Year 3 Course Notes
Year 3 Course Notes
Year 3 Course Notes
Course Notes
Dr Ian Smith
Dr Melis Sutman
Session 2022/23
These course notes have been written and compiled by Professor Ian
Smith, Geotechnical and Educational Consultant, specifically for the
students of Heriot Watt University studying at the Edinburgh, Dubai
and Malaysia campuses.
September 2020
SECTION 1 – INTRODUCTION TO ENGINEERING GEOLOGY ............................................................ 5
1.1 Civil engineering projects ..................................................................................................................... 5
1.2 Engineering Geology ............................................................................................................................ 5
1.2.1 Structure of the Earth ..................................................................................................................... 5
1.2.2 Plate tectonics ................................................................................................................................ 6
1.3 Formation and types of rocks ............................................................................................................... 7
1.3.1 Rock cycle ..................................................................................................................................... 7
1.3.2 Igneous rocks ................................................................................................................................. 7
1.3.3 Sedimentary rocks ......................................................................................................................... 8
1.3.4 Metamorphic rocks ........................................................................................................................ 8
1.4 Rock and mineral identification............................................................................................................ 8
Example 4.1: Area ratio ........................................................................................................................ 35
4.6 Field tests ............................................................................................................................................ 35
4.7 Laboratory tests .................................................................................................................................. 35
4.8 Geophysical testing............................................................................................................................. 36
4.9 Geotechnical reports ........................................................................................................................... 36
outer core
upper mantle
inner core
lower mantle
1.2.2 Plate tectonics
The upper mantle and crust form a zone known as the lithosphere, which is
made up from large rock plates (oceanic, continental, or a combination of
both). Convection currents circulate within the mantle due to its heat, which in
turn cause the plates to move laterally. The study of the movement of the
plates is known as plate tectonics. The plates are shown in Figure 1.2. It is the
movement of these plates (about 1 – 9 cm per year) that cause many
geological processes such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions to occur at
the plate margins. The plates themselves are relatively stable – it is the
actions at the plate boundaries that cause the geological activity. The
geological activity also drives the rock cycle (see Section 1.3.1).
At constructive plate margins new oceanic crust is created where two plates
are moving apart and magma rises to fill the gap. This occurs at mid-ocean
ridges and causes the older material to be displaced sideways at an average
rate of 4 cm per year. This is known as sea-floor spreading. As the magma
rises, it forms oceanic volcanoes and causes earthquakes.
At destructive plate margins two plates collide and one dips beneath the other,
producing deep sea trenches. Magma is forced up along the margin to form
chains of volcanoes around which earthquakes occur. If the two plates are
continental, new mountain ranges are created.
We will look at the formation of soils in Section 2. For now, let’s stick to rocks.
1. Magma forms inside Earth, rises towards the crust and cools and
2. The magma crystallises above or below the Earth’s surface: Igneous
rocks are formed.
3. At the surface, rocks undergo weathering.
4. Rock particles (sediments) moved downslope and transported by glaciers,
rivers and wind.
5. Eventually, the sediments are deposited in oceans and floodplains, where
they will undergo lithification.
6. Sedimentary rocks are formed.
7. If the sedimentary rock is subjected to great pressures and/or intense
heat, it will react and will change to a metamorphic rock
8. Metamorphic rocks subjected to very high pressure or temperature will
melt creating magma that will eventually crystallise into igneous rock, and
the cycle starts again.
igneous rocks are formed from magma that forced itself through cracks into rock
beds below the surface and solidified there. Igneous rocks can be classified as
either Acid or Basic – depending on the amount of SiO2 content in the rock.
Granite, basalt, gabbro.
Shale, sandstone, chalk.
Slate, quartzite, marble.
The identification of rock type is often necessary in civil engineering works where
either the rock head becomes the bearing strata for the project, or where
excavated rock is to be reused on the project as fill, road stone, or aggregate.
• streak: colour of the scratch line when scratched with hard object
• lustre: appearance of freshly broken surface (e.g. shiny, bright, dull
• cleavage: breaking along defined planes
• fracture: breaking along irregular fracture lines
• hardness: what materials a mineral will scratch and what materials, in
turn, will scratch it
The Mohs hardness scale is used as a basis for evaluating the hardness of
1. Talc (softest)
2. Gypsum
3. Calcite
4. Fluorite
5. Apatite
6. Feldspar
7. Quartz
8. Topaz
9. Corundum
10.Diamond (hardest)
Any mineral in the hardness scale will scratch the minerals below it.
When analysing geological structures, two terms, strike and dip, are often
used. Refer to Figure 2.1. The strike is the direction of the line formed by the
intersection of a fault or other planar feature and a horizontal plane. The dip is
the angle at which the planar feature is inclined to the horizontal plane (it is
measured in a vertical plane perpendicular to the strike of the feature).
2.1.1 Folds
A fold is a flexure in rock. i.e. a change in the amount of dip of a bed within the
rock mass. In the vertical sense they can occur in an upwards (anticline) or a
downwards (syncline) direction. The degree and shape of the fold can also
vary as indicated in Figure 2.2.
2.1.2 Joints
Joints are fractures within the rock mass where no movement of the rock
takes place along the crack. Nearly all rock masses will possess joints of
some form. The amount, length and depth of joints varies throughout a rock
2.1.3 Outcrop
An exposure of rock at the surface is called an outcrop. Outcrops give a ready
indication of the type of rock present at that location. The presence of
outcrops on a site also suggests that the depth to rock head is shallow at that
location. This is useful in foundation design work.
