Heat Class7
Heat Class7
Heat Class7
(1) What temperature on the Celsius scale is equiva- person's temperature is calleda
lent to 373 K ? eter. concrec
made in
(2) Absolute is 0 K. What is the equivalent
zero ) Narrow tar-filled gaps are
temperature on the Celsius scale ? On the Fahr- roads to allow for level. atA
(k) When the flask is heated the liquidbecause
enheit scale ? Une
bucket outside (O) Materials which do not conduct heat
Woolen clothes are good heat insulators because
(nl (c) flow from water to iron ball;
is trapped within the woolen fibres,
fluids hot parti- (d) increase the temperature of both.
The transference
of heat in by 18. Black
cles rising
is called objects are
(a) good absorbers and bad emitters of heat
transforms heat energy into
(r)A heat engine 0) good absorbers and good emitters of heat
energy. (C) bad absorbers and
keep birds and animals warm good emitters of heat
(c)Feathers and furs (d) bad absorbers and bad emitters of heat
weather because they have
during cold 19. Electric
heater converts
trapped in them.
(a) heat energy into electrical energy
the following: (b) electrical energy into heat energy
12. Match
(a) summer
Land breeze blows during
) (c) chemical energy into heat energy
(b) winter
i) Sea breeze blows during (d) heat energy into chemical energy
(il) Dark coloured clothes
are (c) day 20. In solid substances, heat is transferred by:
preferred during (a) radiation (b) conduction
coloured clothes are (d) night (c) convection (d) none of these
(iv) Light
preferred during 21. A wooden spoon is dipped in a cup of icecream.
is the best conductor of Its other end
13. Which of the following
heat? (a) becomes cold by the process of conduction;
(a) silver (b) copper (b) becomes cold by the process of convection;
(c) lead (d) aluminium (c) becomes cold by the process of radiation;
following is good conductor of (d) does not become cold.
14. Which of the a
to heat.
(R) : They expand due
A white porcelain plate with
(ii) Assertion (A) : heated to a high tempera-
black design on it is
dark room.
into a
The metal ball can just pass through the hole of a ture. It is then suddenly taken
the black design appears
metal ring formed out of a strip. When the ball is It is observed that
heated it gets stuck. But when the metal ring is bright while the white porcelain background
heated. remains dark.
heat good
: Good absorbers of
(5) The air escaping from a punctured tyre feels ure very low temperatures.
13 L
1. Transfer of heat by the movement of a liquid or a
2. Energy transferred from one body to another at
3. Measure of degree of hotness or coldness of a body. different temperatures.
5. Device to measure temperature. 4. The temperature scale that defines the freezing
6. Poor conductors of heat. point of water at 32° and boiling point at212
7. Transfer of heat through direct contact of bodies. 7. The temperature scale that assigns 0° to freezing
9. Part of a clinical thermometer that prevents the point and 100° to boiling point of pure water
flowing back to the bulb. 8. The metal used as thermometer substance in the-
mercury from
11. Transfer of heat energy
for which no medium is | mometers.
1. (a) 32°F (b) 212°F (c) 273 K (d) 373 K (e) black () contract
2. (a) (b) and (d) (g) Celsius or Kelvin (h) decreases
3. alcohol, since mercury solidifies at i) clinical 0) expansion
-39°C, therefore, (k) flask
it is notpossible to use a mercury thermometer for (1) energy
measuring very low temperatures. For measuring (m) heat (n) less (lower)
very low temperatures, alcohol is used (o) insulators (p) air
solidifies at a much lower (g) convection (r) mechanical
temperature, i.e.,
114°C. The temperature in Arctic and
(s) air
Antarctic 12.
may fall below -80°C, so in these ()-d, (it, ii) -b, (iv)-a
regions, an alcohol 13. (a)
thermometer would be used in place of a 14. (c)
thermometer. 15. (1) Radiation (2) Conduction (3) Convection
4. No. Alcohol starts boiling
at 80°C while
16. (d)
of boiling 17. (b) Since the
point mercury is 357°C. Therefore, a mercury temperatures are equal, there wil
thermometer is used for be no flow of heat
measuring high 18. (b)
temperatures. 19. (b) 20. (b)
5. 10 cm 6. 50°C 21. (d) Wood is a bad conductor of heat.
