when the third position of the downstroke pedal is pressed on foot
pedal control 1 or on foot pedal control 2, if present. When this occurs, the leds of the foot
pedal controls blink rapidly and MCS goes in STOP state (only the upstroke movement is
To restore MCS after the occurrence of Antipanic alarm, there are two different ways which
depending on the the value assigned to the programming parameter B4:
• If B4 has value “RST AUTO” (Reset Auto), it is sufficient to release completely the
downstroke pedal in such a way it returns to the first position (rest position).
• If B4 has value “RST UP P” (Reset with Upstroke pedal), it is necessary to release
completely the downstroke pedal in such a way it returns to the first position (rest
position) and, moreover, to press the upstroke pedal and release it. This last pressure
of the upstroke pedal does not cause the upstroke of the machine, but only clears the
Antipanic alarm.
Emergency mushroom buttons and other possible emergency measures are managed as a
chain (connected in series).
When an emergency mushroom button is pressed, MCS goes in STOP state (only the
upstroke movement is allowed) and turns on the led relevant to emergency. Moreover, the
outputs OUTRL1 and OUTRL2, if enabled, go to OFF state and remain in this state until the
emergency is active.
To restore MCS, it is necessary to unlock the emergency mushroom button, setting it to
OFF state, and press the emergency reset button. Once the reset button is pressed, if the
procedure has been properly executed, the led relevant to emergency turns off.

Downstroke Pedal Leds

The downstroke pedal leds indicate which Foot Pedal Control is selected and gives
information about MCS state. In detail:
• Fixed ON: Foot Pedal Control active.
• OFF: Foot Pedal Control not selected, Emergency chain alarm active or rear guard
open alarm (or photoelectric rear barrier interrupted) active. In 2 Pedals Master-Slave
mode, the pedal pressure sequence has not been executed correctly.
• Blinks Slowly: in 2 Pedals mode, the downstroke pedal of the other Foot Pedal Control
has been pressed.
• Blinks rapidly: antipanic alarm activated.


Sheet Edge request light button

The button allows the operator requiring the “Stop Distance Verification” function or the
“Sheet Edge Acquisition” function.
At MCS switch-on, the “Stop Distance Verification” function activates. Once this function
has been correctly executed (Chap 11.5), the “Sheet Edge Acquisition” function activates.
Once this function has been correctly executed (Chap. 11.6), MCS enters in work mode.
Now, in order to execute the “Sheet Edge Acquisition” function once more, it is sufficient to
press the Sheet Edge request button: the function will activate. Otherwise, if you wish to
repeat the “Stop Distance Verification” function, after the request of the “Sheet Edge
Acquisition” function it is necessary to press again the Sheet Edge request button and keep
it pressed for at least 3 seconds.
The button led indicates which function is active:
• Blinks rapidly: Stop Distance Verification function active
• Fixed ON: Sheet Edge Acquisition function active
• OFF: MCS in work mode.

Connection of Upstroke pedal to CNC

The Upstroke input of CNC must be connected to NO contact of the Upstroke pedal with
common connected to +24V. In presence of two foot pedal controls, the NO contacts of the
Upstroke pedals must be connected in parallel.
Through this signal, CNC will receive the upstroke request and, if the conditions allows it,
will transmit the upstroke command to MCS.


Figure 34

DSP LASER AP with MCS RH and LH side guards and other I/O

Side Guards
When a side guard is opened, MCS stops the moving crossbeam and inhibits the High
Speed: then, it is possible to work only in Low Speed, after having released and pressed
again the downstroke pedal. Then, even the upstroke command remains enabled.

The installer is responsible to verify that no dangers are present due to

the upward movement of the crossbeam with a side guard open.

When both the side guards are opened, MCS enters in Lock state (no movement allowed).
To restore the correct operation, it is sufficient to close the side guards.

The installer is responsible even to limit the speed of the rear

backgauges along all their stroke, in order that they do not constitute a
Warning: danger for the operators when a side guard is open.

Moreover, when the value “ON2” is assigned to parameter B1:

• At the opening of only 1 side guard, the outputs OUTRL1 and OUTRL2 will enter in
OFF state for 1 second
• At the opening of both the side guards, the outputs OUTRL1 and OUTRL2 will enter in
OFF state and will remain so until both guards remain open.

Selector Low Speed Request

This contact allows forcing the machine downstroke in Low Speed, even if the conditions
allow the downstroke in High Speed.
This signal is connected in parallel, through the diode indicated in Figure 35, to the Low
Speed request signal coming from CNC.

Rear guards
Opening a gate or passing through a photoelectric barrier (if present) causes MCS enters in
Lock state (no movement allowed) and turns on the led relevant to the rear guards.
Moreover, if enabled, the outputs OUTRL1 and OUTRL2 enter in OFF state and remain so
until the alarm is active.
To restore MCS, it is necessary to close the gate or to free the photoelectric barrier from
obstruction and press the rear guard reset button. Once the reset button is pressed, if the
procedure has been executed correctly, the led relevant to the rear guards turns off.

Rear guard reset light button

This button allows clearing the rear guard alarm, stated that the guard is closed (or the
photoelectric barrier is not interrupted).
The relevant led ON indicates that the alarm is active and MCS is in Lock state. The led
OFF indicates that the alarm is not active.

Emergency reset light button

This button allows clearing the emergency alarm, stated that neither the mushroom button
nor other switch of the emergency chain is pressed. The relevant led ON indicates that the
alarm is active and MCS is in Stop. The led OFF indicates that the alarm is not active.


The blinker indicates if the crossbeam is going down in Low Speed, and then with the front
protection (DSP LASER AP) inhibited.
• Blinking ON: front protection (DSP LASER AP) inhibited.
• OFF: front protection active.

Selector Blanking Modes

For the selection of the Blanking Modes, a 3-position selector must be used with three NO
contacts, two of which connected to inputs IN1 and INS2, one NO contact not connected to
any input and the common connected to +24V.
Position1 of the selector must close the contact1 not connected to common +24V, leaving
the others not connected.
Position2 of the selector must close the contact2 connected to INS1 with the common +24V,
leaving the others not connected.
Position3 of the selector must close the contact3 connected to INS2 with the common +24V,
leaving the others not connected.
Mode Selection INS 1 INS 2
Mode 1 0V 0V
Mode 2 24V 0V
Mode 3 0V 24V

Figure 35

DSP LASER AP with MCS Emergency of auxiliary devices

Relay Auxiliary Emergency

The relays for the auxiliary emergency are optional and, then, must be wired outside MCS,
on the machine electric panel.
The figure shows the connection of two driven contact relays (in series) and the NC monitor
contacts (mechanically bound to NO ones) connected to the relevant inputs of MCS. This
configuration allows achieving the safety level SILCL3. If this safety level was not
necessary, the relays can be connected in the way you consider most proper.

The connection of the monitor contacts (mechanically bound to NO

contacts) is however necessary.

The outputs for the auxiliary emergency relays can be activated assigning the value “ON1”
or “ON2” to the programming parameter B1. If the assigned value is “ON1”, the output OUT
Rel1 and OUT Rel2 are in state ON (+24V) when the alarms relevant to the emergency and
to the rear guards are not active and the feedback signals are correct.
This configuration can be used to set other devices in emergency or to communicate to
other safety devices, as the safety PLC of a Robot, that MCS is in emergency. In this last
case, the outputs can be directly connected to the safety inputs of the device without using
the relays.
If the assigned value is “ON2”, the outputs OUT Rel1 and OUT Rel2 are in state ON (+24V)
when the alarms relevant to the emergency and to the rear guards are not active, both the
side guards are not open and the feedback signals are correct. Moreover, when a side
guard is opened, the outputs are set to state OFF for 1 second.
This configuration is specially suitable if you use the above mentioned outputs to control the
power supply and/or the enabling of the rear backgauges of the press (Axis X). In this way,
when an emergency or an alarm relevant to the rear guards is active, or both the side
guards are open, the axis X cannot move. Moreover, when a side guard is opened, the axis
X is immediately stopped (if in motion).

Figure 36

DSP LASER AP with MCS Automatic tool clamping

Tool Clamping
To activate the control function of the upper and lower tool holders, assign the value “ON” to
the programming parameter B7.
If the function is active, when the control signals connected to ING1 and ING6 switch from
state OFF (0V = clamps closed) to state ON (+24V = grippers open) and, as consequence,
the control signals of the relevant pressure switches connected to INS23 and INS24 switch
from state ON (+24V = clamps closed) to state OFF (0V = clamps open), MCS enters in
state STOP (only the upstroke movement is allowed).
When the control signals connected to ING1 and ING6 return to state OFF (0V) and, as
consequence, the control signals of the relevant pressure switches connected to INS23 and
INS24 return to state ON (+24V), MCS can restore the normal operation.

The installer is responsible to verify that the crossbeam upstroke

command does not create dangers even with the clamps open.
Warning: Otherwise this function cannot be enabled.

If the parameter B7 is set to value “ON CNC”, the control signals must not
be connected to the inputs ING1 and ING6, because they are transmitted
Caution: by CNC via RS232 interface.

Led Upper and Lower Tool holder

Fixed ON: Corresponding Tool Holder open.
OFF: Corresponding Tool Holder closed.

Figure 37

DSP LASER AP with MCS Connection to the Encoders monitoring Y1 and Y2

The connection to the encoders which monitor the cylinders Y1 and Y2 is achieved
connecting directly, in parallel, the channels A and B of each cylinder, using a shielded cable,
3 poles + shield. The shield must be connected to 0V ENC of only one device, to CNC or to
The reference 0V ENC of each encoder is connected to one of the three poles of each cable,
on CNC side, and together with terminal 0V ENC towards MSC.
Take the encoder signal from the CNC terminals to realize the shortest connection possible
with MCS.
Avoid absolutely to lay the two shielded cables inside the electric panel near the power

Figure 38

DSP LASER AP with MCS Commmunications to/from CNC via I/O and serial port

Control signals sent by MCS to CNC

When MCS is ready to execute the downstroke and the Downstroke Pedal is pressed, the
output will be ON (+24V). Instead, if MCS is in Lock state or in Stop state or the Downstroke
Pedal is not pressed, the output will be OFF (0V).

