Airbus Winch Details
Airbus Winch Details
Airbus Winch Details
AIRCRAFT Version(s)
CONCERNED Civil Military
EC120 B
AS350 B, BA, BB, B1, B2, B3, D L1
AS550 A2, C2, C3, U2
AS355 E, F, F1, F2, N, NP
AS555 AF, AN, SN, UF, UN, AP
EC130 B4, T2
SA365 / AS365 C1, C2, C3, N, N1, N2, N3 F, Fs, Fi, K, K2
AS565 MA, MB, SA, SB, UB, MBe
SA366 GA
EC155 B, B1
SA330 J Ba, L, Jm, S1, Sm
SA341 G B, C, D, E, F, H
SA342 J L, L1, M, M1, Ma
ALOUETTE II 313B, 3130, 318B, 318C, 3180
ALOUETTE III 316B, 316C, 3160, 319B
EC225 LP
EC725 AP
AS332 C, C1, L, L1, L2 B, B1, F1, M, M1
AS532 A2, U2, AC, AL, SC, UE, UL
EC175 B
EC339 KUH/Surion
C (C23, CB, CB-4, CB-5), D (DB, DBS, DB-4, DBS-4,
BO105 CBS-5 KLH, E-4
DBS-5), S (CS, CBS, CBS-4, CBS-5), LS A-3
MBB-BK117 A-1, A-3, A-4, B-1, B-2, C-1, C-2, C-2e, D-2, D-2m D-2m
T1, T2, T2+, T3, P1, P2, P2+, P3, EC635 T1, EC635 T2+,
EC135 EC635 T3, EC635 P2+, EC635 P3,
T3H, P3H, EC635 T3H, EC635 P3H
This document and the following information are the result of the ESPN-R hoist task force study and analysis.
From the 1970s on, the hoist became more robust and popular on lighter helicopters; non-military, governmental
and non-governmental organizations started to adopt its use to save lives.
From the mid-2000s, the off-shore wind turbine industry grew and the helicopter with its hoist was a safe vehicle
system to transfer maintenance staff to the wind turbines.
Along with the continuous development of renewable energies, the helicopter industry expects a significant growth
in this last sector. To ensure a safe and efficient operation, EASA has established together with the helicopter
industry a working group to publish best practices, safety recommendations, training standards and review
certification requirements.
Protection against
Appropriate head & eye protection, environmental conditions,
wind, rain, dust, particles,
Flight or survival suit
water, etc.
Rescue / emergency knife
PCDS with quick disconnect link
Radio equipment
Rescue Stretcher / Bag Rescue Triangle Rescue Sling - mainly for water rescue
with potential risk of loss of load and NOT
recommended for HEC
Risk to be prevented: use of equipment designed for ship-side use and not for helicopter operations/transfer.
Risk prevention & mitigation strategies:
- Use equipment designed for use with helicopters (life vests, survival suits, life rafts…) which take into account
the specific context (non-automatic deployment, release system, lift & boost issues…).
Risk to be prevented: crew or passengers unable to release cabin securing devices after ditching.
Risk prevention & mitigation strategies:
- cabin securing devices shall be releasable under load,
- this may also be considered in OPS regulations,
- alternatively, a rescue knife / belt cutter may be used.
Risk to be prevented: an entanglement where the helicopter is attached to the ground through the rescuer.
Risk prevention & mitigation strategies:
- There exists specific devices like the Norwegian ARS or the Petzl Lezard → Video link
Risk to be prevented: dynamic disengagement of hoist hook, link of D-LOK hook disengagement/rollout.
Risk prevention & mitigation:
- all crew members involved in hoist and/or external sling load operations shall be trained and attentive to the
dynamic rollout (ring reversal) phenomenon,
- hook and equipment shall be checked for compatibility prior to flight.
OK! Helicopter Cable
tied to the free to
ground reel in
meters to Helicopter
the tied to the
ground ground
Ready to
hoist up
Abort hoist operation Disconnect from Hook Loss of radio com Pay attention
Risk to be prevented: unnecessary items brought in flight (loose objects & potential impact on performance).
Risk prevention & mitigation strategies:
- Bring the minimum of additional mission equipment for the flight crew, reduce to what is really essential /
required to perform the mission.
