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Dell Command | PowerShell Provider

Version 2.x Release Notes

October 2022
Rev. A04
Notes, cautions, and warnings

NOTE: A NOTE indicates important information that helps you make better use of your product.

CAUTION: A CAUTION indicates either potential damage to hardware or loss of data and tells you how to avoid
the problem.

WARNING: A WARNING indicates a potential for property damage, personal injury, or death.

© 2022 Dell Inc. or its subsidiaries. All rights reserved. Dell, EMC, and other trademarks are trademarks of Dell Inc. or its subsidiaries. Other
trademarks may be trademarks of their respective owners.

Chapter 1: Dell Command | PowerShell Provider Version 2.7 .........................................................4

Release type and definition............................................................................................................................................... 4
Compatibility......................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Platforms affected........................................................................................................................................................ 4
Supported operating systems.....................................................................................................................................4
What’s new in this release.................................................................................................................................................5
Known issues........................................................................................................................................................................ 5

Chapter 2: Dell Command | PowerShell Provider Version 2.6 ........................................................ 6

Release type and definition............................................................................................................................................... 6
Compatibility......................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Platforms affected........................................................................................................................................................ 6
Supported operating systems.....................................................................................................................................6
What’s new in this release.................................................................................................................................................7

Chapter 3: Dell Command | PowerShell Provider Version 2.4 ........................................................ 9

Release type and definition............................................................................................................................................... 9
Compatibility......................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Platforms affected........................................................................................................................................................ 9
Supported operating systems.....................................................................................................................................9
What’s new in this release............................................................................................................................................... 10
Known issues.......................................................................................................................................................................10

Chapter 4: Dell Command | PowerShell Provider Version 2.3.1 .....................................................11

Release Type and Definition............................................................................................................................................. 11
Compatibility........................................................................................................................................................................ 11
Platforms affected........................................................................................................................................................11
Supported Operating Systems..................................................................................................................................12
What’s new in this release............................................................................................................................................... 12
Fixes...................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Known Issues...................................................................................................................................................................... 12

Chapter 5: Installation, upgrade, and uninstallation instructions..................................................13

Installing Windows PowerShell....................................................................................................................................... 13
Configuring Windows PowerShell.................................................................................................................................. 14
Installation process............................................................................................................................................................ 14

Chapter 6: Importance................................................................................................................. 15

Chapter 7: Contacting Dell...........................................................................................................16

Contents 3
Dell Command | PowerShell Provider Version
• Release type and definition
• Compatibility
• What’s new in this release
• Known issues

Release type and definition

Dell Command | PowerShell Provider is a PowerShell module that provides BIOS configuration capability to Dell client systems.
Dell Command | PowerShell Provider can be installed as plug-in software registered within Windows PowerShell environment
and works for local and remote systems, even in a Windows preinstallation environment. This module allows better manageability
for IT administrators to modify and set BIOS configurations, with its native configuration capability.


Release Date
October 2022

Previous Version

Platforms affected
● OptiPlex
● Latitude
● XPS Notebook
● Dell Precision
NOTE: For more information about the supported platforms, see Compatible Systems section on the Driver Details page
for Dell Command | PowerShell Provider.

Supported operating systems

Dell Command | PowerShell Provider supports the following operating systems:
● Windows 11 21H2

4 Dell Command | PowerShell Provider Version 2.7

● Windows 10 20H1
● Windows 10 19H2
● Windows 10 19H1
● Windows 10 Redstone 1
● Windows 10 Redstone 2
● Windows 10 Redstone 3
● Windows 10 Redstone 4
● Windows 10 Redstone 5
● Windows 10 Core (32-bit and 64-bit)
● Windows 10 Pro (64-bit)
● Windows 10 Enterprise (32-bit and 64-bit)
● Windows 10 Preinstallation Environment (32–bit and 64-bit) (Windows PE 10.0)

What’s new in this release

Support for the following new BIOS attributes:
● Support for the following UEFI variables:
○ In the UEFIvariables category:
● Update for the following attributes:
○ MemorySpeed attribute type is changed from String to Enumeration
○ MemRAS, PcieRAS, and CpuRAS attribute names are updated.