2.1.4 Faults
A fracture in rock along which there has been an observable amount of
displacement is termed a fault. Faults commonly create zones of badly broken
ground – that are weaker and less stable than the adjacent rock – with
implications for foundation bearing capacity, slope stability and tunnel roof
There are several types of fault. The three major types are shown in Figure
The data used to produce the maps has been accumulated over decades.
Different rock types and groups are represented by different colours, and
symbols indicate the presence of geological features and structures.
Topographical features are also included and cross-sections can be
established using the information and key provided on the map.
(a) (b)
Figure 2.4. Geological mapping: (a) hard copy map; (b) online BGS viewer.
Approximately 200 Megatons of stone are used in Britain per year. Less than
1 Mt. is used as dimension stone (large, uncrushed - used for structural
masonry, cladding etc.). The rest is used as aggregate (i.e. crushed rock used
in road mixes and concrete). The main civil engineering uses of some rocks
and minerals are given below.
2.4 Formation of soils: weathering, erosion and deposition
2.4.1 Weathering
The weathering of rocks is the breakdown of the parent rock into smaller
particles. It can be caused by both physical and chemical processes.
Physical weathering:
Thermal expansion: fractures due to changes in temperature
Frost shattering: fracturing as fissure water freezes and expands
Unloading joints: stress relief fractures due to overburden removal
Wetting & drying: movement due to changes in moisture content
Root action: tree root expansion in fissures
Chemical weathering:
Processes include leaching, oxidation, and hydrolysis.
2.4.2 Erosion
Once the particles of rock are small enough, they can be transported away
from the site of their formation by ice, water and wind. Erosion is defined by
the product of the two processes of weathering and transportation.
Water erosion
Water is the main agent of erosion: its power increases greatly with velocity.
Rivers erode by down-cutting the sides to form V-profile valleys. Erosion can
occur laterally too - notably on outside of river bends.
In a youthful river, the flow is fast and erodes the banks to form the V-shaped
cross-section. The river is not subject to much lateral erosion and therefore
has a meandering appearance – Figure 2.5 (a).
As the river matures, the bends (spurs) are eroded through lateral erosion and
the river profile becomes more rounded. The river becomes less meandering
and the process can lead to the formation of ox-bow lakes – Figure 2.5 (b).
(a) (b)
Figure 2.5. River erosion: (a) youthful river; (b) mature river.
Glacial erosion
Glaciers form where winter snowfall exceeds the summer melt: snow layers
accumulate, and the compressed lower zones are squeezed out as flowing
Wind erosion
In dry desert environments, wind erosion is predominant. The wind moves dry
sand by rolling, sliding, or bouncing. The action tends to round the sand
particles. Dunes are built up by the deposition of the particles. Deposition
occurs when the wind speed drops, or in the lee of obstacles.
Residual soils
These have been formed entirely by in situ weathering and have remained at
their original location. They occur mainly in tropical regions and other areas
not subjected to glaciation. A common example are the laterites, materials
found to be rich in the oxides of iron and aluminium, which occur in South
America, parts of Africa, India, Sri Lanka and Australia.
Transported soils
As the term suggests, these have been moved from their original location and
deposited elsewhere. The principal agents of transportation are: water, ice
and wind. The size and shape of the particles in a transported soil deposit are
strongly influenced by the agent of transportation and the mode of deposition.
• Ice: grinding and crushing occur, size distribution becomes wider, deposits
are well-graded, ranging from rock flour to boulders.
• From glaciers: deposition varies from well-graded tills and boulder clays to
poorly-graded deposits in moraines and outwash fans.
In order for the subsidence to occur there must either be voids beneath the
ground into which the soil can fall, thus creating the subsidence (these voids
range in size from fairly small pockets to vast underground caverns) or the soil
must shrink/expand in response to changes in water content.
The scale of the collapse will depend on the size of the void. If the volume of
the void is of several cubic metres, the collapse will cause a sinkhole.
Sinkholes can be frightening and devastating geological events where, with no
warning, an area of ground (and everything on it: houses, cars, vegetation,
people) will fall deep into the void several metres below. Some sinkhole
examples are shown in Figure 2.6.
Desiccation in clays is the process where, as the soil dries due to conditions
such as a long period of hot weather, it shrinks and reduces in volume
causing subsidence and lowering of the ground level above. This can cause
damage to roadways and shallow housing foundations. These soils will also
likely swell once they are wetted again, which causes further change in
ground level and additional distress to any affected structure.
Peat is an organic soil, of extremely high compressibility. The high organic
content, and the fibrous nature of the soil, means that peats have very high
water contents. Numerically, the mass of water in a peat soil can be at least
10 times the mass of the dry particles. Because of this, peats compress
significantly under any load, causing significant settlement and lowering of the
ground surface. Because of the engineering difficulties posed by loading a
peat soil, such soils are often excavated and removed if possible. If
excavation is not an option, then consideration of the likely settlement of the
ground under loading, together with a review of remedial measures available
to limit the movement, would be part of the engineering design process.
