SAP FI Reports
SAP FI Reports
SAP FI Reports
Reports overview
Table of Contents
Funds Management Reports ................................................................................................................. 1
Budget Entry Documents ................................................................................................................. 1
Drilling Down............................................................................................................................... 2
Changing the Field Display ......................................................................................................... 3
Changing the Sorting.................................................................................................................... 4
Subtotaling.................................................................................................................................... 5
Exporting to Excel or Local File .................................................................................................. 6
Available Budget Report .................................................................................................................. 7
Drilling Down................................................................................................................................... 9
Earmarked Funds (Manual Encumbrance) Detail .......................................................................... 16
General Ledger Reports...................................................................................................................... 19
General Ledger Account Balance Display ..................................................................................... 19
General Ledger Account Line Item Display .................................................................................. 21
Accounts Payable Reports .................................................................................................................. 24
Vendor Account Balance................................................................................................................ 24
Vendor Line Items .......................................................................................................................... 26
Check Information .......................................................................................................................... 28
Cost Center Accounting ..................................................................................................................... 31
Cost Center Line Items (Actuals) ................................................................................................... 31
Internal Orders .................................................................................................................................... 33
Internal Order Line Items (Actuals) ............................................................................................... 33
Grants Management ........................................................................................................................... 35
Line Item Display ........................................................................................................................... 35
Accounts Receivable .......................................................................................................................... 36
Account Balance (Customer – Grants) ........................................................................................... 36
Display Line Items ......................................................................................................................... 36
Purchasing Reports ............................................................................................................................. 37
Purchase Orders by Account Assignment ...................................................................................... 37
Purchase Orders by Vendor ............................................................................................................ 43
Purchase Requisitions by Account Assignment ............................................................................. 44
Standard Reports
Funds Management Reports
Budget Entry Documents
Menu Path: Accounting > Public Sector Management > Funds Management > Information
System > Line Items > Budget (BCS) > Display Budget Entry Documents
Transaction Code: FMEDDW
This report displays the budget documents that have been posted on an account (Fund, Fund Center,
and/or Commitment Item). Budget Documents include Budget Entry, Budget Supplements and
Budget Transfers.
Selection Screen
Before the report can be executed, selection criteria will need to be entered to narrow the information
being presented in the report to specific Budget Version, Fiscal Years, Funds, Fund Centers, or
commitment Item.
In this example,
we will look at
the FY 2005,
Non Recurring
budget Items for
Funds Center
Standard Reports
After entering the selection criteria, the report can be executed by clicking the icon or hitting F8
on the keyboard.
Drilling Down
Standard Reports
Changing the Field Display
You can change the fields being displayed by clicking the (change layout) icon or by selecting a
different display variant by clicking and selecting a variant by double clicking on it.
This example will demonstrate how to manually select fields by clicking the icon.
The fields included in the display are shown in the list on the left-hand side of the screen. The fields
are shown in the list top to bottom. “Top to bottom” in the list equals “left to right” in the report. The
top field will be displayed in the left most column of the display.
To remove a field from the display, click on it to highlight it in yellow and click the button.
To add a field into the display, click on it to highlight it in yellow and click the button to add it.
To change the location of a field being displayed, click on it to highlight it in yellow and click the
button to move the field up (left) or the button to move the field down (right).
Once you have changed the display click the icon. The changes to the layout will be displayed.
Note: Once you have changed a display layout, you may save it by clicking . This will
enable you to select this layout in the future without having to manually change the layout.
Standard Reports
Changing the Sorting
The default sorting of this report is by Year and by Document Number. You can change the sort
order by clicking on a column header to highlight the column, and then clicking on the icon to
sort in ascending order (lowest to highest) or the icon to sort in descending order (highest to
Click Column
Header to highlight,
then click sort icon.
Re-sorted by
Standard Reports
To enter total and subtotal calculations (for example by Commitment Item), click on the column
header of the amount field and then the icon to calculate the total amount. Once this has been
done, highlight by clicking on the header of the column that you wish to add subtotals for and click
the icon.
