Office Move Guide Checklist Download
Office Move Guide Checklist Download
Office Move Guide Checklist Download
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Introduction Why Do Businesses The Office Move Guide The Office Moving
Choose to Move? Move Checklist Made Easy
- The Evolution of the Office - Initial Planning & Preparation
- Changing Spaces - Growth - Selecting Your New Office
- The Arrival of Agile - Working Methods - Designing the Optimal Office
- Office Relocation is An - Desk Occupancy - The Small Print
Opportunity - Expiring Lease - Moving In
- Translating Values into - Location - Post-occupancy Evaluation
Physical Space - Attracting Talent
- The Workforce & the - Finances
Workplace - Workforce Wellbeing
- Employee Voice
- Communicating Change
The Office Move
- Introduction
Businesses are constantly changing. Whether it’s our policies, workforce,
projects or goals – no company clings on to fruitless processes or inflexible
ways of working. We’re always adapting and changing our methods to find
the most successful strategy.
Much like the way we work, where we work is also a crucial component of success. An office space sets the
tone for the productivity and motivation of our employees and forms vital first impressions of our business
culture. For example, to accommodate a collaborative, buzzing workforce – we’d expect an open-plan
office with co-working spaces to encourage teamwork. But, a studious or focused-based team conjures a
different image to mind. We’d expect a workspace with extra private-working areas to enable periods of
focus and break-out areas to recharge. And every business is different. No two are exactly alike in their
methods or their workforce, so how can you be sure that your office space is maximising your potential?
More so, if you’re already considering an office move, how can you transform your new space into the
optimal working environment?
This e-book will examine all the components of a successful office move and everything you should consider
before, during, and after. We’ll grab insights from experts in the workspace sector, touch upon important
themes and research in office design, and highlight the most important processes in an office move.
Additionally, we’ve incorporated an office move checklist to guide you towards the essential framework of
a successful relocation.
An office move is a momentous opportunity to rethink your workplace and rejuvenate your environment.
To begin, let’s consider how the office has transformed over time and how these changes reflect the
workplace of the future.
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“61% of employees value an aesthetically
pleasing and comfortable workspace”
6 7
The Evolution of the Office
Companies have been examining the Its spacious, airy rooms offered a level Changing Spaces The Arrival of Agile Office Relocation Is an “Today’s workplace must provide a
relationship between workplace design playing field for workers but reduced variety and choice of work setting
and business productivity since the personal privacy. This is why early concepts In contemporary businesses, workplace Agile working has grown beyond Opportunity that supports concentration,
office’s inception. of the ‘Herman Miller’ office cubicle in design has transformed in response to its origins as a project management Put simply, an office move is an collaboration, and communication.
the 1960s were, surprisingly, regarded as a combination of employee demand for style, and in recent years, businesses opportunity to introduce the principles of Employees should be given autonomy
In 1856, a UK government report described liberating for the higher levels of personal better spaces and employer requirements have translated the concept into their successful workspace design and discover and be allowed to choose where and
the optimal office layout: privacy they provide - despite their modern for greater efficiency. Companies now workplace designs. An office environment new ways of working. how to work. Encouraging social
day connotations as dreary and stifling recognise that, if they want to attract is understood, now more than ever, to interaction will promote improved
“For the intellectual work, separate cubes of doom. Subsequently, office and retain a talented workforce, they be an aspect of work life that affects Your office space is your welcome mat – communication and, possibly, achieve
rooms are necessary so that a person design has shifted between many must provide an appealing office wellbeing and productivity. Concepts such it’s the first impression of your business more with less direction.”
