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This is an Advanced Idiomatic Expressions lesson related to 손, the hand. In order to fully

understand and use the expressions introduced in this series, it is essential that you understand

the grammatical structure of the sentences. When you come across a grammar point that you

are unfamiliar with, please go back and review the related TTMIK lessons.

손 = hand

1. 손에 익다 = get accustomed to something

(익다 = to be ripe, to be experienced)

→ You might be familiar with the word 익숙하다, which means “to be used to” something. Here,

the verb 익다 has the same meaning as 익숙하다, but with the word 손, the expression is always

used in the form 손에 익다. Think of it as a task or skill being “comfortable” or “accustomed” to

the hand.

Ex) 아직 일이 손에 익지 않아서, 시간이 오래 걸려요.

= I haven’t become accustomed to the work yet, so it takes me a long time.

2. 손을 씻다 = to be through with something (bad); to quit doing

something (bad)
(씻다 = to wash)

→ The verb 씻다 means “to wash,” so the literal meaning of 손을 씻다 is “to wash one’s hands.”

While it really is used in that sense, the expression 손을 씻다 can also be used to mean “to quit

doing something bad,” such criminal or illegal acts.

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Ex) 저는 그 일에서 손 씻은 지 오래 됐어요.

= It’s been a long time since I quit doing that.

3. 손이 크다 = to have an open hand; to be very generous (usually

with food that one cooks)
(크다 = to be big)

→ When someone tends to make a lot of food when cooking, you can say that the person

is 손이 크다. When this expression is used in an idiomatic way, it has nothing to do with the

actual size of the person’s hand. 손이 크다 is often, if not always, used to refer to mothers

always cooking more food than necessary.

Ex) 저희 어머니는 손이 커서 항상 음식을 너무 많이 하세요.

= My mother has an open hand, so she always cooks too much food.

4. 손에 땀을 쥐다 = to be thrilled (while experiencing or watching

(땀 = sweat, 쥐다 = to grab)

→ Literally, 손에 땀을 쥐다 means to “grab sweat in one’s hand.” The actual meaning of this

phrase is that you are so excited and thrilled that your hands start sweating, therefore you

have some sweat in your hands. This expression is commonly used in the forms 손에 땀을 쥐고,

meaning “while being very thrilled,” and 손에 땀을 쥐게 하는, meaning “to be thrilling.”

Ex) 축구 경기가 너무 재미있어서 정말 손에 땀을 쥐고 봤어요.

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The soccer match was a lot of fun, so I felt really thrilled while watching it.

The soccer match was a lot of fun and I was really on the edge of my seat.

5. 손에 안 잡히다 = can’t concentrate on something (usually work)

(잡히다 = to be grabbed, to be caught)

→ When you say that something is 손에 안 잡히다, it literally means that something is “not

caught by one’s hands” but the actual meaning behind it is that you can’t get your hands on

some task or can’t concentrate on something because you are distracted by other worries or

exciting things.

Ex) 걱정돼서 일이 손에 안 잡혀요.

= I can’t concentrate on work because I am worried.

6. 손을 놓다 = to stop working on something; to get one’s hands

off something
(놓다 = to let go)

→ When you have your hands off something, it means you are not working on it anymore.

You can say 손을 놓다 when you are either distracted or discouraged and not working on

something anymore.

Ex) 요즘 비디오 만드는 것에 손을 놓고 있었어요.

= Recently, I haven’t been making any videos.

7. 손이 닳도록 빌다 = to beg as if one’s life depended on it; to beg

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and plead
(닳다 = to be worn down, 빌다 = to beg, to plead)

→ 빌다 is to beg or to plead, and 손이 닳도록 means “to the point where your hands will be

worn out”, so all together, 손이 닳도록 빌다 means to plead or beg as if your life depended on it.

Ex) 손이 닳도록 빌었는데도, 안 된다고 했어요.

= I begged and begged, but he still said no.

8. 손을 떼다 = to pull out of something

(떼다 = to detach)

→ 떼다 means “to detach something off another thing.” So, when you say that you detach your

hands off something, it means you’ve stopped doing something. Whereas 손을 놓다, 손을 떼다,

and 손을 씻다 have similar meanings, 손을 씻다 usually means to stop doing something that is

bad or illegal, 손을 놓다 means “to be too distracted or tired to continue working on something,”

and 손을 떼다 means “to decide to stop being involved in something from a certain moment.”

Ex) 저는 이 일에서 손 뗄게요.

= I will pull out of this.

= I will stop being involved in this project.

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In this lesson, we are going to take a look at the grammar structure, -아/어/여 버리다. This

structure is used to express the completion of a certain action. In addition to the fact that an

action is completed, this structure also includes the speaker’s feeling, which can be 1) a happy

feeling about finally completing a task and getting rid of a burden, or 2) a sad feeling that

something happened in a way that the speaker did not want or expect.

Verb stem + -아/어/여 버리다


끝나다 = to finish; to end

→ 끝나 버리다 = to finish; to come to an end

→ 끝나 버렸어요. = It ended (and I am sad about it). / It ended (and it’s completely over).

Although the construction is fairly simple, it will take some time to get used to the actual

meaning behind this grammar structure, especially when you want to determine whether the

feeling contained in the sentence is a happy one about completing a task or a sad one about

something ending.

Examples of a happy feeling attached to -아/어/여 버리다

1. 다 끝내 버렸어요!

= I’ve finished everything!

2. 고민하다가, 사 버렸어요!

= I was hesitating, but I’ve (finally) bought it!

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Examples of a sad feeling attached to -아/어/여 버리다

1. 잃어 버렸어요.

= I’ve lost it (and I’m not happy about it).

2. 떨어져 버렸어요.

= It dropped (and I didn’t want it to).

Sample Sentences
1. 어제 산 핸드폰을 잃어 버렸어요.

= I lost the cell phone I bought yesterday. (And I didn’t want that to happen.)

2. 안 좋은 일은 다 잊어 버렸어요.

= I’ve forgotten all the bad things. (I am done with them.)

3. 빨리 끝내 버리세요.

= Get it over with quickly.

= Finish it quickly and be done with it already.

4. 벌써 다 말해 버렸어요.

= I’ve already told them everything. (It’s done. It’s over.)

5. 10분 더 기다려도 안 오면 저 혼자 가 버릴 거예요.

= If I wait for 10 more minutes (and) you don’t come, I will just go by myself.

6. 어제 쓴 글이 마음에 안 들어서 다 지워 버렸어요.

= I didn’t like what I wrote yesterday, so I’ve erased it all.

7. 효진 씨한테 기다려 달라고 했는데, 그냥 가 버렸어요.

= I asked Hyojin to wait, but she just left.

8. 컴퓨터가 멈춰 버렸어요.

= My computer has stopped. (And it’s causing me trouble.)

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9. 시작한 김에 오늘 다 끝내 버리는 거 어때요?

= Now that we’ve started it, why don’t we just get it all done today?

10. 영화가 벌써 시작해 버렸어요.

= Oh, no! The movie has already begun!

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Welcome to another lesson in the Advanced Situational Expressions series. Throughout this se-

ries, we go over common situations and some of the advanced Korean expressions you can use

in each of them. In this lesson, we will introduce various expressions you can use when you are

unhappy or upset about something or a particular situation.

1. 오늘 기분이 너무 안 좋아요.

[o-neul gi-bu-ni neo-mu an jo-a-yo.]

= I’m feeling terrible today.

= I’m so upset today.

2. 지금 그럴 기분 아니에요.

[ ji-geum geu-reol gi-bun a-ni-e-yo.]

= I’m in no mood to do that.

3. 지금 이야기할 기분 아니에요. 말 시키지 마세요.

[ ji-geum i-ya-gi-hal gi-bun a-ni-e-yo. mal si-ki-ji ma-se-yo.]

= I’m not in the mood to talk now. Please leave me alone.

4. 진짜 열 받는 일이 있었어요.

[ jin-jja yeol bat-neun i-ri i-sseo-sseo-yo.]

= Something really upsetting happened.

= I’m so upset now because of what happened earlier.

5. 사람이 어떻게 그래요?

[sa-ra-mi eo-tteo-ke geu-rae-yo?]

= How can someone be so mean?

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= How can they do that to me?

6. 진짜 어이가 없네.

[ jin-jja eo-i-ga eop-ne.]

= I don’t even know what to say. I’m so mad.

7. 저 지금 너무 화 나는데 참고 있는 거예요.

[ jeo ji-geum neo-mu hwa na-neun-de cham-gi it-neun geo-ye-yo.]

= I’m so upset now but I’m trying not to show it.

8. 진짜 속상해요.

[ jin-jja sok-sang-hae-yo.]

= I’m so upset.

= I’m so sad.

9. 너무 서운해요.

= I’m so disappointed.

10. 이번에는 믿고 있었는데 완전 실망했어요.

= I trusted them this time but I am really disappointed.

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In this lesson, we are going to look at the sentence ending “-고 말다.” First of all, please note

that this is found more commonly in written Korean than in spoken Korean. “-고 말다” is used

to express how a certain action comes to an end or is completed after going through a series

of events. This is similar to the sentence ending “-아/어/여 버리다,” but “-고 말다” tends to be

more objective and “-아/어/여 버리다” tends to show how the speakers feel about the situation

more actively, in addition to being used more commonly in spoken Korean.

Verb stem + -고 말다

When you talk about an action in a simple statement and do not provide a lot of background

information, using “-고 말다” can be inappropriate. For example, if you want to start a conversa-

tion by saying “저 어제 이거 샀어요” (I bought this yesterday), if you say “저 어제 이거 사고 말

았어요” instead, you are expecting the listener to already know what kind of situations or previ-

ous actions the speaker has gone through before reaching that final state or action.



잠들다 = to fall asleep

잠들었어요. = I fell asleep.

잠들고 말았어요. = (I was doing other things so I didn’t want to fall asleep but after a while,

eventually) I fell asleep.

공부를 하다가 잠들고 말았어요. = I was studying but then I fell asleep.


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감기에 걸리다 = to catch a cold

감기에 걸렸어요. = I caught a cold.

감기에 걸리고 말았어요. = I ended up catching a cold.

As you can see in both examples above, the result is somewhat undesirable. This is not always

the case and there is usually less negative feeling on the speaker’s side about the situation

when using -고 말다 than -아/어/여 버리다.

Sample Sentences
1. 결국 힘이 다 빠지고 말았어요.

= I ended up using all my energy and became exhausted.

(Understood: You made some efforts to continue without being exhausted, but eventually, after

a series of actions, you became exhausted.)

2. 이곳도 사막이 되고 말았어요.

= This place has also turned into a desert.

(Understood: The place was not a desert before, but after going through a series of situations,

it has eventually become one, to your disappointment.)

3. 너무 어두워서 머리를 벽에 부딪히고 말았어요.

= It was too dark, so I ended up hitting my head against the wall.

(Understood: You were trying not to get hurt and did your best to find your way around things

even though the room was very dark, but eventually, you hit your head against the wall.)

4. 범인을 쫓아갔지만 놓치고 말았어요.

= I went after the criminal, but I lost him.

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(Understood: You made efforts to go after the criminal and catch him, but eventually, you lost


5. 가겠다는 약속을 하고 말았어요.