When MCS can execute only the downstroke in Low Speed (for example, because the laser
beam is obstructed, or the side guard is open, etc.), the output will be ON (+24V), otherwise
the output will be OFF (0V), then with High Speed enabled.


If this output is properly programmed (see par. 10.4.1, point 18), it can indicate the Block
state of MCS where no movement is allowed, neither the upstroke. In this case, if MCS is in
Block, the output assumes the value OFF (0V), otherwise it normally is in state ON (+24V).

OUT PD LS REQ MCS STATE Machine Movements Allowed

x x OFF No movement allowed
OFF x ON Only Upstroke allowed
ON ON ON Upstroke and Downstroke in Low Speed
ON OFF ON Upstroke and Downstroke in High and Low
Speed Allowed

Control signals sent by CNC to MCS

CNC sends this signal to MCS to require the enabling of the outputs to execute a

CNC sends this signal and the DOWNSTROKE signal to MCS to require the enabling of the
outputs to execute a downstroke in Low Speed.
This signal is connected in parallel, through the diode indicated in the scheme, to the
selector for the Low Speed request.

CNC sends this signal to MCS to require the enabling of the outputs to execute a upstroke.


x x ON Upstroke Required
ON OFF OFF Downstroke in High Speed Required
ON ON OFF Downstroke in Low Speed Required
OFF x OFF No movement required


RS232 port
RS232 port present on MCS is of type DB9, female, 3 wires:
pin2: TXD, pin3: RXD, pin5: GND.

Figure 39

DSP LASER AP with MCS Machine movement command (upstroke/downstroke/STOP)

Safety Output and Monitor

Le uscite di sicurezza sono preposte alla movimentazione della traversa mobile (asse Y)
della macchina.

We usually refer to hydraulic components because the great part of the

press brakes use them, but the safety outputs can command any type of
Information: actuator, as long as the command is electric.

Depending on the hydraulic or electric configuration of the machine, it is possible to assign to

every output the state to assume in the different phases of the machine cycle (see Chap.
Phases of the machine cycle managed by MCS:
• High Speed
• Low Speed
• Stop
• Upstroke

The state of the outputs can be assigned in the 4 states of the machine cycle, while it cannot
be assigned in the Lock state where no movement is allowed and the safety outputs are set
to 0V by MCS.
For every output (except OUTS8) we can activate the use of the relevant monitor. The
monitors of the first four outputs (OUTS1, OUTS2, OUTS3 and OUTS4) are managed by
MCS in relation to the machine cycle, so that it is suggested to use these outputs to drive the
High Speed Solenoid Valves (OUS1 and OUTS2) and the proportional solenoid valves
(OUTS3 and OUTS4). The management of the monitors of the remnant outputs (OUTS5,
OUTS6 and OUTS7) follows the state of these without being conditioned by the machine
cycle. These outputs can then be used to drive the other Solenoid Valves or other devices.

When the hemming function is active, by means of the programming

parameter B8, the output OUTS7 and the relevant Monitor (INS20)
Information: cannot be used for any other function.

The status of the Monitor must be negated with respect to the state of the
relevant output. If OUTSn=+24V the relevant Monitor should be
MONITORn=0V. Vice versa, if OUTSn=0V, the relevant Monitor should
Information: be MONITORn=+24V.


Intervention of the Safety functions on the machine states

Every safety function, when activated, inhibits some phases of the machine cycle. The
following table reports the action of the function on the cycle phases.

Safety Function High Low Upstroke

Speed Speed

Front Protection (DSP LASER AP) X - -

Downstroke Pedal Control X X -
Antipanic X X -
Emergency X X -
One side guard X - -
Both side guards X X X
Rear guard X X X
Upper and Lower Grippers X X -
Low Speed Value Control X X -
High Speed Value Control X X -
Direction Control X X X
Encoder Control X X X
Stop Distance Verification X - -
Misalignment Control X X -

The symbol X in the table means that the intervention of the safety function inhinits the relevant cycle
The symbol – means that the intervention of the safety function has no effect on the relevant cycle

The device cannot detect the cross short circuit of the outputs. For this
reason, it is necessary, via wiring, to forbid the cross short circuit
Residual towards other outputs or the short circuit towards other supplies.


Figure 40

DSP LASER AP with MCS Hemming

MCS device allows controlling the upward movement of an auxiliary device used to squash
the sheet, named hemming. The hemming downward movement is not controlled in safety.

The installer is responsible to verify that there are not dangers due to the
downward movement of the hemming. The safety function in upstroke is
Warning: bound only to the danger of squashing between the device and the
punch. The obstruction of the laser beam cuts the output of the command
which must stop the upward movement before it could create a danger.

To activate the Hemming function, assign the value “ON” to the programming parameter B8.
With function active, when the control signal connected to INS20 switches from state OFF
(0V) to state ON (+24V), MCS will set the output OUTS7 from state OFF (0V) to state ON
(+24V), operating, as fact, the upstroke of the top part of the hemming in safety, if these
conditions are present at the same time:
• MCS is not driving any movement
• MCS is not in Lock state
• Alarms relevant to emergency and to rear guards are inactive
• The laser beam is not interrupted

Otherwise, if even one of the previous condition is present, MCS will set the output OUTS7
in state OFF (0V), forbidding the upstroke of the top part of the hemming.

If the value “ON CNC” is assigned to parameter B8, the control signal
must not be connected to input INS20, because it is sent by CNC via
Information: RS232 interface.

Figure 41

DSP LASER AP with MCS Rear guards

Rear guards
When the rear guard is opened (or when a photoelectric barrier, if in use, is interrupted),
MCS enters in Lock state (no movement allowed) and turns on the led relevant to the rear
guard alarm.
Moreover the output OUTRL1 and OUTRL2, if enabled, enter in OFF state and so remain
until the alarm is active.
To restore MCS, close the guard (or reset the photoelectric barrier) and press the rear
guard reset button.
Once the reset button is pressed, if the procedure has been executed correctly, the led
relevant to the rear guard alarm turns OFF.
If you wish to use a single signal for the rear guards (for example, if you use a single rear
guard with only a NC contact), assign the value “SINGLE” to the programming parameter
B6 (Figure 42 - SOLUTION 1).
If you use a photoelectric barrier, whose outputs are relay or command two driven contact
relays (Figure 42 - SOLUTION 2), it is necessary to assign the value “DOUBLE” to
programming parameter B6.
The restore function and the relevant led are managed by ING4 and OUTG1.

Figure 42

DSP LASER AP with MCS Robot function

The work mode Robot can be activated in two ways:

• By a signal sent from MCS to the safety input INS22, by safety PLC which controls the
• By a NO key selector, always connected to INS22, in combination to the activation
messages sent by CNC via communication port RS232.

Figure 43

This work mode is reserved to machine with fence, destinated to be

commanded by Robot.
Warning: The improper use of this function could cause serious dangers to the


10.4.3. Electric connection of DSP LASER AP

Figure 44

10.4.4. Electric connection of other front protections

To connect, instead of DSP LASER AP, a DSP LASER device or a photoelectric barrier to
MCS, it is sufficient to connect the safety outputs OSSD1 and OSSD2 with the
corresponding 0V to the inputs IN A RX, IN B RX and 0V RX.


11. Commissioning
11.1. Power supply and first functional verification
Power the system and verify that:

• The MCS display switches on and shows the writing as in Figure 45

• The transmitter generates the laser beam
• The receiver has:
• the white led ON
• the red led ON (if RX not aligned with TX) or green led ON (if RX and TX are
• the blue leds ON depending on the mode inputs (INS1 and INS2)

Figure 45

Then act as indicated here below.

11.2. List, description and programming of MCS parameters

MCS makes available, only for the Manufacturer, a series of programmable parameters
which allow adapting the device to different mechanical configuration of the press-brakes
and activating some additional safety functions.
These parameters are characterized by a letter, indicating the parameter type, and a
progressive number.

Parameters of Type A:
Contain the reference value of a quantity used in safety function (e.g. A1 contains the
reference value of Low Speed).

Parameters of Type B:
Activate specific safety functions or define their type (e.g. B5 assigns the type of Blanking of
DSP LASER AP: Type A or Type B).

Parameters of Type C:
Assign, to safety outputs, to their monitors and to the generic programmable outputs, the
state (ON=1 or OFF=0) in function of the phase of the machine cycle (e.g. C1 assign the
state to each one of the four safety outputs OUTS1÷OUTS4 during the phase of downstroke
in High Speed).

The device can be programmed by means of the three keys present on MCS front side.


11.2.1. List of parameters and description

Parameter Possible values Description
Value of Low Speed to monitor, expressed in
Note. When assigning this value, verify which is
A1 1÷50
the safety speed allowed by the current law in
force in the country where the machine will be
Value of the maximum allowed Stop Distance.
After the test of the Stop Distance, in order the
A2 1÷25 test is successful, the measured distance must
be less than that assigned to this parameter.
The value is expressed in mm.
Resolution of the connected Encoders. The
A3 100, 200, 500, 1000
value is expressed in pulses/mm.
Value of the Tolerance for the exclusion of the
laser beam during the approaching to the Sheet
Edge. A greater tolerance will allow using even
A4 1÷4
slightly corrugated sheets, but the speed
change point of the tolerance value shall be
increased. The value is expressed in mm.
Distance to cover in High Speed before the stop
A5 0÷500 for the calculation of the Stop Distance. The
value is expressed in mm.
Maximum time necessary to the press to move
from the moment when MCS commands the
A6 100-2000
safety outputs to operate a movement. The
value is expressed in ms.
Maximum value of the misalignment between
A7 1÷200 Axes Y1 and Y2. The value is expressed in
Maximum time necessary to Monitors 1 and 2
to switch from the moment when MCS
A8 20-1500
commands the safety outputs OUTS1 and
OUTS2 from state OFF to state ON.
Maximum time necessary to Monitors 3 and 4
to switch from the moment when MCS
A9 20-1500
commands the safety outputs OUTS3 and
OUTS4 from state OFF to state ON.
Enables/disables the use of the outputs OUTRL
for the command of the Relays for the Auxiliary
OFF: emergency relay outputs disabled.
ON1: emergency relay outputs enabled and
active when the machine is not in emergency.
ON2: emergency relay outputs enabled and
active when the machine is not in emergency
and the side guards are not both open. When
the side guards are opened or closed, the
outputs deactivate for 1 second and re-activate
if the previous conditions are present.