Standard Reports
Exporting to Excel or Local File
The results of this report may be exported to a local file or spreadsheet from the menu path LIST >
EXPORT and then selecting the option of your choice (Word processing, Spreadsheet, or Local File).
This example will demonstrate an export to a table into Excel. After clicking on LIST > EXPORT >
SPREADSHEET, a popup box will appear.
Click the icon to acknowledge the message. Another pop-up will appear.
Standard Reports
Select the radio button for Table and click the icon. A third and final popup will appear.
Click the icon. Microsoft Excel will be opened and the data will appear.
This report will present the status of your accounts (Fund Center) including budget, actuals, parked
documents (pending IDIV’s or DAV’s), Encumbrances (pending Purchase Requisitions, Purchase
Orders, or earmarked funds), and remaining budget.
Standard Reports
Selection Screen
To select the report from the “Execute Report Group: Initial Screen” enter report group Z100 (UK
Available Budget Report) and click the execute icon .
Before the report can be executed, selection criteria will need to be entered to narrow the information
being presented in the report to specific Funds, Fund Centers, or commitment items.
Narrow the
information being
presented in the
report. Example a
specific Fund Center
Selecting an ABR
rule will produce the
report in a different
Standard Reports
Once the selection criteria have been entered, execute the report by clicking the icon at the top
left of the screen or by hitting the F8 key on your keyboard.
Note: You can manipulate the manner in which the report will be presented by entering an ABR rule
in the Commitment Item Field (Example ABR_1).
Report Output
Double click on an
amount to drill down to
the line items
Drilling Down
NOTE: When you drill down on documents you may return to the report by clicking the icon. If
you drill down and down and down, you will have to click the icon multiple times to get back to the
From this report you may drill down to Budget line items, Actual line items, Parked documents and
encumbrance line items by double clicking on the amount. A pop up box will appear requesting that
you select what type of line item you want to see. Double click on your selection
Actual line items should be selected for seeing actual postings like invoices, PO’s and IDIV’s. Select
Entry documents when you wish to drill down to Budget entries.
Standard Reports
You will then be presented with the line items that make up the total amount.
In this example the $150,000 posted to Janitorial Supplies was selected. There are three FM line
items associated with this posting. Originally the entry was entered as a parked document. It was
then posted as an actual invoice. As a result there are three entries representing the parking, reversal
of the parked line item, and the actual posting.
Note: There will be many FM postings associated with an entry. When Purchase Requisitions
and PO’s are created, changed, deleted, received and invoiced, FM documents are posted.
More simplistic views of Actual postings can viewed by running the Actual Line Item reports
for Cost Centers ( Page31) and Internal Orders ( Page 33)
From this screen you can drill down to the entry by double clicking on any of the line items.
detailed text
From here we can see that this is an invoice from Wal-Mart posted in 05/17/2005. The Reference
field shows the vendor invoice number of 1500.
Standard Reports
Header Information – To see Header Information, Click the icon at the top of the screen. The
information contained in the header includes text, the vendors invoice number (Reference), the
Vendor’s invoice date (Document Date), the Posting Date, the user ID of the person that entered the
document, the entry date, and the time of entry.
Line Item Information – Line Item Details can be viewed by double clicking on any line item. GL
line items will show the cost assignments (Cost Center, Fund, Fund Center, etc) and Line Item text.
Click to view
detailed cost
Standard Reports
Clicking on the button will show a concise view of all cost assignments associated with
the posting.
Standard Reports
From the document overview select ENVIRONMENT > CHECK INFORMATION from the menu
path at the top of the screen.
Standard Reports
Check information will NOT necessarily match that of the invoice entry. Do not panic. It’s OK.
Here’s why.
Amount differences: Check amounts may be different for multiple reasons. If the amount of
the check is higher than the invoice, the check issued paid multiple invoices. Cash Discounts
taken or a vendor credit memo will explain a check issued that is less than the invoice.