= I ended up promising to go.

(Understood: You, perhaps, didn’t want to or weren’t supposed to, but you promised someone

that you’d go to a place after some talking.)

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Welcome to another lesson in the Advanced Situational Expressions
series. Throughout this series, we take a look at common situations and
some of the advanced expressions you can use in each of them. In this
lesson, we will introduce various expressions you can use when you are
worried about something or a particular situation.

1. 걱정 돼요.
= I’m worried.
= It worries me.

2. 불안해요.
= I am anxious.
= I feel nervous.

3. 걱정돼 죽겠어요.
= I’m worried to death.
= I’m so worried.

4. 불안해 미치겠어요.
= I’m so anxious [that] it’s driving me crazy.

5. ~할까 봐 걱정이에요.
= I am worried that ~ might happen.
= I am worried that they might ~.

6. ~하면 어떡하죠?

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= What if ~ happens?
= What if they ~?

7. 어떻게 하면 좋죠?
= What should we do?

8. 마음이 안 놓여요.
= I don’t feel at ease.
= I can’t stop worrying.

9. 잘 해결됐으면 좋겠어요.
= I hope the problem is solved [well].

10. 큰일이네요.
= That’s not good.
= That’s a big problem.

11. 이 상황에서 어떻게 걱정이 안 돼요?

= How can you not worry in this situation?

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This is an Advanced Idiomatic Expressions lesson related to 발, the foot. In order to fully under-

stand and use the expressions introduced in this series, it is essential that you understand the

grammatical structure of the sentences. When you come across a grammar point that you are

unfamiliar with, please go back and review the related TTMIK lessons.


발 = foot

1. 발이 넓다 = to be well connected

(넓다 = to be wide)

→ You can use this expression to describe how someone has good social connections and

knows a lot of people in various fields of profession. In this expression, 발 symbolizes the scope

of one’s reach or influence. However, if you want to literally describe someone’s feet as being

large or wide, you would say “발이 크다.”

Ex) 그 사람은 발이 진짜 넓은 것 같아요. 모르는 사람이 없어요.

= I think he’s really well-connected. There is no one that he doesn’t know.

2. 발 벗고 나서다 = to throw oneself into a matter with enthusiasm

(벗다 = to take off; 나서다 = to go, to leave)

→ When someone you know is in trouble, or when you see a problem, even if it’s not directly

your business, you might want to help out because you know that person needs some help. In

that case, you can say “발 벗고 나서다” to describe how you throw yourself into the matter with

enthusiasm. “발 벗다” here means “to take off your shoes to go into a room to do something”,

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but it’s never used in this way other than in this idiomatic expression. If you want to say “take

off [one’s] shoes,” you need to say “신발(을) 벗다.”

Ex) 많은 사람들이 우리를 돕기 위해서 발 벗고 나서 줬어요.

= A lot of people went out of their way to help us.

3. 발을 담그다 = to be involved in something

(담그다 = to dip, to soak)

→ When you dip your feet into some water, e. g. in the sea or a swimming pool, you can say “

발을 물에 담그다.” When you don’t have any water and just say “발을 담그다,” it means “to get

involved in a matter.” This expression is usually used when you want to describe how hard it is

to quit once you start something.

Ex) 드라마 보는 것에 한 번 발을 담그면 빠져나올 수 없어요.

= Once you start watching TV dramas, you can’t quit [watching them] easily.

4. 발 디딜 틈이 없다 = to be really packed

(디디다 = to step on something, to tread; 틈 = gap)

→ 발을 디디다 originally means “to step on something,” usually in order to start walking or to

stand on it. You can use the expression “발 디딜 틈이 없다” when you want to describe how a

place is really crowded and you can’t find an empty spot to fit yourself into.

Ex) 요즘 홍대는 밤에 가면 사람이 너무 많아서 발 디딜 틈이 없어요.

= These days, if you go to Hongdae at night, there are so many people [that I can barely find a

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place to stand].

5. 한 발 늦다 = to fall a step behind

(늦다 = to be late)

→ This expression is similar to the English expression “to fall a step behind.” 한 is native num-

ber for “one,” therefore 한 발 can mean “one foot,” but in this context, it means “one step.”

Therefore the expression literally means you are “late by just one step.”

Ex) 지하철 문이 닫히기 전에 타려고 뛰었는데 한 발 늦었어요.

= I ran to get on the train before the door closed, but I fell a step behind.

6. 발 빠르게 움직이다 = to move fast, to do the necessary actions quickly

(빠르게 = quickly, 움직이다 = to move)

→ 발 빠르게 움직이다 can mean to literally and physically move fast, and it also can mean to

quickly take care of a problem or quickly do the actions that is necessary to solve a problem

or prevent it from occuring.

Ex) 경화 씨가 발 빠르게 움직인 덕분에 문제가 더 커지지 않았어요.

Thanks to Kyung-hwa who moved fast, the problem didn’t escalate.

7. 발이 묶이다 = to be detained, to be confined, to be shackled

(묶다 = to tie, 묶이다 = to be tied up)

→ If your feet are tied up by a rope or a chain, you can’t go anywhere. When you can’t go

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anywhere, mainly because of the situation you are in or the weather, you can use the expres-

sion “발이 묶이다.” 발 here can literally mean “feet,” but here it symbolizes the inability to go


Ex) 이 곳에 눈이 너무 많이 와서 발이 묶였어요.

= It snowed too much here, I’m snowbound.

8. 발로 뛰다 = to work hard in the field

(뛰다 = to run)

→ Almost everyone runs with their feet. It’s rare to find someone who runs with their hands,

but if you say “발로 뛰다’ instead of just “뛰다” it means “to work hard in the field” in the

sense of actually going out and doing something to get first-hand expereince as opposed to

doing desk work or just researching through books.

Ex) 컴퓨터 앞에만 앉아 있는 것보다 나가서 직접 발로 뛰면 더 좋은 정보를 얻을 수 있을 거예요.

Rather than sitting in front of a computer, if you go out and work in the field yourself, you will

get better information.

9. 새 발의 피 = a drop in the bucket

(새 = bird; 피 = blood)

→ Except some large species, birds are usually considered to be small in comparison to other

animals; therefore, birds have small feet. If a bird is injured and bleeds from its foot, there’s

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usually not much blood in terms of quantity. If you say “새 발의 피,” it’s like the English phrase

means “a drop in the bucket,” meaning that the situationis insiginificant, or pales in compari-

son to something that happend before.

Ex) 이번 일에 비하면 지난 번 일은 정말 새 발의 피예요.

This is nothing compared to what happened last time.

10. 발을 끊다 = to stop visiting

(끊다 = to cut)

→ If there’s a place that you visit regularly or often, but you stop visiting that place, that’s

what “발을 끊다” is referring to. 발 here doesn’t literally mean “feet,” but it means the visit it-

self. If you cut off the 발 (visit), it means you no longer visit somewhere or go to that place.

Ex) 살이 많이 쪄서 살을 빼려고 자주 가던 치킨 집에 발을 끊었어요.

I’ve gained a lot of weight, so in order to lose it, I quit going to a chicken restaurant that I

used to go often.

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Word Builder lessons are designed to help you understand how to expand your vocabulary by

learning/understanding some common and basic building blocks of Korean words. The words

and letters introduced through Word Builder lessons are not necessarily all Chinese characters,

or 한자 [han-ja], though many of them are based on Chinese characters, the meanings can be

different from modern-day Chinese. Your goal, through these lessons, is to understand how

words are formed and remember the keywords in Korean to expand your Korean vocabulary

from there. You certainly don’t have to memorize the Hanja characters, but if you want to, feel


Today’s keyword is 비.

The Chinese character for this is 非. There are many other Chinese characters (or Hanja letters)

that are used for 비, so keep in mind that not all the words that have 비 in them have related


The word 비 (非) is related to “not”.

비 (not) + 공식 (official) = 비공식 (非公式) = unofficial, informal

비 (not) + 회 (gathering) + 원 (member) = 비회원 (非會員) = non-member

비 (not) + 정 (right) + 상 (always) = 비정상 (非正常) = not normal, abnormal, unusual

비 (not) + 주 (master, head) + 류 (flow, stream) = 비주류 (非主流) = nonmainstream, fringe


비 (not) + 인간 (human) + 적 (of) = 비인간적 (非人間的) = inhuman

비 (not) + 범 (ordinary) + 하다 = 비범하다 (非凡하다) = to be extraordinary

비 (not) + 인 (people) + 기 (energy) = 비인기 (非人氣) = unpopular

비 (not) + 공 (official) + 개 (open) = 비공개 (非公開) = closed, private

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비 (not) + 협 (harmony) + 조 (associate) + 적 (of) = 비협조적 (非協調的) = uncooperative

비 (not) + 전 (exclusive) + 문 (door) + 적 (of) = 비전문적 (非專門的) = unprofessional

비 (not) + 상 (always) + 구 (door) = 비상구 (非常口) = emergency exit

비 (not) + 상 (always) + 계단 (stairs) = 비상 계단 (非常階段) = emergency staircase

비 (not) + 무장 (armed) + 지대 (zone) = 비무장지대 (非武裝地帶) = DMZ, demilitarized zone

시 (true) + 비 (not) = 시비 (是非) = right or wrong

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Welcome to another lesson in the Advanced Situational Expressions series. Throughout this

series, we take a look at common situations and some of the advanced expressions you can use

in each of them. In this lesson, we will introduce various expressions you can use when you are

asking a favor or asking someone to do something for you.

1. 부탁이 하나 있어요.

= I have a favor to ask.

2. 부탁할 게 있는데요.

= I have a favor to ask.

3. 부탁 하나만 할게요.

= Let me ask you a favor.

4. 제 부탁 하나만 들어 줄 수 있어요?

= Can you do me a favor?

5. 어려운 부탁인 건 알지만, 저도 같이 가면 안 될까요?

= I know it won’t be easy, but could I possibly go with you?

6. 죄송한데요, 혹시 전화기 좀 빌릴 수 있을까요?

= I’m sorry, but could I borrow your phone?

8. 저 잠깐만 도와주실 수 있나요?

= Can you help me for just a second?

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9. 제발 부탁이니까 오늘은 늦지 마세요.

= Please, I beg of you, don’t be late today.

10. 돌아오는 길에 우유 좀 사다 줄 수 있어요?

= Could you get me some milk on your way back?

11. 편의점에 가는 김에 물 좀 사다 줄 수 있어요?

= Since you’re going to the convenience store anyway, can you get me some water?

12. 어제 제가 부탁한 거 잊지 마세요.

= Please don’t forget what I asked you yesterday.

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In this lesson, we are introducing a new verb ending which can be used, mainly, in three different

ways. -(으)ㅁ is commonly used in everyday Korean in both formal and informal settings, and you

can simplify the structure of a sentence that would otherwise be a bit more complicated.

-(으)ㅁ changes a verb into a noun form. When the verb stem ends with a vowel, you just add -ㅁ,

and when it ends with a consonant, you add -음 at the end. Let us look at the different usages and

how -(으)ㅁ is different from other verb endings that make noun forms.