Maximum number of Foot Pedal Controls used

and their function:
1P: one Pedal
2P N: two Foot Pedal Controls in Normal mode
1P ,2P N, 2P M, 2P N 2P M: two Foot Pedal Controls in Master/Slave
CNC, 2P M CNC mode
2P N CNC: two Foot Pedal Controls in Normal
mode with selection via RS232
2P M CNC: two Foot Pedal Controls in Master/
Slave mode with selection via RS232.
Activation state of Automuting function.
AUTO: Automuting function is active.
MANUAL: only the top area of the receiver is
activated and must be placed at SA+5mm from
B3 AUTO/MANUAL the tool tip with a proper adjusting instrument to
require at the order. This function is active only
with the use of DSP AP, cannot be used when
using the DSP Laser or a photoelectric barrier
for the front protection of the operator.
Indicates if the reset of the Antipanic is
automatically executed releasing the pedal
(RST AUTO) or pressing the Upstroke pedal
Type of Blanking used in Mode2.
A: Operator Enabling.
B5 A, B, A CNC, B CNC B: Stop&Go.
A CNC and B CNC: the Mode selection is made
by CNC via RS232.
Type of used inputs depending on the used
Rear Guard.
SINGLE: Only one pulsed input (INP7)
connected through one NC contact to the
B6 SINGLE/DOUBLE relevant pulsed output OUTP7.
DOUBLE: Two pulsed inputs (INP7 and INP8)
connected through two NO contacts to the
relevant pulsed outputs OUTP7 and OUTP8 or
Enabling state of the Upper and Lower Clamp
OFF: Clamp Control Function disabled.
ON: Clamp Control Function enabled.
ON CNC: Clamp Control Function enabled with
Clamp command sent by CNC via RS232.
Enabling state of the Hemming upstroke control
OFF: Hemming upstroke Control Function
B8 OFF, ON, ON CNC ON: Hemming upstroke Control Function
ON CNC: Hemming upstroke Control Function
enabled with activation command sent by CNC
via RS232.


It enables the function to control the direction in

Low Speed.
OFF: Low Speed Direction Control Function
ON: Low Speed Direction Control Function
State ON/OFF (0: OFF, 1: ON) of the Safety
C1 0000xxxx÷1111xxxx outputs OUTS1, OUTS2, OUTS3 and OUTS4
in condition of High Speed.
State ON/OFF (0: OFF, 1: ON) of the Safety
C2 xxxx0000÷xxxx1111 outputs OUTS5, OUTS6, OUTS7 and OUTS8
in condition of High Speed.
State ON/OFF (0: OFF, 1: ON) of the Generic
C3 0000÷1111 outputs OUTG3, OUTG5, OUTG8, OUTG12 in
condition of High Speed.
State ON/OFF (0: OFF, 1: ON) of the Safety
C4 0000xxxx÷1111xxxx outputs OUTS1, OUTS2, OUTS3 and OUTS4
in condition of Low Speed.
State ON/OFF (0: OFF, 1: ON) of the Safety
C5 xxxx0000÷xxxx1111 outputs OUTS5, OUTS6, OUTS7 and OUTS8
in condition of Low Speed.
State ON/OFF (0: OFF, 1: ON) of the Generic
C6 0000÷1111 outputs OUTG3, OUTG5, OUTG8, OUTG12 in
condition of Low Speed.
State ON/OFF (0: OFF, 1: ON) of the Safety
C7 0000xxxx÷1111xxxx outputs OUTS1, OUTS2, OUTS3 and OUTS4
in Stop condition.
State ON/OFF (0: OFF, 1: ON) of the Safety
C8 xxxx0000÷xxxx1111 outputs OUTS5, OUTS6, OUTS7 and OUTS8
in Stop condition.
State ON/OFF (0: OFF, 1: ON) of the Generic
C9 0000÷1111 outputs OUTG3, OUTG5, OUTG8, OUTG12 in
Stop condition.
State ON/OFF (0: OFF, 1: ON) of the Safety
C10 0000xxxx÷1111xxxx outputs OUTS1, OUTS2, OUTS3 and OUTS4
in Upstroke condition.
State ON/OFF (0: OFF, 1: ON) of the Safety
C11 xxxx0000÷xxxx1111 outputs OUTS5, OUTS6, OUTS7 and OUTS8
in Upstroke condition.
State ON/OFF (0: OFF, 1: ON) of the Generic
C12 0000÷1111 outputs OUTG3, OUTG5, OUTG8, OUTG12 in
Upstroke condition.
Enabling of the reading of the Monitor of the
device connected to the relevant Safety output
C13 0000xxx÷1111xxx (OUTS1, OUTS2, OUTS3 and OUTS4):
0: Monitor NOT Active
1: Monitor Active


Enabling of the reading of the Monitor of the

device connected to the relevant Safety output
C14 000x÷111x (OUTS5, OUTS6 and OUTS7):
0: Monitor NOT Active
1: Monitor Active
Output management by MCS. (0: OFF, 1: ON)
OFF: Output not controlled by MCS and
C15 0000xxxx÷1111xxxx downgraded to generic output.
ON: Safety outputs OUTS1, OUTS2, OUTS3
and OUTS4 controlled by MCS.
Output management by MCS. (0: OFF, 1: ON)
OFF: Output not controlled by MCS and
C16 xxxx0000÷xxxx1111 downgraded to generic output.
ON: Safety outputs OUTS5, OUTS6, OUTS7
and OUTS8 controlled by MCS.
Output management by MCS. (0: OFF, 1: ON)
OFF: Output not controlled by MCS
C17 0000÷1111
ON: outputs OUTG3, OUTG5, OUTG8,
OUTG12 controlled by MCS.

Together with this manual, a table similar to this is attached, which shall be filled by the
manufacturer with the values assigned to every parameter. This table shall be filled,
registered, signed and inserted in the technical documentation of the machine.


To program MCS device, you must know the Password assigned to the Manufacturer or to
the Installer of the system. The only and unique owner of the password is the purchaser of
the system.
The Password is registered by Nuova Elettronica together with the Owner, who commits
himself not to divulge third parties, if not under his own responsibility.
To insert the Password (e.g. 23, as first two numbers) act as follows:

• Disconnect MCS from power supply (for ease, extract the female of CON nr.3, see
Figure 9)
• Press the keys Arrow Down and Enter at the same time and reconnect MCS to
power supply (put CON nr.3 in position again) without releasing the keys: the
wording of Figure 46 is displayed.

Figure 46

• Release the keys: the display will show the wording of Figure 47.

Figure 47

• Using the keys Arrow Up and Arrow Down, insert the first number of the
Password: 2. The display appears as in Figure 48.

Figure 48

• Press Enter to confirm: the second digit appears (0). Change it with the keys
Arrow Up and Arrow Down to insert the number 3. Confirm pressing Enter.


Repeat the operation for all the five numbers composing the Password.
If the entered Password was not correct, the display looks like in Figure 49.

Figure 49

In this case, in order to execute other operations or to insert again the Password, it is
necessary to switch off the equipment.

• If the entered Password is instead correct, the display looks like in Figure 50.

Figure 50

• Press again Enter to modify the machine parameters. The parameters are
displayed in sequence as in the table of par. 11.2.1 and can be read or updated by
making they scroll on the display using the key Enter.

Once the wished parameter has been displayed, by means of Arrow Up and Arrow
Down keys, you can choose the value or the function to assign confirming then with
Enter. In Figure 51, for example, the value 13 has been assigned to parameter A2.

Figure 51

The assignment of the machine state to the safety outputs, to the generic outputs and to the
monitors (parameters C1÷C17) takes place considering groups of four bits (three in case of
C14) each time.


C1 assigns the High Speed state to the outputs OUTS1÷OUTS4.
Number 1 assigns the state, number 0 not.
Arrow Up and Arrow Down keys make the 1 and 0 combination scrolls from the rightmost
digit to the left. Then, starting from the combination 0000, pressing Arrow Down, the
successive combinations are, in sequence, 0001, 0010, 0011, 0100 and so on. Pressing
Arrow Up, the sequence of combinations is inverted: 0100, 0011, 0010 and so on.
Once the wished combination is achieved, confirm with Enter in order to access to the next
parameter, which can be displayed or changed following the above mentioned procedure.


11.3. System Test

To execute a system test, program the MCS parameters as reported in the following table,
inserting the value suitable to the machine if it is not among those configured.

Parameter Pre-assigned values

A1 10
A2 13
A3 Encoder resolution
A4 3
A5 50
A6 1000
A7 20
A8 500
A9 500
B2 1P
B5 A
C1 0000xxxx
C2 xxxx0000
C3 0000
C4 0000xxxx
C5 xxxx0000
C6 0000
C7 0000xxxx
C8 xxxx0000
C9 0000
C10 0000xxxx
C11 xxxx0000
C12 0000
C13 0000xxx
C14 000x
C15 0000xxxx
C16 xxxx0000
C17 0000


The status of all the inputs and outputs on MCS is indicated by a led or a message on the
Display. For this reason, once the system is wired, the correctness of the wiring can be
verified reading the state of the leds or the information on display.

Pulsed Inputs and Outputs

The pulsed inputs must be connected to the relevant pulsed output by means of a normally
closed (NC) contact (or by means of a normally open NO contact, if you are using
photoelectric barrier) to the relevant pulsed output.