who works with his head may not be different concepts. environment with the right facilities for as ‘agile workspaces’ encourage greater for prospective employees, clients, or
interrupted; but for the more mechanical their employees. It’s also increasingly productivity through flexible working partners, and it’s where your staff will
understood that an improved workplace environments that promote adaption When businesses optimise their work
work, the working in concert of a number spend most of their working week. If staff environment in response to employee
of clerks in the same room under environment fosters greater productivity to change. are in an environment that hinders their
and employee happiness. needs, they encourage greater
superintendence is the proper mode of productivity and engagement, then your productivity, communication, autonomy,
meeting it.” Contemporary workplace design has business – and the culture you want to
In a study that surveyed 1,003 knowledge- shifted in a direction that’s less focused and engagement. In turn, your office
encourage – can suffer. becomes more than a place where staff
Here, the emphasis is placed on workers’ daily based workers, Clutch, a market research on maximising worker numbers – towards
company, found that 61% of employees an understanding that employee just physically clock in and out – instead,
tasks and headcount efficiency as a measure In their 2017 report ‘How office moves it’s a central hub of your business culture
of ideal office space - a concept valued an aesthetically pleasing and productivity, motivation, and engagement and consolidations can create cultural
comfortable workspace. The research also can be affected by working environment. and community.
that has changed over time. change’, the British Council for Offices
showed that working environments with (BCO) highlighted the effects of working
Since then, the introduction of large physical qualities that made inhabitants With this in mind, how are the In consideration of this, businesses
conditions on office workers: about to embark on an office move
commercial buildings made way for spacious feel good contributed to a faster working concepts of office design relevant
areas that mixed both private offices and pace and higher quality of work. to an office move? should consider their vision for
open-plan design, and, in 1939 Frank Lloyd a new office.
Wright designed the first major open-plan When surveyed employees had access to
office for The Johnson Wax company. a space that they found agreeable, they
felt more positive and focused.
8 9
Organisations should strive to create
an environment that’s optimised for
their teams’ daily tasks and embodies
company culture.
Translating Values into Pixar Animation Studio HQ building, built The Workforce However, the choice to relocate is not
in 2000. always a cause for panic. In fact, an office
Physical Space and The Workplace move can serve as an instigator for positive
When planning the building, Jobs
Organisations should strive to create The decision to move office is rarely change. Not only are you providing
demanded that:
an environment that’s optimised for taken lightly. No matter how many your workforce with new facilities – but
their teams’ daily tasks and embodies “The office design should promote preventative steps a business takes you’ll also have a golden opportunity
company culture. encounters and unplanned to make the process as smooth as to consult your employees about their
collaborations among colleagues.” possible, it’s undeniably a disruptive working conditions and optimise the new
If a business has an open-plan office with procedure. workspace in response to their feedback.
He recognised that greater chances for
multiple breakout areas for socialising, it’s
employee interactions could spark organic Many employees will need to reassess
likely the workforce has a collaborative Ultimately, your employees will be
problem solving, ideas, and relationships their commutes, reshuffle their working
working culture. Similarly, a company that the largest benefactors of a new
between staff. routines, and say goodbye to habits they
has additional amenities for its staff like a working environment, so it’s
may have formed while working in their
canteen or gym may be highly focused on This notion promoted a cohesive company
old office environment. What’s more, important to actively inform and
employee wellbeing. culture and enabled employees to mix
outside of their siloed departments -
you’ll need to move into your new location enthuse staff about the move.
without disrupting important business
Of course, not every organisation has the encouraging greater collaboration and
processes or your employees’ productivity.
resources or budget to create an office exemplifying how workspace design can
space that puts Google’s headquarters to translate company values into a
In a culture of fast-paced industry changes,
shame, but smart office design can help physical space.
job-hopping, and uncertainty, it’s no
you get the most out of your new space
surprise that the task of an office move
and tap into employee productivity as an It’s clear that an office move is an
can be unnerving for both corporate and
added benefit of an office move. opportunity to redesign and optimise
your working environment, but how
Did you know, Steve Jobs, the founder of can the decision to relocate affect your
Apple, was a contributing designer of the employees?
10 11
When staff can actively engage in workplace
design and remain informed about the office
move, they experience higher morale and
a more positive perspective on moving.