There are several forms of landslides including planar slides, rotational slips,
soil flows and rockslides and topples. The effect of a landslide can range from
the completely insignificant to the catastrophic. Figure 2.7 shows a few
examples of the consequences of landslides.
Figure 2.7. Consequences of landslides.
Translational slides and topples in rock masses are dependent upon the
spatial arrangement of the discontinuities within the mass and their
relationship to the geometry of the slope. Representations of the 3 main
modes of failure are shown in Figure 2.8.
Plane failure occurs due to sliding along the single discontinuity. The
conditions for sliding are that:
(i) the strikes of both the sliding plane and the slope face lie parallel
(±20°) to each other.
(ii) the failure plane "daylights" on the slope face.
(iii) the dip of the sliding plane is greater than the angle of friction resisting
(iv) the sliding mass is bound by release surfaces of negligible resistance.
Wedge failure:
Wedge failure occurs due to sliding along a combination of discontinuities.
The conditions for sliding require that the angle of friction is overcome, and
that the intersection of the discontinuities "daylights" on the slope surface.
Toppling occurs as movement due to forces that cause an overturning
moment about a pivot point below the centre of gravity of the unit. If
unchecked it will result in a fall or slide.
Geotechnical engineering, or geotechnics, is the branch of civil engineering
concerned with the design and analysis of foundations, excavations, slopes,
retaining walls, embankments and tunnels. In essence, geotechnical
engineering is concerned with the civil engineering aspects pertaining to the
ground. Soil mechanics is the sub-discipline of geotechnics which looks at the
behaviour of soils in civil engineering.
• Foundations
The foundation of a structure is in direct contact
with the ground and transmits the load of the
structure to the ground. Foundation types include
pad, strip, raft, and piles. When designing
foundations, the bearing capacity of the soil and
the potential settlement must be analysed.
• Excavations
To permit work within the ground, excavations
are made to the required depth. The sides of the
excavations must be stable (usually braced) to
allow work to be carried out safely.
• Embankments
Embankments are constructed by compacting
successive layers of soil until the required height
is reached. The compaction process (e.g. type of
equipment, amount of work) is decided by the
geotechnical engineer.
• Retaining walls
Retaining walls are used to support changes in
ground level which are too steep or too high to
remain stable if left unsupported.
• Tunnels
Can be constructed through soil or rock. Method
of construction depends on ground conditions. In
addition to ensuring the tunnel will satisfy all
design requirements, the design must ensure
that the impact on other buried structures
(foundations, services etc.) does not exceed
tolerance limits (e.g. movement, vibration).
3.2.1 Stratigraphy
We saw in Section 2 how soils are formed. The layering of soils and rocks
across a site is known as the stratigraphy. Knowing the stratigraphy of the
soils is a fundamental geotechnical requirement. Careful exploration and
sampling of the soils (see Section 4) will enable a visual determination to be
made of the make up and extent of each layer of soil encountered.
soil, it induces a stress within the soil which varies depending on depth and
closeness to the load. A soil can withstand a certain amount of applied stress
before it will collapse. During the design of foundations, retaining walls,
embankments and other geotechnical structures, we check that the applied
stresses will not exceed the safe amount that the soil can withstand. Strength
of soils is covered in Year 4.
Soil mechanics is the branch of civil engineering which is concerned with the
mechanical behaviour of engineering soils. Understanding the origin and
structure of a particular soil is an important aspect in considering the likely
behaviour of that soil under loading, excavation and placement.
In the broadest sense there are two types of soil: granular (e.g. sands,
gravels) and cohesive (clays, silts). These are illustrated in Figure 3.1.
Granular soils are formed from loose particles without strong inter-particle
forces, as depicted in Figure 3.2 (a).
Cohesive soils are made from particles bound together with clay minerals.
The particles are flaky and sheet-like and retain a significant amount of
adsorbed water on their surfaces (Figure 3.2 (b)). The ability of the sheet-like
particles to slide relative to one another gives a cohesive soil the property
known as plasticity. We will look at plasticity in Section 5.4.
(a) (b)
1. New works
2. Existing works
4.2 Site Investigation Procedure
Figure 4.1 shows the simplified organisation of a site investigation.
Ground investigation
• preliminary investigation Soil profile
• main investigation
Geotechnical Report
ii. Ground investigation
Throughout, and particularly at the end of, the investigation, reports are
written for the client. These may be preliminary, main or supplementary
reports. The site investigation contractor can produce both factual and
interpretative reports.
Sources of Information
Desk study information can be collected from a wide variety of sources. Often,
sufficient information is available at local sources - in which copies of the
various relevant national data may have been collected. It can be necessary
to contact both local and national sources of information to ensure complete
data are assembled.
Geological maps
Geological maps provide information as to the likely extent and characteristics
of the material on and around a particular site. It is important that the range of
geological information available is appreciated and that an elementary
interpretation of such information can be attempted. Geological maps, and the
online Geology of Britain Viewer service, are produced by the British
Geological Survey (BGS).
Topographical (Ordnance Survey) maps
Topography refers to the physical shape of the ground. Topographic
information can highlight access problems, geomorphological problems (e.g.
hill creep due to steep slopes), and geomorphological features (e.g. various
land forms associated with glacial conditions). OS maps are available online
(subscription required) and in hard copy formats.
Ordnance survey maps give very detailed topographical information which can
help in interpreting site conditions. Old maps are useful in locating features
which are now concealed, and for detecting features which are undergoing
change, and for assessing their rate of change.