Usage #1
By attaching -(으)ㅁ after a verb stem, you can transform the verb into a noun. Basically any verb can

be made into a noun in this manner, but there are certain words that are used so commonly in this

nominalized form that they are also used as stand-alone nouns. The following are some of the most

common examples:

웃다 (to laugh) - 웃음 (laughter, smile)

울다 (to cry) - 울음 (crying, weeping)

믿다 (to believe, to trust) - 믿음 (belief, trust)

알다 (to know) - 앎 (knowing, knowledge)

살다 (to live) - 삶 (life)

얼다 (to freeze) - 얼음 (ice)

졸다 (to doze) - 졸음 (sleepiness, drowsiness)

슬프다 (to be sad) - 슬픔 (sadness)

기쁘다 (to be happy) - 기쁨 (pleasure, joy)

아프다 (to be painful, to be sick) - 아픔 (pain, agony)

젊다 (to be young) - 젊음 (youth)

꾸다 (to dream (a dream)) - 꿈 (dream)

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지다 (to carry (luggage) on one’s back) - 짐 (luggage)

추다 (to dance) - 춤 (dance)

자다 (to sleep) - 잠 (sleep)

Some of these verbs, such as 추다, 지다, 꾸다 always have to be used together with their noun

forms, whereas some other verbs like 자다 and 살다 can be used with or without the nouns.

자다 and 살다 can be used on their own or together with their noun forms, like 잠을 자다 (to sleep)

and 삶을 살다 (to live a life). One of the reasons one might use the noun form too is to modify the

noun with other adjectives.

추다, 지다, and 꾸다 can NOT be used on their own, because the meaning won’t be clear enough.

You always need to use them as a pair, such as 춤을 추다 (to dance), 짐을 지다 (to carry luggage on

one’s back), and 꿈을 꾸다 (to have a dream).

Usage #2
-(으)ㅁ can be used to make a sentence or clause into a noun group, so that you can then use the

noun group as an object or the subject of the larger sentence structure.

Difference between -다는/라는 것 and -(으)ㅁ


오늘이 제 생일임을 아무도 몰랐어요.

= Nobody knew that today was my birthday.

In the sentence above, “오늘이 제 생일이에요” has been changed to the noun group, “오늘이 제 생일

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임” and is now the object of the verb 모르다, meaning that nobody knew “오늘이 제 생일임” or “the

fact that today is my birthday”.

In most casual conversations, you should use -다는 것 or -라는 것 instead of -(으)ㅁ. -(으)ㅁ sounds

much more formal than -다는 것 or -라는 것, therefore -(으)ㅁ is used more in official documents or

more formal situations.

그 사람은 한국 사람이에요.

= He is a Korean person.

그 사람이 한국 사람임을 저는 알고 있었어요.

= 그 사람이 한국 사람이라는 것을 저는 알고 있었어요.

= I knew that he was Korean.

* The second sentence with -이라는 것을 is more likely to be used in everyday colloquial speech, but

in written language, such as in novels, news articles, official statements, etc., you will often see -임을.

** Please note that the marker -은 in 그 사람은 was changed to -이 in the longer sentences. In com-

pound sentences like these, the marker -은/는 often changes to -이/가 when the sentence becomes

a part of a bigger structure.

Difference between -기 and -(으)ㅁ


그 사람은 자신이 무죄임을 주장했어요.

= He claimed that he was innocent.

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(In this sentence, you can see the clause “자신이 무죄이다” inside the bigger structure “그 사람은 주



그 사람은 한국어를 배우기를 시작했어요.

= He started learning Korean.

(In this sentence, you can see that “한국어를 배우다” has been changed to the noun form of “한국어

를 배우기” to be used as the object of 시작하다.)

The basic difference between -기 and -(으)ㅁ is that these two endings are usually used together

with different types of verbs:

-(으)ㅁ -기
-(으)ㅁ 옳다 (= to be right) -기 쉽다 (= to be easy )
-(으)ㅁ 나쁘다 (= to be bad/wrong) -기 어렵다(= to be difficult)
-(으)ㅁ 분명하다 (= to be certain) -기 좋다 (= to like)
-(으)ㅁ 확실하다 (= to be sure) -기 싫다 (= to hate)
-(으)ㅁ 발견하다 (= to discover) -기 바라다 (= to hope)
-(으)ㅁ 알다 (= to know) -기 시작하다(= to begin)
-(으)ㅁ 주장하다 (= to claim, to insist) -기 계속하다(= to continue)
-(으)ㅁ 알리다 (= to tell/notify) -기 멈추다(= to stop)
...etc. -기 약속하다(= to promise)

He is difficult to meet.

= 그 사람은 만나기가 어려워요. (o)

그 사람은 만남이 어려워요. (x)

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I proved that I am innocent.

= 무죄임을 증명했어요. (o)

무죄이기를 증명했어요. (x)

Usage #3
-(으)ㅁ can also be used at the end of a sentence when it is not clear which formality level or sen-

tence ending one should use. This usage is often found in written memos, warnings, reports, diction-

aries, laws, notices, etc.


1. “진석진” 씨에게 전화 왔음.

= Someone called “진석진” called you.

When you answer the phone for your coworker when she’s away, you can leave a memo like this.

You could write “전화 왔어요” or “전화 왔습니다”, but since you’re not really “talking” to this person

and it’s a simple delivery of information, you can just use the neutral -(으)ㅁ ending. This is neither

반말 nor 존댓말.

2. 읽음.

= (It has been) read.

When you send a message to someone on your mobile phone or write an e-mail, when the recipi-

ent receives and reads the message, your phone or e-mail might say “읽음” to let you know that the

other person read it. -(으)ㅁ is used instead of “읽었어요” or “읽었습니다” because it is much more

neutral and shorter to use.

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3. 모르고 있음.

= He doesn’t know.

You can see this kind of subtitle on Korean TV shows. If one person doesn’t know a fact that every-

body else knows, you might see “모르고 있음” or “아직 모르고 있음” written on the screen, which

means “he doesn’t know” or “he doesn’t know yet”.

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In this series, we focus on how you can use the grammatical rules and expressions that you

have previously learned to train yourself to comfortably make Korean sentences.

We will start off with THREE key sentences and practice changing different parts of these sen-

tences so that you don’t end up simply memorizing the same three sentences. We want you to

be able to be as flexible as possible when making Korean sentences.

-아/어/여 버리다
-고 말다

Key Sentence #1
버스에서 내리다가 전화기를 떨어뜨려 버렸어요.
= I accidentally dropped my phone while I was getting off the bus.

Key Sentence #2
안 사려고 했는데, 50% 할인이라고 해서 사고 말았어요.
= I was not going to buy it, but they said it was 50% off so I ended up buying it.

Key Sentence #3
이 대학교의 학생임을 증명할 수 있는 서류를 지참해야 함.
= You must carry a document that can prove that you are a student of this university.

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Expansion & variation practice with key sentence #1

0. Original Sentence:
버스에서 내리다가 전화기를 떨어뜨려 버렸어요.
= I accidentally dropped my phone while I was getting off the bus.


버스에서 내리다가 = while I was getting off the bus / I was getting off the bus and...

길을 걷다가 = while I was walking / I was walking and...

책을 읽다가 = while I was reading a book / I was reading a book and…

창문을 열다가 = while I was opening the window / I was opening the window and...


전화기를 떨어뜨려 버렸어요 = I accidentally dropped my phone.

전화기가 고장나 버렸어요. = My phone broke (and I’m not happy about it).

영화가 벌써 끝나 버렸어요.

= The movie ended already (and I’m surprised and not happy about it).

효진 씨가 사람들한테 말해 버렸어요. = Hyojin told people (and she was not supposed to).

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Expansion & variation practice with key sentence #2

0. Original Sentence:
안 사려고 했는데, 50% 할인이라고 해서 사고 말았어요.
= I was not going to buy it, but they said it was 50% off so I ended up buying it.


안 사려고 했는데 = I was not going to buy it but...

안 보려고 했는데 = I was not going to look at it but...

말 안 하려고 했는데 = I was not going to tell them but…

빨리 가려고 했는데 = I was going to be there early but...


50% 할인이라고 해서 = they said it was 50% off so…

건강에 좋다고 해서 = they said it was good for health so…

오늘 할인이 끝난다고 해서 = they said the discount was ending today so…

이 영화가 재미있다고 해서 = they said this movie is good so…


사고 말았어요 = I ended up buying it (I shouldn’t have)

들키고 말았어요 = I got busted (I didn’t want to)

먹고 말았어요 = I ended up eating it (I shouldn’t have)

늦고 말았어요 = I got there late (I shouldn’t have)

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Expansion & variation practice with key sentence #3

0. Original Sentence:
이 대학교의 학생임을 증명할 수 있는 서류를 지참해야 함.
= You must carry a document that can prove that you are a student of this university.


이 대학교의 학생임 = (the fact that) you’re a student of this university

이 방법이 최선임 = (the fact that) this method is the best

업무를 완료했음 = (the fact that) you’ve completed a task

바깥에서 보이지 않음 = (the fact that) it’s not visible from outside


서류를 지참해야 함 = you must bring a document

오전 9시까지 보내야 함 = you must send it by 9 AM

오늘과 내일은 가게 문을 닫음 = the store is closed today and tomorrow

100명이 참가했음 = 100 people attended

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This is an Advanced Idiomatic Expressions lesson related to 마음, the heart or mind. In order to

fully understand and use the expressions introduced in this series, it is essential that you under-

stand the grammatical structure of the sentences. When you come across a grammar point that

you are unfamiliar with, please go back and review the related TTMIK lessons.


마음 = heart, mind

1. 마음을 먹다 = to make up one’s mind

(먹다 = to eat)

→ Literally translated, it would mean “to eat one’s mind” but the actual meaning is to determine

or to make up one’s mind. You can use this expression when you are talking about your deter-

mination to do something, but it doesn’t necessarily include or guarantee actually doing it.

Ex) 이번에는 정말로 운동을 매일 하기로 마음 먹었어요.

= I have made up my mind to really exercise every day this time.

2. 마음대로 하다 = to do as one wants

(-대로 = like the way something goes)

→ You can use this phrase to describe how one does things the way they want or choose to do

whatever they want to do. You can say 마음대로 하세요 to someone to say “Do whatever you

want.” or “Do as you please.” but if you want to be more polite you can say 편하신대로 하세요,

literally meaning, “Do it the way that is comfortable for you”.

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Ex) 저는 그 책 필요 없으니까 마음대로 하세요.

= I don’t need that book so do whatever you want with it.

3. 마음에 들다 = to like, to find something likeable

(들다 = to go in)

→ 마음에 들다 is literally translated as “to enter one’s heart” and means that you found some-

thing likeable. The difference between 좋아하다 and 마음에 들다 is that you say 좋아하다 about

something that you have already liked for some time, whereas 마음에 들다 is usually about

things that you see for the first time and decide that you like it. 마음에 들다 can be used peo-

ple as well as things.

Ex) 마음에 드는 가방 있어요?

= Is there a bag that you like?

4. 마음에 걸리다 = to weigh upon one’s mind, to trouble one’s mind

(걸리다 = to be stuck, to be hung)

→ 걸다 means to hang something up or to lock a door, and 걸리다 is the passive voice of 걸

다. So when you say that something is hung or hooked in your mind, it means that it doesn’t

go through easily and it troubles your mind because you either feel bad or are worried about

something or someone.