Known issues
● Import-Module command is disabled when the Remove-Module command runs on the system.

Dell Command | PowerShell Provider Version 2.7 5

Dell Command | PowerShell Provider Version
• Release type and definition
• Compatibility
• What’s new in this release

Release type and definition

Dell Command | PowerShell Provider is a PowerShell module that provides BIOS configuration capability to Dell client systems.
Dell Command | PowerShell Provider can be installed as plug-in software registered within Windows PowerShell environment
and works for local and remote systems, even in a Windows preinstallation environment. This module allows better manageability
for IT administrators to modify and set BIOS configurations, with its native configuration capability.


Release Date
September 2021

Previous Version

Platforms affected
● OptiPlex
● Latitude
● XPS Notebook
● Dell Precision
NOTE: For more information about the supported platforms, see Compatible Systems section on the Driver Details page
for Dell Command | PowerShell Provider.

Supported operating systems

Dell Command | PowerShell Provider supports the following operating systems:
● Windows 11 21H2
● Windows 10 20H1

6 Dell Command | PowerShell Provider Version 2.6

● Windows 10 19H2
● Windows 10 19H1
● Windows 10 Redstone 1
● Windows 10 Redstone 2
● Windows 10 Redstone 3
● Windows 10 Redstone 4
● Windows 10 Redstone 5
● Windows 10 Core (32-bit and 64-bit)
● Windows 10 Pro (64-bit)
● Windows 10 Enterprise (32-bit and 64-bit)
● Windows 10 Preinstallation Environment (32–bit and 64-bit) (Windows PE 10.0)

What’s new in this release

● Support for the following new BIOS attributes:
○ In the Advanced Configuration category:
○ In the Boot Configuration category:
○ In the Connection category:
■ HttpsBootMode
■ WlanAntSwitch
■ WwanAntSwitch
■ GpsAntSwitch
○ In the Integrated Devices category:
■ TypeCDockVideo
■ TypeCDockAudio
■ TypeCDockLan
○ In the Keyboard category:
■ RgbPerKeyKbdLang
■ RgbPerKeyKbdColor
○ In the Maintenance category:
○ In the Performance category:
■ MultipleAtomCores
■ PcieResizableBar
■ TCCActOffset
○ In the Pre Enabled category:
■ CamVisionSen
○ In the Secure Boot category:
○ In the Security category:
○ In the System Configuration category:
■ IntelGna
■ Usb4CmM
■ EmbUnmngNic
■ ProgramBtnConfig
■ ProgramBtn1
■ ProgramBtn2
■ ProgramBtn3

Dell Command | PowerShell Provider Version 2.6 7

○ In the System Management category:
■ AutoRtcRecovery
■ VerticalIntegration
○ In the Virtualization Support category:
■ PreBootDma
■ KernelDma
● Upgraded libxml2 open-source library to the latest version.
NOTE: For more information about the newly supported BIOS features, see https://www.dell.com/support/kbdoc/

8 Dell Command | PowerShell Provider Version 2.6

Dell Command | PowerShell Provider Version
• Release type and definition
• Compatibility
• What’s new in this release
• Known issues

Release type and definition

Dell Command | PowerShell Provider is a PowerShell module that provides BIOS configuration capability to Dell client systems.
Dell Command | PowerShell Provider can be installed as plug-in software registered within Windows PowerShell environment
and works for local and remote systems, even in a Windows preinstallation environment. This module allows better manageability
for IT administrators to modify and set BIOS configurations, with its native configuration capability.


Release Date
December 2020

Previous Version

Platforms affected
● OptiPlex
● Latitude
● XPS Notebook
● Dell Precision
NOTE: For more information about the supported platforms, see Compatible Systems section on the Driver Details page
for Dell Command | PowerShell Provider.