Pedological maps
A pedological soil survey is the study classification, mapping and description
of the agricultural soil conditions in the area. The soil relates to the top 1-1.5m
which is affected by vegetation and the elements. Soil maps give a good
indication of the surface soil type and its drainage properties. The surface soil
type can often be related to the parent soil lying beneath, and so soil types
below 1.5m can be interpreted from the maps too. Soil survey maps for
Scotland (online and hard copy) are produced by the James Hutton Institute.
Aerial Photographs
With careful interpretation of aerial photographs we can deduce information
on land forms, topography, land use, historical land use, and geotechnical
behaviour. High res photography can be gained for specific areas using
drones. Lower res, and slightly dated, images may suffice for some projects
though and can easily be studied using Google Earth.
Land Features
Aerial photographs/images sometimes show colour changes enabling
underlying rock formations to be seen below drift deposits. This enables us to
make some assumptions about the rock profile. Additionally, outcrops of rock
in the area can aid assessment of the local geology. Also, the presence of dry
river valleys may provide hydrogeological information about the flow of ground
Landslips can be quite common, especially in areas where interbedded soils
and rock materials are contained within steep sloping topography with an
active erosive force at the base of the slope. Slope instability can be detected
on aerial photographs/images when it occurs in the large scale.
Aerial photographs/images can define the extent and possible nature of the
dumped material in former landfill sites. The presence of a former landfill site
would prompt more investigation into the structure, depth and composition of
the landfill. Landfilled areas have variable, made ground conditions and may
be experiencing significant vertical settlement. There may be a source of
methane gas and potential leachate problems into ground water systems may
exist. A site investigation within such areas would include specialised tests,
e.g. ground water measurements, contamination assessments, and gas
measurements for methane.
Mining records
The presence of former mine workings can be a potential hazard to any future
construction project. The position and depth of the workings can be
established from mining records. Mining records can be obtained from the
British government archives.
Historical information
Changes in site occupancy and therefore use over time are likely to influence
the site’s suitability for its current or proposed purpose. To overlook that a site
is of archaeological interest or, perhaps, that it may have been used as a
quarry in the past may prove a significant omission in the overall assessment
of that site.
Important information can often be recovered from old maps, title deeds,
parish records, local knowledge, or even place names.
A walk over survey should be undertaken on every site under investigation -
sometimes this entails modes of transport other than legs. But the site must
be inspected at as close quarters as is possible.
Table 4.1. Guidance values for spacing and pattern of investigation points.
* The depths are measured from the reference levels shown in Fig 4.2.
bf za
bB za
za bAh
(c) Roads and trenches. DF
Groundwater conditions can be accurately established from a trial pit and
undisturbed block soil samples are obtainable relatively easily. In addition,
undisturbed samples can be obtained using cylindrical steel sampling tubes
gently pushed in to the soil by the excavator bucket.
Below a depth of about 4 m, the challenges of side support and the removal of
excavated material become increasingly important and the cost of trial pits
increases rapidly. In excavations below groundwater level the expense may
be prohibitive. Trial pits should not be made at locations where pad
foundations might be cast later in the project.
38 mm 200 mm
(b) (c)
Figure 4.3. Hand augers: (a) clay auger; (b) gravel auger;
(c) 38mm undisturbed sample tube.
Hand excavated boreholes are useful for cheap, rapid sampling and
assessment of ground conditions where only 1 or 2 locations on a site are of
interest. For larger scale investigations, the boreholes will invariably be
created using full scale drilling equipment. All samples of soil retrieved from
hand excavated boreholes are classified as disturbed.
4.4.3 Boreholes
In most ground investigations, several boreholes are required and these are
often taken down to many metres in depth. Thus, specialist drilling equipment
is required to form these.
Two main methods of forming boreholes exist: cable percussion boring and
rotary drilling.
Cable percussion boring
This method is sometimes referred to as the shell and auger method. The
equipment is shown in Figure 4.4.
Cutting tool
140 or
1830 mm
194 mm
In clay soils, the soil is simply wedged inside the clay-cutter and is removed
by hand from inside using steel bars pushed through the side slots. In
granular soils the material is retrieved by means of the shell. This cutting tool
is fitted with a clack (a hinged lid) that closes as the shell is withdrawn and
retains the loose particles inside. The soil is removed and sampled by opening
the clack once the shell is at ground level.
Rotary drilling
Rotary drilling involves using a high-powered, truck mounted motor to rotate
drilling rods connected to a drill bit into the ground as shown in Figure 4.6.
The technique was traditionally used mainly for boring and sampling rock,
though the technique is becoming increasingly used in soils work too. The
heavy-duty drill bit (interchangeable types exist for whether boring or sampling
is taking place) is attached at the end of the drilling rods and rotates at high
speeds to cut into the ground and move downward.
Figure 4.6. Rotary drilling rig.
The drilling rods are hollow so that a water-based coolant mixture can be
pumped down them and out through holes in the drill bit into the surrounding
space within the borehole. This fluid has several functions: it acts as both a
coolant and as a lubricant to aid the cutting process, it provides pressure
balance during drilling to resist inflow of groundwater to the borehole and it
provides the means by which the cuttings of soil and rock are pumped up
around the drilling rods to the surface for removal.
