Feelings Jenga
Feelings Jenga
Feelings Jenga
Have the person on your left Make eye contact with the
slowly make several different person on your right. Make a
faces. Pretend you are a mirror happy facial expression for 5
and copy the different facial seconds.
Close your eyes and let the Have the person on your left
person on your right lead you make several different noises.
around the room safely for 10 Copy those noises.
Turn to the person on your right Jump up and down with the
and give her/him a compliment person on your right at the same
about her/his personality time for 10 seconds.
Pretend that you are crying. Let
the person on your left soothe EXCITED
What is bullying?
Name the person you love the What do you have to do if you
most see bullying at school?
Name 1 way in which we can You had a bad day yesterday and
work better in class said something mean to a friend.
Now you feel really bad. What do
you do?
Your younger brother likes to Your dog Is sick. At school, you
play with dolls. One of your feel too worried to concentrate.
friends makes fun of him and You can’t pay attention. What do
says that dolls are only for girls. you do?
What do you do?
Some girls have decided to wear You don’t understand a math
the same outfit to school on UPD, problem, but you feel shy about
you feel uncomfortable wearing raising your hand and asking
that. What do you do? questions. What do you do?