Vendor Name/Address Differences – Vendor address differences (extremely rare) and name
differences are the result of the vendor master having an alternate payee. Most likely the
address will be different because a vendor has a different pay to address than the address that
the goods were ordered from. Name differences are rare with most permanent vendors.
Detailed Text - When there is a detailed text entry associated with the posting, the check box will
be marked. To see this information select EXTRAS > TEXTS from the menu path at the top of the
There are three areas that detailed text can be entered on the posting. Select the one you wish to see
by double clicking on it.
Double click
to see the
detailed text..
Standard Reports
When you have read the text, use the icon to go back and click the icon to close the pop up
Standard Reports
Earmarked Funds (Manual Encumbrance) Detail
Menu Path: Accounting > Public Sector Management > Funds Management > Information
System > Documents > Earmarked Funds
This report enables you to view the detail of earmarked funds postings (manual
Selection Screen
From the selection screen enter the company Code and at least on additional search criteria
(Cost Center, Funds Center, etc). Click the icon to execute the report.
Standard Reports
Report Output
Double Click
on line items
for more
The report will provide the earmarked funds documents and line items. Your default layout
will include the document number, the entry date, the user ID of the person who entered the
document, as well as the line item details (amount, funds center, cost center, etc.).
You may change the layout by clicking the icon and selecting the fields that you wish to
see. More information on changing layouts, sorting/subtotaling, and exporting the report to
Excel or a file, can be found on pages 5-10 of this document.
Drilling Down
If you are interested in seeing more detail behind any line item in the report, double-click on
Standard Reports
In this example, we see that the original and overall amounts of this earmarked funds
document is $1,000,000 with $997,200 remaining open. To see the details behind the
consumption of the encumbrance, click on the button at the top of the screen.
A summary of the usage (i.e. Invoices, Journal Entries) will be displayed. You may expand a
line to see the details by clicking on it.
In this example we clicked on the “Total Invoices/Credit Memos” line to see the detail that
makes up the $2,800. From here you can drill into any of the postings by double clicking on
Standard Reports
General Ledger Reports
General Ledger Account Balance Display
Menu Path: Accounting > Financial Accounting > General Ledger > Account > Display
General Ledger Account Balance will show a monthly balance of Debits and Credits posted
to a GL Account. This report may only be restricted by company code and Business Area. It
may not be restricted by cost object (Cost center, Order, etc.)
Selection Screen
Enter the GL Account, Company Code and Fiscal Year (Business Area is Optional). Click
the icon or the F8 key to execute.
Standard Reports
Report Output
Double click on an
amount to drill to
the line items
Drilling Down to line item detail– You can drill into the line items by double clicking on
the amount you wish to see. From there you can drill down to the individual documents.
Please refer to pages 12-18 for details on what information may be viewed on a posting
Export to Local File – You may export this report to a spreadsheet or local file by clicking
the button.
Standard Reports
General Ledger Account Line Item Display
Menu Path: Accounting > Financial Accounting > General Ledger > Account > Display Line
This report displays the detail line items that have been posted to a GL account.
Selection Screen
For additional selection criteria
Enter a GL
Account or
range and a
company code
Select whether
you want to see
Open Items,
Cleared Items or
All Items. Enter
a Posting Date
Standard Reports
This report can be restricted in a variety of different ways it. Pay attention to what you are selecting
or you may not get the report output you wish.
GL Account Selection - In this area select the GL Account or range of accounts you wish to
display (clicking the will allow you to select several GL accounts that are NOT in a
numerical range).
Line Item Selection: It is important that you select the status of the line items you wish to see.
Selecting Open Items will only display line items that have not been cleared at a key date,
Cleared items will only display items that are cleared. Select ALL ITEMS if you want to see
all entries posted to account, and enter the date range of entries that you wish to see.
Type – Select the check box next to the type of posting you wish to see. Normal Items display
actual postings only. Selecting the Parked Items will include parked documents in the report.
Further Selection Criteria – You can enter additional selection criteria, by clicking the
icon. Selection criteria available here includes: User (who posted it), Document Type, Cost
Center, Order, WBS element, and many more. After you click the Icon the selection screen
will change.