Two types of soil sample can be obtained: disturbed samples and undisturbed
Disturbed samples
The soil excavated from a trial pit, or the soil from the clay cutter or the shell
from a borehole, can be collected as disturbed samples. Such soil has been
remoulded and is of no use for shear strength tests but is useful for
identification, classification and chemical tests such as liquid and plastic limit
determination, particle size distribution and sulphate testing. Disturbed
samples are usually collected in plastic sampling bags or airtight tins or jars,
and are labelled to give the borehole or trial pit number, the depth and a
description of the contents.
falling weight assembly. Two approaches to retrieving the sample exist: a
standard system using a steel sampling tube and cutting shoe as shown in
Figure 4.7(a) and a plastic liner system where the liner fits inside a larger steel
tube and cutting shoe assembly, Figure 4.7(b). The degree of disturbance
(see Section 4.5.1) is different between both systems.
Steel “U100”
Plastic liner inside steel tube
sampling tube
Taper angle
Cutting shoe
Cutting shoe
D1 = 104.5 mm D1 = 102 mm
D2 = 119 mm D2 = 124 mm
Despite their popularity in the UK, U100 samples are likely to become less
used in the site investigation industry in the coming years as the degree of
disturbance to the samples is considered nowadays unacceptably high.
Other sampling techniques exist – see Elements of Soil Mechanics for details.
There are various measures that can be used to assess the degree of sample
disturbance based on the dimensions of the sampling tube but the most
commonly used is the area ratio, Ca:
𝐷𝐷22 − 𝐷𝐷12
𝐶𝐶𝑎𝑎 = × 100
where D2 and D1 are the external and internal diameters of the cutting
shoe respectively as shown in Figure 4.7.
Determine the area ratios for the two U100 sampling systems shown in Figure
4.8 Geophysical testing
Geophysical testing can be employed (mainly on large projects) to reveal
information from beneath the ground surface by using non-invasive and non-
destructive testing techniques. The methodologies rely on contrasts in
physical properties to detect features in the subsurface soils and rocks. The
testing is fairly specialised and is carried out by specialist geophysics
consultants, as part of the overall ground investigation.
Several geophysical methods exist. The choice of which method to adopt for a
particular site, or part of a site, will depend on several factors, not least what
specifically it is that we are trying to establish (e.g. stratigraphy, presence of
underground services, rock faults, groundwater conditions etc.)
The geotechnical design report contains the GIR along with the results from
the calculations performed to verify the safety and serviceability during the
geotechnical design. Along with the calculations, relevant drawings and
foundation design recommendations are included, as is a plan of supervision
and monitoring for the site.
The GIR is generally prepared in sections, and typically will include the
This introductory section consists of a brief summary which gives the location
of the site, the date of the investigation and name of the client, the types of
bores put down and the equipment used.
Description of site
Here a general description of the site is given: whether it is an open field or a
redevelopment of a site where old foundations, cellars and walls, etc., remain.
Some mention is made of the general geology of the area, whether there are
old mineral workings at depth and, if so, whether the report has considered
their possible effects or not. A map, showing the site location and the
positions of any investigation points, is usually included in the report.
Vertical sections (soil profiles) are generally prepared, showing to scale the
sequence and thickness of the strata. Design engineers are mainly interested
in the materials below the subsoil, and with stratified sedimentary deposits
conditions may be more or less homogeneous. Glacial clay deposits can also
be homogeneous although unstratified, but they often have an erratic
structure in which pockets of different soils are scattered through the main
deposit and make it difficult to obtain an average value for the deposit’s
characteristics. Furthermore, the clay itself may vary considerably, and at
certain levels it can even decrease in strength with increasing depth.
With the application of a foundation load there is little chance of the fissures
opening up, but in cuttings (due to the expansion caused by stress relief)
some fissures may open and allow the ingress of rain water which will
eventually soften the upper region of the deposit and lead to local slips.
Fissures are more prevalent in overconsolidated clays, where stress relief
occurs, than in normally consolidated clays, but any evidence of fissuring
should be reported in the boring record.
Borehole logs
A borehole log is a list of all the materials encountered during the boring. A log
is best shown in sectional form so that the depths at which the various
materials were met can be easily seen. A typical borehole log is shown in
Figure 4.8. It should include a note of all the information that was found:
groundwater conditions, numbers and types of samples taken, list of in situ
tests, time taken by boring, etc.
Laboratory soil tests results
This is a list of the tests carried out together with a set of laboratory sheets
showing all tests results, e.g. particle size distribution curves, liquid limit plots,
Mohr circle plots, etc.
If the investigation has been limited by specification or finance and the ground
interpretation has been based on limited information, it is important that this is
Oven drying is necessary for water content and particle specific gravity (see
Section 6.4) tests but air drying should be used whenever possible for other
soil tests that also require the test sample to be dry.
5.3 Classification of granular soils - Particle size distribution
The size of the soil particle, especially for granular soils, is essential for
understanding its engineering behaviour. The range of possible particle sizes
for soils is vast. Thus, a standardised system is necessary to ensure
consistency between engineers in the classification of granular soils.
Sieve analysis is a usual method for the determination of the particle size
distribution (PSD) of coarse-grained soils. In this method, a specimen of dry
soil is shaken mechanically through a series of wire square mesh sieves. The
aperture size of each succeeding sieve is smaller than the one above. By
weighing the mass of soil retained on each sieve, the particle size distribution
for the soil is obtained.