Risk to be prevented: more than 1 harness connected to a hard point (safety point).
Risk prevention & mitigation strategies:
- in flight, prior to opening the door, the cabin shall be secured and the Hoist Operator harness attached on one
hard point and cross-checked by the other crew members,
Risk to be prevented: Vortex Ring State, main or tail rotor impact, entanglement, FOD by any loose ground object.
Risk prevention & mitigation strategies:
- mandate in SOP 2 reconnaissance fly-overs before initiation of hoist operation to evaluate terrain, wind,
visibility, briefing of hoist operation, e.g. power setting, emergencies and escape path, alternate, etc.,
o A high pass in order to understand the operating zone (wind, main obstacles as powerlines, high trees,
animals or crowd on the ground etc., Way in, way out/ Escape route, clearance to descend).
o Low pass to understand the hoisting area and confirmed A/C performance, winching height, escape route.
- no hoist ops should be performed without a situation assessment before commitment to hover. Checklists
Risk to be prevented:
- entanglement or hooking of harness,
- unintended detachment during initial lift off.
Risk prevention & mitigation strategies: the goal is to ensure that the rigging and equipment have been checked
and that the load is clear of obstructions.
- a safety check should be performed prior to the extraction of HEC (human external cargo),
- once the pilot is satisfied and considers the check complete, he is clear to depart the scene.
Risk to be prevented: aircraft-side crew unaware that the helicopter is attached to the ground.
Risk prevention & mitigation strategies:
- setup and use clear hand-signals to the hoist operator / flight crew when no radio communication available or
- always maintain visual contact. Hoist Operator positioning outside the helicopter (with skid landing gear)
Risk to be prevented: PIC loss of visual reference; HMD (helmet mounted display) information overload; focus on
specific phase of flight relevant information by PIC (chime or gong).
Risk prevention & mitigation strategies:
- reduction of radio communication (temporary on hoist mission - info to ATC),
- crew Resource Management; example for off-shore harbor pilot transfer: during vessel hoist maneuver, PF only
Intercom and hoist commands while PNF ATC and vessel communications.
Risk to be prevented: insufficient ground scene illumination, rescuer on hoist is unable to see hand signals from the
Hoist Operator due to the light beam under the fuselage.
Risk prevention & mitigation:
- most on-board search lights are not sufficient to illuminate the hoist mission area. Potentially a tactical high
intensity light such as Trakka may be used to increase visibility for the helicopter crew,
- standardization of lighting signals to be introduced / developed for normal, abnormal and emergency procedures
for hoist operations in case of loss of radio communication,
- hoist operations under NVG conditions - special training necessary and proficiency has to be demonstrated to
remain current / mission ready
Risk to be prevented: hoist technical failure preventing reel-in of the HEC & crew not prepared/briefed for this
Risk prevention & mitigation strategies:
- Crew briefing to address this type of emergency to be prepared in case of hoist failure / alternate plan / missed
Risk to be prevented: Grounding cable lost in operation due to incorrect sequence of attached hardware.
Risk prevention & mitigation strategies:
- the combination of used hardware and hook must match,
- appropriate hardware for this type of hook must be used.
Risk to be prevented: Grounding cable lost in operation due to entanglement with ground structure.
Risk prevention & mitigation strategies:
- use of appropriate equipment (anti-static line without weight) to prevent entanglement,
- a predetermined breaking point shall exist.
Risk to be prevented: Uncontrolled rotation of passenger during hoisting up leading to vertigo and even falling from
height due to dizziness when set down in mountainous terrain (video link2).
Risk prevention & mitigation strategies:
- briefing & check of equipment: mostly vertical position, preferably put in front and not on back, with no heavy or
large backpacks,
- increase of forward speed of HC as the critical cable length between 15 to 22 meters is to be avoided,
- brief on use of personal position (“Scheißhocke” or toilet position),
- finally, with faster hoist cable speeds, critical cable length can be passed faster/safer 6 hydraulic
(slower 0,9 m/s) vs. electric (1,25 m/s) (faster).
Risk to be prevented: strong winds making hot mic of hoist operator and communication/commands hard to
Risk prevention & mitigation:
- standard wording for commands,
- wind deflector or full face mask for intercom microphone.
