21072023-NCR Closed Report

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THACO | NonconrormaNcE |... oe INDUSTRIES| _PEPORTINGR) eee putin rape Ramet Su a Pa GCP PT DG Vo MOT SU Fae TORE Rate IrMa47-42-0102; RM47-49-0200|Fov.: 0 JpMa47.43-0113; FIa47.43.0210, JpMa4743-0117; RMa4?.43.0214 rMa47-49-0116; RMQ4?-49-0015 Tem Noy Name+ MOOLE TE BENT BOON ROT TEBEAN | Oper No 1 NIA ‘Sub-Coniracior? THRO INDUSTRIES FIGANOW1 NR Nonconforming Condition: Attach = Yes 0 No Steleue a Yes = No “ued: Quy winh hn( WPS), Dan sich tho in cha due approved BBi Thaco v8 Doasan ma OGS «8 vén han han = Welder name: Treong Hong Chau, Nguyen Due Tuy, Le Van Minh, Bi Tien Viet, Nguyen Van La, ‘Tran Thien Than, Pham Ba Duong, Nguyen Mann * Project information Iuaterar | sse0o Project Name: Chu Lai Port RMGC.2 Unit Project eet ee |S een hom Name: PLATFORM GIRDER; PLATFORM BOOM; = Mark No.: #1-Platform & #2-Platiorm = Drawing No: RMIQ47-49-0101; AMQS7-£9-0205; AMQ47-43-0102; G47-43.0200; AMQ47-«9- [Detect Typo _|wotier 10143; AMKQE7-49-0210; RMQ7-«3-0117; RMQ47-42-0214; AMQS7-83-01 16; RMQ47-43-0215 Material: $5400 *. You obu OGS kibm tra va gi RCA cho Thaco Do not totow Welder ist. Prepared by: __ Nguyen Do Tuan Anh 2oJun-23 Approved by: _ Nguyen Van Buu 20-Jun-28 Quality Contra Date ‘Quality Conv ate Fasonmonded Disposition > Useasis —® Repair | Technical usiiction ver 3 Ne 10 Rework eject [ME aceppted tis metho. * cause: Oge dosent know the requroment of thaco and doosan regarding ‘the welding ability of the weer, stoul that submits the welder prof Prepare by Dat vith incomplete information, "Welder of OGS has been cotiied by Doosan (Valty period: ess ‘than 6 months) of another project, but og thinks Its posible to ‘apply fr this project without receieaion Og uses the WPS sont by Thaco, this WPS has boon approved by Doosan, OGS does not submit back 1 Thaco and Doosan for approval Corrective Action: 08S etopped the work, then re-examined the products and performed MT 100% welding of the welded products + Hf sul MT-30%, Cuting off all Wolds and do again +f result MT<30%, only euting at wold postion Mt reject and reweld 06S builds an woidorcotication process and sends it to Thaco ‘and doosan for review, Dead ino 0507/2020 ‘0G planning to test wolder and send io Thaco and doosan for review, Dead ine 0407/2020 TOGS conducts welder test on 0607/2029 and submits welder tegite et, welder .0 card, weer performance qualification, RT report to Thaco and Doosan approval “Preventive Action: = Training and sharing fr al project members to understand the ‘equiements of Thaco and Doosan “Do nat arrange welders ouside thelist approved by Thaco and oosan to wel or the project, Propared by DANG MINH ¥ ‘ul23__ Reviewed&Approved by: _NGO CONG NGUYEN. suas Dato Date Conecive Action Report 3 Yes Ne 4 CAR Nos NA VV zn aimeisy, —_rowvernne MA umn rwmenys_wouc oon > — Dale Date ‘Accepted by Nouyon Do Tuan Ant ‘Nowyen Van Buu Customer Date Al Dato ‘Vriication of Final Deposition Verted by ‘ate 2 ACCEPTABLE S NOL ACERT: SS | INDUSTRIES | INDUSTRIES NCR CLOSED REPORT "TCR Rev No. Date Found Step in Proves Project Name DWE. No, JANGA? 42-0101, AMQA7-43 IRMa47-42-0102; AMQd?- IRMa47-43.0113; MQ? IMa47-40-0117; MQ 0210 0214 RMa47-49-0116; BMQ47-43-0216 09 | ev. Tem Noy Name THIDOLE TE BEANE BOOM HOST TE BEAM | Oper, Ne. Wk ‘Sub Contractor THAGO INDUSTRIES FIGR. NO, NA Photo Closed i reeunlicc eooe Sin [ THAcO [aeine. Te1aasTs ama ieee APPLICATION FOR INSPECTION : te ot i eases |rmaxecr nawte |e taro RC? Ue wag Th itig at fm fe ae es as 5 ene l= | oe ee i Soo Sc a 3 ege7-3.0100 ‘GIRDER 2 feoomma | 1 [retin] ox OK ner 1H z eoona | ane | 2 faanmmonaal a [tee oe oe a ; rane | ese [i ee ce a i Pee ee ee ap ; eae | eee en |e = © RMQNTAB OES ‘GRDER 0 fewonren etme | OK OK Wald 5 ‘ae we Fe =e ae D Tae | om [EON ERECT Nees | ee ee 2 gear © foessanzrwat 1 [tig | ox 0K er i o (eee igjecarecaea alae 1s ira q =n Tiare esos] aa z me ascsme || o_O oe) z et aes foals |e

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