The particle size scale is based on the limits for each fraction listed in the
table below and in Figure 5.1, according to BS EN ISO 17892-4:2016.
Soil Group Particle Size Fractions Symbol Range of Particle Sizes (mm)
Large boulder lBo >630
Very Coarse Soil Boulder Bo >200 and ≤630
Cobble Co >63 to ≤200
Gravel Gr >2.0 to ≤63
Coarse gravel cGr >20 to ≤63
Medium gravel mGr >6.3 to ≤20
Fine gravel fGr >2.0 to ≤6.3
Coarse Soil
Sand Sa >0.063 to ≤2.0
Coarse sand cSa >0.63 to ≤2.0
Medium sand mSa >0.20 to ≤0.63
Fine sand fSa >0.063 to ≤0.20
Silt Si >0.002 to ≤0.063
Coarse silt cSi >0.02 to ≤0.063
Fine Soil Medium silt mSi >0.0063 to ≤0.02
Fine silt fSi >0.002 to ≤0.0063
Clay Cl ≤0.002
A: Clay; B: Silt; C: Sand; D: Gravel; E: Fine; F: Medium; G: Coarse
Sedimentation Sieving
Figure 5.1. Particle size distribution chart.
The smallest aperture generally used for soils is that of the 0.063 mm size
sieve. Below this size (i.e. silt sizes) the distribution curve must be obtained by
sedimentation (using pipette or hydrometer tests).
The results of the sieve analysis are plotted with the particle sizes horizontal
and the summation percentages vertical. As soil particles vary in size from
molecular to boulder, it is necessary to use a log scale for the horizontal plot
so that the full range can be shown on the one sheet. Moreover, log-scale
allows to see the same level of details at both ends of the scale
The smallest aperture generally used in soils work is that of the 0.063 µm size
sieve. Below this size (i.e. silt and clay sizes) the distribution curve must be
obtained by sedimentation (following either a pipette or hydrometer method of
analysis). Unless a centrifuge is used, it is not possible to determine the range
of clay sizes in a soil, and usually it is adequate to just obtain the total
percentage of clay sizes present. The procedures for sieve, pipette and
hydrometer analyses are given in BS EN ISO 17892-4: 2016.
The PSD indicates the distribution of the particles within the soil. The shape of
the curve reflects the uniformity of the particles – see Example 5.2.
5.3.1 The effective size of a distribution, D10
An important particle size within a soil distribution is the effective size which is
the largest size of the smallest 10%. It is given the symbol D10. Other particle
sizes, such as D60, D30 and D85, are defined in the same manner.
If the soil has any other form of distribution curve then it is said to be poorly
graded. According to their distribution curves there are two types of poorly
graded soil:
• if the major part of the curve is steep then the soil has a particle size
distribution extending over a limited range with most particles tending
to be about the same size. The soil is said to be uniformly graded;
• if a soil has large percentages of its bigger and smaller particles and
only a small percentage of the intermediate sizes then its grading curve
will exhibit a significantly flat section or plateau. Such a soil is said to
be gap graded.
Inserting these two coefficients into the table below, the shape of the grading
curve is determined (BS EN ISO 14688‑2:2018).
Term Cu CC
Uniformly graded <3 <1
Poorly graded 3 to 6 <1
Medium graded 6 to 15 <1
Well graded >15 1 to 3
Gap graded >15 <0.5
Example 5.2: Particle size distribution
A particle size distribution analysis on a sample of soil returned the following
results. Total sample mass = 241g
Plot the PSD and determine the uniformity coefficient of the soil.
(You may wish to use the PSD template provided on Vision.)
5.4 Classification of cohesive soils
Cohesive soils derive their behaviour from their clay mineral content. The
index tests (consistency limits, Atterberg limits) are used to describe the water
content at which a standard type of plastic behaviour is seen. Atterberg limits
correspond to the threshold water contents at which certain types of
engineering behaviour of the soil can be expected. These water content
boundaries are unique to each soil but the expected soil behaviour is the
same (i.e. if we know the soil’s water content at a site relative to its Atterberg
limits, then we already know which type of engineering behaviour to expect
from that soil.)
1. shrinkage limit
2. plastic limit, WP
3 3. liquid limit, WL
1 2
w (%)
Brittle Plastic Liquid
In 1911 Atterberg suggested the concept of boundaries to the four states in
which a soil may exist:
• liquid limit: the boundary between the liquid and the plastic state;
• plastic limit: the boundary between the plastic and the semi-solid state;
• shrinkage limit: the boundary between the semi-solid and the solid state.
If IL = 1.0 the soil is at its liquid limit; if IL = 0 the soil is at its plastic limit.
The plasticity index, when plotted against the liquid limit on the plasticity chart
(Figure 5.3), enables the classification of cohesive soils (British Standard BS
EN ISO 14688‑2:2018.
To use the plasticity chart, a point is plotted whose coordinates are the liquid
limit and the plasticity index of the soil. The soil is then classified by observing
the position of the point. Two lines are present on the plasticity chart (1) A-
Line and (2) U-Line. A-line is an empirical boundary between inorganic clays,
whose points lie above the line, and organic silts and clays whose points lie
below. U-line indicates the approximate upper limit for natural soils. The
equations for both lines are noted on the table of plasticity chart below.