Risk to be prevented: damage to hoist cable during operations, damage non-detection by maintenance technician.
Risk prevention & mitigation:
- training of hoist operators for hoist cable damages during hoist operation to avoid a potential loss of load and
substantial damage to the equipment,
- sharing information with maintenance technicians on damage typologies.
Risk to be prevented: Maintenance procedures not correctly applied (for instance pyrotechnic cartridge not
Risk prevention & mitigation strategies:
- dual inspection to be performed,
- apply the same safety, quality, training, tools, etc. to hoist maintenance as when working on similarly critical
components (main rotor blades, engines, etc.).
Risk to be prevented: Hoist usage (hrs / cycles) information not well monitored by flight crew, maintenance staff
and not correctly tracked in the IT system leading to maintenance procedures not correctly applied, unairworthy
Risk prevention & mitigation strategies:
- Stick to procedures & processes for hoist usage monitoring.
Risk to be prevented: In Flight use of unapproved hoist configuration.
Risk prevention & mitigation strategies:
- If unsure ask your Techrep or OEM for clarification.
Developments from Airbus Helicopters have shown that while a hoist beam mounted light can bring better visibility
on the hoist passenger, it provides little height perception and can depending on setup be obstructed by the hoist
operator’s body.
Lighting coming from the side at an angle allows a better perceiving of the height of the hoist passenger. Typically,
these can be implemented with swivelling lights or less expensively with fixed lights (adjustable only on the ground)
on the tail boom.
Depending on the aircraft, a fixed light setup (adjustable only on ground) can be affected by the evolution of the
center of gravity in flight. It will also have ”blind spots” along the length of the cable. The adjustments will have to
focus on the mission’s most critical phases.
Similarly, live feeds from hoist beam mounted cameras can provide benefits for the crew’s situational awareness.
A tail boom mounted camera linked to the glass cockpit display can provide interesting situation awareness
benefits for rotor-turning embarkation as well as some phases of hoisting.
A hoist beam mounted camera linked to the cockpit glass display can be a useful back-up for the pilot’s situation
During down-hoisting
the rescuer will unfold
the rescue harness
When the rotation lock
The rescue harness When arriving at the system on the rescue
must be attached to patient the rescuer harness is closed and
the hoist hook before closes the rescue sling adjusted, the up-hoisting
down-hoisting and tightens it firmly can start after signaling
One of the specifics of offshore flight is usually laminar wind conditions. However, with the increasing use of large
tankers or cruisers, specific risks need to be tackled.
Large vessels are an obstacle to laminar winds at sea and can generate dynamic updrafts and vortices, much like
what can be encountered in mountain flying.
Risk identified: quick variations of dynamic updraft due to ship heading change or squalls from a different direction
can induce significant height gain or loss.
Wind direction
Large obstacles windward will “mask” the wind from the hoist passenger at some point on the way down.
Risk identified: No longer pushed by the wind, the hoist passenger will swing back to a position vertically below the
Wind direction
Wind direction
Risk mitigation: the hoist operator needs to anticipate this effect and adapt the approach vector and cable reeling
speed accordingly.
Large vessels may emit smoke from their engine stacks. Depending on ship heading, wind direction, this can
generate a risk if the smoke trail is in the aircraft approach path.
Risk identified: risk to negatively impact engine performance, including and up to uncommanded in-flight engine
shutdown; also a medium term risk of engine contamination build-up.
Wind direction
Risk mitigation: it is possible to assess whether the aircraft is on the smoke trail by day (by sight) as well as by
night (by smell).
- By day, the crew can assess the possibility to adapt the approach depending on wind direction and obstacles.
- By night, or if changing the approach is not practical by day, the crew should abort the approach and call for the
ship captain to change the ship heading, then reposition to initiate a new approach.
Risk identified: going to the wrong ship by night or during missions with drops to several ships, loss of visual
reference if encountering fog banks in VFR.
700ft (SL)
300ft (SL)
Risk mitigation: For offshore environments (no obstacles), a specific approach can be set up where a crew member
will call out the height and distance to the ship to the pilot at pre-defined intervals to establish a stabilized
approach. At 0.5nm from the target ship, if the ship is not visible then the approach is aborted and a go around will
be performed.