Employee Voice design and remain informed about the studied in more detail. In its workplace
office move, they experience higher research report ‘Managing Workplace
In recent years, businesses who morale and a more positive perspective Change’, Knoll discussed a case study of
undergo office moves have steadily on moving. If businesses approach an insurance company that experienced
begun embracing employees as active the idea of relocation with greater lower than average employee utilisation
contributors to a relocation, instead of consideration for their staff, the of its new office after relocating. Only
passive participants. In a study by the outcome is more likely to be successful. 39% of their employees approved of their
British Council of Offices entitled ‘What new workspace, and changes to seating
Workers Want’, which analysed 1132 positions, such as shared desk space
responses of a YouGov survey, the Communicating Change
instead of personal desks, contributed to
BCO found that: It’s also important to recognise that high levels of dissatisfaction.
employees require support before,
“The increasing engagement of during, and after the move to a new However, after implementing a workplace
corporates with staff prior an workspace. Effectively managing change change management programme
office move highlights the growing is an integral facet of the relocation that communicated the benefits of an
importance of staff preferences in process – as the ‘people’ aspect of a office move and reshuffling of seating,
property decisions. Understanding move is equally as important, if not office utilisation rates raised to 51%.
these preferences provides insight more so, than the physical upheaval Information about the benefits of change
into what occupiers want from their of your working environment. Your was shared through face to face “town
office space and how landlords/ office is your business’s shell, and your hall” style meetings and short videos.
developers can fulfil these employees bring it to life – so neglecting This is an important example of how
preferences.” to incorporate employee opinion can lead an effective office relocation requires
to lower utilisation of the space and a thoughtful planning, the involvement of
The BCO emphasises how the benefits of disengaged workforce. your workforce, and an in-depth analysis
consulting employees about their wants of what your new environment will need
and needs has risen to prominence. When This is a crucial aspect of office relocation to truly positively impact your employee’s
staff can actively engage in workplace that office design company, Knoll, has working lives.
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Why do businesses
choose to move?
Working Methods
“An office move is the
There are a number of environment to match. This is because A workforce can’t effectively collaborate if they
business growth usually heralds a have no areas in which to do so. Rhino uses the
reasons why a business Businesses are rapidly adopting innovative working
perfect opportunity
higher headcount and increasing philosophy of four zones: focus, collaboration,
might choose to move employee expectations – so your current
methods to increase productivity and employee social, and learning/meeting, and we recognise that
satisfaction. Agile working has steadily risen to
premises. for your employees to fully reach their potential,
to try and
workspace may no longer be suitable.
prominence in recent years, and office workers they need adequate spaces to accommodate
Additionally, many businesses want to
It may be as simple as an expiring lease, now want greater autonomy and flexibility their needs. An office space is not just desk space,
upgrade their physical office building
or a growing workforce may propel you
to seek pastures new. Alternatively,
and facilities to mimic the development
of their business.
over the ways they work. Consequently, many
businesses want to adopt an agile workspace to
it should be an innovative environment for your
employees to both work and live.
improve employee
you may be looking to become more
economical, be planning to downsize,
An office move is an opportunity to
match employee working methods.
Although a well planned and executed office fit
or you’re in the process of restructuring In an agile working thought-piece, out can effectively transform even a dilapidated
rework your company’s workspace. If
your business. Grant Clarke, Rhino’s Senior Projects Director, office into an innovative space, you may want to
the last time you questioned whether
You can use this section to identify
your office setup was working for your
business was, well, when you moved
concisely defines the agile workspace: relocate because your current physical space can’t
accommodate an agile workspace. For example,
Just a 10% increase
any underlying factors that may be
incentivising your office move alongside
in, then reviewing your office location,
space, and setup will only stand to
“It’s a design which creates
casual collisions and breaks
you may not have room for additional break-out
areas or private working spaces. in engagement levels
has been shown
obvious reasons. It’s important to pin-
benefit your business – especially if
point the purpose behind your move
you’re growing. Additionally, after down barriers between
to increase profit
as, more often than not, a multitude of
factors contribute towards the decision.
moving office, new furniture or a new departments by increasing
fit out can complete the refurbishment mobility within the office.”
process, giving you the office
environment to match your by nearly £2k per
Growth is one of the most exciting
reasons a business chooses to relocate.
growing organisation.