On the left side of the screen, scroll down to view the possible selection fields, and double click on it
to add it. On the right side of the screen, enter the selection values (scroll down to the bottom of the
list to find the fields you added).
To execute the report click the icon or the F8 key on your keyboard.
Standard Reports
Report Output
Drilling Down: You may drill into any document by double clicking on it. Please refer to pages 12-
18 for information on what can be viewed from a GL Document.
Changing the Screen Layout – You may change the fields that are displayed, the sort order, and add
subtotals. Please refer to pages 5-7 for information on how to do this.
Exporting to Local File or Excel – You may export the report output or spreadsheet. Please refer to
page 8 on how to export.
Standard Reports
Accounts Payable Reports
Vendor Account Balance
Menu Path: Accounting > Financial Accounting > Accounts Payable > Account > Display
This report will display the debit and credit balances for vendors.
Selection Screen:
Enter the vendor number. If you do not know it, you can select it from a drop down list by
clicking the dropdown box on the right of the field (or click F4 on your keyboard).
Enter the Company Code (UK00) and the Fiscal Year.
Standard Reports
Report Output
Drilling Down to line item detail– You can drill into the line items by double clicking on
the amount you wish to see. From there you can drill down to the individual documents.
Please refer to pages 12-18 for details on what information may be viewed on a posting
Export to Local File – You may export this report to a spreadsheet or local file by clicking
the button
Standard Reports
Vendor Line Items
Menu Path: Accounting > Financial Accounting > Accounts Payable > Account >
Display/change Line Items
Selection Screen
Select whether
you want to see
Open Items,
Cleared Items or
All Items. Enter
a Posting Date
This report can be restricted in a variety of different ways it. Pay attention to what you are selecting
or you may not get the report output you wish.
Vendor Account Selection - In this area select the GL Account or range of accounts you wish
to display (clicking the will allow you to select several GL accounts that are NOT in a
numerical range).
Standard Reports
Line Item Selection: It is important that you select the status of the line items you wish to see.
Selecting Open Items will only display line items that have not been cleared at a key date,
Cleared items will only display items that are cleared. Select ALL ITEMS if you want to see
all entries posted to account, and enter the date range of entries that you wish to see.
Type – Select the check box next to the type of posting you wish to see. Normal Items display
actual postings only. Selecting the Parked Items will include parked documents in the report.
Further Selection Criteria – You can enter additional selection criteria, by clicking the
icon. .
Report Output
Drilling Down: You may drill into any document you wish to see by double clicking on it. Please
refer to pages 12 -18 for information on what can be viewed from a GL Document.
Changing the Screen Layout – You may change the fields that are displayed, the sort order, and add
subtotals. Please refer to pages 5-7 for information on how to do this.
Exporting to Local File or Excel – You may export the report output or spreadsheet. Please refer to
page 8 on how to export.
Standard Reports
Check Information
Menu Path: Accounting > Financial Accounting > Accounts Payable > Environment > Check
Information > Display > Check Register
This report displays the check register for a given bank account.
Enter Company
Code, House Bank
and Account ID
Standard Reports
Selection Screen: Further Selections
Enter Further
Selections and
click to
Report Output
Standard Reports
Drilling Down - You can drill into the check information by double clicking on any line item.
Changing the Screen Layout – You may change the fields that are displayed, the sort order,
and add subtotals. Please refer to pages 5-7 for information on how to do this.
Exporting to Local File or Excel – You may export the report output or spreadsheet. Please
refer to page 8 on how to export.
Standard Reports
Cost Center Accounting
Cost Center Line Items (Actuals)
Menu Path: Accounting > Controlling > Cost Center Accounting > Information System >
Reports for Cost Center Accounting> Line Items > Cost Center: Actual Line Items
This report will show the detail of the actual expenses that have been posted against a cost
Selection Screen
Enter a cost center, range of cost centers, or cost center group (clicking will allow you to enter
individual cost centers for grouping that are NOT in a numerical range). Enter a posting date or
If you wish, you can further restrict the report selection criteria by clicking the
button, selecting the fields that you wish to select by and entering
additional criteria.