Supported operating systems

Dell Command | PowerShell Provider supports the following operating systems:
● Windows 10 Redstone 1

Dell Command | PowerShell Provider Version 2.4 9

● Windows 10 Redstone 2
● Windows 10 Redstone 3
● Windows 10 Redstone 4
● Windows 10 Redstone 5
● Windows 10 19H1
● Windows 10 19H2
● Windows 10 20H1
● Windows 10 Core (32-bit and 64-bit)
● Windows 10 Pro (64-bit)
● Windows 10 Enterprise (32-bit and 64-bit)
● Windows 8.1 Enterprise (32-bit and 64-bit)
● Windows 8.1 Professional (32-bit and 64-bit)
● Windows 7 Professional SP1 (32-bit and 64-bit)
● Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 (32-bit and 64-bit)
● Windows 10 Preinstallation Environment (32–bit and 64-bit) (Windows PE 10.0)
● Windows 8.1 Preinstallation Environment (32-bit and 64-bit) (Windows PE 5.0)
● Windows 7 SP1 Preinstallation Environment (32–bit and 64-bit) (Windows PE 3.1)
● Windows 7 Preinstallation Environment (32–bit and 64-bit) (Windows PE 3.0)

What’s new in this release

Support for the following new BIOS attributes:
● In the Performance category:
● In the Maintenance category:
● In the Security category:
○ DisPwdJumper
○ NVMePwdFeature
○ NonAdminPsidRevert
○ SafeShutter
○ IntelTME
● In the Video category:
○ HybridGraphics
● In the Integrated Devices category:
○ PCIeBifurcation
○ DisUsb4Pcie
○ VideoPowerOnlyPorts
○ TypeCDockOverride
● In the Connection category:
○ HTTPsBoot
○ HTTPsBootMode
● In the Keyboard category:
○ DeviceHotkeyAccess
● In the System Configuration category:

Known issues
Issue: After the setup password is set in XPS 9300, Dell Precision 7700, and Dell Precision 7500 series systems, you cannot set
the system password.

10 Dell Command | PowerShell Provider Version 2.4

Dell Command | PowerShell Provider Version
• Release Type and Definition
• Compatibility
• What’s new in this release
• Fixes
• Known Issues

Release Type and Definition

Dell Command | PowerShell Provider is a PowerShell module that provides BIOS configuration capability to Dell client systems.
Dell Command | PowerShell Provider can be installed as plug-in software registered within Windows PowerShell environment
and works for local and remote systems, even in a Windows preinstallation environment. This module allows better manageability
for IT administrators to modify and set BIOS configurations, with its native configuration capability.


Release Date
August 2020

Previous Version

Platforms affected
● OptiPlex
● Latitude
● Internet of Things
● XPS Notebook
● Precision
NOTE: For more information about the supported platforms, refer Supported Platforms list.

Dell Command | PowerShell Provider Version 2.3.1 11

Supported Operating Systems
Dell Command | PowerShell Provider supports the following operating systems:
● Windows 10 Redstone 1
● Windows 10 Redstone 2
● Windows 10 Redstone 3
● Windows 10 Redstone 4
● Windows 10 Redstone 5
● Windows 10 19H1
● Windows 10 Core (32-bit and 64-bit)
● Windows 10 Pro (64-bit)
● Windows 10 Enterprise (32-bit and 64-bit)
● Windows 8.1 Enterprise (32-bit and 64-bit)
● Windows 8.1 Professional (32-bit and 64-bit)
● Windows 7 Professional SP1 (32-bit and 64-bit)
● Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 (32-bit and 64-bit)
● Windows 10 Preinstallation Environment (32–bit and 64-bit) (Windows PE 10.0)
● Windows 8.1 Preinstallation Environment (32-bit and 64-bit) (Windows PE 5.0)
● Windows 7 SP1 Preinstallation Environment (32–bit and 64-bit) (Windows PE 3.1)
● Windows 7 Preinstallation Environment (32–bit and 64-bit) (Windows PE 3.0)

What’s new in this release

Support for NVMe HDD password.

● The PSPath displayed is incorrect. While running the gi .\SystemInformation | fl * command, PSPath is
displayed as DellBIOSProvider\DellSmbiosProv::DellBIOS:\SystemInformation. Change DellBIOS to DellSMBIOS.
● Error message could not find the path was displayed due to / during auto completion of the category name in the systems
running Windows 8 and later.
You cannot navigate to the location after using auto completion for the category name.
● Success message was part of console and must be handled separately.
Success message is now displayed as part of the verbose switch during a set operation.
● Unable to set KeyboardIllumination attribute to 100 percent using Dell Command | PowerShell Provider.
KeyboardIllumination attribute can be set as Bright (100%).
● Dell Command | PowerShell Provider displays the MemoryTechnology attribute as TBD on some systems with the latest
memory technology such as DDR4, LPDDR, LPDDR2, LPDDR3, or LPDDR4.
MemoryTechnology attribute is now displayed on the platforms with the latest technology such as DDR4, LPDDR, and so on.
● HTCapable attribute displays No even if the attribute is supported in few systems.
HTCapable attribute now displays the accurate information.