As your company steadily gains
momentum, you may want a physical
14 15
Desk Occupancy face of the workforce was identified as Location, Location, Location Attracting Talent
an opportunity for businesses, rather
The face of the modern workforce than a threat, and workplace design Another incentive for your move could It’s no secret that an office environment
is changing. In our cost-conscious that matches new working methods be location. Your business may have can be a make-or-break factor in a
world of freelancers, consultants, and employee flexibility can encourage identified a need for better transport company’s ability to attract, hire,
part-timers, and flexible working greater self-direction and autonomy links, an easily accessible office, or the and retain talented employees.
policies, some businesses rarely have in staff. Thus, relocation may be smart right environment for your workforce. In fact, research conducted by Hassell
their entire workforce under one roof. for businesses looking to optimise You may have dreams of an open, airy and Empirica, Does Workplace Design
Moreover, it can also be difficult to their workspace to encourage greater office that’s burrowed among green Affect Employee Attraction found that Finances Workplace Well-being
wrangle workforce numbers together employee self-sufficiency. surroundings – or be pining for a city the attractiveness of a workspace and
and envision the correct amount of
office space that’s actually needed.
environment to match your fast-paced
and ambitious workforce.
company culture is a core consideration
for prospective employees, and the
Using workplace design An additional factor that can incentivise an office
move is your finances. If it becomes more economical
Lastly, you may be choosing to relocate your office
to renew your employees’ working conditions. In its
Expiring Lease
Most companies who haven’t adopted One of the least complex reasons for It’s also important to consider that office
combination of an appealing workplace
– whether due to location, facilities,
to attract better talent to relocate, or your business has experienced rapid
growth, finances can define where you are able to
2015 report ‘The Impact of Physical Environments
on Employee Wellbeing’, which discusses the future
more of an agile workspace approach
typically have desk occupancy of less
an office move is an expiring lease or location can affect your ability to attract
and retain employees, which could be
technology, aesthetics, culture, or a
mix – can even outweigh salary.
and support existing move to and the extent you can refurbish or fit out
your new workspace.
of offices, Public Health England (PHE) highlighted
how the surroundings in which employees spend
change of ownership. If you can no longer
than 50% - if you are moving, this might be housed in your current building or another incentive for an office move. employees is key. Preparation is key if you want to relocate without
their working lives are an important source of
job satisfaction. Not only can office design effect
mean the opportunity to reduce your real think your business is outgrowing it, Rhino believes that, ultimately,
estate costs. If you are looking at serious you may decide not to renew your lease Additionally, location decisions can have maximising employee retention breaking your budget, so ensure your office productivity and patterns of interactions among
growth, then you may be able to future- and instead relocate. If this is your core a huge impact on costs and revenues. requires individual employee happiness. relocation considers your budgetary constraints, employees, but the physical space of an office can
proof the space by thinking of how to incentive for moving, it’s important to Businesses looking to become more An engaging working environment Highly engaged employees in addition to the cost-of-living and commuting also have a detrimental effect on employee wellbeing.
create a space that is optimal for now and consider what you want from your new economical may wish to move out of will help motivate staff and be more budgets of your employees.