Ex) 어제 있었던 일이 마음에 걸려요.

= I keep thinking about what happened yesterday because I feel bad about it.

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5. 마음에 두다 = to have something/someone on one’s mind

(두다 = to put something somewhere)

→ This phrase is similar to 마음에 걸리다, but it has a weaker nuance of being worried and

can refer to many other types of emotions too. You can be worried, upset, or even distracted

by something. It is often used in the form 마음에 두지 마세요 to tell someone to forget about

what happened or what someone has said, mainly because it won’t help to think about it or it

wasn’t something important.

Ex) 효진 씨가 한 말은 너무 마음에 두지 마세요.

= Don’t think about what Hyojin said.

= Pay no attention to what Hyojin said.

6. 마음에 없는 말을 하다 = to say something without meaning it

(없다 = to not exist, to not have, 말 = words, language, speech)

→ When you say something that is not “in your heart” or “in your mind”, it means that you

say something that you do not really mean or are serious about. You can hear this expression

often when someone is complimenting too much, or when someone offers to do something

they probably won’t do.

Ex) 마음에도 없는 말 하지 마세요.

= Don’t say what you don’t even mean.

7. 마음은 굴뚝 같다 = to wish one could something right now, to want to do something right

but can not

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(굴뚝 = chimney, 같다 = to be like)

→ When you say that your heart is like a chimney, it doesn’t mean that you’re tough, hot-tem-

pered, or warm. In this context, you can think of the 굴뚝 as a place where the result is coming

out, which is smoke, as the result of boiling water or burning woods. So by saying 마음은 굴뚝

같다, you imply that your mind is already fixed on the result, but you haven’t even started, or

won’t even start doing it. So you can often say this when you really want to do something but

you can’t, and you can also say this just to be polite.

Ex) 도와주고 싶은 마음은 굴뚝 같지만, 오늘은 너무 바빠요.

= I’d love to help you, but I am too busy today.

8. 마음이 놓이다 = to feel relieved

(놓다 = to put down, to let go / 놓이다 = to be let go)

→ When you are worried about something, your mind is not at ease and cannot fully rest. So

when you say 마음이 놓이다, it describes how the mind is finally put down somewhere so that

it can rest, instead of being held up high in anxiety.

Ex) 그 말을 들으니까 마음이 놓이네요.

= I feel relieved to hear that.

9. 마음이 통하다 = to understand each other well

(통하다 = to go through, to flow through, to circulate)

→ When two people’s mind are connected, they know each other well and they are comfort-

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able around each other. You can use this verb 통하다 about languages as well, like when you

ask if English is spoken/understood in Korea (“한국에서 영어 통해요?”).

Ex) 마음이 통하는 친구들이랑 여행하면 너무 재미있어요.

= Traveling with friends that you connect well with is a lot of fun.

10. 마음이 무겁다 = to have a heavy heart, to feel bad

(무겁다 = to be heavy)

→ This one is similar in English as well. When you have a heavy heart, you feel bad about

someone’s situation or about what you did or said to someone.

Ex) 저 때문에 경기에서 진 것 같아서 마음이 무겁습니다.

= I feel bad because it looks like we lost the game because of me.

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Let’s look at how to say that something or someone “seems” to be in a certain state or “looks”

a certain way. The basic structure, -아/어/여 보이다, is fairly easy to understand and use, but it

is important to understand the difference between this structure and some other similar struc-


Basic Construction
Verb stem + -아/어/여 보이다
* 보이다 is originally the passive voice of 보다, to see.

재미있다 = to be fun
재미있 + -어 보이다 = 재미있어 보이다 = to look fun, to look interesting

Sample Sentences
1. 피곤해 보여요.

= You look tired.

2. 이 영화는 재미없어 보여요.

= This movie looks boring.

3. 이거 매워 보이는데, 사실은 하나도 안 매워요.

= This looks spicy, but it’s not spicy at all.

4. 이 케이크가 맛있어 보여서 샀는데, 너무 달아요.

= This cake looked delicious so I bought it, but it’s too sweet.

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5. 사장님 기분이 안 좋아 보이는데, 무슨 일 있어요?

= The boss doesn’t look happy. Is there anything wrong?

Difference between 좋아 보이네요 and 좋은 것 같아요

The structure -(으)ㄴ 것 같다 is literally translated as “to seem like” but is commonly used to

express one’s thought or opinion. Therefore, when someone says 좋은 것 같아요, it is different

from 좋아 보이네요 because if something looks good (좋아 보이네요) but you don’t think it’s

good, or you’re not happy about it, you wouldn’t always say 좋은 것 같아요 in that case. So -

아/어/여 보이다 is commonly used when you just express the fact that something or someone

“seems” or “looks” a certain way.

이 영화는 재미없어 보여요 = This movie looks boring.

이 영화는 재미없는 것 같아요 = I think this movie is boring.

이거 매워 보이는데, 사실은 하나도 안 매워요.

= This looks spicy but it’s not spicy at all.

이거 매울 것 같았는데 (you need to change this to the past tense because you “thought” it

would be spicy) 사실은 하나도 안 매웠어요.

= I thought it would be spicy but it wasn’t spicy at all.

사장님 기분이 안 좋아 보이는데, 무슨 일 있어요?

= The boss doesn’t look happy. Is there anything wrong?

사장님 기분이 안 좋은 것 같은데, (you’re guessing or thinking based on either what you saw or

some other clues) 무슨 일 있어요? = I thin the boss is upset. Is there anything wrong?

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Using 보이다 with nouns

With nouns, instead of using -아/어/여 after a verb stem, you add -처럼 after a noun. With

nouns, the above mentioned difference is also applied to 보이다 and 같다.

학생 = student

학생처럼 보여요. = He looks like a student.

학생 같아요. = He looks like a student, so I think he’s a student.

Sample Sentences
1. 비둘기처럼 보이네요.

= It looks like a pigeon.

2. 멀어서 잘 안 보이지만, “3”처럼 보이네요.

= I can’t see clearly because it’s far, but it looks like a “3”.

3. 경찰처럼 보이는 사람이 그 여자를 데려갔어요.

= Someone who looks like a cop took her.

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Word Builder lessons are designed to help you understand how to expand your vocabulary by

learning/understanding some common and basic building blocks of Korean words. The words

and letters introduced through Word Builder lessons are not necessarily all Chinese characters,

or 한자 [han-ja], though many of them are based on Chinese characters, the meanings can be

different from modern-day Chinese. Your goal, through these lessons, is to understand how

words are formed and remember the keywords in Korean to expand your Korean vocabulary

from there. You certainly don’t have to memorize the Hanja characters, but if you want to, feel


Today’s keyword is 신.

The Chinese character for this is 新. There are many other Chinese characters (or Hanja letters)

that are used for 신, so keep in mind that not all the words that have 신 in them have related


The word 신 (新) is related to “new”.

신제품 = 신 (new) + 제 (make) + 품 (item) = 新製品 = new product

신기록 = 신 (new) + 기록 (record) = 新記錄 = new record
신학기 = 신 (new) + 학 (learn, school) + 기 (period) = 新學期 = new semester
신인 = 신 (new) + 인 (person) = 新人 = rookie
신작 = 신 (new) + 작 (make) = 新作 = new movie/book/musical/etc
신혼 = 신 (new) +혼 (marriage) = 新婚 = newly wed, the first few years of married life

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갱신 = 갱 (alter) + 신 (new) = 更新 = modification

경신 = 경 (alter) + 신 (new) = 更新 = breaking the record
혁신 = 혁 (alter) + 신 (new) = 革新 = innovation
신세대 = 신 (new) + 세대 (generation) = 新世代 = new generation
신세계 = 신 (new) + 세계 (world) = 新世界 = new world
신입 = 신 (new) + 입 (enter) = 新入 = new employee
신입 사원 = 신 (new) + 입 (enter) + 사 (company) + 원 (member)

= 新入 社員 = new employee
신입생 = 신 (new) + 입 (enter) + 생 (student) = 新入生 = freshman student
신병 = 신 (new) + 병 (soldier) = 新兵 = rookie soldier
신간 = 신 (new) + 간 (publish) = 新刊 = new publication
신간 서적 = 신 (new) + 간 (publish) + 서 (book) + 적 (document)

= 新刊 書籍 newly published book

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Welcome to another lesson in the Advanced Situational Expressions series. Throughout this

series, we take a look at common situations and some of the advanced expressions you can use

in each of them. In this lesson, we will introduce various expressions that are related to regret-

ting something.

1. 후회가 돼요.

= I regret it.

2. 후회가 막심해요.

= I deeply regret it.

3. 어렸을 때 더 많이 놀지 않은 게 후회가 돼요.

= I regret not having played enough when I was little.

4. 그 이야기를 꺼낸 것 자체가 후회스러워요.

= I regret the fact that I even brought that up.

5. 말하지 말았어야 했어요.

= I shouldn’t have told them.

6. 이거 괜히 샀어요.

= I shouldn’t have bought it.

(괜히 = in vain, uselessly)

7. 오지 말 걸 그랬어요.

= I shouldn’t have come here.

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8. 좀 더 일찍 도착했더라면 좋았을 텐데요.

= It would have been nice if we’d arrived a little earlier.

9. 그냥 우리끼리 하는 게 나을 뻔 했어요.

= It might have been better to just do it by ourselves.

10. 그래서 후회 중이에요.

= So I’m regretting it now.

11. 원래 그럴 생각은 없었어요.

= I didn’t intend to do it.

12. 지금 와서 생각해 보면, 제가 그때 왜 그랬나 싶어요.

= Looking back now, I wonder why I did that back then.

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This is an Advanced Idiomatic Expressions lesson related to 기분, feelings or emotions. In order

to fully understand and use the expressions introduced in this series, it is essential that you un-

derstand the grammatical structure of the sentences. When you come across a grammar point

that you are unfamiliar with, please go back and review the related TTMIK lessons.


기분 = feeling, emotion, mood

1. 기분이 좋다 = to feel happy, to feel upbeat

(좋다 = to be good)

→ When your 기분 (feeling) is good, it means that you are feeling great and happy in general.

When you say that you feel good in English, it can also be related to your health, but in Korean,

it’s mostly related to your feelings at that moment. You can also use 기분이 좋다 when you feel

good because of a nice cool breeze or a soothing massage, but not about general health con-

ditions on a certain day.

Ex) 오늘 기분이 좋아 보이는데, 좋은 일 있어요?

= You look happy today. Is there anything good happening?

2. 기분이 나쁘다 = to be in a bad mood, to be unpleasant

(나쁘다 = to be bad)

→ When you say that you “feel bad” in English, it can mean that you are sorry about something

and you feel like you have to apologize or feel responsible for a bad result. But in Korean, when

you say 기분이 나쁘다, it never means that you are apologetic but just upset or unpleasant. You

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can also say 기분이 나쁘다 about something or someone that is unpleasant to you.

Ex) 그 사람이 저를 보고 웃으면 왠지 기분이 나빠요.

= When he smiles at me, for some reason, I feel unpleasant.