7. The 22. (c) Copper is a better conductor of heat
pan's temperature decreases if the waters' than the
temperature increases. The water and pan would stainless steel.
have reached thermal 23. (c)
equilibrium when their 24. Two objects that are at the same
temperatures are the same. temperature ca
8. (1) 373K - 273 100°C feel as though they are at different
if one
9 object is a better conductor of heat tha
(2) OK -273 273°C;
-459°F the other is. The better conductor will feel colde-
because it will draw heat energy from
your hane
3) 200K-273 -
73°C; x(-73°C) +32 =
-99°F; faster.
25. anticlockwise 26. (a)
So, 200K is colder than 0°F.
27. Heat (or thermal)
energy was transferred from
the table to the glass of cold water.
(4) (a) 4°C x4°C +32=39°F; 28. (1) Thermal expansion causes the
density of a
Also, 4°C =4°C +273 277K substance to decrease because the same
mass takes up more volume.
(2) 4°C
b) 12°C x12°C +32=54°F; 3) copper (4) solic
(5) No, Temperature is the average kinetic energy
Also, 12°C = 12°C + 273 285K. of particles of
substance. If the individual
particles of two objects have the same average-
(5) Yes; 38.5°C=x
38.5°C +32 =101.3°F kinetic energy, they are at the
temperature regardless of how much matter
(6) Yes ; 265K = (265K - 273)°C = -8°C is in each object
9. (a) and (c) (6) The soup could overflow its pot as it cook=
|10. Popcorn kernels pop when moisture inside the kernel because of thermal expansion. The soup wil
turns into expand in volume as its temperature increases
steam, creating pressure that ruptures the
shell. Old kernels that have dried out (7) If the weather is very hot, the bridge can heat
may not have
up enough to expand. As it there is
enough moisture to pop; Adding moisture to the ker- expands,
danger of the bridge breaking. Expansion joints
nels will make more of them pop. keep segments of the bridge apart so that they
|11. (a) temperature (b) clinical or alcohol have room to expand without the bridge-
(C) radiation (d) conduction
31. Because of the rising of the hot air due
8) If we wear more layers of clothes, air is trapped
vection. to
in between them. Air being a poor conductor
of heat prevents our body heat from going away 32. Water being
does not reach the
heat, the
bad conductor of heas
to cold surroundings.
33. (1) False, (2) True (6) True (4) False. It
9) Objects with white surface reflect more heat It depe
on the material of the rod and increase
and absorb less. Therefore, less heat from out- in ten
(5) True (6) False (7) True
side would enter the house. perature (Since
centigrade degrees= 180 Fahrenheit deo
True (9) False. It is 273K (10) True degrees)
(10) I would choose two thin blankets joined to-
gether because the air trapped between them (11)False
is a poor conductor of heat (12) True
being a bad conductor of heat would not allow
34. When water is heated at the top, hot water b
the body heat to go outside. being
light does not come down and thus no convec
(11) Mercury jecton
of heat takes place. Also, water and glass bei
(12) Mud is a bad conductor of heat and thatched
bad conductors of heat, the heat in hot wate
roof traps large amount of air. Hence, heat from
inside does not flow out or heat from outside the top is not transterred to the portion ofwa
does not flow in. at the bottom. Hence, the wax does not met
(13) Hot air being light rises up and cool air being 35. The paper nearest to the flame maintains a ten
denser than hot air comes down. perature equal to that of the boiling water as log
as the water has not entirely boiled
(14) This can be done by constructing outer walls away. T
of buildings so that they have cup doesn't burn, because the heat input at t
trapped layers of bottom of the cup is rapidly conducted to t
air. One way of doing this is to use hollow
bricks. boiling water.
(15) This traps air and increases the insulations. 36. (a)
37. Yes. Since black colour is a better
(16) None; Toast and oven are at the same
tempera- absorber oi
heat than white, the can whose outer
ture, i.e., they are in thermal equilibrium. surfacei
(17) Yes black would be warmer.