in the future. This shouldn’t be a cause for space. Do you require more or less space the ‘big city’ – but likewise, some may appealing to new people too. Businesses are 87% less likely to leave. For example, PHE found that focus-based workers
concern, but businesses that are choosing in your new move? Are you looking to be looking to move into it. Where your can choose to move office because a Relocating might mean moving to a more expensive may require private spaces or quiet rooms to work
to relocate might require a larger or relocate in the same town or city, or to office is situated can also affect your poor office location or run-down location, or it could mean the opposite. Alongside productively, and a noisy work environment can
smaller physical space to accommodate expand elsewhere? What aspects of your clients or partners, who may prefer office-block can hinder the ability your key motivators to improve your workplace, become a stressor to some, negatively affecting their
their workforce. current office do your employees not like? to work with businesses that are to attract talented people. you should have a clear vision of your budget wellbeing. If a business doesn’t have the space to
As your office move is a blank slate, it’s in a more suitable location. before an office move. equip their office with private areas or designated
In a study conducted by the World important to carefully consider what quiet zones, then an office move may be the solution.
Economic Forum (WEF), the changing you want to gain from a relocation.
16 17
The office move guide
Relocating doesn’t need to Initial Planning and Identify what is challenging about give your employees a real stake in the
your current workspace move, instead of imposing it on them.
be an overwhelming task. Preparation Staff engagement is proven to positively
As with any large project, Evaluating your current office is crucial
An office move can be daunting. There contribute to employee buy-in and
to find the friction and problem-areas
planning and preparation can are numerous factors to consider, plans in your current space. Understanding
approval, so an office move should always
to make, budgets to meet, and people be employee-centric.
go a long way to minimise the way design affects organisational
to please. But most of these factors can
disruption and ensure you’re be boiled down to the following areas
behaviour and alters your employees’
Invite employees to make
daily lives is important to avoid your new
not blindsided by unexpected for consideration. work environment recreating the same
suggestions for your new office
circumstances. mistakes. This information can be useful Nobody knows your current office as well
Define the reason for your
Additionally, an office move is both later on in the office move process – for as the people who inhabit it. It’s likely that
office move
a logistical and a cultural shift in your example when you’re choosing your new each individual has noticed both positives
business. The process doesn’t just First, you should define the reasons for real estate or when you relay information and negatives about your current space.
relocate your work premises – it moves your relocation. Create a mind map to to your office design partner. Gathering this information can be useful
your people too, so it’s crucial to weigh up primary and secondary reasons when deciding on and developing your
approach an office move with this in for your move. This can help create Discuss your office relocation new location. Alongside a workplace
mind. We’ve created the following office a clear vision for your relocation and with your team consultancy evaluation, employee opinion
move guide to simplify the process and pin-point areas that require crucial is a treasure trove of qualitative data to
As previously mentioned earlier in our
outline the essential framework of a attention-to-detail. help you improve your next workspace.
e-book, it’s important to involve your
successful relocation from beginning This stage is great for developing an initial
workforce in the relocation process. By
to end. Put simply, no business has the resources, understanding of your employee’s wants
communicating the thinking behind your
time, or money to relocate their office and needs before onboarding an office
office move, engaging employees in
premises for the fun of it! You need to design partner.
the process of moving, and listening to
clearly outline and communicate the
feedback from your staff, you can
benefits your business expects from
an office move.
Getting it wrong just isn’t an option... Build a knowledgeable office office move, as a timeframe can act as a of your office move. At Rhino, one of the most Get the new location for an office right and your new office
move team goal for those involved. If it’s difficult to common questions we receive when dealing with can provide a springboard for growth.
predict the future, your business can set new clients is: “How much do I need to budget?” We
An office move team should be comprised
of individuals from across your business,
smaller time stamps to stay on track. For can’t advise on your choice of physical premises, but Get it wrong and you may have the best office that money can buy but
‘Two out of three for example, heads of departments from
example, find a new office location or we’ve devised a handy office costs calculator to help no staff to fill it. Carefully considering the impact to your employees and
furnish your new office by ‘X’ date. you accurately determine how much an office fit out
office relocation every division of your team. No matter how
may cost. consulting them along the way is key to lessening the risk.