If you connect a pulsed output to a pulsed input different from the

corresponding one, the system will enter in Lock state.

The unused pulsed inputs must be connected to the relevant pulsed


To test the correct wiring of pulsed inputs and outputs:

• Close all the NC contacts relevant to the 8 outputs. On MCS front panel, verify that
the 8 orange leds, corresponding to the 8 pulsed inputs, are ON.
• Open the contact relevant to OUTP1 output.
• Verify that the orange Led relevant to the input INP1 is OFF.
• Repeat this operation for all the 8 pulsed inputs - outputs.

Safety Inputs
There is one yellow Led located on the MCS front side per every safety input.

Mode Inputs
To verify the correct wiring of the mode selector
• Bring the selector to position 1.
• Verify that the Leds relevant to INS1 and INS2 are OFF.
• Bring the selector in position 2.
• Verify that the Led of INS1 is ON and the Led of INS2 is OFF.
• Bring the selector in position 3.
• Verify that the Led of INS1 is OFF and the Led of INS2 is ON.
• Bring the selector back in position 1.

Foot Pedal Control Selector Inputs

To verify the correct wiring of the foot pedal control selectors (if present):
• Bring the selector to position 1.
• Verify that the Led of INS3 is ON and the Leds of INS4 and INS21 are OFF.
• Bring the selector to position 2.
• Verify that the Led of INS4 is ON and the Leds of INS3 and INS21 are OFF.
• Bring the selector to position 3.
• Verify that the Led di INS21 is ON and the Leds of INS3 and INS4 are OFF.
• Bring the selector back in position 1.


If you use a single foot pedal control and the foot pedal control selector is
not used, verify that the Leds of INS3, INS4 and INS21 are OFF.

Inputs of Downstroke Pedal 1

To verify the correct wiring of Downstroke Pedal 1:
• Verify that, with pedal pressed, the Led of INS6 is ON and the Led of INS5 is OFF.
• Press the Downstroke Pedal 1
• Verify that, with pedal pressed, the Led of INS5 is ON and the Led of INS6 is OFF.

Inputs of Downstroke Pedal 2

To verify the correct wiring of Downstroke Pedal 2, if present:
• Verify that, with pedal not pressed, the Led of INS19 is ONn and the Led of INS18 is
• Press the Downstroke Pedal 2 and verify that, with pedal pressed, the Led of INS18 is
On and the Led of INS19 is OFF.

Safety inputs from CNC

The verification procedure is the following:
• With machine stop, verify that the Leds of the inputs INS11, INS12 and INS13 are
• When CNC commands a Downstroke in High Speed, verify that the Led of INS11 is
ON and the Led INS12 and INS13 are OFF.
• When CNC commands a Downstroke in Low Speed, verify that the Leds INS11 and
INS12 are ON and the Led INS13 is OFF.
• When CNC commands an Upstroke, verify that the Led INS13 is ON and the Leds
INS11 and INS12 are OFF.

Generic inputs
The verification procedure is the following:
• Use the button up and down present on MCS to display the page relevant to the state
of the generic inputs:
• ING: xxxxxx. The 6 numbers represent the state of the six inputs: the leftmost ING6,
the rightmost ING1.
• Verify that the inputs are all to 0 (ING: 000000)
• Press the button Sheet Edge Request and verify that the displayed number relevant to
that input is 1 (ING: 000010)
• Release the button and verify that all the generic inputs are again to 0 (ING: 000000)
• Press the button Emergency Reset and verify that the relevant number is 1 on display
(ING: 000100)
• Release the button and verify that all the generic inputs are again to 0 (ING: 000000)
• Press the button Reset Rear Guard and verify that relevant number is 1 on display
(ING: 001000)
• Release the button and verify that all the generic inputs are again to 0 (ING: 000000)


Start of Test phase

Once verified that the wiring is correct, switch the system off and then on.
Execute the following procedure:

• Verify that the Leds relevant to Emergency (OUTG6) and to Rear Guard (OUTG1) are
ON and the Led Request Sheet Edge (OUTG2) is OFF.
• Press the buttons Reset Emergency and Reset Rear Guard.
• Verify that now the Leds relevant to Emergency (OUTG6) and to Rear Guard
(OUTG1) are OFF and the Led Request Sheet Edge is blinking.
• By means of up and down keys, scroll on display until reaching the page relevant to
errors 1, 2 and 3:
E1:x E2:x E3:x
E1:x E2:x E3:x
• Verify that both E1s are to 0:
E1:0 E2:x E3:x
E1:0 E2:x E3:x
• Now, activate, one by one, the disabled necessary functions (Monitor, Locking,
Auxiliary Relay Emergency, etc.) through the programming parameters and execute a
test on the wiring respecting the above modalities.
• Once the additional functions have been added and the wiring has been tested,
configure the safety outputs depending on the configurations of the press solenoid
• If errors E1 are not both to 0, verify the type of signalled error (Chapter 14.1,
Alarms/errors and possible solution of the problems) and follow the instructions to
remove it.

Verification of Encoders 1 and 2

Once the outputs are configured, the equipment is switched on and the emergency is reset,
pressing the Upstroke Pedal the machine should cover a length in upstroke.
Verify that the displayed position of the two Encoders match and are positive:

Y1= mm xxxx.x
Y2= mm xxxx.x

If the positions are negative or one differs from the other, verify and possibly invert the
connection of the channels A and B of one of the two encoders.

When the press opens, the position of the two encoders must increase,
when it closes the position must decrease.


11.4. First installation of TX and RX

For the first installation, it is necessary to optically align the devices DSP LASER AP TX and
RX to the upper tool of the machine and between them. For this purpose, the test and
positioning tool is supplied with DSP LASER AP (Figure 52).
The horizontal protection layer must be placed at tool tip at a safety distance equal to the
maximum stop distance allowed by DSP LASER AP + 5mm. The maximum allowed values
are, as described below, three: 14mm, 18mm and 24mm. To set the system in one of the
three positions, it is necessary to align the laser beam in area 1 for a maximum SA of 14
mm, in area 2 for a maximum SA of 18 mm, in area 3 for a maximum SA of 24 mm. In the
description below, the positioning in area 1 is described. To execute the positioning in the
other areas, the procedure is the same, obviously only the area changes.

Figure 52

The first adjustment to execute is to position the laser beam in parallel to the tip of the upper
tool for all its length. To do this, act as follows:

1. Set a reduced closing speed, lower than or equal to 10 mm/sec.

2. Lay the test and positioning instrument over the lower tool in the position “point A”
near TX (Figure 53).
3. Lower the upper tool until bringing its tip near the vertex of the groove of the notch
present in the upper part of the tool (Figure 54).
4. Adjust the TX height moving vertically the support (arrow 1 in Figure 53), in such a
way that the LOWER EDGE OF THE LASER EMISSION coincides with the upper line
of grey area 1, 2 or 3. In the example it is the line 1 of the Test and positioning
instrument (Figure 54).
5. Then adjust TX along all the transversal axis of the bend axis (arrow 2 in Figure 53),
in such a way that the lateral edges of the laser emission are simmetrically contained
within the two surfaces defined by the two vertical lines and marked with R and F
(Figure 54).
6. Fasten TX, without tightening, in this position.


Figure 53

Figure 54

7. The lower edge of the laser emission must be parallel to the checking line for the vertical
positioning of TX, as in Figure 55.


Figure 55

8. Then move the test and positioniong instrument on the lower tool to position “point B”
(Figure 56) or, however, near RX.
9. Verify that the laser beam is yet in the previous position (Figure 54). If the beam is in a
different position (very likely situation), adjust TX in accurate way in direction of arrows 3
and 4, without intervening on the calibration executed previously (movements indicated by
arrows 1 and 2 of Figure 53).

Figure 56

10. The lower edge of the laser emission must be parallel to the upper table (Figure 57), so
that the value of the safety distance can be constant for all the length of the upper tool.


Figure 57

11. After having executed the calibration with the test instrument in position “point B”, move it
to position “point A” and verify that the laser emission is positioned as in Figure 50.
Tighten the fixing screws of TX to moving support.
12. Move the instrument test in position “point B” and observe the front side of RX, “point C”
which is lighted by a part of leaser beam coming out from the SLOT FOR THE

Figure 58

13. Move horizontally RX in such a way that the rectangular light is between the RX
14. Move vertically RX in such a way that the circular light is within one of the RX VERTICAL
POSITIONING REFERENCES. The reference must be the one with the same number of
the line where has been positioned the LOWER EDGE OF THE LASER EMISSION (in this
example, within reference 1, Figure 54).
15. Remove the test instrument from the machine.
16. Verify that the GREEN LED becomes ON, as confirmation of the alignment occurred.
17. If not, act on the RX parallelism adjustments, as in point 5 you have done for TX, so
making the GREEN LED becomes ON.
18. Tighten the RX fixing screws to the moving support.