3. 기분 좋게 = willingly, with good cheer

(좋게 = nicely)

→ 기분 좋게 is basically the adverbial form of 기분 좋다, and you can use it either about how

someone does something without feeling forced or upset about having to do something, or

about how someone is actually feeling happy while doing something.

Ex) 원래는 기분 좋게 도와주려고 했는데, 기분 나빠졌어요. 혼자 하세요.

= At first I was going to help you with good cheer, but I feel angry now. You do it by yourself.

4. 기분을 풀다 = to relieve one’s feelings

(풀다 = resolve, untangle)

→ 풀다 literally means to “resolve” or “untangle” something, so when you untangle someone’s

feelings that are upset, you make them feel better or less upset. You can also use 기분을 풀다

to describe how you divert oneself and relieve some stress.

Ex) 제가 맛있는 거 사 줄 테니까 이제 기분 좀 풀어요.

= I will buy you something delicious, so please stop being angry at me.

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5. -(으)ㄹ 기분이 아니다 = to be not in the mood for

→ This expression is actually very similar to the English expresion, “to be not in the mood to”

do something.

Ex) 저 지금 농담할 기분 아니에요.

= I’m not in the mood to play jokes (with you).

6. 기분이 상하다 = to be offended

(상하다 = to rot, to go bad)

→ You can use 기분이 상하다 when someone’s feelings are hurt by what someone else said,

but also when someone is heartbroken by something that happened.

Ex) 그냥 농담이었는데 기분 상했어요?

= I was just joking. Did I hurt your feelings?

7. 기분 내키는 대로 = just the way one wants

(내키다 = to feel like, to be inclined)

→ The expression 기분 내키는 대로 has a slightly negative nuance, so when you say it about

someone, you are usually not very happy about the way that person behaves.

Ex) 그 사람은 기분 내키는 대로 행동하는 게 꼭 어린 아이 같아요.

= He does whatever he feels like; he’s like a child.

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8. 기분이 들뜨다 = to be excited, to be exhilarated

(들뜨다 = to be excited)

Ex) 내일 런던에 갈 생각에 기분이 들떴어요.

= I’m very excited by the thought of going to London tomorrow.

9. 기분 전환을 하다 = to refresh oneself

(전환 = change, switch)

→ 전환 means transition or change, so when you “do” a 기분 전환 (mood transition), it usually

means that you usually refresh yourself or get some fresh air, usually by doing something dif-

ferent for a change, like going out for a walk, meeting friends, or going on a short trip.

Ex) 기분 전환 하러 잠시 밖에 나갔다 왔어요.

=I went out for a bit to refresh myself.

10. 기분 탓이다 = to be just imagination

(탓 = reason, fault, blame)

→ When there’s no real issue or substantial problem but you feel like something is wrong or is

happening, you can say that it’s just the fault of your 기분 (feeling). You can often hear people

saying 기분 탓인가? (= It is just me?) or 기분 탓일 거예요 (= You’re just feeling that way).

Ex) 그냥 기분 탓일 거예요. 너무 걱정 마세요.

= You are just imagining things. Don’t worry too much.

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11. -(으/느)ㄴ 기분이 들다

(들다 = to come in)

→ 기분이 들다 literally means “a feeling enters” so when you feel like something is happening

or will happen, you can use this phrase.

Ex) 왠지 오늘은 좋은 일이 있을 것 같은 기분이 들어요.

= For some reason, I feel like there is going to be something good (happen to me).

12. 기분이 가라앉다

(가라앉다 = to sink)

Ex) 그 얘기를 들으니 기분이 가라앉았어요.

= After hearing that news, I felt down.

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In this lesson, we are taking a look at the structure -(으)ㄹ 테니(까). This is used often in situ-

ations where one person wants, or asks, the other person to do something. When you use it

after a verb stem that ends with a consonant, you add -을 테니(까), and when the verb stem

ends with a vowel, you add -ㄹ 테니(까). The original form is -을 테니까 or -ㄹ 테니까, but it is

always interchangeable with -을 테니 or -ㄹ 테니, with the last letter, 까, omitted.

Original meaning
-테니(까) comes from the combination of 터 and -이니(까). 터 means a “place”, “site”, “lot”,

“ground”, or “foundation”.

There are mainly two usages for this structure:

1. When you are offering to do something and you ask the listener to do something else in

return. What you ask of the other person doesn’t always have to be a favor that you want; it

can also be something that you want them to do for their own good. Therefore, -(으)ㄹ 테니(까)

is often translated as “I will do this, so in return, I want you to do this”. As a result, you can not

use this structure for all situations where you say “therefore” or “so”.

이건 제가 할 테니까, 걱정하지 말고 쉬세요.

= I will do this, so don’t worry and get some rest.

In the sentence above, you are offering to take care of something and telling the other person

to go get some rest. You cannot use the same structure about someone else doing the same

thing. For example, “이건 석진 씨가 할 테니까, 걱정하지 말고 쉬세요” is not a natural sentence.

If you want to say something like “Seokjin will take care of this, so don’t worry” in Korean, you

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can either just use the -을 거니까 ending and say “진 씨가 할 거니까”, or you can keep yourself

as the subject of the sentence by saying “이건 석진 씨한테 하라고 할 테니까”, meaning “I will

ask Seokjin to do this, so…”.

2. When you are making an assumption and are almost certain about something, you can use

this structure to mean “I assume/think/believe that this will happen/is happening, so let’s do

this/please do this.” Even when you are talking about a present state or action, since you’re as-

suming and WILL have to check to see if you’re right, it’s always in the future tense.

밖에 추울 테니까 나가지 마세요.

= It must be cold outside, so don’t go out.

If you are NOT making an assumption and just saying a plainly known fact, you can use the -(

으)니까 structure and just say “밖에 추우니까”. The -(으)ㄹ 테니(까) structure is often used to-

gether with -(으)면, which means “if”. For example, if you say “지금 밖에 나가면 추울 테니까”, it

means “if you go outside now, it will be cold, so…”

Sample Sentences

1. 제가 점심 살 테니까, 경화 씨가 커피 사세요.

= I will buy lunch, so Kyung-hwa, you buy the coffee.

2. 저는 먼저 갈 테니까, 나중에 오세요.

= I will go first, so you come later.

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3. 나머지는 제가 할 테니까, 먼저 퇴근하세요.

= I’ll do the rest, so please go home first.

4. 저는 뛰어갈 테니까, 효진 씨는 택시 타고 오세요.

= I’ll run, so Hyojin, you take a taxi.

5. 갑자기 찾아가면 놀랄 테니까, 전화를 할까요?

= If we visit her suddenly, she’ll be surprised, so shall we call her?

6. 지금 출발하면 너무 일찍 도착할 테니까, 10분 뒤에 출발해요.

= If you leave now, you’ll get there too early, so leave in 10 minutes.

7. 아직 뜨거울 테니까 조심하세요.

= It must be still hot, so be careful.

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In this lesson, we are introducing the structure -(으/느)ㄴ 이상. The word 이상 (以上), by itself,

means “not lower than” or “from this point and above”, and when used in the form -(으/느)ㄴ

이상, it can mean that the preceding clause is a fact that makes the following clause something

that’s naturally expected or supposed thing to happen.

-(으/느)ㄴ 이상 can be used in both the present tense and in the past tense, but with the pres-

ent tense, it is used more often in writing than when speaking.

저도 이 회사의 직원인 이상, 이 행사에 꼭 참여해야 돼요.

= Since I’m also an employee of this company, I must participate in this event.

Therefore, especially in spoken language, the structure -(으/느)ㄴ 이상 is used more commonly

in the past tense than in the present tense. When used in the past tense, it can be translated to

“since you have already done this, this is bound to happen” or “you have done this, so this has

to be the way things are”.

이미 공식 발표를 한 이상, 이제 취소할 수는 없어요.

= Since we’ve already made a public announcement, we can’t cancel it now.

Sample Sentences
1. 비행기를 탄 이상, 도착할 때까지 내릴 수 없어요.

= Now that you’ve boarded the airplane, you can’t get out until you arrive.

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2. 한번 시작한 이상, 중간에 포기할 수 없어요.

= Once you’ve started, you can’t quit in the middle.

3. 여기까지 온 이상, 포기하지 말고 열심히 하세요.

= Since you’ve come this far, don’t give up and keep working hard.

4. 출근을 안 할 수는 있지만, 출근을 한 이상, 일을 안 할 수는 없어요.

= I could just not go to work, but once I’ve [actually] gone to work, I have to work [lit: I can’t

not do work].

5. 이 방에 들어온 이상, 이 게임을 꼭 해야 돼요.

= Once you’ve come into this room, you must play this game.

Negative Forms
When -(으/느)ㄴ 이상 is used in a negative form, the sentence can take the meaning of “as

long as” or “unless”, and the following clause usually describes a negative situation or is a

negative statement.

(1) Negative form + -(으/느)ㄴ 이상

As there are various ways to form a negative sentence in Korean, this structure also works with

various forms of negative verb endings.

Sample Sentences
1. 비행기를 타지 않는 이상, 그렇게 빨리 갈 수가 없어요.

= Unless you take the airplane, you can’t go that fast.

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2. 계산기를 쓰지 않는 이상, 이렇게 복잡한 계산은 못 해요.

= Unless I use a calculator, I can’t do such a complex calculation.

3. 아주 아프지 않은 이상, 저는 수업에 빠지지 않아요.

= Unless I’m very sick, I don’t skip classes.

(2) Noun + -이/가 아닌 이상

With nouns, since you need to add the verb -이다 before you can conjugate it, you add the

structure -이/가 아닌 이상 after the noun.

Sample Sentences
1. 여기 직원이 아닌 이상, 들어갈 수가 없어요.

= Unless you’re a staff member here, you can’t go in.

2. 가족이 아닌 이상, 그런 건 알 수가 없어요.

= Unless you are his family, it’s impossible to know such things.

3. 중요한 일이 아닌 이상, 지금 이 시간에 나갈 수는 없어요.

= Unless it’s something important, I can’t go out at this hour.

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In this lesson, we are looking at how -(으)ㄹ까 보다 is used in a sentence. As you’ve learned

from Level 3 Lesson 4, when you add the ending -(으)ㄹ까 after a verb stem, it can express an

assumption (e.g. 내일 비가 올까요? = Do you think it will rain tomorrow?). With -(으)ㄹ까 보다,

an assumption is also implied, but you can also express concern, the reason for a decision, or

an inclination to do something.

Usage #1 - Expressing worries or concerns

Structure: Verb stem + -(으)ㄹ까 봐 + another verb

When you are worried about something that MIGHT happen, you can use -(으)ㄹ까 봐 to talk

about what you did or are doing as a result. You use -(으)ㄹ까 봐 only about things that might

happen and not things that are already happening or will happen for sure. In this case, when

you use it with the word 걱정, you can omit 봐 and just say -(으)ㄹ까 걱정이에요 or -(으)ㄹ까 걱


1. 나중에 후회할까 봐 걱정 돼요.

= 나중에 후회할까 걱정 돼요.

= I am worried that I might regret it later.

2. 아이가 실망할까 봐 아직 말 못 했어요.