thoroughly you attempt to assess what
project leaders your workforce needs from a corporate Selecting Your New Office
either quit Weigh up your potential locations
level, staff who have observed and worked Preparation is key to a successful office
or are fired together with your employees will be far move strategy. Once you’ve completed Location will be one of the most decisive factors in
more accurate contributors to an office the preliminary steps of planning, it’s likely your office move, which is why it’s best to tackle it
within six move. Equally, department leaders can you’ll have an idea of what your business early. Depending on the extremity of your relocation,
months of an represent their individual teams and wants and needs from your prospective it’s a change that will affect your workforce not only
condense employee wants/needs into a in their working lives but in their personal lives too.
office move!’ singular narrative, which is especially useful
new office space. This puts you in a good
position to begin searching for a new
for large organisations. A collective mind is location – equipped with the knowledge A study by the Australian Institute of Transport
more useful than an individual, so building you’ve collected from your research. Research found adding time or distance to your
an office move team is an important step staff’s commute can affect employee personal
that shouldn’t be skipped. Plan a budget for household routines, mode of transport, and morale.
your office move Therefore, it’s important to conduct a relocation
Create a timeframe for your move consultation across your workforce to ensure your
The budget for your office move is office move isn’t too disruptive. You should consider
It’s unlikely you’ll have a specific date subjective. It may seem painfully obvious extraneous factors too, such as traffic patterns in
for your office move in the early stages but, like any large investment, an office your prospective new location, public transport
of planning, but most businesses have move requires financial transparency and availability, the local labour market, your clients, local
a general idea that within a year or a clear vision of what you want to achieve. amenities, and the competition you may be moving
two (depending on the size of their The discussion of a budget should include closer towards.
organisation) they want to be in a all your decision-level financial/senior
new office space. This is a tick-worthy team members and potential stakeholders
checkpoint for the planning phase of your
20 21
“One of the most visible and powerful
levers for change in an organisation is
its physical workplace.
22 23
80% of office workers value natural light in their
office space, while physical environment and employee
performance are proven to be strongly related.
Select your new office space Appoint an office design Gather information about your in workplace consultancy to help you Plan an optimal office design
and build partner new space design the optimal use of space is a
With the information and knowledge that With reliable data gathered from a workplace consultancy, your office design partner can begin designing your new office
you’ve accumulated from the previous The sooner you appoint an office design Now it’s time to gather all the information with optimisation in mind. For example, if staff surveys identified a lack of collaborative spaces despite demand, your new
steps, and probably after a fair amount partner, the better. You may find you you can about your new office space. This office space can incorporate these areas into the design. Similarly, if focus-based workers felt that your current open-plan
of window shopping, it’s crunch time – want their guidance from the very start to can help save time further down the line Commence workplace consultancy in office was a barrier towards productivity, your next office could include private working areas to satisfy this need.
selecting your brand-new office space! gather important information about the and could identify any issues that need to your current office Well considered workspaces are
design elements of your new premises. be ironed-out in your office move. A study of pre- and post-occupancy in workplace environments conducted by The Journal of Space Syntax found
Consider factors that may affect your When choosing the right partner for For example, information about the
Carried out by your office design partner, proven to improve productivity
workplace consultancy identifies which by up to that evidence-based design is an accurate way of establishing user needs. The research paper highlights that
workforce long term, such as the amount you, it’s best to weigh up your options security of your building, health and
areas of your current office aren’t
of natural light, temperature, the and clearly communicate what you’re safety, or parking. It can be useful to store “ Integrating the character of an organisation in all its complexity into a spatial
reaching their full potential – so you can
surrounding environment, and physical looking for in a new office design and fit these details in a handy document you
space by sq. ft. 80% of office workers out. Is it a space optimised for the agility can refer to during the office move or so
optimise your new space to best suit design and thus making sure a workspace fits the clients’ work processes and
employees’ working habits. culture… is one of the most important concepts of workplace design”.
value natural light in their office space, of your staff? Are you searching for an it can be revisited later on. Additionally,
while physical environment and employee office design focused on collaboration? it can be useful to relay this information You should make sure your chosen workplace design partner makes data-driven decisions, complemented by their
The process combines workplace
performance are proven to be strongly Or, are you looking to create a workspace to your design partner in case it impacts aesthetic and environmental design expertise.