Figure 5.3. Plasticity chart for the British Soil Classification System.
A metal cup, approximately 55 mm in diameter and 40 mm deep, is filled with
the paste and the surface struck off level. The cone, with apex angle of 30° (or
60°) and mass 80 g (or 60 g), is next placed at the centre of the smoothed soil
surface and level with it. The cone is released so that it penetrates into the soil
and the amount of penetration, over a time period of 5 seconds, is measured.
The test is now repeated by lifting the cone clear, cleaning it and filling up the
depression in the surface of the soil by adding a little more of the wet soil. The
table below gives the (1) Allowable cone penetration range, (2) Penetration
depth corresponding to the liquid limit and (3) Maximum difference between
two successive readings for two types of cone penetrometers.
If the difference between the two successive readings is less than 0.5 mm (or
0.4 mm) then the tests are considered valid. The average penetration is
noted. After each reading, a specimen of minimum mass of 15 g of the
remoulded paste is removed from the zone penetrated by the cone, and the
water content is determined according to ISO 17892-1.
The procedure is repeated at least four times with increasing water contents.
The amount of water used throughout should be such that the penetrations
obtained lie within a range of 15 to 25 mm (or 7 to 15 mm).
To obtain the liquid limit, the variation of cone penetration is plotted against
water content and the best straight line is drawn through the experimental
points. The liquid limit is taken to be the water content corresponding to a
cone penetration of 20 mm (or 10 mm), which should be expressed as a
whole number.
Example 5.3: Liquid limit test
The following results were obtained during a liquid limit test on a soil.
Determine the liquid limit.
If the two plastic limit water content results differ by more than 2 % absolute
for values of wP ≤ 40%, or by more than 5 % relative for values of wP ≥ 40 %,
then the test should be repeated. The plastic limit is calculated as the average
water content from the two determined plastic limit water content.
Test No. Mass of tin Mass of wet soil Mass of dry soil +
(g) + tin (g) tin (g)
Determine the liquid limit, plastic limit and the plasticity index of the soil, and
thereafter, classify the soil.
5.5 Principles of Soil Classification
BS EN ISO 14688: 2018 is used for the classification of soils across Europe.
As shown in Section 5.3, most soils are mixtures of particles of different sizes.
They consist of primary, secondary and sometimes tertiary size fractions.
Considering very coarse and coarse soils, the primary fraction, in terms of
mass, determines the engineering properties of the soil. The soil identification
is named by a noun stating the primary fraction and it is usually given in upper
case. BS EN ISO 14688-2: 2018 offers the principles of classification listed in
the table below. If two soil fractions are present in approximately equal
proportions, an oblique is placed between the relevant terms, e.g.
On the other hand, for fine soils, the primary fraction, in terms of plastic
behaviour (not mass), determines the engineering properties of the soil.
Therefore, the plasticity chart, presented in Figure 5.3 should be used. The
intermediate terms of “silty CLAY” or “clayey SILT” should be used for material
that is borderline in behaviour between CLAY and SILT.
As in the case of primary fractions, if the secondary fraction is fine, the
plasticity chart should be used to identify it as “clayey” or “silty”.
The secondary fractions are placed in the order of increasing proportion when
there are two coarse soil secondary features, or coarse and then fine if one of
each, as shown in the following examples:
• sandy GRAVEL;
• medium sandy SILT;
• fine gravelly silty coarse SAND;
• very silty fine SAND;
• fine gravelly, coarse sandy SILT;
• slightly medium sandy CLAY.
a) Plot the particle size distribution curve and determine the uniformity
coefficient and coefficient of curvature of the soil.
b) Classify the soil.
Example 5.6: Soil classification (ii)
A set of particle size distribution analyses on three soils, A, B and C, gave the
following results:
Soil C: Since more than 10% passed the 63 µm sieve, a pipette analysis
(described in BS EN ISO 17892-4:2016) was performed. The results were:
Percentage passing
Particle sizes (mm) Soil C
0.04 78
0.02 61
0.006 47
0.002 40
Soil C was found to have a liquid limit of 48% and a plastic limit of 33%.
Plot the particle size distribution curves and classify each soil.
The particle size distribution curves for the three soils are presented below:
Soil A
Soil B
Percentage passing
Soil C
0.001 0.010 0.100 1.000 10.000 100.000
5.6 Description of soils
Classifying and describing a soil are two operations which are not necessarily
the same. An operator who has not even visited the site from which a soil
came can classify the soil using the information obtained from grading and
plasticity tests carried out on disturbed samples. Such tests are necessary if
the soil is being considered as a possible construction material and the
information obtained from them must be included in any description of the soil.
• Particle shape
• Particle strength
• Mineral composition
• Fines content
• Consistency
• Colour
• Organic content
• Carbonate content
• Degree of decomposition of peat
From the idealised model, we can see that the total volume, V can be
considered as comprising the volume of solids (Vs) and the volume of voids
V = Vs + Vv
Moreover, the volume of voids (Vv) comprises of volume of air (Va) and
volume of water (Vw):
Vv = Va + Vw
The void ratio is the ratio of the volume of voids (Vv) to that of solids (Vs). It is
usually expressed as a decimal rather than a percentage.
Typical values of void ratios for sands usually range from 0.4 to 1.0. For clays,
the range is usually from 0.3 to 1.5.