The correct installation of the supports and the mechanical adjustment of the device foresee
that, at each tool change, the heights of the supports is simply adjusted as function of the
punch height, without any intervention by the user on the horizontal adjustment and on the


11.5. Verification of the stop distance

At switch-on, before entering in operating modality, MCS must carry out the verification of
the machine stop distance.
This verification consists in making the machine moving part covers a given space (value of
parameter A5) to reach the maximum speed. The system commands to stop the
downstroke and, when the machine is securely stopped, the detection of the space covered
by the machine by inertia, that is the stop distance, is measured.
If this distance is less than or equal to that allowed (parameter A2), MCS switches to
operating modality. Otherwise, it is necessary to repeat the verification of the stop distance.
In this case, decreasing the machine downstroke speed, the stop distance can be reduced
and, then, pass the test.
When you switch the device on, the led of the button Sheet Edge is OFF. Once have
verified that all the peripheral units are in the correct state (side door closed, etc.) and have
reset all the active emergencies, the led starts blinking rapidly.
At this point, to execute the test of the stop distance, move the press to PMS and command
a downstroke in High Speed. MCS, after the machine has covered a distance equal to that
set in parameter A5, command the stop and measures the space covered by the press
recording even the detected value of High Speed (see chap.11.7).
If the measured distance is less than or equal to that set in parameter A2, then the led of
the Sheet Edge will change to fixed ON (test of stop distance successful), otherwise it will
continue blinking and the test shall be repeated.
Before executing the test of the stop distance, it is however possible to execute a machine
dowstroke in low speed for maintenance operations.
The Stop Distance of the machine must be verified at least every 30 hours. MCS, passed
30 hours of continue operation, will automatically start the function of Verification of the Stop

11.6. Sheet Edge Acquisition

The acquistion of the sheet edge by the device is necessary in each one of the following
• Start of working in operating mode
• Tool change involving a new adjustment of the receiviong device (DSP LASER AP
• Change of the sheet thickness.
To do this, execute the following procedure:
• Move the press upward and make sure the laser beam is free from obstacle.
• Press the Sheet Edge button: the led of the button Sheet Edge changes from OFF to
fixed ON. In this way, the function for the calculation of the sheet edge is active.
• Move the press downward until the lower central sensor of DSP AP RX touches the
sheet. MCS, as soon as detects the sheet edge, commands a stop and the led of the
button Sheet Edge goes OFF.
Important: during this operation, the laser must not be shaded by anything, except from the
sheet. Therefore, remove all that could obstacle the execution of this function. The minimum
sheet thickness readable by DSP LASER AP RX is 0.6mm.

In case of sheet with thickness lower than 0.6 mm and wrong setting of
PCV, you could have a shock in high speed of the crossbeam against the
Residual sheet with an unexpected movement of this.


11.7. Verification of Low Speed and High Speed

MCS executes a constant control of the speed both in High Speed and in Low Speed.
If, during the downstroke, the speed is higher than allowed (plus a given tolerance), MCS
enters in Emergency. In order to continue to work, a reset of emergency must be executed.
The Low Speed monitored by MCS is that assigned by the parameter A1. If this parameter
is, for example, set to 10, MCS during the downstroke in Low Speed will verify that the
speed reached by the press is never higher than 10mm/s + tolerance, otherwise it will enter
in emergency. The High Speed controlled by MCS, instead, is not assigned by any
parameter, but it is read by MCS during the test of the stop distance. In fact, during the test
of the stop distance, when MCS commands the stop of the machine to measure the
distance, it records even the speed reached by the machine. This speed is the maximum
speed (plus tolerance) the machine can reach in operating mode in High Speed. If this
speed is exceeded, MCS enters in Block condition (every movement is inhibited) and even
the emergency is activated.

During the calculation of the stop distance, the maximum allowed press
speed for a safe use of the system is 330 mm/s.

11.8. Speed change point and Automuting

During the downstroke (closing of the press) in High Speed, if an opaque object enters into
the detection area and shades one of the active elements, MCS immediately stops the
machine stroke (Figure 59). In this example, all the elements of all the AREAS (Rear,
Central and Front) are active. The automuting function inhibits the receiving elements
according to what described here below. The auto muting function is active even after
having enabled the Blanking function. If some sensors have been already inhibited by the
Blanking procedure, these remain inhibited.

Figure 59


If the object is not removed, the machine can continue the closing movement only in Low
Speed (safety speed).
Instead, if the object is removed from the active detection area, MCS can continue moving
the machine in High Speed.
When the active sensors of the detection area at the greatest distance from the tip of the
upper tool (Area A) arrive near the sheet, these are set in Muting state and the machine can
continue the stroke, as in Figure 60.

Figure 60

The point where the exclusion of the Area takes place depends on the tolerance set in
parameter A4. If the sheet tolerance is set to 1mm, the exclusion will take place before the
central sensor of Area A is completely shaded by the sheet.
If the tolerance has been set to 4mm, the exclusion will take place 4mm before the central
sensor of the Area A is completely shaded by the sheet.
Areas B and C, remaining active, ensure the protection against the intrusion inside the
protection area of Figure 61.


Figure 61

When even the sensors of the Area B are in the position of the previous ones and no object
has entered the detection area, they are set in Muting state: the machine can continue the
stroke (Figure 62).

Figure 62

When the sensors of Area C are in the position of the previous ones an no object has
penetrated the detection area, they are set in Muting state, however this time the machine
must have reached to the safety speed (10mm/s). If this condition is respected, the machine
can continue the stroke (Figure 63).


Figure 63

The Speed Change Point position programmed on CNC shall have such a value that, when
DSP LASER AP is in the condition of set the area C in Automuting, the machine is already
in Low Speed in such a way to allow the completion of the bend without stops.


11.9. Blanking Modality of DSP LASER AP

DSP LASER AP is equipped with a control circuit able to activate the following operating

1. Detection area fully active:

Mode to use generally for all the types of work, because it present the fewest residual

2. Blanking of the front area and exclusion of the rear area:

Mode which can be used to bend box of special shape or pieces of very small size
which can be worked without intercepting part of the detection area.

3. Exclusion of the rear area:

The rear protection has been inserted for special uses of the bending machine, as when
more bending stations are installed and the operator could, through a particular
movement of the arm, reach between station and station and put the fingers under the
bending area, accessing from the rear side. This particular and extreme possibility, not
considered by the standard EN12622 relevant to the safety of the press brakes, has
been instead evaluated by NUOVA ELETTRONICA and, then, protected by means of
DSP LASER AP. Then this function can be excluded when the protected machine has
no need (for example, it is equipped with a single pair of tools, one upper and the other
lower, for all the machine length) or when the rear backgauges are next to the bending
line and, intercepting the detection area, do not allow the bending.

For this purpose, the command circuit of the press must be equipped with 3 stable position
key selector, with key extractable only in position 1.

The three modes present different residual risks. Then the key must be
kept only by the person responsible of the department, who has to
evaluate the presence of all the requirements for the correct use of the
protection system (operator trained and informed about residual risks,
tools and DSP LASER AP correctly installed, etc.). Before leaving the
press, anyway, the operator must set the selector to mode 1.

The selection of operating mode 2 allows enabling the blanking function for the front area
and the exclusion of the rear area. The mode 3 allows the exclusion of the rear raea only.
The real activation of the blanking function is carried out following the indications reported
When the operating mode 2 or 3 is selected, the yellow LED present in the front part of RX
will be always active and blinking. In this way, the operator will be always warned by the
device that the working modality is different from mode 1.


This function must be used only when strictly necessary for the type of
work to executed. It is then responsibility of the employer to verify the
Warning: correct use of the function and forbid its abuse.
Here below some examples are reported which could require the use of
the blanking.

• Bending of the box of special shape

The bending of the classic box is bound to the correct positioning of the piece, both
against the rear backgauges and centered with respect to the punch. This centering
operation generally requires the positioning just before the punch touches the sheet.
For this reason, it is good thing that the command circuit of the press is realized in
such a way that the operator can select the table automatic stop function in the speed
change point. The piece can then be placed in the correct bending position.
A possible reason for the activation of the blanking function is the shape of the piece
which could forbid the insertion of the piece itself between the tools when the punch is
still at the speed change point.
Obvioulsy these operating modes can be exploited to executed bends only along the
edge of the lifted side and not inside the box. In this case, the lifted side will intercept
the central part of the field, which can be inhibited only during the closing movement
at low speed.

• Small size bending.

The shape of the detection area has been properly shaped in the rear part to limit the
interference with the rear backgauges. This does not exclude that the final position or
the shape of the rear backgauges could shade the rear part of the detection area.

• Small size pieces

The shape of the detection area has been properly shaped in the front part to limit the
interference with the operator. However, a very small size of the piece can bring to a
shading of the detection area due to the presence of the operator’s fingers.

The central area of DSP LASER AP RX remains active during the closing movement in high
speed in any operating mode. The shading of the central area must always cause the stop
of the press when the closing speed exceeds 10 mm/s.
For this reason the central detection area must be slightly moved, with respect to the punch
tip, towards the press back.

The blanking of part of the detection area can introduce residual risks (see
chap. 12 Residual risks) due to the shape of the tool and of the worked
piece (e.g. side of the box). In fact, potential dangers of squashing
between the part of the unprotected tool and the piece under processing
or the die or the rear backgauges.
Residual The operator must be informed about these risks. Task of the department
risk: responsible is to evaluate, depending on the shape and the installation of
the dies and the bending sequence, the risks and to inform the operator,
before enabling the operating mode by means of key selector.

The safety device DSP LASER can realize the blanking function in two different ways,
depending on the MCS programming. It is then necessary to make sure which operating
mode is present on the device.

The two different blanking function modes foresee the same characteristics of the blanking
state. The difference consists only in the way the blanking state is reached and maintained.


The contemporary selection of more operating modes, due to wiring error or to fault, causes
a lock condition in the equipment until the fault is not removed. The absence of selection of
any operating mode brings to the equipment operation in mode 1, then with all the sensors
In Mode 2, the activation of the outputs of DSP LASER RX AP, which allow the downstroke
of the machine in HIGH SPEED, is always preceded by an enabling by the operator for both
the blanking modes. The active state of the blanking function is however conditioned by a
time, elapsed which DSP LASER returns to the state which obliges the start of a bending
cycle with the blanking function deactivated.

Blanking function “Operator Enabling”

The control circuit of MCS and DSP LASER AP uses the downstroke Pedals as “mean” for
the operator to enable the blanking function of the front area.
The Blanking function is activated at the beginning of the bending cycle and is always
deactivated at the end of it. The start of the bending cycle coincides with the downstroke of
the machine. The end of ther bending cycle coincides with the upstroke.
The selector or the CNC enables the operating mode 2. The actuation of this function,
however, takes place only by the “Operator Enabling”, that is when the operator makes a
first pressure on the downstroke pedal.
The previous action of enabling of mode 2 had brought to the condition of STOP MCS, then
this pressure does not cause the machine dowstroke. Only the next release causes the exit
from the state of STOP MCS. This action is signalled by the blinking of the big yellow LED
present on the front part of the receiver. In this condition, a further pressure on the
downstroke pedal causes the downstroke of the machine with the sensors of the front area
in blanking status and those of the rear area in exclusion state. Both at switch-on of DSP
LASER AP device or at the selection of the operating mode 2 and after a machine upstroke,
the blanking function is disabled.
Moreover the Blanking function is subjected to a time control to avoid the machine can be
involuntary left in blanking state or to avoid a wrong use of the function. Once the blanking
function is enabled, in order to keep its state active, the pedal commanding the machine
downstroke must be pressed within 30 seconds. Moreover the Blanking function will be
deactivated after 5 minutes from the moment the press has started the downstroke.