psychology, office design, surveys, and
related. that emphasises your company’s unique your new office design.
observations to deep-dive into how your
culture? Whatever your aims, conduct Incorporate brand image/identity
employees use their current environment
Conduct a building assessment your own research and don’t be afraid Create an inventory
and what they want and need from the Brand identity stems from your company values and culture, as well as the key factors that motivate your workforce.
to question your prospective partners of your furniture/assets
No matter how much you love the office move. This usually includes a space Not only can increasing brand presence in your office improve employee morale, but it can also translate your values
to discover if they’re able to deliver your
new space you’ve selected, you should It will be useful to have an inventory occupancy study to identify over and to important visitors of your premises, such as clients or partners. Thus, your new office space should aim to immediately
conduct preliminary assessments before of your current furniture and assets, under-used areas, staff online surveys, communicate your brand identity, whether this is simply achieved by incorporating your business’s logo and signature
confirming your choice. Relocating especially when designing your new in-person workshops, and observations of colours or through subtle design elements.
shouldn’t come with unwelcome surprises Once you’ve shortlisted office space. With this information, typical day-to-day life at your office.
when you move in – think faulty facilities potential candidates, ensure you can decide which items you’ll be Create a clear vision for your new office
or questionably creaky floorboards. bringing with you, and what needs to The consultancy process provides rich
that your prospective design By now, your office design, fit out, and procedures for completing them should be set-in-stone. This is a good time
Unplanned and extraneous building costs be disposed of. The exact details may data about your office space, helping
or refurbishments could impact your partners are reputable, change, but a rough understanding of remove the guesswork from your new to formally finalise the designs and plans and give your office design company the green light for refurbishing your
budget or alter the timeframe of your financially stable, reliable, your inventory is important for planning office design. Additionally, it can shed new office space.
office move. An independent building and can accommodate removal procedures or storage. light on your day-to-day operations,
assessment should be conducted before where you’re losing money on excess The Small Print
you close the deal to ensure there are no your needs. workspace, daily headcount, and the
Designing the Optimal Office An office move can be one of the busiest periods for your business as you juggle relocation with your usual day-to-day
hidden problems lurking around sustainability of your workspace. processes. There's a lot to bear in mind and try to remember, so we've whittled the potentially exhaustive list down
the corner. To ensure your move is as successful and
to a few fundamental points you should make sure to check off.
stress-free as possible, and that you get
the most out of your new space, investing
24 25
Celebrate your office move with your staff and
welcome them to their new environment.
The Post-occupancy Assess what’s working and
make changes
Evaluation After you’ve received feedback on your
Now you’ve moved in to your new new workspace, create a list of any
office space, you’ll want to assess how problems you want to address. Your
it’s working for the people that inhabit office design partner can follow up on
Handle the small print Inform your staff Handle storage and disposal Moving In it. Step forward, the post-occupancy this feedback and alter your office in
of your move Organise your staff and be as transparent Consider whether you’ll need storage evaluation. Ideally, your post-occupancy response if it’s needed. Not every issue
Moving into your new premises doesn’t
Ensure you’ve managed the legal, as possible about the processes of your for your office furniture and equipment need to be stressful. Consider it a chance evaluation will be filled with gleaming that is flagged by your teams will require
financial, and logistical aspects of your office move. An informed workforce will in the interim periods of your office to celebrate your achievements and feedback from your happy employees, change, and you should approach your
move. Whether you’re completing this be more accepting of an office move, and move or if you need to dispose of any introduce your employees into a new however, there may still be pain- evaluations with the confidence that
step within the business or seeking keeping employees in the loop can help of your previous office furniture. and improved working environment. points in your office design for certain your office design will positively impact
external advice, unexpected fees or ease any uncertainties. It can be useful departments or chains of your workforce your new workspace over time. Take
legislation could significantly impact to assign a member of staff to handle Plan for your technology (telecoms, Fit out and furnish your workplace and valuable feedback from your note of any changes that you do make at
the budget or time frame of your move. employee queries in this stage of the internet, etc.) employees that you’re yet to uncover. this stage, so they can be reversed at a
Hand the baton over to your office design Invite partners or clients Iron out the initial issues
This is a step that should be revisited office relocation. later date if needed.