6.2 Porosity, n
The porosity is the ratio of the volume of voids (Vv) to that of total volume (V).
Porosity can be related to void ratio as shown below:
6.3 Degree of saturation, Sr
The voids of a soil may be filled with air or water or both. If only air is present
the soil is dry (Figure 6.2.a), whereas if only water is present the soil is
saturated (Figure 6.2.b). When both air and water are present the soil is said
to be partially saturated (Figure 6.2.c).
The degree of saturation tells us what percentage of total void space contains
water. Therefore, it is expressed as follows:
Dry soil: Sr = 0%
Saturated soil: Sr = 100%
Partially saturated soil: 0% < Sr < 100%
A soil of total volume 200ml contains 25ml air and 30ml water. Calculate the
void ratio and the degree of saturation.
Example 6.2: void ratio and porosity
e.g. for a soil with volume of solids, Vs and mass of solids, Ms;
where ρw is the density of water (= 1.0 Mg/m3 at 20°C) and γw is the unit
weight of water (= 9.81 kN/m3).
Figure. 6.3 Fluid pycnometer: (1) with capillary and thermometer, (2) only
with capillary.
• Determine the dry mass of the clean and dry pycnometer (m0).
• Fill the pycnometer with reference fluid, without leaving any air in the
pycnometer or in the capillary. Place the pycnometer inside a water
bath or temperature-controlled room. Leave the pycnometer in the
water bath until the control fluid temperature is equal to that of the
water bath (a minimum of 1 h). If a temperature-controlled room or
cabinet is used, a minimum of 16 h should be allowed. Once
temperature equilibrium is obtained, determine the total mass of the
pycnometer (m1).
• Dry the soil sample according to ISO 17892-1. The sample should have
a dry mass of at least 10 g and should pass through a 4 mm sieve, if
using a 50 ml pycnometer. If larger particles are present, either crush
the particles or use a larger pycnometer. Place the dry specimen in the
pycnometer and determine the total mass (m2).
• Fill the pycnometer with control fluid. Ensure that trapped air in the
sample is removed, by mechanical agitation, by gentle heating or by
the application of vacuum. Then, fill the rest of the pycnometer with
control fluid until the top of capillary. Determine the total mass (m3).
Once all the above measurements are finalized, the equations below are
utilized to calculate the particle density (ρs) of the soil.
First the dry mass of the soil sample (m4) is calculated:
𝑚𝑚4 = 𝑚𝑚2 − 𝑚𝑚0
The mass of an empty pycnometer (including the cover and capillary) was
478.0 g. When completely filled with control fluid, the total mass was 1508.2
g. An oven dried sample of soil was inserted in the pycnometer and the total
mass was 676.6 g. Control fluid was added to the soil and, after a suitable
period of shaking, was topped up until the pycnometer was full. The total
mass was found to be 1632.6 g.
Determine the particle density of the soil knowing that water (ρL = 1.0
Mg/m3) was used as control fluid.
6.5 Density and unit weight
6.5.1 Bulk density, ρ
The bulk density of a soil is a frequently, easily determined, geotechnical
property. By sampling a soil of known volume, V, the mass, M can easily be
measured on lab scales and the bulk density determined:
The apparatus shown in Figure 6.4 is suitable for fine to medium grained soils
and is known as the small pouring cylinder method.
For coarse grained soils a larger pouring cylinder is used. This cylinder has an
internal diameter of 215 mm and a height of 170 mm to the valve or shutter.
The excavated hole in this case should be about 200 mm in diameter and
some 250 mm deep. This larger pouring cylinder can also be used for fine to
medium grained soils.
6.5.5 Buoyant, submerged or effective unit weight γ'
The weight of a soil below the water table is partly balanced by the buoyant
effect of the water. The proportion of weight balanced is equal to the weight of
the volume of water displaced.
These maximum and minimum values can be obtained from laboratory tests
and it is often convenient to relate them to the naturally occurring void ratio of
the soil. This relationship is expressed as the density index, or relative
density, of the soil:
The theoretical maximum density of the soil occurs at e = emin. In this case,
the density index (ID) of the soil equals 1. Similarly, the theoretical minimum
density of the soil occurs at e = emax. In this case, the density index (ID) of the
soil equals 0.
See the end of these notes for complete list of equations and notations.
Example 6.5: Bulk density, dry density and water content
A soil had a wet mass of 2.180 kg and occupied a volume of 1.2 litres. After
oven drying the mass reduced to 1.890 kg. Calculate bulk density, water
content and dry density.
A sample of saturated clay has a volume of 245ml and, after oven drying, has
a mass of 453g. If Gs = 2.75, determine the dry and saturated unit weights of
the soil in its natural state.
V = 245 ml
Ms = 453 g
Gs = 2.75
Soil Physical Relations
List of Symbols
Vv = Volume of voids
Va = Volume of air
Vw = Volume of water
Vs = Volume of solids
V = Total volume
Mw = Mass of water
Ms = Mass of solids
M = Total mass
ρb = Bulk density
ρd = Dry density
ρs = Particle density
ρsat = ρSAT = Saturated density
ρ′ = Submerged/buoyant density
ρw = Density of water
Gs = Specific gravity
Sr = Degree of saturation
w = Moisture content or water content
e = Void ratio
n = Porosity