Known Issues
Issue: After the setup password has been set in XPS 9300, Dell Precision 7700, and Dell Precision 7500 series, these platforms
do not allow you to set the system password.

12 Dell Command | PowerShell Provider Version 2.3.1

Installation, upgrade, and uninstallation
For information about installation, uninstallation, and upgrade of Dell Command | PowerShell Provider, see the Dell
Command | PowerShell Provider User’s Guide at https://www.dell.com/support/home/us/en/19/products/software_int/
• Prerequisites
• Installing Windows PowerShell
• Configuring Windows PowerShell
• Installation process

Before installing Dell Command | PowerShell Provider, ensure that you have the following system configuration:

Table 1. Supported software

Supported Supported versions Additional information
Operating systems Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 7 natively includes PowerShell 2.6. This can be upgraded to 3.0
Windows Red Stone RS1, to meet the software requirements for using Dell command | PowerShell
RS2, RS3, RS4, RS5, Provider.
RS6, 19H1, 19H2, and
Windows WMF 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, and WMF 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, and 5.1 must be available.
Management 5.1
Framework (WMF)
Windows 3.0 and later See Installing Windows PowerShell and Configuring Windows PowerShell.
SMBIOS 2.4 and later The target system is a Dell manufactured system with System Management
Basic Input Output System (SMBIOS) version 2.4 or later.
NOTE: To identify the SMBIOS version of the system, click Start > Run,
and run the msinfo32.exe file. Check for the SMBIOS version in System
Summery page.

Microsoft Visual C+ 2010, 2015, and 2019 2010, 2015, and 2019 must be available.
+ redistributable

Installing Windows PowerShell

Windows PowerShell is natively included with Windows 7 and later operating systems.
NOTE: Windows 7 natively includes PowerShell 2.4. This can be upgraded to 3.0 to meet the software requirements for
using Dell command | PowerShell Provider.

Installation, upgrade, and uninstallation instructions 13

Configuring Windows PowerShell
● Ensure that you have Administrative privileges on the Dell business client system.
● By default Windows PowerShell has its ExecutionPolicy set to Restricted. To run the Dell Command | PowerShell Provider
cmdlets and functions, ExecutionPolicy must be changed to RemoteSigned at a minimum. To apply the ExecutionPolicy, run
Windows PowerShell with Administrator privileges, and run the following command within the PowerShell console:

Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -force

NOTE: If there are more restrictive security requirements, set the ExecutionPolicy to AllSigned. Run the following
command within the PowerShell console: Set-ExecutionPolicy AllSigned -Force.

NOTE: If using an ExecutionPolicy based process, run Set-ExecutionPolicy each time a Windows PowerShell console is
● To run Dell Command | PowerShell Provider remotely, you must enable PS remoting on the remote system. To initiate
remote commands, check system requirements and configuration requirements by running the following command:

PS C:> Get-Help About_Remote_Requirements

Installation process
For information about installation, uninstallation, and upgrade of Dell Command | PowerShell Provider, see the Dell Command |
PowerShell Provider 2.4.0 User’s Guide at Dell.com.

14 Installation, upgrade, and uninstallation instructions

RECOMMENDED: Dell recommends applying this update during your next scheduled update cycle. The update contains feature
enhancements or changes that will help keep your system software current and compatible with other system modules
(firmware, BIOS, drivers and software).

Importance 15
Contacting Dell
Dell provides several online and telephone-based support and service options. Availability varies by country and product, and
some services may not be available in your area. To contact Dell for sales, technical support, or customer service issues, go to
If you do not have an active Internet connection, you can find contact information on your purchase invoice, packing slip, bill, or
Dell product catalog.

16 Contacting Dell

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