Standard Reports
Once you have your selection criteria click the icon to execute or hit F8 on your keyboard.
Report Output
Drilling Down - You may drill down on any entry by double clicking on it. Please refer to
pages 12-18 for the information that can be viewed from an accounting document and
instructions on how to get to that information.
Changing fields Displayed – You can change the fields displayed in this report, change the
sorting, and add subtotals. Please refer to pages 5-7 for instructions on manipulating layouts
of the list displays.
Exporting to a Local File or Spreadsheet – You may export this report to a file or spreadsheet.
Please refer to page 8 for instructions.
Standard Reports
Internal Orders
Internal Order Line Items (Actuals)
Menu Path: Accounting > Controlling > Internal Orders > Information System > Reports for
Internal Orders > Line Items > Orders Actual Line Items
This output report is identical to the cost center report described above. However it will show the
detail of the actual expenses that have been posted against an internal order. Internal Orders are used
to represent an FRS “user code” or a job-order account.
Selection Screen
Enter an internal order, range of internal orders, or order group (clicking will allow you to enter
individual orders for grouping that are NOT in a numerical range). Enter a posting date or range.
If you wish, you can further restrict the report selection criteria by clicking the
button, selecting the fields that you wish to select by and entering
additional criteria.
Once you have your selection criteria click the icon to execute or hit F8 on your keyboard.
Report Output
Standard Reports
Drilling Down - You may drill down on any entry by double clicking on it. Please refer to
pages 12-18 for the information that can be viewed from an accounting document and
instructions on how to get to that information.
Changing fields Displayed – You can change the fields displayed in this report, change the
sorting, and add subtotals. Please refer to pages 5-7 for instructions on manipulating layouts
of the list displays.
Exporting to a Local File or Spreadsheet – You may export this report to a file or spreadsheet.
Please refer to page 8 for instructions.
Standard Reports
Grants Management
Line Item Display
Menu Path: Accounting > Public Sector Management > Grants Management > Information
System> Grants Management: Line Item Display
Selection Screen
At a minimum, enter the Company Code (UK00), and a grant. Other General Selections include Fund,
Sponsored Program, Sponsored Class, and Posting Date. Additional selection criteria can be selected
by clicking the icon. Once selections have been made, execute the report by clicking the
Standard Reports
Report Output
A list of line items posted to the grant will be produced. Any line item can be drilled down to by
double-clicking on it. From this report changes to the layout, sort options, and adding subtotals may
be made. As well, this report many be exported to a spreadsheet or file. Please refer to pages 5 – 9
for instructions on using these options.
Accounts Receivable
Account Balance (Customer – Grants)
Menu Path: Accounting > Financial Accounting > Accounts Receivable > Account > Display
This report is identical to the Vendor Balances report (Page 28), but for customers. Customers
in AR include Grant’s Receivables, and COBRA billings.
This report is identical to the Vendor Line Item report (Page 30), but for customers.
Standard Reports
Purchasing Reports
Menu Path: Logistics > Materials Management > Purchasing > Purchase Order > List
Displays > By Account Assignment > General
This report produces a list of Purchase Orders associated with specific account assignments
(Cost Centers, WBS Elements, and Internal Orders).
Selection Screen
Enter the
cost object
Enter the cost object (or range of cost objects) that you wish to report on. Additional Selection
criteria may be selected and entered by clicking the icon.
To execute the report click the icon.
Standard Reports
Report Output
Double Click
on the PO
number to drill
A listing of Purchase Orders created against the cost object will be displayed. The header
information will show the Purchase Order number, the vendor number, vendor name, and
order date. The line item information will show a short description of the item purchased, the
order quantity, unit of measurement and unit price. The status of what remains to be delivered
and what remains to be invoiced is also displayed. For example, Purchase Order 4500000045
(see above) shows that 100 items were ordered. The zeros next to “Still to be delivered” and
“Still to be invoiced” indicate that all items have been delivered and the invoice(s) for these
items has been received.