= I was worried that the child might be disappointed, so I didn’t tell him yet.

3. 늦을까 봐 걱정이에요.

= 늦을까 걱정이에요.

= I am worried that we might be late.

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4. 시험에 떨어질까 봐 걱정이에요.

= 시험에 떨어질까 걱정이에요.

= I am worried that I might fail the exam.

5. 차가 막힐까 봐 걱정이에요.

= 차가 막힐까 걱정이에요.

= I am worried that the traffic might be bad.

Usage #2 - Explaining the reason for a decision based on an assumption

Structure: Verb stem + -(으)ㄹ까 봐 + another verb

When you’ve made a decision to do something based on the assumption that it might be a

good or helpful decision, or just that something might happen, you can use -(으)ㄹ까 봐. In

this case, you can also say -(으)ㄹ까 봐서 to mean the same thing.

1. 택시로 가면 더 빠를까 봐 택시를 탔는데, 결국은 지각했어요.

= I took a taxi thinking that it might be faster, but I ended up being late.

2. 비가 올까 봐 우산을 가져왔는데 비가 안 오네요.

= I brought an umbrella thinking that it might rain, but it’s not raining.

3. 공부하다가 잠이 올까 봐 커피 사왔어요.

= I bought some coffee in case I fall asleep.

4. 배고프실까 봐 간식 사왔어요.

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= In case you’re hungry, I bought some snacks.

5. 이 책 필요하실까 봐 가져왔어요.

= I thought you might need this book, so I brought it.

Usage #3 - Expressing one’s inclination to do something

Structure: Verb stem + -(으)ㄹ까 봐(요)

You can also use -(으)ㄹ까 봐 when you want to talk about something that you are feeling in-

clined to do something, although you haven’t fully decided on doing it quite yet. In this case,

you can also say -(으)ㄹ까 해(요) instead of -(으)ㄹ까 봐(요) to mean the same thing.

1. 오늘은 좀 쉴까 봐요.

= I think maybe I should get some rest today.

2. 친구들한테 물어볼까 봐요.

= I think maybe I should ask my friends.

3. 그냥 환불 받을까 봐요.

= I am thinking maybe I should just get a refund.

4. 이걸로 살까 봐요.

= Maybe I should buy this one.

5. 일본어를 공부해 볼까 봐요.

= I am thinking maybe I should try studying Japanese.

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Welcome to another lesson in the Advanced Situational Expressions series. Throughout this

series, we take a look at common situations and some of the advanced expressions you can use

in each of them. In this Advanced Situational Expressions lesson, we are going to take a look

at some expressions you can use or expect to hear when you meet someone after not seeing

them for a long time.

1. 오랜만이에요.

= Long time no see.

2. 이게 얼마만에에요.

= It’s been a long time.

3. 얼마만에 보는 거죠?

= How long has it been since we last met?

4. 별일 없죠?

= Everything alright?

5. 요새 어떻게 지내요?

= How are you doing these days?

6. 지난 번에 본 게 벌써 2년 전이에요?

= The last time we met was already 2 years ago?

7. 작년 가을에 보고 못 봤죠?

= We haven’t met since last fall, right?

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8. 앞으로는 자주 연락 하고 지내요.

= Let’s stay in touch more often from now on.

9. 왜 그렇게 얼굴 보기가 힘들어요?

= Why is it so hard to meet you?

10. 오랜만에 만났는데 하나도 안 변했네요?

= It’s been a long time and you haven’t changed a bit.

11. 3년 전에 보고 처음 보는 거죠?

= We are meeting for the first time in three years, right?

12. 옛날 그대로네요.

= You’re exactly the same as before.

= You haven’t changed a bit.

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In this series, we focus on how you can use the grammatical rules and expressions that you

have previously learned to train yourself to comfortably make Korean sentences.

We will start off with THREE key sentences and practice changing different parts of these sen-

tences so that you don’t end up simply memorizing the same three sentences. We want you to

be able to be as flexible as possible when making Korean sentences.

Key Sentence #1
혼자 가면 심심할 테니까 제가 같이 간다니까요.
= I told you. I’m go with you because you would be bored if you go alone.

Key Sentence #2
제가 몸이 약해 보이지만, 사실은 아주 건강한 편이에요.
= I look weak, but in fact, I am quite healthy.

Key Sentence #3
헬스장에 돈까지 낸 이상, 운동을 안 하면 아까울 테니까 열심히 하세요.
= Now that you’ve even paid at the gym, it would be a waste if you don’t work out, so exercise


Expansion & variation practice with key sentence #1

0. Original Sentence:

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혼자 가면 심심할 테니까 제가 같이 간다니까요.

= I told you. I’m go with you because you would be bored if you go alone.


혼자 가면 심심할 테니까 = because you would be bored if you go alone

이대로 나가면 추울 테니까 = because it would be cold if you go out just this

너무 일찍 일어나면 피곤할 테니까 = because you would be tired if you get up too early

혼자 하면 힘들 테니까 = because it would be hard if you do it alone


제가 같이 간다니까요 = I told you. I’m going with you.

저 괜찮다니까요 = I told you. I’m okay.

이게 제일 좋다니까요 = I told you. This is the best one.

혼자서도 할 수 있다니까요 = I told you. I can do this even by myself.

Expansion & variation practice with key sentence #2

0. Original Sentence:
제가 몸이 약해 보이지만, 사실은 아주 건강한 편이에요.
= I look weak, but in fact, I am quite healthy.


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제가 몸이 약해 보이지만 = although I look weak

제가 어려 보이지만 = although I look very young

이게 처음에는 쉬워 보이지만 = although this looks easy at first

멀리서 보면 귀여워 보이지만 = although it looks cute from afar


사실은 아주 건강한 편이에요 = I am actually quite healthy

친구들을 자주 만나는 편이에요 = I meet my friends rather frequently

공부를 열심히 하는 편이에요 = I study rather diligently

저는 잠이 많은 편이에요 = I sleep rather a lot

Expansion & variation practice with key sentence #3

0. Original Sentence:
헬스장에 돈까지 낸 이상, 운동을 안 하면 아까울 테니까 열심히 하세요.
= Now that you’ve even paid at the gym, it would be a waste if you don’t work out, so exer-

cise hard.


헬스장에 돈까지 낸 이상 = now that you’ve even paid at the gym

사람들이 다 안 이상 = now that everybody has already found out

한국까지 온 이상 = since you’ve already come all the way to Korea

마음 먹은 이상 = since you’ve already made up your mind

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운동을 안 하면 아까울 테니까 열심히 하세요

= it would be a waste if you don’t work out, so exercise hard

너무 많이 넣으면 매울 테니 조금만 넣으세요

= it would be spicy if you put in too much of it, so just add a little bit

지금 가면 차가 막힐 테니 나중에 가세요

= the traffic would be bad if you leave now, so go later

내일 오면 저는 여기에 없을 테니 지금 이야기하세요

= I won’t be here if you come back tomorrow, so tell me now

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This is an Advanced Idiomatic Expressions lesson related to 생각, “thought” or “idea”. In order to

fully understand and use the expressions introduced in this series, it is essential that you under-

stand the grammatical structure of the sentences. When you come across a grammar point that

you are unfamiliar with, please go back and review the related TTMIK lessons.


생각 = thought, idea

1. 생각이 다르다 = to have different opinions

(다르다 = to be different)

→ Literally translated, it would mean “the thought is different”, but the actual meaning is that

you have an opinion that is different from another person’s opinion.

Ex) 저는 그 문제에 대해서는 생각이 좀 달라요.

= About that matter, I have a different opinion.

2. 생각이 없다 = to not feel like eating/drinking

→ Literally this would mean that you don’t have an idea or that you do not think much about

something, but in the actual usage, it means that you are not hungry or thirsty so you do not

feel like eating or drinking.

Ex) 저는 아침을 늦게 먹어서 점심 생각이 없어요.

= I had a late breakfast, so I don’t feel like having lunch (now).

3. 생각에 잠기다 = to be lost in thought

→ 잠기다 literally means “to be submerged” or “to be flooded”, so if you say that you are

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“flooded” by thoughts or are sinking in thoughts, it means that you are deep in thought about


Ex) 무슨 생각에 잠겨 있었길래 전화 온 줄도 몰랐어요?

= What were you thinking about so hard? You didn’t even know that your phone was ringing.

4. 생각만 해도 = at the bare thought of it

→ This one is fairly easy to guess the meaning since it’s translated as “even if I just think about

it”. This is most commonly used when you talk about something that you are scared about,

something you don’t enjoy experiencing, or when someone mentions something that’s very

absurd or is unlikely to happen.

Ex) 생각만 해도 소름이 끼쳐요.

= Just thinking about it alone gives me goosebumps.

5. 생각하기도 싫다 = to not even want to think about it

→ When there is something you’re not really looking forward to and want to avoid if possible,

you can say “생각하기도 싫다”. You can also change it “생각하고 싶지도 않다” to mean the

same thing.

Ex) 다시 대학생이 되는 건 생각하기도 싫어요.

= I don’t even want to think about becoming a university student. / I hate the idea of becom-

ing a university student.

6. 생각이 나다 = to occur to one’s mind, to remember

→ 생각이 나다 can be used in two types of situations: when you just remembered something

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that you previously couldn’t recall (like someone’s name or the reason you called someone),

or when something just occurred to you and you started thinking about it. When you are just

going about your daily tasks and all of a sudden think of someone that you know, you can say

“생각이 나다”.

Ex) 그냥 니 생각 나서 전화했어.

= I just thought of you, so I am calling you now.

7. 생각이 들다 = to occur to one’s mind

→ 생각이 들다 and 생각이 나다 are similar in usage, but 생각이 들다 is only used about the

actual “content” of a thought. You can say “생각이 나다” about a person or a place, but 생각

이 들다 about your opinion or premonition. In many cases, 생각이 들다 is just translated as “to

think”, “to feel”, or “to have a feeling”.

Ex) 이거 조금 이상하다는 생각 안 들어요?

= Don’t you feel that this is a bit strange?

8. -(으)ㄹ 생각은 없다 = to not intend to do something

→ When you feel bad about something you have said or done and want to apologize, one ex-

pression that can come in handy is -(으)ㄹ 생각은 없다. If you just say “생각 없다”, it can mean

either “to be not very hungry” or “to be thoughtless or careless”, but if you use -(으)ㄹ 생각은

없다 with a specific verb stem, it means that you don’t intend to do something.

Ex) 놀래킬 생각은 없었어요.

= I didn’t intend to surprise you.

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9. 생각이 간절하다 = to really want to have (usually a certain food/drink)

→ 간절하다 means “ardent” or “desperate”, so if you say “생각이 간절하다”, it means that you

have a very strong yearning for something, usually a certain food or drink.

Ex) 요즘에 다이어트 하고 있는데, 운동하고 나면 콜라 생각이 간절해요.

= I am on a diet (to lose weight) these days, and after I work out, I really want some cola.

10. 생각지도 못 했던 일이다 = to be unthought-of, to have not been foreseen

→ 생각지도 is short for 생각하지도, and by saying that something was a “생각지도 못 했던 일”,

you are saying that you didn’t have the faintest idea that something like that could happen.