38. No. The hand above the flame gets more
(18) (a) Coating of both the inner walls of glass heat due
to convection. On the sides, there is no
with shiny bright silvering. The heat radiations conver
tion and so air does not feel as hot as at the top
are reflected back by the
silvery surface (b) 39. (a) Towards the sea. Reason : Hot
The vacuum created by pumping out all the air air rises above
prevents heat loss by conduction and convec-
the land and cool air comes down towards the sea
(b) No. Reason: The liquid or gas is
convection in which heat is transferred
(19) Black, being a better absorber of heat than alu upwards
minium, is also a better emitter. So the black
neither downwards nor sideways.
foil will emit heat radiations faster. Hence, the
40. (b) 41. (b) 42. (c)
ice cube in aluminium foil will melt faster. 43. (c) When hot liquid is poured into the tumbler.|
the inner surface of the tumbler becomes hot
(20) The tile floor is a better thermal conductor than
while the outer surface remains at the room tem
the carpet. Thus, the heat transfer from your
feet to the tile happens faster. perature
44. (d) 45. (c) 46. (b) 47. (b) 48. (d)
(21) When the bottle is heated, the air in it also gets
49. (d) 50. (c) 51. (c) 52. (b) 53. (b)
heated and expands. As a result if exerts pres-
54. (c) Black colour being a better absorber of
sure on the stopper and forces it to shoot out of
bulb X gets more heated due to heat
the bottle. rediated by
the electric bulb
29. (i) B i) A (ii) boiler resulting in the expansion of ar
inside it. The expanded air
30. No, the paper strip will not burn because iron requires more space
and so pushes the alcohol towards limb Y.
being a good conductor of heat takes away the 55. ) (a), (i) (a), (ii) (c), (iv) (a),. (v) (a), (vi) (6»|
heat from paper.
(vii) (b), (vii) (a), (ix) (a)
when the temperature rises in suddenly expands. A large amount of its heat is
56. (1) Rails expand
The gap is provided to allow for this
absorbed in the process of expansion resulting
will bend in considerable fall in its temperature. This is
expansion. If no gap is left, the rails
after expansion which may cause why escaping air feels cold.
(6) It is so because in a cloudy night the heat
when the radiations emitted from earth are not transmitted
that cooling, tyre
(2) It is done so on
through the clouds while on a clear night they
contracts in volume, its circumference fits the
wheel tightly.
in thick glass (7) White roof absorbs less heat radiations and
(3) When very hot liquids are poured reflect more than black roof.
tumblers, the inner layer gets
heated and
is only 39°C and
expands before the outer layer and this unequal (8) The freezing point of mercury
due to expansion at low
expansion of its inner and outer surfaces it has non-uniform
'c o NDulcT|o w
E o NST R'cToN
Self Assessment Sheet-3
1. Answer true of false : 5. What effect does heat cause in a body
(1) Air is a good conductor of heat. (A) change in temperature
(2) Metals are generally good conductors of heat. in state
(B) change
(3) Transfer of heat energy always takes place from in
(C) change mass
a body at lower temperature to a body at higher (D) chemical change
temperature. (a) A (b) A and C
(4) Solids expand more than liquids and gases.
B and D (d) B, C and D
(5) Woolen sweaters keep us warm by trapping (c) A,
6. Seema is in a hurry and wants her noodles to cooi
layer of air. Cool
down faster. She should put it on a plate made of
2.Match correctly (a) wood (b) paper
Column A Column B
(c) plastic (d) metal
(a) Absolute zero ) 2120 F
7. Piyush takes out a bottle of jam from the refrig
(6) Freezing point of water (i) mercury erator and finds its lid so tight that he is not able
(c) Used in thermometer due (ii) 37° C to open it. What action may he be advised to take
to its lower freezing point to loosen the lid.
(d) Normal temperature of (iv) -273°K is the best insulator
8. Which of the following ot
(a) Formation of land and
a heat convector.
(b) Heating a room using
surface getting cold in
Metal A
(c) Container with white LITTTITTTZE-Motal B
of a sick person with
(d) Measuring the temperature
a thermometer.
5. (c) 6. (d)
4. (d) cause it
1. (1) False 2) True (3) False lid which will
7. He may heat the is easily
(4) False (5) True so that it becomes loose and
2. (a) -(iv), (b) - (v) (c) (i) opened.
(d) (ii) (e)-) 8. (a) 178.6F
3.(B) There will be no transfer heat in
container A
9. (i) 351.5 K, 156 K Cii) 173.3°F, -
since both the liquid and the ball are at the Bimetallic strip curves upwards. Metal B
same temperature. than metal A.
expands more