Blanking function “STOP and GO”

The control circuit of MCS and DSP LASER AP uses the sheet detection (STOP), which
obstacles the continuation of the bending, as “mean” to give the operator enabling (GO) to
the blanking function of the front area.
The Blanking function activates during the dowstroke phase of the bending cycle and
deactivates at the end of the bending cycle. The end of the bending cycle coincides with the
The selector or the CNC enables the operating mode 2. This function is however executed
only when the laser beam intercepts the sheet, bringing the machine to stop state. This
action is signalled by the blinking of the big yellow LED present on the front part of the
receiver. In this condition, a further pressure on the downstroke pedal causes the
downstroke of the machine with the sensors of the front area in blanking status and those of
the rear area in exclusion state. Both at switch-on of DSP LASER AP device or at the
selection of the operating mode 2 and after a machine upstroke, the blanking function is
Moreover the Blanking function is subjected to a time control to avoid the machine can be
involuntary left in blanking state or to avoid a wrong use of the function, then it will be
deactivated after 5 minutes from the activation.


Mode 1: Detection area fully active

The normal bending of sheets allows keeping the whole detection area active during the
phase of fast approaching of the tool. Even the bending of boxes can take place with the
detection area fully active. In fact, it is sufficient to equip the press with the function of
automatic stop at the speed change point and to insert the piece between the tools only
after that the punch has stopped.

Figure 64

All the receiving areas are active and the shading of any receiving element causes the OFF
state of the RX outputs. The MCS control device immediately stops the closing movement
of the machine in high speed (> 10 mm/s).
Persisting the shading condition of a part or all the detection area, the release of the
downstroke command and the new pressure causes the machine can continue the closing
stroke in reduced speed (less than or equal to 10 mm/s).
Instead, removing the obstacle returns the outputs to ON state and, then, it is possible to
command again the downstroke of the press in high speed.


Mode 2: Front area in blanking state and rear area excluded

Bending of special shape or size (boxes) or of very small size pieces.

This function must be used only when strictly necessary for the type of
work to do. It is then responsibility of the employer to verify the correct
Warning: use of the function and forbid its abuse.

Operating mode 1 could be inapplicable in case of bending with special shapes or bends of
very small size pieces. The rear backgauges, in fact, could intercept the rear area, or it
could be impossible to insert the already partially bended piece between the tools moved
closer. In order to avoid these situations and, at the same time, to protect the operator,
mode 2 can be set.

Figure 65

The main difference with the operating mode 1 consists in the blanking of the front area and
the exclusion of the rear area. The press closes in high speed until PCV, even if one or
more elements set in blanking state or excluded are shaded. The stop of the machine, due
to the change of the outputs to OFF state, takes place when the central area is intercepted.
Persisting the shading condition of the central area, the release of the downstroke pedal
and the new pressure makes the machine can continue the closing stroke in reduced speed
(less than or equal to 10 mm/s). Instead, removing the obstacle returns the outputs to ON
state and, then, it is possible to command again the downstroke of the press in high speed.


In this operating mode, part of the detection area is inhibited. It is

necessary that the operator is informed about the residual possibility of
squashing between the punch and the die or between the punch and the
Residual piece in processing. In order to minimize the dangerous area, the length of
risk: the tools shall be the minimum necessary for the current processing.

Mode 3: Rear area excluded

Backgauges near the dies

This function must be used only when strictly necessary for the type of
work to do. It is then responsibility of the employer to verify the correct
Warning: use of the function and forbid its abuse.

In some cases the backgauges could intercept the rear protection area causing the stop of
the press, even if the operator is out of the dangerous area. In order to avoid this situation
and, at the same time, to keep the operator protected, the operating mode 3 can be set.

Figure 66

All the reception areas, except the rear one, are active and the shading of any element
causes the state OFF of the RX outputs. The control device MCS will stop the closing
movement of the machine in high speed (> 10 mm/s).
Persisting the condition of shading of part or whole the active detection area, the release of
the downstroke command and the new pressure allow the machine continue the closing
stroke in low speed (less than or equal to 10 mm/s). Instead, removing the obstacle returns


the outputs to ON state and, then, it is possible to command again the downstroke of the
press in high speed.

In this operating mode, part of the detection area is inhibited. It is

necessary that the operator is informed about the residual possibility of
squashing between the punch and the die or between the punch and the
piece in processing.
In order to minimize the dangerous area, the length of the tools shall be
the minimum necessary for the current processing.

11.10. Operation in Robot mode

When a robot is used to feed the bending pieces to press brakes, MCS must disable the
function of Speed Control, Encoder Control, DSP LASER AP Control and Side Guard
To access to this operating mode, the relevant selector must be activated and MCS must
receive the proper signals from CNC via RS232.
In alternative, the robot function can be commanded from the safety PLC of the robot itself.
For the installation and the operation of the machine with the robot, all the precautions must
be taken and all the obligations required by the system must be respected.
For the realization of this function, it is necessary to call NUOVA ELETTRONICA s.n.c. of
Pasqui F. & C. in order to get the information necessary for the correct management of this

This working mode is reserved to machine equipped with fence,

destinated to be controlled by Robot.
Warning: Improper use of this function could cause serious dangers for the


12. Residual risks

12.1. Risks typical of the laser source

The presence of a laser beam, even if with very low power, could directly or indirectly make
the use of the device dangerous.

The eye protection is however ensured, even in absence of DPI, by the eye defensive
reactions, as the eyelid reflex.

12.2. Blanking

The protection system DSP LASER AP has been designed to protect the operator from the
dangers due to the closing movement of the tools of a press brake. The detection area is
subdivided in a front, a central and a rear area. The front area avoids the squashing of the
operator’s fingers between the front part of the punch and the die or the objects present in
the movement area (e.g. bottom of the box), while the rear area avoid the squashing
between punch and backgauge.
The system is equipped with operating modes which allow the inhibition of the front and/or
rear detection area even during the use of the fast approaching speed. In this way, the
function protecting the front and/or rear area is not operating and the residual risks
highlighted in the following figure are introduced.

Figure 67

In order to reduce the residual risks, it is necessary to use proper organization measures
and a correct choice and installation of the tools.
To limit the risk of squashing between punch and dies, it is good thing to use punches of
width equal to the width of the piece to work. In fact, in case of wider punches, a dangerous
area is created between punch and dies on the sides of the piece in processing.


To limit, instead, the squashing surface between punch and top edges of the box of special
shape and inside botton of the box, it is necessary to use punches with small surface
projecting to the operator, or to install the punches themselves with this surface facing the
rear part of the press (e.g. cranked tools).

12.3. Risks deriving from dangers of mechanical type

12.3.1. Manual support of the sheet

The press brake equipped with the safety system DSP LASER AP presents, in the front
part, residual risks of mechanical type which must be directly highlighted on the machine
through proper pictograms. The following figure shows some examples of pictograms taken
from the standard EN 12622.
To allow the machining, the stop command generated by the interception of the detection
area of DSP LASER AP must be inhibited when the closing speed of the press is equal to or
lower than 10 mm/s. Operator safety is ensured by the reduced speed coupled with a
handheld command. Then is the operator who, aware of the residual risks, commands the
closing of the press.
If the sheet is hold by hand during the approaching and the bending, risks of shearing and
squashing are present:
• between the V of the sheet and the punch,
• between the sheet edge and the front face of the punch or of the table (Figure 68 a).

The bending of the piece in processing can cause a shock due to the sudden upward
movement of the piece (Figure 68 b).
Under PCV, just before the press action, the DSP LASER AP device is inhibited and, then,
it cannot ensure the operator against a possible squashing of the fingers between the punch
and the sheet. If the sheet frees itself from the rear backgauge, the hand often follows it
under the punch (Figure 68 c).

Figure 68

Use all the means which allow keeping the hands away from the dangerous areas, for
• supports to hold the piece during the approaching and, if possible, during the bend:
adjustable tables, squares, etc.
• magnets, masks, holding tools, etc.
• stops with height sufficient to hold the sheet pushed by the operator (avoid retractable
stops easily removable).


If the piece is hold by hand during the bending, never put the hands in area of possible
squashing between the piece and the machine parts (e.g. punch or upper table) and among
the tools.

12.3.2. Installation and uninstallation of tools

There are risks of shearing between punches and dies installated on the press brake and
not used piece under processing. Uninstall always the unused dies.
Verify always the tonnage set on the press and the tool strength. An excessive tonnage
could cause the breaking of the tools.
After every tool change, it is necessary to verify the correct positioning of thr device, as
described in par. “Verification of the correct positioning”.

12.3.3. Work organization

The safety of the workers in the factory is based, first of all, on a correct organization of the
work, starting from the initial study of the piece up to the real bending operations.
In order to optimize the choice of the work instruments and to ensure the safety of the
operators, the main prevention measures consist in:
• Train the operators who work on the press brakes.
• Dedicate to this task only qualified operators who have received a training about
the adjustment and the use of these machines.
• Define, if necessary, some qualification sheets depending on the competences of
• Choose the correct bending direction or the shape and the installation of tools in such
a way to reduce, as much as possible, the risk of squashing between the piece and
the punch or the piece and the table.

Figure 69

• Optimize the bending sequence limiting, if possible, the stroke of the punch above the sheet
to a value of 6 mm, in order to reduce, as much as possible, the risk of insertion of the
fingers between the tools. For the small pieces, consider the possibility to extract them from
the side.