Ex) 이건 정말 생각지도 못 했던 결과네요.

= We really couldn’t see this coming.

= This is really an unexpected result.

11. 생각해 보고 말 것도 없다 = to not even be worth thinking about it

→ Here, 말다 means “to not do something”, and to express this meaning, it’s always used in

the form of -아/어/여 보고 말 것도 없다, which means that “it’s not even worth trying doing it”.

Literally it means “there’s not enough (substance or importance to it) to really bother doing do


Ex) 생각해 보고 말 것도 없이, 그 사람은 무조건 안 돼요.

= It’s needless to think about, he just can’t do it.

= Needless to say, my answer is no. I can’t let him do it.

12. ~을/를 생각해서라도 = at least for the sake of (someone)

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→ Literally translated, this means “even if you were to do it, just think about [someone else]”,

and in actual usage, it means “at least for the sake of [someone]”. This is commonly used when

you want to stop someone from doing something that can be either embarrassing or harmful

for other people.

Ex) 가기 싫겠지만, 나를 생각해도 한 번만 참석해 줘.

= I know you don’t want to go there, but please attend it just this once, at least for me.

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Word Builder lessons are designed to help you understand how to expand your vocabulary by

learning/understanding some common and basic building blocks of Korean words. The words

and letters introduced through Word Builder lessons are not necessarily all Chinese characters,

or 한자 [han-ja], and although many of them are based on Chinese characters, the meanings

can be different from modern-day Chinese. Your goal, through these lessons, is to understand

how words are formed and remember the keywords in Korean to expand your Korean vocabu-

lary from there. You certainly don’t have to memorize the Hanja characters, but if you want to,

feel free!

Today’s keyword is 시.

We are introducing two Chinese characters for this lesson: 示 and 視. The first one, 示 means to

“show” and and the second one, 視 means to “see”.

시범 = 시 (show) + 범 (good example) = 示範 = demonstration

예시 = 예 (example) + 시 (show) = 例示 = example, illustration

과시 = 과 (boast) + 시 (show) = 誇示 = showing off

게시 = 게 (put up, post) + 시 (show) = 揭示 = put up/post a notice

—> 게시물 (written posts), 게시판 (bulletin board)

표시 = 표 (outside, surface) + 시 (show) = 表示 = expressing or showing (emotions)

시력 = 시 (see) + 력 (power) = 視力 = eyesight, vision

시청 = 시 (see) + 청 (listen) = 視聽 = watching and listening

시각 = 시 (see) + 각 (realize) = 視覺 = sight, vision

—> 시각적인 (visual), 시각 디자인 (visual design)

시야 = 시 (see) + 야 (field) = 視野 = one’s view, field of vision

시찰 = 시 (see) + 찰 (examine) = 視察 = inspection

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시선 = 시 (see) + 선 (line) = 視線 = attention, gaze

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The structure -(으)면서 can be translated to English as “while”, and similarly to the usage of “while”

in English, -(으)면서 has a few different usages in Korean depending on the context.

Usage #1
You can use -(으)면서 to describe how you are doing two actions at the same time, or how you do

one thing while doing another thing, such as “studying Korean while cleaning the house” or “exercis-

ing while listening to the music”.

Verb stem + -(으)면서

공부하다 + -(으)면서 + 운동하다 = 공부하면서 운동해요 (I exercise while studying.)

Sample Sentences:
1. 저는 샤워 하면서 노래를 들어요.

= I listen to the music while taking a shower.

2. 저는 잠을 자면서 많이 움직여요.

= I move my body a lot while sleeping.

3. 저는 학교에 다니면서 아르바이트를 많이 했어요.

= I did a lot of part-time work while going to school.

4. 저는 노래를 들으면서 일을 할 수가 없어요.

= I can’t work while listening to the music.

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5. 운전하면서 전화 통화 하지 마세요.

= Don’t talk on the phone while driving.

Usage #2
You can contrast two actions or states by linking them with -(으)면서. When one state or action be-

trays or is the opposite of the other action, you can use -(으)면서 between two verbs.


알면서 모르는 척 했어요?

= You knew but you pretended you didn’t know?

Sample Sentences
1. 좋으면서 관심 없는 척 하지 마세요.

= Don’t pretend you are not interested when you are excited.

2. 알지도 못 하면서 쉽게 말하지 마세요.

= You don’t know (it/him/them/me) well, so don’t speak about it so easily.

3. 준비는 하면서도 걱정이 됐어요.

= Even as I was preparing for it and everything, I was worried.

Usage #3
You can use the -(으)면서 structure with action verbs, but you can also use it with nouns and the -이

다 verb, in which case the structure changes to “Noun + -(이)면서”. Since the future tense in Korean

is basically “Verb stem + -(으)ㄹ 것이다”, which already uses the -이다 verb, the future tense is also

expressed with -것 + -이면서, but is shortened to 거면서.

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학생이면서 동시에 모델이에요.

= She is a student and model at the same time.

(The same can also be expressed by saying “학생이기도 하면서 동시에 모델이에요”.)


결국에 올 거면서 어제는 왜 그렇게 말했어요?

= You were going to come here anyway, so why did you say that (you wouldn’t) yesterday?

Sample Sentences:
1. 그 사람은 제 친구이면서 동시에 선생님이에요.

= She is my friend and my teacher at the same time.

2. 시간 없다고 할 거면서...

= I know you are going to say you don’t have time (and yet you are not saying so).

3. 하지도 못 할 거면서 큰 소리 치지 마세요.

= Don’t bluff about it while (it’s obvious that) you are not going to be able to do it anyways.

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If you are familiar with the structure -(으)면서, which was introduced in the previous lesson, it is

easy to guess what -(ㄴ/는)다면서(요) and -(이)라면서(요) mean.

-(ㄴ/는)다면서(요) is a combination of -(ㄴ/는)다 and -다고 말하면서, and the literal translation is

“while saying ABC does XYZ”. Similarly, -(이)라면서(요) is originally -(이)다 + -다고 말하면서 and,

therefore, literally translates as “while saying that ABC is XYZ”.

However, what makes the endings -(ㄴ/는)다면서(요) and -(이)라면서(요) have different meanings

from the literal translations is the fact that they can be used as sentence endings. Note that the end-

ings have -요 at the end for 존댓말.

Actual Usage
-(ㄴ/는)다면서(요) and -(이)라면서(요) can be used when you want to show your surprise or dissatis-

faction after finding out that what you thought was true is not the actual truth, or when you are just

fact-checking what you heard before with someone else.


집에 가다 + -ㄴ다면서요 = 집에 간다면서요 = you said you were going home (but you are here)


학생 + -이라면서요 = 학생이라면서요 = you said you were a student (yet, apparently,you are not)


가다 + -라면서요 = 가라면서요 = you told me to leave (and now you are saying otherwise)

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These endings do not always make the sentence a question, but it is very common to put a question

mark at the end of the sentence to emphasize the fact that the speaker was surprised, disappointed,

or intrigued, depending on the context.

Sample Sentences:
1. 다음 달에 이사간다면서요?

= I heard you were going to move next month.

2. 벌써 다 끝났다면서요?

= I heard it’s already over. Is that right?

3. 아직 학생이라면서요?

= Didn’t you say you were still a student?

4. 잘 모르는 사이라면서요!

= You said you didn’t know each other that well!

5. 여자친구 없다면서요.

= You said you didn’t have a girlfriend!

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Welcome to another lesson in the Advanced Situational Expressions series. Throughout this se-

ries, we go over common situations and some of the advanced Korean expressions you can use

in each of them. In this lesson, we will introduce various expressions you can use when you are

asking for or giving directions.

1. 저기요, 죄송하지만 길 좀 물을게요.

= Excuse me, I’m sorry, but I’d like to ask for directions.

2. 혹시 길 좀 물을 수 있을까요?

= By any chance, could I ask you for directions?

3. 서울역이 어느 쪽이에요?

= Which way is Seoul Station?

4. 교보문고 가려면 어디로 가야 돼요?

= Where should I go to get to Kyobo Bookstore?

5. 어린이대공원으로 가려면 어느 쪽으로 가야 돼요?

= Which way should I go to get to Children’s Grand Park?

6. 서울대학교 정문이 어디예요?

= Where is the main gate of Seoul National University?

7. 현대백화점이 어딘지 아세요?

= Do you know where Hyundai Department Store is?

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8. 이 근처에 하나은행이 어디에 있는지 아세요?

= Do you know where there is a Hana Bank around here?

9. 저도 잘 모르겠네요.

= I don’t know either.

10. 저도 여기 사람이 아니라서 잘 모르겠네요.

= I am not from around here either, so I don’t know.

11. 하나은행이요? 모르겠어요.

= Hana Bank? I don’t know.

12. 이쪽으로 가셔서 다시 한 번 물어보세요.

= Go this way and ask someone one more time.

13. 이쪽으로 100미터 정도 가셔서 왼쪽으로 가면 있어요.

= If you go 100 meters this way and turn left, it will be there.

14. 여기서 걸어가기에는 거리가 좀 있어요. 버스 타셔야 될 거예요.

= It’s a bit of a distance to walk from here. You’ll need to take a bus.

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This is an Advanced Idiomatic Expressions lesson related to 시간, time. In order to fully under-

stand and use the expressions introduced in this series, it is essential that you understand the

grammatical structure of the sentences. When you come across a grammar point that you are

unfamiliar with, please go back and review the related TTMIK lessons.


시간 = time

1. 잠깐 시간 좀 내 줄 수 있어요?

= Can you make some time for me?

2. 지금 이러고 있을 시간이 어디 있어요?

= You don’t have time for this.

3. 그럴 시간 있으면 공부나 하세요.

= If you have that kind of time, do your studying.

4. 이번 프로젝트에 시간을 많이 할애해 주세요.

= I hope you can spend a lot of time on this project.

5. 한국 시간으로 5월 2일 오후 7시에 시작할 거예요.

= It will begin at 7 pm on May 2nd in Korean time.

6. 여행을 가고 싶은데 좀처럼 시간이 안 나네요.

= I want to travel, but I just can’t find the time.

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7. 괜히 시간 낭비하지 말고 그냥 돌아가세요.

= Stop wasting your time, just go back home.

8. 제가 시간이 남아도는 줄 아세요?

= Do you think I have that much time to waste?

9. 아무리 바빠도 그렇죠. 잠깐 전화할 시간도 없어요?

= Even though you were really busy, you didn’t even have time for a quick phone call?

10. 시간이 어떻게 가는지 모르겠어요.

= I can’t feel the passage of time.

= Time flies.

11. 시간을 되돌릴 수 있으면 좋겠어요.

= I wish I could turn back time to the past.

12. 저는 주말에는 가족들하고 시간을 보내는 편이에요.

= I usually spend time with my family on the weekends.

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It’s time to learn another very cool grammar point that will help you enrich your Korean conversa-

tions! In this lesson, we are looking at the verb ending -더니. In general, you can use -더니 when

you are describing what happened in relation to your discovery of a fact.

Usage #1
You can use -더니 when you describe two things that you experienced or observed, one after the

other. The two things that happened can be either the opposite of each other, very different from

each other (therefore surprising you), or just connected to each other in sequence; therefore, de-

pending on the context, the English translation of -더니 can be very different.