Your business may be able to handle partner to fit out and furnish your new
throughout the process. The departure of your business to Nothing is perfect, and if you’ve Listen to feedback from
the transfer of its IT itself, or you may office. Once they’re done, carry out initial
Notify your contacts, pastures new is a great opportunity to managed to relocate office without your workforce Regularly revisit your office design
wish to source external experts to inspections to ensure your standards have
Set an office move date such as clients or partners assess, plan, and detail the movement network and re-connect with key clients. a single hitch along the way, then we
been met and everything is ready for
salute you. If you’ve actively engaged them from the Continually reflecting upon and assessing
This step may have come earlier in the Your contacts, clients, and partners may of your tech infrastructure from your your staff to move in. This is also a good
Invite your partners or clients to view start of your office move and carefully your office design will be really helpful to
process, but now your business is further already be aware of your office move. old to new premises. Either way, don't time to move your technology, workplace
your new office and observe how However, if you’re one of the 99.99% of explained your decision making, then your business. Within a short timeframe,
along in the office move journey and However, your address is changing and underestimate how long it might take. equipment, and any existing furniture you
you’ve made changes in your working businesses who encounter blips in your employees are more likely to quickly your business could change significantly
you’ll want to have a definitive move you may have new contact details such You’ll want to keep downtime to a want to bring.
environment for the better. new premises, it’s wise to conduct an take to your new office environment and in size, restructure staff, and change your
in date. Set a date and stick to it so as postal address or landline telephone minimum, so ensure this aspect of the
informal survey across your employees approve of the new design. However, working strategies. Although your new
you have a set-in-stone goal to work numbers. Take the time to inform your move is very well-planned, whoever will Introduce your staff to their
Not only does this leave a positive to iron out any initial issues. This may be it’s still important to ask your workforce work environment should be designed
towards and can begin devising other clients and partners face-to-face if you be executing the transfer. Additionally, new office
impression, but it’s also a great way to less thorough than your post-occupancy whether there are any questions or with adaptability, flexibility, and agile
important time frames, for example, can, but also create an office relocation it’s useful to equip staff with the
Depending on your resources, you could concerns. Your employees will want to working in mind, it’s essential to regularly
transport for moving-in, storage, document to send out which includes technology to continue their work round-off the office move process and surveys but can help you flag and
hold a short and simple celebratory event feel heard in the office move process, revisit your office design to ensure it’s
or office refurbishment processes. your new contact details. You may also off-premises, such as portable laptops, celebrate your success. address any concerns quickly.
in your new space, give staff a walking so staff consultations shouldn’t stop still enabling optimal engagement and
want to allocate a member of staff to in case there are delays moving in to
tour, and explain in-depth the reasoning after you move in. A post-occupancy productivity for your workforce.
handle queries from your clients or your new workspace.
behind your design decisions. evaluation can highlight any issues that
partners, ensuring no one is left in
need to be addressed.
the dark.
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The office move
Initial Planning and Preparation
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Moving made easy
If you’ve decided it’s time Rhino specialises in making your office
dreams a reality. We create dynamic
for an office move, then and inspiring workspaces with key
the previous steps can office design concepts such as agile
provide your business working in mind.
with the framework of
If you’re planning an office move,
a successful office move. or are interested in learning more
In general, office design about our office consultancy, design,
should be people-centric and fit out expertise, visit us here.
– and an office move is as
much about moving your
culture as it is your physical
working environment.
30 31
Making inspiring workspaces a reality.