13. Use
The operations and the verifications to execute at every machine switch-on are listed here
At the beginning of every work shift, it is necessary to verify the correct positioning of the
device as described in chap. 13.1.

13.1. Light Indicators

At every machine switch-on, it is necessary to:
• Verify that all the parts controlled by MCS are in correct state (side door and lateral
guards closed, emergency mush-rooms not pressed, pedals in rest positions, CNC
correctly switched on, etc.)
• Execute the reset, by means of the proper button, of the emergencies and of the rear
guards. After this operation, the emergency leds and of the rear guards must be OFF
and the led of the selected foot pedal control must be fixed ON.
• Verify that DSP LASER AP TX emits the laser beam.
• Verify that the leds of the modes and of the state of DSP LASER AP RX are ON
• Verify that the big white led and the big yellow led of DSP LASER AP RX are OFF.
For more information about the light indicators, see chap. 9.1: Light indicators and
references: scheme and functions.

If you detect a fault to one of the LEDs, it is necessary to stop immediately

Warning: the machine and call NUOVA ELETTRONICA to repair the device.

13.2. PCV setting

PCV setting must be made in such a way that, when the group of receivers named Area C
of DSP LASER AP RX is near the sheet edge, the machine is already in Low Speed in such
a way that the device completes the Automuting function without sudden shocks. For more
details about PCV setting, see chap. 11.8 : Speed change point and Automuting.

13.3. Verification of stop distance

At every switch-on, MCS must execute the verification of the machine stop distance. To do
this, execute the following procedure:
• Verify that all the peripheral devices are in correct state (side doors close, rear guard
closed, etc.)
• Reset all the active emergencies
• Bring the press to PMS
• Command a downstroke in High Speed.
MCS, after that the machine has covered a distance equal to the set one, commands the
stops and measures the distance covered by the press after the stop. If the distance is
lower than or equal to the set one, the stop distance test has been successfull. For more
details about the stop distance verification, see chap. 11.5: Verification of the stop distance.


13.4. Sheet Edge Acquisition

The operation of sheet edge acquisition must be executed in each one of the following
• Start of the work in operating mode
• Tool change, which involves a new adjustment of the receiving device (DSP LASER
• Change of the sheet thickness.
To do this, execute the following procedure:
1. Bring the press at the top and make sure the laser beam is free from obstacles.
2. Press the Sheet Edge button: the led of the Sheet Edge button turns fixed ON.
3. Move the press downwords until the lower central sensor of DSP LASER AP RX
intercepts the sheet. When MCS has detected the sheet edge, it will command a stop
and the led of the sheet edge button will turn OFF.
It is important that, during this operation, the laser is not obstructed by anything, if not by the
sheet. Therefore, remove everything you think can interfere with the execution of this

13.5. Adjustment after the tool change

Every time the upper tool is changed, adjust the height of DSP LASER AP device.
Even if the height of the new installed tool remains the same with respect to the previous
one, it is necessary to verify the correct alignment of the protection area.
For this purpose, use the test and positioning instrument (chapter 11.4), which must be
preserved near the machine.
Proceed as indicated here below:
1. Unlock one of the two moving supports (the one supporting TX or the one supporting
RX) and lift it according the direction of arrow A (Figure 70).
2. Lock the moving support at the top, in such a way the tool can slide in the direction of
arrow B without interfere (Figure 70).

Figure 70


3. Insert the new tool, in this example shortest, according the direction of arrow B (Figure

Figure 71
4. Bring TX back in position according to the direction of arrow A (Figure 72)
5. Put the TEST instrument on point B (Figure 72).
6. Set a reduced closing speed (less than or equal to 10 mm/sec) and lower the tool until
when its tip brushes the vertex of the groove present in the notch in the top part of the
TEST instrument.

Figure 72


7. Adjust the TX height, moving vertically the support, in such a way that the LOWER
EDGE OF THE LASER EMISSION coincides with one of the three lines in function of
the wished distance from the tool, indicated by the press manufacturer (line 1 in
example of Figure 73).

Figure 73

The lower edge of the sensitive area must be parallel to the reference
lines of the stop distance and the edges of the detection area must be
Warning: contained within the two surfaces delimited by the two vertical lines and
marked with the letters R and F.
Should the conditions above were not verified and a mechanical
adjusting intervention was necessary, see chap. 11.4. If no result is
achieved, call the press manufacturer or the personnel charged by him.
Do not act on the collimation screws because you could adjust the beam

8. Adjust the receiver height so that the light, exiting from the slot of the TEST instrument,
hits the reference point corresponding to the line where the base of the laser emission is
placed, in this case line 1.


Figure 74

9. Remove the instrument from the lower tool and verify the green led turns ON.

The missed turning-ON of green led could indicate the need of a

mechanical adjustement intervention. Call the press manufacturer or the
Warning: personnel charged by him. Do not make attempts not described on this
manual or on the manual of the press.

Verification of the correct positioning

Execute the following procedure:
• Set and activate the operating mode 2, in such a way that the front part is in blanking
and the rear part is excluded.
• Put the part of the instrument of cylindric shape against the lower part of the punch, in
such a way that only this part intercepts the central detection field of the device (keep
the fingers outside the area).
• Make the instrument slide along all the upper tool, verifying the continue interception
of the field by means of the continue turn-ON of the RED LED and the turn-OFF of the
• Now, put the part of the instrument with thickness of 10 mm over the lower tool and
command the press in fast closing keeping outside of the die area. To make the test
meaningful, the speed change point must be set as nearest as possible to the die. For
the same reasons, set, on the Numeric Control, the minimum thickness possible for
the sheet or, alternatively, interpone a sheet with thickness equal to the set one
between die and test piece.
• Verify that the mobile table stops with a distance between the tools greater than or
equal to 15 mm, because the part of the instrument with this thickness must be able to
pass between the dies.
• Repeat the operation for 5 times, placing the test piece on the left side of the press
near TX and other 5 times with the test piece placed on the right side near RX.
• At last, place the part of the tool with 35 mm thickness over the lower tool and
command the fast closing of the moveable table, staying outside the dangerous area.
• Verify the press stops and the upper tool does not touch the instrument.
• Repeat this test with the same modalities of the test above (5 more 5 times).

The adjustment of the device must be considered correct only if all the indicated tests are
passed. Ohterwise, the press must not be absolutely used.


14. Maintenance
Cleaning of DSP LASER AP device
Verify that no foulings, impurities or humidity drops deposit on the emission and detection
surfaces, respectively of transmitter and receiver. In this case, clean with a soft and humid

To clean the device, do not use toxic or flammable substances which

could, in any way, make the front part of TX and/or RX opaque in the
Caution: areas where the laser emission is emitted or received.

Never direct water jeys over the device.


14.1. Alarms/errors and possible solution of the problems

MCS display shows, in screens nr. 5 and nr. 6 (see Chap.9), the alarms and the errors
detected in chronological order. With these data, you can do a diagnosis on possible faults
or malfunctions both of MCS - DSP LASER AP and of the press brake.

The first and essential verifications to do are:

• LCD of MCS stays OFF:

Verify that the 24 Vcc voltage is present on connector nr. 3 of MCS. If not, discover the
reason for which the module is not powered. If power supply has been restored and the
laser light does not appear or the displays stays OFF, it is necessary to call the service.

• LCD of MCS turns ON but no wording is shown:

Verify the connection with DSP AP – TX and that this one emits laser light.
If the connection is correct and TX does not emit laser light or, even emitting it, the
displays does not show any wording, it is necessary to call the service.

Here below, the list of the alarms and of the errors which can solve the operation problems.

Alarms or Errors relevant to functions activable via programming can be

generated only if the relevant function is active.


Description of Alarm or Error

0 No alarm and error.

1 Synchronization of Ch.A and Ch.B MCS: release Foot Pedal.
2 System Error: contact the service.
3 System Error: contact the service.
4 System Error: contact the service.
5 System Error: contact the service.
6 System Error: contact the service.
Error in RX connection: verify that DSP AP - RX is ON and the connection of DSP AP
– RX to MCS.
Alarm Axes Misalignment: position of axis Y1 differs from position of axis Y2 for a
value greater than the one assigned to parameter A7 of the programming
parameters. Verify the positioning of the press and the operation and connection of
the two encoders.
Error Downstroke Pedal1: verify the connection of the NO (INS5) and NC (INS6)
signals of Downstroke Pedal1 and the operation of the two contacts.
Alarm Antipanic: release the antipanic pedal or verify the connection of the NC
A signals INP1 and INP2 and the operation of the two contacts.
Note. If programmed, press the upstroke pedal to clear this error.
Alarm Emergency: unlock the emergency switch or verify the connection of the NC
B signals INP3 and INP4 and the operation of the two contacts.
Note. Press the emergency reset button to clear this alarm.
Alarm High Speed: the press has exceeded the allowed high speed. Verify that the
test of the stop distance has been correctly executed and that CNC drives correctly
the proportional valves.
Note. Press the emergency reset button to clear this alarm.
Alarm Low Speed: the press has exceeded the allowed low speed. Verify that the
sheet edge acquisition has been correctly executed and that the speed change point
has been correctly set.
Note. Press the emergency reset button to clear this alarm.
Alarm Side Protections: both the side protections are open. Verify that they are
E closed and that the NC signals INP5 and INP6 are correctly received. Moreover verify
the operation of the two contacts.
Alarm Laser Beam Obstruction: an obstacle has been detected in the protercted area
F of the laser beam during the fast downstroke. Remove the obstacle or continue the
bend in low speed.
Problem on the system status. Verify the RS232 connection, if used, and restart the
device. If the problem persists, contact the service.
Error Foot Pedal Control Selector: the signals relevant to the selection of the foot
H pedal controls are not correct. Verify the status of the signals INS3, INS4 and INS21.
Moreover, verify the operation of the selector contacts.
Error Direction: The press is moving in the wrong direction. Verify the connection of
I the encoders or the hydraulic circuit.
Note. Press the emergency reset button to clear this alarm.
Error Emergency Relay: the signals of the monitors of emergency relays (INS15 and
J INS16) do not match with the state of relays. Verify the connections of emergency
relays (OUTRL1 and OUTRL2) and of the relevant monitors (INS15 and INS16).
Alarm Automuting: the Automuting of DSP Laser AP device has not taken place in
K the correct way. Verify the positioning of DSP Laser AP device or modify the speed
change point from CNC to allow the press going down in correct way. See chap 11.7.