In another example, PO 4500000109 (above) shows that 10 widgets were ordered. The
invoice has been received, but no record of the goods receipt has been entered into the system.
Note: As part of the 3-way match (PO, Goods Receipt, Invoice Receipt) the invoice will be
blocked for payment until the goods receipt has been entered into the system.
Standard Reports
Drilling Down
The purchase order will be displayed, and the line item account assignment will be shown.
Click on the up and down arrows to scroll through the individual line items of the PO
(if there is more than one).
To see the Purchase Order History (Goods Receipt(s) and Invoice(s)) click on the “Purchase
Order History” Tab (next to the Account Assignment Tab).
and Invoice
Click document
to drill down
Standard Reports
From here you can drill into any of the documents by clicking on the document number. In
this example, the invoice is selected.
Click to see
The invoice information is displayed including: the total amount of the invoice, vendor
information, and line item information.
Standard Reports
When the popup appears double-click on “Accounting Document.
Double Click
Vendor Line Item to
see if payment has
been processed.
To see if the invoice has been paid, double-click on the vendor line item first line item.
Standard Reports
If the invoice has been paid a date and document number will be shown in the clearing field. To drill
to the payment posting, double-click on the clearing document number.
Once in the payment document, the check information can be displayed by selecting Environment >
Check Information from the top menu.
To return to and ultimately exit the report, click the icon as many times is necessary to return.
Standard Reports
Purchase Orders by Vendor
Menu Path: Logistics > Materials Management > Purchasing > Purchase Order > List
Displays > By Vendor
This report provides a list of Purchase Orders associated with a specific vendor (or range of vendors).
The output of this report is identical to the Purchase Orders by Account Assignment Report described
in the section above.
Selection Screen
Enter the Vendor number and click the icon to execute the report.
Standard Reports
Purchase Requisitions by Account Assignment
Menu Path: Logistics > Materials Management > Purchasing > Purchase Requisition > List
Displays > By Account Assignment > General
This report produces a list of Purchase Orders associated with specific account assignments (Cost
Centers, WBS Elements, and Internal Orders). From this report you can see drill in to see the status
of the Requisition including its Release (Approval) status, the Purchase Order it has been assigned to,
and the quantity ordered.
Selection Screen
Note: Due to the size of the selection screen, the selection screen is shown in two screen prints below.
Enter the
cost object
At the top of the screen enter the cost object(s) that you wish to report on.
Standard Reports
At the bottom of the screen, change the options based on the desired output.
Closed Requisition – Will display requisitions that have no outstanding items to be ordered.
“Partly ordered” requisitions – Will display requisitions that have outstanding items to be ordered.
Released requisitions only – Will display only released (approved) requisitions.
Once the selections have been entered, click to execute the report.
Standard Reports
Report Output
on requisition
to drill down.
Drilling Down
You may drilldown to the requisition to display its Release (Approval) status, and the quantity ordered
(if a PO has been created).
Standard Reports
Displaying the Release (Approval) Status
The release strategy is maintained at the header level of the requisition (top) on the “Release
Strategy” Tab.
In the example above, the Purchase Requisition required two approvals. Both approvals have been
received as indicated by the next to the approver’s name(s).
In the example below, the Purchase Requisition has not been approved as indicated by the next to
the approver’s name.
Standard Reports
Displaying Order Status
The order status is located on the line item detail at the bottom of the screen on the Status Tab.
Select the
line item and
click the
Status Tab
In the example above, line item 4 of the requisition was ordered on PO 450000288. A quantity of 3
items was ordered. Two items have been received and invoiced. To drill into the PO double-click
on the PO number.
If the requisition has not been converted into a PO the status will show a processing status of “Not
Edited”. In the screen shot below we can see this status. The requisition has been approved, but it
has not yet been converted into a PO.
Standard Reports
Indicates that no
Purchase Order has
been issued.