Sample Sentences:
1. 어제는 비가 오더니 오늘은 눈이 오네요.

= It rained yesterday, but it’s snowing today.

2. 효진 씨가 어제는 9시에 오더니, 오늘은 11시에 왔어요.

= Hyojin came in at 9 o’clock yesterday, and she came in at 11 o’clock today.

3. 경화 씨가 어제는 요가를 하더니, 오늘은 테니스를 하네요.

= Kyung-hwa did yoga yesterday, and today she’s playing tennis.

4. 아침에는 춥더니 지금은 따뜻하네요.

= It was cold in the morning, but now it’s warm.

5. 제 컴퓨터가 느려지더니, 이제 안 켜져요.

= My computer slowed down, and now it won’t even switch on.

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6. 두 사람이 커피숍 앞에서 만나더니 뭔가 물건을 교환했어요.

= Those two met in front of a coffee shop, and then exchanged some things.

7. 석진 씨가 밖에 나가더니 갑자기 고양이를 데리고 왔어요.

= Seokjin went outside, and then suddenly, he brought back a cat.

Usage #2
The second usage is similar to the first one, but in this case, you can use -더니 when one thing is

either a sign of something else (usually bigger, more intense, or more serious), or the direct result of

another thing.

Sample Sentences
1. 책을 많이 읽었더니 눈이 피곤해요.

= I read a lot, so my eyes are tired.

2. 도너츠를 많이 먹었더니 배탈이 났어요.

= I ate a lot of doughnuts, and now I have a stomachache.

3. 아침에 날씨가 흐리더니 오후에는 눈이 왔어요.

= The weather was overcast in the morning, and it ended up snowing in the afternoon.

4. 석진 씨가 열심히 운동을 하더니 몸이 정말 좋아졌어요.

= Seokjin exercised hard, and now he has a really well-built body.

5. 경화 씨가 매일 글을 쓰더니 지난 달에 소설을 출간했어요.

= Kyung-hwa wrote every day, and she published a novel last month.

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6. 무거운 짐을 들고 왔더니 허리가 아파요.

= I carried some heavy luggage here, and because of that, my back hurts.

7. 노래방에서 노래를 두 시간 동안 불렀더니 목소리가 안 나와요.

= I sang for two hours in a singing room, and I can’t speak now.

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In this TTMIK lesson, we will be introducing how -(으)ㄹ 바에 works and where you can use it.

Although this grammatical structure is fairly straightforward, the meaning of it is rather complex. It is

essential to understand what 바 means. 바 is a dependent noun that is rarely used on its own, and

when paired with other verbs, 바 can mean “method”, “content”, or “situation”. Used in -(으)ㄹ 바에,

바 means “situation” or “fact”.

Verb stem + -(으)ㄹ 바에
= Verb stem + -(으)ㄹ 바에야
= Verb stem + -(으)ㄹ 바에는
When you link two actions with -(으)ㄹ 바에, you imply that the first action or option is much worse than the

second action or option, or it is so disappointing that you would rather choose the second option.


식은 라면을 먹다 = to eat ramyeon noodles that have become cold

안 먹다 = to not eat

—> 식은 라면을 먹을 바에는 그냥 안 먹을게요.

= If I have to eat ramyeon noodles that have become cold, I would rather just not eat (at all).

Since you are saying that the second option (the action which comes after the -(ㅇ)ㄹ 바에 part) is

better, you can also add expressions related to comparisons such as the following:

1. 차라리 = would rather

2. 낫다 = to be better

3. 그냥 = just

4. -고 말다 = to just do something and be done with the matter

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Sample Sentences:
1. 그 사람이랑 여행을 갈 바에는 저는 차라리 그냥 집에 있겠어요.

= If I have to go on a trip with him, I would rather just stay at home.

2. 너랑 결혼할 바에야 평생 혼자 사는 게 낫지.

= If I have to marry you, it would be better living by myself forever.

3. 나중에 후회할 바에는 그냥 안 하는 게 낫겠어요.

= If you’re going to regret it later, it would be better to just not do it.

4. 이렇게 고민할 바에야 차라리 다른 사람한테 시키고 말겠어요.

= If this is going to be such a headache, I would rather just ask someone else to do it.

5. 잠깐 밖에 못 쓸 바에는 중고로 사는 게 좋죠.

= If I’m only going to be able to use it for a short time, it would be nicer to just buy it second-handed.

Since 바 has the meaning of “situation”, -(ㅇ)ㄹ 바에 can also imply “if you’re going to do it anyway”.

In this usage, it is usually preceded by 이왕 or 어차피.

Sample Sentences
1. 어차피 살 바에는 좋은 걸로 사세요.

= If you are going to buy one anyway, get a good one.

2. 이왕 고칠 바에는 처음부터 다시 하는 게 낫겠어요.

= If you are going to modify it, it’ll be better to do it all over again.

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Welcome to another lesson in the Advanced Situational Expressions series. Throughout this

series, we take a look at common situations and some of the advanced expressions you can use

in each of them. In this Advanced Situational Expressions lesson, we are going to take a look

at some expressions you can use or expect to hear when you meet someone after not seeing

them for a long time.

1. 차가 막혀요.

= The traffic is bad.

2. 차가 많이 막히네요.

= (I see that) The traffic is really bad.

3. 차가 너무 많이 막혀서 오늘은 차 두고 나왔어요.

= The traffic is really bad today, so I left my car at home.

4. 지금은 차가 많이 막히는 시간이라서 지하철 타고 가는 게 빠를 거예요.

= Now is the time (of the day) when the traffic is bad, so it will be faster to take the subway.

5. 차가 좀 막혀서 늦을 것 같아요.

= The traffic is bad, so I’ll be a bit late.

6. 차가 심하게 막혀서 20분 정도 늦을 것 같아요.

= The traffic is really bad, so I think I’ll be about 20 minutes late.

7. 보통 이 시간대에는 차가 안 막히는데, 오늘은 좀 많이 막히네요.

= The traffic is usually not bad at this time of the day, but today, it’s pretty bad.

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8. 어제 여기 지나가는 데에 한 시간 걸렸어요.

= It took me one hour to pass through this place yesterday.

9. 서울에서는 출퇴근 시간에 운전하면 차 막히는 거 각오해야 돼요.

= If you drive in Seoul around rush hour, you have to be ready for some bad traffic.

10. 차만 안 막히면 10분 안에 갈 수 있는 거리예요.

= If the traffic is not bad, it’s a 10 minute distance.

11. 이쪽 길은 많이 막히는 것 같으니까 다른 길로 갈게요.

= It looks like the traffic is very bad on this road, so I’ll take another route.

12. 거기 지금쯤 많이 막히지 않을까요?

= Don’t you think the traffic there must be bad by now?

13. 차가 하나도 안 막혀서 빨리 왔어요.

= There was no traffic at all, so I got here fast.

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In this series, we focus on how you can use the grammatical rules and expressions that you

have previously learned to train yourself to comfortably make Korean sentences.

We will start off with THREE key sentences and practice changing different parts of these sen-

tences so that you don’t end up simply memorizing the same three sentences. We want you to

be able to be as flexible and as confident as possible when coming up with your own Korean


Key Sentence #1
이렇게 제출할 바에는, 후회하는 한이 있더라도 차라리 제출 안 하겠어요.
= If I have to submit it like this, I would rather not submit it, even if that means I’ll regret it.

Key Sentence #2
어제 경화 씨가 밖에 나가더니 강아지를 데리고 오더라고요.
= Kyung-hwa went outside yesterday and then came back with a puppy.

Key Sentence #3
어제 공연이 끝나기가 무섭게 사람들이 다 나갔다면서요.
= As soon as the performance was over yesterday, I heard that everyone went outside.

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Expansion & variation practice with key sentence #1
0. Original Sentence:
이렇게 제출할 바에는, 후회하는 한이 있더라도 차라리 제출 안 하겠어요.
= If I have to submit it like this, I would rather not submit it, even if that means I’ll regret it.


이렇게 제출할 바에는 = if I have to submit it like this, (I would rather)

처음부터 다시 할 바에는 = if I have to do it again from the beginning, (I would rather)

경화 씨랑 같이 앉을 바에는 = if I have to sit with Kyung-hwa, (I would rather)

혼자서 영화를 볼 바에는 = if I have to watch a movie by myself, (I would rather)

사람들 앞에서 창피를 당할 바에는

= if I have to embarrass myself in front of people, (I would rather)


후회하는 한이 있더라도 차라리 제출 안 하겠어요

= even if I end up regretting it, I would rather not submit it

전체 내용을 다 바꾸는 한이 있더라도 괜찮아요

= even if I end up changing all the content, it’s okay

내일 다시 오는 한이 있더라도, 오늘은 여기까지만 할 거예요

= even if I end up coming back tomorrow, I will stop working on it now

늦게 자는 한이 있더라도, 이 책 다 읽을 거예요

= even if I end up going to bed late, I will read all of this book

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밤을 새는 한이 있더라도 이거 오늘 다 끝내세요

= even if you end up staying up all night, finish this today

Expansion & variation practice with key sentence #2
0. Original Sentence:
어제 경화 씨가 밖에 나가더니 강아지를 데리고 오더라고요.
= Kyung-hwa went outside yesterday and then came back with a puppy.


어제 경화 씨가 밖에 나가더니 = Kyung-hwa went outside yesterday and then …

아침부터 눈이 많이 오더니 = it was snowing a lot since morning and then ...

석진 씨가 어제 커피를 많이 마시더니

= Seokjin was drinking a lot of coffee yesterday and now …

현정 씨가 운동을 열심히 하더니 = Hyeonjeong worked out hard and now …

스테파니 씨가 한국어를 매일 공부하더니 = Stephanie studied Korean every day and now …


강아지를 데리고 오더라고요 = (I saw that) she brought a puppy

잠이 안 오더라고요 = I couldn’t sleep

이 영화 생각보다 재미있더라고요 = I found this movie to be more fun than I thought

거기는 항상 사람이 많더라고요 = (I found that) that place is always crowded

저는 이 옷이 제일 편하더라고요 = (I find that) these clothes are the most comfortable

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Expansion & variation practice with key sentence #3

0. Original Sentence:
어제 공연이 끝나기가 무섭게 사람들이 다 나갔다면서요.
= As soon as the performance was over yesterday, I heard that everybody went outside.


어제 공연이 끝나기가 무섭게 = as soon as the performance was over yesterday

비가 그치기가 무섭게 = as soon as the rain stopped

전화벨이 울리기가 무섭게 = as soon as the phone bell rang

말이 끝나기가 무섭게 = as soon as I finished talking

문이 열리기가 무섭게 = as soon as the door opened


사람들이 다 나갔다면서요 = I heard that everybody went outside

어제 효진 씨 만났다면서요 = I heard that you met Hyojin yesterday

아무도 안 왔다면서요 = I heard that nobody came

교통 사고가 있었다면서요 = I heard that there was a traffic accident

시험에 합격했다면서요 = I heard that you passed the exam

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Please feel free to share TalkToMeInKorean’s free Korean lessons and PDF files with anybody who
is studying Korean. If you have any questions or feedback, visit

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