Homing on the ship can be assisted:
- Using the ARA procedure (airborne radar approach), which repurposes some weather radars to detect the ship
- Or using the AIS, equipment using the ship transponder information.
Note: It is recommended to use this structured approach even in VFR with good visibility. To make this a standard
practice, allow the crew to remain up to date on the procedure and avoid disorientation in case of I-IMC
(inadvertent entry into instrument meteorological conditions).
Risk mitigation: a specific approach can be defined where the hoist passenger is lowered to 6 feet from sea level
away from the boat. The pilot will finish the approach and then the hoist operator finishes lowering the hoist
passenger. This procedure implies a risk of dragging the hoist passenger in the water: maintaining height is thus
Specific environmental conditions (e.g. storm, snow, dust) can induce increased static electrical loads on the
Risk identified: It is important that the hoist passenger does not come into contact with the ground (or boat) before
the bonding cable makes contact.
Risk mitigation:
- brief the hoist passenger to maintain the bonding cable straight with his shoes. This will prevent the cable from
being deflected by the wind.
- Pay attention to the hoist passenger height and make sure that the bonding cable provides sufficient margin.
- Brief hoist passengers not to “guide” the cable reeling-up by holding the grounding cable, as they can end up
completing the grounding loop with their body.
Note: be careful if you put a weight at the end of the bonding cable. While it makes it less prone to wind deflection,
it creates a risk it will lash onto the pad environment as a bolas would, it also increases the risk of airframe
One of the specifics of on-shore hoisting operations is that ground obstacles and hills frequently induce non laminar
wind and vortices.
Risk identified: non identified perturbations and obstacles can lead to aircraft damage and hoist passenger injury.
Wind Direction
Risk mitigation:
- If there is no specific urgency, always take the time to first simulate an approach and perform a go around. This
can help set the navigation system reference point, and check common understanding of the crew on the
intended operation area. Also see section
- To determine local aerological conditions, the ground crew can deploy smoke canisters (paying attention to fire
hazards in case of dry conditions). If there is no ground crew, the simulated approach is a good opportunity to
drop the smoke canister on the intended operation area from the aircraft.
It is generally preferable to have the person to be hoisted come below the helicopter, when the environment is not
confined. On the contrary, when the environment is confined, it is preferable that the person to be hoisted stands
still in a chosen favorable spot.
Risk identified: environment with a lot of obstacles
obstacle line
approach 1
Risk mitigation:
- Prioritize minimizing risk exposure time.
- A specific approach can be defined where, when the hoist passenger is above the highest obstacle, the helicopter
will start to climb as the cable is being reeled-in. Gaining height is preferable to the helicopter initiating forward
speed as climbing allows to keep a better sight on the hoist passenger and makes it slightly easier to embark.
Risk: If no hoist beam or tail boom mounted light or swivelling light is available, lack of visibility for people on the
ground and the hoist operator can lead to injuries.
Risk mitigation: it is recommended to attach lightsticks to the hoist hook to increase visibility for people on the
ground and the hoist operator.
Recommended Practice 1: Brief hoist passengers to look at the hoist operator in all circumstances.
Recommended Practice 2: When the hook is going up or down close to the hoist passenger on the ground, there is
a risk that the hook hits the hoist passenger on the head as the cable slack decreases. As a risk mitigation it is
recommended to keep the hook at a distance shielding oneself with the forearm. Consider the use of a helmet.
Recommended Practice 3: Develop and use a standard phraseology for crew communication that is resistant to
partial transmission (ex: “positive”, “negative”, can both return partial as “***tive”). Complexity of this standard
should be kept consistent with the frequency of use of the target population.
Recommended Practice 4: Crew communication: Read-back messages, i.e. repeat the messages you receive or
an appropriate part thereof to the sender so as to obtain confirmation of correct reception and give the sender the
opportunity to repeat or correct the messages.
Recommended Practice 5: Continuous improvement: Operators should look out for new and improved equipment
on the market. There are constantly new developments for supporting aids and products, for instance (but not
- new protective gloves with special features, i.e. with special fabrics for abrasive and puncture protection
especially taking into account the needs of a hoist operator,
- fall-dampers on PCDS,
- strap cutting devices,
- etc