Alarm Rear Guard: the rear guards are open. Verify that they are closed and and that
the NC signals INP7 and INP8 are properly received.
Note. In case of rear guards with pulsed signals, only INP7 is used, connected via
L NC contact to OUTP7. In case of rear guards with OSSD coming from barrier, both
INP7 and INP8 are used, connected to the NO contacts of the relays driven by
OSSDs of the barrier.
Note. Press the emergency reset button to clear this alarm.
Alarm Low Speed: the press has exceeded the allowed low speed. Verify that the
M sheet edge acquisition has been properly executed and that the speed change point
has been correctly set.
Error Monitor1: The monitor relevant to solenoid valve driven by OUTS1 has given a
N wrong output. Verify the correct operation of the monitor and the connection of the
monitor to MCS (INS7).
Error Monitor2: The monitor relevant to solenoid valve driven by OUTS2 has given a
O wrong output. Verify the correct operation of the monitor and the connection of the
monitor to MCS (INS8).
Error Monitor3: The monitor relevant to solenoid valve driven by OUTS3 has given a
P wrong output. Verify the correct operation of the monitor and the connection of the
monitor to MCS (INS9).
Error Monitor4: The monitor relevant to solenoid valve driven by OUTS4 has given a
Q wrong output. Verify the correct operation of the monitor and the connection of the
monitor to MCS (INS10).
Error Monitor5: The monitor relevant to solenoid valve driven by OUTS5 has given a
R wrong output. Verify the correct operation of the monitor and the connection of the
monitor to MCS (INS14).
Alarm Upper Clamps Open: the upper clamps are open. The press cannot close.
Close the clamps to restore the proper operation.
Error Upper Clamps: the signals relevant to the upper clamps are not correct. Verify
T the operation of the control signal (ING1) and of the pressure switch (INS23) and
their connection to MCS.
Error Downstroke Pedal2: verify the connection of the NO (INS18) and NC (INS19)
signals of the Downstroke Pedal2 and the operation of the two contacts.
Error Foot Pedal1 Master – Slave: in the management of 2 pedals in Master-Slave,
V the operator Master (Pedal1) has pressed the downstroke pedal before the Slave
Alarm. A side guard has been closed or opened. Release the downstroke or upstroke
pedal, if pressed.
X Error Parameter Memory: verify the MCS programming parameters.
Error Emergency Wiring: the signals relevant to emergency (INP3 and INP4) are not
congruent. Verify the connection with OUTP3 and OUTP4 and make sure that, with
mush-room button pressed, are INP3 OFF and INP4 OFF while, with mush-room
button not pressed, are INP3 ON and INP4 ON.
Note. Once verified and restored the connection of the emergency chain, open the
chain (with the pressure of the emergency mush-room button), reclose the chain
(unlocking the mush-room) and press the emergency reset button to delete this
Error Rear Guard Wiring: in case of use of the rear guards with OSSDs coming from
barrier, the signals coming from INP7 and INP8 are not congruent. Verify the
connection with the barrier outputs and make sure that, with barrier outputs OFF,
INP7 is OFF and INP8 is OFF while, with barrier outputs ON, INP7 is ON and INP8 is
Note. Once verified and restored the connection of the rear guard, open the chain,
reclose the chain and press the emergency rest button of the rear guard to clear this


Error Antipanic Wiring: the signals relevant to antipanic (INP1 and INP2) are not
congruent. Verify the connection with OUTP1 and OUTP2 and make sure that, with
antipanic pressed, is INP1 OFF and INP2 OFF while, with antipanic not pressed,
a INP1 is ON and INP2 is ON.
Note. Once verified and restored the connection of the antipanic chain, open the
chain (pressing the third position of the pedal) and close again the chain (releasing
the pedal) to clear this alarm.
Button Emergency Reset Pressed: the emergency reset button has been reset.
b Release the button and the downstroke pedal. If this error persists, verify the
connection (ING3).
Button Rear Guard Reset Pressed: the rear guard reset button has been pressed.
c Release the button and the downstroke pedal. If this error persists, verify the
connection (ING4).
Cycle Anti-repetition: a bending cycle has been executed without releasing the
downstroke pedal. Release the pedal to execute a new bending cycle.
Alarm Lower Clamps Open: the lower clamps are open. The press cannot close.
Close the clamps to restore the correct operation.
Error Lower Clamps: the signals relevant to the upper clamps are not correct. Verify
f the operation of the control signal (ING6) and of the pressure switch (INS24) and
their connection to MCS.
Error Monitor6: The monitor relevant to solenoid valve driven by OUTS6 has given a
g wrong output. Verify the correct operation of the monitor and the connection of the
monitor to MCS (INS17).
Error Monitor7: The monitor relevant to solenoid valve driven by OUTS7 has given a
h wrong output. Verify the correct operation of the monitor and the connection of the
monitor to MCS (INS20).
Error Modes: the mode selector is not correctly connected. Verify the selector and the
connection to INS1 and INS2.
j System Error: call the service.
Error Encoder: a movement has been command to MCS but the encoders have not
detected any movement. Verify that the press is not at PMS or PMI and verify the
connection and the operation of the encoders.
Note. Press the emergency reset button to clear this alarm.
Downstroke Anti-repetition: during the downstroke, CNC has command a stop and a
l new downstroke without the downstroke pedal has been released. Release the
Downstroke pedal to restore the system.
Error RS232 reception: RS232 communication with CNC does not take place
m correctly. Verify that CNC is ON and operating and that the connection cable
between CNC and MCS is properly connected.
Error Robot request: The procedure for the robot function activation is not correct.
Verify that CNC tranmits the robot request command and that the selector connected
n to INS22 is ON if you wish to activate the robot mode or verify that CNC does not
transmit the robot request command to MCS and that the selector connected to IN22
is OFF.
p Verify Monitor1 at the end of the bending cycle.
q Verify Monitor2 at the end of the bending cycle.
r Verify Monitor3 at the end of the bending cycle.
s Verify Monitor4 at the end of the bending cycle.


15. Removal and reinstallation after the repair

If DSP LASER AP presents a defect or a malfunction, and then it is necessary to disconnect
from the machine to send it to repair, execute the following procedure. This procedure
allows avoiding the cable disconnection, limiting the operation only to the disassembly of
the device component to repair.

• Disconnect MCS from the mains: the whole device, TX and RX included, will be
automatically disconnected from power supply.
• Extract the female connectors from the relevant male connectors of MCS.
• Disconnect mechanically MCS unscrewing the four screws which anchor it to he
electric panel.
• Remove the rear cover from TX and RX unscrewing the four screws (Figure 75).
• Extract the 4-pole female connector from the male one on TX
• Extract the 8-pole connector on RX.
• Extract even the Faston female connector from the male connector anchored on the
RX container.
• Disconnect mechanically TX and RX from the machine.

Figure 75

• Send the three parts to Manufacturer, according to modalities described in the chapter
Warranty, indicating the observed defect.
• Before reconnecting the parts returned from the repair, make sure the machine is
disconnected from mains.
• Reconnect mechanically TX and RX to their moving supports and reconnect
mechanically MCS to the electric panel
• Insert gently the female connectors of TX, RX and MCS into the relevant male
• Put the rear cover of TX and RX to its place and screws the four screws.
• Execute again the commissioning and the test procedures described in the relevant


16. Technical characteristics


• MCS power supply voltage, supplying even TX and RX: 24 Vcc +/- 10%
• Consumption: 10W
• 8 safety OUT 24 Vcc 3,2 A
• 14 generic OUT 24 Vcc 0,4 A
• 24 safety INPUT 0/24 Vcc
• 8 safety pulsed INPUT 0/24 Vcc
• 8 pulsed OUT 24 Vcc
• 2+2 INPUT dedicated for channels A and B Encoder 5V, 8mA, 4MHz
• 3 OUT dedicated to specific function 24 Vcc 0,4 A
• Extractable terminals on TX for cables up to 0,75 mm2
• Extractable terminals on RX for cables up to 1 mm2
• Extractable terminals on MCS for cables up to 1 mm2 and 2,5 mm2


• Visible laser source: wave length 650 nm

• Beam divergence: < 0,1 mrad
• Laser classification: class 1 M according to EN 60825-1
• Maximum operating distance in standard atmosphere and absolute absence of fine
dust: 15 m
• Suggested operation distance 0,5 ÷ 8 metri in normal industrial environment


• MCS response time: 2.5ms

• DSP LASER AP response time: 5 ms
• PFH: 7.75*10-9
• Detection capacity of the central area: ≥ 10mm in compliance with EN 12622
• Envelope protection degree: Transmitter and Receiver: IP 65 - MCS: IP 20
• Operating temperature: from 0°C to 50°C
• Material of containers:
TX and RX: Painted aluminium, PVC reinforced with glass fiber, polycarbonate
MCS: galvanized, polycarbonate
• Dimensions:
TX and RX (fairlead and cable excluded): 192 mm x 128 mm x 81 mm
MCS: 284 mm x 203 mm x 84 mm
• Mass
TX (with fairlead but ext. cable excluded): about 1300 g
RX (with fairlead but ext. cable excluded): about 1600 g
MCS: about 2000 g
• Length of cables for the connection of TX and RX to MCS module: up to 20m
• Suggested cable section area: TX = 4 x 0.75 mm2 RX = 8 x 0.5 mm2


• Maximum speed: 330 mm/s

• Maximum stop distance: 24mm

100 DLAM01EN

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